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Chapter 24



On October 17th, Charlotte attended Brian Epstein’s memorial service, accompanied by Brian. Brian had always been so kind to her, and they had developed a small friendship towards the end of his life. She was extremely sad, but could not stay on her feet for too long, since she was now so big, and John insisted she go home and put her feet up.


On the 31st, Brian was sentenced to 9months in jail for cannabis possession. Charlotte stayed at home, as her obstetrician had strongly advised her not to partake in any more stressful activities, as she was due in just two weeks. Brian’s lawyer immediately put in an appeal, and had his sentence reduced to a fine.


Widespread relief was cast among the whole Stones camp, and they soon were in the studio working on their next album, much to Brian’s dismay, as he was not happy that the Stones had taken to casting him aside, not giving him many parts to even play on the album. On November 10, Disreali Gears, Cream’s new album was released. The album was a smash hit, with “Sunshine of Your Love”, a tune written by Charlotte and Jack in their hotel room one night, shot to number 5 in the US. Cream had done it, they had hit it big in the States. A press conference was held in London after the album hit number 1 in the UK, and Eric stated “Charlotte Quinn is not here today because she is heavily pregnant and about to give birth. She sends her love, and will be back with the band on the road in January.” Charlotte listened to the conference on the radio, smiling at the thought of being on stage again soon.


She spent the next few days mopping around the flat, dreaming of her big house in Hartfield. She, Brian, and the baby would move in first thing in May. She didn’t bother making much of an extravagant nursery, just a simple one with the essentials.  The nursery, which was Winnie the Pooh themed, was almost complete at Cotchford.


Charlotte was finding it increasingly hard to run simple errands in London, since the release of Cream’s new album, and Brian’s court appearances, the outside of the flat was constantly full of camped out photographers, reporters, and crazed female fans, claiming they were pregnant with Brian’s children, even though all of them failed to ever show any signs of actually carrying a baby. She now rarely left the house, only to attend her daily t-hour long prenatal yoga class down the road.


Charlotte sat in the house, eating ice cream, while talking to John on the phone, one afternoon.


            “Hey Charlotte, what bowl are you on now?”


            “Um, well I just finished the quart.”


            “God above.”


            “Shut up! You don’t have a human being inside you now do you?”


            “Not only that, but a Rolling Stone spawn! Tell me know, is it cravin’ speed and sex then?”


            “It’s going to be a perfect little baby.”


            “So its not Brian’s now is it?”


            “Oh please John. I wonder what Julian will turn out to be, look who his dad is. OWWW!”

            “What was that now?”


            “Could you ask Cynthia something for me?”




            “What should I do, I have very sharp pains that come and go every ten minutes. Wait, never mind. My water just broke.”


            “Well get off your fat arse and get a new one then”


            “No, I have to go to the hospital. Shit, do me a fav, call Brian at the studio, tell him to meet me at the hospital.”


            “Right. Oh my god, Charlotte, your avin’ a baby.”


            “Goodbye John!”


She rolled her eyes and got her Louis Vuitton suitcase that she had packed when she was five months along. As she went to call a cab, George was at her front door.


            “Charlotte! I was in London, and John contacted me! Brian is on is’ way to the ‘ospital, but I came ere’ to get you! Lets go!” He looked truly panicked.


They arrived  at St. Anthony’s Private Infirmary to find not only all of the Stones in the waiting room, but John and Keith Moon as well. Charlotte and Brian were paying thousands of pounds to have the birth at a private hospital, as it was the only way they could get Brian to be allowed in the room while Charlotte gave birth. They both insisted he be with her to experience it.


            “Oh god, it’s a rock and roll fantasy.” Charlotte moaned. Brian was right at her side.


            “Charlotte, how are you feeling baby?”


            “Like shit”


Everyone was fussing over her, and when the doctor took her away with Brian, the whole group screamed and shouted “Good luck!” “Go Get Em’ Char!”


Charlotte was in labor for 14 hours. It was painful and horrendous, but she refused to use any drugs. Just Lamaze breathing and yoga she had learned during her sabbatical from Cream.  Brian was right there with her, only leaving to chain smoke cigarettes as he was very nervous for the life of his wife and baby.


            “Okay Charlotte, its time to push” The doctor said, coming in with a barrage of nurses, all smiling at Brian.


            “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Get it out of me! This fucking hurts!” Charlotte screamed as she pushed. It was the most horrendously painful feeling she had ever felt in her 19 years.


           “Forceps please. Suction.” The doctor said urgently


            “Whats happening?” Brian yelled.


            “Perfectly routine.”


           “You call this pain routine?????!?!?!?!?!” Charlotte almost broke Brian’s hand she held it so tight. He never left her side for a second.


           “It’s crowning. Here we go. One more push.”



Charlotte let out one more big push with all of her might, screaming in agony.


            “It’s a girl!”


Brian started to cry as he saw his daughter. He had four children, from previous relationships, none of which he kept in touch with, at their respective mother’s insistence. But this was different. This was his first daughter, for starters. And she was the result of his and the love of his life’s union, and she completed their family.


Gwyneth Rebecca Jones was born on November 20, 1967 at 2am. Charlotte had come up with the name. Brian was Welsh, and she decided since the baby’s last name was Welsh, and to honor Brian’s heritage, the baby would have a Welsh name. The middle name was that of Charlotte’s younger sister, who was tragically killed back in 1964. As Gywneth was taken to be cleaned and placed in the nursery, Brian went out into the hall to call everyone on the pay phone. Charlotte’s parents hopped on the next plane to London, and a car would be sent for Brian’s parents later on in the morning.


Charlotte awoke hours later, and saw Brian, sitting in a chair reading a newspaper. The room was full of flowers and balloons.  The nurse brought in Gwyneth, and Char could get her first good look at her. She looked just like Brian, small light blue eyes, see-through skin, and tufts of light blond hair on top of her head. She was also quite tiny, at only 5 pounds.


                 “She’s perfect” Brian said, as he stroked his new daughter’s soft cheek


                 “I know. I can’t believe I’m a mum.”


                  “I can’t believe I’m a dad….again.” He smiled.



Just as Charlotte fed Gwyneth her bottle, she heard a loud ruckus.



                 “Theres the lil’ mummy! Come ead’ lemme see the new baby!”


                 “Gwyneth? What the fook kinda name is that?”


It was George, Patti, John, Cyn, Mick, Marianne, Keith, and Moonie.


                “Well, Gwyn, meet your uncles.” Charlotte smiled.