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Chapter eight

(Ringos pov)


I liked touring , really I did. I loved seeing the new places, sneaking around with the decoys and all. I didnt like the truck one that made me sick; I have a bad stomach. We had all gotten cameras and I always carried mine around taking pictures of everything I could. The lads thumped me over it once, taking my camera and telling me to stop for a while. I guess they were going sparse with me always snapping away. After all we get our pictures taken all the time and then here I am snapping away. Paul enjoyed his too, only he didnt take as many of us as I did. Hey one day those pictures could be history or just a laugh to look back on.


I never minded the fans as long as the police kept them in the queue. The limos and the adulation was great. The only thing was the party at the British Embassy, they were barmy; they cut a piece of my hair off. John and I left after that and then a little while after Paul and George followed. Brian was sick over it , even though the Embassy called and said they were sorry. I agreed with John about never going to one of those again and so did the others. Brian promised he would not take another invitation. It reminded me of how that girl pulled out Georges hair at the concert except these where posh people and that was a fan. I am so glad we all agreed not to go anymore.


Paul and me, we shared a room and were packing. Trouble is when you come you have what you need and when you leave , you need a whole other case. We took turns sitting on each others cases in order to close them. Mal came by to tell us it was time for another flight to another nameless city. Oh they told us the names but what did that have to do with us remembering at a later date? When wed get there we couldnt see much anyways. I mean we got out or snuck out but not to where you would recognize one city from another. I had to laugh; I swear Paul writes the names of the town on his bass so he remembers when he announces.


We sat and had a talk with Brian and he agreed to get a sign made up large enough for the fans to see. It will say not to throw objects on the stage. I dont think theyll listen, maybe some will. It wouldnt help now , the sign wont be ready for awhile.


Ritch time to go Paul sang to me and ruffled my hair.


Eh stop that it took me a whole minute to get it that way. I told him holding a big smile.


Looks better now. He told me , ciggie hanging from his mouth.


I looked in the mirror.

I spose, anyways its windy and rainin out so it will be this way in the end.


I didnt even bother to fix it. Mal and Neil had taken our cases down. We lined up like little ones in a queue at school , heading bleary eyed to the lift. John passed his famous goodies around for us.


We havent even had anything to eat Bri! George growled.


Therell be food on the plane I heard Brian tell him curtly as he looked at some papers in his hands whilst the lift lowered to the main floor.


We going through the front doors then? I asked surprised.


Yes, not much going on at 6am so we shall try it. The limos are right in front.


We all looked at each other and shrugged. Neil and Mal had tested the waters when loading the cases and equipment. Brian , with his crew went first. Wendy, Derrick , Alistair and then Neil went ahead of us and as usual Mal was at the end.

What was annoying was the photographers taking pictures as we headed towards the doors. This early in the morning, did they ever rest?


We made it in the car and stretched out for the ride. George smiled in thought and I nudged him.


Eh I thought you were to hungry to smile ? what gives?


Im more hungry then usual after that girl last night. Cor, Rings I never thought I could be such a bloody randy lad. She brought it out of me. Good she was and just left like that . No good-byes or anything. Just shagged a few times and she left, great that was. I saw the smile deepen on his face and remembered my evening fondly.


The bird I was with wasnt anything special but she did the trick. Mal got her and thank goodness no awkwardness came of it. The other lads had been listening to George and me talking.


So you had an acrobatic bird did ya?

Typical for Paul to say, him and sex were one word. You might as well call him Paulsex.


Interesting Georgie, you became quite the animal did you. So thats what we heard fellas. I laughed when John went on about it. George turned red but still smiled.


Well I had a grand time anyways.

I had to shake my head at this. He wasnt going to give an inch on this one.


Do tell? Pauls attention raised a few notches.


Whats to tell? You all had your fun last night and me well lets say I had more fun then Ive had in awhile.

I saw him give it right back and snickered.


Oh come now George we all share here. We want to know. Dont be cruel.


Its only cruel to you Paul cause of you being a pervert.

Now this had John and me in stitches. Paul feigned hurt and George continued to smile.

I loved when we joked and played with one another. It wouldnt be until later the stress would be back and we would be edgy but that was our fame anyways.

It cut into two, our fame, good and bad, stress and fun. Either way we had to deal with it.

I cant help it if sex is a healthy part of my diet. He laughed harder.


I told you all, that Paulie here would rather shag then eat..We all know that one. I had to get my jab in there.


When I finished I noticed everyone looking out the window.

The limo stopped and the hordes of fans where right there. Beatle radar we called it. Half six God dont they sleep?


Oh lookie kiddies our subjects are here to see us off. John spouted and made a tooting noise as if the Queens horns were blowing. We all had a laugh at that one.


Brian came up to the window of our limo and tapped on it.

We rolled it down to the familiar chanting.


Yes, Brain? John asked seriously, hiding his smile.


Right, wave and all that but hurry on to the plane. Brian quipped.


We all saluted him at once.

He smiled and opened the door allowing us from one cage to run to the next.


We ran quickly waving and smiling and I heard John yell.

The wind blew hard as the rain ran down our faces. We couldnt cover our heads too much or the fans wouldnt see us. So we all got soaked on the run to the plane.


You ever feel like youre under a microscope?

I laughed at him and sprinted along side of him.


Yes, every time we do this! I panted.


Then it started, the race to see who would make the plane first.

We shoved past each other , running at top speed. It was like our movie and that in its self was an erie feeling. I thought too it was to get out of the rain.


Come ead old men, Im passing through. George laughed as he yelled.


George was first but Paul was catching up and John and me ran together waving our heavy hands off. Sore theyd be when we got on the plane.


Push on youngin. Paul passed George. John and me couldnt stop laughing which slowed us down as we stopped for a minute doubled over. Mal pushed us on.

Come you lot , cant stop here.


We watched as Paul and George pushed each other back on the stairs trying to win.

Finally, in a falsetto voice Paul yelled to George.

Georgie over here luv.:

That did it! I saw George turned to see who was calling him as Paul made it to the top and did a winning dance. I could see as I stared up the stairs the frown on Georges face as he realized it had been Paul.


We finally got in our seats panting and getting the air in our burning lungs. All of us soaked with rain running down our faces. The stewardesss handed us all towels to dry off.

I could still hear George admonish Paul for cheating and chuckled with the rest as we sat there all soggy.

God, I loved these guys. Being an only child I never had brothers and to me these were them. Brothers, mates and men I adored and loved. We all did, but it was never spoken of. It was shown more in affection or protectiveness. Northern man dont show open emotion, so saying I love you just didnt come out, we just knew it.


Well some times my theories go right out the door. Like I said we were always together , never alone much at all. The stress can eat you up alive and it did that night. We had gotten to our next destination and went through the usual press conferences, the two concerts we had and yet another press and photo session. It was informal in the dressing room and then they followed us back to the hotel. It was late when they left and it had definitely been a hard days night since the tour began. I could see Johns shirtiness grow , he hid it for the journalist and photographers but we all knew his gander was up. He had been slamming drinks down all night. A few times I heard Paul apologize for him. That was Paul always protecting the image as did Brian,. When they herded out the door John slammed his fist on the bar after he finished his drink in a large gulp.

I saw trouble brewing for hours now and now that no one was around the guard dropped .


Bloody fookin Macca, ya think yer me mum do ya?!!!


Come off it John, you were down right rude to that reporter. I had to say something.


John poured another drink and then bore into Pauls eyes. I thought he would burn a hole right through him. George and I looked at each other waiting to see if we would have a barney on our hands. That was the way John let off the stress. He would kick anyone who narked him off. The drink only would fuel his temper and we all knew when he started drinking as he did tonight he would be impossible.


Thats right the image cunt that you are . Always worried how we look. Thats Brians job aint it Paulie. I watched as he moved closer to him.

I watched Pauls anger flame as John gave the threat.


John I know youre stressed but you dont have to act like a complete arse now do you or is that just you as always?

I could see Pauls face redden as he finished.


I again looked to George as if to say should we stop this. He shrugged, neither of us ever wanted to get in Johns way when he was drunk and angry. Paul just happened to be the focus of blame this time.


Oh Paulie no one sucks arse the way you can. You bloody sad fookin bastard!!!! John gulped down another drink.


Christ how many had he had? I lost count. Again I wondered if I could intervene making a joke or something. I hated when they fought, but the stress sometimes broke you down and I had seen the crack widen all night. I saw Neil come in and go over to break it up.


That was ugly, I saw both heads turn with faces so possessed I think they even scared Neil. Neil didnt scare easily but he tried anyway.


Come off it you two .its the stress and the drink. Lennon why dont you go to your room and cool off.


Fuck you Nel!!!!!This is between this pansy arse and me so piss off before you regret it.!!!! I saw daggers and that was not a good sign at all. Neil moved away and out the door , probably to get the giant, thats what we called Mal.


Pansy arse am I, then what does that make you? Just a right ole bastard with a flare for the dramatics? Get stuffed, your drunk and barmy!

I watched Paul start to walk away.

Im off, dead sick of your shite I am.


Like watching a tiger , George and me both were shocked when John leaped up and pounced on Pauls back, throwing both of them to the floor to slug it out.

We rushed over and tried to break it up but were pushed back by John and surprisingly by Paul as well.


Leave off. John growled at us


Dont muck in. Paul echoed as they went at each other.


Fists flew; the sound of pounding flesh could be heard as we watched in amazement. I could see the blood pouring down from each.


They rolled over the floor beating the pulp out of each other. John finally on top had Paul in a choke hold. I ran out to get help. I didnt think in Lennons mood hed stop choking him. I heard Paul gasp as I ran out. George stayed trying in vain to get John off of Paul.



Brain, Mal and Neil followed me in to see the two bloody man. One straggling the other and Pauls face was red, as his gasps grew fainter. I really think John was off his trolly and didnt know what he was doing to his best mate.


Let,.go.I cant breathe Paul gasped.


Mal went right at them. Boy you had to admire him to take on Lennon in that mood, but someone had to. Mal reached down with his huge hands and grabbed John off of Paul. I was amazed , he picked him up as if he were a child and threw him in a chair, holding him there. Neil and Brian ran over to Paul and helped him sit up. George went to the bar and got a shot of whiskey for him. Me, I stood in shock. I had seen them fight before but never had I seen Lennon this bad, well not in a while anyway.


Drink this. George told Paul.

I watched as Paul coughed violently , then swigged the drink and coughed again.

I went to John who by now had calmed down enough to realize what he had done.

Johnny, you all there mate? I asked him.


He shook his head numbly as he stared at Paul . Realization is a funny thing when it hits, you just cant believe it. He broke from the stress and not one day off.Seven days on and maybe 6 hours sleep a day . The girls helped a lot but tonight were one of those nights when nothing could have stopped the crack that was breaking. I saw it coming and didnt know what on earth to do.


Paul got up waving away Neils hand. Brian looked from one to the other.


What on earth happened here? When no one answered he looked to me

I gulped knowing I was on the spot. He always counted on me to tell the truth.

What do you say? I looked at 12 eyes all staring at me. Johns glared and Paul just turned away shakily towards the bar. Once he got there he collapsed on the stool and took a bottle and drank from it , then lit a ciggie.


Stress Brian, too much bleedin stress. We need a day off to unwind. John and Paul just broke under it is all. I tried to make light of it and hoped to get a day off in the process.


George is that what happened? He kept questioning.


Yeah sounds bout right to me. He sat at the bar and poured himself a drink

Bloody hell I was going to have a drink too. I walked over and poured myself one.


Brain went over to Paul first, the less threatening of the two and tried to inspect his wounds.

Paul shrugged him off. I figure he was embarrassed and just was in one of his moods since Lennon got the better of him. Then I watched him walk to John.


You start this John? Brian looked him over as well.


Straight up I did. I could hear the insolence in his drunken voice.

Mal go clean him up and put him to bed. Brian ordered.


I saw John push Mals hand away as he got up from the chair. I saw embarrassment in his eyes as he stared at Paul , who stared back with a sorrowful look of his own.

Then just as quick Johns attitude came back.

I can clean me self up mum. He said as he dragged off to his room.


I went to Paul, after all we were sharing a room. First I looked at poor George who would be sharing a room with John.

Gonna be alright Hari? I was concerned that another fight wouldnt break out.


Yeah , I think hes bout had it for the night. Bet hell pass right out in his clothes and with out cleanin up either. He chuckled.


Finally , some humor. I smiled thankfully at him as he went in after John.


Paulie you need help there mate.


Paul waved me off.

Naw ta Ritch. He got up and started towards our room, he couldnt hide how much he hurt as he made his way and I followed.