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                                                CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE








            A Few weeks had passed since that horrible day and life seemed to get more of a routine. The album was finished and released to overwhelming reviews. All over the world people bought it. The white cover with the small print The Beatles was a stroke of brilliance the music papers said. A double album of music that moved in different directions, from a soft lullaby, to heavy rockers and beautiful melodies making it yet another hit by the Beatles.. The praise was endless at their first Apple record.


Sandy knew he still thought of Cynthia and it drove her beyond the realm of reason. He tried to hide it with his on going attentiveness but she felt the lack of love in his heart; a heart that belonged to another. She craved for that heart to belong to her and as days grew to weeks she fought harder to get it.


 She over heard him talk to John when he came back from Italy, asking how Cynthia and Julian were. Her blood boiled and the hate grew. When would he forget about her? She kept out of sight, listening to the conversation between the two.


He sat trying to talk quietly to John so Sandy wonÕt hear him. He had been trying his best to forget Cynthia but the battle was hard and when John came back from a visit he had to know. He was doing his best with Sandy, spending more time then he cared to with her. Keeping the promise that he made to do what he could to be a good husband and make her happy. He stopped thinking of himself only doing what he had to, shaving and showering, just trying to get through the day with his endless flow of alcohol and pot.    He couldnÕt deny the affect this was all having on him and he felt like he had lost a good part of what was James Paul McCartney somewhere along the way. He could no longer write a melody no less a song. The music had left him along with everything else, yet the guilt kept him where he never wanted to be.




ÒHow is she John?Ó he asked quietly as his heart pounded for the answer.



ÒWell what do you expect Macca? She is trying her best to get on with it. Has she forgotten you? ThatÕs what you really want to know isnÕt it?Ó John prodded, knowing the answer.



ÒI guess so . I know IÕm being selfish . I really donÕt want to be, but yes, thatÕs what I am asking.Ó  He shifted in his chair looking to see where Sandy was.




ÒNo she hasnÕt É..She has been going around with Roberto though. I see the way he looks at her .Ó he said in a sing song voice , hoping it would get through to him.               Ò Paul divorce Sandy and go get her before she Ôs gone .Ó John said bluntly.




 Jealousy ran through him at the mention of Roberto and his feelings toward Cynthia.      Ò I canÕt . DonÕt you see I am married and IÕm afraid after everything that happened.Ó He sighed at the thought. ÒIf I left it would be too much for her. She is always bringing up the baby and having another. Telling me please not to leave her, that she doesnÕt know what she would do if I did.Ó He moaned.



John heard the pain and the shadow of a friend he used to know. God , he thought this is really doing him it. He wished George would go a little faster and they could prove everything to him. In his guilt he would never listen and lately he was always half in the bag anyway. They were losing him and he for one wasnÕt going to sit by and watch it . He would get a hold of George and Ritch later today.



ÒRight, You donÕt think she is doing a number on you mate?Ó he tried to point out to him with out getting him mad.



ÒNo, I talked to the doctor and she said it was depression from losing the baby and that we should start trying for another baby.Ó he let out a heavy sigh. ÒI guess the end of the week she will be ready. Ò  He explained.



ÒOh so youÕve been with out all this time ? Not even a gate bird to tied you ?Ó John laughed.



ÒNo , I have been good. I swear on me mum about that.Ó He said quickly.



John laughed a bit more. ÒYer hand fallen off yet?Ó



Paul laughed at that as well. ÒNaww, me best friend is still there.Ó He looked down just to see, he laughed as he caught himself. He hadnÕt laughed like this in a while, it felt good. He needed to get out with out Sandy, but he wouldnÕt do that to her.



ÒJules, howÕs the little bugger doing?Ó he inquired.



ÒGrowing like a weed he is. He does miss you and his dog?Ó John laughed at the memory of his son asking about his dog.


ÒOh right, he did fancy her a lot and I told him she was his as well ÉÉÉbefore everything happened.  He does ask about me?Ó he said encouraged by what John had told him.




ÒYeah, donÕt be so daft he loves you, always has. Even when you came to Kentwood he got all in a potty over your visits. Hey you been working on any new material?Ó He tried to change the subject.



ÒNO, canÕt get any thing out. I donÕt even try anymore. It was always there and IÕd go work on it but nothing is coming.Ó He admitted sheepishly.



ÒItÕs no wonder, you been nipping it a bit, the bottle I mean and maybe a little smoke here and there?Ó Again he was blunt.



ÒNot much really.Ó He found himself lying.



ÒTalked to your family lately?Ó John asked trying to see how far down he had become. Paul always talked to his family. They were so close the McCartney clan and it at times had made him jealous.



ÒThey call but I let Sandy talk to them. Ò He no longer wanted to go on with the inquisition. ÒI have to ring off now, get back to Sandy. Give them my loveÉÓ he then thought better of it. ÒNo, just donÕt say anything to them. IÕll ring you soon.Ó



ÒRing me soon? I havenÕt heard from you unless I call. This is the first time youÕve called me in weeks.Ó He reminded Paul.



ÒOh sorry on that one and I told you Sandy is a full time job.Ó He regretted it the minute it came out.



ÒPaul love shouldnÕt be a job. The end of my marriage it seemed like a job, thatÕs how I knew it was completely over and I was just lurking about me own house, staying out of guilt and afraid of being alone.Ó He pointed out to Paul.



ÒRight, I have to go. Ring you soon.Ó He hung up the phone feeling worse then before.

He got up and took the bottle out from the closet. He didnÕt even bother with a glass. He uncapped it and just guzzled down some of the bottle, before he went to hide it away.



Sandy had done her best to manipulate her new title as wife.  She was by his side as much as she could, leaving him only for short periods of time. She began to take notice of his drinking habits. He wouldnÕt get drunk much but he often had several to make it through the day or get high. He would offer her some of the joint and she would gladly take it. That would be some of their best times; high, laughing and talking about nothing that mattered.  She had to be with him again, she had to feel him and make love to him. She couldnÕt stand the thought of waiting any longer. Her body was consumed with him and the need to be with him in every way.  She knew he hadnÕt been with anyone else, how could he ? She was always around. He had needs and she wasnÕt going to wait around until he did get them met somewhere else! She stood up from where she was , anger seething through her veins as she marched into the kitchen catching him off guard as he quickly put the bottle back.



ÒI heard some of your talk with John. When are you going to forget about her? .Ó She asked tears welling up in her eyes.



He saw them as he walked to her . ÒIÕm so sorry É..I didnÕt know you where there. I donÕt know what to say except I am really trying.Ó



She let the tears pour out knowing that he hated when she cried.

ÒIÕm sorry is all you ever say. Look at you!!!  You donÕt take proper care and well I know itÕs me. IÕm sorry being with me is so bloody awful that you have to drink to get through the day! You are probably glad the baby is gone and then you can leave me as soon as I am strong enough! Ò



He felt a wave of guilt and sorrow pass through him.

ÒNo IÕm not glad that the baby is gone and I told you I wouldnÕt leave you . I promised you that. You are my wife .Ó


She looked up at him through her tears and hit him quick with her next statement.

ÒThen show me IÕm your wife.Ó She said quietly. ÒMake love to me. Not to her . Ò



His body reacted before his mind and he grabbed her into his arms. It had been to long since he had gone without and he hadnÕt gone with out in years. He pulled her to him in a frantic kiss. Hard and needy he kissed her, his body yearned for release and it didnÕt matter if it was her or someone else. He would have never admitted it to her but his body cried for release and in his fever he didnÕt care if he was supposed to wait a few more days.  He picked her up in his arms and took her to the bed room. He kissed her the whole way up. Placing her on the bed he tore his clothes off then went for hers. She helped him; she needed to be one with him so much. He was like her drug and her addiction was in withdrawal.  He tore at her like an animal, kissing her and almost devouring her in the process. He sucked her breasts hard and rubbed himself franticly against her. She moaned with the passion that had been stored up inside her for weeks. The passion had been stored up in both of them, although for her it was love and for him it was just lust. He was in her fast and hard, pulling her from under her lower back so he could get inside her as far as he could. She felt so warm, wet and inviting. He went on in his abandon, freely taking the liberties she offered.  He was dizzy with the overwhelming lust he felt. He rubbed against her bringing her to her peak, screaming as she cum. He then pushed deep inside of her, going as fast and hard as he felt the sweet friction that brought him closer.




She fell into his frantic love making as it took her over. The furriness of his actions brought her over the edge to a climax of sweet release, screaming his name and pulling at his hair to go on. Her fingers scratched down his back as he pounded into her. She knew in the back of her mind that he wasnÕt making love to Cynthia or even to her; it was just from the weeks of frustration. This didnÕt matter at the moment because she needed him inside her so bad and he felt so good. She watched his uncontrollable excitement as he drove on in violent thrusts. Her body felt like it would explode as he brought her again to the edge.



He was wild, not thinking and just going on the intense need for fulfillment.  He felt like an animal desperate for the weeks of stress to leave. He drove on until he felt it rise in side him like a volcano, letting out a scream as the overpowering eruption began. His body shown in the sweat that poured from him. He shook at the finality of the long awaited relief. He rolled off of her and lying still; he gasped for the air his lungs needed. The glow wrapped warmly around him not letting him move. Spent and satisfied , he closed his eyes feeling Sandy gently snuggle up to him cooing how good he felt.



Their love making left her body still and with a glow as she felt the remains of him still warm and wet inside her. She snuggled up to him as she caught her breath. She listened to his heart pounding and him sucking in the air he needed. Soon she heard his breathing rise and lower normally as he fell asleep.




 She had quietly left their bed, showered, changed and then left. She left him a quickly scratched note saying she would be back soon. She turned the collar of her coat up to block the cold wind as she walked towards her friends flat. She quickly ran up the stairs needing to get warm. The buzzer rang letting the door open , once inside she felt the warmth come back and got on the lift to the third floor.




Laura buzzed Sandy in wondering why she would be here. She was always so careful not to let anyone see them together. The door opened and the figure rushed in draping her coat on the rack. The fire felt good as it burned brightly, warming her. Sitting down, Laura brought them both some tea and then sat down to find out why the urgent visit.




ÒWhat are you doing here Sandy?Ó she asked a little nervous.




Sandy sipped the tea. ÒI need to talk to you.Ó



ÒListen they run me ragged at the hospital and the office. I think they want to break me sometimes and I am really in need of some sleep.Ó She said wearily.



ÒRight IÕll get to the point. Ò She stood up pacing furiously at what she was thinking about. Then she turned her anger on Laura . Who did she think she was?

ÒY know you wanted to be a doctor all your life , a doctor when women where only nurses! Who do you think you are?  If it wasnÕt for my father you would be a nurse you bloody idiot!!!!Ó her voice was raising.

ÒMy father and his power and influence is what got you here today!!!!  You have some nerve to complain . He paid for everything!!!!  And if it wasnÕt for me talking to him begging him , manipulating him you would be a fucking bleedin nurse so stop your shit. Oh and letÕs not forget about dear ol Bill!Ó



Laura winced at his name. Throughout SandyÕs tirade she had shrunk into her chair. She hated when Sandy got like this. So many times she watched her go on and some times feeling the out come of such a tirade. Sandy would often through things, hit , punch anything to get her anger out. Her family would often put up with it never seeking help. After all in those days your business stayed with in the house. You kept tight lipped about your problems and Sandy was a big problem. They would do anything , especially her father to keep her happy . Her ups and downs were like riding a roller coaster. She felt for Paul, what had he been going through with her; using any means to get what she wanted from a   person. She felt helpless as they always had growing up. She never remembered her being any other way. She had come to the family later on . Her mom had been best friends with SandyÕs mom and when her parents died it had been in their will that she go to the Parkers. SandyÕs family helped her through that tragic time, especially Sandy and the girls though different in age became close , like sisters. The family was glad , Laura was the only one who could get through to her for a while. When Sandy got older , things got worse. She never thought of the consequences for her actions and her family always bailed her out , enabling her to keep going without realizing it. They loved her , she was their only child and they did it in the name of love. True, her family soon became to think of Laura as a member and her father through his weight around to get her where she was. He told her that she better not disappoint him after all his trouble but also told her she was the kind of daughter he always wanted. She never knew until later that Sandy overheard them. She would manipulate people and Laura became one of them. Laura had high hopes when Sandy went into the hospital and when she got out she was a lot better.

Lately over the past year she stopped her medications, complaining they made her to tired, took her sex drive down to almost nothing and she just didnÕt understand anymore why she had to take them. Laura had tried to get her back on them to no avail ; she had promised SandyÕs mother as she died of cancer that she would look out for her. It was getting harder and harder to cover up SandyÕs messes and exhausting. She had promised this would be the last time. She hated hurting that poor man , who seemed so crushed when he thought his baby had died. Now she watched as Sandy had yet another tantrum. The noise of breaking glass brought her back to Sandy as she saw one of her vases on the floor in pieces.


ÒWhyÕd you do that ?Ó she asked knowing her temper was uncontrollable when she was like this.



ÒBecause you are not listening to me!!!!!!Ó she yelled with such venom.



Laura went over and got a broom and dust pan. Sweeping it up she kept her eye on Sandy afraid of her as she went on.



ÒReally Laura you never appreciate all I have done for you. I would never do anything for anyone else but you Éwell except for my Paul.Ó It was then her anger grew even more at the thought of what brought her here in the first place.


ÒYou will never say anything about what happened I trust. After all we have been through and since you werenÕt listening to me when I reminded you of Bill. I will remind you again. Ò she continued in a calm but menacing voice.



Laura finished cleaning up and shivered at her last statement. Over the years she became to fear Sandy as everyone else in her family did. Now that her father was so ill all she had was Laura . She sat back down listening to her as she kept going.



ÒRemember William Baker? Oh how could you forget him now. I saved you from him I know you remember that!Ó she hissed.



ÒYes of coarse I remember Bill.Ó Laura said timidly.



ÒI told you he was scumÉÉusing you to get to daddy and hurting you in the process. You know I would do anything for you .Ó she stopped a gave her an eerie smile. Her eyes seemed to light up at the memory of it all. The light of satisfaction that shone from her eyes when ever she did something to make them pay, as she would put it.

ÒHe had to pay for what he did to you and I made sure of that! He will never hurt anyone againÉ..To think he could out smart me was his demise .Ó she laughed at the thought.



Laura shifted uncomfortable at the memory. ÒPlease Sandy I donÕt want to rehash this.Ó




ÒOh come come now Laura. It was a well  planned out accident..Ó she looked over to her and shrugged.

ÒHe had it coming. You know that and when they tried to get me for it , nothing could be proven and they all agreed it was an unfortunate accident he had.Ó She snickered at that.


ÒOh I only wished I could have told him as he died that it was me and that it was for you. Now you know you were involved and I trust as always nothing weÕve done lately will ever be told to anyone by you. After all you wouldnÕt want to go to jail. You would never survive it, it is horrible; but they couldnÕt break me. But for someone like you É.. well letÕs just say you wouldnÕt do good there. Even if you didnÕt go you would have your license pulled and it would be a backward step for women all over. Ò she laughed again.

ÒYou especially wouldnÕt want to be a nurse after all your struggles.Ó



She picked up a picture of them together on holiday in Europe and starred at it. She continued to look at it then finally put it down.




Laura looked up at her waiting for what she knew she didnÕt want to hear.

ÒWhat are you up to now?Ó


In a voice to calm for her mood she  looked to Laura; her eyes again shone the way it always did before she did something that Laura didnÕt want to be a part of.


ÒCynthia Powell Lennon is getting on my wick. I heard Paul asking John today about her. He will never rid himself of her so I guess I will have to. Ò



LauraÕs eyes flew open wide knowing what she was talking about.

ÒNo.Ó she said quietly.



SandyÕs temper rose again. ÒNO!  No you say ? Come off it . I will never have his heart until she is gone!!!!!Ó she yelled so loud it shook Laura.


ÒWhat are you going to do?Ó she was afraid to ask. The thought made her stomach lurch and her head ache .



ÒWell, I figure with all my money that I have in the deposit boxes at my banks. Well, I am sure I could find someone again to É.shall we say, put poor Cynthia out of her misery.Ó She chuckled. ÒI am being a humanitarian. They put animals out of their misery. I mean the poor girl is heart broken over Paul and well she will sleep peacefully once again. Ò She started thinking, musing about the situation.

ÒThink of it Laura. She will be gone and I will console Paul and then he will become to need me and then fall in love with me , not having her around will surely help the situation and then we will have a family of our own . We will be happy, you will see. Ò



Laura felt sicker. My God will this ever stop ? She asked her self. She tried not to let on to Sandy what was going on in her mind.

ÒWhat about her child? Ò



ÒOh him? Well his daddy can have him and poor Yoko has had her daughter torn from her and hasnÕt been able to keep her pregnancies so she will be more then happy to be JulianÕs new mum.Ó She smiled at the thought. ÒSee Laura all will be right with the world.Ó



ÒWhen? How?Ó she asked alarmed at the thought.




ÒOh Laura always the one wanting the details. I donÕt know how I could do all of this without you. I have to find someone and get the money and I think one of those wonderful accidents people have.Ó She smiled pleased with her self.

Laura stood up and looked at her. ÒMe? What do you mean you couldnÕt do this without me?Ó



Sandy walked over to her friend and gave her a hug. ÒYou make me think of the details luvÉ..and remember youÕre in all of this with me. We are a team you and me always have been. Mum and daddy knew how good you were for me and they were right.Ó




Laura shrugged Sandy off of her. ÒI am not a part of this one. I will not help murder someone. What are you thinking? Please I am begging you donÕt do this.Ó



Sandy shook her head. ÒOh, poor sweet Laura . DaddyÕs favorite girl. You are a part of me, donÕt you know that?  I love only three people in this world . Daddy of coarse; you and Paul. Ò She smile at the thought of how close her and Paul would be soon.

ÒLetÕs not call it murder ok? I rather fancy it as putting her out of her misery in to a peaceful sleep. Ò she turned quickly around to Laura .

ÒI will do this.Ó She said adamantly . Ò LetÕs just say her clocking is running out of time . I think the funeral would be better before Christmas. Y know give poor Julian some time and my first Christmas with Paul will not be a sad one so I have to move quickly. A week , two at the very most.Ó



Laura tried hard to hold her emotions in check. ÒPlease Sandy donÕt.Õ she begged.



SandyÕs voice grew in anger again. ÒStop it will you !!! Ò



She grabbed her coat and put it on.

ÒIt will be fine like everything we do. Remember our daughter will be named after youÉ. Now I donÕt know why youÕre making such a fuss over nothing. ItÕs not like we havenÕt done this before.Ó



Laura looked over at her in surprise. ÒWhat?Ó



ÒOh come on Laura . We did Bill together.Ó She smiled sweetly at the memory.



ÒI had nothing to do with Bill . I didnÕt even know until he was dead.Ó She said quickly.



ÒLaura now stop this innocent act . I told you what I was going to do.Ó She reminded her friend.



ÒNo, you told me but I thought it was just talk, y know when someone is mad and just thinks of it to help with their anger. I never thought youÕd do it.Ó She had tried so many times to get this across to Sandy but she just stayed in her own world.




ÒOh stop , I Ôm growing bored with this . I have to go home and take care of Paul . I left him a note and I have to figure out where to tell him I was. Ò she went over and gave Laura kiss. ÒTa for everything. She grabbed her purse and was out the door before Laura could say another word.



Laura sat down dumfounded at what had just happened . Oh God she couldnÕt let her do this again. This time maybe she could stop it but how? She didnÕt want to go to jail and she knew Sandy would make sure of her punishment after betraying her. She sat there crying as the light turned to darkness.











                                                CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX









The phone made a shrilling noise that could be heard throughout the house. George ran and picked it up.





ÒWell itÕs about fuckin bloody time you answered the phone!Ó


George laughed it could be no other then John. He had probably been trying to get him all day with no luck , adding to his mood.



ÒHullo John. I was just going to ring ya.Ó He chuckled.



ÒCome off it and stop yer laughin we gotta talk.Ó



ÒHold on a sec. I have to see where Pattie is .Ó George covered the phone and yelled out for her.



Pattie came into the kitchen , smiling at him.

ÒWhat do you want pet?Ó she purred at him.



ÒJust wanted to know if you could hang this for me whilst I take it in the other room. ItÕs John we have some business to discuss would you be a luv?Ó He smiled at her and then leaned over giving her a kiss.



ÒCoarse not . Let me know when you have it.Ó She said still lingering over his lips.



He sighed not wanting to leave her . She looked so inviting and he knew heÕd get lucky if he told John heÕd call him back. Oh well, later perhaps , first things first he consoled himself. John wouldnÕt stand for it anyway. He took his lips from hers and hurried up the stairs before he changed his mind. He picked up the phone then yelled down to Pattie. When he heard her hang it up , he began his conversation with John.



ÒOk mate.Ó



ÒOk mate? Christ Hari  I could hear you snogging over here for God sakes.Ó He laughed as he said it.



ÒSorry , bout that . Ò He said as he blushed.




ÒWell enough of that. Where you been ? IÕve been trying you fer hours. I talked to Paul today he sounds like right shite. We need to move now!Ó John spoke with urgency .



ÒRight , well actually thatÕs where I was . Talking to that doctor friend of mine. The juries in mate and I just got off the Phone with Ritch, heÕll be here shortly . I think itÕs time for a meeting.Ó He said adamantly.



ÒYou canÕt tell me over the phone. Ya gotta make me wait until I come to you?Ó

John was a little annoyed. He wanted to know now what was up, not go across London to find out.



ÒSorry Johnny yer gonna have to wait. Just get your arse over here.Ó He said jokingly.


ÒOh get stuffed would ya. IÕll be over soon and there wonÕt be any snogging going on there now Georgie.Ó He laughed as he hung up the phone.




George couldnÕt stop laughing as he came down the stairs to wait for his mates. They should be there in 30 minute. Then he went to look for Pattie. Maybe enough time for a quickie , no snogging my arse. He thought as he found Pattie .



ÒLuv? The guys are comin by in about 30 minute to talk some business.Ó He saw her pout.



ÒAww George I didnÕt even see you all day and now your gonna be busy tonight?Ó she complained.



ÒSalright my pet we still have 30 minutes , well 29 now. Ò He playfully smacked her bottom and watched as she ran to the stairs. He took off after her, both laughing the whole time.







George answered the door while he tucked in his shirt. He saw John laughing behind Ritch who didnÕt seem to get the joke.


ÒI told you thereÕll be none of that dirty stuff going on there son.Ó JohnÕs face still wore a big smile.


Ringo realized what they were talking about and started to laugh.

ÒYour lucky when you have kids you have to schedule an appointment.Ó They all started laughing harder at that one.



ÒYou mean you and Mo have a schedule to when you shag?Ó George looked at him with that lopsided grin.



ÒSometime yes. Ò Ringo laughed ÒSometimes we do the spontaneity thing.Ó



ÒThatÕs when Mo will let the bugger touch her.Ó John chastised him.


ÒAww shove off would ya.Ó Ringo smiled at him.


ÒHey you guys ride together?Ó George inquired.


ÒYeah I rang him after getting off the phone with you and had Les pick him up on the way. Figured IÕd pump it out of him . As always he was no bleedin help.Ó John smiled.



ÒThank you son . So that makes me worthless to ya?Ó Ringo teased.



John came up the middle of them putting his arms around each of them as they walked to GeorgeÕs music room.

ÒNaww sometimes you have yer momentsÉ..Like right now come ead we have some work to do and things to find out.Ó He looked straight at George as they walked in.




GeorgeÕs look grew serious as he took out a note book with papers in them. He got everyone a drink then they all sat down around a small table.



ÒRight then , you were right John the blood was from the mice. Ò



JohnÕs lips tightened. ÒI knew it! SheÕs a nutter a brilliant nutter.Ó

They both looked at him confused. John looked back at them he couldnÕt fathom what she did but he did appreciate the thought that went behind it


ÒI donÕt mean I agree with it. IÕm just sayin it was brilliance to think of something so sick and twisted.Ó



Ringo shook his head. ÒLeave it to Lennon to appreciate the sick and twisted when he canÕt even take the cripples.Ó




ÒRight well there is plenty more for John to appreciate.Ó George lit a cigarette starting a chain of events that would leave the room in a cloud of smoke by the time they were finished.



ÒSeems she has always been a bit off and she ended up checking herself into an institution a few years back. Doc says she has personality disorders or something to that effect . Anyroad, he told me he got her records and she is very dangerous it seems. Has rages and is manipulative. Fixates on things and will do everything until she gets what she wants including murder .Ó


They both looked up at him in shock. ÒMurder? Ò they said in unison.



ÒYeah , well let me start at the beginning . This Laura Walker is a good friend of the family. Seems after her parents died she moved in with them and Mr. Parker pulled some strings to get her to be a doctor; used his money and influence it seems. When she was in med school she got involved with a man named William Baker. Seems he got involved with her to get to the old man. So Sandy got to him and found him out. He died in a freak accident , lost control of the car, it went over a guard rail and down a ravine and they tried to say Sandy had something to do with it. He had gone to the police a few days earlier fearing for his life. Well, she got off; there really wasnÕt anything to hold her on, except what Baker had said. No witnesses nothing. She has had trouble holding down jobs with her temper and all. Had a few run ins with co workers and like I said the girls got money. She is so sick she has several different banks she keeps her money in . She doesnÕt have accounts so no one knows her worth. She keeps it in safety deposit boxes. Can you believe that one? I told you it was to neat. She came across as a poor girl looking for a job when she really only wanted our Paulie there.Ó



ÒYes Watson you were right once again.  I wonder though, if she gets away with being taxed that way?Ó  Ringo said thoughtfully.


ÒLike I said a smart nutter.Ó John reiterated.




ÒI guess youÕll have to ask her there RingsÉÉ To keep movin she got her self into the hospital after her friend took her in and she stayed a year. They put her on medications and said she was fit to live again in society. Can you believe that one?  I know she killed that poor bloke. She is a good actress doin anything to get what she wants the doc told me. He had a long talk with her doctor up at that institution.  He said just the fact of the mouse blood he knows that doctor friend of hers helped her. She was never preggers and now God only knows what she will do to keep Paulie. Seems heÕs her latest obsession. Ò



All was silent for a few minutes as they read over the papers and thought about what was happening.


John thought about Paul and how she had managed to work him around her finger to the point he wouldnÕt leave her alone or leave at all no matter how miserable he was.



ÒListen PaulÕs in a real state here. I tried talking to him today . He called me can you believe it? He canÕt write anymore , heÕs depressed , scared to leave her afraid of what she might do and guilty as all hell. HeÕs drinkin and smokin  just to get through the day and that isnÕt our boy at all. He doesnÕt even speak to his family anymore and you know how he is about his family. To top it off you know how gung ho he is on the Beatles , well doesnÕt seem to care much about it or about himself. We have to get him away from her!Ó John drew on his cigarette. Ò He isnÕt the self confident Paul anymore. I donÕt know what he is. I tried to see him before I went on holiday and he begged off. Not Paul.Ó



George jumped in. ÒWe have to talk to that Doctor Walker and get her to tell us the truth. If we go to Paul in this state he will never believe us. Maybe if we could get something from the doctor he would.Ó



Ringo shook his head in disbelief. ÒMates if that doesnÕt pan out . then what? Kidnap him and do what they do with the people in those cults now. Y know what I mean deprogram them?Ó



ÒOh Rings you are watching to much telly arenÕt you . I think you and Mo should re work that schedule.Ó John laughed.



ÒNo really what are we going to do ? We have to get him away from her. If we confront her with him there he will defend her and sheÕd probably do some act.Ó Ringo worried.



ÒNot if I get her first . She may be good but sheÕs never tangle with John Lennon.Ó He looked at them with rage in his eyes. How could it have gotten so bad in such a short time? The whole mess stunk almost as bad as the mice in the trash he had found.




They threw ideas back and forth all good but not good enough. They decided to talk to the doctor Walker and see if they could break her. They hoped they could, she was their best shot otherwise theyÕd have to fair with the evidence and hope Sandy didnÕt pull a fast one and that Paul would think for himself long enough to see it.



ÒIÕd rather catch her at home off guard. We canÕt talk to her at the hospital or the office.Ó Ringo told the others. If they caught her off guard maybe three against one would be better odds.



ÒI took the liberty of checking her hours at the hospital and the office . We could catch her not tomorrow but the next day.Ó George smiled. He was looking forward to this and had been for weeks. He knew it all along and now they all did , except for Paul.



ÒYou mean Thursday right there chum? Took the liberty did ya? Well Watson you are a card you are.,Ó John laughed.


George blushed at JohnÕs joke and got up to put the papers back in the book , then put it up.  



They all stood up . John and Ringo got their coats and George walked them to the door.


ÒRight then Thursday early. We want her to be at home.Ó



ÒHow early is early?Ó John gripped.



ÒOh come off it Lennon you can get up before noon weÕve seen you do it.Ó Ringo laughed as George joined him.



ÒI have the address Ritch and me will met at your flat at nine. AM  that is John y know in the morning?Ó George punched him lightly in the shoulder.


ÒYeah I know . I hope Paulie appreciates me shortening me beauty sleep.Ó


ÒWell then you better sleep a lot longer then noon there mate.Ó George chuckled.



ÒRight funny you are Hari  Go snog yer wife I think you need to get yer head on straight.Ó


With that they left to go home. It was agreed theyÕd met at JohnÕs at nine and then go see the doctor . George hoped she would give in and tell them what they needed to know, with her telling them the truth Sandy wouldnÕt be able to deny it. He hoped upon hope theyÕd get this over with before it was to late. He didnÕt know what Sandy was capable of especially after finding out what he did today. He turned the lights out and locked all the doors then turned to go up to be with his wife.