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Remember I don’t own the Beatle’s or their families. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind.




The day had been great fun. Cynthia and Noel had taken a day for themselves, going to antique shops and all around, even having a wonderful lunch. They walked into the flat hand in hand. Cynthia was laughing at something Noel was telling her about the shopkeeper at one of the stores. Approaching the kitchen their conversation stopped as they heard loud sobs. Quickly, they ran into the kitchen to see Mary sobbing on the floor in a pool of water.


Cynthia knelt down to Mary, wrapping her arms around and pulling the scared girl to her chest. She stroked Mary’s hair trying to calm her daughter in law.


“ It’s alright, dear.”


“ No, no, Jules and I fought and I chased him off, it’s all my fault, I was being daft. I’ve been having pains all day and now I’m sitting in this water.” Mary sniffled and then looked up with glassy eyes and a bemused look on her young face for comfort from her mother in law, “ What’s the water from?”


Cynthia held Mary tighter as Noel looked on. “ Looks like the baby wants to make a grand entrance. You’re water broke, sweetie, don’t be scared.” Cynthia tried to stop Mary from shaking due to the contraction as Mary moaned. “ Noel, call the doctor and get Mary’s bag. We’re going to have to take her to the hospital, our grandchild wants to be born.” Cynthia smiled up at Noel as he nodded and exited the kitchen; she then kissed Mary on the forehead. “ It’s time to get up to go, luv.”


“ No, Julian! He was so upset and mad with me. I need him.” Mary continued to weep as she allowed Cynthia to help her up.


“ If I know my sweet son, he just left to calm down and so things wouldn’t get out of control. I’ll call him on my cell whilst we’re off to the hospital and I’ll call your da and family as well.” Cynthia told Mary trying to calm her down.


Noel had made the call to the hospital, put the bag in the car and then helped Cynthia get Mary into the car. Noel drove whilst Cynthia tried several times to call her son.


“ Blasted! Why isn’t he answering? All I’m getting is his answering machine on his cell.” Cynthia stated with frustration.


“ He’s not answering because of what I did. Cyn, I need him to be there when our child is born. I never meant what I said, I just couldn’t help it and he was trying to be so sweet.” Mary cried, huddled in the back seat.


“ Honey, he’ll be there to see his and your child come into the world. Now, let me get a hold of the rest of the family.” Cynthia called everyone and tried Julian once again before they pulled up to the hospital entrance. A wheel chair was brought out and Cynthia went in with Mary as Noel parked the car.



Julian raced into the car park, slammed into a space and then threw the door opened and jumped out, thrusting his hip against the metal to close the car door. The wind blew his hair as he ran as fast as his feet would take him across the huge car park. Julian banged through the front hospital doors, running and then sliding into the nurse’s station. Out of breath, sweat beading down his face, he huffed leaning on the counter. The nurse looked up in shock at the sudden appearance of the sweaty, red faced, panting young man in front of her. The older nurse got herself together quickly.


“ May I help you?”


“ My …. My…..wife.” Julian panted, “ She’s having our child.” Wide eyed he looked around the floor noticing the stares he was getting from the people around him. He then whipped his eyes back on the nurse. “ Maternity?”


“ Oh, I should have guessed, a soon to be dad.” The older nurse smiled at the young man in front of her. “ Fifth floor, the lift is to the right.” She pointed finishing her sentence.


Julian shook his head thankfully. He sprinted to the lift, hitting the button over and over again. Julian became frustrated. He couldn’t wait, noticing the stairs next to the lift he charged through the door and up the five flights of stairs. Pulling the door hard, he ran again, collapsing against the nurse’s station on his elbows. He drew in ragged long breaths and wiped the sweat off his face with his jacket sleeve.


The young nurse’s eyes were glued to this man who looked as if he’d pass out any minute. She wondered if he was on the wrong floor.


“ I think you’re on the wrong floor, sir.”


“ Maternity?” Julian gasped in air as he asked.


“ Yes, this is maternity. Can I help you?”


“ Wife” Julian’s lungs burned from the exertion of running, his head pounded and he was as parched as a camel. “ Mary, where’s she?”


“ Excuse me sir? Maybe you need to get a drink of water?”


Julian nodded. Yes, he did need water but needed to know where Mary was first.

“ Mary.” Julian gulped in air.


“ Sir, I need a full name, please.”


“ Mary McCartney-Lennon, where is she? She’s me wife and was brought in a bit ago.” Julian looked urgently at the young nurse.


The nurse typed the name into the computer. “ I have no McCartney-Lennon here.”


Julian felt desperation rise within him. “ She’s here having our baby. Please, I can’t miss this.” Julian begged slowly getting some of his breath back.


“ Oh, right, here she is. Room seven, down the hall to the left.”


Julian took off before the nurse finished her sentence. He stopped and drank from the fountain to wet his dry throat. He then charged through the door that led into the room, which held his wife, mother and father in law. He fell forward, his arms on the bedrail holding him up, his face looking slightly down at his wife whilst he panted like a dog. He couldn’t talk for a minute as he tried to catch his breath.


Paul chuckled as he watched the young man. Paul’s mind slipped back in time to 1964 and the making of A Hard Days Night. He could see the strong resemblance of John in Julian. His mind quickly replayed what the scene reminded him of. He clearly saw John leaning on his arms on the counter in the constable’s station. He was panting and trying to catch his breath, unable to answer the constable’s question. With partially caught breath he nodded to the constable and then John and the other’s ran out. Paul’s mind slipped back to the present still holding that picture in his mind.


Mary smiled up at Julian. She placed her hand on his, “ I’m so sorry and so glad you’re here. I need you to be with me and see our child born. “


Julian gulped and nodded his head. “ Me too. I love you.” Julian slowly said as he started to catch his breath,


“ You alright now? “ Paul asked, the picture still clear in his head. He started to laugh even more when all Julian did was shake his head.


“ Daddy, what are you laughing about?” Mary asked. She then held Julian’s hand tighter as she went through another contraction.


“ You alright?” Julian felt alarmed at the pain his wife was in.


“She’s fine, darling, just a contraction. She’s close.” Cynthia told her son. She saw him think for a minute and then nod before bending down to kiss Mary’s forehead.

Julian looked up to his father in law. “ Yes, what’s the laugh for?”


Paul nudged Cynthia and then looked at the young couple in front of him.

“ Cyn, you remember the movie A Hard Days Night?”


Cynthia smiled up at Paul and shook her head. She had an idea where his quirky sense of humor was going.


“Jules, in A Hard Days Night there is a part where we’re all running from the constables. We go into the station and your father collapses on his arms, panting, trying to catch his breath whilst the constable tries to ask him a question, only to stop and wait for your dad to catch his breath. The constable asks if he’s all right now. John nods and then we all run out. You just reminded me of your dad in that part of the movie.” Paul looked at Cynthia, “ What do you think?”


Cynthia smiled again, “Yes, I believe my son did remind me of that for a minute. I’ll have to write this all down for the baby’s book.” Cynthia and Paul started to laugh, hard.


Julian looked from one to the other, “ I’m glad I amused you and I can’t help looking or sounding like dad, just happened that way. I don’t reckon that’s going in the book. Look, I ran like hell across that bleedin’ huge car park. Then I ran through the first floor, the lift wasn’t quick enough so I ran up 5 flights and then directed to the room, I ran in here. That’s why I was out of breath and sweating.” Julian stated adamantly.


“ I think both stories put together would be smashing, Paul.” Cynthia smiled teasingly before slipping her arm in Paul’s.


“ Aye, think you’re right, Cyn.” Paul winked at them.


“ Bollocks.” Julian muttered.


“ Well the husband is finely here?” The doctor stated after listening to the conversation.


“ Doctor, didn’t know you were here, didn’t see you, sorry.” Julian humbly told him.


Mary started another contraction. Julian held her hand but never thought she’d squeeze so tightly as she moaned in pain, crushing his hand. After it was over he pulled her hand up to his fore arm.


“ Well, looks to me as if this baby knows that daddy is here. Mary the next contraction I need you to push as hard as you can. Julian take that flannel and wipe her brow. Ok, the monitor says the next one is coming.” The doctor told them as he got into position.


Paul and Cynthia held each other as they positioned themselves on the other side of the bed, waiting for their grandchild to enter the world.


Mary pushed down, hard, as the doctor instructed her. Julian continued to encourage her and help her through it all. He ignored a few nasty remarks that she threw out at him. He’d look to his mum and Paul, only to see them nod together. He knew they were telling him it was only the pain talking and her weariness.


Mary was exhausted, she didn’t know how other women did this, how her mum had. She felt the wet flannel that Julian kept wiping her down with and heard his soft sweet encouragement. Through the throws of pain she couldn’t help snapping at him. She just wanted this over with.



The doctor looked up to Mary as he held part of the baby. “ Mary, the baby is almost all the way out. You must push one last time. Push harder than before and the baby will be out. “ The doctor scanned the room and then his eyes fell back on Mary. He knew by this time she was too tired, most women were. He waited for an answer.


“ I can’t, I’m to tired. Please, just pull it out of me.” Mary begged, thinking she couldn’t go on.


“ Mar, luv, you can do this. You are the strongest woman I know. I love you and our baby will be out with one more push. I know you’re so exhaust, so weary, but think of meeting our baby in just one more push. The babe that’s been inside you all this time, our baby. Darlin’, you can rest in just a few minutes.” Julian kissed Mary’s forehead and then her hand. He looked into her eyes. Julian never realized how much a woman went through, carrying the baby, the hormones, how uncomfortable it was and how painful it was to deliver a child. Julian’s heart swelled, he felt like he had fallen in love with Mary all over again, but deeper. He was so glad he wasn’t selfish, letting the feelings of his body take over with Lucy. Julian gave a small smile to his wife.


“ I can’t, Julian. You do it, it’s, it’s so hard and hurts like hell.” Mary whimpered.


“ My sweet girl, you’re strong like your mum and you can do this. I love you.” Paul took Mary’s other hand.


“ Well, no time to talk about it, the contraction is starting. Now Mary, push as hard as you can.” The doctor told her as he looked at the monitor and then back down to the baby.


The contraction started and Mary bore down harder than she had the other times. She let out a long scream as her face turn red. She pushed hoping the baby would be out and the pain would stop. This was the longest push and as sweat poured down her Paul took the flannel from Julian. The baby landed in the doctor’s arms. He waved Julian over as Mary slumped down on the bed, taking in large amounts of air whilst her dad wiped her brow.


“ Well lad, meet your new strapping son.” The doctor smiled.


Julian was in awe as he looked at his son. Paul, Cynthia and Mary all smiled.

“ Is he alright?” Mary asked anxiously.


“ Aye, has all his parts he does,” Julian answered not taking his eyes off his son.


“ Now it’s time for dad to cut the cord. Take these and cut right there.”


Julian did as the doctor told him with pride. Then they all watched as the baby was taken away.


“ Where are they taking the baby?” Cynthia asked.


“ They’ll bring him right back. They have to clear his airway, wash and weigh him. Does he have a name?” The doctor asked Julian and Mary as they held hands and kissed quickly.


“ Yes, yes he does. Ian Julian Paul McCartney-Lennon.” Mary and Julian giggled at the doctor’s expression.


“ I see you believe in long names.” The doctor laughed.


“ I believe that’s the Lennon side.” Paul laughed as he looked from Cynthia to Julian and then Mary.


“ Actually daddy, we couldn’t decide. Ian is close to John.” Mary started to explain.


“ Aye and dad wouldn’t want the baby to be cursed as another John Lennon.” Julian smiled at Paul.


“ Right, and I wanted your name and Julian’s name in there and, well, the McCartney-Lennon name is there too. Guess he has a longer name than you, Jules.” Mary looked up at her husband with a loving smile.


“ Mmm, s’posen he does at that. “ Julian answered as the nurse brought the baby over to them.


Mary held the baby, snuggled and kissed him. “ So you’re the bugger who’s been in there kickin’ like a rugby player. Isn’t he wonderful?” Mary looked at everyone beaming from ear to ear as Julian was.


“ That he is, sweetie.” Cynthia answered not able to stop the tears or looking at her new grandchild.


“ A new generation of McCartney and Lennon. He is grand. I’m going to run out and tell the family. Come with, Cyn?” Paul pulled at Cynthia to come with him in order to give the new family time alone.


“ Ah, yes. We’ll see you three later.” Cynthia bent down and kissed Mary after Paul did, and then the baby. Before leaving, Paul embraced Julian in a long hug and then Cynthia gave her son a kiss. The door closed behind them as they went to tell the waiting family.


Julian looked at his wife and child, astonished by the whole thing. He put his finger in the baby’s hand and leaned down to his wife.

“ He’s smashing and you were brilliant. I never realised how much a woman has to go through. But look what we have. We’re a family, now. “ Julian kissed his smiling bride.

“Watching all of this I fell in love with you all over again, even deeper. Cor Mar, I love you so bloody much and our son. It feels so surreal.” Julian met Mary’s smile.


“ You love me even more, Mr. Lennon? You’re such a sweetheart. I love you even more as well.” Mary put her hand on Julian’s hand that their son held onto.


“ Yes, Mrs. Lennon, I do adore you more than ever. And if you ever say I was a sweetheart in front of others I’ll deny it. But alone with you I guess I am one of those blokes.” Julian and Mary stared at their baby as the nurse came in.


“ I’m sorry but we are moving Mrs. McCartney-Lennon to her room. She needs to rest and the baby needs to go to the nursery to sleep as well.” The nurse took the baby after his parents kissed him and walked out. Two people came in to take Mary to her room. Julian kissed her, promising to be back in the morning before she was also taken away. 



Julian walked into the waiting room that the staff had given them for privacy. He met with hugs, kisses and congratulations from family, his uncles and their wives and some of the Beatle kids along with a few friends. The room was packed with everyone in hard plastic chairs or the soft couches. Some sat and talked, drinking tea, eating and some stood wandering around. Stella moved to Julian and grabbed a hold of her brother in laws arm.


“ Well dad, how does it feel?” Stella smiled at his shining face.


“ Grand, absofuckinlutely grand. My son is splendid.” Julian told his sister in law who kissed him on the cheek.


“ Great, I can’t wait to see the little bugger. Oh, by the way, Sean is coming in. We called him and he will be here tomorrow.” Stella winked at Julian and then let go of his arm.


“ Ta, Stel.” Julian said as he drifted into the arm of his father in law who wrapped it around Julian’s shoulder. Paul brought Julian over to the large window.





“ Look outside, down to the pavement.” Paul told Julian.


Julian looked down. Shock hit him as he looked back to Paul and then again, out the window.

“ Bleedin’ ‘ell, how do they know already?” Julian asked about the many vans, and large crowds of press along with fans of what he figured were Paul’s since no one knew who the baby’s father was, yet.


“ Well you know they got a photo of Mary a few weeks ago and all the tabloids have been running the photo along with who is the father?” Paul’s brow rose looking at his son in law.


“ Aye, sorry about that one.” Julian gave a guilty look before eyeing the large crowd, again.


“ I rang up for some security, should be here any minute. I spoke to the chief of staff and the administrator and assured them that we’ll have the crowd pushed back so traffic can get through. Now, we can go out without being noticed but would have to leave our autos here. The chief has a way out for us, or we could face them now instead of later. Which would you prefer?” Paul explained and then asked.


Julian tossed the words around in his head. He had hoped to do this with Mary and their son, but it seemed to him that now would be better. Plus, he figured it would be easier on Mary if he did it and then the baby wouldn’t have all the flashes going off in his face. They’d put out a picture of the three of them. He’d arrange for Pattie to take a photo of the three of them before they left the hospital so it could be released to the public.


“ Christ, I feel like I’m back on the road doing more press conferences. The wankers couldn’t give it a day. “ Julian sighed, “ I think doing it now would be best for everyone. In a few days we’ll put out a picture of the three of us. I’ll ask Aunt Pattie to take one.”


“ Good, so do I. I hate people thinkin’ my daughter isn’t married and has a child. I know I’m getting a bit old fashioned in my old age. I also think the picture is a great idea, I’m sure Pattie would be thrilled to do it for you both.” Paul chuckled.


“ You? Old? Oh come off it. I know what you did in your younger days.” Julian laughed at Paul with a twinkle in his eye.


“ Cheeky. C’mon, I’ll come with you and we’ll have some family unity.” Paul again wrapped his arm around Julian’s shoulder.


“ Aye, I think having someone so seasoned in public relations would be good.” Julian burst out through his laughter.


Paul ran his hand up and tasseled Julian’s hair whilst tightening his arm around Julian’s neck bringing him closer to him in a tight hold. Julian tried to get out of the hold whilst the other’s watched and laughed.


“ Seasoned, am I? I think I can still give a good headlock, you cheeky sod. You’re lucky I love you, lad.” Paul laughed and then let go. Julian shook his head and cracked his neck whilst he waited for Paul. Paul told everyone to go out the back way with the chief of staff to the cars. He said that they’d be out soon to join them. Paul led Julian out the door and to the front doors of the hospital for the spur of the moment press conference. 



Julian and Paul could hear the whispering of patients and staff as they walked down the hall towards the front door. Coming closer to it, they now heard loud voices, voices of hundreds of people talking all at once. Lights shone from news cameras as the front door to the hospital opened. People pushed and lunged forward as the two were recognised.  Officers built a human wall to keep them back and Julian whispered to Paul.


“ Is this how it was with the Beatles? I heard about the human walls of police.”


“ Aye, this is how it was.” Paul eyed the scene. He noticed some security guards coming up and helping the officers and then some start to surround himself and Julian.


Fans screamed loudly to Paul but he couldn’t make out what they were saying over the other voices. Signs and banners waved congratulations to Paul and Mary on the baby. Both could see and read them, bringing smiles to their faces. Flashes went off like continuous lightning with each camera, blinding them. Both raised their hands to the bright explosions of lights. Paul reached over to one of the officers asking to barrow his bullhorn. Turning it on made a sound that echoed the squealing in everyone’s ears. This seemed to quiet everyone down.


Paul put the bullhorn to his mouth. “ May I have your attention, please. Since there are so many of you we decided to give a press conference. Then we will take a few questions before our leave, but we ask for your cooperation and order or we will stop the conference immediately. I hope you understand. Now I’m going to give the bullhorn to Mr. Julian Lennon who has a few words to say.” Paul passed the bullhorn to Julian and nodded at the partially nervous young man.


Julian had given press conferences but nothing he had ever witnessed was ever like this. He wondered how his dad and the other’s did it and stayed sane. He now saw why the tours stopped. He saw Paul take the bullhorn and with the experience and expertise of a public relations man, a celebrity that was used to commanding the attention of such a large audience, Julian watched in awe as Paul took control of the situation. Then Julian felt Paul nudge him and with an introduction, the bullhorn was handed over. Julian took a deep breath and swallowed hard. He felt a presence making him shiver, felt a tug in his mind saying you can do this, son. Relaxing, knowing his father was also with him, Julian looked over the crowd.


“ First I’d like to say thank you all for your well wishes. I say this because a few weeks ago Mary McCartney was photographed and in the tabloids all speculated whom the father of her baby was. The wait is over. Mary and I were married quite a while ago in a secret but beautiful wedding at George and Olivia Harrison’s estate. The affair was quite nice and helped with by Mr. Paul McCartney, Mr. Ringo Starr and me mum, Cynthia Lennon. Mary and I chose to keep the marriage a secret and then the baby due to my Cd coming out and my tour. I wanted the concerts and Cd to sell on my name alone. I hadn’t recorded in years letting my contracts run out. We knew by the second part of the tour the baby would be born and then we both had decided to let it all be known. Mary McCartney and I have been in love for a long time but it was also a difficult time. Our love we could no longer fight and so we married as I said. Tonight my lovely bride gave birth to our son at 8:45pm. He weighs about 4 stones and his name is Ian Julian Paul McCartney-Lennon. Mary wanted to keep both names, bringing the two families together. So fool with the last names if you please. I know the name is long and you’ll have the daft pleasure of making some grand headlines, can’t wait to read them. Thank you.” Julian handed the bullhorn back to Paul.


“ Thank you all. We can answer just a few question, but it’s been a long day and we need to leave, take a kip.” Paul put his hands together and laid his head on them in the gesture of sleeping.


“ Paul how do you feel about having John Lennon’s son as your son in law? After all you were always attached to him as a child.” One reporter called out.


“ You’re right, I’ve always thought of Julian as a son and now he is, legally. We are very happy to have him join our family and to bring the Lennon’s and McCartney’s together. Cynthia is quite pleased too. “


“ Julian, Julian! How does it feel to be a father?” Another reporter called out.


“ Dunno, haven’t been one long. But the lad is brilliant.” Julian smiled.


“ Was it a hard labor? And how is Mary feeling?”


“ I dunno, first time I’ve seen labor but I give Mary and all you women credit going through that pain. Mary is happy and exhausted, hopefully she is sleeping.” Julian chuckled as he answered.


“ I’ve seen my wife give birth and know that as painful as it was the birth was easier than, say Stella’s. Julian and Mary are very happy on the birth of their son, as we all are.” Paul answered.


“ Paul! How does it feel to be a grandfather?”


“ Terrific! And I think I came also speak for Cynthia by saying she feels the same.”


“ Julian! How did you and Mary come to fall in love? She was with Alistair Donaldson for a long time. “


Julian was a little surprised and caught off guard by the question. He thought about it for a minute before answering. “ Mary and I didn’t start out to fall in love. We’ve known each other all our lives. But when her mum passed on I stayed to help. Things just grew from there. Then she decided to marry me instead. “ Julian shrugged and then looked over to Paul.


“ Thank you all but we must be going. Julian and Mary will be putting out a photo of the three of them together in a few days. Now that you have the story please let us have some privacy to enjoy our new arrival. Thank you and Good-night.” Paul handed the bullhorn back, nodded and led Julian back into the hospital, through the front doors as the reports kept screaming questions. The officers along with security pushed everyone back off the hospital property.


“ Wow, that was something else, you handled them so, so impressively. I’m glad you came out with me. I’ve done the press, but never anything like that sort. “ Julian sighed with relief.


“ You’re welcome, Jules. I’ve handled them a long time so it comes naturally now, but in the beginning it was difficult. You did a great job, laddie.” Paul patted his son in law on the back as they came up to the limo. They climbed in tired, drained, but happy as the limo pulled off and took them home.