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  • Karen By Tomi

    Its 1964; NYC, Feb. and Beatlemania is high! Six-teen year old, Karen Allen loves the Beatles more than anything! She dreams of seeing them... but her greaser boyfriend, Jack, (who seems to be a decade behind when it comes to idols) hates the Beatles and idolizes James Dean...or at least he's a wannabe! Anyway, despite hating them, he gives her tickets to the Feb 12th Carnagie Hall performance and when she sneaks out of the line there to have a look around, a truly exciting thing happens!

    Genre: Romance

    Starring: All four Beatles

    This story is incomplete.

    All efforts were made to contact the author without sucess but I thought I would list the story anyway. If you are the author or know how I can contact Tomi, please let me know!