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Remember I donÕt own the Beatles, their families or friends. This is just fan fic from my warped mindÉÉ.



It was Friday night and Paul couldnÕt wait to get to RitaÕs. They finished in the studio early, around eleven. All had finished putting their gear away. George martin had left from the control room as the four Beatles bundled up and walked out the door of the warm studio. Coldness blew around them as the wind picked up. George pulled his collar up and said good-bye as he ran to his car. Ringo followed GeorgeÕs lead; he never did like the cold winter air. They both got into their cars and road off.


PaulÕs mind was filled with excitement as he thought about seeing Rita. It wasnÕt just seeing her, but just being with her, although the thought of making love to her had made an imprint in his mind all week. Paul was jolted out of his thoughts when a hand grabbed his coat sleeve. He turned quickly to see John, standing with his hands stuffed back in his pockets, red face from the cold and his cap pulled over his ears. Paul adjusted his muffler and pulled up his collar to block the wind that hit him in the face as he turned to John.


ÒHey mate, some suds at the pub? Or perhaps we could go clubbing, find us some girls and get bladdered?Ó A grinned plastered JohnÕs face as he asked Paul to go with him.


Paul lit a cigarette for both of them. The warmth of the lighter felt good in his hands. He held one out to John who nodded as he took it. They inhaled the smoke and watched it mix with the cold white air as they exhaled for a minute.


Paul hated to say no to John. He knew how unhappy John was at home and how he hated to leave so early. Paul knew that John felt imprisoned at times and would stay out until the wee hours of the morning to avoid his cage. Then heÕd sleep late into the afternoon, escaping in a dream world. Paul could only imagine what that dream world was, but he knew it didnÕt include Cyn or Jules. For this he felt sad. He loved JohnÕs family and often wondered how John couldnÕt be happy having them. He took his keys out of his pocket and pulled another drag off of his cigarette as John waited impatiently for his answer.


ÒCÕmon mate. Come with us and keep us company. WeÕll have a grand time, I promise.Ó Paul thought John looked sad, begging in his own way.


ÒNaw got me some plans set already. Next time perhaps.Ó Paul shook his head and then looked down almost afraid to see the disappointment in his friends face.


ÒNo? Plans? ÉÉWhat plans are these may I ask.Ó JohnÕs questions came out with some bitterness. John knew where PaulÕs plans would lead him, right into RitaÕs arms. The arms that John had dreamed of a few times. His lips tightened around the cigarette as he gave it a last tug. He threw it hard onto the ground and stomped it out. His chin buried in his muffler and his eyes drifted up to Paul as he waited for an answer.


Paul could see the clouds of disappointment cross JohnÕs face, or was it anger, in the dark cold night he wasnÕt sure.


ÒGonna see Rit for the weekend. I havenÕt been with her alone for a week.Ó Paul announced.


ÒYouÕve only known her a few weeks.Ó John voice was stoic as he realized Paul was picking Rita over him. Would he have done the same thingif he were lucky enough to have won RitaÕs heart? Of course he would, but he didnÕt let on as he answered.


ÒAw, cÕmon Johnny, give us a break ere wonÕtcha? I donÕt know what it is with this one. You see it, sheÕs special and not just because of the situation either,Ó Paul begged John to understand. He looked down to find they had come to his car. He unlocked the door, held it open and lend against it.


ÒSheÕs just a bird Paul. A bird, like all the others youÕve fucked when JanieÕs gone. I mean donÕt get me wrong, sheÕs nice and I like her and all that sort, but ya have to admit this situation can bring two people together in this sort of way.Ó John fancied Rita, who wouldnÕt, but he had seen Paul with birds before when Jane was away. He figured that Rita was safety to Paul and John understood this. He didnÕt like it, but he understood. He just didnÕt want Paul to hurt Rita, the girl held a warm spot in JohnÕs heart.


Paul figure John would say something like this. He moved his hand through his wind blown hair taking it out of his eyes.


ÒLook John, I know IÕve stepped out on Jane a million times, but I tell you this is different. I feel like IÕve known her for É well forever. She is so ÉÉ.,Ó Paul gave a frustrated look, not able to find the right words for once in his life.


Ò SÕpose sheÕs a bit special to ya. YouÕre not one to be at a loss for words, especially with a bird. I hope youÕre not disappointed there mate. Then again ya know how I feel bout Janie. SheÕs a beautiful posh bird, but not our kind at tÕall.Ó John gazed intently at his friend, ÒJust donÕt hurt Rit man, I do think the world of her too. Ò


Paul nodded, his face red from the cold and his eyes watered from the wind.

Ò She knows the score Johnny. She knows more about things then you or me even.Ó


ÒAye, she does, but love tends to blind ones eyes and even someone with her talent can be blinded,Ó John tousled PaulÕs hair, Ò Especially, lovin that ugly mug.Ó He laughed and playfully pushed Paul backward into the roof of the car. Paul was right about one thing, Rita was special and she had managed to worm her way into JohnÕs heart. He hoped neither would get hurt with the game they were playing. Then again, he thought, it was none of his business.


ÒA bit jealous are we Lennon? Ò Paul chuckled.


ÒNaw, I hate looking at your ugly mug in the morning. They may say youÕre prince charming but I know better, IÕve seen you in the mornin and smelt that God awful morning breath you have McCartney.Ó John winked and laughed harder, Ò Right then IÕm off to get pissed and find me something warm to snuggle up to. Go, have your fun with our girl, but donÕt you urt the lass with your charming ways you twit.Ó John spotted Les and his warm car waiting on him. He saluted Paul, Ò May we both get shagged.Ó He howled as he headed towards his car. Paul looked on shaking his head. He then climbed into his cold car, started it up and went on his way.


Rita paced the floor anxiously awaiting Paul. Vicky was out with Sharon tonight so they would have some time alone. She sat with a mug of tea daydreaming about spending the weekend with him. Vicky would be there too, but it didnÕt matter to either of them. She just needed to be with him. The stolen moments at the studio just werenÕt enough. She wanted to have him hold her, nuzzle her face in his neck and talk. She giggled; she knew theyÕd end up in bed together, a pleasant thought and a welcome one at that. The buzzer rang downstairs and it brought her out of her hazy dream state. ÒPaulÓ She whispered. She ran to the button and rang him in. She heard his boots clumping up the stairs as she opened the door.


There he stood; his hair wind blown, face red from the cold and his eyes sparkling from the wind and the excitement of seeing her. He picked her up in his arms and swung her around as he came into the flat, slamming the door closed with his foot. He slid her down and kissed her gently. The kiss became hungrier and Rita pulled away. She smiled as he took his coat off and threw it on the chair.


ÒGirl I am so bloody happy to see you.Ó He came back to her and encircled his arms around her.


ÒMe too É.but youÕre so bloomin cold.:Ó Rita stepped away again.


Ò ÔCause IÕm cold yer not gonna kiss me? You could warm me arse up.Ó He smiled wickedly at her.


Rita shook her head and laughed as she headed into the kitchen. Paul followed her, and tried to get her back in his arms again. Rita fought him off as she got a mug down from the cupboard and poured him some tea.


ÒEh, watch it there mate. YouÕre gonna get hot tea all over me.Ó She laughed and then put the kettle down.


ÒI want to get you hot but not with tea,Ó He wiggled his eyebrows at her.


ÒStop it you wanker.Ó Rita laughed as she handed him the steaming hot mug.

ÒTa luv. Did want to talk with you too. I mean I loved seeing you this week but I hardly got you alone, to my self.Ó Paul told her as he sipped the hot liquid. It felt good going down and the warmth was welcomed.


Rita motioned for him to follow her into the living room. They curled up on the couch and talked for a bit. He had just finished telling her more of how things were growing up in Liverpool and then finished the last of his tea. They put their mugs down on the table and Rita looked into his heavenly eyes.


Ò You talk so fondly of your days in Liverpool.Ó Rita smiled up at him. She loved to listen to him talk about when he was younger.


ÒYeah the Pool, a place of wealth to grow up in. You can learn how to nick things from the store keeps, tease the talent as they walk by or just be plain old tramps who wander the streets, Great place that to grow up in, but I do have fond memories of it. Especially me mates, family, me da, brother and me aunties and uncles, the McCartney clan are big.Ó He teased her at first and then felt a pang of homesickness at the thought of his family.


Rita turned to him and sat up on both knees making her more to his level. PaulÕs brow rose, wondering what she was doing. Her hands wandered around his face and then her fingers fell into his hair and the palms of her hands rested in the shape of his upper face. She looked at him intensely.


ÒWhat?Ó Paul asked not sure what she was up to.


ÒClose your eyes and think about the Pool and the happy times growing up.Ó Rita instructed him.


His brow knitted together in confusion, ÒYou want me to close me eyes whilst I think of happy times? Ó


ÒPaul you heard me. Please do it.Ó She begged him.


ÒOk right, think of happy times growing up in the Pool.Ó Paul closed his eyes.


Images flooded around his head. Scenes played quickly, jumping from one to another. He could feel them and a smile lit his face while his eyes stayed closed. He felt RitaÕs hands somewhere off in the distance as she move them both around his head. He saw her standing way in the back of each scene, smiling at him.


Rita felt the joy and smiled as she watched him with his family, his beloved mum, with George and John and his other mates as they horsed around or played at the Cavern. She felt the heat rising from her hands and knew he would too. Gently and slowly she moved her hands away.


Paul felt the warmth run through him, a burning heat that felt so good. Then he felt it move away. Slowly and gently he left the loving memories behind as he slowly opened his eyes. A smile still spread across his face as his eyes focused on Rita.


Rita smiled brightly at him; her hands fell to his, Ò What beautiful memories you have. YouÕre lucky to have so many that love you and even more lucky to have such a warm and loving family. You did all right growing up in the Pool. Sorry about your mum, you loved her very much.Ó Her hands squeezed his as she saw a flash cross his face.


Paul thought as he held her hand. She was there, there in his memory, ÒYou were there in me memory. You saw it all didnÕt cha.Ó Paul stated in amazement.


ÒI am not that good,Ó She laughed, ÒI did see things and felt things from your heart. IÕm sorry I donÕt do that very often. I know I invaded your privacy, I just wanted to know what you felt as a lad growin up is all. I never had a closeness like that, only with my nana.Ó Rita felt bad; maybe she should have asked him first. Clearly he didnÕt know she could do that, and like she had told him, she really didnÕt do it that much. She knew she could, more with people who could receive. It worked both ways, receiving from her and her receiving from him. It was harder on people who didnÕt receive, but to invade someoneÕs mind wasnÕt something she made a habit of.


Paul thought about this. What else could she do that he didnÕt know about? It spooked him to know she could go in and see things that he might not want her to.


ÒItÕs alright really. Just ask me next time. ItÕs a bit spooky to know you can do that one. É. Aye, it was painful losing me mum, but then I guess I would never have pursued music and been where I am now. Guess I canÕt lie to you now can I.Ó He was still thinking about it when Rita nudged him.


ÒI wonÕt do it again unless you allow me too. Like I said I donÕt do it much. Sometimes I canÕt do it at all. People can block me out. You didnÕt, so I was able to see what I saw. Sorry.Ó Rita told him, her face filled with shame.


Paul took the back of his hand and stroked her face, Ò ItÕs quite alright luv, just ask next time is all. No need to feel bad. I would just like the respect on knowin what yer goin on about. DonÕt think I fancy having you just doin that.Ó  He spoke somberly to her as he explained how he felt.


Rita studied him to see if he was sincere. When she was sure her body melted into his and she kissed him.


Paul could feel the love of her kiss and the embers began to ignite. His kiss grew more passionate until he couldnÕt take it anymore. Their hands groped each other and soon Paul felt so aroused he couldnÕt take it anymore. He stood up and lifted Rita into his arms and carried her into her bedroom. She held on to him, arms around his neck as their lips never parted.

She could feel how hard he was as he slid her down his body. She rubbed herself against him, teasing and egging him on. She wanted him more then ever and as he, had waited all week for this.


Rita pushed Paul back a bit and pulled her sweater over her head. She watched his eyes grow larger and watched his arms reach for her. She jumped back and heard him moan. Rita slowly unzipped her skirt and let it drop to the floor.


Paul was frustrated at first when Rita pushed him back until he realized the strip show that was in front of him. Her sweater flew onto the bedroom chair, her skirt dropped to the floor. He could feel the heat burn throughout his body, landing in between his legs.



Rita read PaulÕs eyes as she slowly slid one strap of her bra off and then the other. She reached back and unsnapped it. She saw PaulÕs agony as she slowly let her bra fall forward and then after a minute let her breast burst out into freedom. She held her bra up and swung it around before throwing it too onto the floor.


Paul smiled as he watched in agony. He watched the flesh trying to escape her bra. It turned him on even more and he needed desperately to free him as well When her breasts bounced out at him, he could no longer take it and stepped towards her. He wouldnÕt take no for an answer and he pulled her hard to him. Paul felt RitaÕs mounds push up against him. He lowered his mouth to them and gave them equal attention as he nibbled, licked and sucked them. It was all too much and he, with her help, pulled his trousers and shirt off. The cold air hit him, but he the heat from within kept him warm as he continued to squeeze and tease Rita.


Rita moaned as he paid attention to her breasts and her only clothes left on her became soaked. Rita tried to put her panties down, but Paul wouldnÕt have it as he kept working her up with his mouth. She felt a heat come from him, telling her he was as worked up as she. Rita felt herself being pushed backwards, whilst PaulÕs mouth pressed hard against hers, exploring it as he took charge. She let him stay in charge as she felt herself fall backwards onto the bed.


Paul fell on top of her and they both stopped for a moment and chuckled.


ÒGod, I want you so bad gurl:Ó Paul panted as he stopped chuckling and looked deeply into her eyes.


PaulÕs eyes bore into hers and her eyes bore into his. She could see clearly through to his soul, as she knew he could see into hers. Rita felt Paul rubbing his hardness in between her legs. She knew he felt the moistness of her panties but he still wouldnÕt let her take them off. Rita felt her hips push up against him and rub along with him. Her face flushed as she felt a wave of release shake her body, all by just him rubbing her with his hardness.


ÒOh God Paul.Ó Rita breathed hotly, her head still whirling from her orgasm.


ÒIÕm not done with you yet luv.Ó Paul told her, his voice husky with desire.


Paul felt her orgasm and it pushed him further as he kissed and nibbled her lips. He nuzzled her neck, licking and giving small pecks, which made her squirm. He pushed his pants off as he continued fanning her fire. He felt her fingers sear his nipples with her fingertips as they stood upto her touch. He pulled her wet panties to the side. It excited him so much to make love to her with them on. Just the thought of her silky draws rubbing against him made him shiver.


Paul had wanted to be inside of her all week. He had woken a few nights with dreams of it, sending his hand down to his excitement only to rub himself until he felt relief. Now, he had the real deal. He took his other hand and pulled her hips to him. He still held her panties opened with the other as he slowly entered her.


Rita quivered and took in a sharp breath as he entered her agonizingly slow. He pushed himself in all the way and stopped. She wiggled under him, wanting to feel him move in and out of her. Her frustration stopped when she felt the heat rise from her lower regions and burn throughout her body. It was then that Rita realized that Paul felt the same and thatÕs why he had stopped.


Paul felt a force of heat spread throughout his body. He pushed himself into Rita as far as he could. His mind swirled and he felt a bit dizzy. He steadied himself with his hands on hers, his forearms along side, and their fingers entangled. He found his mouth fall without thought to hers. Paul started to move slowly, he picked up the rhythm as his soul began to feel mixed with hers. God, never in his life had he ever felt this before. He felt the friction of their grinding. Paul felt as if he left her bedroom and was carried away to some exotic place that he knew they couldnÕt be. He pushed into her harder, feeling like he was making her and she was breaking him. He felt her enter his mind and soul as he had entered her body.


Rita brought his mind to a fantasy place that she often thought about when she was alone and thinking about him. The sun beat down on them, baking their bodies. She felt the sweat drip off of him and pool on her skin as the rhythm continued. She could feel his fear, love and desperation at needing and wanting her. She in turn opened her mind and soul to him.



Paul felt the hot sand, the fanning palm trees and heard the crashing of the ocean waves. How could it be, he thought about his surroundings? It was then that he felt what she felt.  Auras of love washed over him as he rocked her body with his. Ò I love you, I need you, and I never want to be separated. I only want to be one with you forever,Ó whispered in his mind like a soft summer breeze. Although he felt hot, Paul shivered at the intensity of what she letting him feel, how he felt the same way, and heard in his mind.

 The sensation of love felt as if it was coming from another world. Paul felt them both gasp as their bodies pulled together. Everything seemed to last for hours, but it only had been a moment. Paul pushed deep into Rita and then almost completely came out as he crash back into her. Doing this caused both their hearts to pound as their blood pressure rose. Ever nerve in his body sprung to life as the sensation of passion re-took him. He took her with force and furry, his body, mind and soul begged him to. Paul let out a guttural groan at the overwhelming pleasure that washed over his body. He had to have her, had to feel her and had to release the animal lust inside both of them.


Rita knew she opened her whole being to Paul. He saw her fantasy; felt her feelings and her passion crawled through his body. She could no longer stand it. He had been inside of her for longer then either of them realized. The overpowering feeling pulling them farther into one another as she felt their bodies start to shake. A thunderous orgasm pounced on them, shooting through their bodies as both cried out at the same time.


Paul felt that same intense orgasm that he had the last time with her take him over. It claimed every part of his being as he cried out along with her. He collapsed, sweat pooling and dripping off of both of them. He couldnÕt believe what he had just experienced as he lay there with a glow that radiated throughout his body. He kept tugging on the oxygen that he needed in his lungs, as he came back to reality. Paul was still in awe of her power and how it affected him when they became one. He couldnÕt think about it, his body spent from so much.


Rita hadnÕt even opened herself that much to Wayne when they were together. She was a bit embarrassed at the fantasy that was in her head when it took over. She watched Paul roll over and lean up on his elbow when he finally recovered from the passionate storm.


His face was flushed, he felt incredible and he just couldnÕt explain it. His eyes beamed at hers.


ÒDo you ever make love like everyone else? Or is it like this every time with you?Ó Paul smiled as he wiped the sweat off his face with the sheet.  He saw the same glow on her and watched her blush at his question.


ÒYes, I do ÉÉ  I mean I could with you too É..itÕs just that I lose myself in you and since you can receive, it all comes out.Ó Her eyes turned downward to the sheet.


Paul took his other hand, put it under her chin and brought her face to his for a kiss. The kiss was sweet, loving and gentle., Ò Hey IÕm not complaining, just askin luv. That was phenomenal, brilliant even. Never in my life have I experienced what I have with you. Ò


His boyish charm and love over letting the embarrassment leave. She pushed him down on his back, and began kissing him again, ÒLets see if we could make love like any other couple.Ó She smiled ruthlessly at him.


ÒYou are a randy wench arenÕt you,Ó Paul chuckled, ÒNo, donÕt want like any other couple. Just a bit calmer is all. I mean I heard and saw and felt things. Were they real? Ò Paul questioned


ÒIn my mind it was. And my feelings did come out the same as it did for you. I think itÕs fair to say we feel the same, no games here. Ò Rita answered, looking at him curiously.


Paul thought about what she said and realized it was true, strange but true. He pulled Rita into his arms, not wanting that magical feeling to end. Holding her gave the reconnection he needed. He fell into a peaceful sleep as Rita stroked his hair. She thought about how in such a short time she had given herself to him, all of herself. She had never done that with anyone before, not even Wayne. She hoped he could deal with it and knew it confused him.


She slipped out of bed and made a mug of tea. She sat in the darkness thinking about Paul. She didnÕt want things to end, just like her thoughts had whispered to him. After awhile she slipped back into bed and sat up against the headboard.


Ò Where were you? I missed you lass.Ó Paul whispered to her silhouette.


Rita was surprised to find Paul awake Ò I couldnÕt sleep. I had too much on my mind. You know now how I feel and I know you feel it too. ItÕs incredible how I can open myself fully to you,Ó Rita told him honestly.


She watched the reflection of the moon come through the window and fall onto his beautiful face. Her hand swept lovingly across it. Paul grabbed her hand and kissed it.


Ò I understand how you feel and I know how I feel at this moment about us. Luv I just donÕt fancy you, itÕs more and I know you more then fancy me. I just donÕt know at this time what to do. Please be patient with me?Ó Paul asked her.


His beautiful eyes gazed into hers and her heart melted. She knew he need to adjust to all this. After all she was quite different from the other girls and this had always been a problem in her relationships. She prayed to the Gods that he could except this and follow his feelings.


ÒI can be. I know this is a lot for anyone to understand and youÕve seen the most intimate parts of my soul. We are truly connected to each other for life. It doesnÕt have to be a loverÕs relationship, it could be a friendship, but as George, you too will always be connected to me and I to both of you. I only hope we can try to expand on our love. I donÕt much care to hurt Jane, itÕs just that ÉÉwell you know.Ó Rita still sat against the woodenhead board feeling guilty about Jane.


Paul pushed himself up and then pulled her into his arms. The warmth felt good as he kissed her on the tip of her forehead. He too felt guilty about Jane. He knew his feelings for Rita were deep and couldnÕt compare to his feeling with Jane or anyone else. He just didnÕt know what to do with this new development in his life. Rita was fantastic, and he knew in the short time that he knew her that he loved her more then he could have ever imagined.


ÒI know darlin, truly I do and I feel the same. IÕm just glad youÕll be patient with me whilst I figure this one out. In the mean time hows bout some more of that incredible lovin?Ó Paul smiled down at her wanting to forget the real world and just enjoy being with her.


Rita nodded her head yes and Paul pulled her closer to him. Smoldering kisses captured her lips bringing on waves of desire in both of them. Rita crawled under the quilt.


ÒWhat are you up to you vixen?Ó PaulÕs husky voice called through the heavy quilt.


RitaÕs head peeked out and a smile crossed her face, Ò I wonÕt disappoint.Ó She pulled the heavy quilt from them and trailed kisses down to his thighs. She licked and kissed his inner thighs and felt the chills run through him.


Paul moaned at what she was doing, his aching erection waiting for her hot mouth to bath it. He leaned his head back against the headboard and lit a cigarette. A good cigarette with a blowjob was always something he like, but Jane and not too many of his other lovers would allow it. He knew Rita wouldnÕt mind as he inhaled sharply at the sensation of her mouth on him. He exhaled shakily feeling her wetting his shaft and then start her motion up and down it. Her tongue swirled around him, as she kept the up and down strokes, slowly at first and then faster. His hand swam through her hair, stroking it, and just touching her. Again that aura surrounded him like nothing he had ever experienced before and he had had so many women in his life. He moaned enjoying every sensation.



 She kept looking up at him and saw how he was enjoying this treat. She took him all in, still busying her tongue. She could see him tense up and the cigarette hanging from his mouth; he was gone from her expertise.


He smashed the cigarette into the ashtray that lay near by almost missing it in his sexual haze. He felt his body tense further and his balls tighten, and then he exploded into her mouth. He groaned loudly as it started and then called out her name.


ÒRITA!!! Oh My God!Ó He panted as his hot white liquid shot out.


She smiled happily. Swallowing and licking her lips, she looked up to Paul. She drew in a breath as fear enveloped her. Oh my God, she thought as she looked at Paul. He sat there, a cold and lifeless corpse. Her hand was still on his erect penis, which was now as cold as an ice cube. His skin was blue; she closed her eyes tight as her heart raced. She looked up again to see a face she didnÕt recognize. His body was charred and she watched in horror as the skeleton vanished, replaced by ash.


ÒNOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!Ó Rita let out a blood-curdling scream.


Paul jumped, his glow long gone from the fright she had given him. He took in RitaÕs ashen face, the fear in her eyes as tears rolled down her face.

ÒRita?Ó Paul called scared, not knowing what was happening to her.

He pulled her up to him. He encircled her in his arms and tried to warm her up as he grabbed the quilt up and around them.


ÒLuv whatÕs the matter? Tell me what please.Ó Paul hugged her tightly to him.


Rita looked up to see Paul, alive, his eyes shining with worry. She felt his warmth. He wasnÕt dead, oh thank God, she thought. She heard him talk to her frantically and then shake her. Finally coming out of her daze she jumped up impulsively and kissed him long and desperately.


Paul felt the desperation and he shivered, feeling cold all of the sudden. The kiss lasted a bit longer and then she planted smaller ones all over his face. An image came to him of something cold, something dead and he grabbed her in fear.

ÒTell me what you saw!Ó


Rita sniffled, Ò SomethingÕs terribly wrong, Ò She avoided his eyes.


Paul shook her harder now, Ò Tell me what you see!!!!!Ó He yelled the words in fear.


ÒYou É..I saw you.Ó Rita looked sadly into his eyes, Ò I saw you dead.Ó