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Remember I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is a fantasy fiction from my warped mind.



Julian watched the smoke curl into the expanse of air in the empty room as he exhaled. His head still leaned against the wall. Julian sat waiting to hear Zak’s reaction to his admission of how he had treated Mary, after finding out about the article and the old feelings that came up about his dad. Zak and Julian had discussed the possibilities of some of the stories about the Beatles being true, now Zak knew all those certain stories they spoke about where true, just like Julian.


Zak sat there in amazement at what Julian had just told him. Zak thought about how Julian started to relive the old pains and how he had treated Mary. Zak opened the bottle, took another swig and handed it to Julian. Julian took it thankfully. He felt embarrassed, gutted and just plain miserable. He tilted the bottle back and watched the dark liquid run down the bottleneck and into his mouth. He felt the burn go down his throat and into the pit of his empty stomach.


Zak saw this and grabbed the bottle away from his friend; he felt if he didn’t Julian might finish it off. He watched Julian take the back of his arm and wipe the liquid from his face.


“Then after all these years you found out it’s true about your father? Now the papers are at it again with the reunion shite and comparing the two of yous?” Zak simply asked in a bit of shock. How did his own father react to this he wondered? His mind questioned his father’s infidelities in the past and how it had affected his mother. He knew about the women, all bands had their groupies. Still he wondered if his father had a special someone, back then. Zak was thankful he had learnt from them and never did he cheat on Sarah. When the urge came, he’d just ring her and he’d feel better, that’s how he handled it. He looked back at Julian.


“Yeah, it’s right. I found a few letters from that journalist. Then read all those early letters from Yoko into their trip to India and then, during their separation. I poured through them. Yoko, of course didn’t know I did. I took and photo copied them without her knowing. I read them again and saw that I do have the same feelings for Mary as my dad had for Yoko. Funny eh? Only here, the age difference isn’t part of the problem. Most of the reasons Mary left were because of Alistair coming back. Also some of the same reasons Yoko tossed my dad during his so called lost weekend, the self-doubt, clinging, me feeling more for her than she for me. All though I think Yoko felt a lot for dad. I don’t know Zaky. I can feel her everywhere and it makes me so cold not having her with me. It’s not right, she’s so young, I thought I was helping her and maybe I did until I let my feelings get in the way.” Julian told Zak as he shivered at the thought.


“You did help her, Jules, never think you didn’t. You said you asked Uncle Paul about your dad though and he never told you the truth? You two are so close.” Zak asked in disbelief.


Julian gave a sarcastic laugh to the question, ”I’m close with Uncle George and Liv, and they helped my sanity when I was doing the album Help Yourself. Matter of fact I put in the headliner notes, thanking George and then I thanked Mum and Liv for constantly strengthening my ever-weakening foundation, or some sort of rubbish like that. And you know I’ve been close with your da, but closer with your mum. You remember how I’d call and speak to her before speaking to you or Jas. My mum was so close to her. But yeah, Paul and me, he’d send me birthday telegrams, calling me an old fruit, never forgot a one and Christmas. So it evens out,” Julian lit a cigarette, he squinted his eyes at his friend. He wanted to make sure that Zak knew he was close to them all, but in different ways, “Don’t you see Zaky. Paul did tell me, but in a way that protected his image and me dads and protected me too. Every time I asked Uncle Paul, he’d just tell me that he and my dad loved each other more then friends, more like brothers. He said that when you spend that much time together you really get to know each other and he will always love me dad and always did. He told me my dad was a complicated man. That love wasn’t always his greatest suit. Told me to ask my mum about that one. He could be hard and he could be soft, depending on his moods. Told me that my dad never learnt how to express love the right way at times, although there were times that would surprise him at how big my dad’s heart could really be when he wasn’t guarding it. Said he learnt a lot from Yoko. That’s all he said. I should have known, from what he said and I guess I did in the back of my mind. Just seeing it in the journalist’s and Yoko’s handwriting brought him out in me, and I took it out on Mary as if she were mum or one of the others that were important to him. Then came the papers with their shite. I felt like I was dad. It wasn’t like it was Mary and me, hard to explain and I’m ashamed that I couldn’t stop it. Sad eh?” Julian’s voice had little emotion to it.


This bothered Zak. He hadn’t seen Julian this bad in years. It was as if he was watching Julian go through the whole mess with his father again. He also knew that Mary leaving made Julian feel as if he had failed, yet again. He didn’t dare comment on how he felt at finding out that Julian had taken everything out on Mary. Julian felt bad enough.


“ Jules, you said yerself that you and Mary spoke about your parents a great deal. I think this re-opened the wounds that you thought were healed. Then, feeling so much love for Mary, more than any other woman you’ve ever been with, and her not returning it the way you needed. Also, you have to remember that Alistair was looming over you, never knowing when he was coming back, insecure, knowing she’d probably return to him, no matter how much you loved her. Then the icing on the cake, dredging up the past again with the comparisons and the reunion, all of these things together, you snapped. I can see it. A lot of stress, a lot of fear, anxiety, anger, self doubt, just so much. Jules, honestly, you just went on over load and couldn’t deal. I saw you snap the first time around. Plus, I think you forgot about Roberto dying a few years back too. I think that is deep inside you as well. You always said he was the father you never had, taking you to games, school and other things, even when your mum and him split. Roberto always was there for you. Did ya forget that one? “ Zak dug through the years of conversations him and Julian had had. He saw so many things all-crashing down around his friend. It was as if it were happening again to him, but worse.


“ Guess I did forget. Goin’ on about everything, Roberto is always there in my mind and heart. I’m too sentimental, a bit soft, I suppose.” Julian said, remembering his stepfather as he swigged on the bottle again.


 Zak remembered how Julian had been there for him and his family when his mum had died and how much it meant to Zak, Jason, Lee, Augusta, his step father and father. But through that, Julian was fine. Now, there was just too much going on all at once and the pressure seemed to be bringing out things in Julian that worried Zak, things he hadn’t seen in a long time and more.



“What happened next, Jules?” Zak needed to hear the rest of the story and he knew Julian needed to tell it.


Julian huffed at the thought. He banged his head lightly against the cold wall. He noticed it was getting darker with the weather and the lights were off. He slowly got up and turned them on. He then lit a fire. The room had become cold from the rain and wind. Bending down to light it, he thought of the memories and the dreams that didn’t come true. He was aware of Zak watching him and turned as he got up and then walked back to his mate. He slid down the wall and re-took his position. He flipped again through the pages of his mind. The mind that saw everything he was saying, too clearly. Where did he leave off? Oh right, he thought as the picture came in clear and he started his story again.


After Julian was done apologizing he wiped his forehead with his shirt.

“ I need another bleedin’ shower. You’ll be here when I come back?” He asked, unsure. His hand hung down holding his shirt, his other hand played nervously with his lighter. Mary wasn’t sweaty and she seemed all right as he watched her knot the thread on her bra. She put it on and slid her dress over her head.



Mary thought about all they had talked about, the past few months. Her mind was racing, trying to understand what Julian had said to her and trying to put herself in his place. She seemed distracted as she looked up and saw him wipe the sweat off of his face. His body was covered in it and she could smell his maleness as he stood there waiting for her answer.


“ Yes, of course I’ll be here. Go, run and shower, I’m fine.” She stood up letting her dress fall down her body to her knees. Mary went over to Julian, she didn’t know what it was, but even though she had been a bit afraid from his outbursts, she knew he’d never intentionally hurt her as he had said. Her heart swelled as she watched him, he was like an unsure little boy. She had always cared a great deal for Julian Lennon, but now the feelings were different. She did feel love for him, but was confused about Alistair, grieving for her mum and helping her family. She liked things the way they were and knew after his shower Julian would sort things out and his mind wouldn’t be so cloudy.


Walking up to him, his male smell made her insides quiver. She felt turned on by him, but also knew she had to refrain, let him shower and think things through. That’s how her mother was with her dad. Linda always gave Paul the room he needed to think and Mary took the lesson from her mother, giving Julian time. She fought her lustful feelings and the love she knew she had for this man. Although he felt more for her, she knew over the past several months her feelings had grown for him and even before Alistair left her, she was feeling a different type of love for Julian. Mary kissed him tenderly on the lips,

“ Go on, straight away, before I do something I don’t think we should at this moment,” Mary teased, running her hands down his arms. She pinched his bottom,“ Go now. I’ll be watching the telly.”


Julian gave her a cagey smile. “ Pinchin’ me bum isn’t gonna help me go straight away.”


“ Right, then I’ll leave you be for now.” Mary brushed her lips against his and felt a shock run through her body. She had to get away from him. The rough sex they had had really turned her on and now she wanted more, but gentler and loving. Loving, she thought, something she couldn’t admit to Julian, she loved him. She forced herself to sit down on the couch and take the remote to turn on the T.V.


Julian knew she wanted more and was surprised by that and by how he found himself aroused. He let his shirt hang over the front of his jeans.


Mary looked at him, her brow rose like her fathers, Julian thought.


“ That will never hide your desire, luv. I know your thinking as I am.” Mary shook her head.


“ Then shower with me and let me make it up to you.” Julian offered, still feeling his need for her.


“ No, after your shower call me and I’ll come to you. Then you will make it up to me.” Mary winked at him, smiling.


Julian nodded, “ Right, then I’m off. I’ll call you in a bit.” Julian ran up the stairs to the shower.


Mary smiled. She tried to watch the television but couldn’t get the thoughts of being with Julian out of her mind. She hoped he’d hurry. Her body burned for him and the ach was overwhelming, something she had never even felt as strongly for Alistair.



Julian got out of the shower and wound a towel around him. He dried his hair and then shook it. He was about to call down to Mary when the phone rang. Julian thought of not answering it, but something told him he should. He went into his bedroom and picked the phone up out of the cradle. He placed it between his ear and shoulder before he said hello.


Julian was surprised to hear George on the other end of the phone.

“ Jules, George here. I suppose you read all the papers and tabloids?” George inquired.


Julian lit a cigarette and sat down on the bed. “ Yes, yes I did. Didn’t fancy it at t’all. Reckon they’ll never leave me be. Now what we did yesterday will be on the Internet and a lot of happy fans will get a hold of it.” Julian answered his Uncle’s question. He drew on his cigarette wondering what else George wanted. He knew his Uncle and George wouldn’t call for just that. He figured that George was worried and he smiled with the love he had for George as he thought of it. He exhaled the smoke and waited for George to continue.


“ I’ve talked to Ritch and Neil, we think our solicitor should be called in to stop these hounds before it’s too late. We don’t know the one who has the tape and by now you’re probably right and it’s all over the Internet. Can’t help that. But can calm things down. You have a solicitor, Jules?” George wasn’t sure if he did have one and if the solicitor was in England.


“ I do, but he’s in Italy. Want I should call him, then?” Julian asked thinking about how this was a good idea.


“ Right, I reckon our solicitor can handle you along with us. Give me your solicitor’s number and I’ll have ours call yours to let him know what is going on here. I also spoke to Paul. He isn’t himself, but feels the same way. He asked for Neil and me to handle this. The solicitor will start and then it will be in his hands and he will also take care of your best interests. He will call your solicitor as well. I think this is the best recourse we have at this point. Though we will not be rid of that tape, but can have something drawn up so that it doesn’t become a CD. Can’t get it off the Net, but will do what we can. Also, we can rid the papers of these flippin’ stories they are starting, again. Sound about right to you?” George asked wanting Julian’s input.


Julian put out his cigarette and found his solicitor’s card in his wallet. “ Right, sounds good to me. Ta Uncle George and please tell Neil, Paul and Ritch I said that too. I don’t know the solicitor, but reckon he’s good if he handles all of you. Here’s the number for my solicitor.” Julian gave George his solicitor’s name and number. Julian thanked him again and then hung up.


Julian felt relief flow through him and a weight fall off his shoulders. He quickly thanked God for his Uncles and slid the card back into his wallet, placing it on the nightstand. Something glistened under the light on the nightstand, it was the gold M necklace that shined and he picked it up. He stared at it and remembered telling Ritch about him and Mary.


Julian walked out of his room and called Mary to come up stairs. Her eyes shined when she saw him in only a towel.


“ Now that looks right nice on you.” Mary went to slide her arms around him.


Julian pulled away, seeing the surprise and hurt on Mary’s face. He slid his hand in hers and pulled her into his bedroom. He explained the whole phone call with George and knew she could see and hear the relief in his voice.


“ I’m so glad that daddy, Uncle George, Uncle Ritch and Uncle Neil are going to take care of this problem. I can see that you feel better about things, I’m glad. You were so over the top with all of this, I was worried. Now, things will be better, only the tape is out there and on the Net. Suppose you can’t help that one, but at least the solicitor will stop the stories from spreading like wild fire.” Mary squeezed Julian’s hand, which he had never released during the whole explanation.


“ Sorry, luv. Just wanted to tell you what’s going on.” Julian explained to her. He sat down on his bed, letting go of her hand, patting along side of him for her to sit. When she did, he held up the gold necklace for Mary to see.


“ Oh, I’ve been looking for that everywhere. So it’s been here all along?” Mary reached out and let Julian drop it into her hand, “ Ta, I was afraid I had lost it.” Relief now filled Mary’s voice.


“ One thing, luv. When Uncle Ritch brought me home, I was very bladdered as you know. He smelt your perfume and then saw the necklace. You took it off to put on the one I had gotten you. He held it up and knew right away it was yours. Between seeing the necklace, smelling your perfume and the way I was coming on to you, Ritch put two and two together. Luv, he knows about us. He asked me about it and told me he wouldn’t say a word, not even to your da, but wanted to know. I was so out of it, I babbled on and like Stella, he was worried one of us might get hurt. He told me he was always around if I needed to talk,” Julian placed his hand under her chin, raising her face to his. Their eyes connected, “ I just wanted to be honest with you, no lies.” Julian simply stated, “ I learnt a long time ago that lies only cause problems.” Julian watched her eyes, to see how she was reacting to what he had just told her.


“ Yes, honesty is always the best,” Mary’s face slid from the palm of Julian’s hand and turned down with thoughtfulness crossing over it, “ Now both Stella and Uncle Ritchie know? Do you think anyone else will find out about us? “ Mary fretted.


Julian was disappointed by her reaction. “ No, they’ll keep it. Don’t worry so.” He reassured her.


“ Suppose you’re right. I know Stel will keep her word and Uncle Ritch will too,” Mary suddenly took in Julian’s disappointment, “ Jules, I realise this seems quite strange to you. I just am not ready to tell the world and with daddy, the way he is and everything else, it’s just not smart right now. I like things the way they are, please understand?” Mary begged a bit, hoping he would understand.


Julian knew what everything else meant, Alistair. He wanted things to be different, wanted Alistair not to be apart of their relationship. “ I wish things were different. I love you being here, “ He stopped himself, knowing he would only ramble on and it was too early to go on about things. Maybe, just maybe, he thought, in time things would change, she would change and they could have everything out in the open. Julian knew Mary could see how he felt. He decided to change things and go back to what they were originally going to do. He was going to make things up to her. He had been awful to her earlier and didn’t want to make it worse by going on about his feelings for her. Or how he wanted things to be out in the open.


Julian smiled at Mary and pulled her down on top of him. He lay on the bed, arms around her.


Mary kissed his waiting lips with her anxious ones, wanting to forget everything except for this moment. The kiss was deep and gentle. She knew he’d take her lovingly. Julian pleased her in everyway. He made sure he was gentle, giving, loving and made her feel not only wanted, but loved.


Mary had several orgasms and each felt different from the other. She felt his love and affection, his gentleness and how giving he was. Again, she thought how confused she was, even Alistair never made her feel this way, no one did.


When Julian reached his peak, she stroked his face and watched with the love that had been growing inside of her. When they were both satisfied she lay in his arms, kissing his chest as he kissed the top of her head and her hand, which he held. Soon Julian fell asleep. They were content in on another’s arms. Julian felt happy and so did Mary. She didn’t know what was happening, but still she kept part of her guard up. She had to admit, she never felt safer or better than when she was with Julian as she slid into her dreams. 



Julian brought up the subject again later that night. Guilt still flooded through him. He needed to say more to Mary. They sat on the same couch that Julian had roughly taken her on; only this time they were playing a card game. Mary won and grinned over to Julian.


Mary put her cards down and turned to Julian, “ Beat ya again, there, cutie.” She laughed.


Julian loved Mary’s laugh, her face lit up the room and usually Julian would laugh with her. He wasn’t very good at this game, but Mary wanted to play it and he didn’t want to refuse her. He was better at poker, than Gin. To him, Gin was just to drink, but the card game didn’t go down as well.


“Yeah ya whooped me again. I’m better at Poker, I know how to use my Poker face and I reckon I play rather well. Learnt it from me da, he could play. All those years in hotel rooms with your dad and Ritch, George, Mal and Neil.” Julian put his cards down and took a hold of Mary’s hand, “I have to say I’m sorry to you again, Mary. I hope you’re not afraid of me. I’m supposed to be helping you and you helped me today, and after I wasn’t the nicest to you, and that’s putting it mildly. “ Julian looked into Mary’s dark eyes.


Mary smiled, as her mother would have. Forgiveness, that was taught to Mary early on, it was easy for her to do and to try to understand where someone was coming from. She understood completely where Julian was coming from and had let it go. Now, Julian was bringing it up again. Plus she knew everyone slipped up. He had again been honest with her. She loved how he felt about being honest. Julian had a lot of values she admired. Even his guilt at messing things up, her dad could be the same way and her mom would look at how the good in her dad out weighed the bad. Julian was a good man, like her daddy, she thought.


Julian took his feet down off the coffee table and turned to Mary, still holding her hand.


Mary gave Julian’s hand a squeeze, “ I thought we were finished with this Jules? I understand it all and you have helped me more then you know. It was my turn to give it back. One day compared to how much you’ve been there for me? C’mon luv, you had a bit of a shock and that part of you came out. I don’t think it ever goes away, you told me that remember? So it came out and I was there for you and we dealt with it. Please let it go, luv.” Mary told him seriously, “ And as far as being afraid of you; never. So put that to rest as well. You also forget, you have been patient and understanding with me, and also with keeping this quiet.”


Julian nodded,” Right, I did tell you that; you’re right, sorry. “ Julian sighed at how together Mary could be. Now he felt more fragmented then Mary had and he didn’t want that.


“C’mon, play another game with me?” Mary smiled, knowing she would again win.


Julian let go of Mary’s hand and picked up the deck of cards, “You’re on. I want to play poker, know yer da taught you how. I will tell you now I will win this time out. Let me get the chips.” Julian laughed for the first time that night. He got up and took the Poker chips from the closest and brought them over to the table. He shuffled the cards. Flipping them around until he thought they were mixed well. He had Mary cut the deck and shuffled again and then dealt them out.


Julian did win. He drew on his father’s skills and the poker face he was taught. The poker face that won him many games against friends, and people he had just met. Mary came close a few times, but Julian won every hand. They stopped after awhile and Julian put everything away.


“ Before I leave to go home, I want you again.” Mary giggled, surprising herself at how much she craved him.


“ I do believe I’ve created a sex fiend.” Julian laughed as he came back to her.


“ Satisfy me, like you always do.” She seductively told him.


“ I’ll do everything in my power to do so, my lady.” Julian picked her up and laid her down on the soft rug in the living room.


They made love again and neither was disappointed until it was time for her to leave. Julian always hated when she left, the house always felt so empty. She reminded him she’d be back in a few days and would be staying for four as he walked her out to her car. Julian smiled at that. He kissed her lovingly as he made sure her car door was locked. He watched her drive away and found himself longing for Friday.



Friday finally came, the sun shone with warmth. The flowers bloomed, every color framing the day like a rainbow at the end of the rain. Julian made a vegetarian picnic for their outing to the park, his guitar sat by the door with a worn blanket folded on top of the case.


Julian had just given Mary a key to his place. He heard the doors to the front of the house open and close, footsteps headed towards the kitchen. He closed the basket, picked it up and turned to see Mary. She had on a pale yellow sundress and sandals slipped on her feet. Julian knew the sandals would come off the minute they got to the park. She had her hair tied back, loosely.


Julian wore a blue t-shirt, tight jeans and his trainers. He looked her up and down with approval. He noticed she looked at him with the same approval, walked up and gave him a quick kiss.


Mary eyed the basket. “ You made us a picnic?”


Julian looked down at the basket and then up at her. “ Yup, told you I would. Used some of your mum’s recipes, all veggie so don’t go sparce. Also have a bottle of wine and some glasses. Got the blanket and my guitar by the door, so I’m ready to go. You bring your case for the weekend?” Julian looked around the opening of the kitchen with anticipation.


“ Right, if you used mum’s recipes, the lunch will be fabulous. And of course I did. It’s in the living room. My camera is in the car. Now, Mr. Lennon, you promised me a fun day in the park. My car is ready, tops down.” Mary tugged anxiously at Julian and he chuckled at her.


“ Right, reckon we better go before you explode.” Julian put his arm around her shoulder and led her out to the front room.


Mary took the blanket and watched as Julian picked up the guitar and carried the basket, “ Don’t strain yourself, Miss McCartney, that blanket is a blasted heavy one,” Julian joked, giving her a grin.


“ Mr. Lennon, I think you are quite capable of carrying what you have. The blanket is a bit heavy though, what do you have in it?” Mary teased and then threw the blanket around Julian’s neck and shoulders.


Julian groaned as she threw the blanket on him. It draped over his shoulders and down his neck as if it was a cape.


“ C’mon, lets go.” He surrendered.


Julian put the basket in the backseat and his guitar, along with the blanket in the boot. Mary got in and both put on their sunglasses, she started the car to drive off to the park. 




They parked the car and carried everything down to a big tree that Mary had found. It sat close to the lake, shading a big area. Julian looked around, everything was green, and the grass was as thick as carpet. The flowers wound around, blooming in every color, throughout the park. Julian noticed there was a bridge just down the slope. The people walked the path by the lake with their kids. There were some that had babies in prams, or just couples holding hands. This made Julian smile as he stood there and watched. Then he noticed the boats were out, later he’d take Mary on one. 



Mary nudged Julian. “Ey, are you gonna set out this stuff or just take in the sites?” She wrapped her arm around him as he did the same to her.


Julian looked down at Mary. She was lovely and had taken the string out of her hair letting in fall around her shoulders. He smiled down at her and then kissed her lovingly. Yes, this was a great idea, he thought. “ I like the site I’m takin’ in now. You’re just as beautiful as all these flowers bloomin’.” He hugged her and then laid out the blanket.


“ You are so corny, but yet romantic, ta.” Mary suddenly felt a bit shy at his comment. She quickly replaced the feelings with the excitement of the day and being with Julian.


They sat on the blanket. Julian opened the basket and laid out the spread. He poured two glasses of wine. Julian lay back against the tree as they ate and drank.


“ This really came out wonderfully. Mum would be proud.” Mary exclaimed, shaking her long mane back out of her face and took a sip of wine, “ The wine goes so nicely with this.”


“ I chose the wine for just that reason. I told you I learnt a lot about wine in Italy. As for your mum, she gave me two of her books to try out. I have and enjoyed a lot of the recipes, I sometimes make changes but figured you’d enjoy it more just as she wrote it.” Julian brushed Mary’s hair out of her eyes.



“ You’re right about that one. You are very talented, is there anything you can’t do?” Mary asked, as she feed him a slice of apple.


“ I’d like to think not, ‘cause I am stubborn when I want to do something. But, yes, there are things I can’t do. Like taking photographs as well as you, or paint, things like that.” He returned the favor, slipping a slice of apple into Mary’s mouth. He poured a third glass of wine for them both.


“ My mum helped me so much with my photography. She loved that I enjoyed it and then became very passionate about it. She taught me tricks that gave her photos that extra something.” Mary smiled at the memory. It had been the first time in a while she had smiled at a memory of her mom without crying.


Julian noticed this and caressed her face. “ See the memories will live forever inside of you,” He placed his hand on her heart, “ Right here and she’ll always be here with you. I’m glad to see a smile over such a beautiful memory.” Julian started to pack up the lunch. When he was finished he put the basket along side of them. He drew her into his arms and pulled her close to him. His lips joined with her and he felt a piece of heaven for the few minutes they kissed.


After their kiss, Mary stood up. Julian watched her curiously. She took her camera and got it ready, putting it on the tripod.


“ I want to take some pictures of you. Take the blanket away and stand by the tree.”


Julian folded the blanket up and placed it on the basket. He went over to the side of the tree.


Mary tilted her head down and raised her brow at how he was standing. “ Jules, you’re used to being posed and getting your picture taken, so c’mon, here.”


Julian shrugged, yes he was used to being posed and taking photos. His eyes rose to meet hers. “ Yes, but they tell me what I should do and how they want me. So, tell me Mary, how shall I pose for you?”


Mary smiled. “ Well, out here you can’t pose the way I’d like you too,” She laughed as he joined in, “ Ok, stand along side the tree, lean your elbow against it, your head resting in your hand. Now, pull the bottom of your body away from the tree, cross your legs and your other hand on your hip. Great, now give us a smile.” Mary snapped a few shots like that, “ That was perfect.”


Julian stood up and smiled. “ See I can take directions well. Now how do ya want me?”


“ Back up against the tree, cross your arms and look interested at the flowers in front of you. I’m going to put them in also,” She snapped and it was captured on film. My God he was gorgeous, she thought. He also posed well, “ Your other photographers must have trained you well. You’re a natural. Ok I want some of us together, “ Mary set up the camera and came up to Julian.


Julian rested his back again on the tree with Mary laying into his body and his arms wrapped around her. She snapped a few of them and a few more of the two of them in different positions. Julian grabbed the apparatus from her and snapped a few pictures as he kissed her in romantic ways. One innocently, another with her tipped into his arms, him leaning down and capturing her lips.


“ Ok we got several of those, you sneaky git. Now, let me put this away.” Mary gave him a kiss on the cheek.


“ Wait!” Julian shouted to her and raced down to the camera, “ I want a few of you. Show me how to focus this and then stand up there so I can get me some photos of you.”


Mary was above him on the hill and tussled his hair. She thought he looked good like that and hurried to the camera, took it off the tripod and started taking pictures of Julian. Julian allowed the first one and then tried to get away from her. She laughed as the pictures became more alive as she caught him in action. He finally stopped her.


“ Ey, I want some of you.” Julian pouted.


“ Alright you pounce,” Mary reset the camera and showed him how to use it.


Julian eyed her and posed her in a few shots then he took some freelance pictures as she tried to get him to stop and he started laughing so hard he could no longer take them. She grabbed the camera away from him.


“ You silly boy. Now lets put this stuff in the motorcar. “


Julian ended up carrying everything and put it all in the boot. He took out his guitar case. They walked down the pathway.


“ Where are we going?” Mary asked, it had been a few hours and she was having the most wonderful time.



Julian took her hand and led her under the bridge. He sat her down on the pebbled dirt after he lay the blanket down.


“ Jules, this reminds me of your song. You know the first one. Valotte? Sitting on the pebbles playing guitar. Is that how it goes?” She giggled.


“ Something like that. I didn’t think of it in that way, but suppose your right.” Julian smiled again. He played a few beautiful songs and sang to her.


Mary’s heart melted at the beautiful songs he wrote, the sweet sound of the guitar and his lovely voice surrounded her and made her weak. God, she did love him so much, but yet she couldn’t tell him. Why? Maybe because Alistair would call every week to see how she was and there was still something there as well. She didn’t know. What she did know was that as much as Julian loved her, she was finding it hard not to feel the same. She did feel funny about not telling him about the few calls she got from Alistair, especially when Julian had been so honest with her. She just didn’t know how to tell him, but would when it came up.


Julian stopped playing for a while putting his guitar in his case. Mary lay down, resting her head on his lap and letting him caress her face and play with her hair. She felt so content and happy, something she had wondered if she’d feel again. They stayed that way for a long time before she rose and he grabbed her. She laughed as he smothered her with kisses.


“ Um, sweeter then that jam. Your kisses take me to somewhere else, a place of beauty, around the sun that shines brightly in my heart whenever I’m with you and explodes when I’m physically with you. You fill me. You’re my other half. I’m sorry, I told you I wouldn’t do this but can’t help it. I love you more than I ever thought I could ever love someone. You bring out the best in me. I love how you understand me, our talks, you’re beautiful inside and out. I just can’t stop falling deeper in love with you each day. I hope someday you can feel that for me. “ Julian blushed as he finished.


“ You are so sweet. I told you I wish I could give you what you want, but right now things are too crazy. I do care and I do love you, a bit differently then before. You have graduated from brother or cousin to lover. I do love you, but can’t allow myself to feel as strongly as you at this point. Please, give it time.” Mary felt bad and wished she could tell him that she probably was closer to feeling for him the way he did for her, but didn’t want to give him false hopes. She kissed him lightly, “ Now, more music please.” She giggled, “ Jules, I want to hear that song and you know which one I mean. I know it’s more of a piano song. But I’m sure you can do it on the guitar.” Mary gave him pleading eyes, knowing he couldn’t resist them.


“ Those songs I sang before are for the new CD, you heard a few on the piano, which is a big part of the music. But, now, since you mentioned it, I’ll sing that other song to you…” Julian’s smile was one of a boy and it endeared him even more to Mary.


He sang her Valotte and She swooned further. After that he put his guitar away. Julian stood up and like a gentlemen, helped Mary up. He then took his guitar and the blanket. Coming from under the bridge they both noticed a few people hanging around close to where they were. Mary was used to this from her dad. Julian rolled his eyes and laughed. He greeted the people and signed some autographs and took some pictures. Mary had another camera, a smaller one and took pictures, as her mother would have of the whole scene. She knew she got some good ones. The crowd broke up and Julian took Mary’s hand as a couple that was in the crowd re-approached them.


“ Excuse me but aren’t you Mary McCartney? “ The man asked.


Mary quickly dropped Julian’s hand. “ Yes, um, yes I am.”


“ Wow, this is great. You and Julian are dating? We saw the two of you and thought it sweet. “


The women quickly spoke up. “ Wow your dad must be so happy, another Lennon and McCartney. You two looked so in love under the bridge. That’s so sweet.”


Both blushed. Julian got it together first. “ Please do us a favor. This isn’t out yet and we’d love to take in the privacy whilst we have it.” Julian smiled sweetly at the two, his charm hitting the girl as she shook her head yes.



“ Of course, not a word. “ The fans stated in unison.


:” Thanks for the autographs.” With that the two wandered off.


Mary and Julian walked back to the car.


“ I hope they don’t say anything.” Mary fretted.


“ Don’t think they will, luv. So don’t worry that pretty head over it. C’mon, I want to put this back in the boot and rent a boat to take you out on. “ Julian hugged her.


They found their way down to the boats and Julian paid the man for one. He helped Mary into one of them. He got in and rowed her across to the middle of the lake. She had a third camera, a waterproof one that she had bought incase some water splashed on it. She took pictures of Julian rowing. It was annoying him.


“ Listen lass, you can stop with the photos now. I am rowing you around like a perfect lad and those photo shots are driving me barmey.” Julian told her. Mary laughed and purposely took two more pictures, “ I’ll get you all wet if you don’t stop now, missy!” Julian threatened.


Mary took another few pictures. Mary pushed him and it made her laugh. Suddenly an oar rose dousing her with water. Mary yelped in surprise.


“ I warned you.” Julian laughed.


Mary took her hand and swatted water onto him but couldn’t get as much on him as he did to her. She knew her camera would be safe in the water. He continued to splash her with water. He laughed knowing she’d get more wet than him.


Julian was surprised when Mary stood up on the boat, balancing herself.

“ You want to get as wet as I am? I mean it Jules, I’ll roll this boat over.” Mary gave him a mischievous smile.


“ You wouldn’t!” Julian exclaimed in surprise.


“ Try me!” She challenged him.


Julian splashed her again. He didn’t think she’d do it. She had her camera on, but didn’t know it was waterproof. Mary started to rock the boat.


“ Stop it, girl. You’ll tip us!” Alarm raised in Julian’s voice.


“ Watch me!” She laughed as her voice screamed.


Mary stood on the edge and pushed it so the boat would capsize. The boat flipped over and both ended up in the water. Mary rose to the top, shook her hair and grabbed on to the boat. Julian didn’t come up and she got scared. She swam around, yelling for him.

Julian came up behind her and dunked her under the water. She came up, he grabbed her and she spit the water out of her mouth onto his face and then laughed.


“ I didn’t think you’d do that.” Julian laughed. Thank God it was hot and the water felt good. He held onto the boat after dragging Mary back to it.


“ You scared me not coming up. You tosser.” Mary chastised him. She had gotten scared and the love broke free for a few minutes as she threw her arms around him while he hung onto the boat. She kissed him over and over again. Julian smiled, kissing her back. She did love him, he knew it, he only wished she’ d let it come out.


“ I’m fine.” Julian told her. She took a picture of him and chuckled.


“ Guess I’ll have to get this upright. Swim, girl.” Julian told her.


She swam out and used her feet and one hand while she took pictures of Julian right siding the boat. He swam under it and took it from one side and pushed it with great difficulty to an upright position. The boat fell back a few times until finally he got it over. He helped her in and then jumped in as she took, yet another picture.


“ Must you keep taking photos?” Julian seriously asked her.


“ Ok, I’m done. Row us in. I need to change and so do you before we catch a dead of a cold. We need to wash and change, so lets get back in. We’ll cover the seats to my car with the blanket and go back to your flat.” Mary explained.


“ What if I don’t want to sit on the blanket and just pour water on your seats as your penance for what you just did?” Julian pushed his wet hair out of his eyes and wiped the water from his face. He then started to row them back to the shore.


“ You will never get in my car if you don’t sit on the blanket and you’ll have to walk or let one of your fans drive you back.” Mary had a big smile on her face.


“ Right, I’ll sit on the blanket. Although there were a few nice looking single fans out there.” Julian teased.


“ Keep larking about and you will be walking.” Mary looked like her dad with her brow raised and a very serious look that Julian knew was a faux. He knew how his uncle was and it amused him.


The boat was docked. The owner commented on the boat and them. Julian waved him off and gave him quite a bit of extra wet money to shut him up. “ Just hang it up and when it dries, then you can spend it. Ta, my good man. “ Julian took Mary’s hand and they ran back to the car and off to his flat.