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By Sue


Remember I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This story is a fan fiction from my warped mind and something that’s been burning in me to write.



Julian woke in the afternoon, his head felt like a bomb was going off inside of it and he was sore from the way he had passed out. He heard noise from the other room. Although it wasn’t real loud, it rattled his nerves. Shakily, he slowly pushed his unwilling body to sit up. He felt the queasy wave in the pit of his stomach from the night before and sat there for a moment, waiting for it to quiet down. His stiff body mechanically rose up in torture. He felt like the tin woodsman from The Wizard of Oz as he stretched out and heard the cracking of his joints. Slowly, the evening came back to him. He felt his pocket for his wallet and the vile, before he moved his unwilling body into the kitchen.


Julian’s eyes maneuvered around the messy room. There was garbage everywhere, the counters, floor and table. The sink was filled to the top with filthy dishes. Julian figured the dishes must have been there for quite some time as he saw the crusted food pasted to them and smelled the sour order that permeated the room along with the smell of smoke from cigarettes and pot. The wooden base of the floor was rotting along with some of the floor. He noticed the linoleum was worn to the point where you couldn’t tell what it was. The walls were as greasy, stained and filled with holes as the living room had been. This had been the first time he had been to Ian’s flat, and it made him cringe.


Julian felt a cool draft rush in from all around. He pulled his coat tighter against him as he move towards the broken table that leaned against the wall. He saw his friend along with a few other stoned people, passing a joint as they sat on torn vinyl chairs with bent legs. One guy was on the floor, leaning up against the wall as if he were dead, but he knew the guy was just out of it from the smack that had been in the needle laying beside him. Julian felt pathetic seeing all of this, he needed to leave, but couldn’t, just yet.


Ian exhaled the sweet smoke, coughed, passed the joint to the next in line and then looked up at Julian.


“ Finally up, are we? Here, drink this, hair of the dog what bit ya last nigh’.” Ian handed Julian a dirty glass with liquor in it.


Julian looked at it, pushed it away and ran to the trashcan. He retched until he thought he’d fall down on his knees. Shaking and weak, he leaned against the wall. A piece of sheet rock crumbled, making Julian fall against the counter.


“ Christ, yer gonna bring the ole girl down.” Ian jumped up. He pulled Julian to a chair and helped him sit. “ ‘ere, I said ‘ave a bit of what’s ailing ya.” Again, Ian pushed the glass into Julian’s hand.


Julian shook his head no. He knew if he drank from it, he’d lose his stomach again.


“ Wha’, too good ta drink from me own glass are ya?” Ian growled.


“ No, just need ta be off. “ Julian answered weakly, “ Did I bring my car?” He asked, bemused.


Ian gave a hearty laugh. “Your car, ya ask? Don’t think ya could ‘ave drove it mate. We walked to me flat, remember?” Ian gave Julian a mischievous smile.


“Right, probably not.” Julian watched a girl with black, stringy greasy hair, pimples on her face and dirty clothes come over to him. The closer she got, the more she smelled like she hadn’t washed in months. He almost choked as she bent over him and caressed his face, running her fingers through his hair.


“ Ya been ‘olden out on me then Ian? What’d we got ‘ere, ‘e’s nice, ‘e is. Cute ain’t ya, luv. ‘Ow’d ya like me ta make ya feel good, eh?” The girl threw herself at him, touching, caressing, and doing anything that would normally turn a man on.


 All Julian could think of was he needed to get out of there and fast. Not only did he feel sick from his night out, but also, the house and the girl were making him sicker.


“ Sorry, luv. I’ve gotta be off.” Julian gently pushed her aside, trying hard to touch her as little as possible whilst he got up.


“ Wha’, ‘e don’t like me? “ She complained to Ian.


“ Naw, don’t get all shirty, ‘e ‘as ta go. Got a bitch for tonight. Gotta clean up a bit so ya don’t look like a scrubber, eh, Jules?” Ian laughed. He swatted the girl’s bum and then pulled her to him, “ Ya can do it all fer me, darlin’. I’ll give ya wha’ ya need and somethin’ ta fuel ya too. “ Ian hung his arm around the girl’s neck, his hand lazily playing with her breast. His other hand pulled out a pill from his pocket that he fed to her.


“ Ta for letting me kip here. I’ll ring ya. “ Julian went to the closest door and was out of the house in an instant. He pulled his coat tightly around him again, and fought off the feeling of being sick from all that just assaulted him from the flat. Christ, I slept there?  He thought, a few houses down, as he bent over, placing his hands on his thighs. He bent down there for a few minutes trying to get himself together. The bright sun hurt his eyes and made his head pound more. Sounds of motorcars and children playing swirled around him. For the first time he looked at his surroundings, still bent down. Slowly his hands crawled up his legs and hips until he was standing straight. 


Julian looked around and tried to remember which way was home. He scratched his face feeling the stubble that grew on it. He felt dirty, dirty from that house, dirty from that girl and just plain dirty because he needed a shower. He swallowed hard, feeling like a camel that hadn’t drank in awhile. The taste in his mouth was fowl as he tried to spit it all out and onto the ground.


He fished out his smokes and lit one. After taking a huge drag off of it he began to walk in the direction he thought he had come from. It took him almost thirty minutes before he found his flat. Relief washed over him as he entered to a clean house. He couldn’t believe he had allowed himself to be in a place he had sworn he’d never go again. Just the thought of the house, the junkies made him cringe inwardly. Yet, he pushed on the vile in his pocket, feeling anxious about starting up with it again. He wiped his mind of it, not wanting to think of his old ways and only wanting to wash up.


He took the stairs two at a time, grabbed a towel and headed to the bath. All he wanted was to shower, shave, change and drink something. First off was to get several aspirins. He washed them down, bending, so the cool water from the tap could enter his mouth. Julian drowned in the water until he had his fill. He then brushed his teeth, took his razor and entered the hot shower.



Stella wasn’t going to be there until eight, which gave Julian time to get himself together. He remembered they were going to a fancy club in the heart of London. He dressed in a nice designer black suit, white shirt and tie. He looked at the image in the mirror. Christ, he looked so worn out. He let out a long sigh at his reflection.


Julian went into his room and found the jacket he had worn the night before. He took out the vile of white powder. He needed some of this to get him going. He went back into the bathroom, snorted a little and then sniffed up a droplet of water that hung on his fingertip to stop the burning in his nose. It had been years since he had touched the stuff. Leaning back against the wall he wondered if it was worth it to start this habit all over again. He felt his body perk up with energy, his mind sharpen, as he became more alive. He knew for tonight it would be fine. A smile rose on his face thinking of Stella and the night that lay before him.



Julian tucked money into his wallet and then put a pack of cigarettes in his suit jacket. He went downstairs and got out his dress coat, hanging it on a peg before shutting the door to the cold. Walking over to the bar, he lit a cigarette and poured a drink, waiting for Stella to arrive.


Julian cracked his neck and marveled at how great he felt. He had forgotten this part of the drug scene. He pushed the negative part out of his mind as he swallowed some of his drink. He carried it along with a burning cigarette and ashtray to the piano. He sat down and started playing a jazzy tune that had an up beat to it. Christ, he felt so bloody good, he thought with a smile whilst he banged on the ivory keys filling the room with the tune he was enjoying. He hadn’t enjoyed playing in awhile, it was a shame he needed a chemical boost to bring that back to him.


The buzzer rang to the door. Julian smiled to himself, getting up and heading to the door with anticipation. He opened the first door, stepped out into the alcove to the second door. He fixed his hair before he opened the door.


Stella smiled at Julian. Julian gave her a tight-lipped smile back as he admired her. Stepping out of the way he let her walk in, closing the door. He took her coat before they walked into the main house. Julian had just done some more coke and pushed against the vile to make sure it was there before he followed her in.


Stella gave Julian a kiss on the cheek after he closed the second door. She admired his outfit and how handsome he looked. His cologne smelled fantastic, another turn on, she thought. She winked as she walked past him.


“ Hey Jules, lookin’ good. “ Stella went over to the piano and leaned against it seductively, posing, so he could take her all in.


Julian was pleased at what he saw. He stood there, making it as obvious as she was that he was drinking her in. She was dressed in that beautiful Emerald green dress, her hair, the jewelry, silk stockings and wrap around shoes, all the same as that day she modeled it for him. Julian knew that the club they were going to was where a lot of celebrities went and all would be dressed to the hilt. He knew the designer suit he had picked out complemented her outfit. Julian swallowed hard as he felt his hormones burn throughout his body. He had to play it cool and get them out of there fast or he’d never be able to control himself.


“Stel, I told you that outfit spells sex and on you, luv, sex oozes from it. You look smashing, beautiful and terribly sexy.” Julian gave her a cagey smile, “ I think we should go so we wouldn’t be late or before I take liberties with you.” Julian gave a look that showed how turned on he was by her.


“ You think I look seductive?” Stella purred as she walked and stood in front of him.


“ Absofuckinlutely.” He flirted back.


“ What makes you think I’d let you take liberties with me?” Stella played with him.


Julian’s smile never left his face as he enjoyed playing the game. “ You and I both know what we want. You take my breath away and you know it. Not to be full headed, but I think you feel the same way.”


“ I think you may be right at that one.” Stella teased as she walked passed him, rubbing against his side.


Julian smelt her perfume as it wafted passed his nose and her body touching him for that instant made him shiver with desire.


Stella picked up her purse from the table. “ I heard you playing as I came up. Sounded lovely.” She complemented him. He played so beautifully she always thought so. Stella always loved to listen to him.


“ Ta. Just having some fun, getting ready for an astounding evening with a beauty of a woman. “ Julian said, his eyes narrowing on her frame letting her know exactly what he wanted with just a look, “ C’mon, it’s getting rather late.”



Stella was thrilled by Julian’s reaction to her and her outfit. Tonight she’d have him, she thought, hoping he’d hold it together with the booze. Then again, she knew he’d be able to if he really wanted her the way he seemed. Stella accepted her coat as Julian put it on her. He grabbed his keys and cigarettes and headed out the door. He grabbed his coat and put it on, locked up and they left for their night out.




The valet took their car off to the car park. Julian held one hand on the small of Stella’s back leading her in through the huge glass doors with long gold handles that suited men opened for them. The club was expansive. Walking down the staircase you could see the flashing lights, the plush royal blue carpet that surrounded the wooden dance floor. Lights the shape of icicles hung from the ceiling, expensive tables and chairs where fitted in a U shape on either side of the dance floor with gold banisters that led to more steps down to the dance floor. There were bars with huge designed glass mirrors in the back of the tables and one on the main dance floor in the very back. There was even a loft of tables on the second floor. Flowers from all over the world decorated the tables and covered the banisters. The stage sat in the front with heavy blue and gold curtains.


The music shook the floor, bouncing off the walls from state of the art equipment. Smoke drifted threw the air, rising up to the ceiling. The club was crowded as Julian and Stella checked in their coats and was then escorted to a table.


Stella and Julian had a few drinks as celebrities and the second generation, as Stella and Julian were, stopped by their table to talk. After awhile they got up and danced for several songs. Flashes were going off as a few photographers snuck in and took photos of the stars that were about. A few snapped photographs of Stella and Julian, first dancing to a fast song and then to a slow song, where Julian dipped and guided her in half of a circle before bringing her up. The cameras loved that and the kiss that followed. Julian didn’t usually ham it up for the cameras but with the drugs, drinks and Stella, he was more than happy too.


The kiss, soft and gentle at first, turned into one of searching and longing, which the camera’s didn’t miss either. When the kiss broke, both were astounded by what it brought out in them. It hadn’t been the first kiss of the night, but it seemed each one brought more passion and lust forward in both of them. After the last kiss, Julian laughed and twirled Stella around as she began to laugh along with him. She fell back into his heavenly arms and continued to just sway to the music. After the number was over Julian led Stella back to the table and then excused himself to the men’s room.


Stella was enjoying the attention from Julian. He was such a gentlemen, opening the car door for her, leading her to the table and pulling out her chair, everything was perfect. There was only one thing that wasn’t. Stella had noticed Julian’s very up and extreme mood, how he kept sniffling, itching his nose and his jaw every so often move back and forth. These were signs she knew, signs off cocaine. She had seen it in friends and knew that Julian had once had a problem with it. She felt badly, not realizing it had gone so far. She was determine to make the most of this night and then have a long talk with him about the cocaine use, his drinking and again, try to get him to go home to straighten out. First, she would concentrate on tonight and enjoy it the way she had been. She knew the band started in a few minutes and then afterwards she’d get him to take her back to his flat and get rid of the lust that had been building. She had been teasing him all night, rubbing against him, and after the first kiss on the dance floor, before the camera’s caught them, she explored even more. Kisses to the nap of his neck, more deep kisses as her hands ran up his thighs. He too had been teasing her. The kisses, long, deep and passionate. He’d been suggestive in a flirtatious way, along with brushing against her breast and also running his hands up her thigh, carefully, so no one would see.


Julian came back and sat down handing another drink to Stella along with a kiss. She didn’t miss the taste of the coke and didn’t kiss him long, both going back to their drinks. The band started and they enjoyed the show. Both singing, Julian a bit louder than he should have, laughing along with each other. Julian moving his chair even closer letting Stella lay in the crook of his shoulder, as he laid his arm around her and swayed to the beat.


With the show over, Julian helped Stella out of her chair. They got their coats, Stella letting Julian slide her coat around her. They went out to the car and headed back to the flat.


“ Did ya have a good time?” Julian asked as he slammed the car into the next gear.


“ I had a grand time.” Stella nestled into him.


“ I did too.” Julian chuckled and smiled down at her. He looked down at her a bit to long and swerved back into his lane.


“ Jules! Watch the road, please.” Stella said a bit alarmed.


“ I’d rather watch you. But if you insist, then it’s probably a good idea,” He laughed again, “ I’m just so revved up. Can’t wait to get you back to me flat. You know you’re not leaving,” Julian played with her.


“ Never?” Stella asked coyly.


“ Depends if you’re as good as I know you are, then yes, never.” Julian sniffled and then chuckled again.


“ So I’ll be trapped. A sex slave to Mr. Julian Lennon,”


“ And Mr. Lennon will be a sex slave to Miss McCartney. We’ll have sex, eat, sleep and have more sex,” Julian’s voice grew loud, “ Matter of fact, who the bloody hell needs food or sleep,” His eyes drifted down to her and his voice grew husky, “ Sex and you is all I need.”


Stella raised her head, her eyes stuck to his dark silhouette, the streetlights shining on it every so often. “ You sure that’s all you need?” Stella asked the loaded question before she could think about it. 


Julian didn’t catch what she meant, “ Sex and you, baby. That’s all I need.” His voice was filled with lust and excitement as he spoke.


He parked the car and ran around to open up Stella’s door. She got out and they went up to the door. Julian fumbled for his keys, dropping them once before unlocking the door and letting them both in.




Julian dropped his keys on the table by the stair landing. He quickly took off his coat and tossed it to a chair. He then took off Stella’s and it joined Julian’s on the chair. He pushed Stella up against the wall and bent down, bringing his mouth on to hers.


Stella felt the excitement in both of them. When Julian pushed her against the wall she knew she was going to get what she had been craving for a long time. The kiss was strong and passionate. She felt his tongue enter her mouth and explore it before dancing around with hers.


Julian didn’t come up for air until Stella pushed with insistence.


:”I need air to live. But my God you kiss like I knew you would. Drove me crazy all night.”


“You don’t need fuckin’ air. All you need and all I need at this minute are each other and I’ll go on driving you stark raven until you scream. And you will, many times,” Julian told her as he winked, “ Come.”

Julian led Stella to the piano. He gently pulled down the top and lifted her onto it.


“ What are you doing?” Stella laughed.


“ Going to show you my prowess. First I need to use the loo. I’ll be back in a sec, you want a drink or anything?” Julian raised his brow, waiting for an answer.


“ Think I’ve had my fill of drink. I just need you to show me you prowess.” She flirted, leaning back on the shiny white piano.


“ Right, don’t move.” Julian quickly took off.


He found himself by the bar. Poured himself a drink and took it into the loo with him. He dug into his jacket pocket and took out the vile. God, he was feeling too good. He hadn’t remembered feeling this good in a long time. He opened the vile with the small spoon attached and did a few more lines. He rubbed his nose and snorted, making sure all had gone up. He tasted the chemical as it slid down the back of his throat. Julian took a gulp of his drink, checked himself, put the vile back in his jacket and started back to Stella.


Entering the room, he again admired her. He felt on fire with lust, the desire driving him crazy. His heart raced from both his libido and the drug. He put his drink down and stood in front of Stella whilst sliding his jacket down his arms and body. He carefully placed the jacket on the back of the couch and then walked over to her.


Stella watched him seductively take off his jacket, his hard on evident now that she had a full view of his trousers. She could feel the ach for him over taking her, more than it ever had before.


Julian leaned into the piano, pulled Stella to the edge of it and kissed her on the lips. The kiss lasted for a few minutes before he started down her neck and then to her shoulders. His one hand caressed her thigh as the other did the same to her breast. He felt her fingers in his hair and then slip down his face, until they danced around his neck. He groaned, feeling the heat in his trousers and the burn rise to the point he could barely stand it. Both hands slipped under her slit in the skirt, tightly caressing the silk stockings and garter belt she had on.


Stella felt heat pour out of her as Julian’s hands enticed her. She felt his one hand come out and held her just above her bum and his other hand expertly slid off the silk panties she wore. She egged him on, touching his hardness with the toe of her shoe.


Julian groaned again and shook his head. “ You are a vixen.” He panted, taking off her shoes. He slid down his zipper and took out his hardness. His body visibly shivered as her silk stocking foot ran up and down his manhood. Not able to stand it any longer, he pulled her closer to him and pushed her dress up. He entered her quickly hoping he wouldn’t cum right away. His hips move slowly at first until he had positioned her just right. Then he moved quicker and deeper into her heat.


Stella couldn’t take it. She threw her arms around him and her mouth on his. She couldn’t get over how sexy he was and how great he made her feel. She had been around, but Julian was defiantly showing her his talents.


The long awaited sexual encounter was too great for the both of them. Stella moved with Julian and felt like a flood gate had opened and her body felt this everywhere. She cooed in his ear, making him move even faster, rubbing against the swell between her legs. Stella thought she was going insane by the intense sensations filling her. She could no longer think, nor did she want to.


Julian knew she’d be great and was not disappointed. The lust was so powerful, the feeling so overwhelming, as he felt her body react to his.


Stella couldn’t take it any longer. “ Please ….. Jule’s ….. I need to…..” Before she could finish, the dam broke and her body felt a pleasure she hadn’t felt in sometime with a man. Her body shook as the release poured out from her.


Julian felt Stella shake and convulse, he pulled her tightly to him as he began to explode inside of her. His release was hard and powerful. He couldn’t think, only act, letting his body have its way.


Afterwards, they still held one another, panting, shaking and helping to keep the other from falling. Several minutes went by until they calmed down enough for Julian to kiss her sweetly, both of their minds still swirling from the passion.


She wrapped her arms around him, along with her legs. “ Jules, that was amazing.” Stella huffed weakly.


“ Aye, it sure was at that.” Julian lifted Stella up from the piano. He was still hard inside her as he took her over to one of the chairs; their lips came back together, never separating. He sat down gently, Stella on top of him.


Stella broke off the kiss. Her eyes connected with his. “ My turn?” She purred.


“ I hope so.” Julian’s husky voice answered her.


Stella started to move up and down, riding Julian. She went slow, teasing him as she pulled him closer by his tie. Stella slid it off before she unbuttoned his wet shirt and took it off, along with his soaked t-shirt. Gently, hands moved over his chest as she bent forward to reconnect in another kiss.


Julian was desperate. He found that Stella drove him stark raven mad. He had thought she would, but never expected just how much so. He felt her riding him, taking his shirts off and the kiss that sealed his desirer. His hands shook from all the energy from the drug and all the lust he held inside. Those shaky hands unzipped her dress, allowing it to fall from her shoulders and then he expertly unhooked her strapless bra, which fell along side them. Julian took one with his hands to cup her breast and moved his mouth over it, suckling the taunt nipple. He couldn’t take it, his insides where so jumpy and the desire so strong. His hips began to move wildly, his hand moved from her breast and followed the other to her hips, pushing her to meet his rhythm.


Stella was insane. She needed more. She felt Julian’s mouth still on her breast as his hands captured her hips making the rhythm move faster. She felt as if the tide was coming in and out, washing over her body the harder and faster they went.


Julian shivered with the heat of the waves that hit him. They crashed throughout his body. He needed release. He picked up the speed going even faster. Hips grinded together like the water hitting the sand, hard. Julian could feel Stella’s body reacting, getting closer as his was. Suddenly he began to feel that old feeling. His body starting to tense as the wave grew huge, ready to crash down on the sand below, which was his body.


Stella felt her body and Julian’s, as the wave grew stronger and higher. She felt it in her stomach and every nerve in her body. Stella looked straight into Julian’s glassy eyes.


He had come up from her chest, locking eyes with hers. They felt the strength of the huge, powerful wave curl and hit them both hard. Stella screamed out, throwing her head back in the process. A loud guttural yell came from Julian’s throat and out of his mouth as the release hit them both. Shaking, Stella hit her head onto Julian’s chest. He in turn slumped his forehead on the top of Stella’s head, both gasping for air.



Moments passed by turning into almost five minutes and breathing became more normal. Stella’s heart calmed down along with her sweaty body. She wanted all of her clothes off. She was too hot to have them on. She could feel Julian slowly come back to life, only she felt his heart still beating a bit to fast, she knew why. She slowly climbed off of him and stood up, her dress sinking to the floor. She took off her garter belt and stockings feeling Julian’s lustful stare. This was going to be one hell of a night, she thought, knowing they’d have sex several more times.


Julian stood up and admired her beautiful naked body while he dropped his trousers and boxers onto the floor below him.


“ You’re so fuckin’ beautiful.” Julian told Stella as he grabbed for her, drawing her in close for another kiss.


“MMMM,” The noise came out of Stella as she kissed Julian. When the kiss ended she met his eyes once more, “ You’re beautiful, Jules. God, you are truly amazing. No wonder Mary went on so about your bedroom ways.” Damn, Stella thought. She hadn’t meant to bring Mary up and hoped it wouldn’t put a stop to their fun. She figured it might stall things, but with the coke and booze in him, he’d be ready to go again soon.


“Mary went on about me in bed, did she? How does she feel ‘bout you with me, or does she even know?” Julian asked.


Stella felt a bit uncomfortable, but one thing she wasn’t was a liar. “ She knows. I told her I’ve been taking you out and talking about you going home. But I don’t wanna speak of that now. She did go on saying you were the best lover. I told her I wanted you and asked her about it. She said she was making a go with Alistair and if it was only fun, she didn’t mind. I guess if it got serious it would bother her then. I told her that it wouldn’t.” Stella answered him the best that she could without getting into too much details.



“ So she isn’t jealous then,” Julian stated in thought rather than ask it. He had hoped maybe she would be if she found out. At least then he’d know that she still had feelings for him, “ She said I was the best lover? That makes a bloke feel good.” Julian chuckled trying to hide his real feelings by making light of the subject after his statement.


“ You’re a typical male, all goes to the ego, it does. I suppose since I’ve said the same and I’ve been with a lot more men then Mary and more experienced, your ego will need to be popped with a pin,” Stella laughed at him, taking her hand and making like she had a pin to pop it.



Julian grabbed her hand tenderly and kissed it. “ Well, glad to know I am just typical, won’t want to be more than that now would I?” Julian asked teasingly.


“ No, you’ve always been a bit more than that to me, Jules. So stop fishing for complements.” Stella informed Julian and then put her arms around his neck letting him bend in for another kiss.


“ You are smashing, Stel. I vote for the bedroom. I’m feeling quite turned on at this moment. You, naked in me arms.” Julian nuzzled her neck spreading butterfly kisses on it.


“ I am glad that I have the same affect on you that you have on me. Yes, the bedroom sounds brilliant to me.” Stella leaned her head to the side allowing him to finish the kisses that melted her whole body.


He stopped and then took his hand, placing it under her chin so he could turn her to him for another deep kiss.


After they kissed, Julian swept Stella up into his arms, carried her up the stair and brought her into his room. His heart was pounding and his body filled with need, he knew they would be up most of the night making love with the way he was feeling. He was so ready for it as he laid Stella down on the bed and then crawled on top of her. He needed more. His body was aching for it as he set out to start round three and quench the fires within.