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Please donÕt forget that this never ever ever happenedÑthis is merely a pleasantly odd export of my tiny little mind. Thanks! ;)


Thank you Girl.


Hours passed in the silence of fear-glutted minds and hearts; then a few seconds after the elder Miller got up the silence collapsed in shreds.


Like a shrieking bespectacled redheaded angel in a floral-print nightgown Gwendolyn Marjoribanks Miller exploded through the front door to the room with an almost elemental force that knocked the front door squarely into the closet door (and, coincidentally, knocked the closet door squarely into JohnÕs forehead, but this could only be counted as a fortunate side effect). ÒIÕM SO SORRYÓÑshe collapsed convincingly into a slightly bewildered PaulÕs armsÑÒI LOVE YOU SO MUCH PAAAAAAAAUL!Ó She sobbed and sighed and gasped and moaned and cooed loving words in a manner that would very likely be considered over-the-top in the front row at one of their concerts, and made quite a show of loudly and wetly kissing the air about half an inch away from PaulÕs face. As PaulÕs brain hastened to catch up with the rest of his bodyÑhis arms, for example, had known exactly what to do, and had clasped the not unattractive young lady close almost immediatelyÑshe grabbed him by the shirt collar and growled a brusque ÒLet me do the talking, donÕt ask questions, and just play along I know what IÕm doing!Ó that finally dragged his attention back into the present.

Paul nearly laughed from relief. Finally, someone had a plan. He felt about six tons lighter. ÒOhÑIÕm so sorry youÕve been dragged into all this,Ó he offered in a reasonable imitation of a womanizer caught inÑwell, before the act.

Vernon Senior gaped. He could almost have expected this of BirdyÑsheÕd been treading moral thin ice already, listening to hoodlums like the Beach BoysÑbut Gwendolyn? His kitten? His little achiever? The hope of the family? Images of Gwendy as the Pixie Princess at a first grade play flooded his mind. Suddenly he had to sit back down.

Ringo gaped at what he could see of the spectacle from his vantage point between the elder MillerÕs ankles. Below the noise of GwendyÕs anguished protestations of undying love Ringo muttered, ÒI thought that one had her eye on Harri, didnÕt she? ItÕs what it looked like to me!Ó

ÒI thinkÑÓ George squinted out the tiny crack between door and wallÑÒI think she has a plan

ÒOoh, sheÕs got a plan. Well, thatÕs just fÑow!Ó John raised a hand to the tender lump growing on the side of his head and winced. ÒThatÕs just bloody marvelous, but what exactly is she doing?Ó

What is she doing? Birdy, peeking through the keyhole of the bathroom door, couldnÕt help but wonder if perhaps all those books she read all day hadnÕt nudged her cheese dangerously off her cracker. Okay, sheÕs on her knees in front of Dad, all screaming and wailingÑI get it. I thinkÑ

ÒI think,Ó Althea murmured as she stared up at her insectÕs eye view of the unfolding spectacle, ÒI think maybe sheÕs making her last stand.Ó

Several months ago GwendolynÕs school had put on a production of ShakespeareÕs Romeo and Juliet, to the delight of a few doting parents and the suspiciously effeminate head of the school drama department. Gwendy had auditioned for the part of the female lead. She lost, but she swore ever after to anyone who would listen that it had been an extremely close thing. (Gwendy reckoned it had to do with her rival not having to wear glasses.) In brief, the younger Miller daughter had the acting bug in her blood, and she put it to excellent use now.

ÒBUTÑÓ Gwendy was on her knees now, clasping PaulÕs hand to her cheek like a fleshy and slightly hairy security blanketÑÒI LOVE HIM! AndÑÓ theatrical sob, sniff, sobÑÒHE LOVES ME! He said so.Ó She stared longingly up at him with the soulful eyes of a puppy watching its master wave a raw steak just out of its reach. ÒDidnÕt you, Paulie?Ó

Paul stared down at her as though she had just asked him to prepare a meal of fried stoat on rye bread with rubber sauce and a side of thumbtacks a la Guildford.

Gwendy nearly grinned. That was exactly the look sheÕd hoped to see on him. Paint him as the duplicitous womanizer (an image her father had already bought into) and her as the deluded young girl crazed with infatuation for the cutest Beatle (an image sheÕd apparently convinced him to believe), and the prospect of his feeling obliged to take her over to her room for a severe talking-to about the error of her ways was money in the bank. And she could fake her way through that. She was faking her way through this, wasnÕt she? She only hoped, with a minor spasm of annoyance, that George would notice that she was falling on her sword for him. She was being very selfless, after all, and that deserved to be acknowledged.

For another second or so, silence tyrannized the room. Then the elder Vernon blinked, as though the hypnotist had just snapped his fingers. He grabbed his daughterÕs hand. ÒThatÕs it. YouÕre going to your room.Ó

No sense in letting the side down now. Time for some protesting. ÒBUT DAD-DEEÑÓ she screeched as he pulled her out of the room.

ÒI donÕt want to hear it. And youÕre staying there,Ó he continued as he wrestled her through the doorway, Òuntil your mother and I have a talk with you.Ó

As Gwendy and her shamed parent struggled their way out the door, George risked a step out of his hiding place in the roomÕs closet to peek out the not-quite-closed door to PaulÕs room. He was never quite sure of it, as he saw it from several feet away, but as he watched he couldÕve sworn that GwendolynÑwho was still giving the performance of her life as the pair turned a cornerÑhad grinned and winked at him.

ÒWell. It appears thatÕs over.Ó Paul wiped his forehead with his sleeve. ÒAnd thank God for that. Now, umÉÓ Paul began to help Ringo and Althea out from under the bed. ÒMissÑumÑAlthea, wasnÕt it?Ó

ÒYah. IÕve been looking for my boyfriend. I have to find himÑÓ

ÒHang on. YouÕre looking for your boyfriend?Ó Ringo dusted himself off as he climbed to his feet. ÒIt so happens IÕve got a boy with a twisted ankle over in my room whoÕs been looking for his girlfriend. Sounds too big a coincidence to overlook, if you ask me. Come on, IÕll take you to him.Ó


***AuthoressÕs note: If youÕd like to use this story for anything or take it someplace, please ask me first. ItÕs just one little email, not too much trouble, and the odds are in your favor for a yes if you ask me nicely. I just want people to recognize the story as mine, okay? ;-)