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Remember I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind.



The room was quiet, Julian just had to get his thoughts together, get himself ready for the wedding. He stood in front of the mirror inspecting himself, running a hand through his hair, again. It lay a little shorter with the barbers trim as his fingers straightened it out. He then fixed his boutonnière. Still looking in the mirror he began staring off into space, thinking of his life, past, present and future. His mind wander to his father, wishing that they had been closer and he was still alive. The last time he had seen John was for his sixteenth birthday and that was in 1979. He remembered having expectations that they’d grow closer in the few weeks he’d be there. They made a little progress, but his father always would pull away. Julian left with great disappointment. He eventually realized he shouldn’t have gotten his expectations so high. Julian figured in this way he could have taken what John gave him and seen that they did get a little closer. After all, he had called once a week for a while and then that fizzled out.


Julian saw how John would try with Sean and how spoiled his little brother had been. He could still see where his father would lose patience and call the nanny. Julian wished they could talk the way Roberto and he did. All that didn’t matter, he did see John try a little with him, teaching him chords on the guitar, bike riding, and having that party for his birthday. But Julian knew, now, that he was shy and unsure, just as John was. Still, he thought, that maybe if there had been other times, they might have gotten even closer. John had been doing the best he could. Maybe it would have happened, maybe it wouldn’t have. But at least he would have had a chance if John were still around. He wondered if his father was proud of what he had done with his life, if John was proud that Mary would be his wife. He stood staring into the mirror, glazed eyes, his mind wandering, and so deep in thought that he no longer saw his own reflection pool in front of him.


“ I was a bloody idiot back in 79. “


Julian jumped and then quickly turned, his eyes scanning the room. No one was there. It must have been his mind so deep in thought. Still, he felt chilled and smelt something familiar in the air.


“ I was never sure how to approach you. I was paranoid, guilty and so unsure. I wanted to know if you were still a virgin,” Then came unmistakable laughter.


“ Dad?” Julian searched the room again. Was he going mad?


“You’re not going nutters, son. Here I am.”


John’s voice was so clear as if he was standing right along side of Julian.

Julian turned, his eyes focused back on the mirror. That’s when his image left and John’s came into view. Julian jumped in surprise. Christ, he was insane! Julian squinted and then looked back into eyes that he knew so well, eyes that were like his own.


“ Didn’t mean to scare you.” John suddenly disappeared, showing up, leaning back against the desk. His body shimmering and see through, but the image clear. Julian shook his head.


“ Your not real. I’m not even drunk this time,” Julian spoke about the night he had dreamt that his father had appeared to him, or was it a dream?


“ I was there, lad. How else did the photo get from the floor to the table? Mary didn’t do it, I did. I talked to you, only you were bladdered.” John’s lips tightened as he gauged his son for a reaction.


Julian tripped over his feet as he moved a few steps closer to the desk, to his father. The palm of his right hand fell against the wall, saving him from falling. He stayed in that position, leaning in more, so his shoulder now lay against the wall holding his weight. Pale and in shock, he looked at his father.


“ What ……  what are you doing here? Are you real?” Julian blinked, not sure if he should trust himself.


“ Almost the same thing you said to me awhile back, in that flat of yours. Aye, I’m here, real as can be, and what would you call me? A ghost, spirit, or an apparition,” John waved his hands in the air. “ Doesn’t fuckin’ matter, does it? You asked me here. We need to talk.”


“ T..t… I asked you here?” Julian stuttered as he questioned.


“Yes, talk. And like months ago, you did ask me here with your thoughts. Don’t be afraid or think you are imagining me. I’m here. Look.” John told his eldest son as his image slowly became solid. “ Never thought I’d be in George’s house, again. I was rather cheesed off at him when I died. Not anymore though, that book is no longer important.” John straightened up. “ I have a problem getting used to being in human form. Just figured it out not long ago. “


“ You never sent a white feather.” Julian said in a stoic voice. The thought just jumped out of his still unsure mouth from the jumbled thoughts in his brain.


“ No, didn’t figure out how to do that until much later and then you didn’t realise it when it happened. Neither did Sean. Then I learnt to get into peoples heads, give them thoughts, or talk to them. I didn’t do that to too many people. Now, I’ve learnt how to appear in a physical form, but only at certain times, when it’s alright with the powers that be.” John told Julian whilst he slowly walked closer to his boy, not wanting to scare him even more.


John reached Julian and put his solid hand on his son’s shoulder. “ Com ‘ead and talk to me. There is little time before the wedding and some things we need to discuss. Not like your Uncles, think they covered that part. We need to talk of us.” John led his still stunned son to the couch. He gave a light push making Julian sit down, and then John sat along side of Julian, sideways so he could look at the son that reminded him so much of himself. Julian turned his body to see his father. Like before, Julian touched his father’s face for a minute, but didn’t repeat the same things he remembered from the last time.


“ It wasn’t a dream, last time, I mean.” Julian stated as his hand fell away from his father’s face. ‘ I thought I dreamt it.”


“ Naw, wasn’t a dream last time or this one. Now we need to get on with this. Only you can see and hear me, but others can hear you. So we need to talk before they come for you.” John watched Julian’s head nod.


“ First, were you a virgin?” John tilted his head with a wicked grin.


“ What?” Julian looked surprise and confused by the question.


“ When you came in 79 for your birthday. Were you still a virgin? I wasn’t sure and didn’t know how to ask. I thought that maybe you were trying to decide about your sexuality and if you were gay I didn’t want you to think I disapproved or it mattered to me. I was also insecure and unsure of how to talk to you. I was jumpy and that’s why when we did things and started to get close I’d shut down and would leave, sorry. I was foolish, I tried hard with Sean but had a nanny and when I couldn’t take him either, I’d send him back to the nanny. He was four then and I spoke to him as if he were grown up and I’d get frustrated when he didn’t understand, but I did try. I would have tried more with you if I hadn’t have died. As a matter of fact, did you get my journals that I wanted you to have? I was angry with my father and after his death, his widow, Pauline, sent over his journals at his request for me. I read them and found out that me Auntie Mimi kept him away for my protection, thinking he was a bad influence on me. I ended up forgiving him and thought by sending you my journals that after you read them you’d understand and forgive me. I hoped, anyways.” John’s eyes implored Julian’s.


“No, I wasn’t a virgin when I was with you in 79. Had a girl back home, she was my first. Was with her a year or so before I moved on. And no, to the other question, she never gave them to me. I heard some things were stolen from your estate and think they might have been too. But she got them back and never gave them to me. “ Julian answered as he processed what his father was saying.


John was impressed and smiled lovingly at his son. “Great you started young as I did, good lad, hope the lass had good front bits and got ya off right. S’pect y’ know that it’s not just a physical thing, now. It’s emotional, tender, loving and physical.” John stopped smiling, his thoughts turned to Yoko and her not giving Julian the journals he wanted the boy to have.

 “Bleedin’ ‘ell, I was hoping she did give the journals, so you’d see where I was coming from. I’m sorry. I did love you and still do. I didn’t know how to be a father, how to get close to you. Like I said, I tried my best with Sean and did better with him, only I wasn’t the way I wanted to be. Sometimes I was, but a lot of times I’d get frustrated, but guilt would send me back to him. Guilt sent me away from you. I was into my own self and never knew how to be a father. I never had a father figure. At times I saw how Paul was with you when you were small. Sometimes I’d be able to join in playing with you and him. There were also times I hope you remember, when I’d read to you or would make up stories out of your pictures, things like that. But I could just never get on the floor and play with you like Paul could, peeved me off too, that he could so easily do that. One of the things that got me friendly with Paul, were his close family and the music, and of course, later, both of us losing our mums. I just wanted you to know that I always did love you, I didn’t treat you fairly, but I didn’t know how. I didn’t even know how much in need of money you and your mum were. I was guilty about your mum as well, and that stopped me from talking to her, I did a little in L.A. Then mother stopped me. I know Cynthia always loved me, though.” John watched Julian light a cigarette, his own desires for one perked up.


“ I remember the stories, they made me laugh and when you’d read to me from story books or the newspaper. You’d change voices for character when you’d make up stories from the newspapers and my pictures. ” Julian remembered fondly.


“Cor, glad you do have some good memories of me” John stared at the cigarette in his son’s hand.

“You smokin’ Gitanes?” John asked, the smoke wafting past his nose, making the craving worse.


“ A, no, it’s not a French ciggie, just your average British one.” Julian saw John shrug, accepting the cigarette from his son.


John inhaled deeply, and then exhaled, enjoying the feeling, the taste, something he still remembered. He looked back at Julian. “ I bloody miss these. Never could stop smokin’ even with watching what I ate to stay healthy.” John inhaled more and then shared the ashtray with Julian.


“What else did you have to say to me?” Julian asked, feeling calmer whilst looking at his dad. He marveled at the fact that John was there, with him. He was glad to hear the things that John had started to say. Julian wanted his father, his dad, to go on. He desperately wanted to have even a few minutes of closeness with the father he missed so much. He remembered lying in John’s arms all those months ago, the feeling that his father loved him was the last thing he remembered before passing out.


John sat up, a frown crossing over his face. “ I don’t want you to be mad at me. Like I said, I do love you, always have. Some people just can’t show it as other’s can. I am very proud of your music and how you got over on those suits. Sitting back for seven years, letting your contract run out and then doing it your way. I did that on the last album, I did. Guess, like father like son it is, after all. I’ve heard the music you have and know the album will be a smash. I know all your music and saw the plight you were in with the drugs and booze, like your old man, here. I too did the same. But you got away and became independent, and that I’m so proud of. I needed mother for more than what a regular relationship is. She was my lover, mother, teacher and so much more. Maybe the relationship wasn’t perfect but I learnt a lot from it. You, my boy, have gotten your act together and are doing well with that Lennon temper you got from me. Your mum did well with ya, as did Roberto and others.” John stood up and started to pace. He didn’t want to talk about his failures but he did need to bring up one other thing. He looked up hearing Julian chuckle. “ What?”


Julian stood from the couch. He walked closer to his father. “ I pace too when I’m nervous. Guess that’s you in me.”


“ Smart arse.” John chuckled with his son. John’s hand mussed up Julian’s hair and then his arm came down into a headlock.


Julian and John wrestled for a few minutes, laughing, enjoying themselves without any inhibitions for the first time. Then John remembered the time. He got up and held out his hand to Julian. Getting up, both leaned their weight against the palms of their hands that lay on their thighs. They both caught their breath and stood up.


“ I also wanted to tell you how proud I was of you when mother didn’t give you what you deserved from my estate. Bloody idiot I was to set up that small trust fund for you and then splitting it with Sean. I knew Sean would get most of the estate. I love him, but I have two sons. I was chuffed at how you handled yourself, even though you weren’t sure, you still did it. I pushed at mother to give you what was deserved. She knew I was there, she spoke to me, but had to again, let me know she held the power. She gave you, but not what I wanted her too and then finally giving you something of mine. I had so much junk, so many things. Wouldn’t have hurt her to give you more. Then to say she sent you the wrong guitar and ask for it back only to give you a less expensive one.” John ran an agitated hand through his hair. “ She didn’t have to do that! I saw how pleased you were. Oh fuck it, it’s over, just wanted you to know how I felt.”


Julian stared in awe of his father who was finally being honest and not hiding from him. A smile spread across Julian’s face. “ It’s quite all right. I’m over it all, really. I’m just happy to hear all this and to see you. That’s all I ever wanted was to hear what you thought, to know I made a difference in your life and wasn’t a thorn in your side.” Julian shared with his father whilst wrapping his arm around John. John in turn wrapped his arm around his son. They stood for a minute looking at each other in a meaningful way. Julian could see the peace and comfortable love that shone from his dad.


“ I always just wanted to call you da, dad, daddy, and feel it. Just wanted to feel loved and share my love with you. “ Julian felt the moisture in his eyes and saw it in John’s.


“ Aye, I hope this brief time you can see it and it will carry you along. You were never a thorn in my side. I didn’t know how to relate to you, but no matter what, I still loved you. Even far away I thought of you. I sent you that painting from the photograph you had in your flat that day. Glad you have it hanging on your living room wall.” John sniffed and gave Julian a hug.


“ That it will, now that I know I was never the thorn in your side that I thought I was. Aye, that photo has always been my favorite and was so please when you shipped the painting of it to me. I have it in my main house but always bring the framed photo with me. Mary bought me a new frame for it and I have that photo in my bag that I brought back to England.” Julian held tight to his father, hugging him hard, afraid to let go as he told his father about the photo and painting.


John let go of Julian. His eyes twinkled looking at his eldest son with love and pride shining through them. “Right, and about being your father. I am also your da, or dad. I’m also proud of the fact you are marrying that pretty lass of Macca’s, that I’ll be a grandpa, bringing both families together. I want you to know that I’ll be up there, between you and Sean when you marry, you’ll feel my hand on your shoulder and feel how proud I am. “


“ You’re going to be up there with me, then?” Julian questioned.


“ Aye, wouldn’t be anywhere else. I’m also glad you and Sean are close and he is going on tour with you. I think I’ll also watch that and then my grandbaby being born.” John smiled proudly and winked at Julian as he walked over to pour a scotch and light another cigarette. Julian took another drink and cigarette as well.


:” So will I feel you around when you come and see the baby and the tour?” Julian asked with hope.


“ Sometimes.” John simply said.


“ You told me that I’d meet the girl I was supposed to meet but didn’t ever say it would be Mary. That she’d come back to me, with child.” Julian smiled over at John.


“ Naw, can’t give that shite away, but I told you that you’d get with your soul mate. And like Zak and Sarah, in years to come, you’ll only be happier than you are today. Oh, bloody ‘ell, I wasn’t supposed to tell you the future. “ John tugged deeply on his smoke and then exhaled it.


“ So we will be, then. Anymore children?” Julian pushed.


John chuckled, “ Don’t be a tosser, told you I can’t tell you anymore.” John shook his head and then he stopped and looked at the wall by the door.


“ What, dad?” Julian asked anxiously.


“ They’ll be comin’ in a few minutes for you. Remember I do love you and am proud of you. I’ll be right with you and you’ll feel me. You’ll take one look at Mary and know it’s right.” John pulled Julian in for another hug. Both father and son strengthened their hold on one another.


“ I love you too, dad. I’m glad you came and we talked. Will I see you again?” Julian asked a bit frightened by the answer.


“ Just may, never know that one, son. Just one thing I need you to do for me.” John held the palms of his hands on either side of Julian’s shoulders, holding him back so he could see his face.


“ Tell Macca, the pounce, but not from me of course, cause he'll think you're off your trolley. That now, he finally again, has his name first, since Mary wants to be McCartney-Lennon. It was like that at first until Eppy got the flippin' idea that my name should be first. Sounded better or looked better alphabetically, who the fuck knows, but tell him that one so I can watch him laugh." John laughed slapping his son on the back as Julian joined in.


Julian remembered that the original songwriting had had Paul’s name first but couldn’t remember why it had changed until just now when his dad told him.


“Jules.” John called to get his son’s attention.


Julian looked to his father. He watched John snub out the cigarette and gulp down the scotch. Then John nestled the glass next to the bottle. “ Harri always did get the best scotch. Oh and you’re right. Sean has seen Japan many times over the years, but mother has never had him see his English and Irish heritage. Do what you said, son. Show your brother our heritage as Lennon’s.” John was in front of Julian in a moment.


John glided so quickly that it made Julian jump. “ I wish you’d stop that, da.” Julian smiled at using the term. Now he did so and felt it. He saw his father smile with happiness and his eyes shined.


Julian could see it was time for his father to leave. He wanted to go ahead and get married, yet, he didn’t want to let his father, his da, leave after finally getting in 20 minutes what he had craved a life time for. Julian looked down, embarrassed by the saltwater that ran down his face. John wiped the tears away as he would a child and suddenly Julian felt like that small child. John could feel that child in his son. John had felt like that 5-year-old child choosing between his mother and father, being abandoned. He felt it for so many years that he recognized the pain in his son.


“ Son, I have to go. I can’t stay. We both know this to be true. But you will feel my presences when I’m around and I will try to see you every so often. I have time to make up for and I’m sure the powers that be will allow me to see you every so often but not a lot. I’d like to see Sean as well but I’ll have to see if they’ll let me do so. I was allowed to see you due to so much that we needed to say and feel. I feel like we’ve done something right together, I didn’t run and we both opened up. Plus, I’m thankful that you forgive me.”  John gave a lopsided grin as he finished the last part of his sentence.


“ Aye, I do at that and understand so much more. Da, I do and always have loved you. I did carry resentment around and anger, but underneath it, I always loved you.” Julian sincerely told his father.


Both looked to the door as they heard footsteps coming towards it.

“ Jules, times up!” Sean yelled.


“ I sure wish I could see my youngest son as well. “ John murmured sadly.


“ You’ll see him and will be standing where you should be, behind both your sons, or between us, don’t know how that one works. I don’t wanna sound daft that I do know.” Julian smiled. “ Ta, da.”


John quickly hugged his son. “ Don’t think me soft, but ta for forgiving me and always holding onto the love you have for me. I love you son, now go get married. I’ll be watching.” John hugged Julian tighter. They both saw the tears in each other’s eyes and then John faded, still holding Julian until he was gone.


Zak and Sean slammed into the room just as John left, leaving an emotional, but happy, Julian.




The guests were all seated, dressed in their fancy cloths and jewelry. The Vicar stood before the podium thumbing through the large book in front of him. Zak stood first, then Sean and then Julian. Julian waited nervously for the procession to start, he looked around at many familiar faces and some not very familiar. He was astonished at how many people there were. He shifted nervously from foot to foot, swearing he could hear each second click on the clock above the podium. Music drifted around the room in waves that swirled, waiting to dive into the wedding march. Sean nudged his brother. Julian looked up to see Heather standing in the doorway. She clutched her bouquet and then drifted slowly down the aisle, as all stood to watch her. She climbed up the stair and firmly stood opposite Zak. Stella appeared at the doorway next and then completed her walk to stand across from Sean. Julian felt the nervousness in the pit of his stomach. At that moment he felt pressure on his shoulder. It was his dad. He felt a cool chill and a slight breeze pass his ear.


“ You’ll be brilliant, son. Look at her, so sweet, so beautiful in that dress and holding onto her da’s arm. The smile on her face and the light shining in her eyes, just hold that look and remember every second. I’m here and proud to see our families coming together. I love you, son. Am right here, though you won’t be needing me long.”


Julian grew courage from hearing his father. He then did what he was told and looked at Mary. She did indeed shine, her hair pinned up with wisps falling down framing her face and neck, flowers instead of a vale laid upon her head. Julian couldn’t take his eyes off of her as his heart swelled with all the love he felt. 


 Paul took his daughter’s arm. He was so proud of her and a bit sad that she was no longer the little girl that he would hold, play with and sing to.  Paul’s eyes caught Mary’s and they smiled lovingly at on another.


“ Are you ready, my girl?” Paul asked his daughter.


“ Yes, yes daddy I am.” Mary beamed as she looked and answered her father. Then she allowed her eyes to lock with Julian’s, love bursting from inside the minute they connected. The wedding march started and Paul guided his daughter down the aisle.


They stood in front of the stair as the vicar motioned for Julian to step forward.

“ Who giveth this women to this man?”


“ I, her father.” With that, Paul kissed Mary and then placed her hand in Julian’s. He smiled and winked at his future son in law and then took his seat.


The vicar carried on with the ceremony. The two exchanged rings and then went to the unity candle. Both took a single long candlestick, lighting the unity candle together, at the same time, before replacing the two single candlesticks. They then stepped back to the vicar, as the one candle burned brightly.


“ Two single candles that represent two single people now burn together. This bond of holy union, a union of one, which Julian and Mary promised to one another in front of God and us. May this light burn in your marriage always and may God’s love forever shine on your union. I now pronounce you husband and wife. Julian, you may kiss your bride.”


 Leaning into Mary, Julian kissed her lightly as their arms entwined around each other, and the kiss deepened. Both broke apart as everyone cheered. A slight blush rose in Mary’s face along with a wide smile that matched Julian’s as she looked at him. Julian extended his arm and Mary wrapped hers around it. Together they stepped down the isle and stood in the receiving line, along with Paul, Cynthia, Noel and their extended family of the Beatles and a few of the Beatle’s children that were there.




The room George and Olivia picked for the reception was perfect. A huge ballroom from long ago, when the large manor was built. Tables sprinkled around the wooden floor leaving plenty of room to dance. The Harrison’s made sure the exotic flowers were spread throughout this room as well. The bar that was built into the wall, swung around with an opening on the other side, as the builders intended, and stood on the side of the room, filled with all to drink. Musicians stood in the front of the room, again there were extra instruments for the family of musicians to play when they felt like it or later, as Paul, George and Ringo planned. Servers walked around with food, letting people choose what they wanted whilst the guests waited for the photographs of the couple and their wedding party, along with their family to be taken in another room.


After almost an hour the guests were told to go to their tables. At the door they could see the line up getting ready to be announced as they entered. The M.C. announced the family and wedding party as they entered forming a tunnel, hands held in the air. They stood with their human tunnel on the dance floor. Cynthia stood across from her old friend and now legally a family member, Paul, as Noel sat with a smile. They all held their hands in the air, smiling at one another, waiting for the couple to be announced. All eyes were perched on the doorway.


“ Ladies and Gentlemen, for the first time on this grand day, I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Julian Lennon. Let’s here it now!” The M.C. shouted to all, above the cheers and clapping from the wedding guests.


Julian escorted his bride into the room. Both smiled as they walked in and then ducked, running through the tunnel of family members, whilst flower pedals swayed, floating down to the floor. The tunnel broke up with good wishes as everyone exited the dance floor.


“ For the first dance as husband and wife, Julian has picked a song by his father, John Lennon, called, Grow old with me.”


The song started, Julian’s hand took hold of his brides. They glided around the floor. All disappeared from the two as they swirled in their own world to the song.


“ I love you, Mrs. Lennon.” Julian whispered into Mary’s ear before he lightly kissed it. He gazed down with great love as he caught her eyes.


Happy tears glistened in Mary’s eyes as she whispered back to her now husband.

“ You are my love, my life and I’m proud to call you my husband. I love you more than I ever thought I could love a man.” A tear escaped, running down the top of her cheek.


Julian quickly swiped it away and then captured her lips. Cheers grew louder at their kiss, whilst Julian led his wife around the floor. The wedding party was next to join in and then the rest of the extended family.


After Julian and Mary’s song and dance was over the tradition of the daughter dancing with her father was next. Paul drew his daughter into his embrace. He kissed her on the forehead.

“ My little Mary, the girl who would dance with me at a tender age, your feet on mine as I waltzed you around the room and your mum took photos. I love you, my daughter.” Paul lovingly told his first daughter with Linda.


“I loved dancing around with you, daddy. Mum would have loved this and taken many photos.” Mary smiled, tears in her eyes looking up to her emotional father.


“ Aye, she would have, but I believe she is here and that she’s helping Aunt Pattie with the photos she is taking. Just be happy with Jules, for both of us, my girl.” Paul drew Mary to him, feeling the love father and daughter had for one another. He comforted her about the thoughts they both had of Linda not being there at the wedding.


“I will be very happy with Jules, daddy. I know that you love the idea as much as Auntie Cyn does of us being together. Oops, guess I’ve got to get used to calling her my mother in law.” Mary took a nervous but happy breath.” Daddy, can I cheat and dance on your feet?” She smiled up at him.


They both chuckled at the thought. “ I think you’re a bit to big for that now, my girl. Though you may get away with that with your husband. Mary, again I am so happy to have Jules in the family. Remember what I told you and both of you be happy.”


Mary gave her father a tight hug, which he returned. For a minute she felt like that little girl again. They released one another and she received a kiss from her proud father.


The song ended with a roar from the crowd. Julian escorted his mother onto the dance floor. He surprised Cynthia by twirling her before pulling her tightly into his strong arms.


“ I remember when it was me that held you in my strong arms. My son.” Cynthia smiled proudly, full of love at her only son. “ I am so proud of you. You’ve turned out to be everything I had hoped you’d be. The most I had hoped for was that you’d be happy and in that, I know you are. I love you, darling. I wish you nothing but happiness and success. Just never forget that your family comes first and then you music and business. “ Cynthia told her son with a shaky voice.


Julian could see the water pooling in his mother’s eyes, the pride shining on her face. His mother, the women who taught him so many important things, the women who loved him no matter what, stood by him and was also his best friend.


“ Mum, I truly love you. You’ve done so much for me, guiding me, showing me things I needed to know. You’ve always been there with an ear and helpful advise instead of criticism. Love and pride for me. I always saw that even in my darkest days, fighting demons that made me grow up, along with your help and Roberto’s. “ Julian kissed his mother on the cheek and then swung her around again.


“ I taught you well, your dancing has gotten even better. Your father couldn’t dance very well, but you, my son, can. You can have it all. And I can’t wait to hold that grandbaby that also makes me happy. I’m so glad Roberto’s words finally sunk in and you have the world at your feet if you let it and don’t get to cocky. Remember what I said, family first. I adore Mary and joining our families as one. “ Cynthia finished, looking up at her son.


“ Ta mum, I won’t disappoint. Ta for fighting so hard for me. Not only being me mum, but also a friend that I can turn to without fear, you truly are the best mum a guy could have. I love you.” With that, Julian swirled his mother around again before bringing her in to him and dipping her for the end of the song. They hugged when he brought her up and kissed one another before he let her go.


The reception went on, clicking of the glasses was heard continually. Mary and Julian stopped what they were doing for long, loving kisses. Food, talk and dancing were plentiful as the minutes turned to hours. Mary and Julian went to each guest, chatting them up. At times Mary would be on her own and Julian on his, talking to many of the guests. Both only stopping for several dances, food and kissing when the clanging of the glasses grew loud.


Julian stood at the bar lighting a cigarette, he could feel he was being stared at and then heard someone start to speak to him.


“ Mr. Lennon, this wee wedding has turned into a sommat of a bigger celebration. Everyone is enjoying themselves. Your brother has been taking up a lot of Lee’s time, I see. “


A smile crept on Julian’s face as he turned around to the person who had been speaking to him. “ Aye Mr. Starkey, this has become a wedding I never thought it would be. A dream, perhaps.” Julian thought for a moment.


“ Sounds like a beginning of a song, that last line, I mean. So, you gonna drink up, then?” Zak nudged his friend. “ Go, get it on, it’s your wedding. I just hope your brother doesn’t take a strong liking to me sister.” Zak laughed. “ A Guinness!” he shouted to the barmaid.


“ Double scotch!” Julian yelled along with Zak.


Zak looked at his friend. “ Maybe a bit of soda would be best at this point with the scotch?”


“ Aye, you’re right. Some coke in that Scotch, please, luv!” The barmaid heard as she mixed the drink.  “ Don’t worry about me brother. I think he’s just having a wee bit of fun.”


“ As long as it’s not too much fun, or I’ll have to save me sister’s honor.” Zak chuckled.


“ I don’t think it will come to that one, eh? Or maybe the Lennon’s will join another family together?” Julian smiled as he swigged some of his drink.


“ Perhaps you’re right.” Zak digested the second part of what his friend had said. “ Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, not that there’s anything wrong with Sean, mind you, but I think tying two families together from the Beatle clan is enough. So shall we toast to the happily married couple?”


Zak and Julian clicked their glasses together and started talking. Julian was soon called away by other friends, before leaving he ordered another drink to take with him.


Julain winked at Zak and Zak laughed as he watched Julian become eaten up by the crowd that wanted his attention.


Everyone took the stage. Full of song, they played for about an hour together. Enjoyment came through the music and Pattie not missing it, took wonderful photos of the time, along with the other photos and the family one for Zak.


Julian took Mary’s hand. “ Sorry, I need my bride for a few.” Julian pulled Mary until they ran up the stairs to the room were he had both of their bags and a change of clothes laid out. Julian shut the door and locked it before pulling his wife tightly into his arms. He captured her mouth, kissing her with longing and deepening passion that both felt. After a few minutes he pulled away, still holding her as they panted, catching their breaths.


Mary, her mind finally calming down, noticed her luggage and a change of clothes along with her husbands. “ What’s this, then?” She looked at Julian and then at everything of theirs that filled the room.


“ A gift. A short honeymoon for us, a wedding gift for me wonderful wife.” Julian slurred slightly and then took out the envelope, giving it to Mary. 


Mary opened it as Julian watched. Her eyes widened when she saw what was in it.

“ Oh Jesus, this, I never expected. I thought we’d go back to the flat our parents bought us. Jules, this is wonderful!” She jumped at him. He caught her and swung her around whilst kisses started up again. He slowly slide her body down his, knowing she felt the hardness that plagued him.


“ Not too much skiing in your condition, luv. But there are wonderful antique stores and the town is old, a wonderful place to photograph. Along with taking photos of us, maybe in the buff, or in the act? That would be splendid.” Julian let out a teasing but passionate smile at his wife. “ I’m feeling very randy.” He added as he pulled Mary into him, fitting her body to his.


“ Aye, I feel it too. I want you, badly. We leave soon?” She kissed him. A kiss that showed Julian how worked up she was.


“ Hmmm, I see I’m not the only one that’s very randy at the moment. I say we dress, you through your flowers and we make a quick get away.” His lips were sliding up her neck the second he was done with his words.


“ Ohh.” A guttural throaty moan escaped Mary’s mouth. He always affected her this way. She felt her mind swimming in the lustful thoughts of being together, consummating their marriage, and satisfying the need in both of them.


Julian’s body temperature rose higher. He helped her undress and put her gown in a bag. He worshiped her breasts as he slid off her undergarments. He felt her hands undressing him, with need.


Quickly they were both naked, kissing, rubbing, hands everywhere along with lips. The passion and lust grew so much that they forgot the party and only they existed. Julian pushed her against the wall, pulled her legs around his waste and entered the heat and wetness of her body. They kissed as he started into her rough with need, fast and pounding. His hand reached for the bud between her legs as he rubbed to the beat he was pursuing. Deep kisses and then his tongue slid down her neck and rested on her taunt nipples as he began suckling.


Mary felt the electricity as she always did with Julian. She never had experienced the joy of the lovemaking he bestowed on her. Mary’s body always became his and without changing this, again her body melted into her husbands led.


Julian felt the swimming in his head from drink, from passion, want and desperate need. All he could think of was the way she felt, the way she made him feel and the desire in both their bodies. His breath panted heavily, heart raced, thumping as if it would jump out of his chest. The feeling raised quickly, his body becoming tense as the eruption came closer.


Mary felt the answer to his body. She was gasping as the need rose closer to the point of implosion. There were no other thoughts, only the love she had for him and the desperation of her orgasm. She felt her body hitting the wall each time he plowed into her, the sensation of his rubbing her and the mixture of kissing her mouth and suckle her breast brought her on the brink. She felt her body starting to give away, teetering as she took her hand and raised her husbands face to hers. She could see how close he was as she pulled his head by his hair to her, lips attached, tongues racing around. Finally, their bodies jumped down, free falling into an orgasm that if his lips weren’t there, she would have screamed at the top of her lungs.


Julian was still pounding and rubbing her. He felt himself fall into the orgasm she had started. His lips pressed hers so hard they bruised as did hers. Never had he felt anything like this, only with Mary, the orgasm hard, the excitement that drove him insane and the love that sealed it all together.


Sliding down his body and into his arms, Mary panted along with Julian. Both were sweaty, but satisfied. Julian dipped down to Mary’s bruised lips with his. This time the kiss wasn’t brutal from lust it was light and loving.


 “ I love you, Mary. Cranky, you felt so bloody fantastic.” He panted in her ear.


“ I love you too and as always you made me feel so blasted good.” Mary smiled as she wiped his sweaty hair from his face. She suddenly remembered the wedding reception.

“ Oh no! The reception. Hurray and lets clean up and dress so we can get downstairs.”


Both cleaned up and dressed into their street clothes. Julian brought down the two bags and Mary held onto the bouquet. Paul greeted them both at the stairs.



“ We were all wondering were the two of you were. Oh I see you changed and have the bags. So this means you’re leaving shortly?” Paul asked, noticing the flushness of the two. He smiled, knowing what had taken them so long.


“ Yes, Daddy, we’re leaving in a bit. I wanna get something I’ll be right back. “ Mary tried to hid her embarrassment, knowing by the look her father gave them both that he knew.


“ Jules, ya look a wee bit flushed but happy.” Paul chuckled.


“ Aye, sorry, couldn’t help it. You remember how it is.” Julian winked at his father in law.

“ That I do. Take care of my baby. I know you will, just had to say it.”


Julian dropped the bags; his face met Paul’s. “ You know I will. Ahh, something I’ve been meaning to say to you and whilst we’re alone I will. Something I think me dad would have said to you today. I think it would have been. Macca, now you finally have the names the way ya wanted. Bleedin’ ‘ell, it’s now official, McCartney-Lennon, instead of all the years it was Lennon-McCartney. Don’t know why Eppy changed it.  Anyhow, guess he thought it sounded better. So, since young Mary is keepin’ the name McCartney, you have it, finally. So there you go old chap, the way you always fuckin’ wanted it and in it, it’s brought our families together. I think after that he would have toasted to the name.” Julian joined Paul in a hearty laugh.


“ Y’know, he would have said something to that. Didn’t think of it. But shall we toast on it and then the two of you can say your so longs?”


“ I think so.” Julian smiled.


Paul put his arm around his son in law and Julian put his arm around his father in law. They drank on the name and then Mary and Julian said their thank yous and good-byes to everyone.


After saying what they had to, Mary called all the single women around the hallway. She stood on the stairs and threw the bouquet. Stella caught it with great surprise.


“ Oh My God!!!!!! I caught it!” Stella screeched.


Sean laughed at Stella. “ Now that I caught the garter that means there’ll be another Lennon / McCartney wedding.” Sean snickered as they went through the tradition of putting on the garter. 


Stella stood up, her face pursed as she looked down at the younger Lennon after the cheers stopped. “ I don’t think so, wanker. I love ya but not in that way.” She tussled his hair and both posed for pictures.


“ You Brits and your friggin’ slang.” Sean teased.


“ You Yanks and not being able to understand us. Your slang is worse.” Stella laughed along with Sean and everyone else. She then walked away to say her good-byes to her sister and new brother in law.



All stood by the front door and watched the two getting ready to leave in the sleek black limousine that Julian had ordered. Everyone was waving.


“ Sean, take me car back. Zak show him were me, I mean our flat is, would ya? Then drop him off. “ Julian threw the keys to his younger brother and watch as they both nodded.


“ Damn it, now I have to ride on the other side of the road, it’s just not natural.” Sean yelled to his brother.


Julian walked up to him. “ It’s natural here. Thanks, and you know I do love you. I’ll ring ya when I’m back and then we’ll tour later on and then after the babe is born you’ll come for a long visit. “ Julian hugged his brother and kissed him on the forehead.


“ You are to fuckin’ English, Jules. But yeah, call me and we’ll do all that. Take care of my sister in law and niece or nephew. I do love you too, bro.” They had continued the hug until Sean was through. They let go, gave each other a smile and a punch in the shoulder. Sean stepped back as Julian slid into the car next to his wife. Wife: something he had wanted her to be for a long time and now she was. The wedding had truly been the fairy tale that Julian had spoke of before, to him and to Mary. They knew that the story of their marriage would be something to tell to their children for years to come. With their minds back on the moment, the guests all called out to them reminding Julian of tours he had been on. The two waved back. Julian wrapped his arm around his lovely wife as she sunk into him. The limo drove into the black night towards the airport and their future. Both couldn’t wait to start their lives together and see what the child would be.


Very soon Julian would be back to work and off to tour, Mary wondered what would happen and prayed he’d be able to get the time away he had told her he would and see their child born. That would be the next adventure, the Cd, tour, announcing their marriage and finally their baby. For now, Mary snuggled in to Julian, thanking God that he was now her husband. For now she’d enjoy the few days they’d honeymoon.