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By Sue


I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is a fan fiction from my warped mind.



Before Mary opened her eyes the aroma of sweet syrup, pancakes and tea wafted past her nose. She stirred, inhaling the delicious aromas knowing that Julian cooked. As good as the food smelled she didn’t want to get up. She had been dreaming of the previous night that had been filled with passion, and drowning with the deep emotions that her and Julian felt. It had been a while, but it felt so good to come back together again, coming home. To her, Julian was home and soon they’d have a family, contentment filled her. She rolled onto her back feeling a hand caress her hair. She laid there, her eyes closed, feeling his hand run down her body onto the swell of her belly. His hand rubbed the swell, lovingly and gently.


“ Hey little one. I know you must have your mum starving.” Julian said sweetly to Mary’s stomach, “ Mary, come on, I made your favorite. Pancakes with strawberries, syrup and tea, all how you like it. C’mon, silly girl, wakie, it’s brekkie time.” Julian cooed, teasing her.


Mary smiled as her eyes opened and her arms stretched above her head. “ Smells fantastic, but I know it is, since you cooked it. Is this how it will be, then? You getting me fat with your great cooking? I’ll waddle around the house.” Mary laughed, sitting up to admire the man she loved.


“ I reckon it will be if I have my way. I fancy you waddling.” Julian smiled.


“ You fancy me waddling? You chauvinist, you.” Mary teased.


“ Aye, it’s the Northern, English way, as our fathers.” Julian chuckled before leaning down to kiss her.


“MMMM, now that is sweet. Sweeter than what you’ve made me for breakfast.” Mary kissed him quickly and then got up. She pulled the tray from the nightstand over her lap. She didn’t realise how hungry she was until she started to dig into the food.


“ Wow, hungry?” Julian giggled


“ I’m eating for two, now, so stuff it.” Mary smiled and then stuffed more food in her mouth.


“ No, I think you ARE stuffing it, my dear.” Julian smiled as he tried to pick a piece of pancake from her plate, only to get a quick smack.


“ Get your own plate. This is mine and out child’s.” Mary grinned.


“ Whoaa, I guess it will only get better. Lesson one: don’t get between a pregnant woman and her food. Right, I’m gonna get me a plate.” Julian stood up and went downstairs to bring up another plate of food.  


When he came up Mary was finished. He smiled at her. She looked so cute, he thought, setting another tray down with two more plates on it. Mary smiled at Julian’s nod. She took one of the plates and sat it on top of the other one before digging in.


“ Glad you thought ahead. See you’re learning already.” Mary chuckled.


“ I’m quick on the uptake.” He chuckled back before digging into his plate of food.


After they were both finished Julian stacked the plates on the tray placing it on the floor. He still couldn’t believe they were getting married and he was going to be a father. He was happy about it all, but he just couldn’t get the nagging out of his head. Was he being fair? This was so much like his parents and then hiding Mary and the baby until the CD and promotional was over. It was how he and his mum were hidden away. Now, Mary would be the dark secret that he had been for months, and how he was as a baby. He thought about the previous nights conversation before they made love a few times and fell asleep. Julian drew Mary into his arms, feeling her nestle her head against his shoulder. It felt so right, just as Roberto had told him. Still, the nagging was there.


“ Mar?”


“ Hmm?”


“ I feel bloody awful ‘bout keeping you and the baby a secret until the CD takes off on it’s own. You know that it’s important to me to make sure it sells on my name and music, not on trumped up stories about us, right? I mean.” He sighed loudly,” I was a secret with me mum for the same reasons. Guess this was how dad felt. Only he had no say in the matter and I do. I feel like the tables have turned and I’m seeing things a bit differently with me dad. Also, I’m no longer the kept secret now, am I, it’s you and our child.” Julian said with guilt.


Mary looked up at him. She caressed his face until he looked at her. Brown eyes met hazel in a meaningful look of love from Mary and love laced with guilt from Julian.


“ Jules, I rather like keeping things private for a bit. I know how important this is to you and I want to see you succeed. It won’t be for a long time, don’t worry about it. We’ll get home to England in a few days, fill out the forms we need, have the wedding a few days later, courtesy of my dad and your mum. Then after the holidays we’ll come back here so you can finish your CD and take care of the club and then go off on your tour. I’ll go back to England and find us a flat. No worries, as you always say.” Mary tried to lay Julian’s worries to rest.


“ You’re wonderful, do you know that one?” Julian kissed the top of her head.


“ I think I may.” She kissed him back.


Julian’s nose touched Mary’s. “ You are a cheeky thing. But, thanks and you’re right, everything you said is right. I promise no longer than it has to be and then we’ll blow the lid off this story.” Julian laughed, hugging Mary, who laughed along with him.


Julian took his two fingers resting them gently under her chin and raised her head to look at him. “ Y’know, I would have married you even if this were Al’s kid. It would have taken me a bit to get used to, but I would have. I love you so much and I would have just thought about the baby being a part of you. Of course Al would have still been in the picture, but I’d ‘ave managed.” Julian explained, feeling guilty about all he said the night before. “ You know I had to ask those questions, never meant on hurting you. I just needed to know, is all, so there wouldn’t be any doubt what so ever in me thick head.” Julian’s face had a sullen look to it as he finished.


Mary turned to face Julian. She kissed him, the man was always so honest, and it felt good to hear what he had told her. “ I know you would have married me anyways, it just would have taken a bit longer. I’m just so happy the baby is ours. Made from our love, it’s incredible that we’ve done this. Even with a small family wedding I can’t wear white. I’m going to call Stel. She started the dress for good luck before I was leaving, a mauve colour. Stel is making two more dresses, one for Heather and one for her, burgundy, I think. She said to tell you to wear that black suit, the fancy one and she would have a shirt for you. Pick a best man and one other. Matter of fact let me call daddy and your mum along with Stel now and make the arrangements.” Mary started to get up.


Julian pulled her down.” My mum is staying at your dad’s house?”


Mary looked at Julian’s surprised face. “ Of coarse, silly. They’re long time friends and there is plenty of room. Plus this is all good for daddy, keeps his mind busy.”


“ S’posen you’re right on that. But before you call hows ‘bout some love. I feel neglected, starved for your love.” Julian joked.


“ My poor baby.” Mary smiled brightly and crawled up to his lips for a kiss that started a raging fire that kept them in bed for another two hours.




The limo drove from the airport to drop off Zak and Sarah before heading towards Cavendish to drop off Mary and Julian. They all sat comfortably in the soft seats. Mary leaned against Julian, her feet propped on the seat across from her. Sarah nudged her husband and then leaned across the seat.


“Let’s have a look again at that Lennon family antique engagement ring.” Sarah took Mary’s extended hand and didn’t miss both Mary and Julian smile and exchange happy looks. “ Marvelous, quiet nice, Jules.” Sarah’s eyes swung up to Julian.



“ I try. But it was dad who picked it out for my mum. She wanted to keep it in the family, pass it down.” He winked at her.


Zak leaned forward, taking a quick look at it. “ Yeah, right nice that is. “ He looked over at Julian, “ So who’s gonna be at this shindig?”


Julian shrugged. “ Just Uncle George and his family, your family, Mary’s family, her uncle Mike and aunt Ro. My mum. Think mum said aunt Pattie too. Not many, but I wish my brother could be there. I had called him but it’s Christmas so he can’t.” disappointment covered his face.


Mary smiled and then gave a wink to Zak and Sarah, “ Honey, when I spoke to dad I gave him a list of a few other people to invite. I called him before we left whilst you were in the shower. Sean will be here, dad’s got a private plane picking him up and he’ll be in on Boxing Day. He maybe a bit tired for the wedding but he assured me that Sean said he’d be fine. He knows he is standing up for you and Zak also knows that he is second in line.” Mary saw the shocked look on Julian’s face.


Julian couldn’t believe that Paul was going to have his baby brother at the wedding to be his best man. He swung around in one movement, hugging Mary and thanking her. “ I can’t believe you and Paul are doing this for me. Thanks, it means so much to me to have Sean as my best man.” Julian said with excitement.


“ Thanks a lot, mate. “ Zak laughed.


Julian blushed slightly, “ Sorry Zak, but you know what I mean. You’ll be up there too. You understand, don’t you?”


The seriousness on Julian’s face had Zak laughing along with the girls. “ I understand, just muckin’ about with you. You can be a ponce, you know that?”


“ Oh shove off. I was concerned about your feelings and you tell me that one?” Julian shook his head.


“ Stop it, both of you.” Mary laughed along with Sarah.


“ Sometimes I think you act worse than little boys.” Sarah told them in between laughs.


“ Anyway, I didn’t finish the guest list. Oh and guess what? The wedding is at Uncle George’s house, he insisted. The house is huge and he is springing for the flowers, Dad the food and drinks. Uncle Ritch is in charge of the music and it’s a live band so that you guys can get up and play. He also has a photographer coming, I can’t do my own wedding.” Mary giggled. “Oh and Uncle George said with his security, the press will never know and no one will get in that’s not supposed to,” Mary smile at the astonished look that were spread across Julian’s faces.


“ Wow, that house is so perfect. Even small, this will be a beautiful wedding, you two.” Sarah told them.


“ I never thought…..I mean I figured it would be at Cavendish, small and simple. This is going to be some bash!” Julian said excitedly. He turned back to Mary, “ You never finished the guest list. I think there are more surprises?”


“ You’re right. Well, first off we have to do the papers tomorrow and then the vicar is arranged for the 27th and then we have to get wedding bands, that’s all we have to do, luv. The rest is taken care of. As for the other guests, I thought you’d enjoy having Justin Clayton there and Carlton Morales and some of your mates that you play around with, like from this Cd. They’ll be in on Boxing Day. Daddy has a hotel set for them and cars to pick them all up and Sean. Sean is staying at Cavendish with your mum and us. Surprised?” Mary smiled at the still shocked look on Julian’s face.


Julian couldn’t believe how big the wedding had turned out to be. How his Uncles and mum had pulled this all together. It was incredible and he couldn’t help being stunned. Everything was planned out, all they had to do was buy rings and fill out forms. The family and his adopted families working for their happiness. Julian was taken out of his thoughts by Zak’s laughing.


“ Did you think me da and Mary’s along with Uncle George would let this go by and not be special. I know it would be special even if you both ran away and got hitched, but this is grand, truly it t’is.” Zak playfully punched Julian in the arm.


Julian smiled, punching him back. They play acted for a minute, fighting, but not hitting each other. The girls laughed at their ducking and punch throwing that never connected.


Mary watch, thinking it reminded her of some home movies she had seen of their father’s playing around in the same exact way. Mary snapped a few pictures. She couldn’t let this pass by, especially with the memories that filled her mind. She beamed at them until they stopped. Both laid their heads back on the seat laughing. When they calmed down Mary just eyed them with the picture of the Beatles, their father’s in her head and pictures of them in her camera.


“ You two just brought back memories of some home movies of our dad’s playing around in mock fights just like that. Remember watching them?” Mary asked.


The memory was pleasing for all of them. They had all seen the home movies and knew what Mary was referring to. The old black and white, some color, 8-millimeter film on a movie projector that flashed on a screen. Several times all the kids were brought into the movie room of one of the Beatle’s homes. They’d watch, laughing at their parents the way fans had when they were privy to seeing the four Beatles messing around. 


“Yeah.” Zak and Julian said in unison through their own memories of the movies. Julian loved those movies and would sometimes watch them when he missed his father. No one knew of these moments except for his mother.


The car stopping in Zak and Sarah’s drive way shook the thoughts out of their minds.


“ Guess this is us.” Zak smiled and kissed Mary good-bye as he got out. Sarah did the same and then aloud her husband to take her hand, helping her out on the limo.


Julian pecked Mary on the cheek. “ I’m gonna help them in with the luggage.” He saw Mary nod to him. “ Driver, open the boot, would ya?”


The driver popped the boot and then got out to help them. Julian kissed Sarah and then gave a huge hand-slapping hug to Zak. “ Ta, again, mate.” 


“ No problem. Just don’t miss the night before the wedding. My dad bought out a restaurant for a dinner party. It’s late so that all the guest will be there including Sean.” Zak explained.


Julian looked at him amused. “ You bugger, you knew of all these arrangements as well.”


“ Course I did, this was a surprise for you. Mary didn’t want to tell you until our dad’s and your mum made all the arrangements. Enjoy this, it’s a special time and you’ve waited quite a while for this one. I’ll see you in a day or so. Thanks for the enjoyable time.” Zak gave Julian a tight-lipped smile before picking up the cases and following his wife towards their house.


Julian shook his head not believing what was happening. He felt the over flowing happiness pouring throughout him. Getting back in the limo, he pulled Mary to him in a tight embrace.


“ I still can’t believe your mine, that you’re gonna marry me and that we’re having a child. This wedding went from simple to a dream wedding that I’m so glad you’ll have,” He kissed her passionately.


Breaking the kiss, Mary nuzzled his ear, before whispering into it. “ I’d have married you anywhere, no fanfares, nothing but a witness and the magistrate. I love you and just want to be your wife,” Her lips moved to cover his. Such happiness, excitement and such love filled her. She finally felt she had it all. The one thought that stood strongly in her mind was that her mother wouldn’t be there to share the most joyful time in her life. Marrying the man she loved and then having their child, her mother and father’s first grandchild. Linda would have been so thrilled and proud. She knew that and also knew Linda would have loved having Julian as a son in law as much as her dad, along with Cynthia as an in law too. She lay in Julian’s strong arms, which were encircled around her, drifting off to sleep with her thoughts.




The limo pulled up to number seven and Julian nudged Mary awake. He could see his mom was there, and the rest of the McCartney family. Slowly he helped Mary out, tipped the driver and got their bags to bring inside.


Mary opened the door to allow Julian to bring in the luggage. He had a case under his arm, a suit bag back over his shoulder and one case in each hand. Mary carried a smaller bag into the house. Paul came over with Cynthia following behind him.


“ Here lad, let me help you.” Paul told Julian as he grabbed the case under Julian’s arm and a case for his hand.


“ Ta.” Julian expressed with a heavy pant.


Mary dropped her bag. Julian picked it up and followed Paul up the stairs to Mary’s bedroom. Paul placed the two bags down and Julian put his two where Paul motioned, along side of Mary’s. He then placed the suit bag over the back of a chair.


“Well son, since the two of you will be married in a week and have my grandchild on the way, I s’pose you’d be more comfortable in here with my daughter.” Paul smiled at Julian.


Julian nodded back at Paul, “ Again, ta, Uncle Paul. And thanks for all of you getting this wedding together so quickly and so wonderfully.” Julian smiled with gratitude.


Paul turned and looked deeply at the boy he had known all his life. The boy he had watched grow up and the boy who was his best mates son. Pride filled Paul’s heart. He pulled a surprised Julian into a warm hug. This wasn’t the first time Paul and Julian had hugged, but Paul truly felt more like a father to Julian now. He knew John would approve.


Still holding Julian, Paul spoke softly to the young man. “ I’ve always thought of you as a son, Jules. I saw ya grow up from a wood sprite to a fantastic young man, which I know your dad would have been proud of. I’ve watched you go through so much with fighting your demons and tried to be there for you. My love has never wavered for you, lad. Now you will truly be my son and the father of my grand baby. I feel proud and blessed. I’m so glad you are marrying my Mary. “ Paul then held Julian at arms length, each hand on a shoulder, “ Never thought the two of you would get together, but when Mary told me, it made perfect sense. I liked Alistair, but truth be told I’m glad she chose you. I did figure it out towards the end, but then she started seeing Alistair again. I know my Mary and could see a difference in her, she wasn’t as happy as she was when she was around you. You’ve always been family, Jules, but welcome, officially. I am proud to call you son.” Paul choked back the emotions as he spoke to Julian. He could see the young man was doing the same and could hear John in his ear.


“ I believe your father would have called us daft for getting soft like this.” Paul chuckled along with a knowing Julian. 


“ Right, think dad would be the first to say that a McCartney and Lennon baby will be brill and that the child will be a musical genius. Dad would be proud, don’t know of Yoko, but dad would be chuffed.” Julian smiled.


“ I think you’re right on that one. Yoko, what do we care of that one? Your mum is what matters and she is as happy as I am. We’ve talked long and remembered over the years since she’s been here. Stel, Heather and James are more than pleased with having you in the family, officially as their brother in law. Oh and Sean is excited as well. You’d be pleased how he stood up to Yoko and is coming here to his extended family.” Paul explained and then looked at his watch. “Suspect we are being missed. Your mum wants to see you and I want to see my daughter as well. C’mon son, lets go downstairs, your future sister in laws are also waiting along with your future brother in law to congratulate and see you.” Paul put his arm around Julian’s shoulder leading him out of the room.


They walked down the long hall, arms around each other laughing at things they usually spoke about. Coming down the stairs they could see all were gathered in the big room chattering away. Julian hit the bottom of the stairs first, to congratulations and hugs from his in laws to be. His mom wiping a tear from her eye as she walked up to her only son, who embraced her in his arms and gave her a loving kiss. Julian hugged her tightly, the woman who understood him so well, the mother who stood by him no matter what, listening to him, helping him and loving him unconditionally.


“ I’m so happy for you, my wonderful son. I know how much you wanted this, how much you love Mary. I couldn’t have picked a better daughter. I also couldn’t have picked a better family to belong to, an old friend with strong family values, along with a huge family. I always marveled at how big Paul’s family was and how they accepted your dad and me. Especially after your dad and I split up. Paul still came around and once in a while I’d go with you to see Jim and the family with Paul.” Cynthia looked straight into her son’s eyes. “ Now you are giving me another gift, a grand baby. I’m so so happy for you, for Mary and for Paul and I. We are over the moon and can’t wait to see if it’s a girl or boy. I wish your dad were here to see this miracle.” Cynthia again wiped a tear from her eye.


Julian kissed his mom on the forehead. “ Don’t be getting all emotional now, mum. I have that with Mary, with all her hormones. But you will have that grand baby to spoil, only we are going to keep everything quiet until after the promotional tour and the CD is selling. “ Julian held up his finger to his mom, who was about to say something. “ I know it’s how things went with us, with dad. Mary and I talked it over and she agrees. We’ll tell everyone to keep this, then later we’ll tell the world. Besides, Mary wants to have her privacy, our privacy. So no worries there, mum.” Julian bent down and peck his mother on the cheek.


“ Alright, if it’s fine with Mary, I understand. Now, there are other’s who want to see you.” Cynthia guided her son into the room.



Julian received hugs and congratulations again from his future brother and sister in laws. They talked a bit before he turned to see Paul and Cynthia standing by Mary. He walked over to them. Standing there he watched as Paul picked up his daughter’s hand.


“ The ring is beautiful. It looks so familiar.” Recognition filled Paul’s face and then a huge smile. “ Is this the ring Lenny got for you, Cyn?” Paul turned and asked Cynthia.


“ Yes it is. I gave it to Julian a while back to give to whom ever he married. I wanted to keep it in the family.” Cynthia smiled proudly at Paul.


Paul took Mary’s finger and just stared at the ring as memories washed over him. Julian stood next to Mary, putting his arm around her.


“ I remember going around the blasted city with Lenny, looking for this ring.” Paul chuckled at the memory. “ He wanted the perfect ring. He couldn’t get your mum one when they got married and after we had become famous he was finally able to get her one. It had to be special. Your father was frustrated but wouldn’t give up. He dragged me all around London to have a look.” Paul smiled at John’s son, the memory so real in his head as he told the story.




“ C’mon Macca, I have to get just the right one. After all she’s waited and never once complained about not having one. Although her loud mouth mother has, I’ll show that cow.” John fumed about his mother in law, “ I pay her bills, and am getting her a house near ours and she still finds fault with me. Bleedin’ cow that she is. Nothing is fucking good enough for that one. But I hold me tongue for Cyn, I do, out of respect. Me Mimi did teach me some things.” John finished by explaining why Lillian Powell was one of the few people who never got a tongue lashing from John Lennon.


Paul nodded his head. “ I wondered why you never punished her with that mouth of yours.” Paul laughed. “ C’mon, I know you don’t wanna do this, but we’ve been everywhere and you haven’t found the right one. I know a place in the Pool I reckon might have what you’re lookin’ for. We have a few days off and could get a car up there, whatcha say?” Paul waited for an answer.


“ I say you’d better be right ‘bout this place after dragging me all the way up to the Pool. If I don’t find the ring there you’ll find your own way back. Plus, there’ll be hell to pay.” John quipped.


Paul knew it was a ride, but they had the day off tomorrow and today. It would take some time to get there and back, but it would be worth it. They called a car and started up there. They talked about the tour coming up, T.V. show’s they were supposed to do before leaving and then about a song they were working on.


“ Shoulda bought guitars with us, coulda finished that song up. I hate this fuckin’ ride. We’ll know we’re there by the smell of the Mersey,” John complained. “ So much has changed. Remember how we loved taking the ferry ‘crossed it. A cheap bottle and the ferry at night, great that was.” John reminisced.


“ T’was at that, Johnny. We would stay out as long as the ferry ran, the copper chasin’ us all off it.” Paul laughed.


“ Right, tripped him once, so we could get away.” John howled, leaning back against the seat.


“ I remember that one. Christ, that copper yelled so loud we could hear ‘im off the docks,” Paul drew in a breath between laughter. These were some of his favorite times, alone with John.


“ Yeah, a right yeller he was. Imagine ‘im tellin’ us to gizzit to ‘im. Well, I did, but sommat different then what ‘e wanted,” John continued.


They laughed over the memory, both finding more of their scouse accent coming back the closer they got to Liverpool.


“ Where we stayin’ then?” John watched the lamps light up the dark sky as he questioned. John had told Cyn earlier he would be away in the Pool for the night. “ Goin’ to father Jim’s, are we?” John asked.


“ Yeah, rang him before we left, was chuffed to say the least, our kid as well. I’ll take you to the store tomorrow. We’ll eat and maybe carouse around the night unnoticed? “ Paul looked at John.


“ I grabbed a few things but no disguises.” John informed Paul.


“ Improvise?” Paul looked at the smile that crossed John’s face.


“ Why I do think that is a brilliant idea, ole chap. I’ll go as you and you as me.” John made a face at Paul.


Paul laughed. “ Right, we’ll think on it.”


Paul and John did manage to go out that night and have some fun. They snuck into some of their old haunts with large hats and coats that Paul’s father had given them. They came home laughing, but early. Someone had recognized them so they went back to Paul’s father’s house, quickly. They sat up and talked a bit to Paul’s father and then after Jim went to bed joked around with Mike and each other. They had a good time, going to bed late.



The next morning Paul had John up early to go out and find the engagement ring at an old antique store that Paul had remembered. They put on their sunglasses, mufflers and coats and then rode in Mike’s car to the store.


John sat in the passenger seat looking around at the town he used to be able to walk around in. The town he grew up in and everyone said he’d never amount to anything, but he showed them all. He spoke to Paul without taking his eyes away from the window.


“ This place had better have something after getting me up here and then waking me at an ungodly hour,” John grumbled, eyes still fixed outside, watching kids with their mothers, shop keepers and just people in general.


“ You’re a spoil sport today. You’re the one that wants this ring for Cyn and I think she deserves it, putting up with the likes of you. You must get on her last wick, but she still puts up with ya.” Paul chuckled as he watched the cars in front of him and the street signs. He didn’t quite remember were it was, but he wasn’t going to tell John that and then hear about it.


“ Macca, remember when we used to be able to walk the streets we’d gown up in? Now we can’t even do that.” John spit out smoke from his cigarette. He rolled down the window a bit and tossed it.


“ I remember you going into any store you pleased and nicking things. Then showing us when we came out. I still remember you nicking that harmonica you wanted, was that ‘ere or ‘amburg? “ Paul couldn’t remember it seemed years ago and it really wasn’t.


Paul saw John light another cigarette, “ Got another fag there, Lenny? And are ya listenin’ to me?” Paul asked with annoyance.


John passed his lit cigarette over to Paul and took his time answering as he lit another for himself.


Paul knew John was doing this to get to him. He took the cigarette and put it into his mouth.


“ Yeah you nit, I’m listin’ to ya. “ John growled sarcastically.


“ Got up on the wrong side of the bed, did we?” Paul pushed at an already aggravated Lennon.


“ No! Told ya, got up to fuckin’ early. Needed a lie in, but no, we ‘ave ta go so bleedin’ early as the store opens, wanker.” The bitter words fell out of John’s mouth, “ And yeah I remember nickin’ the harmonica, still ‘ave it too. Don’t quite remember if it were in the Pool or ‘amburg. To tell you the truth it feels a lifetime ago and it was only a few years back. What, two, three,even?” John asked losing his irritability.


Paul was glad John was calming down. “ Yeah it does at that, I mean, seems a life time ago and it’s been almost 3 years.” Paul saw the store and turned the car quickly into a car park.


John grabbed hold of the door. “ Tryin’ to kill us? And you said I couldn’t drive, ha! “ John spoke with alarm in his voice.


“ Sorry, it snuck up on me. But we’re here and they are just opening so get your sodding arse out now.” Paul ordered as he stepped out of the car, threw his smoke on the ground and crushed it with his boot.


Paul and John walked into the old store. Old wooden floors that creaked, dust on them and counters that spread around the store. The counters held jewelry in velvet sleeves with glass surrounding it all. A gray haired lady in a dark blue dress that hung below her knees and orthopedic shoes walked around by the cash register. She put on her glasses that hung from a chain and put a key in the machine to open it. She looked up and took her glasses off to see the two young men looking at the rings inside the counter. She walked slowly over to them.


“ Can I help you, gentlemen?”


John looked at her, his lips tight as if he were going to tell her something sarcastic and then bit it back. Paul quickly snapped his head from John to the woman, giving her a pleasant smile.


“ Ah, why, a yes. Looking for an antique engagement ring.” Paul smiled sweetly and then noticed John’s eyes roll to the back of his head.


John’s eyes narrowed. “ Yes, we’d like to steal something, could you show us what is the best.” John batted his eyes remembering what the counter clerks used to think of them.


“ JOHN!” Paul elbowed him in the side.


The woman looked horrified at what John had said, Paul shook his head, “ Sorry, my friend has a strange sense of humor when he’s about to BUY an expensive engagement ring.” Paul finished with a smile. He saw the lady calm down.


“ Antique engagement ring you said?” The woman asked.


John was getting impatient with her slowness and obvious hearing problem. “ YES, YES A RING!” John raised a frustrated voice to her with an edge of sarcasm, as he smiled sweetly at the woman.


The woman looked aghast at John. Paul’s brow shot up with a quick nasty look at his friend. John shrugged his shoulder, whistling as he walked to another counter. Paul looked back to the woman.


“ I’m sorry, mam. My friend’s a bit nervous about getting this ring. Um, we’ll look around and call you if we find something.” Paul hurried over to John, who was leaning on the glass case. “ You tosser, why’da treat ‘er like that? “ Paul pushed at John’s shoulder.


“ Didn’t like the way she was actin’ as if we were going to nick something in our bloody suits,” John gave Paul a sarcastic answer. He strolled along, looking until he came to a case that had more diamond rings in it. He laid his elbows on the case and looked down into it, studying the rings.


Paul huffed from the spot that John had left. He then walked over to see what had John so interested. He saw a change of expression on John’s face. John bolted upright almost hitting into Paul, who ducked back. “ That’s it!” John pointed with his index finger.



Paul gave a quizzical look. He suddenly realised what John was talking about. Paul starred down to see what ring John was talking about. It was an old ring, white gold, with a beautiful diamond and a design in the band with a few diamond chips encrusted by the diamond.


“ That is smashing,” Paul quietly said to himself and John. Paul looked up to the older woman on the other side of the room, “ Mam, I think we’ve found what we’re looking for. Can you take it out for us?” He watched her slowly walk over. She looked at the ring John was still pointing at.


“ Ahh yes, a lovely ring at that. 1920’s it’s from, 2 carrots with diamond chips encrusted into the designed band. It’s a size 5, your girl a size 5?” The older lady asked John.


“ Um, Yeah, I think so,” John answered not sure. He thought for a moment “ I’ll take it and if need be will get it sized to her. I don’t care of the cost that’s the one.” John stated excitedly.


The woman took it out. “ Oh it’s rather expensive, son.”


“ I can afford it, believe me. “ John told her adamantly.


The lady nodded and put it into a velvet box. She brought it over to the cash register. John gave her the information and who to call. She called and got off the phone with a smile. The woman wrapped it and put it into a bag. Both John and Paul said thank you as they walked out. They got into the car and Paul couldn’t help but smile at his mate. John hadn’t said a word, just starred at the box he had taken out of the bag as they drove away.


“ Cyn will fancy this. It’s perfect, Macca, ta.” John smiled.


“ Then we should get back to me da’s and get going back to London. We’ll have the limo meet us at dad’s. “ Paul said to John, who he knew didn’t care. He had found the perfect ring for his Cynthia and that’s all that mattered to an unusually emotional John Lennon.



Paul laughed hard as he finished up the story and Cynthia laugh along with him. It wasn’t the first time she had heard the story. Julian and Mary were smiling, as were the others children.


“ And that’s how your dad got this ring that you now gave to Mary. I had it sized a bit but I’ve always loved it and the story. It looks wonderful on you, dear. “ Cynthia told Mary.


Paul looked at everyone. “ I suppose food is in order. I’m taking everyone out, my treat.”


Everyone got their coats and went out to eat that night. The next few days Mary and Julian filled out forms, got their marriage license and their wedding rings. Mary tried on her dress that Stella had made for her and loved it. Stella gave Julian his shirt she had gotten him. He wasn’t thrilled at the color, but to him it didn’t matter. All that mattered was that they would be married in a few days.


Everyone was excited as the plans came together for the wedding. Even Christmas day wasn’t going to be as exciting as their wedding, Mary and Julian thought, since the next day was Christmas and the family had all arrived. Now, they only had a few more people to wait for on Boxing Day and then the next day would be their wedding.