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This story was nominated by Amy for Story Of The Month. She said, "This is one of the greatest George sagas ever written! It's not finished, but it's still got such a wonderful storyline behind it and it's written in such good detail, it feels as if you're there!"

You can nominate your favourite story for Story Of The Month, here. Don't forget to leave your thoughts and reviews of If They Only Knew in the fan fic forum.

Here's some words from the author, Strawberry Walrus.

BEATLES FAN FICTION DIRECTORY: When did you start writing If They Only Knew?

STRAWBERRY WALRUS: I started writing it... a long time ago! More than two summers ago, I think.

BFFD: George is not usually the first choice for a romantic lead, why George?

SW: George is my favorite Beatle, from what we're led to believe about him, he's an interesting character. Plus he's incredibly attractive in a way that you don't notice at first. He's just intriguing, especially the concept of what intrigues or captures his own interest is interesting. Hence, romantic lead.

BFFD: If They Only Knew has become one of the most enduring George stories, why do you think it's been so popular with readers for so long?

SW: Well, I wouldn't call it popular or enduring. I would more call it epicly, pointlessly, long and strung out. It's so, so, so long and most of it is dribble. I never really got the impression that it was overly popular.

BFFD: Is there anything else you would like to add?

SW: First of all, I‚m kind of in shock people are still reading the thing. I get the odd e mail every once and a while but other than that I don‚t know how people are still finding it and reading it... Now I'm wondering how many people actually do read it! (Let her know, readers!- BFFD)

Many thanks to Strawberry Walrus for allowing me to use her story, and to Amy for nominating it.

Here's a short extract...

Something in the way she moves
Attracts me like no other lover

The world was hazy and out of focus like it always is in dreams. Color was everywhere. Color and people and music and smoky, hazy, dreamy, floaty, life.

She was aware of the music though. A humming in her ear with no particular words, but the humming buzzed against the side of her face followed by a burst of warm breath

Something in the way she woos me…
I don’t wanna leave her now. You know I believe in how.

A smile spread across her face like the world was perfect and she had nothing to do but smile at the utter feeling of being loved. Arms around her waist. Possibly not arms, but that seemed the most logical thing to be around her waist. Swaying in a comfortable embrace. Giggling.

A throaty titter of laughter against her cheek. “Oh lord, I’m daft”, a husky voice she knew to well or possibly not at all. It sounded like, but she wasn’t sure. It may have been something else, but it buzzed against her mind pleasantly.

She continued to sway and giggle and smile and she felt like one does when the sun is shining on their shoulder and all is right in the world.

And All I have to is think of her. And I love her… no that’s wrong.

More laughter.

Read the rest of the story here!


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If They Only Knew

By Strawberry Walrus

This month's story is a George romance by Strawberry Walrus, the slightly epic If They Only Knew. A friend since childhood, Gabby watches the Beatles rise to fame and finds herself caught up in the world of sex, drugs, and rock n roll.