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Chapter 9



The Beatles concert was wonderful. A bit noisy, as the audience mostly shrieked during the entire show.  Afterwards, the boys, Char and Denny went to the hotel to hang out, and party a little.



“Hey Char, what can I get you?” John’s smile was as cute as ever.


“The usual of course!”


“One gin and tonic heavy on the gin coming up. So Char, how long are you staying ere’?”


“ I don’t know, but I have to go back at some point soon. I’m having such fun here. Besides, I’m digging Denny in a big way.”


“Whoa there, you’ve even got the Yank lingo down pat.”


“Nah, just a few words here and there.” She winked at him.






The party was fantastic, but by 2am, the boys were all passed out drunk, and Charlotte and Denny, who did not drink more than 2 each (because they were both due to appear in a fashion spread/interview piece for 17 magazine to promote the movie) were very tired. Charlotte gathered her things, but then saw Paul, lying on the floor, his eyes shut tight, a smile on his face. As Mal dragged John to bed, Brian kept slapping Ringo’s face to wake him up, and a random roadie attempting to hoist George onto his back to fireman carry him to his room, Paul was left to fend for himself.


She gently whispered in his ear


“Paul…its Charlotte. You’ve got to get to your bed, your back will be in bits tomorrow if you sleep on the floor.”


He opened his eyes, revealing a beautiful warm brown. He got up, and wobbled over to his room. She helped into bed, taking off his shoes, and tucked him in. She stepped back and just looked at him. He was just….beautiful. He put his head up, staring intensely at her. She was a vision of beauty, all tanned, long blond hair, her thin body now slightly muscular with visible cuts of muscle on her biceps, calves and thighs from surfing lessons from Denny. He was too drunk to notice that she was also only 16.


“Charlotte, I’ve always loved you, since the day we met.”  He said before promptly passing out.


Charlotte didn’t think much of it, assuming it was the booze talking. At least she hoped it was, because having someone other than your boyfriend in love with you was just too complicated.







The next morning Charlotte, having insisted on picking Denny up in her rented brand new cherry red Mustang convertible, pulled up to the Wilson residence at about 9am. She honked the horn, as Denny had told her to. She could hear faint yelling, between two men. It sounded very bad, but she figured it was the television.  He ran out, and jumped into the passenger seat without even opening the door. But he looked different, a bit distraught. And his hair was different.


“Hey baby, you look hot as usual” He said, kissing her on the cheek.


She started down the Pacific Coast Highway, towards Malibu, where the shoot was taking place. The wind blew Denny’s short sleeve up, revealing nasty looking black and blue bruises on the upper part of his muscular arm. The bit of hair that newly covered his right eye blew straight up, causing him to immediately hold it down again. But it was too late, Charlotte had saw his eye, ringed in black and swollen. She instantly pulled the car into the breakdown lane.


The waves from the ocean below crashed, and the sun was shining bright, but none of that mattered anymore to Charlotte. If he had been in a fight, which he regularly did, he would have boasted to Charlotte how he “kicked the other guy’s ass”. She knew something was terribly wrong.


“Dennis, what the fuck is going on?” Here eyes were wide with concern.


“Char, its okay, really” He sighed, his head resting on his hand.


“Its not okay, you look terrible. Who did this to you?”


“My old man, he’s a bastard. Brian’s moved in with Marilyn’s family, so he beats on me now. I guess I’m a handful” He sighed.


“No way are you blaming this on yourself”


“Nah, I guess not. Since I’m the youngest I’m the last to get it. Brian got it so bad when he was little, that my dad made him permanently deaf in one ear, from hitting the side of his head with a 2x4.”


“Oh Dennis. I’m so sorry.”


“Its alright. In a year’s time we’ll tour Europe, and I’ll have the money to get my own place.”


“No, you can stay with me, I have an extra bedroom. Pack your things when you get home tonight. You don’t have to live like this.”


“Are you sure?”


“I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life” They kissed passionately, and for the first time in her life, she felt like she was taking care of someone else. A man no less. Little did she know it wouldn’t be the last time she would be caring for a man.


“Now lets go to the drugstore and get some stuff to cover up those bruises.”