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The Dream




                                                                Tom Austin




Rob was walking towards RichmondÕs Trading Post. Before he opened the door to the store, he glanced in the window only to see what looked like a Gretsch Duo Jet. The store usually stocked only inferior guitars. One quick glance around the store revealed a number of 6 string guitars, mostly by Ibanez or Fender, or from some guitar manufacturer nobody ever heard of.


Rob asked Donn, the owner of the store, if that was a Gretsch Duo Jet in the window.


"It sure is. And I was damn lucky to get it." said Donn


Donn knew Rob to be a fountain of Beatle trivia, and asked Rob about the guitar.


"Rob, didnÕt George Harrison have a Duo Jet too?" asked the owner.


"He sure did. Used it to help record The Beatles first record album. After the Duo Jet he used Gretsch guitars almost exclusively".


It wasnÕt long before Rob took the guitar from the window, sat on a chair, plugged the guitar into a small Fender amp, and played it. The sound and feel of the guitar was intoxicating.


"Donn, you rarely have a guitar like this in the store. What gives?" asked Rob.


"IÕm selling it on consignment. The guy who owned it was in a motor bike accident and lost an arm. If you ask me the hospital should have kept him a bit longer" replied Donn.


"Poor guy. How much are you asking for it" asked Rob.


"According to the Gretsch catalog a fair price. Besides, youÕre supposed to saving for college. So forget about giving me some sob story. If you're going to get all mushy over a ordinary guitar I'm having a cup of coffee".


Rob didn't know it but a customer had come in. He brought a Hofner bass with him. Donn immediately recognized who it was. The stranger put a finger to his lips, and quietly asked Donn not to say anything. He listened then started to accompany Rob. Rob looked up and stopped.


"Keep going. ThatÕs the way he did it mate" the stranger said.


"I can't. It's your song, you wrote it" said Rob. While Rob gathered his wits Donn rushed to the door and locked it. "Mr. McCartney, my name is Donn Richmond, owner of this store. Is there anything I can do for you?". Paul looked towards the back of the store. "You wouldn't have a cuppa, would you?". Donn said heÕd be right back.


 Paul now looked at Rob. "Well, what ya going to do". Eager to impress him Rob started playing Blackbird. "Good choice.....but you need an acoustic guitar for that. WhatÕs your name". Rob blurted out the answer. "Fancy a bit of rock n' roll?" asked Paul. Paul started playing a riff and asked Rob to join in. It was really simple little riff made up of just three chords. The simple riff evolved into some serious jamming. Paul started belting out "Hello Goodbye". And Rob provided the rhythm for the song, and when the time came he provided the lead that George originally played.


"Rob, what are ya doing tomorrow night" asked Paul.


"Nothing spectacular" replied Rob.


Paul continued. "You probably know I'm doing a gig here in the city tomorrow night, and I was wondering if you'd join me on stage during the sound check. I'm looking for a guitarist from each city I visit, and in this city I want that person to be you".


"You want me to be on stage with you?". Paul nodded his head. Before Rob could say yes Donn returned with a cup of tea, and a camera. Paul held on to the camera. "Mister Richmond, I'd really appreciate it if you didn't take any photos". Donn placed the camera on the counter.


 After rehearsing a few more numbers Paul went up to Donn. "I need some really good strings for me Casino". Paul was referring to his Epiphone Casino. "Of course sir. We have heavy, medium, and light gauge strings. What would you like ?". Paul admitted that he knew nothing of strings. "Let me have a set of long shiny onesÕ. Together Rob and Paul left and went down to where his band was. Rob met the other fellows. As he was putting the guitar strap on the Duo Jet, which Donn lent him for the occasion, he felt a tug at my shoulder. Whoever it was wanted his attention really bad.


The tugging suddenly stopped only to be replaced by something poking him in the ribs. Rob was far from thrilled at be used as a dart board. "Look sport, can't you see I'm busy?". The poking continued. Rob turned around. A pair of drum sticks greeted me, and a man with a very famous nose said hello.


"I'm going to be playing tomorrow night only Paul doesn't know it. I made arrangements to do the drum solo in the song "The End".


Rob was flabbergasted. Two rock legends were in the same place, from the same band, and were on the same gig. Rob could only guess that Ringo might have thought Rob was part of the band.


"I'm really sorry for what I just said. If you had only said something" Rob whispered softly. "What ever you do don't tell Paul". And the man with the famous nose vanished back stage.


Paul came over. "Here's the set list. If there's anything you don't think you can handle I need to know now. That way Rusty can cover for you". Rob looked at the list and saw, much to his relief, that the set was made up of songs he already knew. "But now weÕre going to have a bit of fun". Rusty started playing Matchbox and leaping about the stage. Rob started a guitar duel with Rusty. Paul looked impressed. Paul went to the wings to get his Les Paul guitar. One song merged into another, and before long an hour had passed, and great of perspiration had been generated. At the end of it Rusty had a short conference with Paul, who in turn had a larger conference with the rest of the band. After some discussion Paul asked Rob to join in the discussion.


"Rusty said that he was very impressed by your talent. Brian said he wishes he had been as good as you when he was your age. What weÕd like to know is if you would care to join us tomorrow night as a guest guitarist?". A silly grin came over Robs face, and his legs started to fold up beneath him. Abe, the drummer, caught him.


"Here now, if youÕre cominÕ on stage with us you canÕt do that. Why did you do that?" said Abe.


 "You guys are gods to me, and for you to offer to share the same stage with meÉwell it just blows me away. You bet IÕll be a guest guitarist. And you donÕt have to worry about me folding up like a lawn chair" said Rob.


The band ran through a few more numbers. "Sounds good mates. Lets do as well tomorrow night". Paul put his guitar down, said goodnight, and was off. There was a dark haired man cradling a white Gibson SG in his arms beside Rob. Rob thanked Rusty for what he said to Paul.


"Ah tish tosh as my mom says. Normally I play rhythm and some lead guitar for Paul, but on this gig we'll both be doing it. What gear do you plan to use".


"A Gretsch DuoJet with a Vox 100 watt amp. A friend is loaning me the DuoJet for the evening. The Vox is mine. I normally play a Rickenbacker 360-12, but I'm having it fixed. The wiring need to be replaced" said Rob.


"What happened to such a wonderful guitar?" Rusty asked.


" My dog thought it was a tree. Actually if it wasn't for my dog none of this would be happening. Do you mind if I ask you something?". Rob thought Rusty might have expected something more cerebral. Instead he got "WhatÕs it like being a sideman for Paul?". He thought for a while then answered. "The hardest part for me is not freakin' out. I grew up listening to the man, and now I'm working with him. Not for him, but with him. If that doesn't weird you out nothing will".


Rusty started playing his solo from "Maybe I'm Amazed", and Rob just watched in amazement as the man and his guitar became one. The notes came forth almost effortlessly. His feet glided over the effects pedals. Every note was perfect, and when he was finished the rest of the band started clapping. When the clapping stopped he asked in very serious tone "Do you know about tomorrow night". "I sure do, and boy oh boy will it be the end" replied Rob.


Rusty and Rob went into the first greasy spoon restaurant they saw for a bite to eat and a beer. Rusty wolfed down a steak. Inhaled it would be a more accurate description. Rob settled for a plain roast beef sandwich as his stomach was doing Olympic style flip flops. Rob asked Rusty whose idea it was to get Ringo to do the solo. "His wifes. Its her birthday present to Paul. Pauls is used to Abe playing the drums, but when he hears the solo he'll hear Ringo for the first time in years". Apparently Ringo has wanted to do something like this for a number of years, but Paul just never asked him.


Rob felt duty bound to escort Rusty back to his hotel. He was a health nut, and walked and walked after dinner. After Rusty checked in Rob turned to go. "Where do you think you're goin' ? You have a room here too you know". Looking puzzled Rob explained he had not made no reservation there. "Paul did. All the guys in the band stay at the hotel".


Rob was not religious in any sense of the word, but with all that had happened he was reminded of a prayer. It was called Shepards Prayer. Not The Shepards Prayer. This one had its origins way back in May of 1961 when astronaut Alan Shepard was heard to say seconds before launch "Dear lord, don't let me f--- up now".


After pacing about his room all night like a nervous wreck dawn finally came. When Rusty (whom Rob thought Paul asked to be his guardian) knocked on the door did he say good morning? No. How did you sleep? No. Instead Rob was the recipient of "Holy Hannah, what the hell happened to you!". Apparently Rob looked a bit green around the gills. After he calmed Rusty down Rob went down to the front desk where there was a message. It was from Donn. He said to keep the DuoJet, and to try and say the name of the store during the concert. That was something Rob wasn't too sure Paul would permit. After all, it was his show.


Everybody assembled at the appointed time. Everybody except Paul. After "larking about" for a while, Rob, as the "new guy", was elected to phone Pauls hotel room. After a small lecture from the hotel receptionist, and an equally small lecture from Rob ( He told the receptionist he was Pauls brother Michael ) he got through to his room. It turned out Paul had watched a movie marathon, and over slept. He ended their conversation with "as long as you're all right mate. Now get your arse down here". Rob was certain he was doomed. "Pauls going to have my guts for garters". When he did show up he had forgotten about what was said and summoned the sound technician to set up a microphone for him.


"Bollocks !. Don't tell me it can't be done. Just use an AKG mic and set him up !".


Normally Rob refrained from singing, but his little Liverpool accent on the phone had given Paul an idea. Within minutes this mic with the letters AKG appeared before him. The sound tech did not take kindly to being balled out, and asked him to count to three.




"Ok, just peachy champ, now sing something so I can set the level".


"I don't sing. I play the guitar".


The sound tech did not appreciate Robs candor. "Everybody here sings champ. Hell, even I sing when I'm in the shower, so sing somethin' will ya?. I'd like to get this over with".


Paul intervened on Robs behalf. "Take all of the mics down to zero except his. Abe don't play for this one". Paul put on an Ovation acoustic and started playing "Bip Bop". He knew Rob knew the song, and coaxed him to sing along in something approximating the key he was singing in. Before long a voice came over the public address system. "Ok champ got it". The next sound anybody heard was that of a heavy metal door being closed. "That guy gets on my nerves". Paul said. Rusty went over to Rob and said "Just take it nice and easy. That guys has always been an ass, and always will be". All of a sudden Paul said "Play me an A chord". The chord was the opening for the song "Helen Wheels". Abe started bashing away on the drums, Paul started plunking away on a bass, Rusty started stomping while he played his SG, and Rob sort of froze solid intent on not making any mistakes. Paul walked over while he played. "Loosen up, relax, and have fun. If you screw up, just keep on going". Eventually he did loosen up, and soon was stomping the boards like he was on an old sailing vessel.  It worked. Rob never felt so relaxed than he did at that moment. Then the whole band changed to good old rock n' roll. Paul was in his element. So was Rob. Rob played rhythm in such a way that it was perfectly natural for him to move around. And the DuoJet was a dream to play. Everything felt so right.


The members of the band went on stage one by one. Then it was Robs turn. Olympic sized stomach flip flops were one thing. But now he was facing one hundred percent grade "A" fear. And the fact that Donn was in the wings didn't help at all. "Do it for the store. Think of how many people will come to the store if you go on that stage". Rob was now more unsure of what to do then ever before. "I really want to thank you for the DuoJet, but I don't know if I can do this. There are thousands of people out there waiting to see Paul". You could see the wheels in Donns eyes grinding away. He knew that if I went on stage his store would profit. "You've got it wrong boy. They came to see you". Donn actually believed that, and tried to Rob to get me to do the same. Paul could see that Rob wasn't buying what Donn was saying. He motioned to Donn to come towards him. Together they whispered and conspired to get Rob on stage. When they finished Donn stood in front of Rob. "Forget everything I said. This could be your big break. You might be "discovered". Paul can't go on without you. He needs your help. You have to go on now". Rob detected a certain urgency in the word "now". Rob was unaware that Paul was about to play a prank on him that would force him to go on stage. In total silence, (and with practice Rob suspected), he put the neck of his guitar between Robs legs, and slowly raised it till the cold metal tuning pegs were touching a certain sensitive place below his belt. His eyes widened suddenly, and rocketed on stage. As he took his place on stage, Paul appeared. Rob whispered "I'll get you Macca".


The audience was pretty rambunctious, and Paul started with "Hello Goodbye". Next came "Helen Wheels" which evolved into another guitar dual between Rusty and Rob. Then a multi-colored piano materialized from the wings, and Paul began his piano material. "Hey Jude" had everybody singing. Still seated at the piano he asked "Is everybody feelin' ok?". It would have been hard for Rob to imagine the sound If he hadnÕt been on stage. Then Paul introduced the members of the band. Robs heart was going a million beats a second. Then Paul introduced Rob as that nights guest guitarist. The crowd went wild. It was absolute chaos. All this fuss over a guy they had never heard of before. Rob didn't know it, but Paul let word leak out that there was going to a very special guest guitarist playing that night. Some people in the crowd carried newspapers with bold headlines that read "LOCAL BOY MAKES GOOD !". Some woman in audience screamed "I want to have your baby". When Rusty heard that he went up to Rob and said "you really know you're in the big time when you hear that". Rob felt like he really belonged. He wasn't the wooden no name guitar player of just two days earlier. Paul put on a Martin acoustic and played "Yesterday","I've Just Seen A Face", "Michelle" and "Bip Bop"


Before Rob realized it, two hours had gone by. Paul announced "We're going to do one more song then we have to go". This is what Ringo had been waiting for. He got into position. Abe relinquished the drummers throne to Ringo. The audience could see who was suddenly appearing and went berserk. Paul thought it was simply wild applause. But when the solo started he said something very un-Paul. "Well I'll be a dirty bird....ladies and gentlemen Ringo Starr !". Ringo came down to the front of the stage and hugged Paul. "Happy Birthday from Heather". Paul was brought to tears at seeing his old friend again. The crowd was so excited that they wouldn't let any of them leave. Paul hadn't planned any encore. The band went back on stage and played Let It Be. It was a wild time. Rob introduced "Soily", "Band On The Run" and "Goodnight Tonight". Then Paul played another prank when he annouced that Rob was going to do "C Moon". Rob got his revenge by saying Paul was going to do "Love Me Do". Rob went up to the mic when he realized Paul couldn't remember how to play it. So Rob joined Paul at the mic, John and Paul style, and together wowed the crowd. He put his hand on Robs shoulder and said "thanks, but you promised to count the stock today". Rob said he sounded just like Donn. "I am Donn, your kind, benevolent employer. And if you donÕt want to start looking for another job youÕll put that Duo Jet back in the window ". The image of Paul and the band disappeared, and the image of my fire breathing boss took his place. It was a dream, but one so real it was scary.

                                                                                         Tom Austin

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