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Chapter 16




Charlotte just stared at Paul, unable to comprehend what was happening, as a result of both the pot and the levity of it all.


            “Paul, what about Jane, she’s so lovely”


            “She is, I just don’t feel the same way about her as I do you.”

            “Why didn’t you tell me. You’ve kept this in for this long?”


            “I couldn’t. You look so appy’ with Brian.”


            “I am. I can’t process this all right now.” Right as she finished, Paul leaned in and passionately, and a bit forcefully kissed her. Charlotte did not resist in the least bit.


            “I can’t do this right now Paul. You just can’t expect me to fall into your arms. I have to go. I have to think about this all.”


            “I’m so sorry, I’ve suffered for so long.”


            “Oh Paul, I…just can’t” With that, she left, and ran to her room, thinking he was just high, and wanted to get her into bed.



The premiere of Help! In Late August was bittersweet. She and Brian mugged for the cameras, and then she went and posed for photos with the boys. She had only spoke to John since the hotel incident, because he was now a regular at she and Brian’s flat,  and noticed Paul looking at her, longingly. She and Brian sat with the boys during the screening, and gave Brian no explanation when she insisted they skip the afterparty at a hotel.


Christmas of 1965 was spent in Barbados, where Brian and Charlotte could relax on the beach with minimal bother. The final night there, on New Years Eve, Charlotte awoke in the afternoon to find a note on the bathroom mirror. It read


                        I am preparing a surprise for you. Be ready at 7pm, an escort will arrive then for you.


                                    Love Brian


Charlotte was a bit confused, but knew Brian was the creative type, and probably had a fantastic plan for the New Years party. So she spent the day in her black string bikini, sunbathing on the beach. That evening, she showered, and changed into a stunning, strapless, flowing Hawaiian print long dress, sandals, her long hair slightly wavy, her sun-kissed skin a bit burnt. A man in a white tuxedo came to the door exactly at seven. He led her down to the beach, which was lit by torches, to a small picnic blanket surrounded by candles. The waves crashed onto the shore, as she was told to sit down. Brian then emerged, with a large basket. They dined on wine, caviar, oysters, and sushi, Char’s favorite.


Brian looked amazing, wearing a black tuxedo, which Charlotte loved him in. His small, gray blue eyes sparkled, and his face, a bit more filled out and mature looking than when they first met, was handsome and tanned. He took her hand, and looked into her eyes.


            “Charlotte, I hope you’ve had a perfect evening.”


            “Mmmm of course I have darling.”


            “You know that I love you very, very much. Your one in a million.”


            “I love you too.” He then had her stand up, and he got down on one knee.


            “Charlotte Aisling Quinn, will you do me the honor of being my wife?” He opened a small red velvet box, to reveal something that simply took her breath away. Inside was a 6.5-carat princess square cut diamond, set in a platinum band, with a 2-carat baguette diamond on each side.


            “Oh Brian, yes, of course. There’s only one condition. I won’t marry you until I’ve made it in the music biz. I have to do that for myself first. ”

“Of course, anything you want.” They made passionate love on the beach, and returned to London the next day.




The winter of 1966 was dreary, wet and cold. The Stones had flown to the US in February for a tour, and she was stuck in the clubs, with Jack, dreaming big dreams, and seemingly getting nowhere. Brian wanted to tell the press that they were engaged, but Charlotte knew it would set off a firestorm. They had already been speculating, since someone had spotted a rare moment of Char wearing her ring in public.

The following March, Charlotte finished a small gig at the Marquee when a familiar face appeared backstage while she packed up her guitar.


            “Jack! How are you?” It was Jack, and a friend.


            “Great Charlotte. Here, I’d like you to meet someone. His name is Eric Clapton.”


            “Mmm yes I know, I’m a fan of your work with the Blues Breakers. We also met at a party a little while back. ”


            “ Oh yes, that’s right. Look, I was wondering if you would like to come jam with Jack and I and a great drummer, Ginger Baker. You may know him, he’s played here before.”


            “Oh, yea, sure he's fantastic. I’m available during the day mostly.”


            “How’s tomorrow at noon?” Charlotte was surprised at his eagerness to jam.


            “Sure” He gave her the address, a recording studio.





The next day, Charlotte, singing and playing rhythm guitar, Jack, playing bass, Ginger on drums and Eric on lead guitar jammed for hours. After a bit of a chat between Eric and Jack in the control room, they emerged, and asked Charlotte to sit down.


            “Charlotte, your voice, its phenomenal, sort of a combination of Billie Holiday and your own style.”


            “Thanks Eric. I have such a passion for the blues.”


            “Listen, we’re starting a band, we’ve got record company’s interest simply from our background. It was just going to be a three-piece until Jack suggested I hear you perform. We have gigs lined up starting in July, and we’d like you to be our singer.”


            “R..r…really?” She could hardly believe her ears.


            “I want you to think about this, but we’re offering you the chance of a lifetime Charlotte. Things are looking promising.” Eric’s face was his signature look of stoic and intense.


            “Yes Charlotte, we’ve got so much interest from promoters, but we have to play back to back club gigs for a while to build up a name. This is going to be hard work, it’s going to consume your life.” Jack chimed in.  Charlotte glanced at her diamond ring. She knew she had a marriage ahead of her, but she didn’t need to consider not taking up this offer. She knew her answer.