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By Sue

Chapter four


Remember I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is just a fictional story from my warped mind.



Julian still sat on the counter by the window, and Zak on the island directly across from him. The whole time Julian had been looking down, too afraid to see his mates face. He wasn’t sure how Zak was taking his saga. He didn’t want to see if there was a look of disappointment on Zak’s face, after all he had an affair with one on their best mates and she was engaged.


Julian looked up cautiously. Zak gave him a reassuring smile.

“It’s all right mate, really. I can take this. Besides, we’ve always been truthful with each other. Why should we stop now, over this? C’mon mate, tell me the rest, it’s obviously weighing on your mind.” Zak coaxed an embarrassed Julian.


Julian wondered what Zak must think of him. Zak, who had been married to the same girl for years, he thought that was something to be proud of. To still be in love with your wife, did that really happen? Well, he had seen it before. Julian could never find a woman who he could have a lasting relationship with. Now, here he was telling Zak about Mary. He sighed, depressed and ashamed. He also felt he had failed again, not only with another girl, but also with Paul’s engaged daughter, and with love in general. That bothered him. He never looked down at anyone’s relationships, but he never in a million years thought that he could go and fall for a woman who was already taken and have an affair with her. Is that what you called it, he wondered, even though she wasn’t married yet?


“Don’t know Zaky, I mean, do you really want to hear this? “ Julian asked shyly.


“Yes Jules, now get on with it. I can take it. It’s quite alright, really.” Zak encouraged his friend.


“Right then, I suppose being it’s you.” Julian looked down again, starting where he had paused. Like a VCR player, he released the pause switch and it played in his mind once again.



Mary, true to her word, came by a few nights later. She stayed a few hours and then left. She started coming around every night, tensions were escalating between her and Alistair. Once in a while she’d stay when it got late. Julian felt the pull all along. With every visit the pull became stronger. Julian just didn’t understand it, all he knew was he fancied Mary. It weighed on his mind and confused the hell out of him. Julian had known Mary all of her life, but never thought he’d feel this way about her. He looked forward to every visit.


Julian let Mary go on about her mom and Alistair, trying to help her with it all. They would soon start chatting about other things, and most of the time she’d end up asking him to play the guitar or piano. Julian loved to play and sing to her. He also loved when she sang along with him. He had gotten several songs written in the past few weeks, finding some were about Mary McCartney. Julian wondered if Mary would realize he had written them with her in mind.


One day Julian was out and saw the most beautiful necklace, simple, yet elegant. It was Mary. He hoped she wouldn’t be cross with him for getting it and worried as he took the wrapped gift back to his flat. He put the gift in the living room, in a draw of one of the tables. After that he went off to the kitchen where he loved to cook, it was one of the things he had found out about himself during his sabbatical.


Some time went by and he heard the bell ring on the door. He pulled off his oven mitt and slid across the floor in his socks. He got to the first door and opened it. He saw Mary and shivered in his jeans and t-shirt at the sight of her. Julian went out to let Mary in.


Mary ran in, it had started to rain. She put her mac and umbrella on the peg, and then ran into the warm dry flat. She stopped short and starred at Julian. A big grin grew on her face.


Julian thought Mary looked just beautiful, it was one of those moments, like in her photographs that she’d been showing him, how her beauty radiated, in her and her work. Julian adored it. Then he realized the grin was about him. Julian looked puzzled at Mary. She looked like she’d burst out laughing at any moment and Julian wondered why.


“Whatcha grinning at me like that for? “ Julian asked, still puzzled.


Mary’s eyes traveled to the apron that Julian still wore. The apron was double wrapped around his waist and he had forgotten to remove it.


“Oh that one.” Julian smiled sheepishly at Mary, and then removed the apron, “I cook and I’m making an Eggplant casserole. I usually make stuff and write the recipe down and then challenge myself to make it better. I put it up in the freezer for when I don’t feel like the fuss.” Julian shrugged and then motioned for Mary to follow him.


Mary followed Julian to the familiar kitchen. The aroma filled her nose, it smelled heavenly, she thought as she tagged behind her friend.


“Sorry, didn’t realize you cooked, luv,” Mary apologized, “ I mean you made that wonderful breakfast that one time, but didn’t know you really fancied it so.”


“No worry, just another thing I found out about myself during my time out period. I cook better then mum,” He laughed and motioned for Mary to sit on the stool by the island.


“Mum loves when I come to visit. I cook all the time and treat her to my latest creations.” Julian poured Mary some tea and brought out fresh cut lemons. He had been keeping the fresh lemons in the house now that Mary came over so much.


“Jules, you’ll make someone a great wife someday.” Mary chuckled.


Julian threw the mitt that he had taken off earlier at her, missing, as he had planned on, this made Mary laugh more.


“Right, then I guess you don’t want to stay for dinner and sample the goods then.” Julian smiled wickedly at her, knowing full well Mary would be hungry and want to try some.

Julian also knew he cooked well. Anyone who had ever tried his cooking raved about it.


He thought for a minute about the comment that Mary had made and it fell hard on him. He shrugged it off. It normally wouldn’t have bothered him, accept for the feelings he had been having about Mary. He wondered with that comment if she felt anything more for him then just a good, close, friendship. Julian had hoped that maybe she was starting to feel the same way as he was. Especially, with all that was going on with Alistair.



“Oh no I want to sample this. It’s meatless right? I mean you know.” Mary took a sip of her tea and looked up at Julian.


“ I know I know, you’re a vegetarian. Seems like everyone is these days around here. This is all veggie; you have my word on that. “ Julian told her as he got up to retrieve the mitt. He put it on and grabbed a potholder. He took out the pan from the oven, and placed it on the stove to cool off.



When it cooled Julian put a plate in front of Mary. He watched as Mary sampled it. A smile grew on the girls face and she nodded an approval as she swallowed the delicious mouthful of food.


“This is fantastic, brilliant!” Mary exclaimed, “ Dare I say, it might be a tad better than mum’s.” She smiled at him.


Julian smiled proudly, “Thanks, thought you’d like it. I don’t know ‘bout being better than Linda’s, but ta, anyways,” He started eating, watching Mary dig into the food.


“ No, truly Jules, this is really great. I didn’t know you were so talented,” She wiped sauce from her mouth.


“I have a lot of talents that you don’t even know about, “ Julian hinted at as he got up, grabbed a bottle of wine and two fluted glasses. He poured the wine for both of them,

“ This goes much better with dinner. Wouldn’t you say?”


“ Straight up, I would, “ Mary took another few bits while thinking, “ Other talents, huh? I wonder what else you can surprise me with?” A smile crept over her mouth, while she teased Julian.


Julian eyed her, not sure how to take her remark about his talents, “ Right,” A slight blush rose in his cheeks, “ I guess we’ll have to wait on that one.”


“ I suppose we shall.” Mary answered, finishing up, taking her dish to the sink and washing it, “ Ta, Jules. That was scrumptious. “


After dinner they both went into the living room. Julian put the wine on the coffee table and then turned to see Mary staring off as she sipped her fifth glass of wine.


“You all right there?” Julian questioned,

He had been kneeling on the balls of his feet, putting his guitar away. He turned resting on his knees, and that’s when he saw the far off look on Mary’s face.


Mary shrugged as memories flowed through her mind. Would it always be this way, she wondered?

“I always seem to come to you and break down. I’m …….I’m sorry.” She sniffed.


“I’ve told you, it’s fine. I understand; I wish you’d realise that one.” Julian leaned over to the coffee table to get some tissues. He had started to keep them there, for Mary. He handed her a few and rested his hand on Mary’s shoulder.


“Just……It’s just that summer is here, the flowers blooming ………well, y’ know her favorite time of year and mum ……well, she isn’t here.” Huge tears fell from the young woman’s eyes, dropping down her face, spilling into her glass and onto her shirt. She hated crying like a child, and she was so tired of it. She tried so hard not to, but with Julian, she felt safe, and again, that should have been Alistair’s job. But Alistair had been so harsh with her lately and after yesterdays talk, she knew Julian was the only one she could fully open up with. She felt like she had permission to grieve. Her dad would tell her it was all right, but she never wanted to upset him. She just wanted to be strong for him, and her family, she could be, when she got it out with Julian.


Julian felt his heart lurch whenever this happened, and again it lurched. He knew the pain that Mary felt and wanted to rid her of it. Then there was the part of him that wanted to just scoop Mary into his arms and show her how much he yearned for her. How much he ached for her, and how much he loved her. How could he tell Mary that he loved her more then just a mate? How could he tell her that he could be there for her more than Alistair ever could be? That he could love her and treat her so much better? He hated when his heart took over and jumbled his thoughts.


Julian did wrap his arms around Mary, as he always did. He comforted her, fighting with his feelings the whole time.


“It’s like the ocean, Mary. These feelings you’re having. They come crashing down on you like the ocean in a storm, when you don’t expect it. Then there are times when it just wades in and out like the tide washing up on the beach, “ He kissed the top of Mary’s head before he could stop himself.


Julian felt Mary’s head nod on his shoulder. He reluctantly ran his hand over Mary’s head and settled his hand in the thick hair that he craved to touch. Gently he rocked her back and forth, as he listened to the sobs that he had heard so many times. Sobs that brought Julian back to the horrible nights that he would curl up, alone in his flat and cry sobs that could match that of a wounded animal. He laid his head against Mary’s and felt his own tears slide down his face.


Mary’s crying slowed down to hiccupped breaths as she tried to calm herself down. It was then she realized that Julian was so close and crying along with her. Mary gently pulled away and dried her eyes. Her swollen red-rimmed eyes mirrored that of Julian’s and she chuckled a bit.

“ I never meant to make you cry. I guess you’re thinking of your dad.” It wasn’t a question, the last part of what she said. It was a statement that she knew to be true.


Julian swiped at his tears, trying to hide what he couldn’t, “Sorry, like I said it never goes fully away, like the tide. Just washes in and out is all.”



After they calmed down, they talked about both of their parents, and the pain of losing them. Mary, content to be in Julian’s arms the whole time.


“ Jules,” She said pulling gently away so she could see him, as new tears started to fall,  “Al isn’t here for me. I tried repeatedly to talk to him and explain. He told me he thinks we need a break. He said nothing permanent, just leave off and see what happens. Thinks I need to do whatever to get through mum with the family and later we’ll see. What is that shite, Jules? I don’t understand it. He wants a break, so I can have time to get myself back. I need him now. It should be him here not you.” She stated with urgency and anger, “ Yet, I feel ……… I feel, closer, safer and better able to tell you. I think he’s just tired of all this sort and me. Wants a bash at being single again. How can he love me and ask me to marry him and then do this? I’m so confused. Yet, I feel so much better here with you.” Mary’s voice was filled with confusion, anger, fear and then the shy realization of how much she had become attached to Julian.


Julian’s face became covered in shock. Yet, he had seen it coming and never said a thing to her about it. He had tried, even though he hadn’t wanted to, to help bring them back together. He knew that Alistair didn’t know how much time the two of them spent together or of the times she stayed over, even though nothing happened. Part of him was thrilled and that bought on a guilty feeling. His face changed to compassion and took her back in his arms. She felt so natural in his arms, so right and the more he fought those feelings the more they came. He focused back on Mary, caressing her face and again comforting her by holding and rocking this beautiful lady who brought out so many feelings in him.


“ I’m so sorry Mar. I had hoped that you two could straighten things out. I know, us blokes can be selfish, as I’ve told you before. Me mum always told me that little poem about if you love someone set them free and if they come back it was meant to be. So, maybe, given time, he’ll come back and see how selfish he’s been. I can’t see how he could do this to you either. You’re wonderful, fun, talented, beautiful and so many other things. I don’t see how he could miss all of this. Maybe he needs a bit of time, though you need him right now. I’m here for you, so don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” Julian realized with some of what he said, he had put himself out on a limb, for her to see his emotions, how much more he felt for her. He hoped she wouldn’t pick it up, or that maybe she’d think it was just because they had known each other so long. He gave her more tissues and found her curled up almost completely in his lap. He didn’t mind at all, but again had to fight down the feelings he had for her. He had always tried to do the right things and learn from his dad’s mistakes along with his own.


Mary knew she shouldn’t be on top of Julian the way she was. Matter of fact she usually was, but not this much, not like this. She didn’t care, he felt so good and it felt nice to have a man hold her. She had noticed a few signs from him that there might be a bit more than just being a friend and found she felt that too. It came out in her kidding around tonight with him and she couldn’t close her mouth fast enough, so it escaped. She had known him way to long for anything more than a close and good friendship, she kept telling herself.


Julian found it hard to be so close to Mary and not do anything. All he wanted was to kiss her sweet pouting lips, to touch and explore her beautiful body until he made love to her. He felt himself start to react to his thoughts and lowered her to the rug. He still kept her close, he didn’t want her to get the wrong impression, but it tortured him the closer she was. He sighed heavily, caressing the hair that hid her face back, so he could see her.


“ You all right, then?” Julian quietly asked, his head tilted, his eyes studying her.


“ Right now I am. Ta, again, Jules. I’m always saying that to you.” A faint smile crossed her lips.


“ Told ya, no thanks needed.” He told her as his eyes bore into hers.


She turn away first, feeling a flush of heat hit her face. She didn’t understand it, didn’t know why she was feeling this way. She tried desperately to stop the need inside for him. Her body burned, all she wanted was for him to kiss her, make slow love to her, whisper sweet loving words in her ear. She tried to quiet her body down. Like she always did, when she was nervous, she started to chatter on about her work and other things they had talked about before.


Julian realized she was nervous by the way she ran with the topic she had come up with. It didn’t matter, he was glad to get his mind off of his feelings for her.


“ Jules why don’t you come over tomorrow and have tea with us. You know you get daddy’s mind off of things for a while. James would love it as well, you all could go jam.” Mary asked, hoping he would say yes.


“ Paul loves when I sing with him ‘cause it brings me da back to him. Last week when we jammed he called me John and was quite embarrassed by it. Suppose the press isn’t the only ones that think I can sound like my da did,” Julian thought about how embarrassed Paul had become and insisted they play something other than Beatle tunes. Julian had smiled at him, “ I told your da, it was fine, that I was used to it and if it brought a happy memory to his mind, that I was fine with it. But he insisted on singing something different, some songs I had been working on for my new CD. James sounded brilliant on it, him with the guitar, and me on the piano, your da on the bass. Just needed Zak on drums. Too bad Zak is on tour, maybe uncle Ritch would come and uncle George that would get his mind off of things for a while. Maybe even Dhani, I heard he’s doing nicely on the guitar.” Julian smiled at Mary.


“Yes, I’ll ring them tomorrow and see. First, I’ll ring daddy and see if he’s up to it. He isn’t that often, but might make an exception. He gets tired of crying, we all do. That would be lovely. Grand idea.” She smiled back up at him and gave him a quick peck on the check. She wanted more but wouldn’t push it.


 Julian was amazed at how much time had passed when he looked over at the clock on the wall.

“You better call your da or someone and tell them you’ll be staying.” He motioned to the clock and the time.


“Right, they’ll be worried if I don’t. Thanks Jules,” Mary said softly.


Julian swallowed hard and got up, “Its quite alright, really. Even started keeping the quilt and stuff down here in the closet.” He smiled as he pulled them out and threw them on the sofa.


Mary smiled at him thankfully as she went to ring her dad.


Julian tossed and turned as he always did when Mary was just downstairs. He felt such a need and he was ashamed of it. Finally, when he could stand it no more, sleep took him.


The room was dark except for the moonlight that shone through the glass windowpane. The beam filtered in, it outlined the figure that slept on the bed. It’s narrow light was just enough for Mary to find her way to the bed. She felt funny as she peeled back the quilt and crawled into the bed.


She hadn’t been able to sleep. Thoughts haunted her, as she stared at the ceiling. She couldn’t stand the thought of being alone. Usually the dark didn’t scare her, but tonight it did. She felt like a small child as she snuggled under the quilt. She ran her hand across her face wiping away the tears that escaped from her eyes. She sniffled, and then stared at the soft light that shone on Julian. Mary needed to be close to him. She slowly moved closer, feeling strange, but needing the comfort of Julian’s warm body. She spooned herself up against the warm flesh of her friend. She felt so much better as her body pressed closely against the warmth and safety of Julian. Her arm hugged tightly around Julian’s chest as she buried her face into the warm back of her friend.


Julian groaned in his sleep as he felt someone warm pull tightly against him. He wrapped his arm around the strange arm that felt over his chest and pull her in closer to him. He felt himself slowly waking. He couldn’t remember in his half slumbered state what girl he was with. The fog in his mind lessened as he slowly woke. Groggy and still somewhat asleep, he turned around and pulled her in closer to him. God, it felt good to hold her, he thought dreamily.


Mary felt Julian turn and pull her in closer. She knew that Julian wasn’t fully awake. She felt a bit ashamed when she didn’t pull away. It felt so good to be held in his strong embrace. She wondered what Julian would think if he knew who really was in his arms. She figured that Julian had mistaken her for an old girlfriend, but couldn’t pull away. She hadn’t felt this good in so long; safe, protected, and like nothing could hurt her. She lowered her head to Julian’s chest and listened to his breathing, his heart beating and the feeling of his arms and body. Her hold tightened, she didn’t want Julian to move away.



Groggy, slurred speech lightly whispered into Mary’s ear.


“What’s the matter baby?” Julian’s warm sleepy voice whispered.


Mary froze. Should she answer him? What if he got upset when he found out that this baby wasn’t an old girlfriend? She heard Julian sigh as he pulled his arms even tighter around her. She realized as she heard Julian swallow and move a bit, that he was beginning to fully awaken. The hold was to tight to wiggle out of, and she didn’t want to as the tears started up again.


“Honey?” Julian asked as he squeezed the body beside him. He lightly kissed her forehead and snuggled down to her lips. The kiss was light, sending a tingle through his body. He tasted salt in his mouth and realized that taste was tears.


“Hmmm, luv?” Julian asked again. Getting no response he slowly opened his eyes. The moonlight danced over the body he held in his arms. He heard quiet crying and his eyes slowly adjusted to the dim light. He looked down and realized that this body he held wasn’t his old girlfriend.


His eyes darted open and he looked hard to see Mary. Mary? He had just kissed and cooed to Mary? It surprised him, but didn’t bother him. As a matter of fact it excited him and he felt himself grow hard. He pushed his bottom half away so that Mary didn’t feel it. Julian realized he still had a tight hold and that Mary wasn’t moving. She hadn’t even moved when Julian kissed her.


“Mary?” Julian was fully awake now as he tried to get the attention of the body that had become attached to him.


“Jules” Mary hiccupped as her dark eyes looked up into Julian’s eyes.


“What …..What are ……” Julian was finding it hard to think with Mary so close. His arms still held fast and his lips still tasted the mixture of salt and sweetness of the kiss.


“Sorry, Jules. I just couldn’t stand being alone. I know you thought I was someone else…..I’m …..sorry.” She whispered the last part.


“No, no…..don’t be sorry. I’m sorry if you felt uncomfortable with that kiss.” Julian told her shyly, still feeling the excitement growing stronger throughout his body.


“Can I tell you something?” Mary asked just as shyly, still looking into Julian’s eyes.


“Anything.” Julian almost panted. He had to do something; his body felt the embers slowly spread and catch. He knew if he didn’t do something soon, they’d turn into a fire he might not be able to control.


“It feels good laying so close to you, being in your arms,” Mary hesitated before she finished, “ And that kiss…….well, it felt just wonderful.” Mary wondered if Julian would push her away. Or if she’d just lost a good friend with her admission.


“Mary, it felt amazing to me.” It felt good to finally say how he felt, Julian thought.


Mary leaned up and slowly pressed her lips against Julian’s. The kiss was soft and sweet.


Julian felt his ache grow stronger. He felt something slowly snap inside of him as they shared butterfly kisses that soon turned into harder more urgent kisses. Julian felt Mary’s mouth open to his. Their tongues snaked around each other, dancing in circles as each explored the other’s mouth.


Julian felt Mary’s excitement as her mouth and hands pushed and caressed urgently against Julian. The embers were growing into the fire that Julian had fought for so long. He felt Mary rub against him and shivered as electricity sparked his body. Their breathing became ragged and their hands roughly ran over each other. Eager fingers and hands ran over every sensitive part of the body.


Julian coaxed Mary up and pulled her shirt off and then took his own off. Julian’s fingers traced over Mary’s chest, falling on her taunt nipples. He could feel Mary’s body react as he played with them and soon his lips fell onto them. He sucked and nibbled from one to the other as he heard her groans.


Mary couldn’t believe how good it felt. Her body reacted so natural to Julian’s touch. She felt her body shake with excitement. She leaned down to Julian and whispered hotly into his ear.


“ I need you Jules.” Mary moaned the words as she felt a hot searing burn, pass throughout her body and down between her legs.


“Christ Mary, I’ve wanted you for so long. I’ve been afraid to tell you. I didn’t want to get in the middle of you and Alistair. Ever part of me needs you desperately, you’re all I think about, I gotta have ya.” Julian’s husky voice finally admitted.


Julian pushed at the elastic of Mary’s panties. He pushed them down and over her feet, throwing them to the floor. Soon Julian had his own thrown on the floor along side his lover’s, allowing them both the enjoyment of seeing each other’s naked bodies.


Both stopped for a moment to look and touch each other. The moment was dragged as the passion over took them.


Stroking and teasing each other the desire grew. The tips of Julian’s finger found the heat between Mary’s legs. Her groans grew louder. The heat took her and she surprised Julian by pushing him down on his back. Mary turned herself around and with wet lips and tongue started to tease Julian even more. She straddled his body and held her breasts above Julian’s head, teasing not only Julian, but also herself with the anticipation, whilst she rubbed herself against his hardness.  


She sucked lightly on Julian’s balls for a while and when he could no longer stand it, she licked and sucked his shaft. She could feel Julian wiggle underneath her.


Mary felt herself pushed onto her back. Julian’s tongue slid around Mary’s legs and up them. He brought his mouth and tongue into a motion that drove Mary crazy, until she screamed his name, shuddering under her climax.


Julian didn’t waste any time and pushed into her. He began an in and out motion. Wet, hot juices slid Julian in to a faster rhythm. Their mouths became as one as they’re bodies were. Probing, exploring as the heat rose inside them. Julian broke away and held Mary, whispering words he couldn’t help but say before he nuzzled and kiss her neck.


“ I’ve waited so long for this. Mary,” He panted half out of his mind, “ I love ya.”


He couldn’t stop the words in the heat of the moment as they both started towards their peak. Julian pumped, touched and swirled his tongue deep in her mouth, knowing that it was driving Mary into complete madness.


Julian felt Mary thrust her hips harder and faster, meeting his. It felt so fucking good, he thought. He had wanted this for so long and he could barely contain himself, as he fought from cumming. He could feel the aching in his balls and the heat that made them boil. He felt like a teakettle, getting hotter and hotter until it blew!


He felt Mary’s body start to shake and realized she was close and would cum at any time. After a minute or so, Mary tightened up. He could feel the warm thick juice all around him. Julian heard Mary start groaning louder. It started from her throat and past her lips into a guttural groan that drove Julian stark raven mad. Hearing Mary, he allowed himself to let go and let the sweet release flow over him. It released him, set him free as his body shook with an orgasm so strong he wondered if he’d die.


Julian felt himself collapse on Mary, sweat pouring off of him and onto her. He felt himself grow soft and the warmth of Mary was gone. They lay on the bed gasping for air. Mary crawled wearily up to Julian and into his arms. They lay their, hearts pounding, their breath slowing to a pant.


Julian pulled Mary to him, and kissed the lips that had brought him so much pleasure. Oh God, he thought, it was as fantastic as he had imagined. He felt Mary’s breathing return to normal and hoped that his friend, or dare he think lover, wouldn’t regret what they had done.


It seemed like hours before Julian nudged Mary, “That was fantastic. God you made me feel so bloody good.”


Mary tightened her hold on Julian, “It was bloody marvelous, wasn’t it?” Mary stated in an amazed and sweet voice.


They lay quietly for a bit longer. Julian hoped that this wouldn’t be the last time they were together. He hoped that Mary would allow him to show his love. He wondered how Mary felt, or if she had even heard him tell of his love for her.


“You all right with what just happened Mary?” Julian gave her a squeeze.


“Yeah, surprisingly I am, but I wouldn’t call the papers or tell the world, if you don’t mind. Don’t want for Alistair to hear of this. I’m not sure how I feel. I only know that it was great, and that I feel something very strong for you.            Do y ‘know what I mean?” Mary shifted her body and squeezed Julian back.


“I know. I don’t quite understand it myself. I just know I love when you’re around. I love what just happened and I really would like to see where it could go. We’ll be discreet, you’re right. I don’t fancy anyone knowing about this or us, especially when I don’t understand it my self.” Julian yawned as he finished his thoughts.


“Right, I agree. I’m not to keen on anyone else knowing. Let’s just keep it here, between us and take it as it comes. Right now, I feel good being with you and I want to give it a whirl and see what happens.” A feeling hung over Mary, she knew what she was feeling but didn’t think it was possible with Alistair and everything that had happened the past six or more weeks. It would be easier this way and a lot more fun for now and God only knew she needed to feel good and smile.


“Then let’s give it a bash and for now keep it to ourselves.” Julian’s eyes were closed as he spoke. He felt so good and so very tired. Soon, he heard Mary’s steady breathing, and knew she was asleep. It didn’t take long before he felt sleep take him too. Just before Julian’s dreams took him, he thought how now Mary slept with him. That Mary wasn’t down on that blasted couch that had always tortured Julian every time she slept over.

