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Remember, I donÕt own the Beatles and this is pure fiction from my warped mindÉÉ..thanks



George jerked up in the bed. The dreams were easier to take, now that he understood the purpose behind them. He didnÕt scream anymore, nor did he wake Pattie. He switched on the bedside lamp to see the time. He already knew what it would say, five a.m. He switch the lamp back off. Careful not to wake Pattie he slipped out of bed, grabbed his robe, and then closed the door to the bedroom.


He went downstairs and put the kettle on. Smoke rose from his cigarette as he paced the floor, worried that he wouldnÕt be able to save these people he had been dreaming of.

The kettle whistled, shaking him from his thoughts. He poured a cup and sat in the dark kitchen, contemplating his dilemma.


It was then that he remembered. The dream had been exactly the same as it always was; only one thing had changed. He had been meditating on the date and it worked. He remembered vividly looking at his watch a minute before the accident. He had almost forgotten, but a faint female voice whispered in his ear. The face on the watch told the time, 4:59 a.m. November 9th.


ÒOh My God,Ó He whispered, Ò I only have three weeks to figure this out.Ó

The kitchen clock read 5:30 a.m., much to early to call Ravi. HeÕd have to wait a few hours. How could he? This was gnawing at his brain, nibbling away at it piece by piece. He had to know who this person was.


He thought about the female voice that had whispered to him to check the date on the face of the watch. Who was that girl? Like a skip in a record, the voice ran over and over in his head. He knew this voice; it was her voice. Bloody Fuckin Hell!!!!! Rang through his mind. He scratched the top of his head, got up and made another cup of tea.


He had to find all this out; he had too!!!! Later theyÕd be filming the promotional film for Strawberry Fields. He had more important things to worry about, but they needed him to be there and there was no way out. He took his tea and went to the music room. Sitting the cup down on a table, he took his favorite huge pillow and tossed it on the floor. He sat in one swift motion, cross-legged, sinking in to it and into a meditative state, as his tea grew cold.





She rushed around the small flat, getting ready for work. She was late again. Hell, this was the third time this week. Shift work took a toll on her body. She wondered if sheÕd ever get used to it. Looking in the mirror, she straightened her cap and rushed to the door. Vickie, her flat mate worked as a secretary for a medical office. She was getting ready and had woken Rita, when she realized the time. Vickie handed RitaÕs purse to her before pushing her out the door.


ÒRemember, weÕre meeting Sharon at the Bag OÕ Nails tonight. DonÕt be late.Ó The blonde girl called after her.


ÒIÕll be there, straight away. DonÕt fret.Ó Rita yelled back, running down the stairs taking them two at a time. The door slammed and she was out on the street. She glanced at the eerie lamppost as she passed it, on her way to the tubes, and to work. 



Pattie walked passed the music room. She knew George was in it when she heard his voice. He was on the phone to someone and she thought it was odd that he had gotten up before her. She usually didnÕt interfere with his work, or listen in on his phone conversations, but she had to know what was going on. George didnÕt realize that she knew he was still having the dreams. Now, she wondered if he had been telling her the truth about them. She hated doing it, but she had to find out. She pressed her ear to the door, and listened to her husbandÕs conversation.


ÒRavi, it worked! I now know when this will all come about. The dream was the same; only just before the accident I heard a faint female voice telling me to look at my watch. It read 4:59 a.m. and the date said November the 9th. ThatÕs only three weeks away,Ó He urgently told his friend. He sat on his pillow, the phone clutched to his ear. He needed the older man to give him some guidance, something more to go on.


ÒGeorge, calm down. Remember, I told you, if you are not calm the fear will take over and you shall never find out the answers you seek.Ó Ravi had been trying to instill this in George from the beginning. Most of the times it worked, but now, with only three weeks to go, he could hear the panic in GeorgeÕs voice. 


ÒRavi, I am trying, really I am. DonÕt you understand that two people are going to die if I donÕt put this together and change it? I donÕt even know what this girl has to do with things. Why she spoke that way, and I am dead sure it was her voice telling me to look at my watch.Ó George rattled off.


Pattie covered her mouth, not wanting George to hear her gasp at finding out the truth behind all these dreams. She wished she could hear what Ravi was telling him. If only she could pick up the phone, but she knew theyÕd hear her, and so she stayed glued to the door.


ÒActually George, I was thinking that maybe you should visit this woman. Find out from her, if she is having the dreams too. Maybe, just start by asking her where the two of you met. Maybe she could put a few pieces together for you.Ó Ravi suggested to his younger friend. He too was worried that George wouldnÕt find out on time, but he knew better then to tell him this. Instead he nudged him further. He had been thinking about it since George told him about this girl in his dream. Especially, after seeing her in almost the same spot, and looking as she had in his dream.


ÒI should go to her flat and right out ask her if sheÕs having the same dreams as me?Ó George asked incredulously.


ÒYou have nothing to lose and everything to gain my friend.Ó Ravi answered.


George thought it over for a moment, ÒI have to do a promotional film this afternoon. Maybe tomorrow IÕll go see her then. I sÕpose it wouldnÕt hurt. Rather forward though, donÕt you thin?Ó


ÒYou donÕt have time for formalities. She is part of this, that much we do know.Ó


RaviÕs voice comforted George, and the more he thought about it the more he knew Ravi was right.

ÒGeorge, people are brought to us for a reason. You must do the footwork and seek her out. She may not understand as much as you do. There is little time. Fate has intervened by showing you and putting her in your path.Ó


ÒThen if it will help, I will talk with her. Find out what she knows and hopefully together we can figure out the missing pieces to this puzzle.Ó

George felt surer of himself, and he knew what had to be done. He wished he could talk to her now, but that was impossible.


ÒThen go and let your inner peace stay with you. You have the tools; use them. Let me know what happens.Ó


ÒRight, IÕll let you know what happens. I best go before Pattie wakes. I donÕt want to worry her more. I know I have been different around her, and around me mates. I just canÕt act as if nothing is wrong,Ó George sighed heavily into the phone, Ò I love her and donÕt want her to worry, IÕll ring you after I talk to this Rita bird. Ta Ravi.Ó


With that George hung up the phone. Pattie stepped back from the door and quietly ran upstairs. She went into the bathroom, locking the door she sat down on the edge of the tub. My God, he is dreaming of the future? Two people could die if he doesnÕt figure this out? How could this be? She sat there fretting, confused and knowing sheÕd have to pull herself together for his sake. She didnÕt want him to know what she had heard. She felt ashamed at the way she had heard it, but at least now she knew the truth. She couldnÕt be mad at him after hearing what he said about not wanting to worry her. She only wished there was something she could do for him. November 9th, that wasnÕt far off, she wondered what she could do if anything, without him knowing.





It was later that Friday afternoon that the film crew had gathered at a secret location. Trailers formed a line, as the cameramen positioned themselves, and props where set up for the filming.


Paul stretched his back, pulling his arms over his head. God, it was cold he thought. Even in his warm coat, he could still feel the chill. He curiously watched the crew set up and asked questions about the different equipment. He saw John walk up out of the corner of his eye.


ÒChanging jobs are we? Gonna be a film maker Paulie?Ó John chuckled, as the cold ran through him.


ÒY Ôknow I fool with abstract films. I just figured I could get some ideas for something new is all.Ó He answered, still watching the cameramen, equipment and what they were doing. John watched too, trying to see what Paul found so fascinating about the whole thing. He just wanted to get it done, get warm, in a club perhaps and have a few pints, along with a woman.


Paul finally looked at him. He saw the look on JohnÕs face and knew his thoughts instantly. After being together for so long, they all tended to do that, read each otherÕs thoughts. Paul laughed, Ò CanÕt wait for the club, can you mate.Ó


ÒYeah well this is all well and good, but IÕm bleedin cold. I see Ringo and George just pulled up. You think we could get young Mr. Harrison to join us tonight?Ó John smiled, nudging Paul on the shoulder as he watch the other two walk up to them.



ÒWe bout ready to start then?Ó George asked as he nodded hello to the other Beatles.


ÒI think so. The direct said if we were all here that we could start in five minutes. He said it would take several days to do this one and then several more to do Penny Lane, at least thatÕs what he told me.Ó Paul gave them the run down that he had gotten. .


ÒNow donÕt be a posuer Richard. We all know yer the actor of the lot.Ó John teased him.


ÒShove off John. Yer just jealous of me talent.Ó Ringo smiled back at him.


ÒI think you got him there mate.Ó George laughed.



The director signaled that they were ready to start the filming. It took a long time to shoot just a few scenes. The boys had snuck in the back of a trailer for a fast joint to take the edge off. Filming was repetitious, and they knew it, as they did the scenes over several times. The cold was getting to all of them and at ten oÕclock they called for another break.

Paul went up to the director, Ò You think much longer then?Ó


ÒJust taking a look at the daily here to see what we have. You can have a look if you want.Ó The director offered him.


ÒYeah, sure.Ó Paul said, excited at seeing them.

ÒIf there good, weÕll wrap up for today, or should I say tonight.Ó The director laughed as he led Paul to the trailer.


John got a hot cup of tea and brought one over to George. He figure George was just as cold and he wanted to ask him about the club that night. George sat on a chair near the trailer they were using. John approached him and held out the tea to him.


ÒHere got ya a nice hot cuppa.Ó John waited for George to take it.



George placed his hand on the cup that John offered. His hand touched JohnÕs and he couldnÕt move. The world slowed down, as he watched JohnÕs mouth move, nothing came out. He couldnÕt hear him. The real world slid away, and the vision world appeared to him from the electricity he felt from JohnÕs touch.


 He saw a vivid picture of John arguing with someone in that big window he always saw in his dreams. John was furious with whomever it was he was fighting with. He could see him yelling. He then looked around and noticed he was in the studio, and Ringo was talking to Mal and Neil. He turned back to the window and tried to focus on who John was fighting with. When the connection was broken as the door slammed and the vision was broke.


John pulled away from George, a confused look on his face. Why didnÕt George answer him? Why did he look so far away? When he pulled away, George didnÕt grab the cup and it fell to the ground, splashing brown liquid everywhere. JohnÕs reflexes made him jump back so nothing went on him. He didnÕt understand why George was acting like this. He watched as George got up. He looked drained and pale. He doubled over and ran for the trailer, yelling sorry to John as he left.


ÒGEORGE!!!!!!Ó John yelled as he ran off after him.


John found George in the toilet, making retched sounds as he vomited.

John dry heaved as he heard George. He watched under the stall, as GeorgeÕs knees came up from the floor. The stall opened, as a rather pale George drug himself over to the sink and washed out the unwanted flavor from his mouth. John walked over to him.


George got up from the floor of the stall. He felt nausea at the realization that it was John who had been fighting with someone in the big window. He had seen that they were in the studio when he touched JohnÕs hand. It was John who would be killed is all that echoed through his mind; it had to be John, the face was clear. He opened the door of the stall and weakly drug himself over to the sink. He washed out his mouth and then splashed some cool water on his face, hoping it would help him pull himself together. He looked up in the mirror at himself and saw JohnÕs reflection along side of his. He saw the concern and confusion that JohnÕs face wore..


ÒWhat happened back there Harri? I want the truth. Ò John asked adamantly.


ÒNerves IÕm s Ôposin. Nothing to fret over Johnny,Ó He lied as he plastered a fake smile on his face.  


ÒYou sure thatÕs it then, just nerves? What do you have to be nervous about anyway. WeÕve done this sort of thing before.Ó Suspicion laced through JohnÕs voice.


 George hated again to lie to yet another person he loved, but how could he tell John about the vision he saw? How could he tell John that heÕd be killed in a car accident in three weeks if he didnÕt stop it? George rested his hand on JohnÕs shoulder.


ÒItÕs all right. Between the nerves, the cold and the stress, I guess it just caught up to me. Y Ôknow IÕm not to keen on this sort of thing. Especially, in this cold, I got a bit lurgy is all. No worries.Ó George gave John a smile and started out the door.


ÒNerves eh? Then you should come along with us to the Bag OÕ Nails after this wraps up.Ó John said to him as they walked back out into the cold.


George thought about it. Yeah, he needed a drink bad and needed to forget for an hour or so. He would go with his mates and have a laugh.


ÒRight, could use a drink bout now.Ó George gave a lopsided grin and felt John clasp him on the back and relax.


ÒGood, then IÕm off to see if weÕre done here and to get the rest of the lads.Ó John smiled a jogged off towards the directors trailer.





The Bag OÕ Nails was in full swing. Rita, along with her friends where dancing up a storm. They settled at their tables, downing their drinks and ordering more. Rita made sure she was dressed for the night. She wore an orange mini dress, with a pale red crocheted overlay. Her pixie auburnhair was no longer under a cap and she wore big teardrop earrings. Sharon wore a yellow dress with a swirl pattern throughout it. Her long legs wore white stocking and pumps Vickie wore her light blue skirt and shirt, outlined in white. Her blonde hair had the sides pinned up in big curls and big round dangling white balls hung from her ears.


They sat panting from the dancing that they had done. They had danced with a lot of the different men in the club, as they always did. They had been going there for a while and had met, danced and sometime slept with some of the famous musicians who would frequent the place. Yet, they had never been able to get close to the Beatles, who were their favorites. They had seen them in there many times, but with all the girls were never able to get to them.


Vickie shrieked when she caught sight of the fab four stepping through the door.

ÒLook, itÕs them and all four together!Ó


The other two girls swung around to get a look at them. They looked fantastic, all dressed in the mod clothes of the day. The new moustaches just made them even more handsome as they strolled in.


ÒCor, they look gorgeous donÕt they?Ó A dreamy voice came from SharonÕs mouth.


Rita didnÕt say anything. She got up, as her friends watched her.


ÒWhatÕs she doin?Ó Vickie asked.


ÒDonÕt know. Hey maybe she got some courage up.Ó Sharon smiled hopefully.


Rita walked towards them. The music stopped, the people vanished, and she only saw George and Paul. To her they were the only ones there. She felt pulled to them, connected in a way she didnÕt understand. It was as if she were sleepwalking as she approached them.


The four laughed as they came in and instantly headed for the bar to get some drinks. John ordered for the four, as the others scanned the place looking for a table. They got their drinks and started walking to the table that Ringo had found.


George felt a tingle run through him. He wondered why he felt it, and it got stronger. Was it the realization that John was the one? No, it couldnÕt be or he would have felt it before. He walked along side of Paul and then stopped.


 Paul didnÕt realize that George wasnÕt there for a minute. He turned to see George just standing there, as if he didnÕt know where he was. He wasnÕt sure what was wrong, but George had been acting all out of sorts lately. He doubled back to get his mate. He saw a beautiful pixie haired girl in an orange dress walking towards George. Cor, she was a fit bird, he thought as he quickened his pace over to George.


Rita found herself inches from George. Neither of them could move, they felt drawn to each other. George suddenly felt that it was only him and Rita standing there. Paul walked up and watched the curious scene unfold.


ÒGeorgeÓ Rita breathed.


ÒRita.Ó George whispered back.


Paul shook his head. Was this why George had been actin so funny lately? Did he have a bird on the side? Paul could understand it; after all he had a few of them. One he had even been seeing for a while. He walked closer to them.


ÒRita I need to talk to you.Ó He leaned in to her ear.


ÒI know you do. I donÕt know why, but I know you and I have to talk. Paul.Ó She again breathed as she saw him walk up to them.


ÒTomorrow perhaps?Ó George asked.


ÒYes, tomorrow, around one or so at my flat. Is that alright?Ó She asked him, as she kept her eyes between the two Beatles. She watched Paul walk up and looked quickly back at George for an answer.


ÒThatÕd be fine.Ó He nodded. He then noticed how she looked at Paul. It wasnÕt the way a fan would look at them. She looked at Paul the way she had looked at him, and he wondered why. It was as if she belonged to him. Had he met her before? Was she another one of his string of birds? No, it couldnÕt be, she hadnÕt been with him and she looked at Paul the same way.


Paul stood there and suddenly felt an overwhelming feeling of knowing this girl. He didnÕt think he had ever met her before, yet he felt like he belonged with her for some odd reason. He stared at her getting lost in her eyes. He felt as if he might drown in them.


George stared curiously at the two. They couldnÕt take their eyes off of each other. They both seemed lost in one another. He couldnÕt understand it. He suddenly heard the chatter of people and the pounding of the music again. It was as if someone had turned on the television. He realized they were in the middle of the floor, blocking people as they walked around them. He shook Paul out of the same state that he had been in. Curious, he thought. Maybe she just had that affect on people, he thought.


Paul looked to George,Ó Um a yeah, George who is this enchanting beauty we have here?Ó Paul tried to shrug off the feeling he had originally had, but only some of it left. He still felt so drawn to her.


ÒPaul you donÕt know her?Ó George asked, trying to figure out the situation.


ÒNo of course not. If I did I wouldnÕt have asked her name.Ó Paul told him somewhat agitated, and still staring at Rita.


ÒThis here is Rita. Rita you knowÉÉÓ George was cut off by her breathy voice.


ÒPaul, yes, I know.Ó She answered him.


ÒDo I know you from somewhere?Ó Paul asked sheepishly. He didnÕt think he had ever met her, but then again he had slept with so many nameless, faceless women, could she be one? No, heÕd certainly remember this girl, he thought.


ÒNo, I donÕt believe so,Ó Her face took on a puzzled look. Why did she feel this way about Paul and about George? The feelings were the same yet different.


Paul nodded and then seemed to wake up to the crowd of people and music that had been surrounding them the whole time.


George noticed this and thought it strange that Paul too had fallen into the same sort of trance that Rita and he had.


They heard John and Ringo yelling for them to come to the table. George nodded up to them. He pushed Paul to consciousness, noticing the other two friends that were waiting on them. 


ÒRita please join us.Ó Paul asked politely.


Rita suddenly realized that she too had friends waiting on her, Ò I have two friends along with me.Ó


ÒBring them then. IÕm sure John and Ritch wonÕt mind.Ó He said, trying to encourage her to come to the table with him.


She motioned for her friends to come and join them. Vickie and Sharon quickly picked up their things and moved towards Rita and the pair of Beatles. They caught up with them at the table. Four Beatles; the two girls thought excitedly as they came up to them.


ÒJohn, Ritch, this hereÕs Rita and her friends,Ó George looked at Rita for their names.


ÒOh this is Vickie and Sharon. ItÕs a pleasure to meet the both of you.Ó Rita stammered, now she looked like a fan as she gazed at the drummer and rhythm guitarist.


Again George thought this was strange. She acted very different around John and Ringo, not the same way she had acted towards him and Paul. He looked at the two girls cozying up to John and Ringo very quickly and saw how Rita and Paul couldnÕt take their eyes off of each other. He decided it was time to go home. Time to think of the new clues he had learned tonight. HeÕd talk to her tomorrow and then maybe heÕd get more answers, including why she and Paul were acting so funny. He bit farewell to the party. He heard John yell how he would be missing out on a good thing. He didnÕt care. Again his mind raced with the 20 days he had left to find his answers and hopefully change the future.