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I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is a fan fiction from my warped mind.


Christmas came and went, people coming around the house to celebrate not just the holiday, but also the wedding in a day in a half. Julian and Mary had told everyone not to buy a thing for them. The wedding was more than enough of a gift, an expensive one that so many people had pulled together in such a short time. Small gifts were exchanged, along with a family dinner that all the girls put together. The buzz of the day that melted into night was of course, the wedding. 


Late that night Mary snuggled up to her husband to be. She couldn’t believe that in a little over a day they’d be married. She could tell that Julian was on cloud nine every time she looked at him. He smiled non-stop all day, holding her every chance he got and caressing the growing baby that lay in her blossoming belly.



Julian lay there, Mary tightly tucked into the crook of his shoulder, arm snug around her. They had had a wonderful day that ran into the evening. Everything he could want. He wondered how he had gotten so lucky, but was afraid to think to long on it. After retiring, he made love to his bride to be, knowing that the next night they wouldn’t share a bed. He also knew as he felt Mary drift off to sleep that the next time they made love it would be as husband and wife. He was so thrill that it took him some time before sleep stole his thoughts.




Boxing day: a day families usually relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company. Boxing day in 1998 wasn’t to be that way for the Lennon’s, McCartney’s or their friends. People bustled around with last minute fittings, making sure people were arriving on time, getting to their hotel rooms and finding out where the party was that night. It was kept quiet so that the plans wouldn’t leak out. The directions were given along with the time, as people got ready for a grand night that would be followed by another, the next. 



“Julian!” Cynthia yelled out to her son. She didn’t know where in this chaos he was.


Julian grabbed his mother from behind, sliding his arms around her waist. He bent down and kissed the top of her head, as he often did.“ Yes, motheeer?” He asked, teasing her, like he usually did, by extending the word mother.


Cynthia laughed at the way he was fooling around. “ You are your father’s son.” She looked sideways up at him with a bright smile.


“ Am I? I thought I had more of me mums charms.” Julian gave Cynthia a charming smile before he released his mother, coming to stand in front of her.


“ No, you have a lot of me, but the charm and wit is your father among other things.” Cynthia assured him.


Julian sighed with a sideways smile. “ Yes, heard that one before. What did you need?”



“ What?” Cynthia asked, forgetting for a moment why she had called her son. “ Oh, right, your friends are here, they just rang and I gave them directions for tonight. Justin wanted to talk to you but I couldn’t find you until now. He said he’d see you tonight. Where were you?” Cynthia gave him a curious look.


“ I snuck out to buy my bride a wedding present.” Julian smiled like the cat that swallowed the canary.


Cynthia gave an amused look, pulling her son away from all the people roaming the house. She got him in a corner, glanced around and then fixed her eyes on his.

“ What’d you get for her?”


Still smiling, Julian reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. Cynthia took it and looked inside. Her eyes grew wide, “ Smashing, luv. I know that She’ll love Switzerland. It will be a lovely honeymoon. But why only a few days?” Cynthia asked with confusion.


“ Mum, she loves to ski. I have a cabin with a warm fireplace, a cozy place it is. I can only take a few days away, remember I need to finish the CD and get on this tour so I’ll be around for the baby.” Julian explained.


“ Son, the baby will come before you are finished touring, just like you did when your dad was touring.” Cynthia reminded him. “ And be careful with her condition. If she falls she could lose the baby.”


Julian bit the side of his mouth. He hadn’t thought of that. “ Right, I’ll make sure she is careful.” Julian answered her, deep in thought. “ Besides, I think we’ll have other things to do as well. The village is old and she’ll love to take photographs and see the shops as well. As for the tour, you’re right, just like you and Da. It’s a bit strange how things are so similar. I’ll put a break on it for two months, a month before the baby and a month after. That way I can be there, spend time with Mary and our child and put out an announcement. Only then will I finish the tour. The second part of the tour the press will know of us and the baby. I’ll have to figure that part out but have some time to do it. No worries mum.” Julian hugged his mother a second time.


Cynthia love how affectionate her son was with her. He had grown to be a good man and she knew he’d be a good husband and father. “ All right, just be careful. Stay warm, do newlywed things. You’re right, things are similar, but I think with your career and how you are, things will be different for you and Mary. Just remember to be newlyweds as I said. Your father and I never had the chance for that one, you take the time for it.”


Julian saluted her. “ Yes, mum. That I shall do. I need to check on Sean’s plane, see if it’s on time. I’m so nervous about this all. Do you really think everything will be all right, that I’ll be a good husband, be a good da?” Julian gave Cynthia a nervous look.


“ Ah, butterflies. That’s normal, darling. You will be the best husband and a bloody great father.”


“ Ta, mum, needed to hear you say that.” Julian felt better when Cynthia told him and then put her arms around him in a tight hug.


“ You are so very welcome. Now, off with you, I have things to do myself. Remember you’re staying with your brother tonight at Zak and Sarah’s, so go pack up.”


“Ahh the voice of a mother, the voice of reason.” Julian chuckled as she swatted him on the arm. “ I’ll pack, mum. Also need to get a bag together for our flight tomorrow night. Heather is getting a bag together in secret for Mary.” Julian winked at his smiling mother as he walked away to find the stairs.




Julian decided he wanted to go to the airport and pick up his younger brother. Heathrow was pouring with people going to and from their planes, picking up their luggage or just meeting family and friends. Julian watched the people hurry around. He found the screen and read the gate number his brother’s plane would be letting off its passengers. The plane was on time so Julian grabbed a cup of tea and a cigarette before setting out to the ninth gate.



Julian stood gulping down the rest of his tea before throwing the cup into the rubbish bin.

Standing, he gazed over the people looking for his brother as they came down the ramp like a herd of cattle. He checked his watch again, waiting to see his brother. The herd was getting thinner and Julian was beginning to worry. It was then he saw a young man about his height coming down the ramp, dark hair, cut just above his shoulders, glasses on his face and the classic give away, the Lennon nose.



Julian felt excitement at seeing the young man. Their eyes met with a huge smile spreading across both faces. Julian walked towards his little brother, watching every move and the bag his brother drug behind. They met half way through the crowd and moved to the side before Julian pulled his brother in for a huge hug. Pulling away they examined each other.


“ Crickey, you got taller.” Julian commented, still smiling.


Sean smiled back.” Either that or you’re getting shorter. It happens with old age.”


“ Cheeky. I may be older than ya, but I’m hardly a senior.” Julian chuckled along with Sean.


“ You sound so fucking British. God that accent comes back heavy,” Sean teased.


“ You should spend some time here and get to know the other side of your heritage, the British and Irish side, smart arse. It’s good to see you though. I’ve missed ya. I thought you wouldn’t be coming, but I’m chuffed that you have and will be my best man.” Julian started walking along side of Sean towards the baggage carriage.


“ I had to make you think I wasn’t coming. Mary wanted to tell you and surprise you. I’ll tell you I never thought I’d see the day that my big brother would get fuckin’ married. I thought you’d be an old bachelor.” Sean watched the bags spin around until he saw his and pulled it off.


“An old bachelor.” Julian huffed under his breath, but loud enough for Sean to hear him. They both laughed and then Julian noticed that Sean had two bags. He hadn’t thought about it before. Looking at both and then up at Sean, Julian questioned his brother “Two bags now? How long ya stayin’? Gonna do like I just suggested?”


“ Only a week, then back to the states. I think the day after New Years.” Sean took out two cigarettes and lit one for Julian and him. They sat down in the pub. Julian got a cup of tea and Sean a beer. “ You’re not having a beer? British tea? Ah, come on, Jules.” Sean teased.


“ Shut that gob, they’ll be enough to drink tonight and tomorrow. And what about all that herb tea and shite you drink?” Julian winked at his brother.


“ Sometimes, but that’s more mom’s thing.” Sean dipped into his jacket pocket and pulled out an envelope, “ Before I forget, this is from mom and me.” He handed it to Julian. “ Open it with Mary.”


Julian took the envelope with a curious expression. “ Yoko sent a wedding present for us? I didn’t think she even wanted you to come?”


“ Naw, it was just the timing. With the holidays and all that bullshit. She sends you and Mary her best. I know she isn’t the happiest that I’ll now be related in a way to Uncle Paul, but oh well, it’s not my fight.” Sean shrugged taking a gulp of his beer. “ Ahh,” Sean spit his beer back into the mug, “I forget how you limeys love this dark, warm crap! Give me an American beer and a cold mug, would ya?” Sean asked the barkeep.  


“ Right, forgot you’re a light weight and also need that cold mug. Just remember you are part limey as well. “ Julian poked his elbow into Sean’s side. “ Anyways, I’ll send Yoko a thank you card. I’ll thank you in person when we open it. I suspect its money.” Julian tugged on his cigarette putting the envelope into the inside pocket of his jacket.


“ I never thought it would happen. Never thought one of us would inter breed.” Sean laughed.


Now it was Julian’s turn to spit out his tea, “ What?” He almost choked.


Sean laughed harder at his brother. “ I mean, you know, the second generation of the Beatles, marrying one another making one family out of two. I mean, I’ve grown up with these guys as my Uncles. But Mary is great and pretty, plus, I think she’ll teach you a thing or two, keep you on your toes at least. And she ‘s going to make me an uncle.” Sean smiled.


“ Oh, yeah, she’ll do all the teachin’ and make you an uncle by herself. I did have some thing to do with it to y’know, ya twit.” Julian playful punched Sean in the shoulder.

“ Drink your Yank beer, ya lout.”


“ Yank? The answer to limey I suppose. Makes me think of the Civil war.” Sean shook his head with a snicker and then answered Julian’s statement about Mary. “ Oh right, you had all the fun of it!” Sean howled.


“ Oh you sound like your da, you do.” Julian laughed back at him.


“ Actually, with the English accent and slang, you sound more like our father. What the fuck is a da? Jules you gotta come to America and get rid of some of that, that slang and accent.” Sean joked before going back to his drink.


“ Right, You know what da is, so come off it. Funny, Stel said the same to me when I came back to London. After some time she said that I sounded normal again, or as you put it, real British.” Julian laid some money down on the counter waiting for Sean to finish.


“ Well she would say that. But I plan to look like the bomb and have a dance with her and Lee.” Sean wiggled his eyebrows.


“ The bomb? What the bloody ‘ell does that mean?” Julian squinted a look at his brother, his one elbow on the counter and his other hand holding an unlit cigarette.


“ Oh, that’s American slang, brother dear. The bomb is like, um, how would you Brits say it, SMAAASHHHINGGGG!” Sean snickered while loving the look on Julian’s face from being teased.


“ Right, you’ll be one blasted bomb if you don’t knock it off. Now, shall we go, you ready, or are you going to slag around here?” Julian stood lighting his cigarette and then taking a bag.


“ I’m done.” Sean started walking along with his brother, remembering the times they spent together. “ You know, I always loved when you came and stayed with us, you were always, well I looked up to you. I loved when you babysat for me and how we’d play.” Sean grew silent, before adding quietly. “ Guess I still look up to you.”


“ Whatcha goin’ on about in that head of yours? I never had a big brother to look up to, just me Uncles. I’m chuffed that you still think you can look up to me. I’m always here for you, y’know. Plus, I enjoyed watching you too and playin’ around, but let’s have it, com ‘ead.” Julian watched the seriousness cross Sean’s face.


“ Sorry, I just realized how much I miss having my big brother around. I mean it’s been almost a year since we’ve seen one another. Phone calls don’t cut it. I saw Zak a few months back and asked about you. Jules. I miss you being around. You used to come around more. That’s all.” Sean shrugged looking down at the passing tiles under his feet.


“ Sorry Sean. You’re right. I miss spending time with you too. Listen, I’m going on tour to promote the new CD. I have to finish the CD after the short honeymoon, and then I’m going right out on tour. When I come to the states, after the baby is born, why don’t you come with me?” Julian asked.


They came to the front doors that opened as they stepped up to them. People breezed by them, not noticing the two brothers. Julian was glad, he had signed a few autographs before Sean’s plane came in and took a few pictures. He never minded the fans, but now he just wanted time with his brother, especially after the comment Sean had made. Julian felt guilty, but hoped Sean would go on tour with him.



“ I’d like that. Yeah, I’ll go on tour with you. Then we can spend some time together, it’s been way to long. I mean we’ll see each other now, but with the wedding and the party tonight I don’t think there’ll be too much time for catching up. But I am still thrilled to be your best man, it’s an honor.” Sean smiled lowering the top of the boot and stood next to Julian


Julian wrapped his arm around Sean’s neck, his elbow crunching the younger man, as he fooled around. “ That’s the spirit, lad. We’ll have an absofuckinluty grand time of it. You can come out and do a few numbers with me, that would be grand” Julian laughed along with Sean. “ And who else would I have for my best man? Come off it. You were my first choice, but didn’t think you were comin’. I’m pleased that you’ll stand by me on one of the most important days of my life.”


Sean wiggled out of his brother’s hold “ You jerk, fucking around like that, you hurt my neck. You wait, Jules, I’ll get you good when you least expect it.” Sean smiled at his brother. “ Yeah, you and I doing a few numbers together would be great!”


“ Weren’t you the one who missed me playin’ with ya?” Julian smiled ruffling his kid brother’s hair.


“ Yeah I did, but not having you almost kill me. Leave the hair alone.” Sean pushed his brother’s hand away.


“ Oh right, the hair, I remember those days.”


“ I think the songs will be great, thanks.” Sean added, feeling proud that Julian asked.


“ I think so. Maybe one of dad’s numbers too, you know, get the crowd really going.” Julian figured out loud to his brother.


“ That would make the papers. Could you see it? Both of John Lennon’s sons doing their father’s song, the highlight of the concert they’d say.” Sean flashed a look at his brother in thought.


“ S’pose they’d say that. Blimey, it’d be great though. We’ll talk more about it as it comes closer and I have the dates and the venues taken care of,” Julian nodded to his younger brother. He knew this would be good to spend time together and for the two Lennon brothers to do a few songs together, including one by their father. “ Right, we’re off, get in.” Julian told Sean as he climbed into the driver’s seat.


 Sean climbed into the car, “ Oh Christ, I forgot, we drive on the wrong side of the road and sit on the wrong side of the car. Jules, you better get to touring in the states soon so I can break you of these nasty ways,” Sean chuckled.


Julian backed out of the car park and then quickly smirked at his brother. “ You’ll stay here and learn the English and Irish ways, it’s in your blood. Then you’ll see. You’ve seen Japan and your heritage there. After things settle with the tour, you’ll come stay out here for a while with us, meet your niece or nephew, stay at our flat and learn the other part of your heritage.” Julian told him seriously.


“ Ok, ok, I want to meet my niece or nephew and I’ll let you drag me around and see all the sights where our father was brought up and learn the backwards ways of the British and Irish, you happy?” Sean smiled at his own sarcasm.


“ Very, now stop being a spoil sport and get used to all this. There is only one of you and tons of us, so you will learn,” Julian gave a satisfied grin. Sean shook his head and both exploded into a fit of laughter.



Everyone was told to park in the back, hiding their cars. Julian escorted Mary to the back door, opened it, his hand slid down to the small of her back, guiding her inside. The owner of the restaurant greeted them. He wore a black suit, his hair salt and peppered, his eyes wrinkled, but shone brightly at the couple. His goatee was white against his dark skin, and his accent was thick as he started to talk. He held out his hand to Julian.


“ I’m Angelo, the owner of this restaurant. You must be the couple who will be married tomorrow, yes? “ Angelo shook Julian’s hand as he asked and then brought Mary’s hand up and kissed it.


“Yes, how did you know?” Mary blushed, looking at Julian and then back to Angelo.


“ Mr. Starkey told me you’d be the last here and to keep my eye out for you.” He explained as he took their coats. “ Please, follow me to the room. We have a wonderful buffet spread and there is also plenty to drink. If you need anything ask one of my employees or myself. I am thrilled to have you all in my establishment.” Angelo opened the large wooden doors to the huge banquet room and gestured for them to enter. “Congratulations to you both.” And with that he left.


Mary and Julian weren’t noticed yet as they looked around the banquet room. Long tables touched together against the back wall, covered with food. People were chatting away, standing or at their tables that were spread around. Music blasted from the jukebox while several people danced. The side wall had a bar, the few that worked behind it were quickly serving drinks. They both looked at a small stage on the other side of the room filled with musical equipment.


“ Uncle Ritch did a smashing job.” Mary said in awe, squeezing Julian’s hand.


“ There must be at least sixty people here.” Julian softly spoke. He knew the wedding was going to be bigger than they thought, but hadn’t realized just how much bigger.


“ Yes, guess we’ll have that nice wedding we wanted. This is fabulous.” Mary looked up to her fiancé. They smiled at one another.


Julian bent down and kissed Mary, lovingly. “ I might not get a chance to do that the rest of the night. Looks like we’ll be chatting, eating, drinking and the way the stage is set, playing.” Julian kissed her again.


Mary welcomed his kiss, knowing he was probably right. “ Shall we start to mingle?”


“ Aye, think it would only be right. Although I much rather have you in bed, making passionate love to you.” The grin was lustful, but his eyes shone down to Mary with all the love he felt.


“ Yes that would be nice, but I want to enjoy every moment of this.” Mary answered, looking back at Julian with just as much love in her eyes. “ Men always thinking of sex. C’mon, where’s the spirit of the party? “


Julian smiled shyly. “ You’re right, sorry, can’t get mad at a bloke for trying. Let’s go and mingle, then.” Julian grabbed Mary’s hand, pulling her along through the crowd in the room to say hello and talk to people they knew. He introduced her too a few of his friends she didn’t know as people came up to them for congratulations.



Julian bent down and whispered into Mary’s ear. He was hungry and thirsty. Neither of them had seen their Uncles, or their parents.


“ I’m famished and thirsty, I imagine you are as well. I haven’t seen our Uncles or parents yet. Let’s go get some food and drink.” Julian saw the look of approval on her face. “ Excuse us, we’re going to grab a bite and a drink. We’ll chat later.”


Julian made the grand exit from the crowd that they were talking to. Mary said her good-byes as they headed to the bar.


“ Excuse me, a lager for me and water for the lady.” Once they got their drinks they noticed Ritch and Barb sitting at a table off in the corner. They brought their drinks over and sat them down.


Ritch and Barbara looked up with a smile. “ Julian, Mary, come join us.” Barbara told them.


Julian gave an apologetic glance at Mary once the drinks were on the table. “ Sorry Luv, I’m not a veggie. I told you I’d try and that the baby can be raised as such, but I cook and enjoy fish and meat. I will cut back as I promised, a compromise, but I really do enjoy it. Plus, you know I am entering a partnership in a Sushi bar over in Los Angeles. Serves other things and liquor too, but I can’t go cold turkey.” Julian and Mary had had this conversation before and she was willing for the compromise as long as he tried and not eat meat around the baby once it was old enough to learn how to eat as a vegetarian.


“ That’s quite all right, as long as you live up to our agreement. Oh, and please don’t eat that stuff around me, the other side of the table perhaps. The smell makes me sick, sorry.” She apologized to both Ritch and Barbara who were eating meat.


Julian noticed the food on their plates and gave his Uncle and Aunt a big smile. “ God Bless you, both. I told Mary I would do the best I can, but that looks amazing. How’d you get passed Uncle George and Paul with the none veggie food?”


Ritch laughed. “ I told them we’d have plenty of both. I had it separated. Veggie on one side, the meat and fish on the other side. The food at this place is great, one of the reasons I chose it. Now go off, the both of you and get some food before your attention is wanted again.” Ritch told the couple, waving them off. Barbara laughed at the two.


“ Who would have figured? Both of them getting together with all that was between them and now a baby to boot. I think they are perfect together. I hope Julian can handle eating a lot less fish and meat, that’s going to take some will power, especially the way he loves to cook.” Barbara chuckled and then laughed along with her husband.


Mary and Julian filled their plates up. Mary wrinkled her nose at what Julian was eating and he shrugged. Julian, as promised, sat next to his Uncle who was still eating. Barbara was done, so Mary sat next to her.


“ Thank you so very much for this, the both of you. It means the world to Jules and I. This is so amazing. We were ready for a tiny wedding but it looks as if this is going to be bigger than we both thought.” Mary wiped her face and then took a drink of her water. She noticed Julian going for his third drink but said nothing.


“ Yes, this is fabulous. Thank you both. I never dreamt this would happen, never dreamt of falling in love with my soul mate, and then all of you doing this for us. This is perfect, again, ta for it.” Julian explained as he cut up his food, ate it and drank his lager.


Ritch smiled broadly. “ You think I’d let one of my best mate’s sons, go without? None of us would. You’re Da isn’t around, but I know he’d approve. He’d have had the time of his life at this party and tomorrow. And then, another best mates daughter? So George and me spoke and it all came together. The two of you deserve this and so much more. The amount of people that are coming I know is more than you expected, but that’s why George opened his house for this occasion. It’s big enough and the security is great, no one will know what is going on and your secret will be safe until the both of you decide to tell it.” Ritch explained as he placed his cloth napkin on his plate.



Julian finished his meal thinking about what his Uncle had said. “ Right, Da would have had a marvelous time tonight and tomorrow. I’m a lucky man to have such wonderful Uncles that would think so highly of me, Mary too. This truly is grand.” Julian smiled. He looked to Mary as he stood up from the table. “ Do you need another drink, luv?”


Mary smiled up and took Julian’s hand. He took her hand to his lips, gently kissing it.

“ Yes, water, please.”


“ Right, and then we’ll have to mingle again.” Julian told her and then looked happily at Ritch and Barbara. “ I’d also love a romantic dance with you, so save one for me.”


Before Julian left for the drinks, Ritch raised his voice for Julian to hear. “ Well get everything in, ‘cause we’re jamming tonight. I’m going to share the drums with me sons. Got two drum kits up there, but three drummers.” Ritch laughed as Julian nodded and then wandered away for the drinks.


The night went on, Mary and Julian spoke to all the guests they could, sometimes together and sometimes separately. Still, neither had a chance to say much to their parents, but a quick hello, with a kiss and hug. After an hour in a half Julian heard a slow song begin to play. He excused himself and Mary. He pulled her onto the dance floor, bringing her into him. Mary’s body melted into Julian’s as they swayed around the dance floor. Mary laid her head against Julian’s shoulder and then turned it to speak to him in his ear.


“ You dance so well. I never knew that of you.” She told him, her one hand in his the other around his shoulder.


“ You never danced with me. I mean you have in the flat but not like this, so you didn’t know. I’m glad you think I dance well.” Julian leaned down to tell her.


“ You guide a girl just right. A slight move of your hand so I know where we are going and a soft push against my waist, to let me know what you want me to do. It’s easy to follow you. I haven’t danced with anyone so good except my dad. He learnt over the years from his dad and mum. Back then he said it was important to know how to dance the right way.” Mary raised her head to tell Julian.


“ Aye, I did learn from my mum. Dad wasn’t a good dancer. He didn’t do fast dancing and rarely slow danced. He was embarrassed that he didn’t know. My mum wasn’t goin’ to let that happen to me and taught me from an early age. Roberto also made sure I knew what I needed to know about dancing. Guess it wasn’t as naff as I thought it was at the time. Later I was chuffed that they taught me. Got a lot of complements over the years. Plus, I’ve had many high-class parties to escort dates to and charity functions, so I needed to know. Glad my future wife approves.” Julian smiled, kissing the top of Mary’s head.


“ Yes, it paid off and I’m glad they showed you. Don’t know about all those dates, but your going to be my husband tomorrow at this time and so guess that doesn’t matter. I am so excited. This wedding is turning out to be something perfect. I, of course would have married you, just the two of us and a witness. I just want to be your wife.” Mary snuggled back into Julian’s strong arms.


“ I would have married that way as well. I just wanna be your husband and the father of our child. I love you, Mary McCartney and would marry you anywhere, anyway.” Julian pulled Mary in for a hug.


Mary kissed Julian’s cheek. “Thank you for saying that, means the world to me. I do love you very much and to think I almost made the mistake of marrying the wrong guy…..”



Julian cut her off as the song ended. They still swayed to a faster song they didn’t hear. “But you didn’t, and for that I am ecstatic. I promise to be the best husband and father I can be. That we’ll talk and I’ll always let you know what I’m thinking, just remember sometimes I’ll tell you I need some time to process it in my own head. Then I’ll speak with you and you can help me or if it’s about us we can work on it. Like I told you back in the beginning.”


The young couple felt a tap on the shoulder and looked up to see Paul and Cynthia.

“ Music is a faster number, think you’re dancin’ a bit slow for it.” Paul chuckled at the blush that took on both of their faces.


“ I think this is a perfect time to have a private talk with the two of you. Come, in the corner, out of sight.” Cynthia motioned. The couple followed their parents into the corner of the room.


Cynthia and Paul stood in front of the two so they couldn’t be seen or disturbed. The two stood against the wall waiting to see what their parents wanted.


Paul spoke up first as he ran his hand through his hair. “ Cyn and I thought we’d give you your wedding present tonight before all the chaos of the wedding tomorrow.” He looked at Cynthia to continue as he pulled out a large folded manila envelope.


Cynthia smiled at her son and future daughter in law. “ Paul and I discussed this at great length. We decided you’d need a flat here in London so Mary could be by her family too. I remember my dear son mentioning that to me. Anyway, I hope you don’t mind, Julian. I had the furniture from the house you sold in Italy taken out of storage and sent here.”


Both parents looked at the surprised faces of their children.


“ But why?” Julian asked, looking from one to the other parent.


Paul put a hand on Julian’s shoulder. Paul’s other hand gave the manila envelope to Julian. “ We purchased a flat, outright, for the both of you. Now, before you tell us we shouldn’t have, hear us out. The place is only two bedrooms, but we have a contractor looking at it and he drew plans for three more rooms to be added on in the back. One for a guest room and another for a music room, plus a room for Mary, the other two bedrooms upstairs will be for you both and our grand child.” Paul smiled.


Julian and Mary looked at the envelope and back up at their parents in shock. Julian started to open the envelope as his mother stopped him, laying her hand on his.


“ We thought it only fit to buy the flat that you were renting for those seven months. Paul and I both agreed that you both should have the place where you two fell in love. I thought it romantic and in his old age, so did Paul.” Cynthia smiled at the couple and then up to Paul, who smiled back. Their attention fell back on Mary and Julian.


“ So your furniture is now in that flat. You can have it re-arranged differently if you want. You have plenty of males in this extended family that would move things around for the two of you. I figure that Mary will be doing the directing since you are going to be on tour. Mary will fix up the nursery, with your ok, of course and when the other rooms are done, then the two of you can make up the guest room and Julian, you can fix up your music room.” Paul’s smile grew.


“ Oh and Mary, There is a small room that is going in between those two rooms. We forgot. Paul wanted you to have a room for your photography. I hope the two of you are fine with this. Go on, open the envelope now.” Cynthia caressed her son’s hand before letting go and then looked to Mary who was leaning into Julian to see what was in the envelope.


Julian opened it and took out the deed to the flat. Tears poured down Mary’s face. Julian just stared at the deed for a minute, tightening his hold on Mary. After seeing the deed, Mary kissed Cynthia as Julian hugged Paul. Then Mary threw herself at her unexpected father with hugs, kisses and tears. Julian pulled his mother in for a tight hug and kiss.


“ Thank you both, so much. I think I can speak for Mary as well. We both appreciate this so very much. You two didn’t have to do all of this. The flat that we fell in love, well, I think that’s perfect and the rooms being added on is also perfect!” Julian told them with excitement, emotion filling his voice.


“ Yes, thank you both so very much. This is way too much, but so perfect, and the wedding” Mary let out wiping her tears from her face.


“ I can afford it, y’know. Cyn wanted to help, so we did it together. It’s a joy to have you both together and Julian, having your mum around has been a joy as well. Now with that spare room, she’ll be around more. Enjoy and again, you two have pleasantly surprised us. Lenny’d be so chuffed by this union of our two families, as much as we are.” Paul released his daughter.


“ Daddy, I love you. Aunt Cyn I love you too. You and Noel can come anytime and stay with us. “ Mary emotionally told the two as she felt Julian’s comforting arm fit around her.


“ Yes, I love you too, mum. Uncle Paul you’ve always been there for me since I can remember, I love you too.” Julian couldn’t hold back the emotion in his voice as he shared his feelings.


“ Ahhh, Northern man don’t come out with their feelings so easily, but I think I’m old enough to know that’s rubbish.” Paul laughed. “ I have always loved you, son.”


“ Remember, I’m not a Northern man, born in London, Southern man, s’posen that makes a little difference.” Julian laughed along with Paul. He then looked over at his mum. “Where is Noel?”


Cynthia looked at her son. “ He will be in tomorrow morning, early and will make the wedding. He had to finish up some business, but promised me and told me to tell you he promises to be there.”


Julian scratched his head thinking about what just happened. “ Oh, great. I wouldn’t want him to miss it. This wedding is bigger than we both thought, have a lot of thanks to give around. But, mostly we thank you, our parents for the wedding and this flat. Mother, thanks for sending for my furniture so we’ll have some.”


The music had stopped and Paul noticed that Ringo, George and the kids had taken the stage. “ Guess we better wrap this up and get on stage, lad.” Paul put his arm around his future son in law, before they were able to move an announcement was made over the speaker.


“ Calling to the stage Mr. Paul McCartney and our groom to be, Mr. Julian Lennon!” Came George’s voice with a snicker as he saw the two walking towards the stage and heard the clapping along with cheering from the guests.



Everyone took the stage. Julian sat behind the piano. Ritch as he said shared the drums with his sons. Paul played his bass as James, Sean and Dhani played rhythm guitar, George playing lead. They all took turns singing. It was amazing to the whole audience who mostly sat as some danced, how wonderful they sounded unpracticed, just jamming.


Mary sat with Cynthia, Liv, Barbara and her two sisters at the front table, enjoying the music.


Julian walked the stage during a break, talking to everyone and explaining something to a few. He sat back down behind the piano and spoke into the mic.


“ I’d first love to thank you all for coming out and celebrating tonight with us. I also want to thank our Uncle Ritch and Aunt Barbara for tonight, our Uncle George and Aunt Liv in advance for the wedding at their lovely home…..”


“ I’d wait on that one, son.” George chuckled, all joining in including Julian.


“ Right, got some plan for me, do you?” Julian winked at his Uncles. “ Still, I talk for Mary and myself on these thank yous. Plus, we’d like to thank Mary’s dad, my Uncle Paul and me mum and Mary’s Aunt Cyn. We love you all.” Julian’s eyes were moist, Mary could see that even through her own wet tears.


Julian quickly swiped the tears away. Just in the same way his dad used to, George, Ringo, Paul and Cynthia, thought, among others. Julian took a huge breath. “ Sorry, been a bit of a day.” Julian smiled. “ To my bride to be and the women who is my soul mate, the woman I love body, mind, heart and soul, I’d like to sing two songs to her. First, I’d like to sing an old song and it’s not a Beatle song. “ Julian quickly added with a snicker. “The song is called, Because. After that I’d like to sing a song my father wrote that I feel is perfect for me to sing to my beautiful bride to be, Grow Old With Me. “ Julian looked away from the crowd and counted out the song.


Mary sat crying as she listened to the beautiful and emotional words that Julian expressed, openly to her in front of so many people. She nodded at the thanks he made and then cried as he sang Because to her. The crying was nothing compared to the sobs that came from hearing the song, Julian’s father, John wrote. Grow old with me, hit her like a ton of bricks as Mary sobbed openly letting a teary eyed Cynthia hold her future daughter in law.


The evening wound down and people left as Mary and Julian told them they’d see them tomorrow. Soon it was time for Mary to go to her house and Julian to Zak’s.


“ Com ‘ead, Jules, you’ll see her tomorrow. Night Mar, glad you’re going to be my sister in law.” Sean told her with a kiss.


“ Me too, Sean and I’m so glad you could make it.” Mary kissed his cheek.


“ Just make my brother here happy and make me an uncle, and again, thanks for arranging all of this,” Sean hugged her and left the building, over his shoulder he yelled. “ Hurry up, Jules!”


“ Shut your gob, I’ll be there.” Julian yelled back.


“ Don’t worry I’ll keep him quiet.” Zak smiled at the two as he put Sarah’s coat on.


“ Yes, don’t you worry. You two say good-night, but it is cold out.” Sarah told them as her husband led her out to the car.


Mary slid into Julian’s hold. He hugged her and kissed her with great Passion.

“ I hate sleeping without you, but tomorrow, when I see you, you’ll be comin’ down the aisle to become me wife.” Julian smiled at her. “ Enjoy muckin’ about with your sisters and I’ll enjoy muckin’ about with me little brother and me mate. Sleep tight, my girl. I wish it were tomorrow night and we were warm in bed as Mr. and Mrs.” Julian again kissed Mary.


Breaking the kiss, Mary could still feel the warmth on her lips as Julian started to walk towards the door. Their hands sliding down each other’s arms until their palms joined in a squeeze. Julian winked at Mary, released her hand and ran out the door. If he hadn’t run out the door he didn’t think he’d be able to leave.


Mary watched, knowing if he hadn’t ran, she’d have held him there as long as she could have. Paul came up to her and placed a warm coat on her.


“ Let’s go little girl, we have a big day tomorrow. I need me rest if I’m going to give me first girl away in marriage.” He smiled, kissed her on the cheek and put his arm around her. Mary’s head rested on her father’s shoulder as he led her out the door.