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I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is a fan fiction from my warped mind.




Julian’s mind was fuzzy as he felt himself wake. Kisses were being spread across his face and a hand caressing the nap of his neck. He didn’t want to open his eyes and end this blissful dream. He felt so free and full of love. The walls were tumbling down, just like the song he wrote, about Mary. He then felt lips on his, a long tender kiss. It stopped and he felt them leave as the warmth of breath fanned onto them.


 “Jules? Jules, are you gonna wake or do I have to do something more to wake you?” Mary giggled.


“More.” Julian groaned hoarsely.


Mary laughed. “ You are awake you faker.” She laid another kiss onto his lips.


Julian wrapped his arms around her. He pulled her body down to his and she rested across his chest, lips still together.


“ Now your mine.” Julian smiled as he broke the kiss, turning Mary over so he was on top of her, “ I want to make love to you, again. Slow and proper, this time.”


“ I’d like that. Was trying to get your lazy arse up to make love to me.”


Julian smiled as he listened, felt and looked at her. Mary’s smile was like the sunshine that lit up the bedroom. Her eyes shone and his heart skipped a beat as he stopped to just admire her.


“ What are you looking at me like that for? I want your body Julian Lennon.” She laughed


He heard the song of her laughter and laughed with her, “ You, luv. I’m just admiring your beauty.” His lips fell back on to hers and then stopped. His lips just about touching hers, “ I will give you my body Mary McCartney, but this time it will be slow and I want you to feel more than you did last night. That was incredible, don’t get me wrong, but this time will be better, I promise. You will know how I feel.” Their lips were no long apart as Julian started to slowly take his time and feel every part of her lovely body. He took his time making her feel everything he felt. He took her to heights that he saw in her face she had never been before.


When they came together he took his time, watching her body to see what she needed and wanted without asking. He made love to her for a long time, feeling her peak a few times before he too came.


They fell together into each other’s arms, sweaty, fulfilled and spent.


“ Jules,” Mary caressed his face, laying sideways looking at him, “ That was so wonderful. I’ve never been made love to like that. I’ve never had so many orgasms,” She shyly smiled in amazement, “ You made me feel so lovely.” She bent to him and gave his smiling lips another kiss.


“ I can’t describe what you do to me. Something no one else has ever done, either,” Julian kissed her again and then remembered the gift he bought her. He sat up, “ Wait here, I’ll fetch us some tea and toast. Don’t move.” His naked body grabbed his robe and he went downstairs.


He brought up a tray filled with toast, jam, tea, milk, sugar and fresh lemons. He carried the gift in his robe pocket. He again stopped to watch her for a moment at the door. Was this a dream, or was this real? He saw her long hair fall across her shoulder as she turned to smile at him.


“ All these years and now you look at me like this. I had such a crush on you a long while back. Daddy told me to stop it, that you were to busy and I was too young for you. I think I was fourteen or fifteen.” She told him, wagging her finger as he brought in the tray and laid it on the bed.


“ Yeah, I guess I was at the beginning of me career. Must’ve been twenty-one or two? Had girls all over me then. Jas and me used to go to the pubs between my tours, get pissed as all hell and either end up taking him home or winding up in some girls bed the next morning.” He laughed at how young and foolish he was, “ Suppose I did as our dad’s did at that age huh? “ He sat down next to her, spread jam on a piece of toast and held it up for her to take a bite. He then took a bite and shared it with her.


“ Yeah, I heard all about those days. So you were like your dad?” Mary ventured, taking another bite of toast.


“ Right, could say that, only I was single and not married with a little child.” Julian’s voice turned cold on the last part of what he said.


“ Jules, I’m sorry.” Mary turned to him as she heard the change in his voice.


Julian shook off the feeling, “ All these years and I thought I had worked it all out but sometimes it still creeps up on me. Sorry.” He told her sheepishly.


“ No, it’s like you said, like the tide is all. Only you can get over it quicker, or at least seem to. You know, this sounds a bit corny but if we ever decided to go public with our, whatever this is. I mean if it grows into something else, the papers would have a blast with our names, wouldn’t they?” Mary chuckled as she put down her tea.


Julian cocked his head at what she said. He wanted more from this and hoped that a relationship would happen and they would go public with it. For now he’d just do it her way, as long as he had her he didn’t care and would do anything. How pathetic, he thought. He never felt like such a bloody puppy before.


“Jules?” Mary called to get his attention, “ You all right?”


“ Yup, just thinking on what you just said. The press, they’d love this one, “ He then laughed as he got what she had been talking about, “ Oh Christ, you mean the Lennon and McCartney thing, don’tcha?”


“ I think they’d run with that, don’t you?” Mary finished her tea, “ This was good. Ta.”


“ Not a problem and yeah, I think they would run with the name thing as well.” He smiled and took the tray, placing it on the bureau. Julian felt the box in his robe pocket. He was nervous to give it to her, but he had bought it for Mary. He walked slowly to the bed. He had noticed that Mary had put on his T-shirt and how sexy it looked on her. Stop it, he thought, as he kept his hand in his pocket, sliding his fingers around the box.


He sat down on the bed, by the pillows and Mary’s sitting body. “ You look better in my t-shirt than I do, “ He gave her a lopsided grin as she lightly laughed. He took out the box, hid it behind his back with his one hand, “ Mary, close your eyes and give me your hand, luv.” Julian asked.


“ Is this some more of your kinkiness, Jules” She smiled and closed her eyes as he asked.


“ No, none of the sort. Now give us your hand.” Julian gently took the back of her hand, keeping the palm facing upwards. He brought the wrapped box from his back and put it in her hand, “ Now you can open those lovely eyes.” He told her softly, letting her hand free.


Mary opened her eyes, looked at the box and then to Julian. “ What’s this?” She asked with surprise laced in her voice.


“ Open it. I saw it and had to get it for you. Hope you don’t mind and you like it.” Julian told her with nervousness filling his body.


“ Oh, I love pressies. Jules you didn’t have to.” She opened the box excitedly.


Mary reminded Julian of a child opening up a Christmas present. He watched as she reached the box and slowly opened it. He smiled, as her eyes grew big and filled with emotions.


“Jules, oh my God, it’s beautiful and delicate.” Mary was indeed surprised. She took the delicate gold chain out of the box. Hanging from it was a golden heart framed around an amethyst stone.


“ You like it? It reminded me of you and I had to get it the other day. It’s beautiful, delicate and shines like you. Like it?” Julian asked again after explaining why he had bought it.


“ Like it? I love it, Jules. It’s perfect, something I’d get for myself.” She looked at him and slowly spoke, “ You, you know my taste. I think it’s incredible, I’ll treasure it, thank you so much.” She jumped up, still holding the necklace and wrapped her arms around him. She kissed him, the kiss turning to a bigger one, tongues exploring and almost turning into more as Julian carefully pulled her away.


“ There’s plenty of time for that. Now, I want to put this on you. Think of me when you wear it.” He gave her a small kiss and then took the necklace from her. He carefully opened it and placed it around her neck. She pulled her hair up as he clasped it, “ Lets have a look.”


She turned and looked down at it and then up at him.


 He smiled at her. “ Perfect, it looks just right on you, just the way I thought it would.”


Mary got up and went to the mirror. She stared at it and picked it up, admiring it. She turned to him and ran, jumping on the bed. He fell as she pushed him and they ended up making love again. After that they took a shower together, he washed her and she him. The washing became erotic as they started to ride the wave of passion again, making love in the shower.


Julian shaved as Mary used his blow dryer to do her hair.


“ Four times in less than twenty-four hours. I don’t remember making love so much in a long time. You, my dear Jules, are wonderful. How do you know what I like and what to do to me? You bring me to a place I …….I just feel so, so fantastic and then you let me come down with such passion. I only hope I do that for you.” Mary turned off the dryer and stared at him as he put his thing into his shaving kit.


“ I watch, observe you, that’s how I know. And you do make me feel just as good if not better.” Julian gulped and went back to what he was doing.


Mary went into the bedroom and looked up at the clock. “ Jules!” She called.


He walked into the bedroom in only jeans, he noticed Mary stop, looking him up and down. She then started to talk again.


“ I have to go home to daddy. I’m gonna talk to him and if he agrees I’ll call you and uncle Ritch and George. Then us girls can make a big dinner and you lads can jam later. I’d love to take some photos of that one.” She smiled.


Julian put on a t-shirt and sat on the bed pulling on his socks “ Ah, Just like your mum, with the four icons, taking lots of photographs. You know you have a fabulous smile for a photograph. Might just call my CD when I get it done, photograph smile and you’ll know what I mean by that.” He got up, hugged her and walked her to the door. He hated she had to leave especially after such a wonderful time. His dream was slowly coming true and he prayed that it would work out. He gave her a kiss, said your welcome when she thanked him again for the beautiful necklace and wonderful night and morning. He held the door opened as she stepped out into the warm air and sunshine.


“ Give us a call then. If Paul doesn’t feel like company with the lot of us, do come back over.” Julian winked at her.


She threw him a kiss. “ If daddy does say no than I’ll stop by, but I can’t stay over, they’ll start wondering and I don’t want that right now. “ She slipped into her car, started the engine and left.


Julian closed the door and walked back into the house a big goofy smile on his face. He worked on some music until Mary called and told him that Paul indeed needed to get his mind off of things and to stop by around 5:30. Julian put the phone back on the cradle and went back to playing his music. He turned on the recorder and wrote things down as he worked through the day watching the clock until he’d leave.




Everyone gathered at Cavendish. Julian pulled in and saw motorcars that he knew. He saw his Uncle Ritch’s car and new that Barbara was with him, maybe Lee and Jason. Julian thought it a shame that Zak was on tour and wouldn’t be there. He missed Zak and always meant to call him. He then spotted his Uncle George’s car and also knew that Liv had come with him, he hoped Dhani had too. Dhani, he thought, looked a lot like George.  He chuckled, thinking that the younger Harrison probably got the same comments as he had about looking like his famous dad. As he parked he also thought how much Linda would have loved this gathering. She loved when they all got together, it didn’t happen all that much, but she always had her camera loaded and around her neck, snapping away.



Julian sprinted from his car, excited to see all of them and Mary. He knew he’d have to watch himself around her, but there were enough people to keep him away from her. He knew she’d remind him and the rest of Linda, snapping away throughout the night. He then realized she’d probably not stop by. He only hoped he’d be able to steal a few minutes with her, kiss and hold her. He rang the bell and the door opened to a blond haired twenty-year-old man. He smiled at James and gave him a huge hug.


“ Hey, mate. Good to see you.” James told Julian.


“ Yeah, good to see you, it’s been what, a week or so?” Julian laughed.


“ About that. We jamming tonight? Uncle George and Ritch say yes. Dhani’s here too and wants to jam.” James smiled.


“ Of course, I’m only here for the food, wine and songs.” They laughed harder, while James led Julian into the house and where everyone was sitting.


‘” You forgot women.” James added not knowing that was another reason Julian was there, but carefully left it out.


“ Jules” Paul came up and gave him a hug, “ Good to see you again. Glad my Mary thought of this. Lord knows we could use this.” Paul’s eyes grew sad for a moment and then he changed his mood, “ Something to drink, lad?”


Julian smiled, “ Sure, you know what I like.”


Julian walked in and hugged George and Ringo.


“ Been a while, Jules, good to see you.” Ritch smiled as he always did. Julian rarely ever saw his Uncle Ritch without a smile.


“ Well look at who’s here. John Charles Julian Lennon is it?” George laughed, and then gave a lopsided smile.


Julian nodded his head, “ Gonna torture me tonight, are you?”


“ Torture you? Don’t know what your goin’ on ‘bout.” George’s grin grew bigger.


“ You gonna call me my full name all night or you gonna have a lark and just call me John Jr. tonight? ‘Cause if that’s how it is I’ll have to call your son over there, George Jr. Remember we both have something in common, we look like our famous dads.” Julian’s brow wagged, like his father’s and the two laughed. Paul joined in with the laughter hearing most of the conversation as he handed Julian his drink. 


“ Right, but you sound like yours.” Dhani told Julian as he came up and joined them, giving a hug to Julian.


“ That’s what the papers say anyways.” James added to the laughter.


“Right, we’ll see tonight. Hey Paul you think you and Jules can do a duet, you two singing a song that you and John did?” Ritch grinned like a treasure cat.


“ Have a go, Jules?” Paul asked.


Julian hated being compared to his dad in public. He was honored, but only wanted the public to see him for his own talent. But he didn’t mind it here, with his famous Uncles and their children.  “Sure, whatever you decide, Uncle Paul.”


“ Good, I’ll record it and then put it out as a single for the fans and see if they can tell the difference. “ Paul joked.


“ Is this a bet I smell?” George asked, “ I’ll put in for that one,” They all chuckled over the bet, whether the fans could tell or not.


“ Why don’t we up the anti, have Dhani play your guitar part and see if the fans can tell the difference on that one.” Julian went back at his Uncles.


“ Don’t get me involved.” Dhani laughed and shook his head.


“ Just like yer dad you are, wise arse like him, aren’t ya.” George’s scouse came through as he joked.


Julian marveled at the scouse. When his three Uncles got going, the scouse would get so strong, none of the kids or their wives could figure out what they were saying.


“ Don’t think as badly. Hey Uncle Ritch, Jas or Lee here?” Julian asked.


“ No, sorry, their somewhere else. They’ll be sorry they missed ya, especially Jas. Zak is on tour, he’ll be sorry he missed ya too.” Ringo shrugged as he explained.


“ Been meanin’ to call Zak, but I never know where he is. I remember it well. I think, after this next CD is done, I’ll tour for a bit.” Julian told them, gulping his drink in between the conversation.


“ He’s doin’ great with The Who. Loves it, ‘e does. “ Ritch told Jules as he sipped his juice.


“ He loves the attention, he does.” Julian smiled at his Uncle, “ But, he is a great drummer, so he deserves it and it’s in his genes.” Julian watched his uncle nod his head with a proud smile.


Olivia entered the room. Her arm fell around her two favorite men. George kissed her on the cheek. She then scanned the room to see who had arrived. “ Is everyone here? Everything it ready outside in the garden.”


“ Everyone is here, mum. “ Dhani answered her and then slipped out of her hold, heading towards the back.


“ Didcha cook us a good meal, luv?” George asked his wife.


“ We all did, now come and find out. Every one food is ready out in the back garden!” Olivia raised her voice for the announcement and then took George’s hand leading him outside.


Paul watched as Barbara and Olivia led their mates out to eat. He leaned back on the bar, held his glass up to the ceiling.


“ You would have loved this, Lin.” Paul softly spoke and then drank his drink in a gulp. He put his glass down on the bar and again, just leaned against it, in thought.


Julian watched Paul and heard what he said. He realized Paul didn’t know he was there. Everyone had gone outside. Julian slid an arm around Paul, making him jump at the unexpectedness of Julian being there.


“ Sorry, Uncle Paul. Linda would have loved this, you’re right. Mary will take the photographs tonight, I know you want Linda to, but look at her talent in Mary. Com ‘ead lets go outside and change the thoughts. You wanted tonight to get out of yourself, but you can’t get away from it, so lets just go see what veggie stuff they’ve got out there.” Julian looked at his uncle.


“ Yeah, you’re right, Jules,” Paul let out a long sigh, “ Just wish I was to a point where the misery would leave. Lost a lot of people in my life, but this is the hardest. Lets go, change the mood, eat, and be merry and go jam.” Paul gave Julian a small forced smile.


Julian knew Paul didn’t want to smile and was pushing himself, but he also knew that Paul always pushed himself to keep going, at least that was normal for him. With two arms around each other, they walked outside and sat down.



The garden was in full bloom, the smell of the flower wafted through the air along with the food. Two long tables were pushed up together and all were gathered around it. Julian scanned the table with a smile and then caught Mary’s eye and gave her a quick wink before moving his eyes back to the table.


“ What, no wine?” Julian asked with a small laugh.


“ Right, forgot you Euro types love yer wine with yer food.” George teased once again.


“ Yes, suppose we do. Grew up with it.” Julian answered.


“ I’ll get a few bottles that daddy has. “ Stella told Julian and everyone else.


“ Wait, I’ll come with. I don’t know if you’ll choose the right one for what we’re eating. There’s a difference for every type of meal, you know.” Julian explained to Stella.


Stella turned to Julian. “ You don’t think I can get the right bottles of wine?” She asked a bit insulted.


“ Well, lets just see about that, ok?” Julian smiled at Stella. He knew she was smart in many ways but could easily take something the wrong way, “ I’ll help you.” Julian rose from his seat.


“ You’ve become a wine connoisseur?” Paul laughed at the boy who he had watched grow into quiet a nice young man.


Julian shrugged, “ Yeah, maybe. Learned a lot from Roberto and some friends. I promise you’ll enjoy my choice.” He smiled as his uncles looked up at him, impressed. Julian turned and made a face at them and they all laughed at how much John came to mind when he did this.


Stella and Julian went to the bar. Julian knelt down behind it, Stella leaning over to see him pull out bottle after bottle, examine it and put it back.


“ Does it always take this long to find the right bottle? “ She said a bit impatient.


“ Yes, it does. The wine isn’t arranged in any order so I have to look. You can go back outside.” Julian shrugged and went back to looking.


“ No, think I’d like to see how you come to this decision.” Stella said stubbornly.


This got a laugh from Julian, “ Suit yourself, “ He found a bottle and put it down and went looking for another. Finding it, he stood up and took both bottles in his hands.


“ You sure they’re the right ones?” Stella stared at Julian.


“ Yup, perfect from the selection.” Julian smiled and then nudged her. He pushed a bottle in her hands, making her laugh.


“ Ok, ok. These are the right ones.” Stella told him as they headed back outside.


Both opened a bottle and poured for whoever wanted some. Everyone was in the middle of his or her meal. Mary came out with a tripod, camera and a hand held apparatus to take the pictures from where she sat.


“ Ok everyone, look at the camera!” She yelled above the talk, “ No, goofy faces, I’d like some nice pictures.”


“ Why not? I think it would be interesting.” James yelled teasingly back at his sister.


“ I can take you out of the picture, dear brother.” Mary teased back.


“ Com ‘ead only kidding.” James shook his head at her.


Mary snapped several pictures and more as everyone started to eat. Everyone laughed as James, Dhani, Julian and Stella grouped together in almost a pyramid. Julian and James on the bottom, then Dhani with Stella on top. Heather stole the apparatus from Mary and took a few of the kidding younger generation. She smiled, knowing that these pictures would be funny, yet her mom was missing. She quickly covered her feelings, giving the piece back to Mary, who shared the same look with her sister. With the minute over they started to finish their meal. Both knowing how much they missed their mother.


After everyone was done they talked for a little bit. It was still light out, but growing towards dusk. The girls started to clean up as the guys got up and went inside.