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Katie Bongiorno


This is based on a true story.

The real account can be found in Larry KaneÕs Ticket To Ride.



Good Day Sunshine



               It was a clear and sunny day on August 29, 1965. I had just turned 16 and my family had just moved to California. I was pretty excited to be in the gorgeous state and I was hoping on working on my tan.


ÒMom, IÕm going down to the beach for a bit,Ó I yelled to my mom.


ÒK, hon. Have fun,Ó she called back.


I grabbed a towel and my radio and ran across the street to sleep like a baby on the soft California sand.


I got to the beach and found my own little spot to myself. That was a difficult feat to accomplish, because in August, in California, the beaches were always packed. I spread out my towel, turned my radio on to a station I knew would be playing non-stop Beatles, and I laid down.


About 15 minutes into my tanning session, the music stopped and an announcer came on.


ÒStop what you are doing everyone, I have some news as to where the Beatles are stayingÉÓ


I sat straight up and dove for the radio. He had said the Beatles would be staying in a ranch house in Benedict Canyon. I knew where that was, but I also knew that it was surrounded by steep hills, almost mountains and there was no way anyone could get around them.


I wiped a tear from my eye, and laid back down again on my towel. I tried to think of ways to get to the boys. I could try to ride my bike, and pretend to get hurt and need their help Ð no, they wouldnÕt believe me. I could dig a tunnel Ð yeah right. The next 5 minutes were spent with me coming up with ludicrous and impossible ways to get to the Beatles, and then the immediate rejection of the ideas.


Then it came to me. ÒI CAN CLIMB THE MOUNTAIN!Ó I hadnÕt meant to say it aloud, and some near by people looked over at me and started clapping. I laughed as I grabbed my towel and radio and ran back home.


I bolted straight past my mother and up the stairs into my room. I locked the door and took a breath.


I turned my radio on again, and raised the volume up really loud. Then I took a lightening fast shower. Next came the endless process if choosing an outfit. I wanted to impress them, and especially John who was my favorite. I ended up deciding on a very short, light airy dress. It was a light green color, and it went great with my red hair. I wore a white swimsuit underneath of it to finish off the Òsun kissed, California babeÓ look.


I smiled at myself as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I grabbed a purse to stuff my camera and a bunch of pens in. I brought so many in the unlikely chance that they died while the boys were signing autographs. I applied some make-up, and turned off my radio. The announcer said they should be at the rancher for another 4 hours, so I had to make my move quick. I took three deep breaths and walked down the stairs as calmly as I could.


ÒWhere are you going to?Ó my mom asked with a smile, ÒLookÕs like youÕve got a hot date!Ó


ÒYeah well, I met up with some people on the beach and we wonÕt be home till much later, is that okay?Ó


ÒYeah, babe. IÕm glad youÕre making friends. IÕll leave a key under the mat. YouÕre father and I have a hot date, too!Ó


ÒHaha, okay mom, have fun!Ó


ÒYou too! Be careful.Ó


ÒI will! Thanks! Bye!Ó


ÒByeÉÓ my mom started, but I was already out the door. I headed towards where most of the kids would probably be hanging out, in case my mom was watching. When I was sure she couldnÕt see me, I hailed a cab and told the cab driver where to take me.


ÒHere we are, miss.Ó


ÒThanks,Ó I said as I paid him.


I stepped out of the cab and gazed in awe at the mountain ahead of me. I told myself to climb it and my prize would be the Beatles, and I started off.


I wasnÕt prepared for the rugged climb up, but I wasnÕt giving up without a fight. I took many rests and trekked on. I kicked myself for not bringing a water bottle. The mountain was wearing me out and my breath was almost completely gone. Twice I nearly fell down, but I kept telling myself  -John, John, John Ð and I seemed to manage.


I was nearly to the top when I saw a wall to my left. I climbed sideways towards it and realized that the driveway ran along the side of the mountain and that this wall was right along the side of the driveway. I jumped and caught the wall, and I let out a scream, but by then I was spent on upper body strength. I was just about to pass out and fall to my death when I felt two pairs of hands grab me from the other side of the wall. They lifted me up and over it. I later learned that my heroes were Tony Barrow and Larry Kane. They carried me up the rest of the driveway and asked me if I wanted to meet the Beatles. I nodded furiously and they put me down. I took a second to try and brush myself off and look as good as I did when I left my house.


Larry led me into a pool area where I saw four gods laughing and having a good time. My breath escaped me and my knees began to wobble. I looked at Larry who was smiling.


Out of nowhere, a policeman appeared and he walked towards me. I began to whimper and tears started rolling down my cheeks. He was about to escort me out of the home, when John stood up.


ÒThaÕs okay there, Mike. We donÕt mind,Ó He said to the officer who nodded and then nodded at me. He then retreated back to where he had come from.


I looked at John, and felt a girlish grin cover my face. I think it genuinely made him happy to see me so happy.


ÒBoys, this isÉÓ Larry turned to me and said, ÒSorry, I didnÕt catch your name.Ó


ÒPam,Ó I said, Òits Pam.Ó


ÒThis is Pam.Ó Larry looked at me and walked over to a vacant chair and took a seat.

George strolled over to where I was standing and smiled goofily.


ÒHowdy little lady,Ó he said in his best attempt at a Southern accent.


I laughed and he tipped an imaginary hat and motioned for me to take a seat.


I didnÕt look as I sat; I was too busy laughing at George. As my bottom hit the seat, I didnÕt feel a seat. I felt a body, and I jumped up.


ÒHey! What do ya think ya are-Ò the voice started, but broke out into laughter. It was John. I had sat on John.


ÒIÕm sorry!Ó I said with fear for I didnÕt want him to hate me.


ÒItÕs alright, luv, JohnÕs just playinÕ.Ó I turned around to face the voice, and saw Paul standing there, with Ringo close behind him. I was completely surrounded by Beatles, and I was in absolute heaven.


By then John had composed himself and turned me around to face him again. I blushed at his hands on my hips, but I didnÕt let him see.


ÒIÕm John, by the way.Ó He said, a smile playing on his lips. God I wanted to kiss those lips.


ÒIÕm Pam.Ó I said shyly. I was so angry with myself for claming up, but I was so nervous that I could hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears.


Ringo stepped forward and put an arm around me.


ÒNo need to feel shy Ôere, luv.Ó He said. It made me feel special, but it didnÕt help calm my nerves.


Paul had pulled up a lounge chair and sat down on it. He patted it and made a pout-like face, pleading with his eyes for me to sit with him. My heart melted and I immediately obliged and sat down.


He reached for my face and I panicked and my eyes showed it. He chuckled and said, ÒYa got something on yer face. No need to worry.Ó


ÒYa Pam, what did ya do, climb the ruddy mountain?Ó George laughed and the rest joined.


I meekly said, ÒYeah, I did.Ó My lips quivered, and I looked at the ground.


ÒWell, thaÕ was sweet of ya.Ó Paul said tenderly, putting his arm around my shoulders in an attempt to comfort me. It did, Paul smelled so good, and it sort of gave me confidence.


ÒMacca, donÕt lay yer charm on this bird, unless ye wanna end up in jail.Ó John laughed.


ÒShuddup John. SheÕs nervous. Just tryinÕ to make Ôer feel a little less tense.Ó


Not wanting to look as young as my age said I was, I tried to pick up the conversation with a lively voice.


ÒSo,Ó I started, ÒHow do you like it here in California?Ó


ÒItÕs gear.Ó

ÒYeah, love all this sunshine. MakeÕs me happy.Ó

ÒSÕnot like England, itÕs all rain, rain, rain there.Ó

John hadnÕt answered, so I looked at him questioningly.


ÒAnd you, Mr. Lennon?Ó


ÒItÕs great,Ó he said quickly, ÒHey Pam how long have you lived here?Ó He asked.


ÒWell, my family just moved here from New Jersey about two weeks ago,Ó I replied.


ÒKnew it,Ó he said simply.


ÒKnew what?Ó I asked.


ÒKnew ya havenÕt lived Ôere long.Ó


ÒNow, how did you know that?Ó


ÒYou ÔavenÕt got a tan!Ó He obviously thought it was hilarious to be pale and living in California, for he started howling with laughter.


ÒWell, I was out tanning this morning whenÉÓ


ÒWhen what?Ó He retorted trying to stop laughing.


ÒNothing,Ó I blushed, ÒItÕs nothing.Ó


ÒLet me take a guess. Ya heard somethinÕ bout us stayinÕ Ôere. Then ya rushedÕ home and got ready and then ya braved Mt. Beatle to see us?Ó


I was no match for JohnÕs intellect and I slowly nodded my head. Again I was feeling shy, so I decided to shut my mouth and stop saying things that John could poke fun at. Somewhere deep inside my heart, I really loved it when he made those jabs at me. He was, after all, my favorite Beatle.


ÒWell thenÉÓ George said trying to break the silence.


ÒI fancy a swim.Ó Ringo blurted out, picking up the conversation.


ÒMe too, itÕs ruddy hot.Ó Paul chimed in, fanning himself.


ÒPam, wanna join us?Ó John grinned.


ÒUhhÉÓ I said, dazed at being invited to go swimming and maybe see them almost completely naked!


ÒYa canÕt say no.Ó John said still grinning.


ÒWhy canÕt she?Ó George asked, puzzled.


ÒÕCause sheÕs wearing a suit,Ó John said rationally,Ó and Ôcause IÕm gonna do THIS!Ó John said the last bit very loudly, while running towards me with an evil look in his eye. He picked me up and my mouth dropped. I was in shock that John was holding me and I grabbed his neck, pretending to help keep myself from falling, but really just so I could have my hand on his neck. It was bliss.


John carried me over to the large blue swimming pool and threw me inÉIN MY CLOTHES!


Water filled my nose and chlorine stung my eyes. I pushed off the ground and swam to the surface for air.


ÒJOHN!!!!Ó I screamed.


They were all laughing and clutching their stomachs. Then in perfect synchronization they all shed themselves shamelessly of their clothes (they had swimming trunks on underneath) and cannon-balled in. I stared at them with huge adoring eyes and an open mouth (you can only imagine the sight of four prime Beatles, running towards you in only their trunks). I mentally kicked myselfÉthey wouldnÕt want some obsessive fan staring at them. I swam to the stairs and got out just as they started to surface.


ÒAw, cÕmon! Stay in! LetÕs swim, Pam.Ó George whined.


ÒOne sec, George.Ó I said excitedly.


I ran over to my purse and pulled out my camera. I went over to Larry, who was still sitting in his chair, and I asked him if he would take some pictures. He nodded in agreement and took the camera from me. I walked back over to where my purse lay and paused. I heard the boys in the background splashing and having fun. I was starting to doubt whether or not I wanted them to see me in my skimpy bathing suit Ð which happened to be a two-piece, revealing much of my stomach. It took me a second to shake off my nerves and shed my damp clothes. I turned around and walked back over to the pool, with claps and whistles and grins from the boys. I felt like a movie star.


I backed up and ran straight into the pool. I surfaced only to feel arms on my shoulders and I plunged back down under. I surfaced again, gasping and I saw John hurriedly swimming away. I swam as fast as I could and I cornered him against a wall.


ÔHaha,Õ I thought, ÔI got you now!Õ


ÒThis is war, John.Ó I said laughing, but determined to get him back, so I tried to make my face look angry.


I made it look like I was going to swim away, towards Paul, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw John swimming slowly behind me, getting ready to attack. I turned around quickly and caught him off guard. I pushed down with all my body weight on his shoulders, and he soon plunged down below the water surface.


ÒNice one, but IÕd start swimminÕ Ð Ôan fast if I were you.Ó Paul said with nods of agreement from George and Ringo.


ÒWhy-Ò I started, but felt my legs being pulled from below me. I took a gasp of breath and was pulled down under the water. I saw John staring at me and he was sticking out his tongue. I made a similar face and pushed my legs on his shoulder to reach the surface. I was standing on his shoulders.


ÒYe grew!Ó I heard George laugh.


ÒGet ready then.Ó Ringo warned with a chuckle.


I could tell John was standing up beneath me because I grew unsteady. I felt two hands from below shift me from a standing to a sitting position. John stood up completely above the water, with me sitting on his shoulders.


ÒSmile!Ó I heard Larry yell from the side of the pool. A huge flash blinded my eyes, and I knew he took a picture.


ÒI got 5 so far, ya want any more?Ó


ÒSure Larry, if you donÕt mind!Ó I yelled from my perch atop JohnÕs shoulders. Then it hit me. I was sitting on John LennonÕs shoulders. My legs hanging around his neck and down the front of his bare chest. His arms were gripping my shins, keeping me from falling off. I nearly swooned, and I prayed that the picture came out. I also wondered what other pictures Larry took.


ÒPam?Ó I heard Ringo call my name.


ÒYeah?Ó I looked around for him, only to realize that he, Paul, and George were all standing in front of me.


ÒLarry wanted to know if ya wanted to pose for some picÕs.Ó


ÒYeah! ThatÕd be great!Ó


I felt JohnÕs arms shift on my legs. I thanked GOD I shaved the night before. I hoped I wasnÕt hurting him.


ÒJohn?Ó I called down to him.


ÒYeah?Ó He answered cocking his head to the side, trying to see me.


ÒAm I hurting you?Ó I asked, hoping the answer was no.


ÒNo, luv, yer light as a feather. Do yÕwanna get down?Ó


Did I want to get down?


ÒOnly if you want me to, luv.Ó I said, adding the luv as a joke.


ÒHaha, yer a funny one.Ó


ÒOkay then, how about you all gather around John and Pam?Ó Larry called from the side of the pool. The phrase ÔJohn and PamÕ rang out in my ears. He was talking about me and JOHN LENNON!


Paul, George, and Ringo obliged and gathered around me. We smiled, and the light bulb flashed.


ÒThatÕs a keeper! Want any more?Ó


ÒNah, Larry, thanks, IÕll save some for later.Ó


ÒK, IÕll put it down by your stuff.Ó


A wind blew through the air, and I shivered slightly. I noticed that all the boys were looking right at JohnÕs eyes below me, as if he was telling them something secretly. All of a sudden, I fell backwards into the water. It was warm and I kicked to the surface. When I broke the water barrier, I was surrounded. John was right in front of me, George was to my left, Paul to my right, and Ringo was behind me.  I didnÕt know what to do.


ÒOne...Ó I heard George whisper to my left.


ÒTwo...Ó Paul answered to my right.

I knew what was coming, and I was on to them. So when I heard John yell, ÒTHREE!Ó I ducked down into the water, and swam through the pair of legs in front of me, which happened to be JohnÕs. I swam all the way to the opposite edge of the pool before coming up for air.


I saw them all still at the opposite end of the pool, looking around for me. Something wasnÕt right though. One, two, threeÉfour? Where was George? I shouldnÕt have asked, for at that moment I felt someone cannon-ball directly over me, splashing water all over my face.


When he surfaced, he was grinning.


ÒGotcha,Ó he said, with an air of victory.


ÒNo you didnÕt.Ó I said defiantly. I turned on my stomach and held onto the wall and kicked with all my might. I was splashing George good and proper, and I felt he may have won the battle, but the war was mine.


ÒALRIGHT, YOU WIN!Ó I heard him scream above the splashing.


I stopped and turned around to face him.


ÒWho won, George?Ó I asked, milking it for all it was worth.


ÒYou did.Ó He muttered.


ÒWhatÕs my name?Ó




ÒPam your queen?Ó


ÒWhat? No way!Ó


ÒUt tut tutÉ!Ó


ÒFine, you won, Pam my queen!Ó He yelled before splashing me once and swimming to the side of the pool and getting out.


ÒHaha spoil sport!Ó I yelled to him. It was getting a bit breezy, so the rest of us got out one by one to dry off.


ÒHeads up!Ó I heard Ringo yell, throwing me a towel.


ÒThanksÉÓ I said catching it. I towel dried myself off and got back into my slightly damp clothes.


I noticed to my left a rather stiff looking man exit the house and walk to where we were standing and drying off.


ÒBoys-Ò he started in a posh voice, he noticed me and stopped.


ÒWho are you?Ó


ÒIÕm Pam.Ó I stated nervously.


ÒYeah, me queen, Eppy. Bow down to her.Ó George chimed in.


ÒYour queenÉ?Ó The man they called ÔEppyÕ looked confused.


ÒYeah, she bested me in the pool.Ó


ÒSheÕs a friend.Ó


ÒA really gear bird!Ó


ÒYeah, she climbed Mt. Beatle, so we figgered she must be alright.Ó


I looked at them all and glowed with pride. I was a queen, a friend, a really gear bird, and I was alright. A smile broke out on my face.


ÒWell boys, itÕs nice you met a fan, but you must get ready for your show now.Ó Eppy said.


He looked at me and then went back into the house. I knew my time with the Beatles was over, and I felt a tear slide down my cheek, as I sat down in my chair, stunned.


John walked over to me. He kneeled next to me and wiped the tear from my eye.


ÒHad a great time with ya tÕday. SÕgreat to spend some time with sucha gear fan, and now, a friend.Ó


I nodded and looked anywhere but at his eyes.


ÒDo ya want some autographs?Ó


ÒSure, thanks.Ó I said meekly.


Paul showed up to my right with a piece of paper. George had a pen and Ringo brought the camera.


ÒLarry, can ya hand me that book?Ó Paul called.


Larry threw him the book and Paul used it to have a sturdy place to sign the paper. They all followed suit writing a little note to me. John also drew a funny picture for me and Paul drew some waves near his name.


ÒWant some pictures with each of us?Ó


ÒYou guys have been so nice to me, you donÕt have to-Ò


ÒNo, we never get ta spend time with fans like we did with ya. Let us do it.Ó


I nodded and posed with each Beatle and then with them all. We made silly faces in one picture and smiled in another. In the individual pictures, they each posed giving me a kiss on the cheek. I thought I was going to die.


The man they called Eppy emerged again from the house and that signaled my leave.


ÒWell, I guess I gotta ao.Ó I said sadly.


ÒDo ya have a way of gettingÕ home, or are ya planninÕ on climbing back down Mt. Beatle?Ó John joked.


ÒWell, I took a taxi here, I guess IÕll walk to the bus stop.Ó


ÒNo, weÕll drive ya.Ó


ÒHaha, Ringo, I saw ÔA Hard DayÕs NightÕ, I know the crowds of girls that would attack you.Ó


ÒNo one seemÕs to be down there, nowÉÓ


ÒYeah, luv, weÕll give ya a lift Ôome.Ó


ÒOh thanks!Ó


ÒGet yer stuff, weÕre gonna go get ready.Ó


ÒK,Ó I got my stuff together and I sat down to wait for the boys to finish getting ready. Ready for what I wonderedÉa concert?


What seemed like an eternity later, they all exited the house looking hotÉreally hot. 


ÒYou lookÉgreat.Ó I found myself blurting out.


ÒHaha, ta, luv.Ó




ÒYa, means thanks.Ó




Eppy exited the house and told them what would be going on. We walked to the driveway and all piled into the car. Many news reporters filed into other cars and we were off. The driver asked me where I lived and I told him. Surprisingly, no fans noticed us. The drive was filled with laughter, and I got a few more pictures until my roll was out. As we rounded the corner to my house, I looked at the boys and grew quiet.


ÒMy house is just ahead,Ó I said, tears threatening my eyes again.


ÒIt was great meetinÕ ya, luv,Ó John said, pulling me into a tight hug. I took a deep breath of him as my head lay against his shoulder. He smelled so good, an intoxicating spicy smell. I thought I would pass out from his smell alone.


ÒYeah, yer great. Glad ya climbed the mountain.Ó George added, taking his turn at hugging me.


ÒPam, IÕm glad we got spend time together,Ó Ringo said pulling me into a bear hug.


ÒIf weÕre ever in town Ôgain, weÕll look ya up.Ó Paul said finally getting his hug in.


I was openly crying and I just smiled and said, Ò I had the best time of my life, and I will never forget this ever. Your music is amazing, and you guys are justÉÓ my voice broke and they all hugged me one last time. John gave me a soft peck on the cheek and I smiled at him. I think he could tell that he was my favorite.


I exited the limo and walked to slowly up to my house. I turned and they were all waving. I stood on my doorstep waving back until they drove out of sight.



A few days later, I sat on my porch with my radio tuned in, as always, to non-stop Beatles. I had a new feeling when I listened to their voices. I could hear them saying something funny or sweet to me.


My mom walked out to the porch with two glasses of iced tea.


ÒSo, you never told me how your time with your new friends went,Ó she said, handing me one of the glasses.


I couldnÕt hold it in any longer, so I confessed the entire story. I started with the deception of me lying to her, to my dangerous climb, and finally, to my ultimate prize: my time with the Beatles.


After I finished, she sat there in silence.


ÒYouÕre serious?Ó


ÒMhm,Ó I said as I sipped on my iced tea, ÒI never got the pictures developed, Ôcause I wanted to tell you first.Ó


She hugged me unexpectedly, making me drop my glass, spilling my iced tea everywhere.


ÒIÕll clean this up,Ó she smiled, ÒYou go upstairs and get that camera, and bring down the autographs too, I want to see them.Ó


I did as she told me and after she was done reading the notes they all wrote to me, she told me to hop in the car. We were headed to get my camera developed.


I waited anxiously for my mom to tell me to go pick up the pictures. Finally she told me that they should be done, and I sprinted down the street.


I entered the store with the young lady doing a double take at me. I stepped up to the counter and asked for my pictures. She handed me them with a look of awe.


ÒI..uhÉI know IÕm not supposed to say anything about customersÕ picturesÕ, but..uhÉ.YOU MET THE BEATLES?!?Ó


I nodded and told her my story. I just loved telling it because it reminded me that it actually happened, and wasnÕt just some dream. When I finished, I paid her and left her with an open mouth. I ran home to show my mom the pictures.


ÒWow honey! You look great!Ó My mom said pointing to a picture of John and I splashing in the pool.


ÒTa!Ó I said, trying out the word they taught me for thanks.




ÒYeah, means thanks. Paul said it and I had the same reaction.Ó


ÒHaha,Ó my mom laughed, picking up another picture. It was of me on JohnÕs shoulders with the rest surrounding us.


ÒYou really had those boys eating out of the palm of your hand, didnÕt you?Ó


ÒTheyÕre just nice guys, mom!Ó I said with a huge goofy grin.



A few days later, my mom yelled up for me to come down from my bedroom.


ÒWhatÕs up?Ó I asked.


ÒHere,Ó she said, handing me a postcard.


I took it and looked at the cover. It was a hand drawn picture of four men and a girl in a swimming pool. On the side it read Òa Lennon originalÓ. I gasped as I turned it over and read:



               Dear Queen Pam,

               Just wanted to tell you what a blast we all had

               with you a few days ago. YouÕre a beautiful girl,

               and weÕll never forget you, ever. Ta, for

               brightening our day.


                                              King George..ha

                                              John (he drew a little picture here)

                                              Paul <3<3

                                              annnnnd, Ringo xox


I started crying as I hugged the card and ran upstairs to add it to my Beatles album that I had filled with my photos and autographs.



I look at my 16-year-old self in the pictures I took, and I read the autographs and the postcard that they gave me, and it always brings a tear to my eye. John, Paul, George and Ringo were the best and nicest guys I ever met in my entire life. They made a young girl feel important and they could bring a smile to my face with a wave of their hand. I truly loved them and I still do, and I thank God that I got the chance to meet them and create such amazing memories. Looking back, no summer ever topped that one, it was the best one I ever had. Like the boys had said, I never ever forgot it, and I never ever will.