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We Can Work It Out Chapter 57



She heard the shower turn off and finished getting her things together and into the car.

She set Julian outside in the back with Martha to play. This wasnÕt going to be easy, she knew that for sure and by the time she had done everything she could hear him whistling down the stairs.


ÒOk IÕm ready to goÉÉ.What did Mr. Willycock want?Ó He asked sarcastically.


ÒPaul please must you?Ó She sat down; her face wore a tired look.


ÒSorry luv, but what did he want?Ó He knelt down to her.


He could see how upset she was and he never meant to do that with his sarcasm.


Ò I have to leave. Something important came up . There is an award ceremony tonight and we are up for an award. Louis forgot about it.Ó She waited for him to yell.


ÒYouÕre up for an award ? Why thatÕs smashing!!!  I Ôll wear my tux and escort you. See end of problem.Ó He smiled up at her.


ÒNo, you see you canÕt go only Louis and I , just the agencies and I am afraid I have to cancel our picnic as well. I have to leave and go get ready. I have to have my hair and nails done and all that sort.Ó


He stood up biting his tightened lip he nodded angrily.

ÒRight so no picnic and I canÕt go ! So he does it once again. Mr. Fuckin Fantastic does it once the fuck again!!!!!  I swear he plans this!!!!Ó


ÒOh donÕt be ridicules, he does not. He forgot is all. Even super geniuses like you forget!!!! DonÕt you?Ó She felt the anger hit her in the face sparking a defensive stand in her.


He whirled around and looked out the window to see Julian outside before he continued.

ÒCyn the man is mad for you . He is, I tell you. He sabotages time for us to be together and when we are he sabotages that too!!!!!  CanÕt you get that through you bloody thick head!!!!!Ó


Cynthia stood facing him, anger colored her face.


ÒYou would say that wouldnÕt you. You are jealous of my success. The Beatles are falling apart and I am climbing up the ladder , whilst you are falling down it!!!!Ó She tore in to him and knew the minute she said it how bad she hurt him. She didnÕt care, she was hurt and angry and hurt people , hurt people she thought. Besides, she had never stood up to John like this and it felt good to display her feelings instead of burying them down in fear.


ÒThat is not fair!!!Ó He bellowed.

She pushed the button that sent him into a further rage.


ÒWhy do you defend him so? Do you have feeling for him as well??!!!!Ó

His eyes bore into hers.


ÒHe is my boss and has become my friend is all. I canÕt help it if you are jealous over shit youÕve done in the past with other women!!!!!Ó She smiled with satisfaction , knowing to well he couldnÕt deny that.


He moved around the room , anger exploding with in him. Yes, he did cheat on all the others but not her. He felt like she slapped him in the face twice. Why was she defending this man , who obviously fancied her? Was she that blind to it? He stopped to lean on the counter.


ÒI have never cheated on you.  ThatÕs not the really issue is it? Face it, he does this all the time and I am not jealous. WasnÕt I happy for you at finding out about your award? I would love to go but he will not share you with me because he doesnÕt want to acknowledge the fact that you have a boyfriend who loves you thatÕs why!!!!Ó


He stepped up to her , his face softened a bit.

ÒLuv, please look at it. You know IÕm right.Ó


ÒI know of no such thing!!! That man is my friend, boss and partner. He gave me a chance. Me an unknown!!!!  Now stop this jealously and grow up!!!!Ó she spat at him.


ÒWhy canÕt I escort you and watch you in your hour of splendor?Ó He asked quietly.


ÒBecause it is just for company personnel, thatÕs whyÓ She steamed.

She grabbed her purse and got her keys. She started for the back door to get Julian and he grabbed her by the wrist.


ÒYOU LET GO OF ME RIGHT NOW!!!!!Ó  She yelled.


He released her instantly at her scream.


Ò I was abused and forced and grabbed by John, do you really think IÕd let you do the same things to me?!!!Ó Memories of the forcefulness of John filled her head.


ÒNo, IÕm sorry I would never do to you what he did. I just donÕt want you to leave with out finishing this.Ó He backed down a bit, remembering only to well how John treated her. Yet the tension still filled his voice.


ÒI have to go and there is no settling this now. Maybe when I get back and weÕre calm we can talk.  Now let me get my son and leave or are you going to be like John and keep me a prisoner until you are finished with me?Ó Her voice was strong with defiance.


He knew there was no talking to her, he watched her get Julian and walk around the house to her car. She avoided him totally. He went to the front door as she revved the car and drove out the gate. He slammed the door closed and then banged his fist against the hall mirror , breaking it again. He sucked on his bloody hand as a feeling over took him. He was going to lose her to Louis , the fear slipped through him. He ran upstairs and dressed into something nicer, pulled a jacket to put over his shirt and left the house.




ÒYoko itÕs Louis how are you luv?Ó


Yoko was surprised to hear from him and didnÕt know why.


ÒHello Louis what can I do for you?Ó She answered with caution.


ÒWell, I think I made a right mess for Cynthia today. It slipped my mind of an awards ceremony I need her to attend and I am sure Mr. ÉÉ.well Paul wasnÕt happy and made her miserable. I thought maybe you could talk to him. Maybe John could tell him to surprise Cynthia in Tokyo . I will give you the information and he could come out on Tuesday. I will leave a key at the desk for him and this way they can sort this out. I feel badly about it.Ó He smiled as he told her.


ÒWhy donÕt you tell him yourself Louis?Ó Yoko inquired.


ÒHe doesnÕt think to highly of me IÕm afraid so I thought it would be better from John once he cools down. I am sure he will call John sometime this weekend with what happened since they are mates. Then, John could say Cynthia gave him the information although I am sure Paul has it also. Ó  He prodded her along and it sounded sincere .


ÒOk I will tell him about it and if Paul calls he can inform him of this.Ó


ÒI do need to know if he is coming and what time so I can leave the key and arrange everything .Ó He had to know or his plan wouldnÕt work.

He already had a friend of his, a detective following Paul , taking pictures in case he was unfaithful to Cynthia. He could use this to his advantage, leak it to the press and she would never know it came from him.


ÒI will need the number to reach you then.Ó

Yoko got a pad and pen ready to copy down the information.


ÒGood I do appreciate the help. I donÕt want there to be any problems because of me. Please donÕt tell him it came from me, let him think it came from John. I do think that would be better.Ó


ÒFine I will.Ó

He gave her the information and then hung up . The plan was set and he only hoped that Paul would be unfaithful and that his plans would work. He was tired of waiting and when he wanted something he got it no matter what the stakes were.



 Paul spent some time at the office messing around with the art for the album cover of Mary Hopkins; it would be called Post Cards.  He had been working on this to distract him. It had become rather late; he felt the anger rise again as he looked at the time and saw it was after 7. He just couldnÕt understand her or this Louis and it frustrated and angered him that she couldnÕt see what was happening. He threw his coat on and decided to go down to the Bag O Nails for a few drinks. A few drinks; Bloody Hell he was going to get good and pissed. He raced through the building and over to the club.  


The music was blaring, the floor shaking and smoke filled the room as he scanned for a familiar face.  He saw a few and came over to their table, after he ordered a drink.  He looked down at Keith Richards, Mick Jagger , John Dunbar and a few others he was acquainted with.  He knew this was the right crowd to get pissed with and maybe more if he was lucky. He belted down the first drink and ordered another from the waitress, giving her one of his famous smiles. They moved around allowing him to slide in with them.


ÒHey mate, havenÕt seen you in a bit.Ó Jagger said to him.


ÒYeah been tied up with work and that sort.Ó


ÒReally? HowÕs the company going?Ó RichardÕs inquired.


ÒWell musically it is fine but the other lot is breaking us fast.Ó


ÒBlimey, John was asking about our old manager Allen Klein. I told him about how good he is at money and contracts but didnÕt think he was serious. You need to know Paul he can be a rat and I wouldnÕt trust him at all. Just wanted to give you the thumbs up on that one.Ó Jagger finished and then toyed with the girl on his lap, leaving Paul to think about yet another problem.


ÒI donÕt know much about Klein. I heard something about them thinking of it but no one approached me yet.Ó Paul mused it over in his head.


ÒMaybe cuz you were out of sorts your self. Paul, you should talk to John and George about it. That Limey canÕt be trusted. TheyÕve been talkin about it, y know ÉÉÉAnyways enough business IÕm here for some good vibes and fun.Ó He flipped.


ÒRight , me too ÉÉgonna get good and pissed.Ó He said as he finished his second drink and ordered another.


ÒPaulie, thereÕs lots of tail here , more coming later. IÕll introduce you to them.Ó John Dunbar offered.


ÒNaw, donÕt think so mate. Just want to get dead pissed for now.Ó


ÒSuit yer self then. If you change your mind let me know.Ó He smiled at his friend.




The hours passed by; the group of friends were now thoroughly pissed and buzzing around the women in the club. Keith had taken one in the back to shoot some dope.

Jagger was dancing and drinking with his lady friend. Paul watched with hooded eyes from too much alcohol as his friends encouraged him to get up and dance.


ÒCome ead mate . DonÕt waste the talent here. All sorts, take your pick , they been eyen you up there ole chap.Ó John Dunbar clasped him on the back hard and then pulled him up. He followed stumbling on to the dance floor into a girl and her waiting arms.


Soon girls swarmed around him, laughing, dancing and sexually bumping and grinding against him. He swayed along with them. Four girls around him; made him the middle of a sexual sandwich.


ÒHere luv, take a few of these and letÕs race to see who gets higher.Ó The dark haired girl in front of him said.


He opened his mouth and she threw a few pills back into his mouth. He slurped his drink and swallow and then watched her do the same.  In a matter of 15 minutes the pills hit against the strength of the alcohol had him buzzing. His face flushed, sweat poured down him and his body reacted to the attention of the four beautiful girls around him. He no longer remembered why he had come here. No longer did he remember anything except how good he felt and the constant rubbing of these four birds. He not only felt good but very aroused.  They laid all over him and he lay over them. Draped over each other dancing as a unit, they moved, Paul the focus. They hoped theyÕd get him to take them home with him. He laughed along with them, his movements were exaggerated as he just relaxed and enjoyed the feeling along with the moment.



The door opened to the Bag O Nails in walked two men, ready for a good time.

They ordered their drinks and took a table. They drank and shouted over the music, looking at the people they knew on the dance floor as well as the club. The oneÕs eyes shot back to the sandwich on the dance floor. Realization hit him as he watched a rather high Paul McCartney drape himself over four women, laughing and talking rather loudly.

He nudged his friend and the both looked to Paul and then to each other. They got up and squeezed through the sweaty bodies that danced until they got to the group. He stood there for a minute watching and then both men pushed the girls aside.


ÒHeyÓ one girls yelled .


Paul slowly noticed the commotion and the lack of his harem. He turned and laughed hard at the man in front of him. He put his arm around him, hanging his weight on the manÕs body. It was obvious that he couldnÕt stand with out any help. The smell that drifted up from him , was the smell of pure alcohol mixed with sweat and tobacco.


ÒROBERT!!!!!!  HEY MATE!!!!!  STEPHEN!!!!Ó He yelled as he swayed to and fro.


ÒPaul your thoroughly pissed and God knows what else.Ó Robert told him.


ÒYEAH, AINT IT GRAND!!!Ó  PaulÕs red sweaty face beamed at him.


ÒGood Lord we must get you out of here.Ó  Robert turned to Stephen.

ÒWe have to get him back to his flat.Ó


ÒIÕM HAVING ÉÉ..FUN!Ó his voice raised an octave into a squeak.


ÒWhere are your keys Paulie?Ó


His smile never left his carefree face as he shrugged.

ÒDUNNO MATE,,,,,,,,GIRLS WHERE ARE ME KEYS?Ó He looked to his new friends, as he remained draped over Robert.


ÒDucky you donÕt know where your keys are?Ó


Paul shrugged again and then smiled up into RobertÕs face.

His voice lowered a bit.

ÒSearch meÉ..Ó He laughed.

ÒI know youÕd love to search me pocketsÉ.Go ahead É..  IÕll let you , I know you always wanted to, come on luvÉÉ.  Search me pockets, might feel good.Ó He cackled.


ÒGood lord, letÕs get you out of here.Ó


ÒIÕm having fun Robert donÕt be nesh. Join us , I told you  to search me.Ó He buried his face in Roberts shoulder snickering.


His weight was getting too much for Robert. Stephen took Paul from him.

ÒYou the man and heÕs the girl then?É..Ó he snickered some more.


ÒIÕm going to forget you said that ducky. YouÕre a bit out of it. Stephen take him to the car I am going to ring John , he has keys.Ó


Stephen drug a reluctant Paul out to the car as Robert phoned John.


ÒJohn itÕs Robert Frazier.Ó


ÒA bit late for a ring isnÕt it there Robert?Ó John laid in his bed next to Yoko a book on his lap. He heard the loud music in the back round.


ÒOh John I wouldnÕt disturb you and Yoko if it wasnÕt urgent. I am at the Bag O Nails and I had Stephen, take a very high and drunk Paul out to the car. Only thing is he has misplaced his key to his flat, would you be a dear and open it for us . Maybe you could stay with him, youÕre better with him then I would be.Ó Robert sounded desperate.


ÒChrist, Macca;  ok Robert give me a few  here IÕm need to get me trousers on. I Ôll met you there.Ó 


ÒOh thank you so much luv.Ó Robert hung the phone.



Yoko looked concerned at John , only getting bits and pieces of the conversation.

ÒWhatÕs the matter?Ó she inquired with concern.


ÒOh fuckin Paulie is smashed out of his gourd and Robert said he canÕt find his keys and wants me to come and let him in and put him to bed.Ó He got up annoyed as he put his clothes on.


Yoko nodded. Ò I forgot to tell you today that Louis Wilcox called. He told me he started a problem with Paul and Cyn about an awards ceremony he had forgotten about and said that Paul would be off the wall. He suggested you tell him to go to Tokyo and meet up with Cyn and surprise her on Tuesday. He said not to tell Paul it was his idea, because he doesnÕt think to highly of him. Anyway he needs to know if Paul is going and he will leave a key for him in the lobby. HereÕs the information.Ó She handed it to him.


He looked it over and then gave a heavy sigh. ÒSo thatÕs what this is about.Ó

He folded the paper up and put it in his pocket.


ÒFuckin hell, I donÕt have his bloody keys I forgot them at his houseÉIÕll have to ring George.Ó He looked over at the clock. Even though it was late he knew he didnÕt have a choice. He hoped he wouldnÕt wake him or worse catch him shaggin about.


He rang and waited for someone to pick up.

A sleepy voice answered.

ÒPattie luv ItÕs John. Sorry to wake you but I have a problem that only George can help me with.Ó


ÒJohn? Do you know what time it is?Ó


ÒYes, luv please I need George.Ó


ÒI have to wake him hold on then.Ó


She gently shook her husband awake.

ÒHMMMÓ he groaned.

ÒNot now Pattie IÕm sleeping É.Ó


She hit him lightly.

ÒItÕs not that you git. JohnÕs on the phone and needs to speak with you. Says itÕs important.Ó She waited for him to adjust to being awake and then gave him the phone.


ÒWhat? you twit. IÕm sleeping here.Ó


ÒSorry Geogie, I need the key to PaulÕs house heÕs gone and gotten himself in trouble and I have to go over there. He and Cyn had a huge fight. Robert called and has him, waiting at PaulÕs flat. I could pick them up?Ó


This woke George in a hurry. ÒNO! You drive like crap and in the dark it would be worse. No IÕll come pick you up and then you can fill me in. I need a few and IÕll be over in about 20 minutes.Ó


ÒWell, I guess ole Robert and his boyfriend will have to keep him occupied until then. Right then IÕll see you soon Ta.Ó The phone went dead.


Pattie stared at her husband. ÒWhatÕs all this ?Ó


ÒOh Paul mustÕve locked himself out of his flat and JohnÕs key is there so I have to use mine to get them in. I am picking him up and then going to sleep in his bleedin guest room the fuckin sod.Ó He got up begrudgingly and changed. He kissed Pattie and then left to pick up John.






Stephen held Paul from getting out of the car as he laughed and yelled jokingly to the two. Robert pulled up across the way from PaulÕs flat. Late as it was a few gate birds stood around waiting for Paul to come home. John hadnÕt shown up yet and Robert was getting worried as he looked into the back seat.


ÒWhere could he be? He should be here by now?Ó Robert fretted.


ÒOh Robert donÕt be a spoil sportÉÉÉJohnny says heÕll be here Johnny will.Ó

Paul laughed; he seemed to notice the girls out side of his gate. Oh , yes , there were times he had brought a gate bird in and gave her a thrill.  He leaned over to roll the window down.  Stephen seized his hand hard.


ÒOh no you donÕt ! YouÕll sit here with us until John get here.Ó


Paul looked shocked at him.

ÒDo you know who I am Stephen? I could crush you in the art world like a bug on a wall. Now, leave be and let me have those beauties out there.Ó He pulled again to the door.


It took all of StephenÕs strength to hold Paul back.


ÒOh dear , this wonÕt do at all . I hope he hurries.Ó RobertÕs eye wandered from Paul and Stephen to the outside in hopes of seeing John.



ÒHEY GIRLS!!!!!!!:Ó  Paul yelled as loudly as he could and then yanked free of Stephen.


Robert jumped over the seat to the door , while a shocked Stephen came to his senses and pulled a choke hold on Paul.


ÒYouÕre not going anywhere.Ó


ÒOh Stephen do be careful of him.Ó Robert was still fretting but now was in front of the door so Paul couldnÕt get past either of them.


Thank God the girls hadnÕt heard him call out , it was their only saving grace.

They saw a car drive up to the flat. Robert jumped into the drivers seat and turned the engine and lights on. He followed the car to the gate. While John was keying the lock to open the gate , Paul seized the chance and opened the door, screaming to the girls.


ÒHi GirlsÉ..ya wanna come in and keep me warm.Ó He cackled.

The girls screamed and rushed over towards him. Stephen pulled him in and shut the door as Robert sped in the gate after GeorgeÕs car. The girls tried to follow the invite but the gates shut on them. The two cars pulled up as close to the front door as they could. John and George got out. George ran to unlock the door and John ran over to the other car. Stephen and Robert had gotten out , holding up Paul as if he were a rag doll.


ÒHey Johnny!!!! You forgot to let the birds in. TheyÕre gonna keep me arse warm.Ó He laughed falling over as Stephen grabbed under his arm.


JohnÕs lips were pursed and his brow creased at the sight of his mate.

ÒCome on lets have ya.Ó He took him from a grateful Stephen. The weight shifted and Stephen felt so much lighter. Robert trudged along, like a mother hen.


ÒHeÕs so out of it John . I donÕt know what happened. We saw him with a group of girls and one said they were drinking and throwing pills in each otherÕs mouths to see whoÕd get the highest. She wasnÕt to happy that she didnÕt get to go home with him.Ó


John frowned as they pulled him up the stairs into the house.

Before Paul got in he yelled out to the fansÉÉÓBYE GIRLS  SORRY!!Ó


He would have continued if George hadnÕt shut the door. John threw him on the couch and stared at him. HeÕd been here before, the thought rushed through his mind, as he looked from Paul to George who nodded obviously thinking the same.


ÒI suppose you wonÕt be needing us any longer.Ó Robert looked like a mouse that wanted to run from the cat. Stephen stood there, you could tell he wasnÕt too happy about having this charge for the time he did.


John nodded , knowing they couldnÕt do anything else.

ÒYeah ta and allÉ..There wasnÕt any photos taken of this was there?Ó



ÒYUP, I danced with her too.Ó Paul piped up.


They all groaned. ÒGreat, the papers will be dead keen on this one.Ó George shook his head.


ÒWell, good luck, IÕll ring tomorrow to see how things are. I hope itÕs nothing serious.Ó Robert questioned John  and George.


ÒDunno yet whatÕs up ÉÉ.maybe tomorrow when his head explodes a bit .Ó


The two said their good-byes and started to the door.


ÒBYE Robert and by the way your boyfriend is a bit roughÉ..You like that?!!!Ó


The two looked at each other and the Stephen left for the car.

ÒLuv, Stephen had to be rough with you , there was no choice ducky.Ó He patted him on the head and then left before Paul could continue.



ÒYou know Robert is the girl É.Ó: Paul snickered.


ÒYeah , yeahÉÉ..Now you É..What the fuck are you doin?Ó John asked annoyed .


ÒYeah I was sleeping and you got me out of bed.Ó George threw at him.


ÒYou werenÕt sleeping not with a wife like PattieÉÉIÕd never sleep.Ó Paul smiled making crude motions with his hands.


ÒPiss offÉÉ..bloody sod.Ó George stormed off to the kitchen.

He knew the others thought Pattie sexy and attractive, he saw them drool and make jokes. He just wasnÕt in the mood tonight to deal with it. He put the kettle on; it would be a long night. Maybe if he was lucky Paul would pass out or John would stay up and he could do as he said and crawl into the big bed in the guest room.  He jumped when he heard a noise and the scratch of a chair as Paul fell into it.


ÒPut a big kettle on there Geo I think IÕll need it. Sparky isnÕt passing out anytime soon.Ó

They both looked to see Paul trying to light a smoke. By the fourth time he got it and got up stumbling to the counter for an ashtray.


ÒIÕll get it just sit there Macca would you please!Ó John scolded him.


ÒI can get me own trayÉ..Ó He was defiant.


ÒNo! You sit your bleedin arse down right now and shut the fuck up!Ó George surprised himself, John and Paul at the harsh tone that filled his voice.


ÒChrist I need sleep.Ó He turned to John as he told him.


ÒWell nobody told you to come ere I was aven a bleedin fab time til Robert and his boyfriend dragged me off.Ó Paul got up and staggered to the living room and over to the bar. They watched as he opened the bottle and they drank in the familiar scene. Nausea came over them as the flash backs of six months ago came thundering back.


ÒShite! I pray this is just an old fashion piss on .Ó He softly told George.


ÒYeah me too. Ò 




George finally made it to the guest room while John let Paul drink on , hoping he would pass out. He started to drink along with him and soon was drunk as well.


They sat there and laughed over the stupidest things, going on about the days in Hamburg, Beatlemania and other funny stories.


The pills ran down but they were both still fueled by the alcohol. They ended up on PaulÕs back step in his garden. Paul watched Martha run about happy to be out with no clue that her master was half in the bag.


ÒYou need a dog.Ó Paul told John.


ÒA dog? Like that hairy mongrel you have? Naw got me cats. They take care of themselves and are independent. Do as they please and come around only when they want affection.Ó John pulled on his smoke looking straight ahead at Martha jumping around.


ÒSorta like Your ex-wifeÉ.huhÉShe does the same .Ó Paul spoke quieter then he had all night. He sat there swigging a bottle between him and John and smoking as well.


ÒThatÕs what this really is about aint it?Ó John took the bottle from Paul. He thought maybe they both drank themselves sober.



ÔYeahÉ..SheÕs like your cats and when we do have a few days together Mr. Fucking Fantastic ruins it.Ó He belted back the bottle. It felt like old times when theyÕd get drunk and say sod it all as far as women went.


Paul told him what happened as best as his drunken state allowed. The light bulb went off in JohnÕs head as the conversation he and Yoko had came back to him.

ÒWhy donÕt you just surprise her in Tokyo and tell ole Louie to sod off. Fix things up a bit. CanÕt be working the whole time and then you two can spend some time together.Ó


Paul listened and it sounded great. He fumbled up the stairs and in to the house.

:ÓStay there gonna show you sumthin I got for her.Ó


Ten minutes and a few bruises later Paul fell out the door on to the step laughing as he rolled to get up.


:Ó IÕll be hurtin tomorrow , donÕt know why IÕm laughing. Ò He straightened up .

ÒI know where she is I have her room number and stuffÉ..YouÕre right IÕm going.Ó


John remembered Yoko telling him it had to be Tuesday.

ÒDonÕt get there til Tuesday mate so she can start doin her thing, right?Ó


Paul nodded then took out a small black velvet box, he handed it to John. John opened it and saw a beautiful gold band with clusters of diamond chips and a huge diamond in the middle.

ÒAre you asking me to marry you Paul É..shucks I didnÕt even know you cared so for me.Ó He laughed.


ÒGet stuffed. You know itÕs for Cyn. IÕm gonna ask her to marry me when I get there on Tuesday. When things settle down. I know we can work this outÉ.Ó  He took the ring back and smiled as he stared at it.

ÒI got it a month or so ago, just waitin on the right time is all.Ó He said still admiring the ring.


ÒPaulie always the optimistÉÉWell, mate I hope it works for yaÉ..I know you love her and have for as long as Christ before we were married.Ó He looked over at Paul then down again at the ring. He smiled at the thought of how excited she would be when Paul gave the ring to her. He remembered he never got her a ring until years later and had to get married. Now , sheÕd have everything sheÕd ever wanted and he thought her heart would sore to the moon when they worked it all out and she saw the ring. Not a wedding like they had. Now , she could have the church wedding and all the trimmings he mused.



We can work it out  chapter 58


George woke to the sun in his face and a big strange bed. ThatÕs when it hit him he wasnÕt home with Pattie. He was back in PaulÕs guest room, the same room he had stayed in so many times only months ago. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and stumbled to the loo for his morning relief. He went back in to the room and put on his wrinkled shirt. He looked out in to the morning sunshine, so bright, so new and so full of a hopeful day. He smiled to himself as he sat in the chair by the window and did his morning meditation.

Before he knew it , it was 20 minutes later and again he stood up looking out on to the garden; thatÕs when he saw them. He shook his head in disbelief. Both John and Paul were sleeping on the table in the garden. He figured they must have passed out . He went downstairs and put on the kettle before slipping out the back door. He stood above them; an empty bottle on the ground both had dew on their clothes and was huddled together for warmth. He wondered wickedly for a minute if he should just turn on the hose to wake them and then thought better of it. He shook John first getting a grumble and then he tried Paul who bolted up right, eyes wide open at the shock of GeorgeÕs presences. He sat there shivering , shoes off, no coat and John curled up next to him.


God, this didnÕt look to good he thought. He eyed George to see what kind of mood he was in and met a lopsided grin. He soon became aware of a pounding in his head. The pounding got worse the more awake he became. He ran his hand threw his damp hair, then closed his eyes and opened them again as if that would make things go away. He hung his head in his hands.


ÒFor Fucks sake my head feels like I have a lobotomy.Ó


George laughed and pulled at him to get up.

ÒTea in the kitchen and headache pills for brekkie.Ó


Paul slowly rose , turning around he noticed Lennon again. He studied him and wondered if he should wake him. George noticed , he placed his hand on PaulÕs shoulder and gently pushed him towards the house.

ÒI Ôll have a go at him , you go inside, your all damp and shivering.Ó


Paul humbly nodded as his body shook from the cold and his head shook from the hangover. He looked back just before he entered the house to see George standing arms length from him , shoving him up.



John came up punching. ÒBloody arses IÕll show ya all you fookin sick bastards!!!!!Ó

George jumped away. He remembered how John could get at times, being awoken in a drunken state, not knowing where he was and at times reliving some bar fight or something. He watched as John came to his senses. He shook , wrapping his arms around him and looked around disorientated. George gave him a friendly smile , putting his friend at ease.


ÒGeorgie?Ó  He looked around again , suddenly realizing where he was and his face held the recollection of the night before and why he was shivering on the table in PaulÕs garden, with a pounding headache. He spied the empty bottle on the ground and groaned. He thought he saw a sparkle of delight in his friendÕs eyes. He got up like an old man and moved passed a sober and clear- headed George to the house in front of him.


Once inside he saw Paul climbing the stairs towards his room and followed him while George poured the tea and made some toast and eggs.  He came up behind his friend startling him so that he jumped.


ÒBlimey, you scared the hell out of me. Ò


ÒLooking at you right now scares the hell out of me, you look a fright.Ó John chuckled, stopping immediately as he held his head.


ÒAnd you the same mate.Ó


Paul rummaged as quickly as his head and body would let him through his clothes. He threw John something dry and then change out of his damp clothes.  Taking off his trousers a small black box fell to the floor. He thought his head might explode as he picked it up. He finished dressing as did John and sat on the bed staring at the ring that sat in the box like a royal gem.


ÒYa gonna ask her then?Ó John remembering their talk just a few hours ago about the proposal and the grand wedding they had jokingly spoke about.


Paul nodded slowly.

ÒIf I can get her away from Louis.Ó


John sat beside him.

Òahh  mate, sheÕd be daft not to pick you over him. Listen IÕve been thinking and maybe youÕre right about this Louis bloke.Ó


ÒYou? YouÕve been thinking?Ó Paul gave him a small smile through painful eyes.


ÒYeah , I do think from time to timeÉÉ..ThatÕs what itÕs there for isnÕt it.Ó


ÒWell, for a man who used to say every things dick, itÕs good to see you using the right head for a change.Ó


They both looked up to see George leaning against the frame of the door. He laughed, knowing they were in no shape to. He stepped over to Paul and plucked the box out of his fingers. He examined it as a huge smile passed over his face.


ÒI think itÕs a grand ideaÉÉ.The last single Beatle to marryÉÉ.can you read the head lines and to his mates first wife.Ó George howled at the thought as the other two winced in pain at the noise.


ÒGeorge piss off. YouÕre making me sodding head worse.Ó John snarled at him.


George shrugged and examined the ring further.

ÒQuite a looker this is. Bet it cost a bit huh?Ó


PaulÕs face held an incredulous look to it as he listened to GeorgeÕs appraisal of the ring.


ÒGet off would yaÉÉ..It cost enough.Ó Paul got up going into the cabinet of the loo for some headache pills. He took some water and swallowed them and then handed the glass and tablets to John who took it gratefully.



ÒI had them all out for you downstairs with some tea and toast.Ó George smiled.


ÒCouldnÕt wait mate.Ó Paul took the ring back and put it in the draw.


ÒIs this what last night was all about?Ó George questioned him.


ÒYes and noÉÉ.she was supposed to spend a few days with me. The way itÕs been going she hasnÕt spent much time at all with me. Then Willycock calls and upsets the applecart telling her he forgot about an awards dinner they had to go to and I couldnÕt go. I swear he does this on purpose , every time itÕs something else. ItÕs duff really. She canÕt see it and we fight all the time over it. So Johnny here said I should win her away and go to Tokyo. I should be there Tuesday, I donÕt want to get in her way at that meeting she has and then surprise her that night. If things go right then IÕll ask her.Ó 


He didnÕt wait for an answer as he laggard down the stairs. John and George followed. They ate , drank their tea and nursed their  hangovers as George watched over them. He made phone calls for Paul to set everything up and a few hours later the tripwas set thanks to George. Paul and John could barely move from the couches they were on and were no help at all.




Louis made the arrangements that night for PaulÕs arrival. Cyn and him had been having a grand time when they werenÕt working. Today, had been a tough one with several meetings, they walked tiredly to their rooms.


ÒFancie having dinner with me ?Ó Louis proposed.


ÒNo Louis , thank you but I am so tired and I just want to soak in a hot bath for awhile. IÕll order in.Ó She pecked him on the cheek and went into her room.


She was exhausted, the account was going well and she was glad. She thought about trying Paul but decided against it , in favor of her bath first. She ran the hot water and slipped out of her clothes, leaving them on the chair as she took her things in and slowly sank into the warmth of the tub.


She lay against the pillow letting the steaming water relax her aching muscles before she washed. She thought of the awards they won the other night and had wished Paul could have come; instead they had that terrible row. She hadnÕt talked to him since and decided to do it as soon as she got out of the bath. She missed him, if it wasnÕt for Louis, sheÕd miss him even more. Louis had become a great companion, friend and partner. They always had fun together and it was nice instead of the fights that Paul and her always seemed to have. More times then most , Paul and her would fight over the same thing and on the occasion when they didnÕt things would be as beautiful as ever between them.  She just didnÕt know what to do anymore. Sure, she knew he was right about not spending enough time together but she wanted to keep this job and keep it she would. Louis had promised her on this trip theyÕd discuss ample time off a week for her. Hopefully that would clear things up between Paul and her. She knew the minute she heard his voice thing would calm down so they could talk for the hundredth time about the same situation.




Paul arrived at the hotel and checked his pocket yet again for the ring he had brought with him. He took his suitcase to the front desk and asked for CynthiaÕs room. He was surprised to be given the key. He looked at the man strangely, but in his excitement shrugged and dropped it.



Once he was sure Cynthia was in the bath, Louis brought in the table with two dinners on it. He lit the candles , put a vase of flowers on the dressing stand taking one and sticking it in the bud vase on the table that he set impeccably. He turned on some soft music and made sure his dress was causal and a bit wrinkled, his hair still damp from his quick shower. He received word that Paul was on his way up. He stuck some papers in his brief case and tapped lightly on the bathroom door.


Cynthia jumped at the knock; she threw on her robe, letting her wet her fall around her shoulders. Getting closer to the door she heard music softly playing in the background. She opened the door, came out and looked around.


ÒLouis what did you do ?Ó  She exclaimed in surprise.


ÒWhy I bought something up for us to dine on. I knew you were tired so I took the liberty of calling.  Oh and the clientÕs sent up flowers, wasnÕt that awfully nice of them?Ó He smiled as he showed her the flowers.


 ÒI told you I was tired and ÉÉ.. oh well youÕre here now.Ó She surrendered.


ÒI promise not to stay and talk your head off all evening. I just didnÕt want to eat alone. Please say you donÕt mind.Ó He gave her a pout.


ÒI said alright.Ó She laughed


He stood close to the door and heard the keys jingle in the keyhole. Before Cynthia could hear it he grabbed her.

ÒOh thank you love its dreadful being aloneÓ He held her making sure he loosened her robe.


Paul walked into see her in LouisÕs arms, being kissed on the cheek, wet and with her robe opened enough so he knew she was nude underneath it. He stood in shock as he took in the dinner, candles , soft music and LouisÕs attire.  He dropped his case with a bang and thatÕs when Cynthia noticed him.  She quickly pulled away from Louis knowing what it must look like. Pulling away didnÕt help when her robe became loser, allowing a show to be seen. She wrapped it tightly around her and went over to Paul.


His eyes were huge; he exhaled, sounding the way the wind in a storm would.

ÒI Bloody fookin knew it!!!!!!  You been with him all this time? You thought I was stupid did you? What the Fuck?!!!!!!Ó  His face mixed with anger and shock as he looked to Cynthia.


She hurried over to him and he lightly pushed her away.


ÒThis isnÕt what it seems really.Ó


ÒOh isnÕt it?Ó His brow rose with his voice.


ÒLouis just brought in dinner and the flowers are from a client and I didnÕt know so I was taking a bath.Ó She knew it sounded flimsy as she pleaded with him.


ÒI suppose his attire is a surprise to you as well. Your hair is wet and his too. Nice touch.Ó

He walked around the room like a raging bull.


Louis gently pushed Cynthia back.

ÒListen , Paul there really is nothing going on here at all. I just brought up dinner for us, I showered in my room she in hers.Ó Louis tried to convince Paul, trying to make a show for Cynthia.


ÒI knew it all along you fancied her. Now I know why you defend him and jump when he calls!!!!Ó Paul yelled pointing his finger at Louis first and then Cynthia.

ÒHow long has this been going on huh?!!!!Ó


Cynthia began crying. ÒPaul please there is nothing going on here.Ó


Louis took that moment to open his briefcase and drop two English papers on the bed.

ÒI donÕt see why your accusing her when youÕre the bloke thatÕs been stepping out on her. My friend sent these over night, thought I should see it and tell you . I figured IÕd give Paul a chance to explain before I showed you this.Ó Louis smiled sweetly at Paul and then changed his look to pity when he turned to Cynthia.

ÒIÕm sorry to have to show you this but I wasnÕt going to have him make accusations of us when heÕs been having a grand old time of it.Ó 


Cynthia picked up the paper and stared at the picture and then started reading the small story. Paul picked up the other paper and realized were it was from.


ÒThis isnÕt right , I was mad about the awards dinner , got piss drunk and danced with these girls is all ÉÉAsk John , George Robert they took me home. I lost my keys .Ó Now he was the one pleading.


ÒYes, I suppose I should ask them so they could lie for you, like you all did for John!!!!!Ó She threw the paper at him.


The plan was working perfectly , Louis thought as he watched. He wondered if he should leave and then decide not to. It would look better to Paul if he didnÕt and when Paul left he could comfort his Cynthia.


ÒLuv, this is all that happened. None of them went home with me. I did nothing but get dead pissed and dance with them is all. You know the papers and how they are.Ó He explained.


Suddenly the tables had turned and he knew it was Louis.  His brow knitted together in a scowl when he saw Louis smile at him when Cyn was staring at the paper.


ÒYou did this you sad bloody bastard!Ó He marched up to Louis.


Louis wondered if Paul would punch him. He didnÕt want him to but it would add to the affect of his plan.


ÒI did nothing. Actually if truth be told this dinner was a surprise for you and Cyn. I arranged it after I felt bad for taking her away the other night. I called and asked John to arrange it ÉÉ.Go on ask him. ItÕs the truth more then I can say for what youÕre doing whilst sheÕs gone.Ó  Louis met CynthiaÕs eyes and she saw the sincerity in them.


ÒYou did this for us? I thoughtÉ..Ó


Louis cut her off. ÒI didnÕt want to spoil the surprise so I lied to you . I am terribly sorry for that one.Ó  Louis shrunk back and leaned against the wall.


Paul was hot on his trail.

ÒYou would say that wouldnÕt you. A few minutes ago you said dinner was for the two of you.  Had it all planned out did you? You limey bastard; I must say you think fast in a spot donÕt you.Ó He was so close; Louis could feel the heat from his breath and his anger.


ÒI should thump you good.Ó Paul felt his fists squeeze ready to go.


ÒYouÕll do nothing of the sort! His story changed because it was suppose to be a surprise. Is that right Louis?Ó Cynthia pushed between them.


ÒYes, that is exactly right.Ó Louis lied.


ÒI should have known youÕd come to his defense again.Ó He spat as he walked away.


ÒLouis set this up for us. I think that was thoughtful. You however are a two timing, cheating and thoughtless bastard.Ó She glared at him.


ÒAm I? I walk in on the two of you and he comes up with a quick story and you fall for it. Christ Cyn look at it !!!!!  He is playing you against me É..He fancies the hell out of you and will do anything to bust us up.Ó Paul looked dubiously at her.


She went up to him, picked up the other newspaper and threw it at him.

ÒNo itÕs you thatÕs breaking us up and I am sick of fighting with you. ThatÕs all we do and when IÕm gone you play with you little birds, just like you did with Jane and anyone else you had around you. You Paul donÕt know what love is or what to do with it if someone loves you. You muck it right up and this is proof.Ó She pointed to the paper on the floor and waved her hands around the room.


PaulÕs mind was running on over drive. Louis was winning and he saw the smile every time Cynthia wasnÕt looking . He knew she wouldnÕt believe him. He sat against the dresser quiet for a minute. It was happening and he had felt it coming.


ÒWhat do you want from me?Ó He said in a flat tone.


ÒI want you out, gone and out of my lifeÉ..youÕre no better then John. You just donÕt beat me is all. Now take your case and get the bloody hell out of my life. Go find your little birds and have your fun. Your sort can never settle down. I must have been mad to think you could ever be true to me. I bet everyone was laughing behind my back , just as they did with John!!!!!Ó She paced furiously around as she yelled through the memories that assaulted her from years of JohnÕs life style.


ÒYou canÕt be serious. YouÕre gonna fall for this louts trickery?Ó

He stood up and glared at Louis and then looked in disbelief to Cynthia.


ÒI Said get the fuck out of here. DonÕt come near me ever again. I have finally become somebody and you want to take it awayÉÉyou are jealousÉ..You have to be the center of the universe! Well Paul I hate to tell you this but you are not the center of mine ! Now, go before I call security and have you thrown out!Ó  Her face was red with rage and she opened the door for him.


Paul smirked at Louis who shrugged at him.


ÒI tried to help you mate.Ó Louis prodded.


The rage exploded and the bait was taken as Paul ran over to Louis picked him up and threw him against the wall. His fist aching to punch Louis did so. Cynthia yelled for him to stop but it was to late. After all this time and now he was positive that Louis had done this, his anger came out. He whaled punch after punch on Louis, who didnÕt fight back.

Cynthia tried to grab him away and met with his elbow and she crashed to the floor. Paul realized this and stopped. He went over to her and tried to help her up . She pushed his hand away hard.


ÒDid you really have to do this? Do you feel better now?Ó  Her eyes burned into his.


He bit his lip as he cursed himself for his lose of control. Now she could really say he was like John.


ÒGo now ! You have two minutes before I call the guard up here!Ó She got up.

He watched as she cooed over poor Louis, he felt sick to his stomach as he watched her help him up.  She took the ice from the bucket and put it into a towel, gently pressing against his face in order to clean him up. Her head spun around viciously.


ÒYou still here? I think youÕve done quite enough. I told you I never want to see you again not ever!!!!!  GO!!!!!!Ó She yelled louder then he had ever heard her since he had known her.


He shook his head. ÒRight then I hope the two of you are happy.Ó

He picked up his case and left, slamming the door.



Cynthia helped Louis to a chair and kept the ice on him. He was a mess and he was the last person who deserved this.  Thank God she had come to her senses and broke it off with Paul. The anger was too high for her to cry and she was worried about Louis.


ÒYou ok Louis? I am so sorry for this.Ó


He felt her hands all over him , taking care of him. Well, he hurt like hell but it was worth it and better then he could have hoped for. He had broken them up. Now, he just had to sit back and let her come to him. Of course he would be there for her and soon she would return his love. It wouldnÕt be long now and he silently thanked Mr. Paul McCartney for his Irish temper.





It didnÕt hit him until he was on the lift. He leaned defeated against the wall as he felt it go down to the lobby. He felt something push against his leg. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled out the small box he brought with him. He opened it, the diamond shined up at him as his tears fell down on it.



He was lucky to get a flight right back. He sat there and realized he hadnÕt made plans to be picked up. HeÕd manage when he got there. He snapped the box open and shut a few times and the man sitting next to him watched sadly.


ÒShe said no did she mate?Ó


ÒDidnÕt even get a chance to askÉ..flew in this evening and back out. She found someone else.Ó He groaned.


ÒSorry bout thatÓ  the man stared at Paul for a moment and realized who he was.


ÒDonÕt think you should have a problem finding another , Plenty out there y know; especially, for one of the most eligible bachelors around the world. Chin up mate thereÕs other birds flying about. Ò He smiled at Paul.


ÒYeah so there are ÉÉ YouÕre from England then?Ó Paul asked trying to change the subject.


ÒYes, Manchester, went here on business.Ó


Paul nodded, his head ached along with his heart and he really didnÕt want this conversation.


ÒI guess a bloke like yourself is used to travel É.Did the world with the Beatles didnÕt you?Ó


The guy was not going to stop and would probably sell this conversation to the first paper that paid him. He hated not sitting in first class but he had no choice if he wanted to go straight home. He exhaled and answered the guyÕs questions, smoked a few cigarettes and had a few drinks. Finally he told him he was going to try and sleep. He hadnÕt given to much information after the talk about the ring. He made sure every thing else he said was something that had already been in the press. He nodded off and was woken by a nudge from the guy from Manchester.


ÒWeÕre landingÓ


:ÓTaÓ Is all Paul could get out as he now started to wonder how he was going to get his bag. He figured heÕd wait until everyone had gotten his or hers and then he would wander over and then find a taxi home.