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                                                CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN






            Cynthia sealed the envelope to the letter she had written to her brother and

Sister-in-law, she had enclosed a resent picture of her and Julian for them. She hadnÕt spoken to them in a while, deciding to write instead. She told them how well Julian had adapted to his new school and what a fast learner he had become. She spoke of how beautiful Italy was and how she hoped they could come on holiday some time soon. She missed her family, even her mother who seemed to always send her letters with articles that had to due with the Beatles or Paul and his marriage ever reminding her of the mistake her mother had warned about.



It had been almost two months since he married and John had told her of SandyÕs miscarriage. She was sorry to hear of it since she knew how much Paul wanted children. He had sounded funny when talking about it and she could tell by knowing him so well, that he didnÕt think much of Sandy. She thought maybe it was because of what happened between her and Paul. For that reason and not wanting to be hurt any more she fought hard not to ask anymore about them.


 She had enjoyed John and YokoÕs visit, much to her surprise. She and Yoko seemed to get on well and John as he promised was doing so much better with Julian. They saw all the sites that tourist go see, the sites the Beatles werenÕt able to go to due to the fans. RobertoÕs family even watched Julian so the four of them could step out for few evenings. John and Roberto always seemed to get along so well. John was fascinated by his accent and how he tried so hard with his English. Roberto found John fascinating as well, with his biting tongue and scouse accent He tried a few times to imitate JohnÕs scouse accent, only getting a hardy laugh from John .



They werenÕt alone much , Yoko , Julian , Roberto or his family were usually around. One rare time when they were alone John had asked her about Roberto and their relationship. She had told him that they were just good friends in which John turned to her and told her ÒThatÕs bullocks Cyn I see the way he looks at you. He looked at you like that when we were married and he looks at you even more now that weÕre not.Ó The words haunted her for days. Now that they were gone she thought she might have a talk with him about it. Her chance came sooner then she thought as she dropped her letter in the out going basket of the hotel.




She saw him come in the front door and smile at her.


ÒYou are up late no?Ó he asked.


ÒI just wanted to get a letter in the post for my brother. You were out late.Ó She smiled back at him . ÒA date perhaps?Ó She said with mixed feelings.



ÒNo date. Dinner with old friend, I have not see him in but a year or so.Ó He motioned her to the bar and poured them a night cap. ÒDrink to help you sleep.Ó He handed it to her.



She sat down and sipped it slowly, as she caught him watching her.

ÒWhy are you looking at me?Ó she said with a smile. Even though she didnÕt want a relationship with him, she had realized after her talk with John that she enjoyed the male attention and companionship.



ÒYou are beautiful in this soft light.Ó He carried his drink over to where she sat, still looking at her. He hadnÕt taken his eyes off of her since he came in.


When he got closer she noticed this wasnÕt his first drink, he had been drinking quite a bit this evening. It seemed funny to her, they always drank here and hardly got drunk. Yet tonight he seemed it.

ÒYou are a bit drunk?Ó



He laughed as he sat beside her. ÒYes, how would your John say É..I am a little É.say pissed?Ó He laughed more at remembering the way John had said it.




She was amused by his statement and joined his laughter.

ÒYes , he would say you are very pissed.Ó



ÒI like himÉ..he say what he means and say it strangely.Ó He smiled again looking at her.



She saw the look and it made her uncomfortable. It wasnÕt just any look; it was a look of longing and lust.

ÒI think IÕm going to go to bed .Ó



He put his hand on her shoulder to stop her form getting up.

ÒYou must finish your drink with me.Ó



ÒRoberto, you have been very good to me and Julian. I really appreciate itÉÉ.Ó


He cut her off by putting his finger to her lips.

ÒSay no more. I enjoy yourÉcompany.Ó



She took his finger from her lips and was surprised when he took her hand in his and kissed it tenderly. He kept her hand in his and pulled her closer. She felt a panic rush through her. She didnÕt want to hurt him and she didnÕt want him to make any advances towards her.

ÒRoberto please.Ó She looked up into his eyes.


She tried to pull her hand away and realize he had misunderstood her. He pulled her even closer with his other arm; still holding her hand that he kissed.

ÒI wait and I wait so long for you to come to me.Ó His mouth was on her before she knew it. She felt the warmth of his lips and his tongue prodding its way in. For a minute she got lost, closing her eyes and hoping it was Paul. When she realized it wasnÕt she pulled away and got up quickly.


ÒNo, I canÕt do this. I am sorry Roberto. You are so good to me but I É.I just canÕt. I donÕt feel the same way.Ó She stood there looking down, feeling bad about the truth that had just left her lips.



He looked confused at her. ÒYou still think of him? Your John says he gives us much blessings. Yet, still you think of his friend.Ó



She felt the tears on her face from the hurt she saw and the truth he spoke.

ÒYes, I still love him and John; he isnÕt mine anymore heÕs YokoÕsÓ



RobertoÕs hands flew around waving this off. ÒThat Japanese women? She does not compare to you. I feel he is a fool and the other as well.Ó



ÒMaybe so but he loves her and Paul is married to someone else.Ó She said sadly.



ÒThen you must no longer think of him for he belongs to another. You must heal your heart É..Gone of the past.Ó He stood up and looked down at her.

ÒI have embarrassed you and myself no?  I will leave you be and can only hope you come to me .Ó

He kissed her on the check and went towards the stairs.



ÒRoberto?Ó She called to him.



His head turned, his face had the look of sadness and she hated herself for making him feel so bad.


ÒYou didnÕt embarrass either of us. We are friends and I will always treasure you . I donÕt know how I could have made it with out you. I know you donÕt want to hear that and I am truly sorry I donÕt feel the sameÉ.. I wish I did.Ó She had moved towards him as she spoke. Her hand caressed his face as a small smile appeared on it.



ÒI see you with the morning. Sleep well .Ó He turned and went upstairs leaving her to finish her drink and cry in the dark for a man whose love she couldnÕt return and for a man she loved that she couldnÕt have.








Paul felt himself getting weaker and growing more dependant on a woman who he didnÕt love but needed. She wound her way in to him; his guilt and promises devoured him. He let her take control and denied her nothing. She ran the house not letting the maid come back or people come in and he saw no one but her. She fielded his calls and taking most of them since he was either uninterested or to out of it . He didnÕt have to leave the house which suited him and her as well. She bought his alcohol , not fighting his growing habit but encouraging it. He no longer hid his bottles and his morning tea or noon tea whenever he crawled out of bed was made by her with a pick me up in it as she called it. He did little which was what he wanted. He held her and comforted her with the little strength he had left. The outside world meant nothing to him. When she bought him home grass he would thankfully smoke it with her; allowing her to be his playmate in his small world. He listened to her babble on, nodding and answering when needed. She talked endlessly of a child they would have and of him not leaving her. He in turn would be loving to her, as you would be to a friend or even a sister. He endured her tantrums, with a mind to hazy to make it out. When his mind wasnÕt whirling to much from a substance he would feel her wrath. When that happened he would act like a puppy dog with its tail between its legs and she would calm down as he would take her. Sex would quiet the beast inside her as well as him.



The old James Paul McCartney was a void , beaten and worn out, in his place was a stranger, a stranger Sandy could control. She smiled at her power over him. Cursed him when he wasnÕt obedient to her wishes and again finding control.  She loved him like no other obsession she had ever had, but still he didnÕt love her. She took as much of him as she could and found it so much easier to control him in his altered state.  Yet , venom ran through her veins at the thought of Cynthia and not her having his heart. She had everything but that and that was the one thing she wanted the most. She had made her decision and Cynthia had to die. The more she thought about it , the more she obsessed over it. Thinking, planning and searching for a way to have it done before she even said anything to Laura. She finally, found someone and would meet him Thursday afternoon. She would bring the money and the information that would rid her of the one thing that kept her and Paul apart.




He sat stretched out on the coach with his feet on the coffee table. He had his now ever present drink along side of him and a cigarette in his hand as he watched the T.V.

He watched the show in his altered state, oblivious to the world around him . He jumped when Sandyseemed to suddenly appear .




She watched him; his eyes opened 3Ú4 s of the way from the affect of the booze and his head a bit drooped as he starred at the television. He didnÕt even notice as she walked over to him. She saw him jump as she straddled his lap.



ÒI didnÕt mean to scare you luv.Ó She smiled , rubbing against his lower body.


He rubbed his face with his hand and looked up at her bemused. He felt her body move against him , waking his desire.


ÒWhat cha want? IÕm gonna miss my fav telly show.Ó He said giving her a lopsided grin.



ÒOh you know what I want baby and I can feel the evidence to that.Ó She told him , leaning in to kiss his neck and then moved to his mouth.

The ring of the phone broke her mood. She started to sit up as he pulled her back.



ÒDonÕtÉ..Ó He groaned Ò I canÕt be left like this .Ó he said through a whispered kiss.


She shook her head no and pushed gently away from him.

ÒI have to get that. What if itÕs important?Ó


His hands clumsily wave it off and pulled her back to him. ÒThat new machine.Ó He gave her little kisses on the mouth as he spoke. ÒWill get it. Let it go.  I need you É..soÉÉbad.Ó as he finished his kiss grew more wanting.



She again pushed at him and then got up.

ÒNo I have to get that and then I will give you what you need.Ó

She ran over to the phone, hoping to get it before it stopped ringing.





ÒSandy is that you?Ó came a vaguely familiar voice.



She searched her mind to place the voice.




ÒYes,  How are you luvey ?Ó


ÒIÕm good and I hear you are doing quite well for yourself too or so the papers say. They are raving about your latest exhibit.Ó She looked over at Paul as he pushed him self up from the couch . He grabbed his drink and smokes walking carefully over to her.



ÒYes I dare say I am doing quite well. I really do need to speak with Paul is he available?Ó



She looked over at her husband , watching him weave over to her.

ÒA yes, Robert he is. Hold on a sec.Ó She handed the phone over to Paul, rubbing him teasingly as she stepped away and watched a hot grin cross his face.



He momentarily forgot the phone as she rubbed him and he grinned at her. He just needed to feel her, touch her and then he heard RobertÕs voice bringing him slowly back .


ÒRobert?Ó He said heavily into the phone.


ÒPaul, I havenÕt heard form you in ages it seemsÉ.Oh God you sound so sexy I hope I havenÕt interrupted anything.Ó He chuckled.



Paul took a minute to focus on what Robert was saying.

ÒInterrupted? Oh.Ó It slowly dawned on him what Robert was referring to .


ÒAa, it can keep. How are you ?Ó he said slowly trying hard to say the words clearly.



ÒNot as good as your feeling I expect.Ó Robert laughed as Paul joined in.



ÒYeah, just a bit of a nip you see. What did you call about?Ó He continue sipping his drink and watching Sandy as she took off her shirt.



ÒWe all wondered if Paul McCartney was still alive. You havenÕt shown your beautiful face around here in quite some time.Ó



Paul leaned against the wall , no longer able to balance his weight and was distracted by SandyÕs strip tease act.


ÒOh Éumm yeah IÕm around. I umm just been settling in  with  everything and É..all.Ó His voice dropped at the end of the sentence.


ÒPaul you ok?Ó Robert asked in concern.


Paul looked at the phone and focused some of his attention on it.

ÒYeahÉ. fine. What can I do fer   ya?Ó



ÒWell, John Dunbar was in the other day . He said Robert Frasier where has our Paul been? Well what could I tell the dear boy. I hadnÕt even spoken to you since your wedding.  My partner and I . Oh , thatÕs right you  donÕt know IÕm back with Stephen , you remember him donÕt you ducky? Well , we wanted you to come by Saturday for an opening of an amazing new artist we found. Be a dear and say youÕll come.Ó



Paul sighed and then swallowed more of his drink. He was bored with the conversation and just wanted to jump all over Sandy and have a few more drinks.

ÒAÉ.I É.erÉI  canÕt Robert not  nowÉ.er  Émaybe  a É.next time.Ó



ÒOh donÕt beg off on us now. Bring Sandy everyone is dying to meet the new Mrs. McCartney.Ó


ÒSorry  can not do  É.IÕll ring soon Éa  weÕll do somethingÉ..I  need to go now. Good talking to you.Ó Paul hung up the phone quickly cutting Robert off and then sauntered over to a very naked Sandy. He needed to take her and he need it now . His groin burned with desire. He went to her and took her with the force he usually did when she started that fire she sparked in him. Instinct would take over and the lust would drive him forward, taking care of him and her in the process.





                                                CHAPTER TWENTY- EIGHT




The day was dark and grey from the clouds that showered London. To Sandy it didnÕt matter the sun was shining on her. The problem that had plagued her for so long would soon vanish with the meeting she had set for 12:30 that afternoon. She gathered her papers and money together and put them into her purse. She didnÕt want to tell Paul she was going out or have him aware of the fact. Later, he could always say she was napping with him at the time of the supposed meeting. She found the bottle of valium Laura had given her and counted them out. She crushed them to stir into PaulÕs tea so it would be ready to give it to him along with the pick me up she always added to it. This insured her he would sleep for hours giving her enough time to meet this man and get back to curl up with him. He would never know she left.


 She had been thinking more and more that Laura should come with her. The way Laura had been acting lately concerned her and with her there she would be more of an accessory to the murder of Cynthia Lennon. Sandy smiled at the thought, knowing with this she would definitely keep her mouth shut.



The phone rang as a tired Laura rolled over in her bed to pick it up.





Sandy smiled at the thought of her sleepy friend. ÒHi É..listen I know it is your day off but I have a meeting with that guy I told you about . The matter needs to be discussed with him and I want you to be there.Ó



Laura suddenly woke up at hearing this. ÒNo , I told you I wouldnÕt be a part of this.Ó



SandyÕs voice was low, not wanting Paul to hear her incase he woke. ÒListen , I need you there in case he isnÕt what he appears to be. Please donÕt speak the obvious on the phone ok? Now, you wouldnÕt want anything to happen to me would you and with two there the matter will be handled with out a problem. You just have to sit there so he sees IÕm not alone and wonÕt try anything.Ó




Laura thought about it. She didnÕt want to be there , but she didnÕt want anything to happen to Sandy. It was to early for all of this and it was her day off. All she wanted to do was catch up on her sleep. She looked over at theclock seeing it read 8:07 am . She groaned at the early hour and then went back to the conversation.

ÒI just wanted to catch up on my sleep today and I told you I donÕt want anything to do with your meeting.Ó


SandyÕs annoyance was clearly heard even though she still kept her voice at a low tone.

She sighed heavily at the trouble she was having with Laura.

ÒThe meeting is at 12:30 a few blocks from you at a pub named KellyÕs. Now you can sleep a few more hours and then get ready. I want you to meet me there. I will be inside and then you show up right after me so he will already be there and it wonÕt take long I promise. I donÕt want to have to make you come with or do I have to?Ó 




It just never ended Laura thought . She knew what Sandy was hinting at and didnÕt want to fight her. She couldnÕt think . ÒListen, let me call you later when my head is clearer. Besides what are you going to tell Paul?Ó



For the first time in the conversation Sandy laughed.

ÒHe wonÕt know I am even gone. I have the pills you gave me still from the hospital and I crushed them up and am going to give it to him in his tea thatÕs always spiked with scotch anyway and that should make it work faster. We will lay back down and IÕll be back before he wakes . HeÕll think I was there the whole time. Now I donÕt want to discuss this any further on the phone. Call me and I will tell you what time I want you to walk in. You WILL be there my dear friend. After all you want whatÕs best for me and I in turn want what is best for you if you read what I am saying. If I donÕt hear from you by ten I will call you .Ó She hung up before Laura could say anything else.


Laura knew exactly what Sandy meant by the best for her and it made her shiver at the prospect. Sandy wouldnÕt bat an eye at turning on her and that scared her more then anything. She felt helpless, entangled in a web that Sandy had been spinning for years.



Sandy would fix PaulÕs tea and make him drink it by ten giving her plenty of time to do what she had to do. He was still sleeping and she would wake him if she had to. HeÕd drink it gladly and they would lay down , once he slept she would leave. Brilliant! She congratulated her self on how her plans had been working out. By this weekend Cynthia would be no more. She would have to practice her sad face. Nope she thought, she new she could pull it off and on the inside she would celebrate her victory and the prize was Paul.



                                                                                                                                                                                               It was way to early for John to get up. Usually, heÕd sleep late , staying up into the early hours of the night. He was always more of a night person , especially since the good  old Hamburg days. When they were on tour , he was usually the hardest one to wake, sleeping until the last minute.



Today was different; they were going to see the doctor and if he had any say in it sheÕd spill her guts. They all had Sandy sussed out he thought and he for one couldnÕt wait to see her get the boot. He smiled at the thought as he got up to get ready for George and Ringo to come get him.



The buzzer rang to the flat . John opened the door to a squabble between George and Ringo. He let them in as he looked at them with a smile.


ÒAnd what do we have here?Ó He asked.


They pushed their way through and George looked at John.

ÒI was simply telling Ritch here, and IÕm telling you. I am Holmes not Watson thatÕs RitchÕs job.Ó He pouted.


John got a good laugh from this. ÒIs that what youÕre being so shirty about? Oh come off it we were only messingabout with ya. Of coarse your Holmes you nit.Ó He tousled GeorgeÕs hair playfully.



Ringo laughed along with John at the stupidity of their argument.


ÒDonÕt be narked there Geo itÕs all in good fun . We are close to breaking this case wide open.Ó Ringo reminded him.



This softened George up, realizing it was silly. It was just that he had worked so hard on this . Knowing before the rest that Sandy was trouble and relishing in the thought of getting closer to nabbing her.


ÒRight , I just wanted it straight is all and now that we are so close I guess itÕs just wearing on me.Ó George smiled sheepishly.



John went into the bedroom and kissed Yoko . That night he had filled her in on all that was going on. She was concerned about the whole thing and knowing they had to get Sandy, was weighing on her mind as much as the others.



ÒYou leaving now to see that Doctor?Ó She looked up at him sleepily.



He nodded pushing the hair away from her face. He loved her so much and she was his strength. She encouraged him with a faith so strong that it made him love her more.   Then again that was one of the many things he loved about Yoko, her faith in him never faltered, even when his did. She knew the importance of getting rid of Sandy and felt as strongly about it as the others.


ÒYes , luvÉ.I donÕt know how long it will take. I just needed the strength of your kiss is all.Ó He smiled lovingly at her.



ÒGo then , prove her to be what she really is . The three of you can do it .Ó she smiled back at him, kissing him almost as if she was sending him off to battle. She then laid back down and snuggled back under the covers and closed her eyes to slowly drift back off to sleep.


He gave her another look before he left the room. He looked to the others and grabbed his coat.


ÒLetÕs go what are you all waiting for? WeÕve got a barmy woman to catch come ead.Ó He gave then a snide smile as they walked out the door joking with one another.







After SandyÕs call Laura couldnÕt get back to sleep. She showered; towel dried her hair and then put on an old pair of jeans and tee shirt. She sat at the kitchen table with a steaming mug of tea and a cigarette. Her legs propped up on the other chair, thinking about what she should do. She couldnÕt let Sandy do this. Especially involving her in it. She knew Sandy would call and come drag her there if she had to. Laura knew she wonÕt hesitate to carry out the threat that she made on the phone and that terrified her. She sat there trying to figure out what to do when the buzzer rang. Oh God she thought it has to be Sandy. She got up and buzzed her in. She heard the knock on the door, she didnÕt want to open it. Quieting her nervous she opened the door surprised to see three men standing there instead of Sandy.



ÒHullo there doc.Ó John said dryly as he pushed by her to get in as the others followed.



She looked at them confused; not understanding why they would be there. In her confusion they just walked right in. The shortest one closing the door behind him.


ÒWhat are you doing here?Ó She asked.


ÒWe need to talk to you.Ó Ringo said as he closed the door.



John walked into the kitchen. ÒI think IÕll put the kettle on to boil.Ó He went over to start the tea.


Laura looked on dumbfounded; he was just making himself at home. What could they possibly want with her? She stood there thinking until she her John call to her.


ÒCome ead sister and take a seat.Ó John called to her as George guided her into the kitchen and Ringo pulled out a chair for her.



George placed the book on the table with all the evidence they had compiled.

ÒFirst, take a look at this and then weÕll start talking.Ó



Ringo looked at her with a smile. ÒDonÕt get any ideas either cause I made him make copies so these arenÕt the originals.Ó



ÒCream and sugar Doctor Walker or should I call you Laura? I think since we know each other better IÕll call you Laura. You of course know us now donÕt cha luv.Ó John voice came across with a sarcastic drip to it.



ÒYes of course I know who you are. I just donÕt understand what youÕre doing here?Ó She inquired.



JohnÕs eyebrow rose as he put her mug of tea in front of her.

ÒWe have something in common luv. Her name is Sandy.Ó He waited for a reaction.



ÒYes, IÕm her doctor but I canÕt tell you about her case, thereÕs doctor and Patient confidentiality.Ó She stated.



John tilted his head towards the book in front of her. George grinned at her, knowing sheÕd figure it out shortly. He opened the book for her and pulled out the paper for her to read.


John handed his friends some tea as they all sat around the table, pulling their chairs close to her and making her nervous.




John stood up, leaning over her as she read. Her face turned to horror as she realized they had figured everything out. She put the papers back as she sat there in shock.



ÒNow youÕre going to tell us about that barmy friend of yours.Ó John demanded, still leaning over her side watching her face intently.



George leaned over to her. ÒOr we could just go to the station and tell them.Ó



She was trapped and she knew it. She would tell them what she knew. A part of her was glad, she couldnÕt do this anymore and with SandyÕs new plan of killing Cynthia, this was her way out. She didnÕt care anymore. Murder was the last thing she wanted on her conscious . She felt shaky and lit a cigarette, blowing out the smoke before saying anything.


ÒOk É..Yes, everything you have here is right .Ó She looked from one to the other, fear passed over her face but there was also relief as she continued.



ÒWhat do you want to know?Ó She looked at them.



ÒWhy did you let her do this to our mate. HeÕs a bloody mess.Ó Ringo spoke up.



The knowledge of how bad he was upset her and the fact that she helped do it made her want to confess even more.


ÒSandy has always had problems as you have found out. She has a way about her. She can manipulate people. Her family , me and it seems your friend as wellÉÉHer family loved me and helped me through the loss of my parents and becoming a doctor. She wasnÕt always this bad. Through the years she has gotten worse. She terrorized her family and all they did was try to make her happy. Her mother made me promise to look after her when she died of cancer and now her father is so illÉÉÓ Tears started running down her face at the thought of the Parkers and the hope they had for their daughter.


ÒShe did check in to an institution as I see you already know. When she got out she was a different person as long as she took her medication. Ò


 They all looked on intently as she told her story. It was a bit intimidating, looking around to see them watch her as the story unfolded.



ÒAbout a year ago she stopped taking them. She said she got to tired and other side effects from them. I saw a change in about a month. I begged her to go back on them and she wouldnÕt . She told me about Paul , endlessly telling me she wanted to get to know him , that she was infatuated with him. Somehow she found out where he would be one night and made sure she met him. She worked on him until he let her live with him. She told him she was broke and had no where to stay and no job all of that sort of thing. I know she was sleeping with him and thought if she did what he wanted and made a nice home for him that he would fall for her.Ó She took a sip of her tea and then wiped the tears away before she started again.



ÒOne day she told me he had gotten her a job at Apple and then I guess it was a little over a month later she rang me hysterical. She said he had asked her to leave, gave her some money to get a place to stay until she could get a flat. She was so upset. He had slept with her the night before he told her to leave . She didnÕt know it was coming. When she found out about his involvement with Mrs. Lennon she went potty. She started making plans on how to get him back. She became even more obsessed with him.Ó



John by this time had sat down. He was remembering the events as Laura told them. He saw her look towards him.



ÒShe heard you É..She heard Cynthia come in one morning upset and go to your office. She told me she went into the next office over and listened to your conversation. She called me all bubbly , I knew she was gone; back to her old ways. She asked me to help her. I didnÕt want to at first. She told me this would make him marry her and then she would really have his child and she would finally be happy. I wanted so bad to believe it. I had been taking care of her for so long .I still wasnÕt sure; I didnÕt like the fact I could lose my license or the manipulation she was doing. Then she black mailed me.Ó



Her tears came faster and she had to stop for a minute to pull herself together.

Ringo couldnÕt believe his ears and somehow hearing it made it more real then reading it.

George squirmed around in his chair,  the anger rising in him as she spoke.


John couldnÕt sit still and was pacing the floor by now. He couldnÕt believe she got the idea from listening to their conversation. Guilt seeped into him at the thought that he helped cause his friends misery. The guilt rose to anger and he turned to Laura. He walked over and lean on the table , his weight on both his hands.


ÒWhat the fuck could she possibly black mail you about for you to do something like this?Ó he hissed.



She jumped at his closeness and sudden anger.


ÒWilliam BakerÉÉÓ she watched as they reacted to his name.



George was surprised. Ò The bloke she killed.Ó He simply stated.



ÒYes, I had fallen in love with him at school only to find out he was using me to get to Mr. Parker. Sandy was the one that found out she thought he was a dodgy character , is the way she put it. She had gone to him and made her self available to him and she wormed it out of him during a sexual act. She was so angry, she told me and I didnÕt want to believe it; but it was true. She said sheÕd kill him for me and so he wonÕt hurt anyone else. Said he didnÕt deserve to live and that he was scum. Anyway I never believed sheÕd do it mind you , I just thought it was her anger talking until I found out he had died. She wasnÕt convicted of anything as you already know from the papers here.Ó


 She stopped; getting more upset as she talked about it. Tears ran down her face, she cried for Bill, for Sandy, for the Parkers, for Paul and most of all for the shame she carried.



Ringo got up and gave her a tissue, he seemed to be the only calm one there.

John was back to pacing , thinking and listening.


George felt the puzzle was falling into place and by her tears he was convinced she would help them. He felt a little sorry for her and he figure Ringo did too. He wasnÕt sure what John felt as he watched him for a minute before turning his attention back to Laura.



When she had calmed herself down she looked at them.

ÒGod I am so ashamed and so sorry your friend has been hurt.Ó



John whirled around coming at her again with his furry.


ÒSorry? Sorry you say. That doesnÕt cut it sister! It makes me lurgy to think of what you two did!!!!   Why? So she would be happy and he would forever be damned!!!Ó He yelled so loud she started crying more.



Ringo got up and went to John . He put his hand on him only to get it shrugged off. He was furious and Ringo had to calm him down.

ÒJohn this isnÕt helping a bleedin thing here. If your so cheesed off maybe some of it has to do with you.Ó



John looked hard at Ringo knowing he was right. ÒWhyÕd you say that mate cause I delivered Macca on a sliver platter to that nutter?Ó


ÒStop it ok? We have to finish this with out your guilt trip. It doesnÕt matter how it happened we just have to get him out of it.Ó Ringo pleaded calmly to an agitated Lennon.



ÒRight , doesnÕt matter none does itÉÉFuckin cow that one is. Ò he spat



George got up and went over to them. ÒHeÕs right y know. This will get us now where fast. Put it up and letÕs face whatÕs at hand here. Ò



John shook his head , still mad at himself but also knowing they were right.


ÒRight then come ead letÕs finish this!Ó He stomped over to the table and lit a cigarette, letting George and Ringo continue with Laura.



ÒSo you told her to fake the pregnancy and told her how to fake the miscarriage as well?Ó George asked calmly.


She sniffled and wiped the tears from her eyes.

ÒNo that was her. She told me she had spoken to him already and that she was going to bring him to my office and I should switch someone elseÕs chart to hers. She told me how to do almost everything , I was to nervous but she wasnÕt . All she could think of was that she had Paul. She figured now that they were married she would have a miscarriage , work on his guilt and manipulate him until she got pregnant for real. I didnÕt know how she was going to do it. She set it up and when I saw the blood and the face make-up I couldnÕt believe it. She had gotten the make-up from someone she knew, again she got it through sexual favors. When she gotten to the hospital , thatÕs when she told me how she got the blood and that she would use more for the blood she was supposed to have for the few weeks after the miscarriage. She told me she cleaned up real good. Then she told me to get rid of her cloths in the hazardous dispenser so no one would find them. She asked me what I did with miscarriages and I told her . She told me to order the blood and I didnÕt understand cause I couldnÕt give it to her. She took it and pierced it , draining the blood and washing it down the sink and washed off the make-up. I then hooked her to the IV and gave her the tranquilizer I would give any patient. She told me to go talk to Paul and tell him she couldnÕt have stress .Ó she looked to George . ÒYou know , you were thereÉ.Ó She thought a moment before speaking again. ÒYou had a feeling about this back then didnÕt you?Ó



George nodded ÒYes and thatÕs why I asked you those questions.Ó


Laura was visibly shook. More tears came as she looked at her watch and remembered about Cynthia.

ÔÕOh my God!!!!Ó She looked at all of them panic stricken.


ÒShe has this thing about Cynthia. She hates her and feels she is the cause for Paul not loving her. She told me a few days ago and called again today blackmailing me telling me I am going to be a part of this . She has a meeting at 12:30 and is calling me at 10:00 to tell me what time to be there. ItÕs almost ten now!!!Ó She was so excited and terrified that Sandy would go through with her next plan.



They all looked at one another. John piped up almost afraid to ask about this next plan that Sandy was about to start.


ÒWhat plan?Ó he asked cautiously.




Laura got up muttering , the anxiety rose in her. ÒOh My God! Oh my God!!!Ó



John grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her. ÒWhat? Tell us what the nut job going to do now??!!!!!Ó



She stopped and looked him straight in his eyes.

ÒSheÕs going to kill your x-wife. The meeting is set for today and she will be dead with in the next few days.Ó