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Chapter 21


Charlotte, now dressed in a long caftan she bought in Morocco, glanced out the window of the second floor to see the back garden. And then she saw them. About twenty or thirty police officers. Not ordinary officers, but officers dressed in riot gear, with large shotguns balanced on their shoulders, aimed straight ahead. Charlotte let out a loud scream, and ran down the stairs.


            “Brian! Brian! Don’t open the door!” He finally heard he screams after a few seconds, as he had been playing some tapes of songs he and Mick were working on. Wearing white pants, a multi-colored shirt, his hair a bit past his jaw and slightly messy.


            “What? What the fuck is going on?”


            “L…loo…look out the window.” She could hardly speak. Brian did what she said, and gasped.


            “Oh god, they’ve come for us! First Mick and Keith, now us.” The doorbell rang incessantly, but they were too scared to answer it. Just then, the door was broken down, and fifty cops in riot gear stormed the flat.


They ripped clothing out of drawers, turned furniture over, and after sniffing an ashtray and deciding it smelled of pot, they slammed Brian up against the wall, roughed him up, and cuffed him.


            “Lewis Brian Hopkin-Jones, you are under arrest for suspicion of possession of controlled substance.” They also went for Charlotte, and Brian screeched.


            “Don’t fucking touch her! She’s pregnant, leave her alone!” They gently cuffed her, and lead them both out to a paddy wagon waiting. Scotland yard, which by now had issued a campaign against rock stars, starting with the Stones and eventually going on to the Beatles, had obviously tipped off the press, because photographers were already outside the flat to get the covenant pictures of Brian and Charlotte being led off in handcuffs.


At the station, Brian was hauled off to jail, while Charlotte was released without any charges against her being brought, as the flat’s deed was in Brian’s name. She had Brian’s new chauffer, Neil, pick her up from the station in his black Rolls Royce, and bring her to Mick’s flat. She couldn’t go back to her and Brian’s flat, as it was now a crime scene.


By the time she arrived, she was crying hysterically. Mick was waiting, with warm tea and snacks that Marianne had prepared. He had her lay down on the couch, and called John, who he knew would be the best person to comfort Charlotte at this point. Moonie was on tour.


            “Char? John Lennon’s on his way.”


            “T…th…thanks Mick.” She managed to say in between sobs. John was there within an hour, as he came from his house. Charlotte was in the bathroom, when she began to have intense cramping in her abdomen. She looked down, and saw she was bleeding. She walked out from the bathroom, crouched over, and holding her stomach.


            “Call an ambulance. Something’s wrong with the baby.” John ran over, picked her up, and ran out to Mick’s car.


            “Get your keys!” He screamed to Mick. He did, and as John held her in the backseat, Mick drove like a maniac to the hospital.


            “No ambulance, we’ll get her there faster, and the press would ave’ a field day. She’s stressed out as it is.” John said. He looked down, and saw Charlotte’s eyes closing.


            “I have…I have to sleep now.”


            “No Charlotte, don’t pass out on me.” John screamed. He gently slapped her face. It was no use, she was out cold.


They arrived at the hospital, and they took her right away. She was ushered up to the maternity ward, while John and Mick were brought to a private lounge where they wouldn’t be hassled by fans. An hour later, a doctor arrived.


            “Hi, are you with Mrs. Jones?”


            “Yes” John was panicked.


            “She told me I could dispense her condition to a Mr. John Lennon and a Mr. Mick Jagger.”


            “Yes, I’m John and that’s Mick.” The doctor didn’t flinch, he obviously was too old, and clueless to know who they were.”


            “How are they?” Mick said, referring to Charlotte and the baby.


            “Alright. She’s stable, and the baby is safe. She was put in a seriously stressful state today, she told me. Well, that caused her to go into premature labor, and bleed a bit. She’s barely out of the first trimester, so of course this was very bad. However, she is going to be fine, and is expected to carry to full term. She needs to rest for about another week or so, and try not to be in a stressful situation for the rest of the pregnancy.”


            “Easier said then done.” John sneered. They were then led into see her.


            “Char, we’re here, everything’s alright, the baby’s going to be okay.” John held her hand. Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief, but she knew what was to come.