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                                                CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE







The lights were low and the beeps of the monitors could be heard through out the ward. Paul was led to were Sandy was . He looked cautiously into the cubical. He saw her lying asleep on the bed. Slowly, he walked in afraid to wake her. He quietly brought a chair over to the bed and sat down to watch her. She looked a lot better, her color was back and the nurse told him once she woke he could take her home.


He looked around to see a little blood remaining on the floor which brought back the horrible imagine of her on the bathroom floor in a pool of blood. He shivered at the thought and the thought of everything she had been through that night. Again, he vowed he wouldnÕt be causing her any pain. He would be good to her, attentive, no stress like the doctor told him and he would do it even if it killed him. He would make this up to her.  The back of his mind still nagged at him reminding him it was probably his fault.



He watched as she stirred, slowly, she opened her eyes. He took her hand in his and smiled at her.

ÒHullo luv.Ó


ÒPaul?Ó she looked around slowly for a minute and then seemed to remember what happened. She started crying .

ÒIÕm so sorry É.oh God I lost our baby É.IÕm sorry .. .IÕm so sorry  Can you ever forgive me?Ó She pleaded to him.



He caressed her face and then leaned in kissing her forehead.

Òshhh shh Luv. ItÕs ok. No forgiveness needed.Ó

His forehead came to rest on hers. Knowing it was her that should be forgiving him.



She felt his tears run down her face. He honestly was beside himself over it. Good she thought as she continued to cry, reaching out for him. He put his arms around her and they grieved together.




John and Yoko got to the house before them. He let himself in with the key they all had. Yoko suggested they clean everything up so not to upset the couple when they got home. John reminded Yoko angrily that it was Paul that concerned him not that Òcow.Ó Somehow she did this at his expense, to keep him, cage him, make him miserable and she was succeeding.



John dry heaved as he saw all the blood on the bathroom floor. Yoko pushed him aside telling him to get towels and a bucket. She cleaned it all up then rinsed out the bucket. She looked at the towels and decided the blood would never come out and told John to take them out and bury them in the rubbish bin.



John went out side surprised by Martha who was whining by the back door.

ÒOH you scared me girlÉ.Ó He scratched her head and let her in .

ÒThey must have forgotten about you . Poor thing.Ó He gave her water then hunted around until he found her food and fed her.


He wrapped up the towels in a paper bag, and then went out to the rubbish bin. He dug down to put them in when he smelt something. OH Christ it smelled fowl. He took the bag out with the odor and placed the other in. He looked curiously at it. Slowly, he opened it and peered in. He threw it down fast and ran to the bushes heaving his insides up in them. He got back upand wiped his mouth , spitting out the excess. After steadying himself so he wonÕt vomit again, he took the bag and put it in theshed. He shook his head at the thought that the blood could have come from varmints like that. How sick was this girl if he was right and after what Ritch had told him George found out; he figured he could be. He went back in not saying anything to Yoko , he didnÕt want to make her sick after she had been the one cleaning it and he could be was wrong. Somehow he doubted that he was.




Paul put his coat over Sandy who at this point only had the hospital gown to cover her bottom part and her shoes.  They wheeled her out . Doctor Walker came up and told them again how sorry she was and gave Paul something to make her sleep when they got home. She explained she always gave her patients that the first night, since they needed their rest. Sandy looked up at her not sure of this but said she would take it.



They drove up to the house and saw JohnÕs car there already and the lights on in the house. Paul carried her in and brought her upstairs, careful to keep her from seeing the bathroom. He came down to get her so water to take the pill and told them he would be down as soon as she fell asleep. He thanked George again , when George told him he was leaving and then thanked Yoko and John after they told him the bathroom was cleaned.



After Paul was safely up stairs, John pulled George aside.

ÒListen man I have to show you something. Yoko watch for Paul, while I talk to George.Ó



He pulled George outside to the shed. He felt around for the light and then closed the door behind him.

ÒThis is pretty awful, but in putting the towels Yoko used to clean up the blood , in the rubbish bin I smelt this.Ó

He lifted up the bag, keeping it far from him and handing it to George.


GeorgeÕs nose wrinkled at the smell. He opened it slowly , looked in then dry heaved, making John do the same.


ÒRight men we are.Ó John joked.


ÒDo you think she used them for the blood?Ó


John shrugged. ÒWhy else would gutted mice be buried way down in the rubbish .Ó



ÒCor , she is something elseÉ..Ó George thought for a minute. ÒHey where are those towels?Ó


John looked puzzled. ÒWhy? É..There in the can as well.Ó



George picked up the bag and closed it. He held it far from him as he walked out of the shed. John turned out the light, closing the door behind him. He walked over and watched George pull the bag of towels out of the can.

ÒEvidence my dear friend,Ó he smiled ruefully at him.


ÒWhatÕd mean ?Ó John looked at him . He was catching on but wanted to hear GeorgeÕs plan.


ÒWell these are the towels that Yoko used to clean up the blood that was supposed to be from Sandy right? Well letÕs see if the blood from the mice matches that of the towel.Ó

GeorgeÕs gave him a lopsided grin as he watched a smile spread across JohnÕs face.



ÒBloody marvelous Georgie!  Ritch is right you are Holmes!Ó

He patted George on the back.



ÒYeah well donÕt go telling Paulie. He is so dead set that he caused this miscarriage and all; heÕd flip if we told him what we knew. I dare say he wonÕt believe us. We donÕt want to alienate him. He needs us right now. When we have everything we will go from there. My friend will do tests on this , for more money of coarse but it must be done.Ó

He talked to John on his way the car , putting the bags in the boot and then getting in to his car.


John leaned into the car . ÒYou  want some money ? After all we all want to help. That prat belongs in a ward or Her MajestyÕs pleasure I tell you.Ó


George laughed at John ÒChrist , John I have more money then I know what to do with . DonÕt worry mate . IÕll ring you when I get everything in. Then we go and talk to Doctor WalkerÉunfortunately it will take some time. I hope Paul will be ok til then.Ó He laughed again at JohnÕs statement  ÒYouÕre right though she does belong in one of em.Ó


John nodded yes . ÒOk Hari , your Holmes and Ring is Watson and I guess Yoko and me weÕre the teamÉ.WeÕll hold the fort down. Knowing Macca I think we will be getting very pissed tonight. As for waiting weÕll just have to help him , be there and allÓ He thought another minute. ÒAfter all you all waited for me and tried to help . Then when I came to me senses you guys were there for us. Y know this feels good us being there for one another like old times. Oh well enough sappiness, go to workÓ  He smiled and tapped the roof of the car as he left to go back to the house.




He walked in and found Yoko sitting at the table with a cup of tea and smoking. He saw a cup on the counter for himself and poured some tea in it. He explained everything to her, she grimaced at the thought of what she had cleaned up.


 John lit a cigarette as Paul came down the stairs. His nose was as red as his puffy eyes; he spied the two sitting at the table. He was glad for their company , he certainly didnÕt want to be alone tonight. He wandered around the kitchen not knowing what he was in search of. They watched him as he finally found a bottle of scotch he had in the cupboard. John got up and poured him a cup of tea pulling him gently towards a chair at the table. Paul had brought his liquor with him and poured it into the tea. He lit a cigarette and began drinking it in silence.




He looked like a lost little boy , Yoko thought . She remembered how she and John had been at the lose of their unborn child. She felt for him as he starred at nothing, sniffling and wiping his nose with his shirt.



John got up and got a few glasses and ice. He poured three glasses of plain scotch, putting soda in YokoÕs knowing she wasnÕt accustom as they were for just plain alcohol.

Paul gulped his down and refilled it. John smiled knowing it was going to be one of those nights. He had told Yoko before that Paul and him would get rather pissed tonight and to give them some time alone. After many drinks; Yoko excused herself to the guest room leaving the two alone.




John took the bottle and cigarettes in to the living room. He came back nudging Paul gently. He looked up at John taking a minute to realize what John wanted from him. He followed him into the living room like a lost puppy dog and sat on the floor. John thought that an odd choice but sat down right next to him.



The quiet grew as thick as the smoke in the room. John had to get him to open up and when Paul was like this it was hard but he knew the minute he did the emotions would run freely out of him. He poured them both another drink. The alcohol was starting to hit his brain. He figured it must be doing Paul about the same since he was able to drink more then him. He crawled over to the stereo and piled a few albums on. The first one dropped down and began to play as he crawled back.




Half way through yet another drink, John noticed the tears again coming down PaulÕs face.

ÒHey mate I am really sorry ,Ó He figured it was time to kick the door open on the subject.


Paul looked at him a bit incoherent, disconnected from reality as much from the drink as the situation. ÒI canÕt do this.Ó                                                                            

John pulled his glasses down and looked straight into his eyes.

ÒItÕs only me, Paul.Ó



 Paul took another swig and then looked down at his hands. Nothing mattered anymore.

ÒK thanks, doesnÕt much matter anymore does it? Ò he said dryly.


John looked over at him trying to gauge where he was.

ÒYou matter mateÉ..and we are all here to help you through this.Ó


Paul nodded slightly. ÒItÕs me fault y know Johnny.Ó


John was surprised he still felt this way. ÒIsnÕt y know , doctor told you . When it happened to Yoko, I thought the same. DonÕt do it to yer self .Ó

He put his arm around his friend, who by now was feeling the effects of the alcohol and had no inhibitions; he easily laid his head on JohnÕs shoulder.

Ò Mother NatureÕs funny that way. SheÕll get rid of it if there are any problems; but it isnÕt you.Ó



Paul laid there on his friends shoulder feeling the arms he knew so well rub his back. The tears came faster as he listened . His mind wandered to the song that was playing,  ÒKnights in white satinÓ It reminded him of the party for Sgt Pepper and they kept playing it over and over again. He remembered Cyn had taken Acid and had almost fallen from the roof. CYNTHIA he thought , sheÕs so beautiful , so fragile and vulnerable. NO! NO! screamed his mind as he shot up from John yelling ÒNO!!!!!!Ó

He went over and smashed everything on the bar as he slid his arm down it.

ÒI canÕt think about her!Ó

John got up and turned Paul around . He held him by the shoulders.

ÒHey !Ó


Paul struggled . ÒWhy? Why is this happening? Everything is slowly turning to poison and itÕs inside me. I hurt them , everyone of them including me own child!!!  Still I canÕt stop thinking of her; I promised I would!Ó



John shook his head trying to figure out what he was talking about.

ÒWhat mate ? Tell me.Ó



PaulÕs breathing grew harder as he sobbed looking straight at John.

ÒItÉ.was É É.fault É..I ÉÉ.couldnÕtÉÉstopÉ..thinkingÉÉabout É..herÉ..andÉ..nowÉÉ.nowÉ.IÕm punished! My É.baby!Ó He sobbed.



ÒPunished?Ó John looked confused and thought about it for a minute. He knew Paul better then most. He slowly looked back at him. He drew him in close and held him tight.

ÒBloody Catholicism! Come on Paul no ones punishing you.Ó

He stroked PaulÕs hair , comforting him as his body convulsed the emotion out of him .

He felt the weight of PaulÕs body slump against him while he let everything out.

John heard him softly whine like a child. ÒIt ÉisÉ.y know my É. BabyÉdiedÉ.myÉfault.Ó



 Paul held on to him tighter; if he didnÕt, he felt heÕd fall into a bottom less pit that would consume him and he would never get out. He needed human contact of someone he trusted and he held on for dear life . Afraid, if he let go he would never get back.


 John knew the need in Paul. It reminded him of himself and how he could be at times.

It seemed funny only a few weeks back he was at JohnÕs throat, choking him and now he was choking him out of fear of letting go and need. He shifted so he could breath better, still holding him tight , stroking his hair and whispering to him.

ÒIÕm here mate and IÕm not going anywhereÉ..Y know I love you.Ó He felt tears fall as he admitted that to Paul. He did love him and always would no matter what happened between them. The four of them had a special bond so strong that it could be stretched , but it would never break no matter how mad they got at one  another.





When he finally calmed down , John helped him over to the couch. ÒListen yer gonna think about Cyn you love her. Yer just guilty; thinking because of it you caused this.Ó


Paul looked worn out. ÒI did. She couldnÕt help feeling hurt . When we had sex most of the time I thought of Cyn. She knew it man , she did and it was the stress and all . I caused her so much stress that it killed the baby.Ó



John frowned at him. ÒTypical bloody McCartney egotistical thinking and that damn Catholic up bring of yours; donÕt you see itÕs not about you and what you think. You are trying the best you can with a hard situation. Just stop it you bleedin  idiot . Stop being so ego centered and forget about that fire and brimstone shite, just look at it for what it is.Ò He shook his head and pulled the back of PaulÕs head to him and kissed him on the forehead.

Òyer lucky I love you Macca and if you ever tell anybody about that and what I just said IÕll deny it. Now stop this and letÕs have another drink.Ó



Paul looked surprised at the show of affection and the bluntness, but that was John and he knew it. He would keep JohnÕs admissions in his heart and to himself. Paul thought again about what John had said to him. He appreciated John being there and what he said more then heÕd ever know.

ÒI love ya too you tosser.Ó He threw a pillow at him as he walked towards the bar to replace the bottle they finished. They both started laughing and it felt good.



 John realized he was having trouble walking as he wobbled over to it, brushing through the glass, he found another bottle. He looked at it but he had long since took off his glasses and couldnÕt read the label. Oh well it was still alcohol. He brought it back to Paul who by this time was trying to forget just about everything, he was to drunk to dwell. He took the bottle from John and squinted to read it.

ÒV-o-d-k-aÓ he got it out slowly



ÒItÕs alcohol anyway.Ó John stumbled to the stereo and replaced the pile of records.

He made it back to Paul falling hard into the couch and laughing at it. He took the bottle from his friend and started pouring thedrink down his throat. He noticed while he put on the pile of albums Paul had drunk quite a bit himself. They passed it back and forth talking about everything and nothing at the same time, often changing subjects in the middle. John spit out a mouth full of liquor when he heard the next album start up, making them both laugh.

ÒYou got this one ?Ó



Paul listened for a minute, it was their first album.

ÒYeah it be ours y know itÉ listen É.Ó



John and Paul looked at each other at the same time and started laughing. The laughing grew louder as they fell to the floor. They rolled around , tears ran from their eyes, and their sides hurt from laughing so hard.


Yoko heard a the loud noise and wondered what was going on . She put her dressing gown on and padded down the hall to the stairs. She crept down, just enough to see two very drunk Beatles on their knees trying to help each other up and not doing a good job.

She continued to watch as they stayed on their knees , side by side one arm around each other, the other arm they used to pass the bottle. Swaying to the music they sang their parts to the songs, not sounding like the record. Instead their voices were slurred and a bit out of tune. Yoko laughed at this , she went back up stair and got her instamatic camera from her purse. Good she thought she had an extra flash cube, she inserted it. She again found a place on the stairs and began taking pictures. She knew they were to drunk and trying to hard to remember all the words to notice the flashes go off.  








                                                CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR






It was noon by the time Sandy woke. She looked around and didnÕt see Paul. Where could he be? He should be by her side. The anger rose inside her at the realization that he wasnÕt there. She slowly got up and put on her dressing gown. SheÕd have to get some pads and when he wasnÕt around get some more blood for them she thought as she stop to use the loo. She left the bed room and headed toward the stairs , she heard the crackle of the needle to the stereo hitting the end of a record over and over.



Slowly, incase someone saw her, she made it down the stairs holding the banister. What she saw amazed her. The bastard got drunk and had a good time last night ! Her mind screamed at the vision that lay before her. Empty bottles, ashtrays overflowing with cigarettes, a mess by the bar and two passed out drunks on the floor. They were next to each other out cold. She only hoped he would have the worst hang over ever as she made her way to the kitchen. She walked in to see Yoko reading the paper and drinking some tea.


ÒGood you are up. It is better for you to come down here then stay alone in your room.Ó She got up and poured Sandy some tea and popped some toast in for her.



ÒI wouldnÕt be alone in my room if my husband had come to bed last night!Ó she said annoyed at the situation . She sat down weakly and then sipped her tea.



Yoko brought over some jam and the toast. ÒHere eat something to get your strength back.Ó  She handed a plate to her. ÒI wouldnÕt be so hard on him. He was so devastated and lost last night. John consoled him almost all night.Ó



Sandy found that hard to believe, thinking Yoko might be covering for him.

ÒHMMMM, He looks right consoled.Ó


She spread the jam on her toast and started eating it.

Yoko studied her reaction , saying nothing . She didnÕt know whether to waste her breath and talk to her about having a miscarriage of not. She decided against it after seeing her mood. She knew now that there had been no miscarriage more then ever. She could never have acted so insensitive to John after something so horrible.



John opened his one eye, then immediately closed when he saw the light shining through the window. God his head hurt and he hadnÕt even moved it yet. He was forced to open both eyes when he felt the horrible need to pee. He covered his eyes , partially with his arm. Then rolling over he slowly and shakily started the get up . He noticed Paul was still passed out and that bloomin stereo was crackling so loud he thought it had an amplifier on it. He got up and painful walked over to it. He couldnÕt bend over it would hurt to much so he hit  the off switch with his toe. He made it to the loo and looked at the mess he was. He splashed water on his face and put some toothpaste on his finger , spreading it around his teeth then spitting it out so his mouth didnÕt taste so bad. When he came out he heard a horrible retching sound coming from the living room . He would have laughed if his head didnÕt hurt. Paul had his head in a small bucket filling it quickly with last nightÕs festivities.



Sandy heard him , she got up and leaned against the kitchen door watching him. Severed him right , she thought stifling a laugh. She changed her mood knowing heÕd become aware of her soon.



Yoko sat in amazement at how fast she could change at the drop of a hat. She got up not wanting to watch any more and wishing to go home. She walked past Sandy and up to the room seeing John coming out of the loo.

ÒWe need to go now.Ó She said quietly.

He looked at her , then at Sandy and then over to Paul . He had put the bucket down and was now trying hard to get up.

ÒNow?Ó he looked back at her.



She nodded as she headed to the spare room and motioned him to follow.



Paul got up, his head felt to heavy to hold , his eyes swollen from the tears he shed the night before. His mouth had a horrible taste in it , his body wasnÕt listening to directions to well and he had to pee badly.  He passed over to Sandy. She looked like she was crying again. What was she doing out of bed? Then he realized he didnÕt even know what time it was.

ÒHold on a sec luv.Ó He managed to croak out as he headed in to the loo.


When he came out she was on the couch. She looked as bad as Paul felt as he sat beside her. He wrapped his arms around her , letting her lay against him.


ÒI woke up and you werenÕt there . I got scared thinking you left me.Ó



Paul felt bad. He should have been there when she woke. He could seem to get anything right , he badgered himself.

ÒIÕm sorry luv I was with John . We got drunk and I guess I had me a good cry and a tantrum from the look of things.Ó



He looked at the mess before him and noticed she was doing the same.

ÒIÕll clean it up , donÕt you worry none.Ó



She nuzzled closer to him. ÒIt looks like the two of you had some night .Ó


Paul winced knowing he hadnÕt done what he said he would, be attentive and there for her.

ÒIt wonÕt happen again , I guess with the baby gone I just went sparce.Ó


She nodded and then was quiet.


Her quietness worried him. Was she mad at him ? He just didnÕt know what he was supposed to do now and it made a fight with in him . He usually knew what to do. With Sandy he was at a loss and he hated himself for it. He felt the loss for his child , loss for a love now gone and a loss for not being able to give her what she needed . He had promised himself the night before he would do everything in his power to give her what she needed. How could he with the void he felt so huge inside him. He decided he didnÕt matter , it was her and making her happy and content that did.

ÒLook IÕm sorry for everything É..I never meant to make you feel second best and somehow I guess I did. I give you my word I will from now on.Ó He squeezed her as tight as he could with how badly he felt .



ÒYou have a bad hangover huh?Ó She smiled to herself.


ÒYeah , IÕm going to take something . You want a cuppa?Ó


She gave him a small nod and let him get up from the couch.


He went into the kitchen and put the kettle on . He rummaged through the cabinets looking for the aspirin and found a smaller bottle of  vodka. He held it up and looked at it for a minute. He knew he shouldnÕt , he needed to be sober. His body took over and uncapped it. He poured the liquid down his throat quickly before he could think. The burn felt so good ,he took another.  He found the aspirins and took a few. Before capping the bottle he looked at it again and remembered John telling him on.  ÒYa gotta take a bite of the hair of the dog that bit ya , It always helps a hangover. Ò Without thinking he poured some in a large mug and mixed it with his tea , then took another sip before hiding it under the sink. He poured a mug for Sandy , careful not to mix it up . He sighed as he felt himself loosening up . Yeah that feels better he thought, as he picked up the mugs and brought them out to Sandy.





George was pacing , waiting for Ritch to come to the phone. He heard the kids in the background and Mo laughing at something Ritchie had done. Then he heard the phone pickup and another hang up.



ÒYou in another room?Óhe asked



Òyeah , Mo hung up the kitchen phone. You have news?Ó



George depressed sigh could be heard by Ringo.

ÒGeorge mate you ok?Ó


ÒYeah , Just cheesed off is all. That bloody doctor took a holiday . I tracked him down and he wonÕt be back for a week and he says it will take a fortnight to get everything together.Ó He slumped back in his chair.



ÒCor , I thought he was going to do this for the money and all straight away?Ó

ÒNaww says he had this holiday  planned with the family and not to worry he will do what he can . Ritch it will be another few weeks!Ó



Ringo carried the phone to the window . He looked out at the sky and wondered would they ever get the proof they needed.

ÒDid you tell John?Ó


ÒYeah , he was to lurgy to listen said heÕd ring me later. Him and Macca got quite pissed last night.Ó He bit his lip at remembering the little John had told him about the night before he had to go.



Òwell I guess we wait then ÉÉarenÕt you always talking about working on faith and all?Ó Ringo reminded him.




ÒRight, I think I am going to meditate , get me self centered with me head in one piece.Ó



ÒThen I Ôll ring off . You go meditate get it all together.Ó



ÒRing ya soon Ritch.Ó He hung up the phone and slumped even more into the arm chair. Meditate that would be good , he really needed it. He heard some foot steps and looked up over the chair to see his beautiful wife .


 She came over to him . Her hands went on her hips as she looked down at him. He looked worn out and dejected. From what she didnÕt know and moved his leg so she could sit on his lap. Her mouth formed a pout as she starred into his eyes.



He looked at this beautiful creature sitting on his lap; he had often wondered how he had gotten so lucky to call her his wife. That pout drove him to distraction and he couldnÕt stop his body from reacting as it always did with her. His hands slowly slid around her and he instantly felt her warmth. His hand stroked her hair and gently led her lips to his. God, she was incredible, all he wanted , all he needed right now was to feel her. He needed to forget and melt in to her heavenly body. His mouth devoured hers, their tongues intertwining and he heard a soft moan escape her lips, bringing his body to more of a heightened awareness. Meditation quickly left his mind as his body took control .



She felt his urgency as her brought her to him in a sweet hungry kiss. His hands surrounded her, running over even the smallest part of her. Every nerve in her body sizzled from his touch. He needed her and all she wanted was to give herself to the man she loved, the man that was her husband. He had been so distracted lately, she was starting to wonder if it was her. The thought left her mind in the last few minutes. She felt her dress unzippered  as he slid it slowly off her shoulders.



He looked at her skin as the dress slowly slid down her. He nuzzled her neck in kisses trailing down her shoulder as he followed the path down along with her dress. Her breasts stood exposed but for her lacey bra. He nibbled through it, feeling her squirm from the sensation. His one hand held her breast while he nibbled as his other softly slid around to unclip her bra . He let go letting it fall forward, he pushed her up gently and let her dress and slip fall to the ground. There she was a vision , only wearing panties. His manliness pushed against his jeans , letting him know how gorgeous she was.



She gave him a seductive smile as his eyes wondered her body. Her hands picked at the elastic in her panties and pulling them down she stepped out in her full glory. She loved the way he was looking at her a look he hadnÕt given her in a few weeks.


 Her long blonde hair swung around her shoulders and framed face, making her look even more seductive if that were possible. What a beautiful painting she would be , he thought as he saw the light hit her hair and weave around her body. He couldnÕt take it any more and stood up . His shirt was off almost as fast as his pants. Naked, he went to her and pulled their bodies together in a perfect fit.



She gasped at his strength as he pulled her to him. They fit so well together, her softness against his hardness. She sighed as he kissed her with passion and fury. She felt her self fall slowly to the floor , like a feather that wisps through the air as it gently settles to the ground. He covered her body with the warmth of his mouth, her breaths became shorter with each show of affection.



He tasted her body, as he would a piece of succulent fruit. Each taste making him hungrier and invoking him on his journey . He opened her legs as gently as you would a delicate flower trying to find the center. Like a magnet he was pull to it and slowly he entered her, making them one . One as man and women , one as husband and wife and one as one soul; the closet two people can be.



She shivered at his seductiveness, arching her back as she felt him taste her with his tongue. She felt him go went slowly , arousing every part of her and opening her legs drawing him to her core. She groaned as they joined together and found the beat of the rhythm along with him.  Together they moved as one . Nothing in the world matter but the love he was showing her. She felt his sweet sweat drip on to her as he moved inside.


He pulled her along , the beat growing louder , the rhythm getting faster. He played her with a familiarity that came with years. The music rouse to a peak, crashing around them in a satisfying end . He collapsed  giving her soft kisses full of the love that he felt for her.



She lay there entangled in his arms and legs still joined together. She felt his soft kisses , so loving and warm. She  knew he still loved her the way she still loved him . She looked into his eyes and wondered how she ever got so lucky to call him her husband.