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Remember I don’t own the Beatles or their families. This is just a fan fiction from my warped mind. I’d like to thank three important people who read each chapter as it came out and helped me see how this story was going. Without you three ladies I wouldn’t have known if this story would work. Thanks so much to Trini, Linda and Chasity, all my love!




Christmas lights blinked, an angel on top and ornaments collected through the years hung on the tree in the living room of Mary and Julian’s flat. Stella, baby Miller and her husband, Alasdhair Willis sat on the couch that wound around with Zak and Sarah Starkey on the other side. Somewhere in between sat a pregnant Mary with Julian, who had his arm around his wife.


Zak laughed as he remembered the story that Julian with the help of Mary, were telling.

“ I remember the daft press and how they toyed with your names for the longest time and still do.”


Stella began to laugh as she burped her son. “ Alasdhair, you should have seen the headlines that were written. Lennon and McCartney together again with a baby of a song.”


Sarah had tears coming down her eyes. “ How about the one “A new generation of Lennon/McCartney, singing the baby blues” that one was so awful”


“ I agree, sodding gits, goin’ on even when Lin was born, remember that one? Christ, I thought they’d go potty, blimey it all was, still is,“ Julian shook his head as he laughed in disgust.


“ I hated that one. Another Lennon/McCartney baby boom, where do they get these bloody headlines? I wonder what it will be when this babe is born?” Mary rubbed her small 6month belly.


“ Dunno, it’s all rubbish anyway, isn’t it?” Alasdhair shrugged.


“Right you are on that one, mate. Rubbish and we get such a laugh of it, most of the times.” Julian agreed.


“ Hey didn’t your mum and my dad write in the Hard Days Night Story in the baby book, along with what happened?” Stella looked at them both with a huge smile on her face.


“ Aye, they put that bleedin’ rot in there, they did. Still there, we decided to leave it in.” Julian somberly answered his sister in law.


“ I found it quite funny, but Jules, here, still has a sodding fit every so often. I liked it, so it stays. The kids have seen A Hard Days Night but are still to young to understand how much it was like how their father was and sadly that’s the only way they know their other grand dad.” Mary sadly finished off. Her attitude changed as she noticed the children coming up to them.


“ Daddy, you and mum said bad words.” Ian stood before Julian and Mary telling them with innocent eyes, yet a knowing smile on his face.


“ Oh, you are your father’s son, you are. Look at that face, Stel, that Lennon innocence and yet that tell tale smile.” Mary grinned looking to Stella and then to her son, “ He’s your son, Jules.” Mary squeezed Julian’s arm, tenderly.


“ Yup, that he is. Mum and I can say things like that. When you’re grown-up you can pick your words but for now no cussing, lad.” Julian scooped his son onto his lap.


A girl of three with hazel eyes and auburn hair tried desperately to climb onto her father’s lap. “ Da, no fair. Mum, I wanna sit with you and da, too” She whined as Mary helped her climb up and Julian gave her a kiss. 


“ You know we love both of you very much so there will not be any fighting. What are you gonna do when your new brother is here? You both have to be the big brother and sister to him.” Julian tried to scold his children whilst hiding the grin on his face.


“ Oh that’s good, Jules. Scold the young ‘ins with a smile. I hope I never did that with Tatia.” Zak chuckled, looking at his friend with both children draped on his lap and Mary lying on his shoulder.


“ Ohhh, leave off.” Julian muttered to Zak.


“ You did as well, luv.” Sarah punched Zak lightly in the arm holding his eyes with her own sparkling ones and a smile.


“ Did not.” Zak laughed with mock defensiveness, back at his wife.



“ Zak, Sarah, don’t you know that Jules is a push over when it comes to the children? “ Mary kissed her husband as she teased him.


“ Ohhhh mum kissed da!” Lin excitedly jumped up and down along with giggling

 whilst clapping her hands


“ Linda Cynthia McCartney-Lennon, you are a silly girl.” Julian hugged both his children, pressing them together, into him and Mary.


“ Da, I can’t breath!” Ian complained.


“ Ok then, you done with your studies?” Julian released the children and then asked, looking seriously at his son.


“ Daaaaaa, You know I’m done. I wanna watch the telly.” Ian slid from Julian’s lap meeting his father’s eyes and then his mum’s.


“ Right, straight away before bed, just keep it low.” Julian told Ian before the boy ran off.


“ And you my girl, you need a bath before bed.” Mary snuggled with her daughter.


“ No mum, no da. I wanna play with baby Miller. “ She slid down and ran over to Stella.

“ Auntie Stella can I play with my cousin?”


Stella grinned giving Mary a look.” Well mum?”


“ Oh he’s to small for her to play very long. I guess she can hold him for a minute before bath time.” Mary shook her head allowing her daughter to climb between Stella and Alasdhair. Lin was handed Miller and then started to sing in a sweet voice to the baby.


“ You two better watch out, this one might be the singer in this generation of the family.” Zak cackled watching Julian’s face tighten up, making a face at Zak.


“ Stop being cheeky, you twit.” Julian then turned to Mary, “ I’ll give Lin her bath so you can rest.” Mary nodded as Julian got up and walked over to his daughter. “ Right, it’s time for a bath, give your cousin back to your auntie and uncle.”


“ Da, just a bit longer?” Lin looked sweetly up to her father as the rest of the company tried to hide their smiles.


Julian sighed, trying not to let his daughter twist him around her fingers like she always did.” You know I’m glad you and me are happier than ever, but this little sweetie can sure get to me. “ Julian smiled at his wife.


“ C’mon, get tough, luv.” Mary giggled.


“ Right, tough with this beautiful face? “ Julian looked down at the wide eyes that looked up at him. “ C’mon sweetie, da will read you a story after your bath.” Julian scooped up his daughter and started to disappear up the stairs.


“ How come Ian gets to stay up longer?” Lin was heard asking her dad from the stairs.


“ He’ll come along soon enough. Now let us get you sorted out first.” Julian tickled his daughter until she was laughing.


The laughter slowly disappeared and after awhile Julian called for Ian to come up.



“ He’s gotten quite good with the little ones.” Zak smiled at Mary.


“ He is a great dad, he never thought he would be at that, or at being a good husband. But I always knew he would and we are happier than ever.” Mary smiled back as they all began a comfortable conversation.


Julian came running down the stairs like a kid. He remembered how he’d scamper down the several floors at Kentwood, which brought a smile to his face. Mary looked up at her husband with that smile and his scamper, he looked younger. The other’s, especially Zak, noticed the same thing, and noticed that he was so happy and full of life. Zak remembered the story that was just told an hour or so ago and how back then he had worried about Julian’s happiness. Now, he no longer worried about it, he didn’t have to and hadn’t in some years.


“ Kids are bathed, read to and in bed.” Julian stated gleefully. He looked at his wife with a twinkle in his eye, “ I’ll be off to the kitchen to fetch some tea and biscuits.”


“ Ta, darling.” Mary kissed Julian’s waiting lips before he straightened up and briskly walked to the kitchen.


“ Sis, you trained that man well.” Stella laughed.


“ Oh so you wanna train me is it?” Alasdhair raised his brow suspiciously towards his wife.


“ No, don’t be a spoil sport, you’re doing fine. But Jules, as he told us in their story and Mary just a bit ago, didn’t think he could do the husband and father thing is all.” Stella turned away, winking in Mary and Sarah’s direction. Zak caught the wink but didn’t let on. He knew most men needed a woman to teach them about the things they didn’t know.


Zak pushed himself off the couch. “ Think I’ll stay out of this and go help our kid in there.” He said whilst heading for the kitchen.




Julian was putting on the teakettle when he heard footstep coming towards the kitchen. He looked over his shoulder to see a silhouette that turned into Zak. Julian smiled at his friend, his brother. Zak went over to the counter putting biscuits on a plate.


“ Look how domesticated we’ve become, “ Zak chuckled, turning to see a silly expression on Julian’s face. Again, Julian reminded Zak of John. He wasn’t sure of the things Julian had said about seeing and talking to John, but he knew the rest of the story was right on the money. He looked quizzically to his friend.


“ Jules, did you really see your da?” Zak questioned.


Julian’s eyes narrowed slightly, “ Course I did, you think I’d make that one up? I know it’s hard to believe, but true it is and was.” Julian put the sugar bowl on the tray and then got out some milk.


“ You still see him, eh?” Zak again asked.


“ Not as I used to whilst I was going through all that. I see him time to time and Mary saw him once so that she wouldn’t think me mad. Was when Lin was born and her mum was there too, it was only for a few moments, but she believes me now. “ Julian finished pouring the milk into the small pitcher and stuck it onto the tray. He then lit a cigarette, inhaling and slowly exhaling as he thought about seeing his father. He was glad when Mary had seen both John and Linda, if only for a moment. Someone finally believed him and it felt good to speak of it to her.


“ I see. Must be nice to see them, both. Least I know you aren’t going a bit barmey.” Zak laughed along with Julian.


“ Aye, t’is nice to know.” Julian continued to smoke as he laid napkins and a few spoons on the tray.


“ So you’re gonna make that CD this year? Put it out the end of 2006 are you?” Zak gave an inquisitive look to his friend whilst he sat on one of the stools.


“ Gonna try, would ask you to drum, would love it, but I know you’re busy with your new band these days. Got the new equipment in and the studios finished with the upgrade. I’ve got the material, y’know the songs together with my co-writers, now I’m just looking for someone to produce. I have it down to two blokes but I’ll let you know when I have the one.  Then I’ll leave the UK for a bit, come back and forth. With Mary preggers and the kids in school I can’t take them at this time. Might bring ‘em in for holidays and all. But, yeah, hope to be done by the end of the year. “ Julian smashed out his cigarette thinking whilst he explained his plans. He knew that Mary was still taking photos and having exhibits. They spoke of her stopping in a few months, but he’d fly in to be with her at these exhibits. They both disgusted a possible tour and her going back to work 6 months to a year after their son was born.


“ How does Mary feel ‘bout this?” Zak asked, raising a brow to Julian who sat on another stool.


“ She’s fine with it. Though we’ll miss one another horribly, but what can you do? She’ll go on with the photography and exhibits and I’ll fly in for them, to be with her. I won’t stay away for long periods of time. Like I said they’ll also come out on holidays, and I’ll be there for our son’s birth.” Julian shrugged.


Zak nodded, “ What can musicians do but do as we must, playing our music and making our marriages and families work. I think the plans the two of you have made sound good. Y’know, going over the whole story tonight took me back to places I had forgotten. I was always worried ‘bout you back then. Now, I don’t have ta be. You are a brilliant father and husband. I’m just glad you finally found happiness, a soul mate and children. I knew one day you’d prove yourself wrong.” Zak chuckled along with Julian.


“ Prove me self wrong, interesting choice of words, there, mate. S’possen I did at that. Glad, too. I love my wife more than I did back then and grow to love her more each day.

The kids are marvelous, can’t believe I was so afraid to be a father. I think settling things with my da helped as well. “ Julian explained, his elbow on the island and his face resting in the palm of his hand.


“ Guess it would.” Zak answered and then a question entered his mind, “ How do you think Alasdhair felt about you having sex with Stella and now you’re in laws? “


“ Stel was honest on that and I had a word. He’s fine with it, sees how in love I am with Mar and knows what it was. It hasn’t caused a problem.” Julian told Zak.


Zak turned more to Julian, “ Knows nothing happened again and won’t, eh?”


Julian assured him with a nod. “ It’s all sorted out, was done whilst they were first dating, so no worries.”


“ What about that young girl in your office, Lucy was it? How’d Mar take to you telling her ‘bout that one?” Zak mused as he thought about it and how that part came out so simple in the story they told.


“ ‘Course I didn’t tell her straight away. When things calmed down I told her the truth and I didn’t really do anything but kiss her. Mar, she was a bit put out but after some time understood and focused on the part that I didn’t have a tumble with Lucy. I did have to let her go to make Mar feel better. I found her something else with a mate of mine.” Julian was relieved that Mary finally understood although he had to go a few days on the couch with silence.


Zak nodded back, pleased with the answer that Julian told him. He wondered if he could be so giving of a situation as that one with his wife, but it wasn’t his worry. They both looked up as they heard the teakettle whistle.


Julian pushed himself up, sliding over to the stove in his socks. He hated wearing shoes in the house and still a kid at heart, sometimes unconsciously he would slide around the floor and then would realise as he tried to stop. He chuckled softly to himself as this took place and he started to make the tea. He put the kettle on the tray before looking at Zak, who stood looking a bit like his father, Ringo. Julian’s face fell into a broad smile.


Zak looked at Julian slide across the kitchen and then come back with the tea, the whole time he thought that John would probably have done the same thing. He smiled back at Julian and stepped up to his mate. They stood facing each other and looking one another over, now with a joking look and a half smile on both their faces.


“ Ey, aren’t you the son of a Beatle?” Julian cracked with a snicker.


“ Aye, I’m one of them. But now I’m the famous drummer. Played for The Who and now Oasis.” Zak stood proud, with his arms crossed over his chest. “ And aren’t you a son of a famous Beatle your self? “ Now it was Zak’s turn to giggle.


“ Aye, that would be me. John Lennon’s son, but famous in me own write as well. I also have a son of a son of a famous Beatle sleeping right up stairs.” Julian couldn’t hold a straight face any longer as they both giggled and then hugged one another.


“ I love you, you’ve always been a brother to me. That story, you got me through so much of it, thanks. Don’t tell anyone I said this or I’ll deny it.” Julian laughed, slapping Zak on the back.


Zak clapped Julian on the back too, “ I’d never tell our secrets, but I love you too, mate. Why’d ya think I tried to help you so much? Why’d ya think we help each other through things now? Or just hang about?” Zak pulled away, a hand on each of Julian’s shoulders.


Julian gave Zak a cagey smile, “ Thought you were just board and needed to be a mixer.”


With that they both gave a hardy laugh. After calming down they grabbed the trays and headed out to the big room. Julian watched his friend from behind, so glad they were still mates. Then Julian saw Sarah, Stella and his brother in law and knew that being a part of this family was right. He bent down to put the tray on the table and caught his wives eyes. He saw such love in them and knew he had made the right choice. He looked back with the same love, knowing that she and his family were his home, his life. He loved her more than ever, body, mind, heart and his very soul. Content at last in his life that had thrown him about in a storm and she was the anchor that made sense, which made things right and always would.