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Chapter 10





The studio people found out about the bruises and swelling, as it was hard not to, even under a thick layer of concealer. Denny told them he had got in a fight over Charlotte, and the other guy looked much worse. They kept quiet, not wanting such filth in their precious magazine.


The photo spread was gorgeous, featuring Denny and Char, beautiful, tanned and radiant, frolicking on the beach, splashing each other in the ocean, and driving in her Mustang. The interview was typical fluff, not once mentioning that they were dating. Just costars turned friends.


They were done by early evening, and Charlotte dropped Denny off to pack. He arrived at her house two hours later, with Brian in tow.


“Hey Brian, thanks for helping him” She said after she kissed his soft cheek.


“No problem Charlotte. Thanks for taking him. We can’t fit him at Marilyn’s.”


Denny looked a bit stressed, so she went into action.


“Hi Den. There are fresh sheets on your bed, and I got us all a pizza, pepperoni, your favorite. Brian, please join us.”


“Ah, thanks but I’ve got to go to the studio and lay down some new tracks. I’ll see you tomorrow Den.” He ruffled his little brother’s hair and headed off to LA.


They ate pizza together on the deck, the ocean waves crashing onto shore. He had a shower, and she kissed him goodnight. Her room smelled of fresh sea air, with the French doors to the balcony open, giving her a good view of the shore from her bed. She had candles lit on her nightable, giving her a calming glow as she stared at the ceiling. A soft knock came to the door, and she got up to open it. It was Denny.


“Hey, I was hoping you were up. I can’t sleep.”


“Neither can I”. She sat down on her bed, patting the space next to her for Denny to sit down on.  They gazed in each other’s eyes. He leaned in, kissed her passionately, and she decided, it was perfect, it was time.


She slowly lied down, as she continued to kiss him. With the intense light of the moon glowing in on the bed, and the waves rolling and crashing, she had sex for the first time, with a man she adored.




Charlotte was hit with bitter sweet news a few days later. Denny and the boys were due to tour the US and just two months, and she had been named the spokesmodel for Vidal Sasson hair products, based in London. She knew what she had to do, and he did too, and that was go back to their lives, keeping in contact, but not seeing eachother any longer. They spoke about it, and decided to cherish the next month that they had together. Charlotte was a bit crushed, but realized that she was too young to stay just for a man.




After spending the next week surfing and even sailing, she arrived home one afternoon to get ready for the film’s premiere in Hollywood. There was a bundle of letters in her mailbox. Figuring they were just fan letters, she plopped them onto the kitchen table while she got a glass of grapefruit juice. Just as she sat down with a magazine, she saw the return addressee on the first letter of the bundle. Mr. Lewis Brian Jones. She flipped through the bundle, counting each letter. There were 30 letters, all from Brian. A note from the post office revealed the letters had gotten lost, and were found and promptly sent to her house.


She read all of the letters, Brian pleading with her to answer them. That he loved her and couldn’t live without her. A deep pang of guilt and pain surged in the pit of her stomach. Here she was, having a wonderful time, living with Denny, filming movies, modeling, shopping, going to beach parties, attending Beach Boys recording sessions. But she just didn’t feel the same way about Denny that she did about Brian. She adored Denny but felt something strong for Brian.


She pushed it aside, and got into a gorgeous Pucci dress, and headed off to the premiere, in a limo, accompanied by her leading man. They were hit with paparazzi on the red carpet, and she realized she was a celebrity. Not a major one, like Audrey Hepburn, or the boys from Liverpool, but famous nonetheless.



They arrived home late, Denny flopping on the couch and flipping on the television. The phone started ringing, so she answered it.


“Charlotte, it’s mum” Irene sounded so distant, given the phone connection to Europe was awful.


“Hey mum! Just got in from the premiere. It was great!”


“Sweetheart, something’s happened. I think you should come home.”





It was her sister Rebecca. She had been hit by a car while riding her Vespa late at night in London, and was killed instantly. Charlotte immediately felt like she had been punched in the stomach. She ran to the bathroom and was sick, while sobbing for her beloved siste. Denny quickly packed her things, and called her agent to get her a plane ticket to Heathrow.


“Denny, I have to go home. I can’t come back. It’s a sign, I belong in England. My family needs me.”


“I understand. You go, but promise to keep in close contact. You’ve meant so much to me.”


They embraced, and he drove her to the airport.


“I’ll move my stuff out of the house by the morning.”


“No Denny,  you can’t go home. I’ve got lots of money in the bank, I never spent my modeling earnings. I’ll pay the rent until you can afford it. You stay there.”


“No, I can’t do that”


“Yes, I’ve got plenty of money. I want to do this for you.”


“I’ll be able to afford it in a few months.”


“Thank you. For everything.”


“Call me when you get there.”


“I will”


She boarded the plane. In her seat, she read some more of Brian’s letters, trying to calm herself down. Her tears came down and hit the page, smudging the ink. She took  a deep breath and finally realized that she loved Brian.