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WE CAN WORK IT OUTÉ..CHAPTER  59 (For Kathy hope you are well)



Paul sat on a bench , newspaper hiding his face as he waited for everyone to get their luggage. He felt someone sit beside him but didnÕt look. He wasnÕt in the mood to be recognized. He sat still, pretending to read the paper.


ÒWhy are you covering yourself up with that paper.Ó Came a familiar but smiling voice.


He slid the paper down a bit and looked over at the voice.


ÒI didnÕt want to be recognized, IÕm waiting to get my bag. I have it under a different name so it will be there when the queue clears up a bit.Ó His eyes peered over the paper at the person next to him.


ÒI recognized you thatÕs why I sat here. I could get your bag for you if you want.Ó


ÒYou sat here cause you recognized me? Ò He was surprised ÒHow ? Ò


Her eyes sparkled. Ò I felt you, I almost walked passed and when I looked and there you were. Now , do you want me to get your bag ?Ó


ÒYou felt me?Ó Paul didnÕt quite understand her meaning behind the statement.


ÒYes, you know how sometimes you can feel someoneÕs presence and you look around for them and there they are. Same for you, I thought I felt you and there you were. Now, again do you want me to get your bag?Ó She smiled amused at his disbelief.


ÒYou wouldnÕt mind?Ó


ÒNo , of course not. Where are you coming from anyway?Ó


The paper slid down more. ÒTokyoÓ


ÒTokyo? How long were you there and for what? If you donÕt mind me asking.Ó The voice asked still smiling and gentle.


ÒI was there for an hour and came right back. I went to see Cynthia and found out that things werenÕt what they seemed. We broke it off . I left , thatÕs it. Ò Sadness could be heard in his voice even though he tried to sound as if it didnÕt bother him.


ÒOh sorry to hear that. IÕll go get your bag. What name is it under?Ó

She asked not wanting to talk about what happened with Cynthia out in the open.


ÒMr. James and thanks.Ó The paper rose again while he waited for the bag to come back.


ÒHereÓ The bag was placed along side of him.


ÒThanks. Why are you here? Ò He finally put the paper down.


ÒI have a shoot to do with the Who. IÕd love to get the Beatles again though if you think you guys wouldnÕt mind.Ó


ÒIÕd have to see what the ladÕs say but itÕs possibleÉ..WhereÕre you staying?Ó


ÒI donÕt know . I didnÕt make plans for that I thought I would just look around once I got here. I always find something.Ó


He smiled for the first time since everything happened.

ÒI have a flat in London I used to use for affairs IÕd have when I was with Jane Asher. It hasnÕt been used it quite some time if you want to use it?Ó He watched her face light up at the thought.


ÒA Pad for affairs?Ó When she laughed, it sounded musical.


ÒWell yeah I guess so. I donÕt know if there is any food or how dusty it is, but your welcome to it.Ó He caught her eyes.


She nodded. ÒYou look like you could use a friend. LetÕs get something to eat and some wine and talkÉ..when is the last time you ate?Ó


Paul thought about it and couldnÕt remember.

ÒI dunno.Ó He shrugged.


ÒThen you should eat with me and then we will have some fun. Drink some wine, talk or what ever. You donÕt look like you want to be alone and you really should eat something.Ó  She stared at him , waiting for an answer and when she only got a nod, she stood up. She put out her hand and took his, pulling him up off the bench.


ÒI donÕt think thereÕs food at the flat. LetÕs go back to my place and then you can go tomorrow over there. Ò He suggested.


ÒFine what ever you want. Come on thereÕs a cab letÕs go.Ó  She pulled him as she ran and yelled to the taxi.


They got in and gave him the address and off they went.


ÒY know in England you just donÕt yell down a taxi.Ó Paul laughed at her.


ÒIn New York you donÕt get a cab unless you do, so whatÕs the difference we got one didnÕt we?Ó She smiled light heartedly at him.


ÒGuess not, I Ôm not used to you Yanks is all.Ó He teased.


ÒYank are we? ThatÕs good to know. I just thought we were AmericanÕs but then again we call you Brits.Ó She teased back.


ÒWell, thatÕs also good to know. WeÕre Brits and youÕre Yanks I didnÕt realize we had names too. Ò


ÒWell if we do why shouldnÕt you?Ó She made sense as she answered.


ÒGuess youÕre right then.Ó He looked out the window at the familiar streets.


 She watched the rain start and then pour down on the cab.

ÒOh look itÕs raining how beautiful.Ó


ÒThe rain? WeÕre just going to get wet.Ó He said unimpressed.


ÒOh rain is so pretty , plus it makes all the wonderful beautiful things grow. Look how it runs down on the window, you donÕt think thatÕs pretty?Ó She looked amazed.


ÒDarlin , it always rains in England.Ó He said a hint of disgust lingered in his voice as he watched the rain.

Ò Oh good no gate birds.Ó Paul noticed.


ÒGate birds?Ó She asked with a hint of laughter.


ÒOh yeah the fans they stand at the house to try and catch usÉÉÉ.   Here.Ó He handed the driver money, grabbed both bags and followed her out. He opened the gate as she took her bag from him. When it opened he ran in . She threw her bag on the porch and then began to dance in the rain. She tilted her head up at the sky, her tongue hung out to catch the droplets. Paul ran to the porch and watched her.


ÒWhat are you doing?Ó He asked confused, as the water ran down her hair, face and body. Her dress now soaked clung to her as she spun around to look at him.


ÒPaul you really need to relax and enjoy life. You know youÕre allowed to enjoy simple things like the rain.Ó She went over to him and grabbed his hands pulling him reluctantly off the dry porch.  She danced with him in the pouring rain on the grass. She kicked off her sandals and ran around bare foot, encouraging him to chase her. He didnÕt at first feeling silly.


ÒCome on Paul ! YouÕre to tight, relax, unwindÉÉ.Come on itÕs allowed you can do it.Ó

She flashed him a beautiful smile and it caught his eye. He stood their watching her for a minute. He had always been drawn to her every time they met. He ran after her and he laughed as she slipped and fell in the mud puddle.


She was covered in mud and lay there laughing.

ÒLook at you. Why are you laughing?Ó He said not understanding her.


ÒItÕs life silly. Nature is so pretty , even the mud. Ò She got up and took his hand walking him to the door. He saw her shivering.

ÒYouÕre shivering. Come on letÕs get you inside. Ò He unlocked the door and peeled his shoes off and sat the bags down in the hall way.


ÒEverything is wet in our cases. Take me to the dryer.Ó She looked up at him.


ÒDryer? I donÕt do the wash ÉÉI think itÕs in off the kitchen. Ò He took the cases and looked around for it.


ÒThis is your house right?Ó She laughed




ÒAnd you donÕt know where your dryer is? Ò  The laughter continued as they found it in a side room off the kitchen.


She emptied hers and his bags into it and started taking off her wet dress and under clothes.


Paul crept back from her. ÒUH IÕll get you something to wear.Ó


Now she was really laughing, as she stood there naked.


Ò Oh come on! The famous Paul McCartney shy at seeing a naked girl. Like you havenÕt seen a million of them over the years.Ó


ÒYeah, just seems funny just now. Ò He shook it off as he tried not to stare at her breasts. The only thing was his eyes kept automatically going back to them and her.


Ò I need a long sleeve shirt please and maybe a pair of boxers. You do wear boxers donÕt you? I take you for one that does.Ó  She bent over and started the dryer.


ÒA yeah, I wear boxersÉÉ..IÕll go fetch them for you.Ó He said hesitantly, still focused on her bottom and then started out of the room.


ÒIÕll come with you. You need to change too so IÕll follow you up and you can give them to me and IÕll take a hot shower if you donÕt mind Then I will make you something to eat. You need to eat and while IÕm in the shower make something hot to drink . Tea right you English love your tea.Ó She followed him up the stairs and into his room.


Part of him felt funny , weird as she followed him naked up to his room. It wasnÕt the first time a girl had done that but yet he still felt strange.  His male hormones were going crazy as he fought with himself.  He grabbed a pair of boxers, some socks that were to big on her and a warm long sleeve shirt that would be just as big. She took them in to the bathroom and showered.


He changed and towel dried his hair. He picked his clothes up and the box fell out. He stared at it , took it and sat on his bed. He opened it up and wondered why things worked out the way they did. He snapped it shut and went to the dresser , putting it in his top draw. He took his clothes downstairs and threw them in with hers and started a kettle.


He sat down smoking a cigarette with a cup of tea. He didnÕt know how much time had gone by but he knew he didnÕt want to be alone. George always talked about destiny and everything happens for a reason, it seemed in this case it did. He was glad he ran into Linda, he enjoyed her company , they could really talk and she was fun to be around. He wanted her there , even if he didnÕt have sex with her . He just loved her free spirit and carefree ways. He needed something. Sandy had been hell for all those months and lately since Cynthia had started this job, things had been mostly horrible between them. Maybe it was good that it was over. They would never be able to come to terms that theyÕd both be happy with. He thought they could work it out but maybe he was wrong. He had loved her for so long and still did . Maybe the reason for him being with her was to bring her back to life again and her to do that with him after Sandy. The teacher is always there when you need them George had told him last week. Maybe, now Linda would help him, he didnÕt know, he was just glad that the American blonde was there and as he thought about it she appeared.



Her hair hung wet down his huge long sleeve shirt that she wore with his socks on her feet. She looked adorable to him. He thought again, wait; he was just a few hours ago going to ask Cyn to marry him and now he was looking at her the way he did the other times he saw her. Truth was she had always made an impression on him and he would think of her from time to time and here she was. Appeared to him when he needed her. He watched her slide across the room in his socks like a kid. Then over to the fridge, she opened it and saw not a lot in there. She frowned as she took out some bread and eggs.


ÒYou do your own shopping?Ó


ÒNo, I havenÕt really been eating at home much and Rosie had the week off. Ò He felt silly as he said it.


ÒRosie your house keeper and she shops for you too?Ó

Linda asks as she bent down for a frying pan. She knew he was staring at her butt, so she wiggled it, letting him know she knew he saw it.


He had to laugh at this. She got up and started cooking them something to eat.

ÒSo you do laugh.Ó


ÒOf course I laugh.Ó He smiled at her.


ÒOh good I was worried you didnÕt anymore.Ó She flashed him a brief smile and continued to cook.


They ate and drank their tea, while talking about different things. When they were done Paul got on the phone with John.


ÒJohn Ò


ÒPaul howÕd it  go?Ó


ÒLouis won out John and I am back in London.Ó


ÒWhat do you mean he won out? She went for him and not you?Ó He asked in disbelief. He thought for sure theyÕd end up together. Now, she was with this Louis. Paul had been right all along.

ÒYou ok man , I Ôll come by.Ó


ÒYeah it wasnÕt supposed to be as Harri would say. Listen would you call the others and would you mind getting together for an hour or so tomorrow for a photo shoot. I ran into Linda Eastman and she wants to take some pictures of us. You mind?Ó Paul inquired.


ÒIÕll call them and no I donÕt mind. She there with you now?Ó John shook his head at his friend who always seemed to have some one in the wings at all times.


ÒYes, I donÕt want to be alone and I ran into her at the airport . Quite by accident, I can assure you. ItÕs not for sex or anything I just always fancied her company and she was just there. So call the guys and we will meet in that field over in the park about 2 she asked if that would be ok . Seems the sun will be just right bout that time.Ó He waited for John to answer.


ÒYeah, sure great; IÕll talk to the others and if you donÕt hear from me weÕll see you at 2.Ó  John was still shocked at it all and Paul could hear it.


ÒIÕll be fine JohnÉÉ.Cyn looked at me as an extension of you . She always threw you in my face and stuff I did too.  I think all this time has showed me that it wonÕ t work out. I just didnÕt want to admit it so I thought IÕd go off and marry her. You know competition and me; I wanted to win her back, stupid reason to marry. Louis set me up but good. Made it look like they were together and I took the baitÉ..I thumped him but good.Ó He laughed and John joined him.


ÒThen he had the papers from here with those pictures of me being drunk and the girls. Had her thinking I was cheating on her . Bloody prat.Ó He spat out in disgust.


ÒYeah he is a right bastard he told me to tell you to go. Not to tell you it was his idea I should have knownÉ.fuckin arseÉ..I hope Cynthia realizes what she is in for.Ó


ÒSheÕll be alright. She is finally standing up for herself and independent so I think sheÕll land on her feet. Ò Paul said softly.


ÒWill you?Ó


ÒYeah, I think I will. Ò He watched Linda open a bottle of wine in the other room.


ÒI gotta go see ya at 2 .Ó Paul hung up the phone and went over to Linda.


ÒLinder can you get that ?Ó


She laughed and opened it up. She poured two glasses.

ÒWhy do you call me Linder?Ó


ÒWhat? I call you by your name. Ò Paul didnÕt understand.

ÒWhat are you goin on about?Ó


ÒIt must be the accent I love it. Linder , no ones ever called me that. I mean Mick and Eric didnÕt and they have an English accent.Ó


ÒThey werenÕt born where I was luv.Ó  He took the glass. It was then she noticed his swollen and cut hand.

ÒYou hit that guy you told me about?Ó


ÒYes, gave it to him but good. Cyn didnÕt think it was so great. Ran to him and told me to leave that she never wanted to see me again.Ó He looked down at his hand as she held it and inspected it.


ÒWell, I guess after all these hours it will be fine.Ó


 They drank, smoke some grass and talked until very late at night. Linda started yawning. Paul looked at her. He was a night person and didnÕt realize she might get tired first.


ÒYou tired? ThereÕs a guest room upstairs.Ó He looked down at her. She was spread out

on the couch, with her head on his lap. They hadnÕt done anything wrong it was just comfortable for both of them. 



ÒSorry jet lag and plus I told you I have a little girl and she gets me up early.Ó She took the pillow that lay on PaulÕs lap and snuggled up with it.


ÒTalk to me Paul, I like to hear you talk. Ò



ÒYouÕre tired you should go get some rest. IÕll show you the guest room.Ó He pushed her gently up. She looked so cute , just like the picture of her daughter she had shown him earlier. Hair messed, stretching and yawning.



ÒNo, I wanna sleep in your bed. Nothing, donÕt worry I just want to cuddle with you and then see what you look like to wake up to.Ó She smiled tiredly at him.


He smiled back. ÒHow did you know I didnÕt want to sleep alone tonight?Ó


ÒBecause of everything you shared with me.Ó


He did tell her a lot. He told her bits and pieces about Sandy, Cynthia and his life.

ÒOK then letÕs go to bed.Ó He took her delicate hand with her long lovely fingers in his.


True to her word, all she did was cuddled with him and he didnÕt want anything more then her softness and warmth against him.  She fell asleep before him and he held her stroking her hair. She felt so good next to him and he felt confused over Cyn and Linda.

He thought about both and knew that Cyn and him would never work at this point. He had felt so much for her for so many years. Wrong timing he thought. Always comes down to timing Linda had told him and she was right. He soon fell asleep, cradled up to her, fitting into her body, arm over her and holding her hand. He slept better then he had in a while that night.






They slept late and got ready to meet the guys at the park. Linda picked up her camera equipment and looked over at him as he grabbed his keys off the hall table.



ÒHey why donÕt you come with me tonight. You know Roger, Pete, John and Keith. Come with me .Ó She pulled on his jacket sleeve.


He smiled at her . He didnÕt want to stay home and seeing them would be fun . It would also give him and excuse to watch her work and to be with her.


ÒSure but only if you promise youÕll stay here for the week.Ó He grinned at her.


She nodded, her lips pursed in a knowing grin.

ÒDeal Mr. McCartney. Now letÕs go I donÕt want to lose the sun.Ó






The light was perfect and she took splendid pictures of them in the tall brown wheat looking grass. She studied them and found different ways to photograph them. She also watched and would take pictures of them being natural with each other talking and not expecting it. She had them sit on the steps of a building and took more pictures. Although they got along she could feel something wasnÕt right. It seemed to her that she was taking pictures of fragments of a group that had had its day and it saddened her to see. She said nothing as she spoke to them.



ÒWell, lass you keeping an eye on our boy here after what my wicked ex-wife did to him?Ó John leered at her.


She smiled ÒFor the time being but I think he will bounce back quickly. I donÕt think your ex-wife is wicked I just think her friend is sneaky. Either way the timing was wrong.Ó


George had been listening. ÒAbsolutely , there is a time for everything and if it was meant to be it would be or will be. I guess weÕll see how things turn. I think those pictures will be keen. I fancied the way you took some of them. When do we get to see them?Ó



ÒOh, I will have to develop them first. I have to find a place I can do that and then I promise you will all see them and then grooviest ones IÕll use. You guys have say in it. Two days IÕd say.Ó  She smiled at all of them.


ÒSo will we be seeing you at my house on Friday? Having a party that night. Come bring the pictures then.Ó Ringo invited her, without asking Paul.


ÒWell.Ó She looked over at Paul. ÒI guess weÕll see. I have no plans and I donÕt leave until Sunday.Ó


ÒThen you come to Ritches and have a blast with us. You can meet Yoko, Mo and Pattie.Ó  John continued.


Paul watched and smiled at how his mates were pushing them together.


ÒThank you guys again for this and the invitationÉÉI have to go and get ready for my shoot with The Who.Ó Linda started to gather her stuff together.


ÒOH well tell those roughens we all say hullo and weÕll meet up with them soon.Ó John told her.


Linda was bent over putting her things away and turned her head up to John.

ÒTell Paul heÕll be there.Ó


John wiggled his eyebrows. ÒSo Linder is bringing Paulie here.Ó His smile widened.


ÒLinder, you think you could get their autographs for meÉ..Ó Ringo laughed.


ÒHey , I feel a bit left out.Ó George joined them in the laughter.


They all said their good-byes and left.



The night went well with the shoot for The Who. Paul and Linda stayed at the party for sometime. The next few days , they spent together. Linda fascinated Paul and he had always been whenever they met up over the past few years.  Why hadnÕt he pursued her when he first met her he wondered? ThatÕs right he was with Jane at the time and then with Sandy and Cynthia. Timing , wasnÕt that what Linda was telling him.   ItÕs all in the timing and he was beginning to see this. He still thought about Cyn it hadnÕt even been a week but their relationship had been fizzling out for a while now. He would always have a special place for her and Julian. He still wanted to see Jules and would have to see if it was alright, he knew it would be with John.  The more he got to know Linda the more he saw things in her that he never saw in any other woman he had been with. They still hadnÕt had sex yet but that was LindaÕs idea. She said he needed time and she could wait. They still slept in the same bed together and when he would try she would tell him, in time Paulie when the time is right. She was so free spirited and yet with this she kept telling him to wait. She was going back to the states in a few days and didnÕt want to go and find out he was back with Cynthia after sleeping with him. She told him that they would know after she left. She also told him that he would know and then it would come together, that she could very much find herself with him but she needed to give him time to think about everything with Cyn.  He knew she was right. There would be times he would find himself thinking about Cyn and the farm, look at the ring and wonder what went wrong. How could he feel for her so long and it not work out? So he didnÕt push Linda and just enjoyed being with her. They snuggled , talked , went places together but they never even kissed. She was aloof to say the least when it got to getting to intimate.

The girls usual fell over him and it was refreshing that she just didnÕt want a roll in the  hey, he liked that.


Friday came and it was RitchieÕs party. Mo was getting things together in the kitchen when Ritch came in . He nuzzled her neck and she turned to him and gave him a warm inviting kiss. The kiss lasted  a bit to long and became heated. Then the boys came in and Mo just rested her head on RitchieÕs shoulder. He laughed at their timing as the boys clamored for their attention. Mo picked up Zak and Ritch picked up Jason.


ÒWell so much for a quickieÉ.Ó He laughed.


ÒAh you know Ritchie these lads wouldnÕt let it happen.Ó She laughed with him.

ÒWould you .Ó They wrapped their arms around each other and brought the kids in the middle. The boys laughed as they hugged and kissed them.


ÒAll right Lads itÕs time to run along and find something to do.Ó


They put them down and Mo gave them each a sweet before they ran along.


ÒI hope Cyn makes it in time IÕm hopping her and Paul can make up tonight. I didnÕt tell her he was coming. DonÕt you think it will be romantic?Ó Mo hugged Ritch


Ritch pulled her to arms length.

ÒWhat do you mean you invited Cyn I thought she was still in Tokyo?Ó


ÔOh no she came back last night.Ó Mo smiled


ÒBloody HellÓ  Ritch moved away from her.


ÒWhat is it ?Ó Mo watched him in worry.


ÒOh Mo I didnÕt know Cyn was comin. HeÕs been hanging about with that Linder Eastman bird . yÕ know the American photographer. I invited her along tonight.Ó Ritch sat down at the table.


ÒOh Ritch how could you? Now what are we gonna do? Call him and tell him not to bring her.Ó


ÒI canÕt do that now. I invited her me self.  How was I supposed to know? He was gutted and then when he ran into Linder he brightened up a bit. I mean that Louis is a bastard and he set him up. They have been fallen apart since she started working for that guy. I told you what heÕs done and Cyn has a blind eye to it and I think she really digs this Louis guy. Why, I don Ôt have a clueÓ It came out in a distasteful statement.


ÒI know the guy is crazy bout her. I Ôve been telling her too. She says they are good friends and all. Oh no Ritch what if she brings him tonight?Ó Mo groaned.


ÒBlasted pillick, I donÕt want that wanker here. Ò Ritch stood up worry etched across his face.


Mo could see he was upset. He doubled a bit as his stomach started hurting him.


ÒOh luv let me get you sumethin for yer stomach.  Oh, I hope thereÕs no problem tonight. You better call the others and tell them so they are here first just in case of a problem.Ó


ÒYeah let me go call them now.Ó Ritch got up and took the medicine Mo gave him and then called George to let him know what was going on.


ÒDonÕt you think you should just let both of them so they know whatÕs going on?Ó George asked Ritch.


ÒYeah maybe, then they can decide whether each will come. I know Macca; man, and he will come just to show up that Louis guy.Ó


ÒWell, then at least he knows what the score is. Personally IÕd show up too, so I donÕt blame Macca one bit. You donÕt think Cyn would bring Louis here do you?Ó George wondered.


ÒWell, I think it would be a bit rude donÕt you?Ó


ÒWell, PaulÕs bringin that Linder bird.Ó


ÒYeah but I invited her personal like , I didnÕt with that Louis. Besides , I didnÕt even know Cyn was comin, thought she was still away.Ó Ritch fretted.


ÒWell by and by itÕs gonna be so better to let them know about it and tell them no fighting at your place is all. Ò George advised Ringo.


ÒRight, listen ,let me call Macca and would you give a ring to Johnny for me?Ó


ÒSure, not a problem although I saw Paul this morning at the office and they were on their way someplace . Said theyÕd be back in time for the party. Maybe you could leave a message on that machine heÕs got.Ó George felt bad , it wasnÕt fair to any of them . Louis did set things up and everyone could see it except Cyn. He had a feeling she felt more for him then she was allowing herself to believe. Linda seemed good for Paul , sheÕd get him out of this. She seemed responsible, free spirited and carefree. Paul was to in order and she looked like she could balance him out a bit. Calm him down. Cyn was good for him too but she was more like him , not as tight but, after meeting Linda the few times he thought she might be a better choice for Paul. Not that it was his decision at all to make, but thatÕs how he felt. 









Never thought IÕd make it this far with this story but I am going to finish it, if itÕs the last thing I do!!!!!  Almost there guysÉÉ..






Ritch and Mo frantically tried Cyn and Paul without any luck, as were John and George. So now neither knew the other was coming and the others came early just in case. The kids ran around playing as John had Julian. The adults sat in the game room playing billiards one of RitchÕs favorite games. The three men shot , drank and smoked waiting for the fire works and hoping maybe there wouldnÕt be.


The girls sat on the couch talking, Yoko tried her best to fit in but it wasnÕt her kind of talk and after awhile she got up, poured a drink and watched the guys play . She stayed close to John as he asked her opinion on which to shoot for. The other two hated this , they knew he could think for himself but conveniently ignored it as they continued their game.


The bell rang and Ritch looked over through the hall wondering which would it be. He slowly went, along with John and George for back up to the front door. Ritch looked over to his mates, it reminded him of his Ted days when theyÕd back him up. Then , he thought how ridiculous it was , everything would be fine.


He opened the door to see Cyn and a very posh man in a stylish outfit, perfect hair light brown hair, eyes and smile to match. It must be Louis , Ritch thought.

John grew hot as he saw this. He bit his tongue as they walked in.


ÒI hope you donÕt mind but I brought Louis. I wanted you all to meet him.Ó Cyn smiled as her hand rested protectively on his shoulder.


John looked at the other two who just didnÕt know what to say.


ÒA YeahÉÉ. I Ôm Ritch and here is George and I believe you know John already. Ò Ringo shook hands with him and took their coats. Even though it wasnÕt very cold, the house had a deep freeze and Cyn looked at the three. She realized Paul must be either there or on his way and that bringing Louis was a mistake. She hadnÕt thought about it.


ÒSo you came and brought him did you ?Ó John spoke frankly.


ÒYes, I was invited. Yoko and you both know Louis so I didnÕt think anyone would mind.Ó Cyn said defensively.


ÒDidnÕt give a thought to Paulie comin did you?Ó John glared at her first then turned to Louis.


ÒYou are a right bastard for what you did. You put me and Yoko in the middle of your plan to pull Cyn and Paul apart. I donÕt like being used there mate.Ó John pushed up to Louis , who backed up a bit . He knew the legend of JohnÕs temper from Cynthia.


ÒOh stop it John he was trying to help. Besides, he wasnÕt the one at the club with all the girls and God knows how many affairs heÕs had since IÕve been working. Ò Cyn met he ex-husbands stare, no longer afraid of him.


John nodded. ÒYou think that now do you? He was never true to any girl cept for you. Never saw him like that before. HeÕs loved you since we were teenagers. How many times did he come to the rescue? Getting between you, drawing attention from you to him and me É.. and me? Christ, Cyn what are you bloody thinking bringing him here? If you wanted to end it then do it ! DonÕt push him down PaulÕs throat!Ó JohnÕs face was red. He couldnÕt understand her logic. Maybe she had been with him to damn long.


The bell rang again and ten eyes looked to it , knowing who it was.

ÒYou ready?Ó George softly asked Cynthia.


ÒYou hate me too?Ó she asked.


ÒNo luv, just didnÕt need this is all. You go inside, we donÕt want a barny at the front door . Besides, heÕs bringing someone as well.Ó


ÒI might have known that he wouldnÕt be without for long.Ó She pulled Louis in to the game room.


Louis didnÕt want a fight and this to him wasnÕt neutral territory , he wanted to go.


ÒListen , luv I think I should go. I have already caused problems in the first few minutes weÕve been here.Ó He tried to persuade her.


ÒNo ,  IÕm not running. He wouldnÕt and I want to see the slut he has with him. He can never be without a woman you know.Ó She was seething.




George opened the door as Ringo went to get something for his stomach.

John stood by him so that nothing could be seen but the two men.

Paul came in with Linda, she had brought her camera hoping to get some good shots of the party , not for anything commercial just for her memories.


ÒHey Mates, Linder brought her camera hope you donÕt mind she wanted to have some memories and she brought the pictures she took the other day of us.Ó He came bouncing in with a smiling Linda who kissed John and George on the cheeks.


John pulled Paul aside, while George spoke to Linda.

ÒListen , mate, aaa that Louis is in there with Cyn. Mo, didnÕt know that she was bringing him or that Ritch had invited Linder. She was trying to play match maker . I already gave him the get go. Just thought IÕd tell you incase you want to leave.Ó John watched PaulÕs expression change a few times. He saw surprise, sadness, hurt, anger and then the mask that only meant one thing to John. Paul was going to play the game, be coy and not give up his territory.


ÒLet me tell Linder. I donÕt want her in the middle of this. That wouldnÕt be fair to her.Ó Paul told John as he nodded in agreement.


Paul went to George and stood there for a minute while he listened to the two talk.

ÒCan I barrow her from you mate?Ó


ÒSure , sure ÉÉ. IÕll talk to you later Linder . I canÕt wait to see those pictures you took.Ó George slipped away to the other room with John.


ÒLinder if you want to leave weÕll go.Ó He looked seriously at her.


Her forehead wrinkled in confusion.

ÒWhy ? We just got here and the guys and girls want to see the pictures.Ó


Paul bit his lip and bent down to her.

ÒListen, they just told me that Cyn is here with Louis and I donÕt want you to get in the middle of something that has nothing to do with you. They might think something thatÕs just not so.Ó


Linda took PaulÕs hand in hers. ÒYou donÕt want to run. I promise I will stay in the back round and if something is said I will be blunt and graceful. O.K.?Ó


ÔSure?Ó His brow rose not sure if this was a good idea.


ÒYes, you want to be here and itÕs not your style to run and hide. Maybe back with Sandy but youÕre beyond that now and you can do this. It will hurt but you can do this. I know you have things to say just remember this isnÕt your house and everyoneÕs probably uncomfortable over this, that has nothing to do with them. Ò She nodded with a smile and gave him an amusing look to lighten his mood.


He swallowed hard, he felt nervous and angry. She was right and he knew it.

ÒIÕll manage.Ó


ÒGood, then shall we step into it?Ó She slid her arm through his and pulled him with her.


God, she was courageous he thought. Wise, courageous and she knew just how he felt. How was that? He pondered that as they walked into the game room. He scanned and saw the girls entertaining Louis and Cyn and the boys on the other side shooting the billiards, John with a good bang to each ball, bouncing it hard, echoing his anger.


Everyone suddenly became quiet, as they looked to the four in question.


ÒMy God, I hope me good china doesnÕt break along with some hearts.Ó Mo whispered to Pattie, who was feeling the same discomfort and nodded in agreement. Suddenly , she just wanted to attach herself to George. She saw him standing there holding his stick up right, rubber on the floor. Some how just seeing him gave her comfort and she tugged on Mo and then went to him. George put his arm around her protectively. She felt better now, at the side of her husband.



Paul walked up to Louis and Cyn. Linda had let go and sat on a stool by the bar. She took out her camera and placed it close.


Nothing could be heard as the three stared at one another.


ÒLouis, I didnÕt realize youÕd be here. Sorry mate, I see youÕre still wearing what I brought you the other night. Ò Paul tilted his face to get a better look at LouisÕs black eye.


ÒYes , it would appear to still be visible. I Ôve told Cyn I would leave. I have no desire to intrude on your party. Ò He started to leave. Paul looked at Cyn and could read the anger on her face.


ÒNo, man stay , reallyÉÉ. DoesnÕt matter much anymore now does it? You won , your sort always does. ItÕll be fine, really. Ò Paul gave him a phony smile.


Cyn walked between them. ÒWe can leave Paul thatÕs not a bother.Ó


ÒNo, Cyn please donÕt leave on my account. You were invite as I was. Ò He sounded overly cordial and it made her mad as he put on his airs.


ÒI see you bounced right back.Ó She nodded towards Linda who smiled graciously to Cyn.


ÒA friend , she is. Helping me through a rough spell. IÕve known her for a few years.Ó He scratched his nose, looking down for a minute before meeting her eyes again.


ÒYes, weÕve spoken of her before when IÕve gone away on business.Ó Her voice dripped of sarcasm.



ÒChrist she did live with me too long. Ò John whispered to Ringo.

In spite of all the seriousness Ringo couldnÕt help but chuckle.


Paul tried hard to keep his composer as she said this.

ÒNo need to get some one innocent involved.Ó His voice was tight.


ÒLike you did to Louis who was just trying to be nice to us?Ó CynÕs voice rose as Louis walked over to her.


ÒPerhaps we should go. You and Mr. McCartney should talk about this another time , somewhere else.Ó Louis placed his hand on CynÕs arm.


ÒNo I donÕt think so .Ó Cyn said without dropping her glaze from Paul.


Linda got up and took her camera. She took a few shots of the pool table and all standing around. She tried to take the focus off the other three.


ÒMUST YOU?Ó Cyn glared at Linda, her anger shone through at the annoyance of this slut snapping pictures as if nothing was happening.


Linda smiled politely. She walked over and extended her hand to Cynthia.

ÒI donÕt believe weÕve metÉ.Linda Eastman.Ó


CynÕs brow knitted as she thought the woman crazy and bold.


ÒReally I am harmless. I will not go behind your back if I have something to say. I think this guy youÕre with is a snake. I Ôve seen his kind before ÉÉ. Arizona; have you ever been there Mr. Wilcox?Ó LindaÕs smile never faltered, her eyes held the same spark as she stared at the man.


ÒIÕm not sure, I travel all over the world.Ó Louis answered her. He tried to get himself together and dismissed what she had said about him.


ÒShame if you havenÕt . I love Arizona; a lot of beautiful things live there. A lot of ugly things live there too. I remember when I was younger watching this snake rap himself around a mouse once. He choked the life out of it. Tearing it away from its family and all so he could say it was his. He ate it and after that it didnÕt seem as important anymore. It was the chase you see and the hunger to have what he wanted and didnÕt know if he could get . Once he did get it he move on to the next one. He slithered his way around, hiding , sneaking and I even suppose he would plan it. Do you think that a snake can plan a seduction of a naive sweet little mouse?Ó


ÒI donÕt know much about the animal world Miss. Eastman. I suppose the snake has to plan in order to get his meal and survive.Ó Louis answered her, thinking the whole story quiet uninteresting but glad for the change in topic.


Ò Mr. Wilcox ,  it broke my heart to watch it as I suppose it has broken may people who have watched it. Then you agree? Ò She smiled at him. She walked closer and latched their arms.

ÒI think that sometimes snakes are beautiful as long as you know what they are.Ó  She walked him to the back sliding glass door and opened it. They walked out on the patio as everyone starred in shock along with Paul andCynthia.


ÔÓWell I guess they can be.Ó He didnÕt know where they were off too.


ÒEver shoot a gun?Ó She smiled up at him again. Her hair shone in the moonlight, a shadow crossed her face. She was lovely and reminded him of someone he thought.


ÔYes, I have several of them. I go fox hunting and have hunted in the States. You say Arizona? Yes, I believe I was there a few years back.Ó He said deep in thought as they walked.





ÒWhere is your slut taking Louis?Ó Cyn demanded of Paul.

Paul was as shocked as the rest of them and shrugged, all defenses dropped as he stared in disbelief. Then quietly, in a daze and with no malice said.

ÒSheÕs not a slut, havenÕt even slept with her.Ó



ÒWhat are you doing with her then?Ó


ÒI told you she is a friend. She took some great pictures of us.Ó He walked to the bar and picked up the envelope, he poured the pictures out and showed her.

She took them and looked them over.


 Paul was standing there , looking at a picture of him , Linda , John and George that Ringo had ask to take. Out of the blue and still a bit dazed, his voice drifted over to Cynthia. ÒI bought a ring for you. Was going to ask you to marry me that night I walked in on you and Louis.Ó


Cyn swallowed hard, knowing he wasnÕt being malicious, just talking.

ÒWere you then?Ó


ÒYes, I ÉÉ.  I thought if you agreed to marry me then Louis would back off and I could have you the way I wanted you. I wanted a family, still do.Ó Paul etched the picture of Linda with his finger.


ÒNothing was going on, I swear.Ó She said flatly.


The others had exited off to the kitchen but the girls stood close enough to hear.


John , Ringo and George huddled by the window and watched as Linda and Wilcox walked around the patio.


ÒThink sheÕs all right?Ó Ringo asked


ÒYup, knows what sheÕs doin too.Ó George said as the others stared, surprised by what he had said.


Yoko walked up and looked out to see what was going on.


ÒYou think she did this intentionally?Ó


ÒYeah I do. I think she has something up her sleeve but also wanted to get Paul and Cyn to talk. Catching them off their game put their guard down.Ó George eyed Yoko.


Yoko nodded, she wasnÕt sure of this Linda Eastman but she did know that she was far from stupid.



Ò He made it appear that way to meÉ.. I wish I could get you to see that. Even if itÕs not good for us to be together, I will always care what happens to you and Jules. I just wish if itÕs not me you want to be with that youÕd stay away from him or at least open your eyes and see him for what he isÉÉÓ  then it hit him. LindaÕs conversation to Louis wasnÕt crazy at all.


Ò The snake.Ó He said as the light bulb went on in his head.


ÒWhat?Ó  Cyn asked.


ÒLouis is a snake,.Ó He turned to her, his eyes wet with tears that he fought off. His hands slid up her arms and stayed there.

ÒPlease be careful and open up your eyes to this man. He wants you and has done everything to break us up until he did. Now wait.Ó He held his finger up to her mouth before she had a chance to speak.


ÒI see now that you are much different then you ever have been . George says a teacher comes and teaches us what we need to know when we need to know. I think I taught you to get past John Lennon and not to be afraid to say how you feel and I Ôve seen it . You have a career; the one John would never let you have. I could handle it to a point but not what you want. I want a family , wife , kids everything and I know IÕll be a good father. You donÕt want that yet and youÕve kind of had it. So now youÕre dead keen on a career and rightfully so, I never wanted to get in the way . ItÕs just too much like Jane in a way and well youÕve told me I Ôm too much like John in some ways. Ò The tears he had been fighting rolled down his cheek as he stared straight in to her eyes.



She too had started to cry. ÒI swear nothing happened between us . He is my friend and what about all those girls?Ó


He gave her his sleeve to wipe her nose and eyes on. They both smile as a memory from a while ago popped into their heads. Him in her old living room lending her his sleeve to wipe with and telling her ÒItÕs ok my housekeeper does my washÓ, this made her cry harder for the dream that would never be them.


He nodded at knowing what she was thinking.

ÒNo but I hope not with him either. Please I have loved you forever, donÕt let him hurt you. YouÕve had enough hurt with John. Have your career and Jules and hopefully find someone, later when your career is no longer enough. I just wish you could see him for what he is and believe me that I have never cheated on you. You are the only one I havenÕt cheated on. Yeah , there was Sandy but that was a bit different and I paid my dues for that one. That night , the pictures you saw in the papers. I was mad and drunk and high. Maybe in all fairness it would have happened but Robert and Stephen wouldnÕt let me self destruct again and neither would the lads.Ó He slid his arms around her and pulled her in for a hard hug in which she laid her head on his shoulder and cried more.




ÒI know you have Mr. Wilcox. I didnÕt recognize you at first but then it came to me. I was young and in love with my soon to be husband. We werenÕt married yet. You wanted me to do some pictures for you and you knew my father Lee Eastman.Ó She watched as his realization took over his face.


ÒYes, I thought it would come to youÉÉ.  You see Louis I was the mouse and you the snakeÉÉ Fortunately, my soon to be husband and my father caught on and off you slithered. I thought IÕd never see you again. Now , you chase another mouse. Sweet and blonde too, I guess you like blondes. Tell me, did you do the same to her and Paul as you did to me and Melvin?Ó


ÒI am sorry for that, I remember now and that was a while ago. Cynthia is different. We work well together and share so much. I know itÕs only a matter of time before she comes to me. Paul was never right for her; heÕs an extension of John. Ó He tried to convince her.


ÒNo, Louis , you are doing the same thing again. I worked well with you too ÉÉthatÕs what you told me. I know you broke them up as you did my ex-husband and I.  You havenÕt changed. ItÕs not you that should say if they are right for each other, just as it isnÕt right for me to say. I care for Paul, IÕd love a future with him but I will never do as you. They have to decide, not me and certainly not you. Ó She told him as her eyes bore into his, seeing the man he really was, both now and then. She had finally said the things she had needed to say to him for almost nine years now. She could see his discomfort and enjoyed it.


He pulled away from her as the memories flowed back to him. He started towards the house. Linda laughed as she went after him. They walked in the house to see Cyn crying in PaulÕs arms and LindaÕs hopes dropped of having Paul but knew like her and Melvin that Louis had done something he should never have done.


ÒYou see Louis, you should never have done what you did to them. You should never have done what you did to my ex- husband and me. A snake never winsÉÉ.he feeds, but gets hungry after he has seized what he wantsÉ..Ó She looked at the two and then back to Louis.


Louis walked over to them. He tapped Cyn on the shoulder, ignoring LindaÕs words.

ÒI think itÕs time to go.Ó


Linda put her things together in her bag and saw the others come out. The guys had heard the story Linda had told from the open window. Linda and Louis had been underneath it most of the time.


ÔCyn I do believe we should run along now.Ó Louis felt himself getting shaky as he saw Linda smile ruthlessly at him before she started for the door.


ÒOne minute Louis.Ó Cyn said as she wiped her face, this time with a napkin.


ÒRemember Louis, once a snake always a snakeÉÉand it would seem blondes are the mice of your choice.Ó She winked at him as she left the room.



ÒWhatÕd she mean by that?Ó Cyn looked confused at Louis.


Louis shrugged Ò I donÕt know what she was going on about.Ó


John stepped up to them.

Ò I know and we all heard. We heard you talk under the window. You tried to break her and Melvin up the wayyouÕve done to Cyn and Paul. Everything Linda said , from the story to the fact that they have to decide if they should be together is on the money mate. You are the snake and the poor lassÕs like Linder and Cyn are your prey. Tell her Louis! Tell Cyn all the plans a snake makes to get its next victim.Ó John stood stanch, waiting to see what he would do.


CynÕs face traveled from Louis to John. Her mind tugged at her, putting things together for the first time and realizing that maybe Paul as well as John had been right. She was at a loss, betrayed again by someone she had trusted. When would she learn? When would she stop being so bloody na•ve? Her face turned to horror, as she fully and completely understood what just happened. LindaÕs story had been about both of them. She couldnÕt look at him as her face crumpled. She defended him, listened to him, was proud of the work they did and in the process pushed both Julian and Paul away. Had it all been a lie? Her work was it just a ploy to get her or was her work good?  Had she just thrown away a man who would be good for her and her son? A man who had loved her forever and had taken such good care of her son? So many questions bounced through her shocked mind, as she cried and found Mo holding her.


Paul , George, Ringo and John stared at Louis. Satisfaction set deep in PaulÕs eyes, anger shot from JohnÕs and disgust from George and RingoÕs.


John looked around at his mates, they all nodded.

ÒAlright you lout , get yer arse out of here and my ex-wife no longer works for you. I am quite sure with her talent she doesnÕt need the likes of you. DonÕt go black balling her either there mate. Paul told you and now IÕm telling you , we will squash you ÉÉ..Ó John started towards him with Paul right behind him.


ÒYou heard him Louis get your bleed sorry arse out of here now!Ó Paul raised his voice as vindication set in.


Louis looked to Cyn , who waved him away. He grabbed his coat from Ringo and slithered out the door.