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One Becomes Two


Tom Austin



The screen came alive with pictures of days passed. They evoked memories. Mostly pleasant ones, but at the same time sad memories for the two who could not be there. Paul put his hand to his mouth while Heather giggled. Ringo was transfixed looking at the images before him. Barbara had seen pictures of her husband when he was younger, but none like this. For they detailed what life was like for him and his friends in the early days of international fame. The film was black and white, and at times the sound was poor. Paul and Ringo were seeing this for the very first time. It was the unaired footage from a documentary. What they were seeing was from the cutting room floor. And they were the first to see it in almost forty years.






As the film began all four Beatles were planning their escape. In the hotel they would have to dodge their friends, hotel staff, security guards, policemen, and the odd fan that managed to get past the army of security guards. The fire escape looked like their best method of escape. If their attempts were discovered by Brian, Mal, or Neil, they could look forward to their stay being a rather confining one. John had his feet up, Paul was at the window, George was strumming a guitar across the room, and Ringo moved from a chair to the bathroom, and had a Look Magazine curled up in his pocket


"Prisoners on Devils Island can at least move around. WeÕre prisoners of own fame. I wish we were in Florida" said Ringo as he closed the door.


"I want to get out, and take a look at this city. ItÕs the first time IÕve been here, and for all I know it might be the last time IÕm here. I need a ciggy. Whose got one lads ?" asked John.


"DonÕt look at me. IÕm checkinÕ out the birds" said Paul


George tossed a pack of cigarettes from across the room.


"Here ya go. Now you have to stop saying I donÕt give you anything" added George. This comment made John sit up.


"I never said anything of the sort you nasty brute" said John in rebuttal.


"Oh yes you have John Winston Lennon. You said it in our press conference. And donÕt you deny it" said a rather upset George.


"My arenÕt we touchy today. WhatÕs the matterÉmiss somebody ?" teased John.


"Never mind what or who I miss. Just keep thinking" replied George. When John put his feet back up Paul sounded the alarm.


"Bugger ! Security" whispered Paul


The lads hurriedly rushed towards a card table, and pretended to play cards.


Just then a rather burly man with glasses poked his head in the hotel door.


"ItÕs just me guys. UhÉwhat are you doing ?" asked Mal.


"PlayinÕ cards just like we were an hour ago" said George


"What ya playinÕ ?Õ asked Mal


"Poker. And JohnÕs winning" said George.


"Brian wants me to ask you if you would like to do a radio interview this afternoon ?" added Mal


"NO" said all three in a resounding chorus.


"Just out of curiosity whereÕs Ringo ?".


"The loo. ThatÕs where he does his best thinking, or so he says" said Paul.


"Well one the chambermaids wants his autograph. Could you ask him for me. I donÕt want to disturb him" asked Mal.


When Mal closed the door to the hotel suite the door to the bathroom opened. Ringo was holding a city map. "Got it all figured out. Where do you want to go ?"


"Where the girls are" said John sounding like a mad professor.


"UhÉJohn. I hate to break it to you but youÕre a married man" said Paul


"I know. ItÕs for me scrapbook of memories when IÕm old and gray" replied John still sounding slightly crazed.


"You donÕt have a scrapbook" said George.




After another minute passed all the cards were placed on the table, and the lads moved to the window in the bathroom. Only from that window could they possibly reach the outside and freedom. Ringo was the first to go.


"Free at last, free at last, thank god almighty free at last" proclaimed Ringo.


"I think heÕs out" said Paul


"You figured that out did ya ?" asked John


Paul crawled out the window next.


"Me Paul of the concrete jungle" bellowing at the top of his lungs.


"Nice going Tarzan. You almost let the whole world know weÕre escaping. Honestly, didnÕt you ever do this before" asked George of Paul.


John went next. When he was about to jump he couldnÕt help but notice RingoÕ nose, and the comment Pauls pseudo-grandfather made about "mocking the afflicted". Still it was a "hideous great hooter".


John pointed at RingoÕ nose. "You know when yer not using it you could rent it out for parties"


"Stop pickinÕ at me neb why donÕt ya. I happen to think itÕs quite distinguished. Beside the I like it, and so do the girls" replied.


The screen went white as if it was time to put on another reel, then the footage started up again. The scene was of the lads trudging back to back to the bathroom window and the hotel fire escape.


"How come nobody brought any money" asked Paul


"Because Brian never gives us any. Not in this currency at least" replied George.


Brian, who was waiting for them, leaned out the window.


"I see the wandering minstrels have returned. Have fun seeing the sights boys ?" Brian looked at John.


"We had a fantastic time. Did you know some of the people here have two or three dust bins" said George trying to sound upbeat and sarcastic.


Once the boys climbed back in the bathroom window Brian gave the lads the ear bashing they had hoped to avoid. He stood in the middle of the hotel room, arms crossed, shaking his head.


"IÕm very, very disappointed in all of you. I see that I canÕt trust any of you. Mal, Neil and I only want to protect you. But instead of trusting us you sneak out like undisciplined school boys. Well at least youÕre all right. From now on the bathroom window will be nailed shut. And youÕre going to be doing that radio interview".


"Please sir, please, anything but that" cried John, now on his knees at BrianÕs feet.


"Knock it off this instant" bellowed Brian. The lads had never seen him quite this upset. "You four took it into your head to sag off, driving me potty with worry, and if the opportunity presented itself to pull a few strokes. YouÕve given me little choice. Instead of a real nosh-up tonight you get jam butties. And the fellows at Capitol would like a few words with you too. They were here waiting for you while you were larking about. So I guess youÕll just have to fit them in while having your jam butties".


Heather asked her husband if that really happened. But before he could answer a white glow came from the wall. John and George had poked their heads through the wall. The film stopped.




"You bet youÕre azimuth it happened "Legs"". Brian was really annoyed with us" said John.


"And those jam butties were terrible. I can still taste them" added George.


Barbara looked a little bit upset. After all, it was the first time she had watched any film in the presence of ghosts. In the past some of the people she had seen films with were dead from the neck up, but never completely dead. You could tell she was upset by the fingernail marks she was putting into her husbands arm.


"Is that himÉreally him ?" said Barbara pointing at John.


"ThatÕs our Johnny all right and will you please stop being a cat. IÕm not a flippinÕ scratching post" replied Ringo.


Barbara looked at the damage she had done to her husbands arm. "IÕll kiss it to make it better". Ringo had a better idea. "Why donÕt we talk about it when we get home". "If you know what I mean" he added quietly.


"Well I know George. He was at our wedding" said Barbara.


"Will you please stop talking about me in the third person like IÕm not even here Babs. IÕm as real as you are. IÕm just a frigginÕ ghost" groused George.


Barbara hated it when anybody called her "Babs". Now she have to amend her dislike to anybody "living or dead". George came out the wall and sat in a chair. Barbara now offered pop corn as a peace offering.


"Sorry if I offended you George. This my first encounter with ghosts". She held out a box of non fattening popcorn. "No thanks. I donÕt eat anymore". That was it. That was the last straw. Barbs composure left her, and she fainted into her chair. Ringo carried her into the lounge where there was a couch while Heather followed close behind. John promptly removed himself from the wall and took Barbs seat. "The more things change the more they stay the same. Birds have been fainting at my feet for over forty years now. What you think causes it Paulie ? My magnetic personality ?"


When Paul heard the question he suddenly felt mildly ill. Meanwhile Heather returned to her chair. "WhatÕs cookinÕ good lookinÕ ?" John asked Heather. "John, are you always so free and easy with your comments to a lady ?" she replied. "That comment sounds so, soÉsleazy ?".


"Sorry Ōbout that "Legs". DidnÕt mean to bug you. ItÕs a term I learned while watching some American TV show called "Happy Days". HowÕs Bea ?".


"SheÕs as good as gold, but she misses her uncle John. As for me IÕve been good too. I didnÕt kill any dishwashers this month".


Paul crossed his arms, and looked towards the ceiling. Then tore into John like he hadnÕt in decades.


"Is that all yer going to bleedin say ? You vanish before our very eyes, you upset Heather, you upset Bea, and you upset me ! For christs sake John, youÕve got to be more responsible. You canÕt just fade in and fade out whenever it suits you. You upset any member of my family once more and yer out !. Now what have you got to say for yourself ?".


"Look sport, I didnÕt plan or want to fade out on you. And if that fadin' bit upset you IÕm sorry. But think how I felt ! I had a long talk with Eppy and he said that will happen every now and then, and thatÕs thereÕs nothing I can do about it. So if you want to piss and moan at me go ahead. But donÕt bitch at me for something I canÕt control. I canÕt control it any more than you can control you age".


George looked at Paul. "HeÕs right Paulie. YouÕll find out all about it when your time comes. Think of both of us as coming attractions. But if you piss us off you might have nobody to meet you than some old fart with the personality of a piece of wood".


"Well me mum and dad are there" said Paul


"Not any more. They moved last week. We should know. John and I helped them" added George.


Ringo had no wish to reopen any wounds, especially now that they were finally closed. So he adjourned to another room. Heather and Barbara, who had just returned from lieing down, joined him. Paul, John, and George talked amongst themselves.


"IÕve been staying away because something has got me royally cheesed off. For some fuckinÕ reason I know GeorgeÕs thoughts and he knows mine. He may have been known as the "quiet Beatle" but this old reprobate is a regular mixer. He has the dirtiest mind. You wouldnÕt believe some of the thoughts in his head" said an abnormally restrained John .


"YouÕre no saint John Lennon yerself. Do you want me to tell Paul what you thought of him in Õ66 ?" added George.


The expression on Pauls face was one of bewilderment. Two people, that knew each other for almost fifty years, who looked up to each other, and were almost brothers, had access to each others thoughts. Paul looked at George.


"You mean you know what heÕs thinkinÕ ?" Paul asked George while pointing at John.


"I sure do. And heÕs got the most polluted mind in the world. He only thinks about one thing. Sex. I didnÕt know he had the hots for Pattie. Did you ?".


Paul hemmed, hawed and blushed a bit. "Well as a matter of fact I did. We were doing some frigginÕ album, and you couldnÕt make the session for some reason. John and I started shoottinÕ the shit, one thing led to another. And John blurted out he had the hots for Pattie. You have to admit she was one tasty bird".


"But she was me bloody wife. Mine !" said George incensed that one his best friends had intimate feelings for his ex-wife. "Why didnÕt you tell me sooner ?" George demanded to know.


"You just donÕt say something like that" said Paul.


"ThatÕs a bleedinÕ cop out if I ever heard one" bellowed George.


"Truth ?" said Paul.


"If you think you can handle it" crowed George.


"The truth is I was jealous of you. I thought you played guitar much better than me, and when you married Pattie I thought there was no way I was going to be lucky enough to get a girl like her" said Paul


"Bull ! You had Jane Asher !" said George.


"Jane was of one world, and I was of an another. The world I inhabited, hell we all inhabited, was one that could almost change overnight. We gave life together a bash. But ultimately our worlds never met. Hers was too different from mine. Not soon after we became engaged she said something IÕll never forget. She said "if you really loved me youÕd leave The Beatles". There was no way I could or would have done that at that time. You guys were more than brothers to me, and still are. The group meant everything to me. If I had left it IÕd spurt" confessed Paul.


"Straight up ?" asked George


"Straight up, all the way" said Paul.


"Christ. I need a drink after hearinÕ all that." Said a George who was obviously taken aback by the sudden honesty.


"I hate to break all this honesty and crud, but do you think we get back to the "real" problem" John interjected.


"Sorry. Do have any idea how this happened" asked Paul of John


"DonÕt ya think weÕve asked ourselves that. We donÕt even know when it started. If I donÕt get George out of my head IÕm going to go starkers" said John


"How do you think I feel. YouÕre no joy to have rumbling between me ears. My thoughts are just that. Mine. And to have you privy to them, without permission, well that pisses me off more than you could ever know" responded George.


"I do now" added John who wore a mischievous smile


"Get outta my head. You thunderinÕ about in there makes me ill" said George while eyeing a brandy bottle.




Together they left Pauls in search of their friend Brian Epstein. After taking what probably felt like a small eternity explaining the situation to Brian, Brian felt duty bound to do what he could for his old friends. Being dead had itÕs advantages. Brian was now privy to a vast repository of knowledge. He picked up a very large book and started leafing through it. In it he discovered the last time this occurred, the reason for it, and how to correct it. As Brian perused the book he discovered he was supposed to ask a few questions.


"After you both died did you two ever do something together at the same instant as the other ?" asked Brian.


"Would ya mind repeating that ? I think we need a translation" said John


"Maybe I should read you whatÕs written down. Now listen carefullyÉitÕs in a very odd dialect".


"When the thoughts of phantoms two become one, they did as one something. The actions of the two, now one, can be undone at the Plain of Salisbury. The stone of time can heal the wound. The two now one must touch. Time will be undone as will the one return to two. Should time not be undone the two will be one forever." said Brian


"Would ya mind putting that in terms I can understand" asked George


Brian closed the oversized book and spoke. "Both of you need to go to Stonehenge. There you must both touch the stone of time at the very same instant. When you do you will be whisked back in time to witness the event that started your thought exchange. Then and only then will you have a chance to alter the event and change what has happened to you both. But you will only get one chance. Failure will mean remaining as you are for the remainder of eternity".


"Ok Brian, youÕve had your fun. Now what does it really say ?" said John expecting Brian to grin as only he could. But he did not.


"ThatÕs it boys. I canÕt sugarcoat it anymore. Go to Stonehenge, locate the stone of time, touch it together, and find out what started this all. You'll go back in time, but you will only get one chance to undo this mess. You asked me what it meant and I told you. Now I suggest you do what I said and this will all be over, that is unless you enjoy hearing each others thoughts" said a tired Brian. He discovered dealing with any Beatle, even in the afterlife was just as tiring as it had been when he was alive.




As John and George entered Salisbury Plain they found themselves at the back of a queue of tourists, all snapping pictures. There was one, the leader of the group, with a microphone telling the tourists all about Stonehenge, its age, and other information. The leader of the tourists called out the name of the stones, and said what they may have been used for. When the stone of time was identified both ex-Beatles hurried towards it. John touched it first, then George. Nothing happened.


"What the fucks wrong" yelled John


"Brian stressed that we were to touch it at the very same instant" said George.


"How the hell are we supposed to do that ?" said a visibly exasperated John.


George held on to Johns wrist while John touched the stone. As he did the sky above them grew dark, lightning flashed, the wind picked up, and thundered boomed. Just then they noticed the rock was alive. And it spoke to them.


"Be you phantoms ?"


"Yes. Two as one" shouted George as the wind picked up.


"Behold" said the rock.


The weather cleared as quickly as it had appeared, and John and George could see themselves walking towards Pauls house, and passing through the gate that surrounded it. At the very same time. That must be it !. The gate !. George rushed over and touched his otherworldly counterpart on the shoulder. The counterpart hesitated just long enough for Johns counterpart to pass through the gate first. GeorgeÕs counterpart followed, but a fraction of a second later. The sky again became dark, and the wind picked up again. They were back at Stonehenge. George thought of something. There was no reaction from John.


"What did I just think" he said


"How the hell should I know" said John.


"Do you know what this means" said George


"WeÕre two again. Not one" George yelled. When he stopped yelling he hugged John.


"Hey donÕt go all frigginÕ mushy on me". The hug continued. "Oh Christ youÕve gone potty".


The next instant Brian was before them both.


"I trust everything worked out to your satisfaction"


"You bet it did. HeÕs finally out of me head"


John looked at both of them with a very puzzled expression. "And I can see heÕs outta his" said John


At BrainÕs suggestion George started telling John all about what had happened.


"You mean you knew what was in me head ?" bellowed John


"Yup. Everything" said George


"Oh shite. I think I need to sit down" said John


"Oh no you donÕt. We were invited over to Pauls.




As they walked to the house they faced the gate that surrounded the house. George took a step back from the gate, and bowed. He motioned for John to go first.


"After you dear sir" said George


"I think youÕre stranger now that yer dead" replied John


The screen came alive with pictures of days passed.


                                                                                         Tom Austin

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