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                                                CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE







            John looked horrified at the thought of SandyÕs plan to kill Cynthia. He pushed Laura away with disgust, not caring as she slumped in to the chair and cried. He had to do something. His brain was on fire. How could this happen? This only happened in the movies. He had to save her and his son. What if Julian also died in the process? Christ, he thought as he slammed his fist down on the counter, making cups dance off of it, shattering on to the floor. If she could do this to Cyn an innocent person who had left the country so they could have their marriage, what would she do to Paul if he didnÕt fall for her? He knew Paul had grown dependant on her and he was a despondent and even that wasnÕt enough; this girl would never be happy and never stop. They had to stop her; now more then ever!


ÒWE HAVE TO STOP HER!!!!Ó He yelled as he stepped through the glass oblivious to it.

He looked at the others, red in the face; he looked like he would jump out of his skin.

He glared at Laura, rage in his eyes, which burned a hole through her.

ÒYou! You were going to let this happen? If we hadnÕt shown up here today it would have right?!!!!! You disgust me, Mousey Coward You Are !!!! What Is Wrong With YOU???!!!! Ó


Laura couldnÕt even look at him knowing he was right and hung her head in her hands crying.



George and Ringo had been caught off guard by this new admission. They watched JohnÕs tirade, knowing it had to play out a little before they could start again.

They both jumped up as John aimed a back hand at Laura. Before he struck her George grabbed his hand and Ringo held on to him.  Laura winced and shrunk back further in her seat. They forced him into a chair as he struggled back, holding him there until he calmed down.  Ringo thought he might have seen tears in JohnÕs eyes. His mood deflated, dropping back into the chair. He stopped; fighting for a minute to gather his sanity.



George looked to the clock. They didnÕt have much time it was 9:50 and the phone would be ringing soon.


Ringo glanced with George to the clock. God they had to do something quickly and then it hit him. He stood up with a smile on his face and confusing the others. Before they could react; he began to share his plan with them.



ÒI have a plan. I think it will workÉ..Ó He watched as their hopeful faces looked towards him.


ÒRight , then here it is. George you know that small recorder you just got. Y know the one to take around with you to record ideas?Ó



George nodded not knowing where Ringo was going with this.



ÒWell I think you should get it and make sure the batteries are new and thereÕs a new tape in it as well. We plant it on Laura here and she records the whole meeting. One of us hides in disguise to watch and then Laura will go to the loo when itÕs over. Mean while another of us gets the cops and shows all the evidence to them and brings them down to É..where is this luv?Ó



Laura was listening; It could work she thought. She also knew her involvement would end her up in Jail or something. It didnÕt matter if she could prevent this, then she would do it.



ÒAa KellyÕs a few blocks over at 12:30.Ó She instructed him.



ÒSmashing , it gives us enough time. When itÕs over the confession is on tape and we got Sandy and that guy as well.Ó He said proud of himself.



George smiled at his genius. ÒRight then Cynthia and Paul are both safe!Ó


John eyed Laura . Ò Yer gonna do this right sister?Ó He hissed at her , still infuriated at her.



She gulped at JohnÕs leer. ÒOf coarse I donÕt want this to happen anymore then you do. I just didnÕt know what to do.Ó



He nodded. ÒY know this doesnÕt get you off the hook.Ó He spoke with a calmness that still fumed from the reality of the situation.



ÒI know that and I am scared but IÕm more afraid of letting her go on and letting her murder someone else .Ó She answered softly.


Ringo took the lead again. He stood tall as he continued.

ÒSee those telly programs are good for somethin.Ó He laughed.



George and John chuckled at him releasing some of the tension and then listened intently as he spread out the details.


ÒGeorge you have to run back home and get the recorder and bring it back here. SomeoneÕs got to get in disguiseÓ He was cut off by John.


ÒIÕll do that , I want to watch her, still maybe a little dodgy y know. IÕll watch and then come get you when she gets up to go to the loo. Ò then he looked over to her. Ò On second thought I will be by the loo and you can give me the tape and player to take out to the cops there.Ó voicing his reservations.




ÒOk then I guess George you get your recorder and John go get you disguise . Y know one of the good ones from the tour days. Ya still have any?Ó he inquired.



John laughed as he remembered all the ways they disguised themselves just to go out and do normal things. HeÕd dress as an old man; sheÕd never recognize him like that.

ÒYeah , I got just the one. IÕm off then.Ó He got up as the phone rang. He looked over at Laura waiting to hear how she would handle this.



Laura slowly got up and answered the phone.





ÒLaura itÕs me. I have to make this quick. Paul just woke and drank his tea so I want to lay down with him. We are SET?Ó Her words were definite.


ÒYes , what time?Ó she nodded as she spoke.



ÒI think about five minutes after me should be fine. 12:35 at KellyÕs. I trust youÕll be there or there will be hell to pay. You got it?Ó Sandy said adamantly into the phone.



ÒYes absolutely I will be there. Ò Laura agreed.



ÒGood, now I have to ring off and go lay down with my husband. See you at 12:35 then.Ó

The line went dead and Laura hung it up.

ÒOk weÕre set.Ó she said nervously.


John nodded as he and George walked out the door to get the things they needed to make their plan succeed. Ringo sat down next to Laura giving her a cup of tea. He lit her a cigarette. Her hand shook as she accepted it. He felt for the girl as he watched.



ÒI guess this is hard for youÉ.Ó He gave a heavy sigh as he felt the weariness set in.

ÒYou have to forgive John. He is a great bloke, really he is. Just gets narked easily. HeÕs had a hard life. DonÕt you worry youÕll do fine.Ó


He sat down next to her and took her hand in his.


ÒYa will y knowÉ..Maybe theyÕll be light on you since yer helpin us out here. The doctor part is a shame thoughÉ..ItÕs hard for a woman in a manÕs world and now yer provin em right. That will never do. DonÕt fret though; at least yer conscience will be clear.Ó


She appreciated his kindness. She wondered if they realized how hard this would be to betray her. For so many years it had always been SandyÕs way or you would suffer the consequences and they were never pleasant. After years of fear, guilt and manipulation everyone was put in there place. She did it with everyone; they could certainly see it with their friend and she could only hope that they saw it with her.






When Paul was finally asleep; she untangled herself form his arms. She watched him sleep soundly , knowing the drug would have him out for hours.

ÒIt wonÕt be long my love.Ó She whispered to him as she kissed him and went downstairs.


She got a recent picture of Cynthia , the address that she had found out through Pattie and put them in her purse where she had the money, along with his information.

She got her mac and looked out at the rain. She had to laugh at it; perfect weather for the planning of a murder. She just couldnÕt wait and the excitement grew the closer it came. She played it out so many times over the past few days. How she would console him and make him even more dependent on her. How she would give him news of a baby for Christmas. He would be so overjoyed and he would love her so much for her gift and support. Cynthia would never be in their way again. She looked around once more to make sure she didnÕt forget anything and then left for the meeting that would change her life forever.



George and John got back a little after 11:00. John went straight to the bathroom to put on his disguise. George entered the kitchen; he saw Ringo and the girl talking softly. He had calmed her down , he was good for that and it would help when she went to meet Sandy. He put the recorder down on the table, got some tea and lit a smoke.


He sat down and showed the recorder to Laura.

ÒItÕs all set. Just press this button and stay quiet, donÕt move to much. We donÕt want your movements on tape. Ò


ÒOk but where do I put it?Ó She looked at him questionably.


He looked at Ringo. ÒWell, Mr. movie man where?Ó


Ringo thought for a minute. ÒGo get dressed in what your gonna wear. Wear something baggy we could tape it on to ya. Incase she goes in yer purse for somethin , we donÕt want her finding it.Ó



Laura went off to her room to get dressed.

George looked to Ringo with a lopsided grin that made Ringo know he had done well.


ÒRemind me never to take the piss of your telly shows again. That was a right good idea.Ó


Ringo smiled back satisfied that everyone liked his plan . ÒNow you see why I am Holmes.Ó He laughed.


ÒDonÕt get cheeky there. É. IÕm still Holmes.Ó They both started laughing.



The laughter rose when in came an old John Lennon. He put on his old manÕs voice, coming over to them.


ÒWould you ever be so kind as to give us a seat?Ó He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed with the others as he sat down to wait.



Laura came out a few minutes later. She looked striking; her face made up and her hair hung long around her shoulders. She wore a loose fitting blouse with a skirt and boots.


They smiled at her. ÒYou look fetching luv.Ó Ringo told her.



She bought adhesive tape out with her. They agreed it would be better to put the recorder along her side so it would be hidden by her arm. They lifted her blouse up a bit and began to tape the recorder to her. They tested it a few times and she finally figured out how to hide it and how to turn it on discreetly. Now they were ready. George left for the police station about 11:30 after talking to the head constable. The constable promised if the evidence panned out , he would keep everything out of the papers to avoid a scandal.


It was time to go . Laura fixed herself nervously. They went to the car together. When they got there Ringo decided heÕd sit in there outside and watch the goings on.  John walked in early to get a place by the loo and found a booth with a clear view of the place; he ordered a pint and sat in wait.




Sandy looked at her watch as she got out of the mini. Five minutes, she thought as she ran across the street to the pub. Her eyes adjusted to the dim light inside as she took off her wet things. The place was defiantly forgettable she thought as she sat at the booth the man had told her to. She became fidgety waiting and ordered a drink.



John hid behind a menu as her watched her look around. He knew she wouldnÕt recognize him in this get up, along with the dim lighting; still he wanted to play it safe as he watched her. He saw a large burly man approach her. He was dressed in black with a black leather coat. The rain ran off his hair as he sat down across from her. He looked at the door as Laura walked in. She looked around and spotted Sandy; walking over she took her coat off and sat down. The man obviously was surprised and didnÕt look to happy at seeing the addition to the booth.



The man sat down and nodded to Sandy.

ÒIÕm gonna order a pint then we can get down to itÓ He waved the waitress over and ordered as another woman came to the booth and sat down. His face scowled at this.

ÒIt was only suppose us , no other.Ó He said annoyed to Sandy.


She smiled sweetly at him. Ò Jarvis, donÕt be angry luv. This is my associate Susan.Ó


Laura didnÕt realize until that moment that Sandy was using false names. Then she thought about the tape and that it wouldnÕt have her name on it. She felt the adhesive pull at her skin reminding her it was on. She would have to make a mistake and play dumb.



She crossed her hand over to shake JarvisÕs hand.

ÒIÕm sorry my name is Laura and this is Sandy I donÕt know why she called me Susan.Ó

She felt SandyÕs glare on her as she said this.



He shook their hands then waited for the waitress to leave his drink before he started to talk.

ÒOk letÕs have it.Ó

Sandy slid the envelope across the table. Jarvis looked inside , then lowered it to his lap counting the money so no one could see.

ÒHalf?Ó he questioned


ÒYes , half now and half  when the job is done.Ó She kept a phony smile pasted on her face as she spoke.

ÒHere is a key to a safety deposit box and the name of the bank. Once youÕve completed your job then the other half of the money will be there.Ó


He nodded taking the key and the paper with the banks name on it. He shoved it into his pocket and then continued.


ÒI need a picture of her and an address.Ó He took another gulp of his drink.


Sandy gave him another envelope. He again brought it down to his lap and slid the picture along with the address out of it. He looked at her funny as he looked back down at the picture.

ÒI didnÕt know I was doin someone famous. IsnÕt this Cynthia Lennon ?Ó He asked


Sandy gave him a disproving look.

ÒKeep your voice down,Ó She scolded.

ÒYes it is and as you see you must go to Italy to do the job.Ó


He looked at the address then back at her.

ÒYou donÕt expect me to use my money for the expenses do you?Ó


ÒOf coarse not .Ó She gave him another envelope containing more money.

ÒThat should be enough for travel, food and lodging for four days. Although I want it done as quickly as possible.Ó



He nodded. Ò How do you want it done?Ó


She smiled at the thought. Ò An accident of coarse. I was told you do wonderful accidents that are untraceable and look like the real thing.Ó


Laura watch the whole thing play out . It seemed so surreal, almost like a movie.

She cleared her throat and spoke up.

Ò So you think you can kill her by the weekend and make it look good.Ó


Sandy threw her an annoyed look at her bluntness.

ÒLaura thatÕs enough. He said he could do it and he can.Ó


Jarvis nodded . ÒYeah , It will be done this weekend IÕll leave right away and scope out the situation and see what needs to be done and when it is IÕll call you.Ó

Sandy smiled satisfied. ÒI want her dead not hurt but dead and only her, make sure her son isnÕt with her.Ó


ÒRight.Ó He agreed .



Laura stood up and told them she had to go to the loo. She was out of sight , standing by the door. She squealed as John grabbed her around the mouth and pulled her into the loo.


ÒYou got it?Ó


She nodded waiting for her heart to calm down.

ÒYes everything you scared me.Ó


ÒSorry, letÕs get this off.Ó

He started pulling the tape off of her as she winced at the pain. He pulled fast knowing it wouldnÕt hurt as much and to get the tape outside as fast as he could.

Once off he put it in his pocket and looked down at her.

ÒStall them for a few whilst I bring this outside. You did good luv.Ó He smiled then left.


She went out to the booth and sat back down.

ÒIÕm thirsty I want to order a drink.Ó


Sandy was edgy . ÒWe donÕt have time for this Laura we have to go!Ó


Jarvis waved her off. ÒFive minutes isnÕt gonna hurt so ast I can finish me second.Ó


Things were finally going her way for a change even though it was soon to be over Laura thought.




John ran across the street , the rain ran down him soaking him threw. He ripped off his beard and moustache as the rain had already loosened it. When he got to the car he handed the recorder to the Police and pulled off his wig. He panted as he watch them play back just enough to arrest them. He watch several police get out of the cars as he went over to RingoÕs  and got in with George not far behind. They sat waiting to see Sandy come out in hand cuffs.









                                                CHAPTER THIRTY







The police started for the pub. They placed two around the back entrance as the rest entered through the front. Jarvis looked up alarmed as he saw them come in . He stuffed the envelopes in his pockets. Sandy looked over to see why he was so alarmed and saw the police. Laura had her blocked in and with the looks of them, knew the police were in.


ÒCome on Laura we have to leave.Ó Sandy sounded alarmed.


Jarvis had already gotten up and slowly walked towards the rest rooms. The police spotted him. They grabbed him , cuffed him and read him his rights. Another police officer pulled out the envelopes.


Sandy pushed at Laura , who held her ground.

ÒCome on we gotta go!Ó


Laura wouldnÕt move , her heart pounded knowing what was going to happen. Satisfaction flowed through her body even though she didnÕt like what was coming. She felt assured that Cynthia would be safe and Paul would be released from his prison term.

She turned to Sandy and gave her a small smile.



ÒIÕm sorry   I couldnÕt let you do this again. His friends figured everything out and I helped them. ItÕs all on tape and the police have it. I love you but this all has to stop and I am stopping it now.Ó She informed Sandy.


ÒYou fool do you know what youÕve done?  YouÕll go to jail too. Ò She hissed.

All her work for nothing . Paul would no longer be hers and Cynthia would live. Maybe just maybe she could get out of it saying Laura controlled her. She would have to think fast, she couldnÕt lose Paul. Her anger got the best of her and jail was the last place she wanted to go.


ÒYou did this to me you bitch!!!Ó she saw the police making their way over to them .

Sandy moved so fast Laura never saw the gun she pulled from her purse. She felt it push into her side.


ÒNow get out! Ò


Laura moved out of the booth once she realized what was pointing into her side

Once standing Sandy held Laura at gun point.

ÒYou let us leave or IÕll kill her.Ó she yelled and then in LauraÕs ear she whispered.

ÒIÕm gonna kill you if you try anything donÕt test me. I canÕt lose Paul so youÕre my ticket back to him.Ó She spoke fast.


She was crazed and would do anything to keep Paul and not go to jail Laura thought. How far did she think she could go? LauraÕs heart pounded as Sandy pushed her past the police and out the door. The police filed out .


ÒDrop the gun donÕt do this!Ó the office called to her.



George and Ringo saw this and looked on in surprise as they heard a car door slam.

They turned to see John running and dodging cars to get to Sandy.


ÒChrist Ritch heÕs gonna get killed.Ó In unison they exited the car after him.



Sandy was watching the police as she stepped off the curb with Laura to cross the street.

John ran up and jumped on her. Laura flew across onto the street , a car screeched and slid in to her.


John fought with Sandy as the gun went off. He hit her hand against the curb making her release the gun, it fell to the side. She was wild, grabbing his hair, thrusting his head hard into the pavement. She scratched and bit him. Her adrenaline pumped as she fought with him to try and get the gun. She tried to grab it as the police came up to them. Pointing their guns they yelled for her to stop. She continued to take her anger out on him.  John in turn took his out on her. He got on top of her and straddled her punching her. She felt around for the gun and her hand found it. She brought it up and the street echoed from a shot.



The rain poured down on them as Sandy went limp under John.  He rolled off of her lying on the sidewalk panting and in pain, he lay there in a daze.. He saw her lying there in a pool of her own blood and watched it being washed down the gutter by the rain. The officer that fired the shot had killed her instantly. George and Ringo had gotten to Laura and pulled her to the side walk where she was being treated by an ambulance attendant. The ambulances soon took Laura and Sandy away. The police thanked George, Ringo and eventually John for their help in getting Jarvis, who they had been after for sometime and helping get Sandy after hearing and seeing the evidence of what she had done.



They walked over to John who was sitting in the ambulance being treated for his wounds. They climbed in, not wanting to be seen. He smiled up at them as they got in.


ÒIs he alright sir?Ó George asked.


ÒPretty much IÕd say although the bullet pierced him, heÕs lucky it went by the edge of his side so itÕs not very serious and he is a bit beaten. I think heÕll live. He should go to the hospital. He most likely has a concussion from hitting his head against the pavement. He should be x-rayed to make sure there isnÕt a fracture. The rest are just cuts, scratches and bruises that will heal. Ó



John looked drowsily at them . His head pounded as if a jack hammer were inside it. He could barely keep his eyes open and the pain from the bullet wound was excruciating. He didnÕt want to go to the hospital if he didnÕt have to. He hated hospitals and it would just lead to them getting involved in the scandal that by now couldnÕt be help. The paparazzi had already started to arrive and there were a crowd of people lining the street. He could only hope they hadnÕt seen them as they hid in the ambulance.



ÒNo hospital.Ó He said weakly.

ÒJust get me arse out of here before those hounds smell us out.Ó



The ambulance attendant looked to him. ÒHey IÕm no doctor here. I just bandage people up. You really should go get checked out and x-rayed.Ó



John groggily waved him off. ÒNo man, no hospital, itÕll draw to much attention. IÕll do the x-ray thing later, my doctor.Ó

He laid his head back; willing the pain to stop.



ÒThen you should know.Ó He looked over to the other Beatles.

ÒHe must be watched. He canÕt sleep more then 2 hours and then you wake him. Change his dressings and put antibiotic cream on him.Ó He reached around and gave them a tube.

ÒAspirins, he can have and make sure he does the x-rays as soon as possible. Ok?Ó



They nodded as George took the cream from him.

ÒListen, can you run us somewhere away from this mess, so as we can leave with out being seen?Ó


The attendant shook his head.


ÒRight , IÕll follow you then they can get in with me.Ó



 They watched as Ringo put his coat over his head so he wouldnÕt be recognized and so he wouldnÕt get any wetter. The attendant closed the doors then went up front to tell the drive what they were doing. The ambulance went a few blocks until it was safe for them to get out.



George thank them and then helped John up. He wobbled and then fell back in to the seat. His head made him dizzy and he couldnÕt get his body to hold his weight. George gently helped him up again. This time he supported JohnÕs weight , pulling his arms around him and letting John lean against him.



The pain shot through him as he tried to walk. He hated relying on help, but there was no way he could do it himself. He grabbed on to George, not wanting to fall as the attendant helped them out of the ambulance.




His weight leaned heavily into George as they made their way to the car. Ringo got out and helped him into the back. He leaned forward, resting his aching head against the back of the passenger seat.



They got into the car and turned to him.


ÒHow you feeling there mate?Ó Ringo asked.



ÒLike a lorry done hit me.Ó He groaned as he answered.



ÒI guess weÕll take you to Yoko and she can see to ya.Ó Ringo said as he turned and started up the car.


ÒNo letÕs do that doctor thingÉ..George letÕs see your doctor.Ó George could see the pain on his face.


ÒRight , Let me give him a ring.Ó He got out of the car and went to a phone. After a few minutes , that seemed like hours to John , he came back and hopped into the car.


ÒOk he will take us in the back way. Ò He told them and gave Ringo the directions.


They drove into the back and were let in both holding John up. The doctor put him in the room and had the x-rays taken. He then took him the back way to a room. John sat down feeling sick to his stomach.  He lurched forward from the chair and grabbing hold of the counter got sick in the sink. George and Ringo came over to him and helped him back. They got him a small cup of water and a towel. He looked bad, his face had swelled and bruised to a dark color.



The doctor entered the room putting the x-rays up onto the lighted screen. He saw that John had gotten sick and then went back to the pictures.


ÒYou defiantly have a concussion , vomiting is part of it along with the dizziness and the blurred vision. Ò he walked over to him and felt his head then took out a pen light. The brightness made John feel sick all over again , he pushed passed the doctor and relieved the sensation. When he was done the doctor helped him back to the chair and cleaned up some dried blood the attendant had missed.



ÒYou took quiet a beating. I hope the other guy looks worse.Ó He commented.


John not wanting to move his head just answered yes.


ÒRight well then , you need to be stitched up on your side here .Ó he took the bandage off and then shot him with a local. He didnÕt need much stitching and it was done quickly.


ÒNow you need to rest. The symptoms will go away gradually. DonÕt let him sleep more then 2 hours at a time . Wake him and give him these for the pain and the headache. I canÕt give you anything to strong with a head injury, but you should feel better in a few days. Come back and get the stitches out in 7 days. George call and tell me when your coming.Ó  He shook Georges hand and helped them out the back way.



They got back into the car. John leaned against the passenger seat so he could listen and talk to his friends about the situation. The car started to move making him dizzy. George looked over to him.


ÒWeÕll take you to Yoko now.Ó He smiled at his friend . He hated to see him like this but at least he saw the doctor and would be on the mend in a few days.




John squinted with the pain but his mind was now on Paul. He knew Paul would wake up from the drug and not know what happened. His heart hurt as he thought of the mess they had to clean up with him. His hand hit GeorgeÕs shoulder.


ÒMacca.Ó He said weakly.

ÒWe have to go tell him. Fix him.Ó He knew it didnÕt come out right but his head was making his thinking fuzzy.



George looked to his friend. ÒDonÕt you worry none . WeÕll go to him after we know you are ok and in bed where you belong.Ó


John hated this, he wanted to be there for Paul. He knew what was going to happen. He also didnÕt know if they thought once he was told that he would be his old self


ÒNo you donÕt understand É..Ó He tried hard to focus, but the more he tried the more things spun. He felt like he may pass out , but he had to make sure.



ÒMacca he wonÕt understandÉÉÓ he panted.

ÒIn his condition I donÕt know how he will be ÉÉHeÕs gutted, the drinking, the depression ÉÉHeÕs done lost himself.  HeÕs gonna be a job.Ó



Ringo looked in the mirror and saw how pale and sick he looked. He became more concerned.

ÒYou look off color there mateÉ.you go home and rest. WeÕll take care of Paulie. When you are a bit better you can go see em.Ó



John took a gulp and fought the urge to pass out as he held tightly to the seat.

ÒSomeoneÕs gotta stay with em . CanÕt be left alone.Ó

The fight was over and George watched him slump on to his shoulder.


ÒJohn !  Christ , Ritch he done passed right out!Ó He anxiously.



ÒHe was bound to Hari . His head and the injuries , IÕm surprised he stayed conscious this long. Ò Ringo tried to calm George, as he watched him lay John back on the seat.



ÒYou think Yoko will have our heads?Ó He looked over at Ringo.



Ringo thought to him self at how he managed to stay calm when he needed to and then fall apart later after it was all over.


ÒNaaa SheÕll be upset sure but sheÕll deal.Ó Ringo drove up to the flat and parked.



They got out of the car and were able to get him conscious . Yoko opened the door and looked horrified at the sight that was her husband.


ÒMy God what happened to him?Ó She said as they brought him in . She led them to the bedroom and laid him on the bed. They removed his wet cloths and she recoiled when she saw the full extent of his wounds. She sighed heavily as she got him some Pajamas. With their help John was dressed and settled in. George held out the medicine and Yoko and explained what she had to do to take care of him. She then got him some water to take the medicine. Ringo held him up long enough for the water to wash it down and he sunk back into the pillow.


ÒJohn.Ó She said with tears in her eyes; she sat by him, looking him over and stroking his face. He winced as she touched him. She pulled her hand back realizing how sore his face must have been. Satisfied that he would live she looked to George and Ringo for an explanation.

They told her the whole story as she sat silently listening and checking John every so often


ÒShe is dead then?Ó


ÒYes. Ò They answered in unison.


It was a simple question that was hard to answer. Hard to realize after everything that had happened over the last few months; hard to fathom but true. Yes, she was dead . Some would have thought them to be happy at this; she had been stopped and unable to hurt anyone else.  The only thing was the path of destruction that she left behind. They knew they had to go; go to see the friend who had been in the middle of that path and in the process been destroyed by it.