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November 16 th 1965    9.40am    Kinfauns, Claremont Estate, Esher




George woke early and dressed silently in the dark. Grace didnÕt stir until he opened the bedroom door.


ÒWhere are you going?Ó she said, without moving. George looked back at her, her eyes white in the shadowy room. She might have been awake all along.


ÒI told you yesterday, I have a meeting early this morning.Ó


George stepped out of the door but Grace called him back. He stopped, not turning around.


ÒWhen will you be back?Ó


ÒLunchtime, maybe later.Ó






ÒIÕm sorryÉ about last night.Ó


ÒForget it.Ó


ÒCome back to bed, George.Ó


ÒIÕll be late,Ó he said and closed the door, drawing a deep breath and shaking all thoughts of Grace from his mind as he found his car keys, his boots from the closet and made his way to the car. There were so many things George had allowed to get on top of him. The only way he would beat them would be to deal with one at the time, starting with this one.


It appeared the lesser, but still, it was with a heavy heart George pulled out of his driveway that morning, not even pausing to close the gates behind him as he sped away.


Had George stopped to close the gates, he may have still been there when Paul came round the corner from the opposite direction, only a moment later, and everything might have been different.








A girl consumed by fire


We all know her desire


From the plans that she has made


I have her on a promise


Immerse me in your splendor


All the plans that I have made


And this is the one


This is the one


SheÕs waited for.