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Chapter 20


On February 12, the unspeakable happened. After a party of tripping on acid and smoking pot, Keith Richard’s country estate called Redlands was raided by Scotland Yard. Mick, Marianne, Keith, and their guests were arrested on drug charges, and later let out on bail. The Stones then headed out on a European tour.


Cream kept touring non-stop, but the boys were noticing Charlotte was not her usual self. For one, she had taken to wearing flowing peasant tops. She was still very thin, however. She never went out after shows, retreating to her hotel room. Brian was around a lot too, fussing over her intensely. She also would not eat any of her usual tour fare. It was organic veggies, meat, fruit and lots of milk and cheese. She also had taken to exercising more in the hotel gyms. The band had a meeting, to discuss May’s touring schedule. Robert looked at Charlotte, who was sitting at the end of the conference table at Atlantic Studio munching on an apple.


            “So, Charlotte, will you fill us in?”


            “On…” She looked up, confused.


            “What the hell is going on with you lately?”


            “Nothing, just trying to be healthier, preserve my energy.”


            “Your 19, you’ve energy commin out of your arse.” Jack said in his heavy Scottish accent.




            “I need to know if anything’s the matter Charlotte, we’re doing our first UK television appearance, and the new album is going to be a hit. We’ve got a lot riding on this year.”


            “I’m sort of pregnant.” Charlotte looked down at the floor.


            “No, really what is the matter?” Eric said. Charlotte promptly stood up, and lifted her shirt up enough to reveal her little bump.


            “Oh shit.”


            “How far along are you?” Robert was not pleased.


            “Um three months as of May 1”


            “Oh god. Your giving birth during the European tour.”


            “I guess so.”


            “Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. I’ll arrange for a nanny to accompany us on tour. We’ll have Jack sing your parts while you take your leave.”




            “Yes, I don’t want you touring while heavily pregnant, you need your rest, and you’ll need to spend sometime with Brian and the infant. Why don’t you return home to London by the beginning of August, and return in December. Is that alright with you?”



            “Yes, of course. Your not firing me are you?”


            “No, Charlotte. Without you, the band would not be complete. The fans will have to understand. Jack’s voice is similar to yours, just lower. He’ll do.”


Charlotte smiled.


            “Also, I need a list of foods so we can accommodate you. You need to stay in the best of health.”


            “Thanks guys.” She felt relieved that she wasn’t going to be fired, and could also spend time with her new baby for a little while. She felt more mature than she ever had, and was ready to become a mother.


It was arranged that Charlotte, appearing on the Dick Cavett show, where she would be interviewed solo on May 8th, would  return home to be with Brian until the 19th.

April was slow, for the band would be recording, in London most of the time. Charlotte hosted a small party for her friends at the flat a week later. She did all of the cooking, which was a miracle considering Brian wouldn’t let her do anything. He insisted she rest, but she just couldn’t stay still for that long.


She had a Japanese themed dinner, with loads of fresh sushi, miso soup, fresh veggies and meats cooked Japanese style. Of course, loads of sake would also be on the menu, not for Charlotte anyway. The guests arrived at 8, the fab four with their wives, Mick and Marianne, Keith and Anita, his exotic German girlfriend, Moonie and his wife Kim, and her new friend, a new model named Lesley, better known by the public as Twiggy.


John arrived first, and while Cyn sat with Brian enjoying appetizers, Charlotte and John sat out in the garden.


            “So, why the sudden party?” John, now with a moustache, and wearing his granny glasses, looked so different than Charlotte remembered.


            “Well, I’ve been touring non-stop, and I missed all of you. Besides, Brian and I have got an announcement.”


            “Oh please, Mrs. Jones, can I be the first to know?” John wined in a mock child voice.


            “I’m going to be a mummy, in November.” John’s eyes widened.


            “No, really? My little Char? Congrats luv. I would have picked a better father for it though” He gave her a huge hug.


            “Oh god John, come on.”


            “I know what Brian’s been up to, and I don’t like it, Moonie’s ready to go through the bloody roof.”


            “I know, but Keith is so protective. I love Brian so much”


            “I know, I’m sorry. Well, it’ll be a fine lookin’ kid I know that much.”


            “Keep it quiet, I want to tell everyone over dinner.” John smiled and kissed her on the cheek .


The dinner party was fantastic, as everyone had a smashing time. Brian and John spent the whole night together, as they had become fantastic friends, with plans for Brian to appear on a Beatles single. Charlotte looked positively radiant, as she chatted with everyone, while keeping her diamond decorated left hand over her ever-growing bump.



Dick Cavett introduced Charlotte to the audience, and she walked out gracefully, looking beautiful with her long reddish blond hair hanging halfway down her back, a flowing white peasant top on, that ended just at her hip, fitted black pants, cropped at the ankle and slightly flared, and pretty flat mary jane shoes.


            “Welcome Charlotte, you look positively radiant this evening.”


            “Oh, thanks”


            “Now, you have been on a small break from touring with Cream. How does it feel to be back in London?”


            “Oh, wonderful”


            “Now, there have been some unconfirmed reports that you are going to be absent from the tour from early August to mid-December. Can you confirm or deny this?”


            “Well, yes, its true. I need to take some time off, for a small reason.” She said beaming.


            “And what is that small reason?”


            “Well, a small baby is more specific.” She beamed. The audience gasped and then clapped. This was the first time anyone outside of Charlotte’s small inner circle had heard the news.


            “Well, congrats Charlotte. When are you due?”


            “Fall-ish” Charlotte, never one to want the public know about her private life, was not very specific.






May 10, 1967. It was a relatively hot day in London, considering it was usually pretty mild at this time of year. The sun shone brightly by early morning, and heat bugs bellowed from the trees. Charlotte was up at 7, stuffing her face with organic fruit and wheat toast. Brian was up shortly after, which was a big shock, given he woke up rather late usually.


            “Morning Mrs. Jones” He said in his posh accent.


            “Morning hubby. Want me to make you some eggs?”


            “No, I’ll do it.” Brian never let her lift a finger even before she was preggers. Now it was even worse.


She then went upstairs, showered, and blew dry her long reddish blond hair. Brian went to the study, which, with the addition of their vast collection of guitars, a small piano, and his sitars, and began to practice some tunes. And then, she saw something that would change both of them forever.