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                                                CHAPTER THIRTY-FIVE







The crowd seemed to grow larger now that they had seen JohnÕs car pull in the day before. They all knew that at least two of the Beatles were there. On the television, every news station showed the house and reported the incident. The news people kept commenting on the press release and wondered when the four would come forward for a press conference. John wished theyÕd all leave them alone already. The three Beatles would take turns looking out the window to see if the picture on the television was the same as outside. To their dismay it was, they knew it would be but had hoped the crowd would tire of this and go home.



All morning the three searched for any unopened bottles or bottles with anything left in them .John knew all the hiding places, looking where he might have hid his stash while he was using. He came up with a few, surprising the others. They were amazed at the unusual places John had found them. They put them all together in a cabinet that John had found a key to. He kept out only one half empty bottle on the kitchen table. Sobering up Paul would start today whether he liked it or not they agreed.




The kitchen was filled with smells of food as Yoko cooked up lunch for all of them. The smell sickened Paul as he went to the toilet to relieve him self in more then one way. He washed out his mouth and then swallowed a few headache pills. He slowly walked down the stairs, heading to where the smell was and where a drink could be had.




They all looked up as he walked in. He looked sick , disheveled , shaky and still wearing the same clothes that he had on for God knows how many days.



John got up and grabbed the bottle before he could. Through bleary red eyes, John could see PaulÕs annoyance. He was too weak and sick to carry it out so he stayed quiet. John took a mug as Paul watched him poor the liquor into it with a little bit of tea. He could taste it, feel the familiar burn as he watched. John handed it to him; Paul finished it quickly and went for the bottle again.


ÒJust a bit more Paulie. Today we start you back to the world of the living.Ó



Paul looked at him confused , he poured another then watched John bring it to the other room. He followed, observing the cabinet being locked up along with all the alcohol. John put the key in his pocket.



ÒNow we put you on a schedule and get you off this .Ó



Paul eyed him up, he felt to sick to argue and sat docile in a kitchen chair. He figured heÕd have it out with John later. Then it came to him. When did they get here? How did they get in? The questions ran through his mind as the others looked on knowingly.



ÒYa donÕt remember a thing I bet.Ó Ringo said to him reading his face.



Paul slowly nodded. He thought; what was the last thing he remembered? He noticed the scab covered scars on his arm. How did that get there? He wondered fearfully.



ÒThe house was in disarray when we came in. Things smashed , ripped and a large bin outside with SandyÕs things in it. The mirror in the hall was smashed and there was blood all around the floor. We cleaned the place up . Took us a few hours and your not even paying us.Ó George joked.



ÒWe found you in the music room dead pissed and then you passed out.Ó Ringo tried to help fill in the missing pieces.



ÒAnd that son .Plus ya gotta climb out of this bottle is why you are only getting an allotted amount to drink until youÕre off the shite. Your brain is a mess , youÕre a mess and like it or not you are going to clean up. Once we can get food down you , youÕre gonna eat too.Ó John was laying down the law and didnÕt care what Paul thought.



ÒYa canÕt remember a blasted thing. Is this how you want to live? I donÕt think so . You got to clear up that brain before you can find the man thatÕs trapped inside.Ó He finished.



All eyes were on Paul to see how heÕd react. John knew he was to sick to get angry and counted on that when he told him.



ÒSo when can I have another?Ó Paul asked meekly.


ÒToday? Every hourÉ.then when you get used to it weÕll bring you down more. Now your brother called last night. HeÕs on his way down here.Ó



ÒNo I donÕt want my family here. I donÕt want him to see me like this.Ó Paul looked at his hands as they shook , realizing even more that John was right.

The only problem was how he would sleep. The nightmares were bad when he didnÕt drink himself to sleep and lately sometimes they still came. He would be awakened by terrible nightmares about the baby. He dreamt about SandyÕs grey body on the slab and his baby in one of those jars like the one he saw at the hospital.  He was too ashamed to tell them so he kept it to himself. The fear of seeing his brother invaded his mind, pushing out the thoughts of nightmares.


ÒWhenÕs Mike comin?Ó



ÒI reckon in about an hour; so you better shower and change those clothes. Ò John instructed.



Yoko looked at his shirt and jeans.

ÒYou better just throw them out Paul there is dried blood all over them and the shirt is tore up as well.Ó



He looked down and saw what they saw. He would have never dressed like this before and wear the same clothes for days. He slowly got up.

ÒAn hour you say?Ó



John nodded and then nodded to the stairs for him to get ready. Paul painfully moved towards the stairs. Well, he thought I definitely will not miss hangovers. He turned on the shower and then remembered some of his spots to hide his bottles. Although he didnÕt have to hide them with Sandy, he always liked to have one close by and wasnÕt sure if sheÕd like them all around the house. He took the lid off the toilet and looked inside. There was nothing there and it surprised him. Could he have finished it in one of his black outs?

Maybe it was John, he cursed him as he slammed the top back on and got into the shower.




The door opened and Mike walked in to happy greetings. He put his coat up and placed his bag by the stairs. He looked around but didnÕt see his brother. He was tired from his long trip but he needed to see Paul. He needed to know what was going on. John pulled him aside.

ÒMike you look knackered.Õ



ÒYeah long driveÉ..WhereÕs Paul?Ó




ÒHeÕs in the shower and probably isnÕt to chuffed to see I took his booze out of all the hiding places he had. We started weaning him off it today.Ó John explained



ÒHeÕs that bad then ?Ó



ÒYeah, fraid so. HeÕs been sagging off of everything . Music , going out and taking care of himself. Gotten worse since all this.Ó He poured Mike some tea and they sat down.

ÒListen, some things I gotta tell you about what happened. This is gonna be a long sit and I hope itÕs done with before he shows.Ó



John laid the story out for Mike. He didnÕt know much of it and was in shock at what John told him. George entered the room and filled it some more for him. They all ended up back in the kitchen , each sharing a part of the story up until this morning.



Mike sat horrified at what his brother must have gone through and again cursed himself for not doing anything about it.


ÒI canÕt imagine what he went through , even with everything you told meÉÉ.I just canÕtÓ he trailed off as he got emotional.



ÒNone of us can fully understand . She was off her trolley Mike. Nobody but Paul knows what happened and I figure he doesnÕt remember some of it, with the drinkin and all.Ó John consoled him.




They heard Paul coming down the stairs. He had put on pants and a sweater, combed his wet hair and even shaved. He didnÕt want this going back to his dad and aunties. He just didnÕt know if he could handle having Mike there. The house had so many people in it and he was starting to feel that suffocating feeling again, especially with the limit on the drink. The circus outside didnÕt help and he wondered again if he could live through this.

He stepped into the kitchen and gave Mike a shy smile.



Mike looked up at his big brother. My God , he thought, he looks horrible. The sweater he wore hung on him like a tent, his eyes were void of the spark they usually had. He looked beaten and worn out and it broke his heart. He felt his chest tighten as he stood up. He slowly walked to his brother eyeing him. He saw Paul fidget uncomfortably, but he didnÕt care at this second, all he knew was he needed to hug him, let him know that he was there and loved him. His arms grabbed Paul; he brought him in to a tight hug. Mike could feel Paul stiffen and shake, his body felt so fragile as he held him and with the hug he could feel how boney Paul had gotten.



Paul knew Mike wanted to hug him. He fought the urge to back away as Mike grabbed him and brought him in close. Paul shook and stiffened at the show of affection, something he never did before with his brother. He tried to relax but it wasnÕt working. God, he thought of all the days for Lennon to pull this drinking thing on him. He needed a drink desperately, the fear was choking him. Too many people, too much attention and Mike his dear brother was holding tight. GET OFF OF ME!!!!! EVERYONE GO AWAY!!!!! I NEED A DRINK SO BAD!!!!!!! Scream throughout his whole body. He shook more not able to squelch the painful retching feelings inside of him. He slowly pushed Mike away. He saw his confusion, but didnÕt care he marched out of the living room possessed. He rounded the fireplace and picked up a poker and like a mad man went to the cabinet by the bar. He raised it and started smashing at the lock.



Mike was shocked at his brotherÕs behavior. He stood there stunned for a moment and felt a hand on his shoulder. It was George reassuring him. He watched as the others followed Paul in to the living room and looked on in horror as Paul began to pound the cabinet with the poker from the fire place.



John was the only one willing to confront Paul , even with his furry and a poker in his hand.


ÒPaulie ya donÕt want to be doin this.Ó He warned as he took a quick look back at the stunned younger McCartney.



ÒLeave off Lennon!Ó Paul growled, finally getting the door opened. He grabbed the first bottle he could get and quickly opened it. He poured it into his mouth while standing guard with the poker raised in his hand.



They all watched his exigency to drink as much as he could. George and Ringo stepped up to John, wondering what to do.



ÒPaul you gotta stop this. ItÕs not gonna get you anywhere.Ó Ringo tried to reason.


ÒYa canÕt reason with him Ritch heÕs gone sparce.Ó George spoke softly to him.

He knew in PaulÕs condition there was no reasoning and so did John.



John stepped closer watching the poker raise in a threatening position.

ÒBloody fuckin ell put that blasted thing down fer ya hurt someone.Ó John kept his eye on Paul as he slowly kept moving closer to him. When Paul was in the middle of a drink, John jumped at him; grabbing the poker away and throwing it on the floor as far away as he could.




Paul caught off guard moved back still holding the precious fluid he needed so badly.

He glared daggers at John as he approached him.

ÒDonÕt do it LennyÉ..I mean it!Ó



ÒYouÕre being a prat and almost acting as barmy as you dead wife!Ó John chastised him.

He knew he was trending on dangerous ground , but he had with many people in his life. He wasnÕt afraid of it and welcomed it . He grabbed the half empty bottle out of PaulÕs hand and threw it . It landed along side of the poker pouring out onto the rug.



Paul charged at him and John was ready. He knew the anger would keep coming out, it had to, it was the only thing covering up the fear. The more he got it out of him the better it would get, but the drinking had to go in order for anything to be resolved.



 The arrogance of JohnÕs statement enraged Paul, comparing him to Sandy.  When he snatched up the bottle, the only thing that held him together, something snapped deep inside him. The rage poured out, he couldnÕt think , couldnÕt focus. All he could do was attack what ever was in his way and John Lennon was in his way.



They tussled to the floor , punching each other. George and Ringo kept Yoko and Mike back . By now they knew what John was doing and knew not to interfere . John was trying to wear Paul down and this was the only way John knew to do it.



They were behind the bar and destroying everything in their path. John got up pulling Paul with him and punched him hard sending him over the bar. John walked around and watched as Paul crawled to get up. Seeing this he landed on him pinning him to the floor. PaulÕs weaken state didnÕt help him much against John, who held him down with a vengeance. Paul was gasping with JohnÕs knee in his chest.



When he tried to throw him off, John came down harder on him. He sat on Paul panting and wiped the blood with the back of his hand off of his mouth.

ÒYa had enough now?!!!  Ya gonna behave?!!!! IÕm getting rather sick of yer shirtiness!Ó



ÒWHY WONÕT YOU JUST LEAVE ME BE!!!!!!Ó Paul yelled loudly.



ÒCause we care about you , donÕt you understand that you thick pillick!Ó John dug in prepared to sit there as long as it took. He knew pinned down the way he had him, Paul couldnÕt move. His hands held PaulÕs wrists and he held his knee with most of his weight steadfast on his chest with his other leg curled around PaulÕs.



Paul tried to free himself, but knew it was impossible. His demeanor broke, under the pressure.

ÒI canÕt take thisÉ..Ó he whimpered. ÒTo much  É many peopleÉ..please.Ó he begged. ÒPlease.Ó His voice a whisper. ÒWhy do any of you care? I sure the hell donÕtÓ



MichaelÕs heart broke for his brother. He was finally starting to realize just how bad he was. He wondered what that monster did to change his brother so drastically into someone he no longer knew. He wanted him back and he would fight along with him to achieve that.  He walked over to them, tears in his eyes and knelt down to Paul. He stroked his hair while John still held him. Paul turned his head, to ashamed to look at his brother.


ÒPaulie, Please YouÕre my brother and I love you . Let me help you.Ó Mike begged.



ÒDonÕt be daft Paul. YouÕre lucky; you got a family what loves you and mateÕs that would do anything fer ya. DonÕt hide, I know what itÕs like to hide from the pain , from the hurt and from the fear. It will consume you lad . DonÕt fight us, let us help you. I know why ya ran to the drinkÉÉI understand it. You once helped me fight my demons and it was hard, you stuck by me . Now let us stick by you. Ò John saw the tears run down PaulÕs face at what he just said. He shook his head as he finished.

ÒTo many people I understand that. Remember, how I didnÕt want too many people around when I was trying to get it together. WeÕll work it out, luv.Ó



He got up freeing Paul and looked to George. ÒMate I want ya to call yer doc friend and get him those pills ya got fer us. I think that would make things easier fer all of us.Ó



George nodded ÒRight..Ó Then went to the phone.

Paul slowly got up; he hung his head as he walked into the kitchen to clean off the blood that dripped from his face. Mike followed him in , he sat as his brother took the tea towel and washed his blood and tear stained face. Mike starred at this stranger, wondering what he could do to bring him back. He got up and put his hand on PaulÕs shoulder making Paul jump.


ÒSorry, LetÕs go out to the garden and have a smoke.Ó Mike waited for a response and when he didnÕt get one he went and grabbed their coats, throwing Paul his.

ÒCome ead. Ò he encouraged.


Paul followed, he felt the alcohol in his system and felt better. He dragged himself after Mike and sat on the cold step next to him. They smoked in silence for a few minutes.



ÒWhen the spring comes you know dadÕs gonna want to come and get those roses going again.Ó Mike said absentmindedly.



Paul nodded indifferent to whether the roses came back or not.



ÒI know you donÕt want me here, but youÕre stuck with me. Mum would want me here. You know how she was about us lookin out for each other.Ó



Paul nodded again. His thoughts went to his mum. His wonderful precious mother; God how he wished to be with her, she held so many of his dreams when he was troubled. Now , the only dreams he had were morbid , horrific dreams that would wake him shaking with sweat drenching his body from the fear they invoked.


ÒMikey, do you ever dream of mum?Ó he said impassive.



Mike cocked his head. ÒSometimes why?Ó



Ò She used to come to me in my dreams when I was troubled and let me know it would be alright. Now, she doesnÕt come to see me anymore.Ó



Mike could hear a slight sadness in his voice.

ÒShe doesnÕt come to see you anymore? Ò



Paul shook his head slowly. ÒNo more, sheÕs left me Mikey É..Left me to have other dreams. Ò

ÒWhat dreams Paulie?Ó He asked softly.




Paul felt his chest tighten at the thought . He didnÕt have enough to chase the feelings away. He started to visibly shake.

ÒThey come when I donÕt drink enough to pass out. First they were dreams of guilt of the miscarriage, that maybe I had caused. Now ÉÉ..Ó he trailed off as his voice started to crack bringing the emotions he had fought down so hard to the surface.



ÒNow what Paulie?Ó Mike tried to keep him talking hoping he would let more out. He wanted to understand what was going on inside. He wanted to hold him and reassure him, but he didnÕt dare touch him yet.



Paul sighed then took a deep breath, the misery was apparent in his voice.

ÒNowÉÉthey come even if I do pass out. I  guess around the time I am coming around? I donÕt know.Ó


Mike waited for him the finish. He saw how hard it was for him to talk about.



ÔÓMike?Ó his voice rose a pitch.

ÒI dream of herÉÉSandyÉÉdead , grey and lifelessÉÉshe tells me itÕs my fault sheÕs dead  and that our real baby is deadÉ..She shows me my baby in a jar in the morgueÉ..Ó He had to stop for a minute as he felt himself getting to choked up to go on. He steadied the trebling from inside just enough to get it out. He had to, added with everything else it killed more of him. He feared at times heÕd go insane. No one understood the loathing and grief that ate him up and would sometimes come out in rages. The fear that squeezed his insides paralyzing him with anxiety or the darkness he felt thrown into that threatened to ignite the worst.  He knew he was pitiful; the drink just seemed to make it a slower and easier death.



ÒI saw it y know É..In the  morgue.Ó He continued mournfully.



ÒSaw what?Ó Mike questioned.



ÒThe baby in the jar on a shelf in a really cold room. Mike sheÕs so cold and I know it was her.Ó

 He starred out in to the garden. He looked despondent with tears running down his face. He thought with all the crying he had done he was all cried out



Mike put his arm carefully around him, making sure it didnÕt bother him. When he saw it didnÕt he drew Paul in closer and felt him lay his head down on his shoulder.

ÒIt wasnÕt your baby in that jar Paul.Ó



Paul sniffed and wiped his nose .

ÒIt was y know. Ò



ÒHow do y know that?Ó




ÒIt tells me.Ó He said dryly.



Mike was stunned again by what he was hearing. Nightmares; a dead baby that he thinks is his cause it tells him and then that blasted Sandy again. Even dead she haunted him and ruined his life. He sighed as he cradled his brother in his arms.



ÒIÕm so scarred MikeyÉ tiredÉÉso so tiredÉ.Ó He said feeling comfort in his brotherÕs arms. He didnÕt want Mike to left him go; he was the closest thing to his mum.



Mike swallowed hard and rested his chin on PaulÕs head. He just didnÕt know what to do but try and tell him everything would alright. He knew Paul doubted it but didnÕt say anything taking comfort in the words. He would sleep in the same room with Paul just like when they were kids. He would be there for the nightmares and walk him through it. The nightmares, he realized was a hard thing to admit to and he vowed that his brother wouldnÕt be alone with them.



ÒRemember when we were kids and slept in the same room?Ó



Òuh huh.Ó Paul remembered a lot from his childhood , it just hadnÕt been safe to think about until know.



ÒWell, mate weÕre gonna do it again. IÕll be there for you with the nightmares, just like you were there for me when I dreamt about mum when she first passed. YouÕre not alone. WeÕre gonna get through this  , everyoneÕs pullin for ya.Ó



Paul sat up and rubbed his face . He was tired and to afraid to sleep. He got up and walked over to the bushes Mike had talked about before. He looked at them, thinking. He jumped as a flash of light caught him. Mike jumped up and yelled at the reporter to go away and then pulled his brother in to the house. He sat Paul down and picked up the phone.



George looked at him curiously . ÒWhat are you doin Mike?Ó


ÒGetting rid of those bleedin reporters. One just snapped a picture of Paul. The police have to move them!.Ó



ÒTheyÕll just come back later.Ó George warned.



ÒI donÕt care they are leaving now!Ó He got on the phone to the police.



The police did chase everyone away and then Mike hired a security team to watch the house. They all thought that was a great plan and wondered why they hadnÕt thought of it.

George and Ringo left saying theyÕd call the next day.  There were now less people outside and in. John wasnÕt about to move, Mike could handle Paul but not when he became unhinged. George had gotten the pills for Paul and he was given one. They seemed to help but John still gave him his scheduled amounts. Night had finally come and the day had been tiring . John and Yoko turned in telling Mike not to hesitant in waking them. Mike put Paul to bed and brought up some cushions from down stair and used that for his bed. HeÕd get a cot tomorrow he thought as he lay there listening to Paul snore lightly and wondering how much sleep heÕd get.










                                                CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX






Paul felt a bone chilling cold come over his body. He wrapped his arms around him holding his jacket tightly closed for some warmth. He looked around to see where he was but it was dark. He lit his lighter, eyes wandered in search of what this place was. He heard a banging noise coming from in front of him. Cautiously, he walked to find where it was coming from. The flame went out when the lighter grew to hot to hold. Blackness was everywhere and the noise grew louder. Fear enveloped him as he pressed on to find the banging noise. A loud slam was heard making him jump as a foggy light appeared showing the vault door. He looked up to see a grayish decaying body quickly moving towards him. He jumped back hitting the wall. His heart raced as she approached him , trapping him against the it. He tried to move but his feet were stuck to the floor and all that could be seen was the foggy light , with the dead decaying girl as she floated in front of him.




She came to him , her face so close he could smell the order of death. He trembled as she kissed him, cold so cold were her lips.


ÒYou should be here with me my love. You were the one. You killed us both.Ó Her cold breath whispered in his ear and making him shiver.



ÒYou couldnÕt love me, it was always her!Ó she spat out with venom.



ÒIÉ.I É..didnÕt kill you É.I didnÕt even know.Ó He quivered.

It was getting harder to breath. His heart pounded so hard he thought he might die.



ÒYou killed both of us!!!!!  LOOK!Ó she pointed her finger towards something.

A ray of frosty light shone on the shelve encircling a jar with something in it.



He turned his head and followed the light, starring at the jar that held something in it.



ÒThatÕs our baby in there you bastard. Look at herÉ..floating aroundÉÉnever able to breath É..never able to see the warm light of dayÉÉnever will she live. You murdered her the same way you murdered me!!!Ó



He swallowed hard, eyes fixed on the jar and his breathing became ragged and short. He felt like he might pass out . A coldness like ice grabbed at him.



ÒListen to her.Ó she ordered him as her grip grew tighter.



ÒDaddyÉ..daddy why? Daddy why didnÕt you want me?Ó



Paul didnÕt realize he was crying until he heard himself take in a shuttering breath.

ÒIÉ.I wanted you luvÉ..I really did.Ó His sobs got in the way.



The icy cold intertwined around him, starting from the bottom and heading up.

ÒWe can still be a family my love. You will join us. You will die for the sins you have committed and a family we will be.Ó She hissed frozen breath into his ear.


ÒYou feel it already and now I will complete it with a long  kiss that will suck the life out of you.Ó


ÒNO! NO! Please donÕt.Ó He shook his head and tried not to let her kiss fall on him as he heard his daughter beckon for him to join them.

He couldnÕt move , couldnÕt escape and he would join them in the coldness of death. He struggled noticing his tears turn to ice and continued to yell.



Mike jumped up hearing his brother yelling. He ran to him , grabbing both his arms he shook him hard.

ÒPaul wake up !Ó



Paul sprung up in to a sitting position, desperately trying to catch his breath. He gasped and coughed taking in haggard breaths. He felt so cold yet the sweat dripped from him. His tee shirt soaked as if it had fallen into a puddle. He shook violently, his eyes opened wide.

ÒLIGHT! LIGHT!Ó he yelled.



Mike reached over and turned on the small table lamp. He couldnÕt believe what he saw. Paul was pale and shaking fiercely. His clothes soaked and he gasped for every breath.

Mike got the extra blanket at the bottom of the bed and wrapped him in it. He drew him into his arms , stroking his wet hair , trying to get him to calm down and breathe normally.


ÒItÕs just a dream Paulie , only a dream.Ó He soothed.


ÒShe wants me dead.Ó He sobbed. When he continued it came out in hiccupped wails.

ÒI killtÉ them bothÉÉshe É.sheÉ.the babyÉ.want me ÉÉdead.Ó



ÒNo, Paulie ItÕs just a dream . Your mind playin tricks on ya. All that you saw in the morgue that day and itÕs playin on your head.Ó Mike tried to rationalize it, hoping it would help console him.



His body shivered like he had been out in the cold to long with out something warm to wear.

ÒIÕm É.so É.cold.  Mike. I wish mum were here. I want to dream of mum.Ó



Mike ran his hands up and down PaulÕs arms vigorously trying to warm him. He then just held him, rocking him back and forth. It was like he was a little boy again and it saddened him.




It took awhile before he calmed down enough for Mike to stop worrying. His screams brought John and Yoko running in. They starred watching the scene unfold, when he had calmed down John spoke up.


ÒWhat appened?Ó John urgently asked.



ÒHe had a nightmare. He told me about them today. He said the drinking helped at first to keep them at bay , but since her death and finding out about the baby. Well itÕs gotten worse. Ò He released his brother , who sat there , face drawn and grim.

Mike walked over to John .

ÒHe said the other day in the morgue he saw a fetus in a jar. Probably an autopsy room he fell into . I think that, together with seeing her in the morgue and everything else have made these dreams unbearable for him. I think a pill and maybe a drink is in order now. Ò He shook his head for the hundredth time today at what had become of Paul.



John nodded his head and went to get the things Mike asked for. When he got back he sat on the other side of the bed from Mike. He gave a shaky Paul a pill and a glass of scotch.



Paul threw the pill in the back of his throat and chased it down with the scotch.

He held up the glass to John.


ÒAnother.Õ He requested.


ÒNo Paulie this is it . The pill will help you get some rest.Ó



ÒI need it Johnny please I canÕt go through that again. ItÕs so horribleÉ.so horrible.Ó He pleaded with him  . ÒJust one more Johnny É..Mike? one more É.Oh God please just one.Ó He looked and sounded pathetic and John slowly rose looking at Mike who shook his head.



He brought up another glass of scotch for him . They watched as Paul relished the drink he had been given.


ÒOk then?Ó John asked


Paul nodded as Mike got him up and John went to get him a dry shirt.

He was soon back to bed , the pill and liquor kicking in let him drift back to sleep.



The two men looked at one another, knowing what each was thinking. John nodded and left for his room. He thought for the first time that maybe this wasnÕt enough. Maybe heÕd have to be hospitalized. He didnÕt want to do it to Paul if he didnÕt have to. He had heard to many horror stories about those places and he didnÕt want Paul there. No , theyÕd be diligent and get him through this, it would just take longer then expected.





The next few days were hard. They all took a vigil around Paul. The dreams continued and Mike got little sleep. He didnÕt care; he had to be there for him. John was a big help, especially when Paul went off into a rage. John continued weaning Paul who seemed to start getting used to the schedule and for this Mike was also grateful. He could truly see how much John cared for him. George and Ringo would stop by taking up the slack and letting Mike, John and Yoko sleep a bit. He wondered if Paul knew just how lucky he was to have friends that cared so deeply for him. He defiantly would make sure his brother knew it when he was out of the woods.



Cynthia had called John and again he warned her of what she would see. She wanted nothing more then to see him and didnÕt care how bad he was. John didnÕt let on she was on the phone he didnÕt know what kind of a reaction sheÕd get from Paul. He told her under no circumstance was she to bring Julian. He didnÕt want the boy to see Paul like this, he was to young to understand. Cynthia agreed with him and told him she had already spoken to her mother about it. She would get back to London late the next night and planned on coming by the day after that. She told him to stop fussing she had no expectations , all she wanted was to see him and if he let her help.




It had been a little over a week and the reporters seeing they werenÕt going to get anything slowly dissipated. The security that had been hired had also discouraged the fans from hanging around. This however didnÕt stop the paper from publishing the picture they had taken in the garden. It showed how utterly dejected a grieving Paul was, showing the world how much he was suffering under the circumstances.





ÒYeah see this shite!Ó John bellowed holding up the paper and shaking it. The paper kept running the picture since they had no other with any news they could get on the case. Laura was out of the hospital and her prison sentence was the latest part of the story.



ÒYa canÕt help it John. Their gonna print it , heÕs a Beatle and we all know thatÕs a hot commodity. Ya can get as cheesed off as ya