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                                                 We Can Work It Out Part II

                                                                Abbeyrd {Sue}

                                                            Chapter seven

I do not own the Beatles, this story is a work of fiction based loosely on the history of the Beatles. I had this in my head and have gone with it. I still am adding and changing what I wrote before I post it. I hope you enjoy this story .  All reviews are welcome , IÕd enjoy hearing what you think.






            The rain fell hard against the window to the flat John had barrowed from Ringo.   Yoko and he had moved there after he left Cynthia, he was thankful for RingoÕs offering the place to him, now he and Yoko could take their time finding a place.  He looked at Yoko sleeping off the remains of the heroin they shared last night.  He sighed as he got up from the window sill he had been sitting on for at least an hour and went to refill his tea cup.  Their dealer would be over soon and heÕd have the stuff he craved that would take all his pain away.  Sweet oblivion, he needed it to get through his day, to forget all the hurt and pain he caused and had received in his life.   Yoko needed it too, with the pain she had been suffering since Tony had taken Keyoko from her and was giving her a hard time with the divorce. He had seen the chance to make money off of the famous John Lennon.  Ò Bloody pillickÓ  he thought dropping the kettle after burning himself on it.  He sucked on his finger and cursed the world.  Thank God for Yoko , she was the only thing that gave him sanity besides his beloved sweet junk he shot into himself  as often as he could.  The bell rang shaking him from his thoughts , he looked over at Yoko as she stirred, ÒChrist finally youÕre hereÓ he pulled open the door only to see Ringo instead of the junk man.  Ringo looked up at him knowingly and then walked in.  ÒRitch what are you doing here?  Did we have to be in the studio today?Ó   Ringo leaned against the wall and looked at the mess that stood before him , the mess that used to be John Lennon, the mess that was one of his closest mates. His hair was greasy , his body dirty from not showering for days. He had heard Heroin users didnÕt shower much, clogging their pores so the drug couldnÕt seep out. It was a sorry site , it made him sad, but he wouldnÕt give up on him, none of them would.  ÒSorry I wasnÕt the person you thought I was. No, we didnÕt have studio today. I stopped by to see an old mate of mine. That is ok isnÕt it?Ó

John looked at him through sunken eyes that hid behind his glasses.  Shit his dealer would be here any minute how was he going to get rid of Ritchie. He thought then slowly walked back into the kitchen motioning for Ringo to follow along.  Ò aaa of coarse itÕs ok Ritch, I just was surprised and Yoko and me have a busy day today.Ó Ringo sat down looking at his watch noticing how late in the day it was , knowing what the busy day was about .  ÒReally John , I worry about you two.Ó He trailed off not knowing if he was igniting the fuse of JohnÕs temper.  Ringo noticed the shaking hands that handed him his tea.  He added his cream and sugar, took a sip, while watching John.  John lit a cigarette then sat down , looking at his watch nervously, he couldnÕt sit still and it was noticed.       Ò John , relax would you. I know what yer waitin on. I just wish you would look at yourself and do something about itÓ John wished he would finish his tea and leave , the last thing he needed was another lecture. He couldnÕt stomach it again, George, Paul, Neil, Mal and again Richard.  He abruptly pulled away from the table , he had an  out and he was going to use it and quickly. ÒBloodly Hell Ritch, is that all you arseholes think about how are we going to save Lennon from himself.  Do yerselves a favor and sod off , really, is you r lives so wonderful that you have to distract yerselves with me and mine? Who sent you over this time? Peter?  Dereck? Ò then in an even louder explosion he yelled ÒWHO?Ó  He was agitated pacing nervously back and forth chain smoking. Ringo sunk back into his seat, he knew this would get him no where why did he even bother, then he remembered because John was his good mate and he loved him. He heard the bell and watched as John jumped almost running to the door. He heard some words exchange and the door closing. John came back into the kitchen looking cagey he smiled at Ringo  Ò Well, you want to report back to base now.  This is all bullocks isnÕt it? I am old enough to take care of meself now I really donÕt want a rowe  with ya so go on with yerself .Ó He motioned to the door as Yoko sleepily walked in and wrapped herself around John.  She looked up at him and he nodded. Ringo could see the relief on her face, it was then she seemed to notice him sitting there.  ÒRichard how are you?Ó she moved painfully slow to pour herself a cup of tea.  He nodded to Yoko as he stood up. ÒIÕm fine, we miss you guys , I mean Mo and the kids. Maybe you could bring Julian over one day to play with the kids and visitÓ  John tensed up then snapped Ò Why donÕt you ask his new daddy, ya know Macca loves to play daddy these days.Ó  Was there nothing he could say that wouldnÕt get John mad? He knew he should go , he could see John itching to fix up and anything would piss John off at this point.  ÒWell, I guess IÕll go É.listen mate the invite is there for whenever you two would like to stop by. Well seeya Ta for the tea..Ó  John had been walking toward the door with him and opened it trying to get him to leave faster then possible all he could think about was the heaven that awaited him , called him , begged him to take in the joy of  his only relief. The whole time Ringo had been there he tried hard to ignore the sweating ,the nausea and shaking that took control of his body. Yoko joined him now in the front room. ÒIs he gone?Ó John nodded then took the baggy out of his pants pocket while yoko got the kit.   They moved into the bedroom , which stayed as dark as their moods.  Eagerly, she sat and watched as John open the kit and took some things out. He licked his lips as he heard it call to him .   Faster , faster , soon he told the demon that possessed him. It was worse then the animal lust for sex he used to have, it took hold and he felt it screaming from his body as he heated the powder turning it to liquid. It was like an orgasm fixing Yoko, she went fast into another world as he started to fix for himself. Was this worth it , was this all  life had for him an endless cycle of fixing and waiting to fix. He blocked it out of his mind as he inserted the needle into his arm. He watch the blood draw back into the tube, and felt the almost sexual excitement as he plunged the liquid back into his arm, unwrapping the cord around his arm dropping it to the floor as the pain slowly left and the drug again possessed his whole being.   He fell back onto the bed as it filled him and took him far away , ending the craving, ending his pain and one day maybe it would end his life, then the pain would be gone forever.




            That afternoon Paul had been thinking a great deal about what he and Cynthia had talked about . Yes, their lives would definitely change a great deal in the eyes of the public.  This was so new, so fragile still, thank God they still had awhile up here to nurture it and let it grow. Some how he knew they could work it out. It was just the public, John and the past that was against them , but Paul was determined this would work and when he wanted something he fought until he got it and he usually did.  They would just take it a day at a time and work on it . It had to work, the feelings were always there as long as he could remember and now was his chance at the life he had always dreamed of . Nothing would get in the way and he would see to it after all he was James Paul McCartney and everything was possible in his life. He smiled as he dreamed about how there life would be. It was then he heard her come up behind him she pulled her arms around his waist . She looked to see what he was watching and saw Julian playing with the dog.  He looked down and kissed her on the forehead as she released him, they still hadnÕt told Julian and she remembered as she leaned against the fence. Ò We still havenÕt told Julian yet.Ó He looked thoughtfully at her and smiled Ò Then we will tell him now.Ó He saw her smile then looked towards the house. ÓWe will Ébut first Ritchie is on the phone .Ó  He sighed Òok let me get that and then we will tell him.Ó She watched him run off to the house then turned back to her son. He was so happy here, would he like the idea of her and Paul? Oh God she hope so, it just seemed so right and that scared her.

            Paul picked up the phone out of breath ÒRitch what can I do for you mate?Ó

He heard Ringo chuckle a bit as he answered Ò Did I ring at a bad time you sound out of breath thereÓ  Paul laughed at the insinuation  Ò No really, I was out by the barn and ran up to the house. I was watching Julian and the dog playin wondering how to tell him about his mum and me.Ó ÒWell , he always liked when you lerked about their house.Ó  ÒWhat do you mean lerkin I never lerked I came by a lot and played with him and he luved it.Ó  Ò Well, then he will be fine.  Besides John is in no shape to be a dad right now.Ó He trailed off making Paul perk up in concern at the comment. Ò WhatÕs wrong now? Did they get busted again?Ó  Ò No , I was just over there and they look terrible. Really , he hadnÕt shower in God knows how long and nervous trying to figure out at first why I was there , then he tried to pick a rowe with me to make me leave. You could see him Jonesin for a fix, him and Yoko. It scares me to see them like that . I tried to invite them over , to bring Julian over to play with the kids and he turned about telling me to invite you over with him saying you like playing daddy these days.Ó Paul let out a heavy sigh. He was afraid of this, he thought he had cleared it up when they met in the studio. He worried just like the rest about him, he personally didnÕt care for Yoko so what happened to her didnÕt matter to him; but John he loved very much and he loved her so maybe that was the key. Somehow , some one had to intervene before it was to late. It wasnÕt like they hadnÕt tried . all of them had but it never mattered to John . The only thing that mattered was Yoko which hurt them all. They all used to be so close and would pull the other back when they had gotten them selves in over their head. He remembered how John had helped Paul a number of times when he was it trouble. Northern man didnÕt show their feelings but John cut right threw the bullshit and would put it the way it was , always they knew he was showing his love by being so blunt. There were a few times he could even remember them being alone together and crying for the mums they lost, sharing the pain as well as a bottle. He heard Ringo says something bringing him back to the fact that they were losing him.  Ò What should we do?Ó  he heard Ringo ask him ÒChin up mate we will sort this out. Right now I donÕt know , What does George say?Õ Ò GeoÕs in India , he left with Patti last night but he will be back for the premiere he promised. HeÕs just gone for a few days to get his head together. He canÕt stand to see John like that either. We all donÕt think much of Yoko but I think she is the way in donÕt you?Ó  Ò yeah , I agree but how ? They are always together.Ó Ò I donÕt know either I guess for now we just sit tight until someone can think of a way or can talk to her alone maybe.Ó ÒMaybeÉ.I just donÕt like to wait a lot can happen in a day .Ó  Ò Paul, she did have that miscarriage , maybe we could use that to convince her; then she could talk to him.Ó  ÒAhhbut how to get her alone you know how protective the git can be.Ó  Paul could see Cynthia coming towards the house he didnÕt want her to hear this conversation, she knew John was in trouble but not as deep as this. Ò Hey , Ritch IÕll see you when I come back IÕm leaving tomorrow I stayed an extra day to talk to Jules   IÕll ring you when I get in and we will all sit and sort this out but Cyn is coming in and I donÕt want her to hear this.Ó Ò Right then I have to go as well.Ó  Ò Sure  like I said IÕll ring you when I get to London, Thanks for telling me about this. I know your worried we all are but like I said we canÕt do anything right know, so go enjoy Mo and the kids and mate tell her she has a big mouth.Ó Ringo heard him laugh as he said this Ò whatcha mean ?Ó  still laughing Paul told him about the conversation Mo had had with Cyn . Ò Right she does have a big gob at that.Ó Paul smiled as he watch Cyn walk into the kitchen. ÒAlright you wanker IÕll ring soon.Ó He hung up and went into the kitchen , he watched her doing the dishes and suddenly found himself wanting her , needing her. He came up behind her and put his arms around her hugging her to him he started kissing her. She felt his hand wander up her thigh up under her skirt. She felt him teasing her, playing with her panties she knew they were moist from him starting the intense fire she had inside her for him. She felt him then pull her panties to the side playing with the outside hair and lips which led to better places. She stopped doing the dishes leaving the water running as she grabbed the edge of the counter and leaned to allow his touch to go further. He felt himself get harder as he dipped his fingers into the wetness between her lips. He pushed his hardness against her , rubbing himself against her backside while finding the swollen button that would push her further to where he wanted her. He gently started rubbing it feeling the silky wetness that came heavier now. He heard her moan as he then traveled his fingers to the spot where the fire was coming from. First one finger then another then a third finger filled her as the wetness poured out of her now. He slipped his fingers in and out slowly at first listening to her breathing become heavier and moan as he worked his other hand up around to her breast. He kiss her on the neck as he carefully circled her nipple, rubbing it until it could get no harder, then he moved his mouth to her ear , still rubbing against her; he was crazed, going mad with anticipation. He panted into her ear nuzzling it ÒYour so wet , so ready God I need youÓ She heard herself moan as he kept pushing and pulling his fingers in and out of her . ÒJulianÓ she moaned breathlessly.  ÒHeÕs busy playing outside and I want to play inside.Ó She felt his fingers leave a wet trail to her eager button. She felt herself willing him to rub it as he started in she moved to make it easier for both of them and was surprised when she came so fast.  Shaking and panting she barely heard the zipper of his pants come open as he slid her dress up more working his way into her. OH GOD! They both thought at the relief of him entering her; drawing her further up to him. He couldnÕt control himself as he felt the hot wetness that allowed him to move harder and faster. Both  panting , moving with each other as one, deeper faster yes thatÕs right he thought needing to feel the release he craved but also the closeness they both needed. He was a little surprised as she pushed herself against him egging him on to go faster , pounding into him so he would go harder the whole time the water  poured out of the faucet hard and fast adding to the furry that soon took them away . He heard her panting hard with little squeals that came with the release. He held onto her tight until his breathing became easier , then released her as he eased himself out . She pulled her skirt down , while he zipped himself up. They smiled at each other turning toward him; she kissed him; a long and lazy kiss that came from satisfaction and emotional contentment. He reached over her turning the facet off then turned around to rest against the counter. They heard Julian slam the front door and laughed at each other. ÒFinished just in time luv.Ó  ÒMMMM and what a wonderful finish it was .Ó She sighed   Ò I think itÕs time to tell him.Ó ÒI think so .Ó He looked so adorable a little flushed still with his hair tussled, that boyish grin on his face and that adorable wonderful face. Oh God she really did love him and it was time to tell Julian. .


            Julian thought he was in trouble when they both called him into the kitchen and told him to sit down.  Paul pulled up a chair and reassured him he wasnÕt . Cyn sat down along side of Julian and told him they had something to tell him. He looked from one to another neither knowing who should start. ÒWell?Ó Julian asked tired of waiting for them.  Cyn looked to Paul to start , he shuffled in his seat for a minute almost like a kid himself, he finally slid Julian off the chair and on to his lap. Ò Jules you know that your mum and dad are no longer married anymore and that dad is with Yoko now.Ó  Julian squirmed around and made a face at this. Ò I donÕt like her.Ó Paul looked over at Cyn then back to Julian and continued. ÒWell maybe you just need to give her a chance. Jules daddy loves Yoko  and it would be good if you did give her that chance.Ó

He grimaced at the thought ÒOk I will try . Is that what you wanted?Ó  ÒNo, it isnÕt Ò This was harder then he thought it would be . He loved this kid , always had , he couldnÕt take it if he was mad at him for what he was about to say.  ÒYa know I do love you Jules and we have so much fun together . Listen luv I enjoy spending time with you and with your mum.  Your mum likes spending time with me. Like dad , your mum needs someone to love her and take care of her.Ó  Julian interrupted him with a defiant answer.Ó I take care of my mum.Ó  Cyn smiled at him and gave him a kiss . ÒYes you do , but uncle Paul is talking about another adult .  Uncle  Paul and I have realized that we want to be more then friends we care about each other more then friends and he cares for, us you and me.Ó

Julian looked up from  Paul to his mom. Ò I take good care of her .Ó He looked up at  Paul and Paul saw again the bond of a mother and her child.  He sighed and gave him a hug.   Ò I know; you do a good job too. .... But like mum said she needs another grown up to be with like she was with dad. You do know I love you I told you but do you believe me?Õ Julian nodded ÒYeah I do and I love you too.Ó  Ò I would never take away your mum or try to take the place of your dad . I just want to know you are alright with me being with you and your mum and being with you the way dad was, but like I said I would never take your daddyÕs place. Can I do that Jules be with you and your mum, be a family?Ó  Cyn leaned down to Julian.Ó We do have a splendid time together donÕt we?Ó  Julian nodded and they could see him thinking it over in his mind. ÒIÕdhave two daddyÕs?Ó  Paul hugged him Ò Well, I guess you could say that, but you do believe me when I say I love you ?Ó  Òyup , I doÉ.I guess it would be fun.Ó  Ò I fancy your mum more then a friend and she feels the same about me. I want to be with you and your mum.Ó  He waited for Julian to think more about it. Ò Do you think we could be like a family, me you and your mum, and then of coarse youÕll always have your dad and Yoko.Ó  Julian looked so much like John at that moment, he looked back and forth at  Paul and his mom.  Then he noticed them holding hands. Ò I thought we were like thatalready?Ó  With that Paul and Cynthia laughed ÒBoy, kids can pick things up before adults huh Cyn?Ó Ò I guess soÉ.Julian we just want you to know that we are here for you.  Just because IÕm with  Paul now instead of your daddy doesnÕt mean we donÕt love you less.Ó At that moment Julian separated their hands, tugging at them to let him in the middle and move in closer . When they realized what he wanted they put him in the middle of a hug with him  putting one arm around each of them.  He looked sheepishly at them. Ò Does this mean your gonna sleep in PaulÕs room now?Ó Cynthia was shocked by his candidness. Paul thought heÕd die laughing , hiding it well he thought at that moment how much of  John was in this little boy. ÒYes Julian, I um guess it does, but you can come in with us in the morning and snuggle.Ó ÒJules, we will save you a   place in between us, just try not to get crushed.Ó That was when they pulled in tighter and crushed a laughing Julian.   When they stopped he looked up at  Paul. Ò Is this our new house Uncle Paul and do I call you daddy too?Ó  He suddenly looked confused. This was something they hadnÕt thought would come up.

ÒJules why donÕt you just call me what you always have and leave daddy for you father ok?Ó  ÒOk but is this our house now?Ó Paul thought for a moment, he was just like his dad wanting to know the ins and outs of everything. ÒWell , yes this house is ours and my house in London will be ours too. Ok?Ó  They saw the excitement in the boys face as he realized things. Ò That means that Martha is mine now too and the horses!Ó He got up all excited and ran to find Martha to tell her the good news before anyone could answer him   Paul sat there with an amazed look on his face and slowly looked over at Cynthia, who was both relieved and amazed also.  Ò This means I have to share me dog.Ó

Cynthia laughed as she got up and tussled his hair. Òahhh poor baby.Ó She smiled at him. He got up and pulled her close , looking down at her he smiled. Ò Give us kiss.Ó She did, a deep and lingering kiss that restarted the embers burning.  ÒOkÉnot nowÉIÕve got to go share me dog with your son. Do you think heÕll walk her now?Ó  She smacked him lightly on the  shoulder , he just looked up innocently ÒWhat?Õ. Ò You know what .Ó  Ò I know, well I guess I still have to walk herÉ..Well, see now that went well, one less thing to worry about.Ó ÒYes, one less worry, now let me try and tear my son from his new dog to take a bath and go to bed.Ó  Paul walked out towards the living room with her. ÒGood luck, although , I figure sheÕs got to go by now , so  IÕll make it easier on you and take her out.Ó He smiled at Cynthia then whistled for the dog as he grabbed his jacket and smokes. To JulianÕs dismay she left him to go out with Paul.  Even more bad news for him it was bath and bed time.

            Later that night they lay in each others arms. The feeling of passion they had just shared left them content. Neither one had ever felt so comfortable with another person before. He had so many women in his years, none ever felt as right as Cynthia. Cynthia , on the other hand only had two men before Paul, a guy just before John and then of coarse John . She snuggled up to him, hoping this feeling would last.  Love was so funny she thought; heÕd always been there as long as she could remember.. He was JohnÕs mate Paul, one of the gang , always feeling his presences ; but then youÕd have to be dead not to she thought with a smile. He was always looking out for her; stepping in when John was in one of his impossible moods, giving her a shoulder or just taking shit from John so she wouldnÕt have too.  What did she do ?  She would make excuses for John , rationalizing in her mind and to others why he acted the way he did, afraid to see the truth for her heart was Johns to do with what he pleased. Even at his cruelest , she knew she was the only one that he truly loved. Armed with the excuses, the rationalizations and knowing that heÕd die with out her love , a wall was built.. Paul being so close would just be there , he never pushed her to leave him, telling her when she had enough sheÕd know.

She thought about the time when she visited them in Hamburg how she blushed when Paul seemed to sing ÒTil therewas YouÓ to her. That was the only time she could remember him showing her anything more then friendship. Now here she was with him, loving him and letting him love her.  After their talk yesterday she knew he wanted her to  move in with him once they got back to London . He made sure it would be her choice and that made her feel more comfortable. If she could just stop her mind from racing , telling her this is to fast , no one had even mentioned love and that was the whole reason for  moving in together wasnÕt it? Oh , her mom would say itÕs much to fast , her friends and even the papers.  She had to just stop waiting for the other shoe to drop and do what Paul said and take it day by day and stop caring what other people thought. But , still if he had these feelings for so long then, didnÕt he love her? She sighed heavily , yelling at her self to stop this foolishness , she was so insecure it was driving her crazy and soon it would drive him there too. ÒOh God Shut up! Shut up! you bloody berk!Õ  her head screamed.  Maybe if she talked to him about it; see if he felt it was moving to fast ,. After all they only briefly spoke about it earlier and didnÕt he say he wanted her to talk to him? Maybe he would even say something close to love something that would quiet her mind stop it from going stark raven mad.. ÒPaul?Ó  ÒHmm?Õ he stirred out of the twilight daze he was in, that stage of dreamy contentment before you drift off to sleep. He turned in the direction her voice was coming from and pulled her closer to him, kissing her on the forehead. Her voice drifted back to him as he became more coherent. Ò Do you think we might be moving a bit to fast ? I mean we just decided  to move in together.Ó

He didnÕt make a sound , he let his thoughts drift through his head. It was true it was moving fast , the truth was he didnÕt want to wait . The last few weeks made him more aware of how he felt and how long he had been feeling this way. He had spent so many nights with so many different women, to the   point of embarrassment when he couldnÕt remember their names, calling them luv or some generic term hoping they wouldnÕt realize and they never did, just happy to spend time with him. He was tired of all of it, he was getting older , he wanted a family and this was real. They had been friends first , now lovers, it awakened so much in him . No, this wasnÕt entirely to fast for him , he had been working up to this , and the funny thing was everyone else saw it before he did. He wasnÕt so sure if it was to fast for her and he wouldnÕt do anything that would out right hurt her. People were moving faster these days , not marrying just shacking up together as the Americans called it and it was the 60Õs after all which brought new freedoms . Ultimately, the final decision would be up to Cynthia , she had Julian to think of , what ever she decided would be fine with him as long as they could be together . He just hoped it would be to move in with him. ÓCyn, To tell you the truth it feels good , it feels natural to me . I mean we are together here, I know IÕm not here all the time but I like knowing I am coming home to a home, to you and Jules. My house is so empty filled only with people passing through it. I donÕt know; if you donÕt think itÕs right then we donÕt have to. I wonÕt like it but IÕll handle it; No, weÕll handle it.Ó  Ò No , no É.I want to , really I doÉÉItÕs just seems rather fast is all. WeÕll take it day by day like you said IÕm sure it will be fine.Ó   He gave her a reassuring squeeze then lean down a bit to kiss her. He looked longingly into her eyes then quietly whispered. ÒI need you .Ó  While in his head the words screamed I LOVE YOU. It wouldnÕt be right to say it just yet, HeÕd have to wait, tell her at the right time and now wasnÕt it; not if she wasnÕt sure if things were going a little fast. He wanted her to be sure of  this , he wanted her to love him the love  he had always dreamed of , the kind of love  his mother and  father had.. She knew he was thinking about what they had been talking about . He hadnÕt said he loved her and she couldnÕt just come out and ask him  She would just have to wait until he did, after all a girl just didnÕt ask something like that . Did she love him, most definitely she thought as a smile spread across her face. Then she started thinking about that night in Hamburg. ÒPaul do you remember the days we spent in Hamburg when I would come to visit?Ó He laughed at the thought of everyone crammed into that small room in back of the cinema , it felt like a thousand years ago. ÒYeah.. boy that was some other life. So long ago, well not really It just feels it.Ó Her smile grew as she sat up on her elbow and looked down at him. ÒRemember the night in the top ten club ? You sang ÒTil there was youÓ He started really laughing, their schedule was grueling , there wasnÕt a way he could remember just one night.. Òwait a sec. How can I remember one night when they all seem to mix together. Besides I sang that song ever night. The girls loved it.Ó  He nestled back into his pillow and smiled at the memory of an 18 year old kid singing to a room full of  German girls going crazy when he sang it. ÒYeah their boyfriends didnÕt like it at all but I always managed to pull one of those German birds with that song.Ó She shook her head laughing at the memory of those young boys and all the girls they had at their fingertips. ÒNoÉ.this one night John and I had a fight and you seemed to sing it just to meÉremember?Ó  He thought for a few minutes, they had fought a lot around then. He would try to be there for her often taking the brunt of JohnÕs temper, calming him down. Oh yes , that night he thought John was so mad when he did that , he got the reaction he wanted from him then. ÒYupÉJohn told me to sod off after that one, but he got over it.: Now he was laughing at the joy of manipulating John Lennon the king of manipulation.  He had sung that song to her for a reason. He wanted to make her feel better , he always had a soft spot for her and he wanted John to be mad at him instead. God, those were the days they were so close, like brothers and the band was so tight. Now there was so much tension, everyone was so tired and the fact that John brought Yoko around didnÕt help either. The drugs were at a peak with John; at one point he had to lay on the floor to sing a number, he just was to stoned to stand.  The album was on hold for  the premiere and then they would really have to work to get the double album done and out. He wore a stressed look on his face as he thought, he didnÕt see how she looked at him. What could be going on in his head she thought. With that she hit him with the pillow lightly against the shoulder.  Shocked he looked a bit bewildered. ÒWhatÕd you do that fer?Ó  She leaned over him running her fingers through his hair. ÒYou were in dream land , care to share with us whatÕs goin on?Ó  He took a deep breath, then decided to change the mood  he had gotten himself in. He moved away from her and picked up a pillow and the war began. He hit her , then she jumped from the bed, grabbing a few pillows and her robe. The chase was on from room to room they ran throwing pillows at one another and laughing. Then Paul trapped her; around the table they went. She finally got a chance to run out into the living room and out the front door. The dog followed barking away at them. She ran as fast as she could through the wet grass. Slipping , she slid then caught herself. He was almost up to her. He lunged at her , barely grabbing her robe making her slip. Struggling not to fall, she lost her battle as Paul finally got a hold of her. They fell together in the soft wet grass, rolling on top of her he kissed her. Her robe was undone and lay on either side of her. He only had his boxers on and she was sure that boxers didnÕt extend on there own in one certain spot. Breathless, he panted ÒSurrender or I shall have to take the offensive with you.Ó She was so turned on she just wanted him . ÒQuickly attack and I shall surrender to your force.Ó He kissed her hard and she remained his prisoner outside in the beauty of the tall wet grass, under the shinning stars. No one heard her cry out in pleasure or him moan with satisfaction as they made love in back of the barn.





                                                            Chapter eight





            The night was filled with lights flashing , people clamoring behind the roped off sections to see all the famous people coming to the premiere. Cars of all kinds rolled up letting out Mick Jagger, Eric Clapton, Donovan and their jeweled women, as they waved to fans and reporters who took their pictures while they walked up the carpeted entrance.

Everyone who was anyone was there, even the royals came to see the Beatles on opening night. The roar of the crowd grew louder as the cars holding the Beatles drove up fashionably late. People craned their heads and stood on their toes just to get a glimpse of the famous group. Out stepped George offering a hand to his beautiful wife Pattie, then came Ringo and Maureen who smiled and waved to the crowd causing mayhem as they stepped inside. John slid a protective arm around Yoko as he guided her to the door closely followed by Paul who everyone noticed had gone stag to the event. The roars lessened as they entered the building and were ushered to their seats.

            Even though it was a cartoon; the movie was received as a hit by all. The Beatles had done it again the papers would say tomorrow. No one even realized that the Beatles had little to do with it except for the last scene and the songs. The paparazzi whirled around them asking questions about the movie, how and when  their new album would be coming out and of coarse why didnÕt Paul have a date for this evening. Everything was answered with politeness and humor. Paul simply stated when asked about his not bringing a date that he wasnÕt currently attached, this of coarse got looks from a few who knew better but the press was satisfied and thatÕs all that mattered.  Everyone was happy, the party had begun, champagne and drinks flowed freely as did the drugs, well hidden from the eye of the posh and paparazzi . George, Ringo and Paul spoke quickly and quietly in the corner of the room. Paul looked over to make sure John was far enough away then began summarizing the discussion the group had earlier that day. Ò Right , then IÕll get talking to John and see if I can get him away for a bit . Then you two get Yoko and talk to her about this whole thing.Ó George looked over a bit annoyed ÒPaul we know what we talked about this afternoon donÕt we. I think we can manage.Ó Paul looked up not sure why George was upset . Ò Sorry Harri,  for what ever your upset about, but we have to get it together É.so shall we.Ó George nodded realizing the real issue that had him and all of them upset was John and if this would work. ÓRight then ya ready Ring?Ó Ringo fiddled with the ring on his finger and looked as uncomfortable as the rest of them were. ÒWell letÕs hope this all works.Ó They watched as Paul walked across the room towards John, stomachs twisted as they hoped he could pull John away long enough to talk to Yoko. John and Yoko were sipping on drinks and talking to John Dunbar as Paul approached. ÒThe gallery is doing so well do you think Yoko and I could do an exhibit soon?Ó John Dunbar smiled and nodded ÒYeah I think it would be smashing to say the least having a Beatle signed on for an exhibit.Ó Yoko smiled wryly Ò Yes it would be a great opportunity to have both John and I signed on for a show. I have so many ideas on what we can do.Ó  Paul stood their listening to the conversation trying to figure out how to cut in. John patted Paul on the back bringing him in closer to the circle taking the worry from him. He noticed a smile light JohnÕs face , a smile of pride. ÒMacca Yoko and me we are doing an exhibit together for the gallery . WhatÕd think?Ó Paul nodded his head  ÒI think itÕs great John , the gallery has really come around since we opened it back in 66 hasnÕt it. I think you would be a great addition to the show.Ó  Paul could tell they were all high and wondered if this could work. He turned towards JohnÕs ear . ÒHey mate why donÕt you drop on by to my place for more of a party . Ya know the kind we canÕt do here. We could play a bit , make a night of it.Ó John seemed to freeze up all at once.       . Ò WhatÕs up there Mate? Ò Paul looked at him, the smile that was there only moments ago was replaced with suspicion.  Ò Nothing , I have some good weed and I wanted to  play like the bad ol days . Plus I wanted to talk to you about something and here isnÕt the best place.Ó John nodded as if he knew what was coming. ÓThe hell with the weed I want you to try just a little bit of what I have. Then if you donÕt think it is the greatest then you can give me your lecture.Ó  Paul knew he had wanted him to try it but didnÕt think heÕd be so bold asking him at the premiere, with the press all around them.. Well, if it got him to go to his house then so be it , he didnÕt have to do it once he got there just string him along is what he hoped for. ÒWell if I am going to try that I just want it to be us, I donÕt know how IÕll be and remember with the acid it was just us.Ó John pondered it over for a minute , he looked over at Yoko who had started following the conversation. ÒJohn why donÕt you Ò she said quietly Òmaybe it will get them off us.Ó John bent down to her. ÒMother arenÕt you going to come too?Ó She nodded slowly ÒI will come by but I will give you a head start so he wonÕt feel so uncomfortable especially being his first time , the first few minutes is the roughest.Ó John nodded in agreement Ò Just donÕt be long you know I hate to be away from you.Ó No one noticed as Paul gave the thumbs up to George and Ringo , who had slowly drifted closer to them. Paul nodded toward them as he spoke to John again. ÒThey could give Yoko a ride.Õ Paul waited nervously as they all made the arrangements, It was agreed on and John and Paul walked out the door leaving their band members to finish the party and hopefully speak to Yoko.

            The two walked over to Yoko , then guided her past the press to the bar . They ordered some drinks then talked to a few people as they again guided her to an empty room. George closed the door as Yoko started to protest. Ringo gently sat her down on the couch and watched George walk over. Yoko looked questionably at the two Ò What are you doing? We are supposed to meet John at PaulÕsÓ  Ringo gently touched her shoulder .ÓWe need to talk first , then weÕll go on to see John.Ó This wasnÕt going to be easy , they both knew it . Yoko was as stubborn as John , she wasnÕt stupid and they both knew she hated to be cornered. She looked fiercely at them , again Ringo tried to calm her and she just shoved him away. ÒWhat is this? I demand you take me to John right now! HeÕs not going to like this one bit.Ó George signed heavily ÒListen Yoko , we wanted to talk to you alone . This stuff with the heroin is destroying you both . donÕt you see that? ItÕs affecting your bodies and minds. Drugs just make you think things are fine they strangle  your thoughts ,your freedom and tie you up, DonÕt you see it?Ó Yoko looked from one to the other exasperated at yet another lecture. Ringo shifted position , quietly he spoke. Ò:We know you have been trying to have a little one. Just think what this is doing to you . Like George said itÕs eating at your body. How do you expect to get pregnant like this? You already had a miscarriage didnÕt ya ? Ò She felt alone and visibly shivered at the thought of the miscarriage. ÒWhat we are doing is none of your interest!Ó

George shook his head. ÒYour wrong luv ,  we want the best for you and John . We love him , we donÕt like to see this monkey on your backs destroying what you are and what you can have together.Ó  Yoko got up and started for the door. She jumped as they both blocked her way. ÒSo I am a prisoner here? All I have to do is yell.Ó They tried to quiet her down. She struck them as a lonely cornered animal and thatÕs not what they wanted. ÒLook Ò George said trying to usher her back to the couch. ÒAll we want to do here is talk. Just give us a few minutes and we will take ya to Johnny. Can you do that ? give us a few minutes?Ó She looked down at her watch. Ò Ok you have five minutes of my time. Ò She reluctantly walked back to the couch , perching herself on the edge. George and Ringo looked at one another as they walked back and sat with her. Yoko looked up at both of them . ÒArenÕt your wives gonna be looking for you both? No , of coarse not theyÕre in this too arenÕt they?Ó  George nodded Ò Yes they donÕt want to see either of you hurt as well.Ó Yoko snapped Ò To hell they donÕt ! They hate the fact I am with John and so do you !Ó  Ringo got up and knelt down in front of her. Ò Do you really believe that there? We see how much John loves you and we love him . What ever makes him happy luv . We just donÕt like seeing this going on. You remember I came by a few days back and I saw it. I saw how the two of you looked. Worn out, coming out of the haze of that stuff and then I saw John shaking , he practically through me out when he got the stuff . He couldnÕt wait to do it and neither could you. That stuff is running your lives. ItÕs a vicious circle you got there. Get high, wait to come down , Desperately looking to the next fix. Using just enough when you have to do something so you donÕt get sick. Is this how you want your life to be? Ò George listened to Ringo , good point Rich , he thought then decided to add to it. Ò What about that baby you two want? YouÕll never carry full term this way and if by some miracle you do the baby could be sick. Then what future does he have? HeÕs sick and so are his parents.Ó Between the two of them it got Yoko thinking. She thought about what they were saying. The truth was she knew she wanted to get off of it. She was just  scared and she wouldnÕt give them the satisfaction of telling them that right now, she didnÕt want them to think they won. She looked at her watch again , John would be worried that she hadnÕt come by yet. ÒWell , gentlemen your five minutes are up . Thanks for the education. Now can we go ? John will be worried.Ó

They shook their heads. Had they failed? George looked at his watch and noticed they had been in there a long time and John would be furious if it took them to long to get her back. Ò would you just promise us youÕll think about it?Ó Yoko nodded as she got up and headed for the door followed closely by the two defeated men.

            Paul unlocked the door to his Cavendish Avenue home. Jiggling the keys then throwing them on the table . John took off his coat throwing it on the couch as he watched Paul hang his. ÒWell mate letÕs have a fix.Ó He rubbed his hands together then reached into his pocket for a vial of powder. Paul gulped . How was he going to get around this with out getting JohnÕs wrath?  Ò John really IÕve changed me mind. I just need to talk to you about something over a drink perhaps?Ó John threw him a displeased look.     Ò Bullocks I thought you said you would try this before you gave me that bloody lecture?Ó Paul shook his head then headed for the bar. Ò I am not going to lecture you . What do you want to drink?Ó He pulled up two glasses from under the bar and poured a dark liquid in his . John paced the floor; he ached for a fix. What was Paul up to ? Maybe he was feeling melancholic for the old days as he did so many times. Christ, he thought this would be it and Paul would see the beauty in this wonderful powder he held tightly in his hand. He wanted Paul to understand and then maybe he could explain to the others. Ok he thought; we will have that night but you are going to try this whether you know it or not. He smiled to himself and gave into his impulsive side as he walked towards the bar. ÓRight Paul, a scotch straight up you know thatÉmake it a double I think I may need it.Ó Paul turned to the wall of bottles and looked for the scotch. John took this moment and poured a little powder in PaulÕs drink, just enough he thought as he quickly stirred it with his finger. He pulled back as he saw Paul turn and wiped his finger on his pant leg, again smiling to himself. Paul poured his drink a double, this was to easy . John hadnÕt exploded or yelled about Yoko not being here. Well, he thought as he handed John the drink , IÕll take this time and tell him about Cyn and me. He went into the kitchen and grabbed a can of coke from the cupboard . Then went over and poured the coke into his drink. He looked up at John , who watched him while as he downed his drink then poured another . ÒSo what is it Macca?Ó Paul looked up at John , he would just blurt it out , get it over and done with. . ÓYou were right , I didnÕt see it at the time but I see it now.Ó He fiddled with his glass , nervously he continued Ò I am in love with Cynthia and I think she fancies me . We want to have a go at it.Ó There he said it . Now he watched as John narrowed his eyes , fixing his stare on him, he could see JohnÕs anger rise. ÒI knew it all along , I did. Are you askin my permission then?.... YouÕve been soft on her for years. Not that I like it but I have no say in it do I? You made that point clear a while back remember?  I do want you to know again you aint JulianÕs father , although I reckon youÔv e always been soft on him as well.Ó He shook his head and took another drink.       Ò I suppose I have to get used to this?Ó Paul walked around the bar; he ran his hand nervously through his hair. ÒPlease donÕt do this  I told you I know IÕm not JulianÕs father nor am I going to try to take your place. This is not going to go away sheÕs not like the others I swearÉ...Ó  He sighed watching John pour yet another drink. ÒDo what Paul? Have reservation on the fact that your sleepin with me x-wife and playin daddy with me kid?Ó He was boiling, had  Paul waited until he was done with her and then moved in. He pounded down the drink as he thought . Yoko would never like the fact that he was jealous of this , not at all. He didnÕt like this but he did have to get used to it. Could he? That he wasnÕt sure of, but for tonight  he would have to mentally changed his attitude;  bury  his feeling away like he always did. He started thinking about when Yoko would get there and the vial he had in his hand. That would take away the pain and the feelings. He thought about how he would enjoy, now even more, watching Paul down that spiked drink. Ò Just as long as you remember that one. Now shall we have a toast then Éto You and me x and me dealing with itÓ he choked down the feelings with his drink and glared mischievously at Paul while he gulped down his. ÒCom ead mate, down to it now, the last drop.Ó Paul downed the rest of it still in wonderment at how John hadnÕt exploded he had started then backed down.  He had heard the anger and  sarcasm drip from his voice, still he was to calm. A buzz came from the speaker telling them that the rest had arrived. John motioned to Paul that heÕd get it , all along thinking of the surprise that was in store for Paul. He ushered the group in pulling Yoko aside and drawing her in to a hug. ÒMother your were a while.Ó He whispered. Òyes.Ó She looked up at him. ÒI am ready for something. Did Paul take it?Ó He chuckled a bit as he kissed her. ÒWell , seems he didnÕt want to . He just wanted to tell me he is fucking Cynthia.Ó Yoko didnÕt seem surprised at this. ÒHow are you with this?Ó JohnÕs smile broadened Ò Oh well what can be done of it. But I donÕt think heÕll give us those bloody lectures I had him try it, spiked his drink, although he doesnÕt know it fully yet.Ó They watched as Paul ran into the kitchen heaving up everything in his stomach. The others watched in concern , not knowing what was going on. John and Yoko walked into the living room. ÒWhereÕs Paul then?Ó George looked sheepishly at John wondering if Yoko had told him of the discussion they had.     Ò He got sick , must have been something he ate.Ó John nodded in agreement.           Òmust have been.Ó Together Yoko and John exited to another room anxious to squelch the sickness they both felt. The girls had gone home in another car not wanting to witness any fighting that might happen. They too hoped that the boys had gotten through to Yoko and Mo was just as happy to go home to her children and not go through another scene.

            Ringo helped Paul out of the kitchen. He said he was feeling dizzy . The more they walked the heavier his weight shifted on to his shorter friend, making in imperative Ringo get him to the couch. He watched as Paul sunk into it. To his horror he watched PaulÕs eyes go into the back of his head, banging it on the back of the couch. George, seeing this too,  ran over to see what was wrong. Ò What happened Ritch?Ó Ringo shook his head Ò DonÕt know he just went deeper in to being sick I guess.Ó George shook him , Paul responded slowly , smiling then nodding off again. ÒShall we ring the doctor?Ó Ringo anxiously said to George. Ò DonÕt bother that . Ò They heard as John appeared with Yoko in tow. ÒWhy not?Ó George looked up confused. ÒTheyÕd just arrest him for being stoned.Ó John laughed. He knelt down along side the back of the couch and looked pleased as he spoke to Paul. ÒFeels so good . dunnit Paul?Ó The other two looked at one another finally , they got what was going on . John gave Paul some junk. John saw the light bulb go on. ÒItÕs the best high heÕll ever have mates.Ó He stood up slowly,  the drug impaired his reflexes, slowed him up. He stood staring at them, he didnÕt care at this point what they thought .. George and Ringo shot daggers at him. ÒRight! Was it his idea?Ó John gently pushed Yoko towards the chair then rested his weight against the wall. ÒNope É.I spiked his drink I did. He got scared at the last sec so I gave it to him anyway.Ó They boiled with anger at the thought of him spiking PaulÕs drink. They watched him laugh at it, to him it was a joke, to them it was serious. ÒJohn ! you donÕt just  give something to someone with out his knowledge.Ó George didnÕt care; he was fuming and John was going to know about it. John gave a heavy sigh to high to care .    Òah heÕll be alright . He feels good donÕt ya Paulie.Ó George shook his head . What did he expect ? He wanted John to be sorry for it, that wasnÕt going to happen not with the drug talking. Still, he couldnÕt stop. He pushed John hard against the wall , catching him off guard. Ò You stupid bleeding git!Ó he yelled. Ò You canÕt just do that to people!Ó John pulled away from George ready for a fight, if Georgie wanted a punch up then heÕd get one he thought. ÒWell I have and I did so what of it?Ó Yoko started to raise from her chair only to feel the strengthen of RingoÕs hand pushing her back. ÒDonÕt you push her around mate!  Ò JohnÕs voice bellowed  his attention then went back to George.:ÓJust one shot Georgie is all you get .Ó He glared back at George waiting to see if the younger man would follow through. ÒListen John , George I really donÕt think this is the best time to have a barney about this Maybe later we could calmly talk about it, right now is he gonna be alright?Ó

John raised his eyebrow at George waiting for him to back off. George reluctantly backed away, he knew Ritch was right , but it would sure feel good if he could sock him one. He walked over to the couch and sat down . He observed Paul; body slumped back , head resting against it with a  calm euphoric look, oblivious to everything that was going on around him. He surrendered to the task at hand and let his body relax.  Yoko got up and collected their coats. John still on the offensive slowly put his on . Ò HeÕll be fine , just watch him one of yas; a few hours from now heÕll start coming off it. HeÕll probably say it was the best high of his life. No damage done .Ó  Ringo looked at him , surprised at what he said and that he was going to leave. Ò You leavin then?Ó John nodded Ò I think the likes of me shouldnÕt be around the lot of you right now. Give me a ring if you have a problem.Ó He followed Yoko out the door into the breezy night air. Even as they drove off George and Ringo still looked at one another in shock of the events that had just played out.

            They rang their homes telling of the grim event that had transpired. They all agreed it would be best to stay the night at PaulÕs . George was restless he wandered around the house he had been in so many times before, looking at one thing or another. He ended up in the dark kitchen. He draped his arm up on the top part of the window sill and rested his head against the glass. The coolness felt good against his skin as he looked out onto the garden. The moon gave off a beam of light that fell on the roses that were in full bloom. PaulÕs father sure could grow roses he thought in admiration. He loved gardening and would often lose himself in the dirt, planting , bring his garden to life. He remembered talking to PaulÕs father earlier in the year about the best way to raise the roses and had even planted some in his own garden. He slowly pushed himself away from the window. He rubbed the palms of his hands against his eyes. Boy was he knackered. He thought of a kip while walking into the living room , only to find Ringo sprawled out on the arm chair , legs propped up onto the arms , snoring softly . Oh youÕre a big help he sighed. He wandered up the stairs to the music room trying to find something to keep him awake. He flipped on the light gazing at the piano ,  basses , guitars and various recording equipment Paul had collected over the years. Bloody hell he thought as he remembered Paul had all left handed guitars. He swept over the room again; his eyes landed on the only right handed guitar there. Probably used by John when they collaborated on their songs he figured. He picked it up and brought it downstairs , collapsing on the rug, crossing his legs he gently started to strum a song he had wanted to finish for the album. Time went by , tiredness was winning out he had to wake Ringo and get some sleep. Ringo felt a push against his body waking him from a wonderful dream. ÒWhat É??Ó He looked up bemused. ÒGet up you ponce , I need a kip.Ó He looked up at George , whoÕs head  was cocked, looking down at him with a lopsided grin. Ò I wasnÕt asleep , I was just resten me eyes.Ó George shook his head. Ò I suppose snoring is apart of restin your eyes.Ó Ringo nodded then shifted position and closed his eyes mumbling. ÒJust a few more minutes mum.Ó George grew weary , he knew he wasnÕt going to get anywhere. He would try again in a bit, by then Ringo would have gotten enough sleep and could take over. He slowly sat down and got lost in his  guitar.

          The melody weaved around PaulÕs head. It took him to a place he hadnÕt been in years. Thick grassy hills lay out for miles around. The summer breeze blowing his hair and a gentle sweet lullaby echoed in his head. Where was it coming from? He turned to see two small boys snug on their mothers lap , smiling , listening to the song she sang. He stepped closer , drawn to them. There was such a familiar warmth about it; a content, and peaceful feeling engulfed him. He sat down , close enough to see and close enough to hear her sing. It was her he realized and the two boys; him and his brother , one of many little outings she took them on. ÒCome here Paulie come lay on mumÕs lapÓ Suddenly , it was him on her lap , laying next to his brother, feeling her fingers brush his hair, feeling safe and loved a feeling he had missed for so long.  It seemed to go on forever the melodic singing. Then the sound grew louder and louder until it was no longer his mum singing the song in his head but a voice he knew well. He began to recognize the soft voice along with the strumming of the guitar , lazily his  eyes opened. ÒGeorgie?Ó he smiled at the thought of his younger mate. George stopped playing when   he thought he heard PaulÕs voice. Relief washed over him, he put the guitar down and pulled himself up onto the couch. ÒPaul you ok ?Ó Paul slowly raised himself , it seemed to take so much effort. He nodded , George felt better although he could see Paul was far from straight, but he was conscious and that was a good sign , the drug was wearing down. He got up and helped Paul off the couch. :ÓLetÕs  have us a cuppa.Ó George filled the pot with water  and lit the cooker , he then grabbed two cups, saucers, sugar and milk placing them on the table. He light two cigarettes , giving one to Paul , then slid the ashtray across the table.

He rummaged through the cabinets for the tea and started fixing the two cups. He kept an eye on Paul as he put the tea in front of him. ÒThatÕs the way you like it right Paul? Milk and sugar?Ó Paul nodded , still he hadnÕt said anything he just starred in a trance at the cup, occasionally he would steady it to his mouth for a sip. George drank his pouring another he glanced over to see Paul still starring off . ÒCome on then you can stare at your cuppa in the other room while I try waking Ring.Ó He took both cups , prodding Paul to move into the other room and sit back on the couch. The tea sat on the table doing nothing although Paul stared into it. Ringo woke to a slap on the head, he jumped up surprised to see his friend smiling at him and his other friend awake starring at a cup. He shot a look to George then back over to Paul. ÒWhatÕs goin on ? He doesnÕt look right.Ó

GeorgeÕs eyes rolled up , God was he tired and his head was starting to ache. ÒHeÕs still high , just awake now. IÕve got to get some sleep Ritch , really I do . You baby sit now .IÕm going upstairs to the spare room , thereÕs a big bed with a quilt and itÕs callin at me.Ó

Ringo looked from Paul to a very tired George. ÒHey why do you get the comfy bed.?Ó

George smiled. ÒThat will teach you to rest your eyes.Ó Ringo got up and sat by Paul , he lightly shook him. ÒYou remember anything?Ó Paul gave him a lax smile. ÒI feel so É.so content so warm and good.Ó George sat on the arm of the couch. He grew slightly annoyed at the memory of what had happened. Ò John spiked your drink mate. Gave you some heroin.Ó   He waited to see the reaction of his friend.  Paul sniffed and drag his hand over his face , he couldnÕt think clearly or fully feel anything. ÒRemind me to thump him when I am more able.Ó George snickered Ò Oh  I wanted to do that early believe me.Ó Ringo dismissed this interested only in how Paul was feeling. ÒSo how do you feel, just good and warm?Ó Paul took a deep breath his body was so relaxed , he couldnÕt get mad at finding this out no matter how he tried . His head hummed the song George had been playing. ÒI donÕt know Rings ItÕs the greatest high man, wow itÕs amazing no wonder John went nutters over this . Ò he trailed off still not able to get the song from his mind. ÒGeorgie , that songÉÉit was Éis really good.Ó They could see the trouble he was having concentrating.         ÒI want to put it on the album, the recording is pretty much done  but IÕm sure we could fit it in. I was thinking of askin Eric Clapton to play lead. Think it will be good.Ó    Paul nodded Yes, EricÉ.brilliantÉ will sound fantastic.Ó Ringo looked over at George as he got up off the couch. :ÓYou taking a kip then?Ó He watched George nod as he pulled himself up the stairs. Ringo  settled in for the next few hours , knowing  Paul would be alright made him more at ease. He couldnÕt under stand what John had done and it bothered him .  The fact that John had snuck the drug to an unaware Paul was crazy. Could he see this? He hoped that they planted some thoughts into YokoÕs head, but time would only tell. He hated all of this , he longed for the days they would get pissed together , just  four Liverpuddlians against the world, joking , teasing and loving one another. They could fight  and make up , saying what they wanted to each other. No body else could , they had always stood together as one. He remembered how Brain Epstein used to tell them they were four parts of one. Each one a piece to the puzzle that was the Beatles, heart, soul , body and mind he called them. He was right, back then , now Ringo wasnÕt so sure, he knew they loved one another and that they made a sound that no one could touch, but they were growing apart and that saddened him.