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Lauren and I were at a party with some of our sixth form friends, but as per usual I was sitting alone being bored. Everyone was running around and being stupid so I began to wonder around the large warehouse, seeing if there was anything interesting to look at. Eventually I gave up with my travels and flopped down onto a chair again but as I did, the chair slid backwards and instead of stopping where the wall should be, it carried on. I looked to see that the patch of wall was covered up by a rug; in truth it was actually covering a hole. I stood up and pulled the rug away from the wall, hoping that no one would see me. I saw a small tunnel, and even though I'm claustrophobic, I was extremely bored and in an extremely bad mood. I waited until I knew no one was looking and hopped into the tunnel, crawling through it into a dark dank room. I sighed, nothing interesting here either. Suddenly a light flickered on and it spelt out the word "EXIT".

"Is that a ladder in your tights or a stairway to heaven?" a surly voice asked me and I turned, ready to shoot them down but as my eyes surveyed the offender, I recognised the eyes, the lips, the mop top. John Lennon was grinning cheekily at me. I took a step back and surveyed my surroundings, I was no longer in the year 2005, the last thing I remembered was being at a crap party and I spotted a rusty door with a sign saying "EXIT" so I ran for it, hoping that no one would see me because the room with the door in was pretty deserted. As I took so long to answer John was already leaning in.

"Excuse me!" I gasped.

"Hey you're the first bird who's stopped me," he rolled his eyes and leant in further. I raised my eyebrows and slid out from his grip, still trying to figure out what had happened. Did I have a blow to the head?

"Jess," a voice called out and I recognised it to be Lauren's. I spun around back into John and he smiled cheekily.

"Knew you couldn't resist me." I rolled my eyes and pushed past him, running to Lauren. She wrapped her arms around me and whispered, "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT DOOR."

"Oh hello, I don't suppose I know you?" another Liverpudlian accent wafted from behind. I turned around to see Paul McCartney passing me a cheeky smile. I had to take a step back because I was becoming overwhelmed. "I'm Paul."

"Jess," I shook his hand and then began to scan the crowded room.

"I'm here," John hollered and approached the three of us, "If that's who you're looking for."

"Come'ed what's going on here?" Paul raised his eyebrows at me and John.

"NOTHING," I growled, growing impatient. This surprised me because I was the biggest fan of the Beatles, however I couldn't figure out where George was and as the sea of girls was growing larger by the minute it seemed, I was becoming distressed.

"Dance?" John asked, grabbing my hand and pulling me onto the dance floor. I noticed Paul decisively grabbing Lauren's hand and pulling her to follow us. We reached the spot John decided he want to dance on and a slow song came on. "How lovely."

"Mmm," I mumbled, slipping my arms around John's neck. We began to sway and I scanned the room as we circled. There, as we faced the main entrance, was George, arms wrapped loosely around a blonde woman's waist. He looked up at the precise moment I had spotted him and we stared at each other, I felt John's hands move lower but I couldn't move. George's eyes were locked with mine and when his lady friend tried to move him he just stood firm and the edges of his lips formed into a smile. He mouthed the word "Hello". John spun me around and then looked into my eyes.

"So," he looked down at my outfit, "you're not from around here are you?"