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Three weeks had gone by since Cynthia had started with Louis Wilcox agency. She was so busy she hardly saw Julian let alone Paul. She felt bad that she hadnÕt seen him in a few weeks and her promises seemed to wear thin as she could hear the frustration in his voice. She sat at a table by the window at a very posh restaurant that Louis seemed to talk her in to going to a lot.


She fiddled with her napkin as they waited for their main meal. It was their last night in Holland and she had been getting worried about her relationship with Paul. He seemed to see this and gently put his hand over hers.


ÒWhatÕs the problem Cynthia dear? Your else where tonight when we should be celebrating the smashing job you have just completed.Ó He gave a worried eye.


ÒIÕm sorry Louis I just keep thinking about my son and Paul. I have hardly seen my son, and IÕve only spoken to Paul on the phone the last three weeks. You canÕt have a relationship like that .Ó she confided in him.


ÒCynthia darling this is a new job for you and you are superb at it. I am sure Paul understands it is only for a while longer. Ò He squeezed her hand.


ÒHe is trying but he is just asking for a few hours of my time. I have cancelled so many times on him when he has cleared his calendar for me. Then thereÕs Julian I miss him so much. Oh , Louis I am so sorry . I donÕt mean to sound ungrateful but I do need a few days off here and there. I have worked every day since I started/Ó


ÒWell I am sure Mr. McCartney knows what it is like to start from scratch and the hours you must keep, I hear they hardly had any time off in the first few years.Ó Louis had to try and convince her he was right. She was so talented and together they made one hell of a team.

ÒIÕll tell you what tomorrow you can have off and the next day as well howÕs that a day for each. Really though you should be so proud of yourself.Ó


ÒOh I am indeed É.I love it. I guess I just need some balance is all.Ó Blushing she looked down.


ÒWell, it doesnÕt seem to me Mr. McCartney is suffering to much in your absence. My friend Evan Franklin said he saw Paul a few weeks back at a speakeasy with a pretty blonde American photographer. . É. . Oh whatÕs her name  É..  Ah yes, Linda Eastman, they seemed a bit intimate he told me. I didnÕt want to tell you or hurt you but you mustnÕt feel guilty for pursuing your goals. I mean I donÕt know maybe they were just talking shop as I heard she was the one at the Sgt. Pepper Party a while back taking pictures. Oh listen luv forget I even mentioned it to you.Ó He smiled warmly at her.


ÒBesides , heÕd be crazy to let a beautiful and talented lady like you get away .  Not to worry luv.Ó He looked down and started eating his food.


ÒA speakeasy? He told me he has been doing nothing but working. Ò She thought for a minute. ÒOh wait he did say the night we were supposed to go out and I had to cancel he met friends out somewhere. Ò


ÒSee donÕt you worry. It will work itself out as it always does.Ó He patted her hand.

ÒNow letÕs talk of more uplifting thingsÉÉÓ He smiled






After two weeks hard at work on the documentary they decided to move from the cold warehouse and back to the warm studio.

George sat trying to play a guitar part to one of PaulÕs songs but only getting criticism from him.

GeorgeÕs frustration level wasnÕt good to begin with.  He didnÕt want to be there in the first place and with Paul harping on him he was ready to walk.


ÒNo , I hear it more like this.Ó Paul explained for the thirtieth time it seemed to both of them.


ÒListen Paul IÕll play it anyway you want it or I wouldnÕt play at all . Makes no difference.Ó George grumbled his patience wearing thin at PaulÕs perfectionism.


John listened and left Yoko for a minute to join them.

ÒHey mates.Ó


ÒJohnÓ they both said in unison.


ÒHey Paul, steal you away for a sec there?Ó


Paul gave him an annoyed look. CouldnÕt he see he was trying to work this thing out? He needed to work and right now he was obsessed with GeorgeÕs guitar part.


ÒCome ead there, it will hold.Ó He pulled at PaulÕs arm.


Paul reluctantly rose and followed his friend to a corner of the studio.


ÒPaulie youÕre being a bit hard on Hari there . DidnÕt we talk about this a while or so ago about you being to pushy?Ó


Paul huffed and kicked his shoe on the floor. He didnÕt need a lecture right now. What he need was that part played right!!!!


ÒPaulÓ John gently said as he placed a hand on his agitated friend.

ÒWhatÕs really wrong there mate. ItÕs not GeorgeÕs playing thatÕs just an excuse for whatÕs really going on.Ó


Paul looked down and lit a cigarette. He knew he was taking out his frustrations on George and didnÕt mean it . He just couldnÕt seem to stop. He had Bad fingerÕs album half done, a meet set up for Mary Hopkins , this documentary was almost done and then an album would follow. Truth was he was frustrated at not seeing Cynthia in 3 weeks, talking to her for short times several times a week. This was starting to feel more like Jane and it was just a matter of time before he exploded. Unfortuantly he was taking it out on his best mates and that wasnÕt fair to them.


He met JohnÕs face, taking a pull on his smoke.

ÒJohn how well do you know this Louis Wilcox?Ó


This surprised John, he did expect this one.

Ò I only met him once, Yoko knows him from the gallery and chanced that he might need someone. Why you ask?Ó


ÒDunno, I havenÕt seen her in three weeks now. She spends all her time with this guy and IÕm beginning to think something it up. Is it me or could I be right? I mean when ever we plan to get together he needs her to go over something.Ó

Paul dropped his cigarette to the floor and crushed it hard with his foot.


ÒMaybe you should talk to Yoko? But maybe you should just give it time. If it is still like this then weÕll have a little one of our old time chats with this WilcoxÓ he waited for an answer.

Paul just nodded while in thought.


ÒYoko luv could you come ere ?Ó


Yoko walked to her husband and fell into his waiting arm.

ÒLuv Paul here wants to know about Louis?Ó


She looked curiously to John and then to Paul.

ÒWhy ? WhatÕs wrong?Ó


Paul shook his head.

ÒHe doesnÕt feel right to me. He seems to keep Cyn away from me . I dunno maybe itÕs me.Ó


ÒWell I donÕt really know him well enough to comment on him. I do know his business is big and he expects his employees to give 100% of them selves so maybe thatÕs it.Ó


Paul sighed. ÒMaybe your right. IÕm just frustrated is all. Ò


ÒWhy donÕt we quit for today , thereÕs only an hour left anyways.Ó


Paul bit his lip and turned to GeorgeÕs direction, watching him strum away at that piece. He felt bad at taking his frustrations out on George. He turned back to Yoko and John.

:ÓYeah probably right, I have to hear this Welsh girl in a while anyway and then work in the studio for a few hours with Bad finger.:Ó


ÒYou over working yourself mate.Ó John clapped him on the shoulder.


ÒPerhapsÉÉsublimation I sÕpose. Let me talk to George and then IÕll rap it up with Michael.Ó

He watched them walk off. He still had a bad feeling in his stomach but this wasnÕt getting him anywhere fast. He walked slowly over to George.


ÒEh?  IÕm sorry bout before just a bit frustrated over not seeing Cyn and IÕve been working a lot lately. I didnÕt mean to take it out on you. It sounds good really it does. LetÕs close shop for now, ok?Ó

His eyes met GeorgeÕs and he could see the guitaristÕs soften.


ÒPaulie your working to hard mateÉ..Give it time with Cyn it will be the way itÕs suppose to be donÕt push it.Ó George cased his guitar and gave Paul a light hug before he caught up with Ritch to leave.


ÒPaul we still have another hour whatÕs up?Ó Michael asked.


ÒMike weÕre all knackered and I have more things to do. IÕll be working late on some projects , so tomorrow alright?Ó


ÒSure Paul, tomorrow then.Ó


ÒGreatÓ He said wearily.

He walked on out to his car and on to the studio to meet this Mary Hopkins and Twiggy.



Paul grabbed a quick cheese sandwich and took Martha with him to the studio. She wasnÕt a bother and this way he could keep an eye on her. Still young she could get in to trouble left to long. He arrived at 5:30pm Liz was getting her coat to leave.


ÒLizzie have a good evening.Ó


ÒI will Paul , a Mrs. Hopkins and her daughter are waiting in your office. I didnÕt think you would mind. Twiggy is up there as well.Ó


Paul gave a nod as the secretary patted Martha and left.

Paul ran upstairs to his office. He took a deep breath before walking in.


ÒHello ladies, I am glad youÕre early. I was able to get off early myself. Ò

He walked over to the three women on the couch. The oldest one got up and shook hands with Paul.


ÒItÕs a pleasure ta Mr. McCartney. This ere is me daughter Mary. Stand up child and greet Mr. McCartney.Ó


Mary stood quickly and shook his hand.

Paul smiled at the pretty lass that stood before him.

ÒWell lass I here you have a voice. I see you have a guitar there , so you play as well?Ó


ÒYes, sir I do.Ó She smiled proudly


ÒPlease Ladies call me Paul. Ò He motioned to the door.

ÒShall we go to the studio and see what this lass has?Ó


Paul sat through a few numbers with just Mary and the guitar. He sat up in the booth with Twiggy smiling at him and Mrs. Hopkins sitting along side of them.


ÒSheÕs goodÓ he spoke quietly to Twiggy.

Having the mother there was an inconvenience to him but because of her age he had no choice and so he kept his voice low.


Twiggy jabbed him in the arm . ÒTold ya I did.Ó


ÒIs it me or are you getting cheekier by the day.Ó Paul laughed, probably for the first time that day. He felt his hand pet Martha who lay sleeping beside him.

He watched her and studied her voice. An idea caught him and he got up.


ÒGoing down to the studio , you ladies please stay here and feel free to get some tea out in the machine in the hall.Ó He left quickly.

Twiggy knew the look she saw was PaulÕs mind busy at work on an idea. She loved the way he looked when an idea came into his head.


He came down to the young nervous girl.

ÓYouÕre smashing do you know that?Ó


She blushed at his compliment.


ÒOh donÕt blush luv, you have talent and I want to sign you up. I know I have to speak to your mum and some others but for now I want to try something.Ó


He motioned her over to the piano. He took out a pad and pen that he had brought down and scribbled a page of words and chords on it. After ten minutes the girl started getting curious and looked on. Paul looked up and gave her a smile.


ÒI have this old song that I think your voice would do justice to. WeÕll jazz it up a bit and I promise you it will be a smash. Now I Ôve written down the words and chords. Can you understand my scribble?Ó


She shook her head.


ÒIÕll play the melody and sing it so you get to know it. Maybe you should just sing for now and weÕll bring in the guitar later. Ok?Ó He looked up at her.


She nodded again.

ÒDonÕt speak much do you?Ó he asked


ÒNo itÕs not thatÉ.I never thought IÕd meet you or youÕd sign me.Ó


He smiled warmly to her and patted the seat on the bench next to him.

ÒItÕs an honor to meet you as well. Mary we are going to be working together a lot if itÕs ok with your folks that is. I suggest you just sit here and get used to me. IÕm not really that scary.Ó


ÒI know .Ó She said as she sat beside him.


She grew more comfortable with him as the night went on. He played the piece and sang it a few times , then they sang it together until she sang it alone.


ÒBrilliant! Mary, I knew your voice was perfect for this sort of song. Now letÕs go talk to your folks and get a contract made up.Ó He got up and helped her up, carrying her guitar back into the booth.


He met TwiggyÕs knowing face and winked at her as he worked his charm on the mother and plans were made.


ÔÓIÕm sorry ladies but I am needed in studio three for some work on an album for a group I am working with.Ó


They thanked him and he told them heÕd be in touch as they left. He looked at his watch, shit late again. He whistled for Martha and went to hug Twiggy good-bye.


ÒPaul you are working much to hard, especially after just coming back. You wonÕt get home til very late tonight. Please take it easy ok. Ò She hugged him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

ÒThanks for listening to her and I think that song will be brilliant for herÉ.I am going out to the Bag O Nails, you should try it.Ó She laughed as he watched her head for her night out and he walked the other way ready to again start to work.






More weeks went by the documentary was done as was the album with Badfinger. Paul worked day and night. He was now working on the Beatles album, which seemed a little tense, not as bad as the White album but it was there.  He had also started working with Mary Hopkins and she had put out a single ÒThose Were The DaysÓ, just as he predicted it turned gold. He now was getting an album out to follow the single. He was trying his hardest to be good and true to Cyn even though he had plenty of offers. The phone calls just didnÕt do it anymore and it had been a little more then two months since she started working and Paul only got to see Cyn a few times most with Julian. His frustration was growing and he had had it.


When she did come by for a visit with Julian after so long, he waited for Julian to start playing with Martha. He pulled at Cynthia to follow him into the kitchen.


She sat down knowing what he was going to say to her. In the nine weeks she had been at her job they had only slept together twice and went out once. Her time was kept mostly with her boss , travel and Julian. She felt horrible, the guilt killed her and every time she bought it up to Louis he told her to have patience that things were going nicely and she was earning a name for herself. She found that since most of her time was with Louis they had become good friends as well as excellent business partners. He had told her he had never worked with someone before because he couldnÕt find someone like her . She knew what he wanted before he even told her and as a team they were untouchable. She felt proud of this but at the same time felt the guilt of not being there for Paul. These days she was closer to Louis, although they were just friends. Now, she knew what Paul wanted to talk about and she had to tell him she was leaving again for a week in a few days. Louis took pity and gave her three days off before they left and Paul had made sure he cleared his calendar.


Paul put the kettle on and lit a cigarette; he stared down at her. He held a mixture of anger and sadness. This time Paul McCartney was quite readable and this scared her even more.


ÒCynÉ..This has to stop. IÕve been patient as I can be but I have hardly seen you in a little over two months. ItÕs starting to feel like it did with Jane and God help me IÕve been good I swear, but how can we have a relationship like this? Short phone calls only seeing each other every few weeks and some times only for a few hours. I love you girl, I want you to have a career and be happy but what of us?Ó He sat down hard on the chair across from her.


He didnÕt know what he felt more, jealousy, anger, sadness or that void that work couldnÕt fill. He had kept up his end and this was the first time he really was going to get into it with her. He had also made sure he went around to see Julian several times a week along with everything else he had on his plate.


ÒYou know this isnÕt good for Jules either. I mean I see him , his dad sees him and your mum . You see him how much?Ó


Cynthia was torn. She felt anger that he would say that after John had gone around the world for how long and she was basically the only parent . It was her turn. She could however feel for him. Torn between the many things she loved and she didnÕt have an answer and she was content any longer with being a housewife.


Both were lost in thought. Paul finally brought her out of it.

ÒWell? There has to be a balance here. IÕm not asking you to give up your career , just some balance.Ó He waited patiently for her to answer as he pulled on his ciggie and poured tea for them.


ÒPaul I love this job and youÉIÕve been after Louis and he assures me that this is just temporary. ThatÕs why he gave me these three days off.Ó


ÒOh how gracious of him.Ó Paul mumbled the sarcastic statement.


 ÒPaul please É..y know Louis was right! He said that you guys worked none stop as I stood by and waited in second place , raising my son by myself and didnÕt complain and with in 9 weeks youÕre already cheesed off by this.:Ó


ÒOh Louis said that did he? What other pearls of wisdom did he offer to you?Ó

Paul got up , he couldnÕt sit still and leaned against the counter.


ÒOh stop your foolishness! I have a right to a career too ! If it takes a bit of time so be it. You say you love me then wait as I did for John. Besides I am starting to make a name for myself and in this business thatÕs important. Oh and I will be off to Germany in two days for another week. Are you going to fight me on that too,Ó?

She fumed at the thought of how different it was for a man , Louis had warned her it would come to this and he was right.


Paul tightened his lips, biting the inside of his mouth in anger as he shook his head fighting the urge to explode. Louis, Ha bastard he thought.


ÒListen I never said any of that. All :I want is a bit of your time. Not an hour here or there every week or two.Ó He fumed.  


ÒYou sound like a fish wife PaulÉÉ.. youÕre to independent for this. YouÕve been hard at work as well with all your projects unless some of those projects are women.Ó She gave him a defiant stare.


ÒWhatÕs that sÕposed ta mean?Ó He stared back at her.


ÒLinda Eastman is what that means , very cozy, at a speakeasy and who knows who else!Ó  Her voice rose to almost a yell.



ÒWhat the bloody hell is that one ? You haven me watch thenÉ..I went out once and ran into her and yes we spoke and that was it I came home alone!!!!!  You can ask your spies about that!Ó  He started pacing, fuming at her for watching his moves and knowing this time he had been good.


ÒIÕve been faithful to you I swear my lifeÉ JuleÕs life on that one ÉÉI have never been faithful to anyone until now. Why do you think IÕm so potty on this one?Ó  He lit another cigarette, chain- smoking, and clearly agitated over the whole mess.



Cynthia thought about it for a few minutes and figured sheÕd give him the benefit of the doubt.

ÒOk , no IÕm not having you watched IÕm sorry.  I lost my temper, but still itÕs gonna take some sacrifice the way it did with the BeatlesÉ..Ó She got up and went to him.


She put her arms around his stiff body.

ÒPlease Paul donÕt be this way when we havenÕt seen each other in some time. IÕll tell you what. IÕll call John and see if heÕll take Julian for a while and we can crawl into bed together. I bet thatÕs part of your problem. Ò


He gave a heavy sigh and encircled his arms around her.

ÒI donÕt think thatÕs wise right now as much as I want to and believe me IÕm aching so fuckin bad. I just donÕt want to get into the habit of solving our problems by jumping into bed and forgetting them. We need to work out a plan of some sort here, calmly. IÕm sorry I didnÕt mean to go at you like that. IÕm just pent up not just sexually but in everyway with you .Ó he leaned his head into her hair, breathing in the scent and fighting with his body over the decision he had made.


ÒAlright IÕll have a talk with Louis about some normal time off . I mean as normal as can be right now. Even it itÕs A few days a month for now . I know several weeks at a time in between seeing each other is a bit much and I do miss your arms, you body, your lips oh God I do want you so bad . I know what you said is right but IÕm bleedin dying. Just touching you is sending me next to near orgasm.Ó


This brought a loud laugh from Paul as he lifted his head off of her and then captured her lips in his.

With a heavy ragged sigh he looked her in the eyes.

ÒGo call John, your mum I donÕt care woman I canÕt do it either I need you so bad I am about to go mad.Ó


She laughed at him as she pulled herself away to make the call. Within 30 minutes John appeared at the door smiling at his friend.

ÒDoctor sex is here. ItÕs about bloody time you get a shag.Ó He turned to his        X-wife. ÒHeÕs been unbearable, wanking off isnÕt helping this bastard with his mood at all. Now let me collect my son, he doesnÕt need to be witness to this and when IÕm gone you better fuck his brains out til he canÕt move you hear me? ThereÕs no living with him when he goes sexless like this.Ó He laughed along with the other two , got his son and left.


ÒYou know heÕs right about that. You know what this means donÕt you?Ó Paul looked down at her with an evil smile and lust pouring out of his eyes.


He didnÕt even take her upstairs , why bother he thought , he couldnÕt wait the few minutes it would take. He pushed her up against the wall by the front door that just a few minutes ago held John and Julian.


His kiss was hard and urgent as he rubbed against her. His hands were the hands of an octopus; everywhere at once , unsnapping, unzipping, pulling off and finally naked. He worked his way over her tasting every place he had missed, everyplace he had imagined every time he wanked off.  He didnÕt take his time as he had other times and she didnÕt seem to mind as he took her the way an animal takes itÕs mate. He pushed her up on to the wall and was in her in a matter of five minutes of taking their clothes off  He pushed hard up into her, they both moaned loudly as he started to push urgently in to her. At this point no one could have stopped him from the act, he needed it , craved it and it took over his whole being.


She felt him hard inside her, gliding in her wetness, the wetness that had started in the kitchen almost an hour ago.  She braced herself on him, matching him in speed and meeting every thrust just as hard.


 They grunted together , not saying  a word, drawing in heavy ragged breaths with each thrust.  Neither knew how long they could stand it.


She felt it begin in her stomach and started shaking as her orgasm ripped throughout her body. Screaming loudly and not able to stop she bit into his flesh.


He felt her body shake, her screams pushing him on, her teeth biting his flesh, giving his tortured body the sensation of pleasure and pain . He felt a violent jolt as he shot in to her what he had been craving for far to long.  


They leaned against each other pulling in air as if they had almost drown and had finally at the last minute came up for air.  Sweat poured off of him as he wiped it away with his fore arm .  Still panting hard, he kissed her and flung her into his arms as he carried her off to his room.  Over and over again he took her, he lost count after the fifth time, he hadnÕt been this randy since Hamburg or maybe during early touring. All he knew was he couldnÕt stop himself and she didnÕt object.


She wanted him like she had never wanted anyone in her life. Never had she had so much sex time after time as she did now. She knew sheÕd be sore as hell tomorrow but she didnÕt care. It was today and tomorrow sheÕd worry about it.


They carried on only taking time to eat and get something to drink. He bought up food and a bottle of wine in the buff.


ÒAre all waiters this accommodating?Ó she laughed as she admired his physical form that stood unashamed in front of her.


He put down some fruit and a few sandwiches along with the bottle of wine,

ÒYou forgot glasses,Ó


ÒWho needs glasses luv? We share a bottle and feed each other and then I will have you once again.Ó They both laughed at that.


He wasnÕt kidding, after finishing their food , which they feed to each other. Then drinking almost the whole bottle of wine they laughed like children, chasing one another around the room until he caught her, bringing her down to the floor and having his way with her two more times before he pulled the blanket down off the bed and they fell asleep in each others arms.




We can work it out chapter 56


Although, she had filled both his and her sexual appetite it didnÕt bring complete peace between them. Again, she left on business trips with Louis for a week or days. When she was at home they worked late and she was just to tired to see Paul, talking to him shortly to catch up and then falling into a heavy slumber. 


It was now April and she had been working for the Wilcox Agency for four months. Nothing slowed down. Louis was constantly telling her what a great team they made. She was getting recognition for her work, not only from him but also from clients that now asked for her. The long hours were taking there toll but she felt satisfied as never before.

Still, there was her relationship slowly slipping away. Every other conversation seemed to be the same fight over not seeing each other, over not having a balance that she had promised to talk to Louis about. She decided today she would. She needed more then just work. He was known as a workaholic and she saw this in his driving force. He always seemed to convince her just one more hour , one more detail and how good they worked together. She was swayed by him and then swayed by Paul when she spoke or fought with him.


She smoothed her dress and knocked on his office door. She tipped it open; he was on the phone and motioned for her to come in.


She sat down waiting until the phone was gently placed back in its cradle.


He smiled his charming smile at her. His eyes had that sparkle in them when he did this.


ÒCynthia, I just rang off with Mr. Wilson. He and his wife are thrilled with the job weÕve done. The job youÕve done. They are recommending us to some of their friends. Honestly since youÕve come here business is above average. I have never worked with a partner before, but you seem to know exactly what IÕm thinking. I think we make the most splendid team you and I.  Oh terribly sorry dear , what is it that you want?Ó

He looked at her with questionable eyes, waiting to hear what was on her mind.

He couldnÕt help but think for the millionth time how lovely she was. She captivated him; enchanted him and they made the most wonderful team. She was charming, funny and he often found he could talk to her about things he could never talk to anyone else about. He gazed at her attractive form and fought back his adoring feelings for her.


ÒLouis, I spoke to you before about this . I really need some balance here. I love my job and working with you . I also miss my family. I do need some rest too.Ó  She spoke frankly, fighting back the nerves that sat in her stomach.


 He clasped his hands together. Another talk about this Paul and her relationship he bet.

He could understand her wanting to spend time with her son and on a few occasions he had met the boy . He was sure she never told Paul that, he would probably hit the roof.

He really didnÕt understand her need to be with this man, a man that was best mates with her former husband, who had treated her horribly.  He shook the thoughts out of his mind, knowing heÕd have to give her something to keep her happy and here with him and the agency.


ÒYes, I am so sorry. You havenÕt had much time off and we are expected in Tokyo on Monday. Ò He sighed heavily.

ÒYou are right, today is Thursday and we donÕt leave until Sunday late afternoon , so why donÕt you run along and take a few days. I want you fresh for the weeks trip.Ó


Cynthia looked up at him unsure.

ÒYouÕre serious?Ó


ÒOf course I am . Go to your son and spend time with Mr. McCartney. I am sure a few days off will simmer him down and give you the rest you need.Ó He again smiled at her.

He really didnÕt want to give her time in PaulÕs hands but he had something that he knew would upset the apple cart. He needed her full trust and felt that given time she would return the feelings he had for her. There were times he suspected she had made a turn towards him, just not enough to leave Paul behind, there would be time for this, he planned.



ÒThank you Louis so much but we do need to work out a better schedule, so that I will have days off with out having to beg you for them.Ó She said honestly.


ÒRight, we will talk of this matter on our trip. I have other plans I need to discuss with you on our trip. It can keep , I know youwant to see your son and Mr. McCartney.Ó He could never call Paul her boyfriend, he wouldnÕt, couldnÕt and never believed it was anything but good sex and a rebound after her former husband had left her.


She nodded. ÒThank you so much Louis. I will meet you at the airport at 4 then on Sunday.Ó


ÒYes , four would be fine. Run along now and have a nice holiday .Ó


She got up and smiled leaving quickly to spend her time off.


Louis grabbed the phone and quickly dialed a number after she left.






The studio was tense and the four Beatles and Yoko sat around the control booth.


ÒI donÕt want to go through all this rubbish to get this album done. ItÕs bollocks really.Ó John said as he squeezed YokoÕs hand.


Ò I agree with Johnny, this is all to much. We really should just shelve it for now and then maybe go back to it later. Ò George flicked the ash of his cigarette missing the ashtray completely, getting his trousers, he brushed them off.


Paul looked at Ringo for his thoughts. Ringo always the one who would go along with the majority shrugged his shoulders.


ÒYouÕve got to have some thoughts on this one Rings?Ó Paul eyed him.


ÒWell Paul , I think they are right. LetÕs come back to it later. ItÕs just a lot to go through and all. Maybe we could do another album in its place for now until we figure out what to do.Ó RingoÕs eyes met PaulÕs in a compromise and then he looked away.


Paul sighed, they had always gone on the majority vote and he had pushed them so much over the last few years. He knew they all loved each other but knew time was short for the group. They had grown too much to be pushed together in to a group setting.

He took the defeat but latched on to what Ringo had said , in a hope , yet again to bring them together in more of a group way. He wasnÕt ready to disband.


ÒRight then, it will be put up for now. I do think Ritch has a great idea about another album. I think maybe if you all agree that we should do it with George Martin , like we used to do. We are all comfortable with him and maybe this will be a better feel to make an album.Ó Paul stated optimistically.



John scratched his head and gave a glance to George, who shrugged why not to him.


ÒThen thatÕs what weÕll do. LetÕs give a few weeks off and you tell ole George Martin we want him to produce us again. But Paul, just keep in mind that this will probably be our last album. I mean you know itÕs getting a bit dodgy with us and I donÕt want to go up in flames. Think about it.Ó John told Paul straight out


He and George had both been talking about disbanding the group. He knew Paul didnÕt want it and Ringo had mixed feeling and could probably go a little more. John wanted his freedom to do what he wanted with out repercussions landing on the group. He wanted to create with Yoko.


 George, he wanted to do his own stuff as well and had enjoyed his hand at producing. He had more then enough songs for his own album and was tired of only getting a few songs on their albums. Plus, his religious beliefs had become more important to him and he wanted to pursue them as well.



Ringo felt lost, not knowing what he would do if the group were no more. He had tried his hand at acting and found he had a flare for it. He loved it in California and as much as Mo didnÕt want to go he had been thinking one day he might just up and go.


Paul was holding on to the dream that they had as kids, a dream they already surpassed. He just didnÕt want to give up music and didnÕt know how else to do it but with the Beatles.


ÒOk I will ring George and see if he will and when we can do it. I will tell him to give us a few weeks also. Then later we can salvage that other album. Is that what we all agree too?Ó

He looked from one to another and saw their heads affirming this decision.

When the decision was made a form came out of the shadows. She hadnÕt wanted to interfere with their meeting and had snuck in, taking a position against the back wall and out of sight. They all looked up and smiled at her as she walked over.


ÒWell, she does exist and here in the flesh to prove it.Ó John smiled wiry at her.


She smiled at them all and gave John a shake of her head.

ÒStill the cheeky one are you?Ó


  ÒDo you expect different from meÉÓ He laughed hardily at her , getting up, giving her a kiss on the cheek and a hug.


 Then Yoko did the same, hugging Cyn welcomingly.

ÒI see your doing all right , I am happy for you.Ó


ÒThanksÓ Cyn said ending the hug.


ÒHullo Cyn. Good to see you. MoÕs been askin fer ya.Ó RingoÕs eyes sparkled as he too hugged her.


ÒI do owe her a ring. Tell her soon ok?Ó


ÒSure but right now sheÕs callinÉ..I can hear her, me ears are tuned in to that y know.Ó He laughed as he left.


She saw John pull Yoko along as they bit farewell. Then she took George in a huge hug as he too was leaving.

ÒStop being a stranger to us and to our boy here.Ó He smiled that lopsided grin that only George could.


 She loved that smile and loved all of them. It was hard to hear that they were all thinking of disbanding, especially since she had been there from the beginning. She knew only to well this would tear Paul to shreds.  After they were all gone she fell into PaulÕs waiting arms. Oh God, he felt so good and she had missed him so much. She needed to feel him , to kiss him and just be with him, even if they didnÕt have sex. To her that was fine, she just wanted to be entangled in him and times like these she wondered why she even was working this job that took her from him so much. She knew , now that she had a name , she could get a job locally with better hours. She did love this job though and it satisfied her so. Besides, sheÕd miss Louis, a man who took a chance on her , took her under his wing and had become a dear friend.



He picked her up in a huge hug, swinging her around and forgetting the meeting that had upset him so much. He put her back down and kissed her , hard and passionately.


ÒWhat are you doing?Ó He said surprised to see her.


ÒI thought IÕd surprise my Paulie.Ó  Her face upturned to him with an adoring expression on it.


ÒWell, I am surprised in a good way. Seems I have the day off too. I thought we were going to go through this mess from the album but as I am sure you heard itÕs been shelved for now.Ó He looked down a bit disappointed for a minute then pulled her to him again and the thoughts drifted away into thoughts of her.



ÒWell since we both have the day off why donÕt we find something to do.Ó She snuggled to him.


ÒWell I can certainly think of something to do.Ó His smile turned into a lustful grin.


ÒWe can but I do have off until Sunday afternoon.Ó She beamed.


ÒWell the master gives you a few days did he?Ó He said hiding his dislike for the man.



ÒStop it Paul, now letÕs not waste time. I thought maybe Saturday we could have a picnic with Julian and maybe tonight we could go out for a bit.Ó She looked up at him as she pulled him out the door and they went to his home.






Paul made sure he romanced her. He took her to a fine restaurant. After that he took her dancing to a nice posh club he had found. People watched in awe of the couple as they danced , bodies pressed together, every step in time and graceful. Cynthia was dressed in a T-length dress with a slit up the side, with thinly strapped heals, her hair done up in a sweep and having just enough hang loosely down. Paul was in a black suit, which almost looked like a tux.  A few shots of them were taken before the manager shoed them off; together, they made a beautiful picture. They werenÕt aware of the on lookers but only of each other. Gazing into each otherÕs eyes, Cyn felt like a princess with her prince charming as they waltzed around the floor.


ÒI didnÕt know you could dance so well to this .Ó


ÒOh yes, Brian gave us lessonsÉ.Ó He laughed. ÒNo , but me da made sure we could dance so as we could take the ladies dancing proper instead of this rubbish that we dance tooÉ.Ó He laughed again at the thought of his dad and the way he was about things.


ÒDid Brian really give you lessons? I donÕt remember John sayin anything of it.Ó


ÒHe wanted too and then I said I knew how to. He didnÕt believe me so I took him in my arms and led him around the floor in a dance he would never forget. The lads, they were all havin a laugh on it.Ó


ÒBrian must have had a thrill.Ó She laughed.


ÒHe was a bit flustered and I think his trouser were a bit tight but he covered up well and I just ignored it with a knowing smile that went no further then me and him. Later , he thanked me, rather embarrassed by his body giving him away.Ó


She could see the fondness of the memory in his eyes and face as they kept dancing. He dipped her tenderly, which sent a flutter through her. He pulled her back into his arms , not missing a step.


ÒMy you are very goodÉ..That was a thrill.Ó


ÒWould I give you any less me lovely lass?Ó


His smile was charming, his suit impeccable and his moves showed the experience that she already knew he had. She nuzzled up to him for a few more dances and then whispered softly into his ear.


ÒLetÕs go back your way and have a tumble.Ó


He pulled her back as he watched her laugh. He feigned surprise as he answered her.


ÒI take you to a right posh place and you tell me you want to have a tumble? CanÕt say oh Paulie make love to me? Well, then I should just say IÕll give ya a knee tremblerÉ..Ó  He Laughed along with her .


ÒAll right thenÉÉPaulie make love to me.Ó She giggled.


He pulled her as close as he could and gave her a kiss that left her struggling for air.


ÒYouÕre a tease luv, now try that on for size.Ó He smiled as he pulled her to get their coats. She was speechless and flushed as she followed along with him. He had made his point very clear and every part of her body was ready for him.





Breathing was a problem for both of them as they had teased each other all the way to his room.  Her picture perfect look was undressed in less then a minute by his expertise.   Then he discarded his dress in the same fast fashion.  He held her in kisses that burn their souls, he whispered huskily in her ear.


ÒYou want me donÕt ya. Ò He teased , jamming himself against her, rubbing her eager breasts.


ÒTell me you want me or IÕll stop.Ó He threatened.


She drew in ragged breaths, needing him more than she needed anything in that minute.


ÒYesÓ she gulped out


ÒYes? Ò He released her from his hold and pushed her to the bed.

He gave her an evil grin.


ÒIÕm not convinced that you want me. I need to know you want me more then anything.Ó He huffed, finding this exciting him more.



She cried out to him in need. ÒYes , please I need you , I want you , Please.Ó


He crawled on top of her and nibbled her ear. He let her feel his excitement, while holding her wrists firm.


ÒYou need me to touch you, to be inside of you. You want to feel that wonderful release that only I can give you?Ó He purred hotly into her ear.


She squirmed under his hold, her body crying for his mercy.


ÒPlease.Ó She whined.


ÒI bet your ready for me. I bet it would feel soooo good to fill you .Ó


She could feel the pressure of him, his hot sexy breath teasing her and heightening her desire.


ÒYES! ÉÉ..oh God yes.Ó She almost cried as the need became unbearable.


ÒRight, then, shall I give ya a samplin of a knee trembler baby?Ó

Her ear tingled sending shocks down her body as he teased her more.


He found the swollen center of her body and began to ease her suffering.  He stopped as she got close to relief.


ÒNO!Ó She cried to him in frustration.


ÒItÕll feel better the more frustrated you are luv. Ò

He found this game was driving him mad and he didnÕt know how much longer he could take it.


ÒDance with meÓ


ÒWhat?Ó She huffed out.


ÒDance with me.Ó He softly growled.




He smiled lustfully down at her.


He pulled her up on the floor and then turned the radio on, finding a station that played soft music. He pulled so her back was to him; as he danced with her, running his fingers over her breasts.  He felt her move against him as he swayed so that her body rubbed against his hardness.


She caught slowly on to his game and started to dance so that her breast got the attention they needed.


Slowly , his hands traveled. One still on her chest , then other down deeper to the magic spot she needed it to be. He felt her body sway more, her hips rotate in order to get the feeling she needed.


He kissed her neck and moaned into her ear.

ÒDance with me, come on and danceÉÉ.more  É..yeah É.let your body go .Ó


She found her body knew just what to do as she danced harder, swaying faster and gyrating her hips as she heard him moan. Everything changed as she felt that burning feeling rise and then shoot through her body as she cried out. He held her tight so she wouldnÕt fall as her body shook in his arms, then molded to his form as he turned her around. He reached over changing the station to big band, jitter bug music. He pulled her up and on to his waist as her legs wound around him. He entered her with a loud groan and began going to the music. Driving them both mad as he did.  He leaned her body back against the wall. He kept to the beat of the music. He pulled her back as she laid her head on his shoulder whimpering from the torment and excitement she felt.


He nudged her up and held her lips to his as the dance kept going. He knew he couldnÕt last much longer and brought her down on to the bed. Once on the bed he thrust into her, banging to the music. He felt her tense and his own body starting to give. The feeling made his head spin., dizzy and in a daze he exploded into her as he grunted. The noise that came from her drove him wilder until every last second was exhausted.


He rolled off of her, drenched in sweat, he snuggled onto her chest as they both heaved in air and the Tommy Dorsey band played on.





Friday went by fast, they had fun and it felt like old times. They picked Julian up from school and went to the park. Later that night they took him to the pictures, sneaking in after it started and leaving before the light went up so that no one saw him.


Saturday Cyn and Julian got up early. She made a big English breakfast and kept his warm in the cooker. About 11:00am he came down in only a pair of old tore up jeans.

He walked into the kitchen , pushing at his hair that stuck up. He went over to her and gave her a kiss.


Ò Have a nice lie in then? OH, you need to brush those teeth.Ó She pushed at his bare chest.


ÒReally, didnÕt complain last night now did ya? Yes it did feel good my lie in Ta.Ó He gave her a tightlipped grin.


ÒHere I saved you something to eat.Ó She placed the plate on the table with a cup of tea.


ÒLooks fantastic.Ó He dug in as the phone rang.


He pulled out his chair, got up , swallowed and picked up the phone.




ÒA Yes, Mr. McCartney?Ó


ÒSpeaking, what can I do for you?Ó Paul asked wondering who this was.


ÒRight, This is Louis Wilcox, CynthiaÕs boss. Sorry about this but I must speak to Cynthia, this is rather urgent and I am sorry for the intrusion. Is she there?Ó

Paul grimaced at finding out who was on the phone. He bit his lip and shoved down what he really wanted to say about his intrusion as he answered politely.


ÒYes Mr. Wilcox she is. I will go and get her for you . Hold on for a minute please.Ó

He placed the phone down and walked to Cynthia, a frown crossed his face. She looked at him worried.


ÒNo  luv, itÕs all right. Your Master is on the phone and wishes to speak to Cynthia please itÕs most urgent luv.Ó He mocked the other Englishman.


She nodded and mumbled. ÒSorry, I have to take this.Ó


ÒSalright, I lost my appetiteÉÉgonna take a shower and brush those teeth.Ó He smiled and headed upstairs.


Cyn picked up the phone , wondering what he would want.


ÒLouis what is wrong?Ó


ÒOh Cynthia I am terribly sorry for intruding really I am but an emergency has sprung up and I am desperate for your help.Ó


ÒLouis this is my day off.Ó  She said softly knowing heÕd win out anyway.


ÒI forgot about an important engagement this evening. A formal affair and all the other companies will be there. They are handing out awards and we as a team are up for one. I need you there in formal attire.  Again I am so sorry it slipped my mind. I can send a limo around for you about six. There is a cocktail before the sit down. It will run rather late IÕm afraid and I know you wanted to spend time off before tomorrow but it canÕt be help. I need you there with me representing the Agency. Ò He made sure he sounded desperate.


ÒOh Louis this does put me in a spot. We were going to take Julian to a picnic and had plans.Ó She knew he could hear the fret in her voice.


He knew she was afraid of the way Paul would react to her going. He counted on it and then started back in to his desperate tone.


ÒIÕm sorry dear, I didnÕt mean to make you fret. I am sorry if Mr. McCartney canÕt handle your success but I need you there. This is for the agency and you must go. Now, if you give me directions to Mr. McCartneyÕs flat IÕll send the limo at 6pm for you.Ó He felt a smile crawl across his face.


She quickly thought and realized that picking her up at PaulÕs was not a good idea.


ÒListen I have to take Julian home and my formal wear is there, so pick me up at my flat at 6ÉÉ.Ó  She looked around to see if Paul was still in the shower. She knew heÕd have a fit at this one.


ÒVery well, six at your flat. Cynthia you are a luv and youÕve saved my neck. Til later.Ó

With that he hung up the phone. She knew she might have save his neck but not hers.