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Chapter 8



California had been wonderful so far. The four weeks of shooting had gone by quickly, and everything was wonderful and rosy. Charlotte and Denny had been joined at the hip for the entire time, and she had grown close to his brother Brian.


She had been reading about Brian in many American magazines. She was introduced to him at a beach bonfire party, in Malibu. She was dying to meet the man behind the beautiful falsetto voice, which sang of surf, sun, lost loves, and hopes and dreams, and to perhaps be inspired by his wisdom, which he seemed to so obviously possess, since he had written every single original Beach Boys song to date.


But she quickly discovered he wasn’t a man at all. Although he was already 22, he had the face of a child. A bit pudgy, tall and awkward, Brian exuded self-consciousness from the second you met him. But he was so mysterious, Charlotte had to talk to him. And that she did. Brian and Charlotte sat by the shore chatting about The Beatles (he was more than impressed that she was a close personal friend of theirs), music, his girlfriend Marilyn, and Dennis. He was truly charming, but she couldn’t help but wonder what was under the adorable exterior. She gave him her California and London numbers and addresses, and promised to keep in touch.



The day after the last day of shooting, Charlotte had absolutely nothing to do. It was a wonderful feeling. She got the mail from the front hallway, and a suspicious envelope came into sight. The return address was none other than G. Harrison. It read:





                        Hello dear! Yes, I got your address too, and your shoe size, as I have access to this ever so vital information. We’re playing Los Angeles on the 15th of April, so I’ve reserved you as many seats as I could squeeze out of the stingy bastards. Just tell the people at the ticket booth your name. You’re also on the backstage guest list, and of course you must come back to the hotel. I miss you Charlotte, I’d love to have a chat.




Charlotte very much wanted to see George, but Paul would be there. She eventually made her decision, and picked up the phone.



“Hey Denny, wanna go to a Beatles concert?”



She couldn’t believe it. George had tracked her down-again. She had to go, she desperately wanted to see her friends, and even wanted to try to reconcile with Paul.


It was a steaming hot night. A long line of young girls anxiously waited outside the venue. Charlotte, dressed in a strapless pink dress that went just above her slender knees, her tan deep, her hair longer and flowing, her pedicured feet clad in wedge heels. Denny had on white pants, and a black and blue pinstripe button down shirt. He looked even more handsome than usual.  They made their way to one of the rather burly doormen, and just as Charlotte gave her name, a brunette girl screamed “ITS DENNIS WILSON! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.”


The two ran inside, and were lead to the backstage area. There were security men everywhere.


“Why are we going backstage?” Denny’s brows furrowed


“To see the boys” Charlotte didn’t see any big fuss about it.




She knocked on their dressing room, and the door was flung open by John.


“Char!” He hugged her. Denny’s eyes widened, but he quickly regained his cool attitude.


“John! You look wonderful.” She looked to make sure Paul wasn’t near. He wasn’t.


“Boys, this is Dennis Wilson”


“The drummer for the beach boys?” She heard Paul ask. He came out of the bathroom, a towel around his neck, and waist, his hair still wet.


“Hi, I’m a huge fan. M’name’s Paul.” He smiled at Charlotte




“You guys dating or something?”


“Yes” Denny said before Charlotte could get a word out of her mouth


“She’s a fantastic girl. You take good care of her, or you’ll have to answer to us” Paul and the boys flexed their non-existent biceps. Charlotte and Paul smiled and nodded at each other knowingly.