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Remember I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is a fan fiction from my warped mind.




Julian stopped his car behind Zak’s and looked at the fortress in front of them. No one would get in that wasn’t supposed to be there. He smiled; glad that the wedding would be here in such a guarded and beautiful place. He was thrilled that George and Liv were doing this for them. The only regret he had was that he wished it were spring. George’s property was always magnificent when the flowers came into bloom, along with the unusual trees that George would plant himself. Julian also thought of the two lakes, one with the stepping-stones across it, where he had first seen Mary again. He would never forget the day of the memorial service for Linda. He remembered how distraught Mary was and how he tried to help her. Holding Mary and comforting her shaky body, that’s the first time he had felt a pang of something more than friendship for her. He didn’t know what it was at the time thinking that he was identifying with her feelings, which he was, but there was more to it. Later, when they spent so much time together he realized what it was, he had been falling in love with her. He turned his thoughts to the day ahead of him.


 He could picture a wedding so well here, with the flowers, lakes and trees, on the property. Outside, amongst all that beauty would have been his choice, but due to the lack of time it couldn’t be. He was just thankful for all everyone was doing and thankful that Mary loved him enough to be getting married and have his child. 


He saw Zak drive in and then announced himself before he, too, drove inside, the gate closing behind him. He stopped the car in the place the man hired, directed him. Julian saw out of the corner of his eye the look his younger brother was giving him.


“What?” Julian questioned as he stopped the car turning to connect eyes with Sean.


Sean shook his head, a smirk on his lips. “ Where were you? I was talking to you.”


“ Sorry, thinking of how big, safe and lovely Uncle George and Aunt Liv’s place is.” Julian answered while he gathered his cigarettes and keys.


“ Yeah, don’t think the press will get in here and find out what’s going on. I remember you taking me here once. He has a pond in the back doesn’t he?”


Julian looked at his brother who was sitting sideways, a knee on the seat. “ Two lakes he has. One with stepping-stones and another, there are also benches all around. George has a gardener and his brother helps out, but George loves to plant things and watch them grow. A green thumb he has. “


Sean nodded. “ Let’s get out of the car and into the house before the guests start arriving. You got Mary’s bag for the flight tonight?”


Julian’s brow rose. “ Of course I do. You got the rings, kiddo?” Julian answered quickly and then teased his brother.


“ Hey I’m not a kid anymore, and yes I have the rings, brother dear.” Sean spit out, a bit of sarcasm to his voice.


Julian heard his father, their father, in his brother. “ Alright, alright.”


 Julian put his hands up in the air as if surrendering. “ Sorry.”

 He grinned, knowing he had gotten on his brother’s nerves.


Julian had to keep himself occupied to keep his own nerves from choking him. He never thought this day would ever happen. The day of his own wedding, to his soul mate, someone he loved unconditionally. Julian stepped out of the car and felt the cold. It didn’t seem to bother him as he looked up at the bright blue sky. How could this be happening? Just a few months ago she had shook him to the core by leaving and now they would be married in a short time. Married to his father’s mate’s daughter. He had to smile at the irony of it all. He felt positive about it, how could he not? Marrying the woman he truly loved, the woman that was carrying his child. Once he would have run from the idea of marriage and a child. Now, he listened to quiet voice inside him, the voice that told him this was so right, the voice that told him that love took hold of the fear and helped him to over come it. Through his dark sunglasses he watched a cloud drift by and silently thanked Roberto for the advice that he didn’t understand, until now. He also thanked his father and knew that his father had tried with him, only to get it right with Sean. Julian knew he had learnt from his father’s mistakes and would be the father and husband that John would be proud of. He was shook from his thoughts as he stood there. His one booted foot was up on the step of the car and his arms draped over the top of the door and the roof, leaning his weight on the vehicle.


Sean pushed at him. Julian turned bringing his foot down and his hand in time to catch the suit bag that Sean threw at him.


“ You’re in another zone, come on and lets get inside.” Sean laughed at his big brother. He knew how nervous Julian was and could see also the happiness that filled his brother. Sean’s heart filled with love for his older brother, the brother he always looked up to, and the brother that he always got excited about when there was a visit. He wrapped his arm around Julian’s shoulder and guided him to the front door.


“Yeah, guess you’re right. Just filled with so much to be thankful for.” Julian smiled brightly at Sean, joining him in the walk. Julian draped his arm around his brother as well. They walked up to the huge door laughing and teasing each other.


The huge dark wooden door opened to Dhani dressed in a black suit.

“ ‘Bout time you got here.” He smiled looking so much the younger version of his father.


Zak had run up behind them with his suit bag. He hung onto the hanger and swung both arms around Sean and Julian. “ Forgetting someone?” He panted as Dhani let the three in.


“ Nah, don’t think so.” Julian turned to Sean acting as if he was considering Zak’s question.


Sean dropped his arm from around his brother and joined Dhani as they both started to laugh at the older men.


Julian looked at both of the younger men and then back to Zak. “ Oh, the likes of you, you mean?” Julian asked with a straight face that you could clearly see the Lennon smile hiding behind.


“ Yeah, me! You lout.” Zak punched Julian lightly before both joined the other two laughing.


“ I reckon you should be getting in the dressing room that dad told me to put you guys in.” Dhani shrugged at the look he got. All three looked shocked.


“ We aren’t animals, Dhani.” Sean told him again bursting out into laughter along with the others.


“ Well Mary, Stel and Heather are upstairs with your wife, Zak, in their room. And you guys have your room. Dad, mum, Uncle Paul, Aunt Cyn and Uncle Ritch along with Aunt Barb are hanging out in the kitchen over seeing things and James, Lee, and Jason are in the music room.” Dhani offered.


“ Like to get in there.” Zak peeked over Dhani’s shoulder, down the long hall that led in different directions, one of them the music room.


“ Nope, you’re with us.” Sean told Zak.


It was then that Sean, Dhani and Zak noticed Julian hadn’t said anything. He was quiet and pensive, only moving after they stopped talking to the huge room on the left. They looked in to see what Julian was staring at.


Julian’s laughter ceased as his heart stood still at the sight of the house. The staircase on the right had exotic flowers wrapped around the full banister. A long roll of white velvet came down the stairs, across the hall and into the huge room with a double door on the left. He slowly walked over, following the white trail. Leaning on the doorframe he could see the white velvet that rolled down the middle of the room, dividing it. It stopped at a podium that stood in front of the many chairs lined on each side. Ribbons that matched the color of the wedding were tied to the first chair of every aisle. Flowers decorated the entire room. Whilst a large white candle with an inscription to small for Julian to see was placed on a small table covered with silk material, which stood in front of the podium. George and Olivia saw Julian stare at the room and then the candle. Everything else was gone to him. The other three stood aside as George rested a hand on Julian’s shoulder, whilst Olivia looped hers into Julian’s forearm, from the other side.


“It’s beautiful.” Julian whispered to the air.


George and Olivia smiled at one another. “ We all tried to make it as perfect as possible.”        

George squeezed Julian’s shoulder. George’s eyes went to the candle Julian was staring at, “ You’re Catholic and so is Mary. So we put up a unity candle for you both, the inscription is something that Paul, Ritch and I wrote ourselves, along with adding something from your father. The candle is special. It’s yours to bring with the two of you and you can read the inscription later. On the other side is something from the bible, more traditional, think the vicar would like that, but I think you and Mary will love both,” George smiled.


Julian shook his head, dumbfounded at the incredible sight and what George had just said about the candle. He then knew the celebration would get even better as the day grew on and turned into night. He turned his hand and patted Olivia’s and then looked up at his Uncle George.


“ Thanks, it’s overwhelming, like out of a story book or a movie. I think that will be what will unfold today, “ Julian told both his Aunt and Uncle with a heavy swallow as he tried to take it all in.


“ You sound like a girl, Jules.” Sean said flatly.


“ Yeah, you going soft on us?” Zak tried to lighten up the emotion in the room.


“ I think it’s sweet, so you boys button your mouths,” Olivia chastised the two and then turned her full attention to John’s son. “Julian, it will unfold to be the most wonderful day for both you and Mary, sweetie.” Olivia leaned up and kissed Julian’s cheek, “ Enjoy every moment, this is from all of us to you and Mary.”


Julian could feel the emotion knot up in his throat but pushed it back and shook his head in agreement.


“ Now, to your cage master Julian. You have to get ready. The guests are going to start arriving anytime now. “ George pulled Julian out of his trance and led the three to the study, “ You’ll be comfortable getting ready here. I left a small bottle of scotch on the desk for your nerves, one or two, that’s it.” George warned with a chuckle before leaving as Julian thanked them both.


The door closed to the big study. There were bookshelves that lined one of the walls. A dark heavy wooden desk with the same wood for the chair behind it, sat at the end of the room, a lamp on it along with the tray of scotch that George had mentioned. Two chairs sat in front of the desk, along the other wall was a vinyl couch with a small table lying in front of it. In the corner was an oval mirror on a wooden stand that matched the desk.


Zak hung his suit bag on a closet door that sat a bit from the mirror. Sean did the same and then took Julian’s and hung it with theirs. Zak went over and poured three glasses of scotch. He brought it over to Sean and Julian.


“ Ta.” Julian told Zak before downing the small glass, “ I needed that, badly.” Julian commented before putting the glass back down and moving towards his suit bag.


Sean looked at the drink. “ I’m not sure I like plain scotch. I know dad did, but I think it tastes gross. But I’ll down it fast, need something.” Sean explained. He downed it, slammed the glass down as he choked for a second. “ That crap is horrible!”


“ Bollocks, it’s good stuff, will put hair on your chest. I told you, you need to stay here, learn some of the good things England has to offer.” Julian smirked and then laughed at his brother choking on the drink. 


“ Come off it. If this is some of the good things England has to offer than count me out.” Sean shook his head at his brother and Zak before moving to get his suit.


“ Sean, this is your heritage.” Zak laughed.


“ Don’t you go sounding like my brother.” Sean warned before turning back and unzipping his bag.


“ I sound nothing like that lout.” Zak snickered as he unzipped his bag and began taking his tuxedo out.


“ Nothing like me, ey? Blimey, you’re a bloody good liar.” Julian smiled at his friend as he started to dress.


The three quickly got dressed, forgetting the banter and allowing the frustration of putting on the whole tux to take over. Zak stood in front of the mirror finishing. Sean was next in front of the mirror as Julian stood slightly in back and to the side of his brother fixing his bow tie. He found his frustrations got in the way, pulling the tie apart.


“ For fuck sakes! These bleedin’ things!” Julian growled looking down at the tie.


Zak and Sean laughed at Julian. Zak then came over and pushed Julian’s hands away.

“ Move your damn hands away and let me have a go at it,” Zak quickly pulled the tie together for his nervous friend. “ There, now calm your arse down,” Zak smiled, turned Julian around to the mirror and put on his boutonnière. “ All set. Now we can relax, have a smoke and wait until it’s time.” Zak brushed off Julian’s shoulders and then lit three cigarettes. He then joined Sean on the couch. Julian just paced the length of the room. The couch was against the wall behind the door giving Julian plenty of room to pace and annoy both Sean and Zak.


“ For Christ sakes Jules, sit!” Sean ordered his nervous brother.


“ I’m not a blasted dog.” Julian answered running his hand through his hair before pouring another drink to quiet his nerves.


“ Well this kennel was made for us for the day.” Zak cackled, getting up to join his friend in another drink. “ Remember, no more, like Uncle George said.”


“ Shove off. Sorry, just a bit nervous.” Julian sheepishly told Zak.


“ Quite alright.” Zak clapped Julian on the shoulder before turning to Sean. “ You want another one?”


“ Are you kidding? No way.” Sean stared incredulously at Julian and Zak.


“ Right, forgot.” Zak smiled and then sat back down.


The door opened to the study and Julian jumped.


“ Whoa, calm down, son.” Paul laughed. :” Would you two excuse Jules and myself for a few minutes?”


“ Sure Uncle Paul.” The two answered in unison.


“ Yeah we’ll see what trouble we can get into.” Sean cackled as he pushed Zak out of the study, closing the door behind them.


Julian looked to his Uncle, a man he had known and respected all of his life, a man that would soon be his father in law. Paul poured a scotch and motioned for Julian to sit with him on the couch.


“ You look good, my boy. I’d would like to talk to you for a moment before everything starts,” Paul started to tell a nodding Julian. There was a knock on the door, Julian got up and opened it. The person couldn’t see Paul from where he was and where Julian was standing.


“ Julian, you look so bloody grown up, not that you didn’t before,” Ringo laughed. “I wanted to have a chat before the wedding starts and since your dad or Roberto isn’t here.” Ringo said placing his hand on Julian’s shoulder.


Julian shook his head, “ Think you should take a number.” His head nodded to Paul, who waved to Ringo.


“ Guess we’re thinking the same thoughts.” Paul chuckled at his friend who chuckled back and joined Paul on the couch.


Julian sat on the table in front of the couch to listen to his Uncles.


Paul and Ritch looked at one another. Ritch nodded for Paul to go first.


“ Jules, marriage is many things, lad. I feel it enriches your life to have someone with you, someone you love so much that they add to your life. I wish you bliss with my daughter, but know that there are things you must really work at in a marriage. I think these days, most divorce when the going gets tough. You have to compromise. It’s not just you anymore that your life affects. Talk to each other and always keep the lines of communication open. Sometimes when your day has been a rough one it’s good to have someone on your side to talk it over with and the same goes for her. Encourage her as she will encourage you. Always be a good listener, women need to be listened to as well. Linda was always there for me and listened, encouraged and helped me through some rough times in my life. I thank God I found her. Sometimes, us blokes don’t understand what a woman is going on about, try to figure it out and if you can’t, if the mood is right ask.” Ringo had been nodding along with Paul and cut him off..


“ If it’s not the right time to ask questions just hold them, or shake your head as if you understand and just go with it. But Paul is right you have to have good communication together. Also never go to bed mad, one never knows.” Ringo gave an apologetic look to his friend and then focused back on Julian.


The door opened up again to the study. Julian jumped up to see George come through it. Stopping at the sight of his two friends and a very nervous young man, George chuckled before putting his hand on Julian’s shoulder pushing him lightly, back down. George than sat on the couch with his two friends.


“ I guess this is the speech that John would have given the boy?” George grinned.


“ Yeah, s’posen so, might as well join in Uncle George.” Julian looked at George with a nod.


“ Good, how far did we get, then?” George looked at Paul and Ritch.


Ritch answered George as he pushed on each finger of his hand. “ Never go to sleep mad. Compromise, communication, encouragement, listening, oh and what to do if you don’t understand what your wife is going on about,” Ritch finished and then looked over at Paul, “ Did I leave anything out?”


Paul shook his head. “ I don’t think so, Ritch.”


George looked over to Paul. “ Is this the same speech you gave your daughter before?”


Paul nodded with a smile.


“ Good show, then shall we continue?” George asked getting nods from his friends.


“It’s always good to take an interest in each other’s hobbies or projects. Just make sure you don’t get in the way, but again encourage these as well. Barb and me always do that and it works,” Ritch explained. “ You have to be friends as much as lovers. Always be honest and trusting, you have to always trust in a marriage as well as being honest. Without those things a marriage can’t survive. “


George opened his mouth at that moment. “ It’s always good to have that unity together. Oh and I don’t know if the other’s told you, if you are mad, tell her and also tell her you need a few before talking about it. Go to a place where you can unwind and put it together. I either go to my music, my garden or just meditate on things and then I talk to Livy. I get her input and there are times she says things I haven’t thought of. But answers come from with in us and from outside us,” All three shook their heads in agreement with George as he smiled. “ And also listen to your heart it will never steer you wrong, unless it’s a jealous heart. Jealousy in small doses is fine but you’ll ruin it all if you have that green monster on your back.”


Paul leaned forward towards Julian, his elbow on his leg allowing his torso to move closer to Julian. “ About pregnant women. Listen closely, lad. I think we all can attest to this one.”


Julian rounded his shoulders a bit to get the tension out of his back. He smiled at his Uncles. “ Never get in the way of a pregnant woman and her food.” He spit out.


The other three all nodded and laughed, Julian joining in with them.


“ Yes, yes!” Paul laughed almost in tears. “ Linda was great for that sort. I had to make sure I didn’t get in the way of that pregnant hunger. She’d bit my head off.” He laughed more.


Ringo quieted down a little before going on. “ Pregnancy brings hormonal mood swings that can cut you down. Walk away from it, Jules. Let her go on and just let it go, ya can’t win with that sort. A trick I used was to sing in my head and let Mo scream or rant on, I didn’t hear ‘er, just the song in my head and then it would blow by. She’d be fine, funny thing, that.” He smiled at the memory he told Julian.


“ I’m dead keen on this. When they’re in their 7th, 8th, and 9th month they are cranky mostly towards the end. You’ll be asked, do I look fat?” George’s voice got high like a girls with the question.


Ringo and Paul burst out in laughter at George and remembering how true his words were.  

George continued after stifling his laughter. “ Just tell them how bloody beautiful they are, never and I mean never say anything that a pregnant woman can twist into you stating she is fat and undesirable. But you’ll notice they might BE fat, but they glow with beauty, a beauty you’ve never seen before,” George told Julian thoughtfully.


The other two agreed with George. Their wives look lovely pregnant and had a certain glow about them.


 “ Right, they can’t get off the couch, legs cramp and it’s bloody uncomfortable carrying a child around but so rewarding in the end. So be extra patient and good to her.” Paul added. He looked at his future son in law with a proud smile. “ I rather fancy becoming a grand dad.” He saw a smile come back on to Julian’s face, bringing Julian out of his thoughts.


“ Guess it’s bloody good I’ll be tourin’ a bit, then. Although I hate missin’ out on some of it like me da did.” There was a whimsical sound to Julian’s voice.


“ Jules, y’know yer da hadn’t the choice.” Ringo spoke softly.


“ Aye, I know that, just wish I could be around a bit more so. Guess I shouldn’t think on it.” Julian shrugged.


“ That’s right, it’s your weddin’ and you’re marrin’ me little girl, so make her happy, son.” Paul stood up, pulling Julian with him and into a hug.


The door opened and the two separated to see who walked in. Cynthia, Olivia, Barbara and the cameraman strolled through the door all talking about different shots they’d love to see.


George and Ringo stood from the couch to meet their wives.


“ What’s goin’ on, luv?” George gave Olivia a peck as he asked.


The girls smiled at them. “ Picture time for the groom, his Uncles and wait. Zak! Sean! We’re waiting!” Cynthia shouted like a drill sergeant


Julian looked at his mum in shock. He had heard her yell before but it was when he was a young lad and she was upset with him. He looked curiously at her. “Where’d that come from, mum?”


“ Sorry, luv. Zak is eating something and Sean is just plain mooning over Lee.” Cynthia laughed at Julian’s reaction and then noticed it wasn’t just him. George, Ringo and Paul stood there quiet, with mouths opened. Sean and Zak entered the room.


“ Well seems I didn’t just shock my son,” Cynthia laughed along with the other girls.


“ Ok, we’re ready.” Sean told Cynthia as Zak swallowed the last of his food.


“ Oh, I forgot to tell you, George. Pattie is here.” Olivia told her husband, sliding her arm around him. 


“ Brilliant, she’s taking photos too. I hired this bloke here so Pattie could see and enjoy everything but she wants to also take some shots since she’s a photographer now. Linda did teach her a lot, Paul.” George explained with excitement.


“ I remember.” Was all Paul said as he pictured how lovely Linda would have looked and how excited she’d be at her daughter’s wedding and to Julian, of all people. She’d be snapping away as she always did, proud mother of the bride and proud to have Julian as her son in law.



“ The cameraman took photographs upstairs with me and Mary and the girls. You want me in these too?” Paul asked.


“ Yes sir, I think that’s what the bride also wanted.” The gentleman answered Paul’s question.


The door was still opened when Pattie stepped inside the room. She wore a tee length fitted royal blue dress that almost matched her eyes. Her blonde hair hung around her shoulders along with a professional camera. Pattie looked at the photographer and then the others in the room.


A smile curved to her face, she held up her camera. “ I’d like to take these pictures, if you don’t mind,” Pattie told the cameraman.


“ Sure, I’ll get set up in the room where the wedding will be.” The cameraman nodded as he left.


George hugged Pattie. “ Good to see you. Thanks for taking the photos.” George gave his ex-wife a kiss on the cheek.


Paul and Ringo hugged her next. “ You look as stunning as usual,” Paul whispered in her hair. For a minute it was like years ago or perhaps like holding Linda and whispering into her strawberry blonde hair. He released Pattie and the images that, for a moment slid freely through his mind, left.


“ Pattie, it’s great to see you.” Ringo hugged and kissed her.


“ I’m sorry I missed taking the photographs of the bride, her sisters and you guys. So I wanted to take these photos.” Pattie saw the nods until her attention focused on Julian, Zak and Sean. “ My God, Julian, you look smashing, and Zak you do too. No more little boys running about, you’re handsome young men, it’s been awhile,” Pattie’s eyes ran over Sean, trying to see Julian or John in him. She could see it but also the likeness to Yoko.

“ Sean, I haven’t seen you but once. You’re very handsome.” She shook his hand.


“ Thank you.” Sean answered.


 Pattie then turned to Zak and Julian.


“ I’d love for you to take the photos of us Aunt Pattie, and you too, look smashing.” Julian hugged his Aunt and gave her a kiss.


“ Thanks Jules, and thanks for letting me take some photos, I’m honored to be doing this. It’s been some time since I’ve seen you and your cohort over there, what almost a year for you at the memorial service? And you Zak, it’s been over a year, being you’re always on tour. I saw your lovely wife and daughter a few minutes ago.” Pattie’s bright smile shone throughout the room getting smiles back from everyone, especially Julian and Zak.


“ I didn’t know you were taking photographs, but I’m very glad. And yes about a year it’s been.” Julian gave her a tight-lipped grin.


“ I have to work for a living Auntie, can’t take off like this sod here, although he’s in the process of making a CD and going on tour. So you saw Sarah and Tatia? I hope you’ll save a photo for me and my family later, we’d love that one.” Zak gave a cagey smile.


‘” Of coarse I’ll take a photo of you, Sarah and Tatia, I’d rather fancy that. And yes I saw them. Tatia is so beautiful and growing fast. So you work now, is it? I think you’ve been touring forever.” Pattie tilted her head at Zak.


“ Aye, Tatia is a beauty. And I do feel like I have been touring forever as well, it’s hard honest work.” Zak teased.” Ta for the photo later, it’s appreciated.”


“ Don’t let him give you a lot of stick. He enjoys every bleedin’ minute on stage, loves the attention, this one does,” Julian laughed with the others. Zak frowned, looking away before he too started to laugh.


“ Right, my son loves the lime light and playin’ the skins, so don’t let him have you on.” Ringo joined in, giving a playful wink at his son.


“ Just like my old man.” Zak winked back, playfully at his dad.


Pattie focused on Julian. “ And you’re making a Cd and touring as well? Hmm, not much time for the newlyweds. Answer me as you all line up for this shot.” Pattie motioned for all of them to get together.


“ Aye, been away from the music to long. Started all this way before I found out that I was getting married and becoming a father. I intend to cut the tour down a bit and take off a month before and after the baby comes. I’ll also take flights back and forth on the European part of the tour to spend a few days with Mary. After the baby is born we’ll tell the paparazzi about the marriage and baby. We’ll manage. I’m so glad you’re here. It’s good of you to be doing this but better to see you again. “ Julian told her just before she snapped the first photograph. 


“ Well sounds like you and Mary have things worked out. I’m glad. Ok, lets get down to business.” Pattie told them.


She put them in many positions and took a few shots after she reloaded while no one paid attention. She loved those shots, just like Linda and Mary did. For the last shots the group had been slipping it around how they wanted them to be and didn’t tell Julian. Paul, Ringo and George stood in a line behind Julian and picked up the groom, swinging him sideways across their arms as they did in a Beatles photograph many years before. Julian caught of guard wiggled, but they were already prepared for it, stopping him. Pattie snapped the picture. Still holding Julian, Zak and Sean came up between Paul and George lending them a hand in lifting Julian higher up. Olivia, Barbara and Cynthia knelt a bit under Julian but still allowing all faces to be shone. Pattie had put her camera on a tripod and ran in with them before the timer went off and the flash filled the room. Julian came tumbling down from arm to arm until he reached the floor. All were laughing hysterically.


“ Thanks, you wise arses!” Julian choked out, straightening his tux jacket as he stood up.


“ But the pictures will be fucking great, especially those last ones.” Sean eyed his brother with an excited look. “ Got you!”


“I’ll get you if you don’t stop muckin’ about.” Julian chastised his kid brother.


Sean’s brow furrowed in confusion. “ I think I understand you, but you really need to do something about that slang.”


“ Oh bugger off, would ya. Y’know what I’m sayin’.” Julian waved Sean off.


“You are in England, lad. You need to be learnin’ the slang. Muckin’ about means fooling around, now you’ve learnt sommat.” George gave a toothy grin to Sean who just shook his head in defeat.


“ Are we done here? I think I’m gonna go find Lee.” Sean looked at everyone as he headed to the door.


“ Sean, no messin’ about with me daughter, be a gentleman.” Ringo warned lightly.


“ Right, you mess with me kid sister and you deal with me.” Zak winked.


“I’m always a gentlemen, Uncle Ritch.” Sean gave his Uncle a sideways grin.


“ That’s what I’m afraid of.” Ringo mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear.


“ I mean it, Sean. My fist, your face, so don’t cheese me off and behave,” Zak reiterated to Sean.


 “ There you go again with that slang. Christ.” Sean shook his head as he tried to figure out the slang. Almost to the door he figured he understood it. “ Damn, I think I’m starting to understand this crap. And Zak?  I’m so afraid.” Sean commented to Zak before leaving the room.


“ YOU SHOULD BE!” Zak yelled before collapsing on the couch in hysterics.


“ I think I’ll take some photos of the girls real quick. Lady’s, care to join me?” Pattie asked as she got her equipment together.


“ We’d love to.” The women answered and then helped her out of the room.


“ I think we need to check to make sure all is going on schedule and Paul you need to go get ready to escort your daughter down the aisle.” George told his friends.


“ Sounding like Eppy a bit these days, aint he Ritch?” Paul snickered.


“ I do believe he is at that.” Ringo snickered along with Paul.


:”Julian we’ll see you down the aisle, right now I’m going to cripple these two and then check on things.” George told Julian before he playfully argued with his two friends on their way out of the room.


“ Well looks like it’s just you and me, mate.” Zak gave Julian a look.


“ Why don’t you go see your wife and daughter, I need a bit of time to collect myself,” Julian eyed Zak as he told him.


Zak nodded knowing Julian well enough to know he needed this time alone, ”Right, just remember we’ll be back in about 20 minutes to grab your arse to the podium so the vicar will marry ya. Still don’t know why she’s doin’ it. Oh, right, it’s the way. You get ‘em preggers first and then marry ‘em.” Zak howled at his mate who shook his head as he giggled.


“ I’m counting on you coming to get me, I can’t wait to marry her. And for your information, the girl loves me. Plus, I have to keep the family and extended family tradition going. Wasn’t Sarah in the family when you married or is my memory faulty?” Julian gave Zak a huge smile.


“ Your memory is faulty, son. But the tradition has to keep going so I’ll come to drag you away, later.” Zak moved to the heavy door and looked over his shoulder at Julian.


Julian put his hands on his hips, his lips pursed. “ Ok get me when we are ready to go to the club. Oh wait aint I doing sommat else? I can’t remember.” Julian made a face at his friend.


“ Yeah, gettin’ married, old man.” Zak ran out the door, closing it as the pillow fell against the thick wood.


Julian picked up the pillow and threw it on the couch. It was finally quiet, not that he minded the laughter, along with everyone, but he needed just a little time alone with his thoughts before taking the plunge into a marriage he so desperately wanted. He ran his hand through his hair as he looked in the mirror and then straightened up his tux. Julian lit a cigarette and then walked to the small window. He watched the wind blow through the trees, the sun peeking in and out of the clouds, knowing by this time tomorrow he’d have Mary as his wife.