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Remember I don’t own the Beatle’s or their families. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind.



Julian drove through the gate and into the drive, the gate closing behind him. There was a misty rain falling. Darkness hid the puddles that splashed up at the car as he drove in. Parking, Paul and Julian stepped out. Julian noticed the out side light was on by the corner of the house, shining threads of light past the side door as they climbed the steps and walked in. The girls were in the parlor watching the television. Paul glanced at Julian as he reluctantly entered the room.


“ Daddy!” Stella exclaimed happily.


Stella reminded Paul of when she was little, how excited she’d get when he’d walk in. Pictures ran through his mind quickly, and then disappeared as Paul smiled at his girls when they greeted him. He sat down on the couch with them. Julian stood by the doorway.


“ Maybe I should go.” Julian stated, feeling uncomfortable, knowing Paul was going to apologize to them.


He didn’t want to witness this. He knew how embarrassed Paul was over what was remembered and what Julian had confirmed.


“ No Jules, stay.” Stella invited and waved him over.


“ I think you all need to talk and I’ll be in the way.” He said sheepishly.


“ No you won’t.” Heather agreed with Stella, “ If you want, go heat up the kettle and have some tea, give us a few minutes, o.k.?” Heather and Stel didn’t want Julian to leave. They had talked to Mary and had given her their word to distract their father so the two could talk.


Something in both Stella’s and Heather’s eyes, as they pleaded for Julian to stay, made him think there was a reason behind it. He shook his head and slid out of the room.


Julian warmed up the tea and poured a cup. He sat and drank it as he thought about why they wanted him to stay. How daft of him, it was Mary, they wanted to give them time to talk. Now Julian understood as he cleaned the mug. He put on his long trench coat he used for this sort of weather. He opened the door and inhaled deeply. The air smelt good from the rain, he always loved the smell it brought. He climbed down the stairs and looked around at the water dripping. Julian watched the rain that gently mingled with the mist.


 He turned when he heard the door open and saw Mary in a mac, close the door when she stepped out. She sat down on the first stair, covered by the small rooftop. Julian turned fully around. He lit a cigarette and cupped his hand to protect it from the wetness. Julian inhaled and then exhaled as he eyed Mary.


Mary looked at him with pleading eyes. The light on the corner of the house brought rays of light across her face. Julian could see her eyes glistening from the water that built up in them and threatened to leak out. His heart gripped in his chest at this. He knew he couldn’t walk away, he didn’t want too. He came closer and placed his booted foot on the second step. Julian’s eyes looked up through his wet hair that fell in front of his face. He turned for a minute and threw his cigarette into a puddle. The water made noise as the light from the cigarette went out. Julian turned back to Mary.


“ I guess I was asked to stay so we could talk some, am I right?” Julian searched her face for an answer.


“ Yes, I wanted to explain things to you. Jules, I didn’t want to ruin our four days together by talking about Alistair, remember I told you we wouldn’t talk of him? I was going to tell you afterwards. I wasn’t being dishonest, really I wasn’t. I just wanted to have a wonderful time with you, only. I’m sorry, luv.” Mary fought the tears back. She saw that he was listening with an open mind. She could tell by the thoughtful look on his face. Mary didn’t realize how well she knew him and his body language, until now.


“ Right, I can understand that one. So, tell me now.” Julian swallowed, bent his knee and rested his arm on it to lean in closer to Mary.


“ Alistair, he never stopped calling all together and now he is calling even more so. He comes back in about three weeks and wants to talk to me. I’m not sure whether it’s to break it off completely or to have another go. If it’s the latter, then I need time. I’ll agree to date and talk to him, before I make up my mind,” She stopped for a minute, afraid to go on. Julian had a somber look on his face and she could feel his pain, “ I don’t want to stop seeing you, Jules. I know that’s selfish on my part, but I need to see if it’s you or Al. I have kept my feelings pushed down, but I love you, I do. I started falling in love with you around the time I noticed you were with me. I don’t know how I can love two men, but, God help me, I do. Please, I know this isn’t what you wanted and it goes against what you believe in. And being with Al and you, that goes even further against your beliefs. I didn’t want it to be this way either, things just happened between us, ” Mary stared at Julian for a moment and then hung her head.


Julian had thought about this and knew it was coming. He also knew from thinking about it earlier, that he would keep seeing Mary. He felt he had no choice. He wanted to hang on to the small hope inside of his heart that she’d come to him. Pathetic, he thought to himself, knowing it wouldn’t change a thing.


“ I don’t pretend to like the idea of being your dirty little secret, but I can’t walk away either. I love you, more than I ever thought possible and now I know that you love me. I had my thoughts that you did, but hearing it makes things more real. I usually don’t go against my beliefs, I don’t like mucking up a relationship, didn’t like that me dad did it. He was, however, happy with Yoko, so who’s to say. I just feel rather soft right about now. “ Julian lit another cigarette. His heart was beating wildly, so wild he couldn’t stop it. His need for Mary was so hard to fight. He continued to hide behind his wet hair and smoked as he thought and listened to her talk again.



“ Jules, I never meant to fall in love with you. You do things to me that Al never has, or anyone, really. Yet I need to see for myself. I need to see if Al is for me or you are. Things change in life like you’ve told me. I’ve learnt so much from you. I just can’t be away from you right now. Again, I apologise for my selfishness. I’m sorry you feel like a dirty secret, I never wanted that either. I don’t understand this all and want to. Please Jules, I’m begging you, stay with me. Give me time to see what is suppose to be.” Mary pleaded.


Julian glared at Mary. He was the secret. He was the other in this triangle and he never wanted that. He wished that Mary would just not take Alistair back and come to him. He knew he’d do as she wanted and hated himself for it. It was like an addiction. It wasn’t healthy. He had fought so hard to get to a point in his life where he did the right things, didn’t do the unhealthy ones. Again, he wondered when he had lost part of himself that he fought so long for.


“ Right, I’ll stay and have a go. Don’t lie to me. I’m not comfortable with this at t’all. I won’t push you. I don’t want to have you choose me and then regret leaving Al. This is your decision and I want you to tell me straight away. Are we clear on that one?” Julian asked after putting his cards on the table. The table was shaky, he knew, but it was all he could do for now. Julian bent so close to her. Their eyes met and he knew she could see the tears brimming in his, like he saw in hers. He shivered from the fear. A knot tightened hard in his stomach. He thought he might lose everything there, in everyway. Why did he need her so much, love her so much that it affected him physically? He swallowed down the bile in his throat, fighting not to get sick.


Mary studied him. He didn’t look good. She wondered if she was doing the right thing. The last thing she ever wanted was to hurt Julian so badly. Her hand reached out to his face, her fingers cascaded through the wet hair that covered it. Mary pushed the hair back to get a better look. She felt the reaction she always did when she looked at Julian. Her need, want, her heart swelling with such love, there was nothing that could stop that and it happened every time she saw Julian. Just hearing his voice or someone mentioning his name gave her goose bumps. How unfair was this, yet she needed to be 100% sure of it. Her hand pressed against his cheek and felt him lay into it. Julian looked so vulnerable, like that little boy she saw in him every now and then.


“ Yes, I will be straight forward with you. I won’t lie, if I am with Al or how I am feeling about him and you. I just need to know for sure, is all. I do love you.” Mary’s voice softened as she spoke those three words. The three words that were special and meaningful, words that her dad and his had written about. She had even listened to songs that Julian had written, about love. Written in such a poetic way her heart would melt.


Mary stood up on the step, letting go of Julian’s face, slowly. Julian straightened up and stepped up the first step. Their lips met in a desperate kiss, long, drawn out. A kiss that was felt throughout both their bodies, making hearts race and the world disappear.


Mary took his hand and tugged him to the back garden. She brought him to the glass house that her father had built so many years before. The door opened, light shone dimly inside. Their lips met again, more urgently than before. Julian gently stopped the kiss. He didn’t feel comfortable with Paul just inside the house.


“ Mar, I need you. C’mon over to my flat and let me love you.” Julian whispered, barely getting the words out with heavy breathing.


“ I need you too. I think we need to go back in the house. We’ll sit and than I’ll have my sister ring my cell. Then I’ll go to your flat and you follow a while later. Just tell them your tired. I’ll be waiting in your room, in your bed, I’ll be waiting for you, luv.” Mary brought Julian’s hand up to her mouth and kissed it lightly.


“ Don’t know if I can wait that long. I think I need to back away for a moment. Can’t go like this.” He shrugged and then stepped away from her.


Mary smiled and then giggled. “No, guess you can’t at that. I’ll step in and tell them you went out for a ciggie and will be in shortly.” Mary kissed his cheek and was gone. 




Julian came in and hung up his soggy coat. Peering into the Parlor, he saw the girls and Paul watching the television. The cushion sank, fitting to his form as he sat back in the armchair. Paul looked up at Julian, hair still damp and body moving to get comfortable.


“ Mary said you were out having a ciggie. You know you don’t need to go out doors for that. Now you’re all wet,” Paul thought, his eyes lit up, a laugh started from his chest to his throat and out of his mouth until he was howling.


“ What?” Julian asked with discomfort. Was Paul laughing at him?


“ Bloody ‘ell, Jules, just a story. Just a story that popped into my mind from seeing you all wet. A story I have to tell you and the girls. Remember that movie? Oh what the hell was it called, oh yeah, Three men and a baby?” Paul tried to calm down, taking in gasps of air as he quieted down, “ When you were small, a babe. Well, Your mum and dad never got a honeymoon, never got to have their anniversary, due to our outlandish schedule. Was it 65?” Paul scratched his head trying to remember the year. He picked up the remote and clicked off the TV. before continuing. “ Yes, think it was at that. We finished touring in September and had off for a few rare days. Back then we hardly had time off. Anyroad, it was a month passed your mum and dad’s anniversary and we were gone, like always. The three of us, me, Georgie and Ritchie thought it would be nice if they went away over night. We rented a hotel room in a posh place with dinner reservations. We told John and he argued a bit but finally saw our point. Instead of Cyn’s mum watching Jules,” Paul turned to his girls as he was telling the story,” We decided to watch him. I mean I would take the lad out all the time. Jules, you were a good lad, don’t know what happened to you.” Paul laughed again.


Julian frowned, teasingly and tossed a pillow at his father’s friend.” I just got better with age like a fine wine, you twit,” Julian started laughing along with Paul,” No need for any stories of me, now.” The voice laughed, trying to sound stern.


“ Oh no I have to tell it now! It’s just like, Three men and a baby, I swear, well two men and a baby,” Paul exclaimed, tears rolling down his face from laughter.


“ We have to hear this one, Jules” Stella insisted.


“ Oh yeah, don’t want to miss this story, sounds like a rather good one to me.” Heather smiled.


“ C’mon daddy, do tell us the story.” Mary begged, a huge smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye as she winked over at the embarrassed younger Lennon.


“ Right, you’re out numbered, mate.” Paul wheezed from laughing so hard.


Paul thought as he calmed down once again. He could see it so vividly in his mind, almost as if it were yesterday, enjoying the memory of a happy time.


“Cor Cyn, ya almost wrote a bloody book on the boy. I think for one night, Jules can take care of his uncles.” John smiled at the three Beatles standing next to him.


“ Ey, we’re right ‘ere, aren’t we? No need to insult. We are doing you the bloody favor.” Ringo announced.


“ Watch yer bleedin’ mouth around me son, Ritch.” John grinned.


“ I think if he learnt anything from you, it’d be cussin’” George chuckled.


“ Georgie, you’re about as funny as these nits, ‘ere.” John took the pen from Cynthia’s hand.


“ I didn’t say a word and you call me a nit, you ungrateful twit.” Paul tossed back at John.


“ John, I just want to make sure all the numbers are down and Julian’s schedule, what I have in the fridge for them to heat up for a meal………” Cyn was cut off as John tugged her from the kitchen.


“ It’s one night and we’re wastin’ it. I thought you wanted me to yourself. That you wanted me to….” John’s mouth was quickly covered by Cynthia’s hand.


“ Right, lets go then. Remember, casserole is in the fridge, heat for 30 minutes on 350.”


They heard Cynthia say as John picked her up in his arms and she shut up at the surprise.

“ Now woman, shut yer gob. Lads, ta, and don’t damage me son. We’ll be back in the afternoon with smiles on our faces, “ John looked at Cynthia blushing, “ Ain’t that right, luv. You’ll be quite satisfied and content by the morn,” John batted his eyelashes, and then looked over to his mates, making a wacky face, “ I luve it when she blushes, such a beautiful shade it t’is. Ta, lads. Jules you behave for yer uncles whilst mum and da are away.” John bent down, Cynthia still in his arm, sitting on his knee. Julian ran up to them and kissed each one.


“ I be good.” Julian then ran towards the three Beatles, he turned around and waved,  “Bye mum, da. I go play. Paul, George, Ritz come play!” The excited two year old called out to them on his way to the sunroom. 


“ Think that’s our cue. Have fun tonight. Don’t scare the poor lass, Lenny.” Paul laughed as he closed the door behind John and Cynthia.


“ Right, I’m off.” Ritch announced as he headed for the door.


“ Wait, you’re not stayin’?” George gave a surprised and confused look to the drummer.


“ Ritch, you were s’posed to stay the night and watch Jules with us,” Paul interjected into the conversation.


“ Can’t mates, Mo’s only a week or two away from having the baby and don’t want to leave ‘er alone to long. Gotta be there ya know. “ Ritch saluted his mates,” Good luck on yer mission and don’t lose control of the little bugger.”


“ He’s always good, so sod off. Go …… be with yer wife. Tell ‘er we said hullo.” Paul told him, waving Ritch off.


“ Deserter tha’s wha’ you are.” George teased, a lopsided grin on his face as Ritch walked out the door.


“ Looks like it’s just us, then.” Paul commented to George.


Julian ran back out and took George by the hand and pulled him up stairs with determination. “ Cars!” the little boy shouted.


“ I’m up fer tha’ one. C’mon lad.” George picked up Julian and ran up the stair with Paul following.


They walked into a room filled with all kinds of mechanical toys. There was a large train set up and tracks that ran around the entire room for the racecars. The tracks circled up and over things, with all sorts of racecars in different colors sitting next to the controls. Julian picked a red car, Paul the blue one and George the green one.


They set the cars on the track and began to watch them glide around the tracks. At first they made sure Julian was first, fixing his car whenever it came off the track. Then Julian’s car spun off and George along with Paul started their race. The small child whined for them to put his car back, but the competition raged on, with Paul and George’s cars racing around. They tuned out Julian, trying to win. George’s car sped on the black grooved tracks, Paul’s car not far behind. Paul’s got in front of him and then George’s finally took the lead as they came around the last bend. George’s green car hit the flag and won just seconds before Paul’s car hit it. George shouted out and Paul grumbled that he cheated as Julian cried louder bringing them back to reality.


Paul jumped up and grabbed Julian, holding the small boy on his hip. “ It’s all right, Jules. Your uncle George cheated.” Paul frowned, rocking Julian back and forth until the child quieted down.


“ Cheated me arse. Stop being so bloody shirty, I had you dead on.” George grinned widely at Paul, holding up his green car after turning off the controls.


“ You think? If it weren’t for Jules, here, I’d have a rematch. I think it’s time to start that casserole that Cyn made. C’mon, I’ll put it up and we can do something with him in the sunroom, maybe colour. “ Paul walked out of the room with Julian, finally quiet.


“ Spoil sport! “ George yelled after his friend, while laughing at the whole situation. He put the car down on the track and ran down the stairs after them.


Paul put up the casserole and they did colour at the island that was centered in the kitchen. Julian kept giving them crayons and then showing them his pictures. When the casserole was done, George put Julian in his high chair while Paul dished out the food.


Julian ate with his fingers as his uncles ate. He took his cup with the top on it and drank his milk. Paul and George wolfed down their food, George taking seconds.


“ Ya gotta bloody pit down there, Hari?” Paul joked as he watched his friend eat more.


George looked over to Jules. “ How ya doin’ there, Jules?” When his eyes hit Julian, shock washed over his face. Julian was covered with sauce and food, along with the tray and the floor. Julian continued to throw the food to the floor, aiming at the cats and laughing.

“ JULES!” George yelled with alarm, startling the child.


Julian looked up at his uncle with tears in his eyes and whimpering, not knowing why he was yelled at.


“ Cor, there’s food everywhere.” He huffed disgusted and knowing they’d have to clean it up. Even the cat had food clinging to its fur.


Paul looked at what George was yelling about. “ He’s a kid. I know you were the youngest so you don’t remember, but your sister and brothers and bloody hell, even your mum cleaned up this exact same mess from you.” Paul grimaced at the mess but understood it. He got up and grabbed the cat. He cleaned off the food only to be scratched by it. Paul dropped the cat as he yelped and went over to the sink to wash the scratch out, softly cursing. Julian laughed at the cat leaping to the floor. 


“ Remember Paul, it’s normal for a kid to do this.” George cackled.


“ Right, ta for that one, Georgie.” Paul grumbled.


Julian saw the cat again and picked up his cup laughing.


“ Julian, don’t do that.” George warned the young boy, gently.


Julian dropped the cup, watching it bounce off the floor, he squealed with laughter. The top popped off and danced around the floor, spinning and the milk splashed all around and then the rest ran out.


Paul looked over as George stood in shock. “ You didn’t tell of this.” George just stood there in amazement. The milk surrounded the cup in a puddle on the floor.


“ Bloody ‘ell, George take his shirt off and bring him up to the tub. Run a warm bath whilst I clean this mess up. “



George took Julian upstairs and closed the door to the loo so the child couldn’t escape. He turned both taps on, regulating the water that poured into the tub. George took off Julian’s clothes and put them in the laundry. The tub was full when Paul finally came in, then grabbed a towel from the self.


“ I’ve laid his night clothes on his bed,” Paul took a stripped down Julian and plucked him into the tub, “ There you go. Here’s some toys and uncle George if you wouldn’t mind helping me wash this wood sprite down.”


Paul washed Julian as George played with the child, keeping him busy. It was time to wash off the soap from his hair. Paul took a large pitcher and filled it with clean water. He then put a flannel over the child’s face.


“ Whatcha doin’ that for? You’ll scare the poor lad.” George saw Julian fight the flannel over his eyes and knew that the child didn’t like it.


“ It’s so the soap doesn’t get in his eyes whilst I dump this water over his ‘ead.” Paul explained, “ Jules, just hold on and let me wash the soap from your ‘ead.”


Julian allowed the first pitcher to pour over him. The next pitcher, his arm went up and knocked it into Paul. Water flew out of the pitcher and all over Paul’s shirt, face and front of his hair. George began to laugh.


“ You think tha’s funny, eh?” Paul grinned, filling the pitcher again and dousing the water over George’s head.


“ That was just not right.” George exclaimed, wiping the water out of his eyes.


Julian laughed as he started to splash both his uncles. Paul and George wrestled for the pitcher. George got it, dunked the pitcher filling it with water. He backed away from Paul and threw the water all over Paul. Paul saw a bucket that had Julian’s toys in it. He emptied the toys out and filled the bucket. He proceeded to throw the water on George. With nowhere to hide, the younger guitarist became soaked. The fight was on. Julian helped, still splashing his uncles as he laughed. The floor began to take on water. George and Paul both held full containers of water and threatened to spill the soapy water out.


“ C’mon Paul, if ya put it down, I’ll stop”


“ Don’t think you will, Georgie. You put yours down and then I will.”


“ Don’t trust that one.”


Julian was standing up and climbing out of the tub. His wet chubby body slid to the floor that held huge amounts of water on it. The rug in the center of the bath was submerged as Paul and George wrestled again until both let go and the water washed over them. George and Paul looked as if they had been in the tub. They looked down at the floor, water past the souls of the shoes and almost to the top of them.


“ Crickey, the water’s gonna go through to the downstairs ceiling. Let’s get Jules out of here and clean this up.” Panic filtered through Paul’s voice.


George looked in the tub, while Paul pulled towels from the shelf, placing them on the wet floor to sop it up. George looked all around the bath and couldn’t find Julian. He noticed the door was opened, letting the water spill out into the hallway.


“ Shite! We ‘ave another problem or two. Julian’s gone and the water is washin’ out to the hallway.” George was now panicked, “ I’ll search for the boy whilst you finish cleaning this up.”


“ Why is it I always get to clean all the shite up? “


“ You’re already doing it. You’re also very good at it as well,” George chuckled. “Besides I wanna find the little bugger before he gets into something, catches a cold or I catch one. I’m bloody freezin’” George looked everywhere he could think of to find Julian. He looked under beds, in closets, behind things in every room on the floor. George crawled around and even looked in John and Cynthia’s room.


“ Paul you almost done? I can’t find Jules!” George yelled down the hall and then sneezed, “ Oh bloody fantastic, I’m catchin’ a blasted cold. C’mon you lout and ‘elp me find Jules!” George yelled again after standing up and feeling the soreness in his back from being hunched over to long. He sneezed again and muddled a few curses.


“ You sure ‘e ain’t up ‘ere, then?” Paul asked laying down the last towel on the wooden hallway. He held one in his arm for Julian, “ You’re sneezin’ get the fuck away from me.”


:” Of course I’m sneezing. I’m wet and fuckin’ cold, just like you. So don’t think I gave it to you when you start sneezin’.” George said curtly.


Both were arguing when the heard a loud crash. It sounded almost as if Ringo had hit several of his cymbals into a mic, with the volume turned all the way up. Then they heard Julian scream with fright.


“ Shite” they both yelled in unison and dashed down the stairs almost tripping over one another. Paul jumped over two steps landing with a thump on the floor. George jumped over Paul’s back and landed along side of his friend. They ran towards the screams, down the wooden lined hallway following the screaming.


When they found Julian, he was surrounded with large metal objects. Paul picked the boy up and placed his naked body in a warm towel and then studied the damage that lay before them.


 “ Guess we better get this one to bed, and then figure out how to put this puzzle back together again. Otherwise Lenny will have our heads. “ Paul commented, still looking at the amour that sat in pieces on the floor, the phone hanging by a cord from the wall.


“ He’ll go sparce if we don’t,” George couldn’t believe what he saw. It was as if a man had fallen apart, limb from limb on the floor, minus the blood, “ You’re right, lets get him off to bed and change into something dry.”


“ We have to get those towels into the washer, “ Paul turned to George while Julian lay contently on his shoulder, “ Do you know how to work on of those washers? It’s been quite some time for me. I’m so bleedin’ used to my clothes bein’ done fer me.” Paul asked, hoping George knew how to use one.


“ I think I remember. Lets change, and then you put Jules to bed and I’ll collect the soaked towels along with our clothes. Lenny’s gonna slag us if we don’t get this thing together and those towel done. Bloody fuckin’ ‘ell, they’re going to leave a trail of water all the way to the washer.” George realized, irritation coming through his voice.


“ Put them in the laundry bin and then take the damp towel I have on Jules and wipe the inside dry.” Paul suggested with a shrug.


“ Right, the blasted thing is going to weigh a ton to get down here.” George stomped up the stairs after he finished his thought


Both of the Beatles changed. Paul got Julian changed combed his hair and tucked him into bed. He took out a book and began to read as he heard George cursing while he dragged the bin that thumped down every stair. Paul chuckled to himself as he imagined the bin bouncing down each stair.


 George stuffed all the laundry into the washer, he added the soap powder and turned on the machine. Coming into the hallway where the pieces of the amour sat he ran into Paul.


“ He’s dead asleep. Now, how do we put this bloody thing together so as John doesn’t realise it’s come apart?” Paul gave George an absent look.


“ Dunno, guess from the bottom up and tighten the bolts. Found a screwdriver in the other room. Figured it’d be handy for this sort.”


“ S’pose it will be.”


Paul placed the amour knight together piece by piece, while George tightened each bolt. Finally the knight was back together. They leaned it close to the wall so it wouldn’t fall and placed the phone inside of it.


“ Well that was a fun two hours.” Paul sarcastically said.


“ Better than him going sparce on us. Cor, the wash, we need to put it in the dryer.” George ran to the laundry room, Paul behind him.


They finished with the clothes and then tired, the two landed in bed.



The next afternoon they had Jules in the sunroom drawing and coloring with him. The front door slammed shut.


“ We’re back!” John shouted while putting their bag by the door.


Both parents walked into the sunroom. Cynthia ran and picked up Julian and gave him a hug.


“ I missed you sweetie. Were you good for your uncles?” Cynthia asked and Julian shook his head yes.


“ Not a problem.” Paul smiled up at them, George shaking his shaggy head in agreement.


“ So nothing ‘appened, he was good, then?” John asked with suspicion in his voice.


“ Nothin’” The two answered in unison and then looked at each other in surprise.


John laughed. “ You’ve been around each other too long it seems. Well the wife and me had quite an enjoyable night. Didn’t we, luv,” John waggled his brow and smiled ruefully at her. Cynthia blushed, thanked the two and hurried into the kitchen.


“ So ….. Nothing ‘appened that you two want to tell me about?” John inquired, looking from one to the other.


George and Paul shrugged at the question.


“ Nothing, told you we could handle it. Why ya askin’?” Paul stood up catching a dangerous gleam in John’s eyes.


George saw it too as he stood. “ Whatcha think would ‘appen. He’s just a two year old.”


“ Oh I don’t know,” John toyed with a magazine on the shelf, “ Thought somethin’ ‘appened to me knight, he doesn’t look right. I know, he didn’t get any last night, yet he’s leaning a bit.” John had his back to them as he smiled to himself. Toying with them was fun. He knew what happened and wanted to see how long it would take for them to confess.


“ Whatcha mean?” Paul asked nervously, his hand running through his hair, giving him away.


“ Nervous, Macca?” John turned to him, brow raised.


“ No, why?”


“ No reason. George you wanna tell me what ‘appened to me knight?” John fought back his laughter knowing he was making them nervous.


“Nothing.” George answered defensively.


“ Oh, then guess someone broke in and leaned me knight against that wall. Hope he fought off whoever it was, whilst you two slept.” John walked around the two, sarcasm dripping from his voice.


Paul and George knew that John figured it out. They look at each other and shrugged.


“ Right, You sussed us out. Jules escaped from the bath and somehow got downstairs, and then we heard a God-awful noise. Jules started to scream and we found him surrounded by metal parts from your knight. We put the lad to bed and it took us two hours to piece the blasted thing together.” Paul admitted, while George shook his head in agreement.


“Jules escaped and did it, huh? Tha’s a big thing for Julian to do.” John hid his snickering by turning around. He saw from the corner of his eye Cynthia walk into the sunroom with George and Paul’s clothes.


“ What happened? I found your clothes and a bundle of towels in the dryer.” Cyn gave them their clothes, looking at them for an answer.


John found this was getting more interesting as he too turned to his friends, feigning an angry look on his face and crossing his arms against his chest.


The two looked at one another and knew they had to come clean.


“ We did have a wee bit of trouble. The lad was a mess from the food and we bathed him. Paul got wet and so did I.” George started to explain.


“ Right, we …. A  well, we had a bit of a water fight and didn’t want it to go through the floor to the ceiling so took some towels to mop it up.” Paul continued and then looked at George.


John tried to hide his amused look at the story he was now getting.


Cyn just listened with wide eyes as she held her son.


“ Um, well that’s when Julian snuck out. Paul took the towels to clean the water up and I ran looking for the boy.” As if on queue, George sneezed. He had been sneezing since the night before and his nose was filled up. He knew he had gotten sick from last night, but had tried to hide it from both the Lennon’s.


“ Interesting night you two had with only a two year old to watch. Seems the two of you were more of the two year olds. Nits.” John shook his head, “ Is that when the knight fell apart?”


Cyn took in a surprised breath. “ Oh my God that thing…..”



“ No worries, luv. Didn’t hurt Jules. His hero’s here, saved him.” John quickly shut Cynthia up.


“ Yeah, um , Julian somehow made it downstairs and tha’s where we found him. Naked and surrounded by the metal parts of the knight, we got him to bed and then cleaned up.” Paul explained trying not to worry Cynthia while he bit his thumbnail


“ Yeah, tha’s when it took us two hours to put it back together.” George added, standing next to Paul.


“ Oh that thing only takes John 30 minutes to put back together. I keep trying to tell him to get rid of it. Poor Julian is always scared of it, seems it falls apart the minute he touches it.” Cynthia looked at her husband, hoping now he’d get rid of the monstrosity.


“ It’s ‘appened before?” Paul’s brow rose as he asked his question.


“ All the time you ponces. Just havin’ a laugh is all. And no, I’m not getting rid of it. I like Arthur, he’s a fine young man and holds a nice phone.” John laughed. His laugh became a howl as he watched his friend’s faces.


“ So you fed us all that shite? Christ, Lenny, we actually felt bad about the bleedin’ thing.” Paul fumed a little.


“ You sussed us out and just kept at it. Typical of you, John.” George was just as miffed as Paul.


“ Ey, shudda come clean, straight away. Can’t ‘elp it if you dug a hole fer yersleves.” John continued to chuckle.


George and Paul shook their head. They started back into the main house.


“ Ta Cyn for gettin’ our clothes.” George told Cyn as he passed her.


“ That’s all right. Thank you again for the hotel, dinner and watching Julian. Sorry there was so much bother with it.” Cyn felt badly as she thanked them.


“ Don’t worry, luv. I think this experience brought them down a peg.” John said, still chuckling as he followed the two in.


“ Down a few pegs, is it?” Paul glared at John.


George turned around with the same perturbed face. John shrugged.


“ You now know what it’s like, so stop the shirtiness. “ John cocked his head, giving them a spastic face.


Seeing this made their anger dissipated. George turned to John while Paul snickered. It never failed he could always make them laugh no matter what.


“You’re an arse, Lenny.” George chuckled. 


“So we’re down a few pegs are we?” Paul smiled, “ What the bleedin’ ‘ell does that mean anyway?”


John shook his head, “ Means you won’t have kids for awhile. If you’re smart, which yer not, so who the fuck knows”


“ I want kids, the little uns runnin’ around, would love that.” Paul smiled at the thought.


“ First ya gotta find a woman insane enough to carry that load. Plus, you still need to sow your oats. And you, Georgie boy, you need to marry that stunner of a girl. Then we can talk of havin’ kids.”  John teased Paul then lectured George with a smirk.


“ I’ll marry ‘er, just not ready yet and you’re right, not ready fer kids neither.” George agreed.


“ Well, I don’t think Janie is going to settle down to quickly and have me kids.” Paul told them with a sigh.


“ Ever think she’s the smart one, Macca?” John’s brow rose with the question.


“ Shurrup, ya git. One day, one day, I will have a few running around. You’ll see.” Paul answered optimistically.


“ I s’posen you will, just not now. “ John agreed as he walked them to the door,


George and Paul picked up their bags.


“ You will see, Lenny.” Paul smiled.


“ Our poor Paulie, the optimist. George, talk some sense into this twit and his Pollyanna ways.” John chuckled.


“ Right, maybe Pattie and me will have one first, that’ll get ya, mate.” George and John doubled over onto each other and laughed.


“ Cor, yer a funny lot, you two are. Besides, I have Jules to play with for now. He’s a good lad.” Paul told John.


John and George straightened up. John looked Paul straight in the eye.” You’re right on that one. Better with ‘im then me. I wish I could be a better father. I try, but something gets lost in the translation at times. All right, off with you lot and thanks for everything.” John patted his two friends on the back as they said good-bye and then John closed the door as he saw them drive off.