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Publication, date and author unknown.


We all love ex-Beatle Sir Paul McCartney - and fans have spent nearly four decades riding his collocate life with him.

Girls swooned for the "nice" Beatle in the sixties who you could take home to your mum.

We wept when he married Linda Eastman and mourned with the former mop top when she died.

His new relationship with Heather Mills caused a few disapproving sniffs at first but appears to have weathered those early storms and criticism from within and outside his family.

Until now you couldn't really find anyone who had a bad word for Sir Paul.

But I think he has made a huge mistake and shown a rather unpleasant side which hadn't reared its ugly head until now.

It happened on Larry King's US chat show.

When the subject moved to John Lennon it became clear that there is a lot of bitterness remaining in that particular partnership, even though John has been in his grave for 20 years.

Sir Paul feels that because John was murdered, his old songwriting partner has been turned into a martyr.

He told how pundits had rewritten history concerning what they achieved together, with his own work shoved into the background, and said this "got up his nose."

He clearly feels that the way John is held in such esteem has overshadowed his own contribution to popular music.

It must cut very deep if he is upset enough to air these views so long after John's death, and to care so much about the old feud which caused the break-up of he Beatles all those years ago.

Lennon and McCartney wrote some great songs together and they continue to influence bands today. Oasis owe them an enormous debt of gratitude.

But it is John who is hailed the genius.

His single Imagine was recently voted the best-ever song.

Maybe it is easy to understand why Paul is still so miffed about something that, after all, happened Yesterday.

Sir Paul is more happy to talk about his love for Heather - as he did on the same chat show - sometimes to her evident embarrassment.

In fact, after years not giving any interviews, Paul now seem happy to chat about his feelings to anyone who will listen.

He famously declared on Carol Vorderman's Stars and their Lives that he was in love with Heather, much to Ms Mills surprise.

Yet during the Larry King interview she refused to comment on the couples relationship, snapping that she was there to talk about clearing land mines, not her personal


Of course, Heather is a campaigner, and a very clever one at that. She knows that being Sir Paul's partner not only brings her personal happiness - it doesn't do her cause any harm either.

Yet with the best will in the world, the likes of Larry King and Michael Parkinson wouldn't want to talk to her about clearing mines unless the could also ask her about Sir Paul.

Or better still, talk to the man himself - and he seems more than happy to oblige.

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