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John slammed the door behind Louis. All four men looked at each other, the realization of the whole evening setting in. The children were safe in bed and they were thankful for that. They hadnÕt witnessed any of the eveningÕs ugliness.


They moved into the gaming room. Pattie , Mo and Yoko were comforting Cynthia. Yoko , felt bad that she had even introduced them. She didnÕt know, and felt badly how things turned out.


ÒCyn I am very sorry for this. I really didnÕt know he was like that.Ó Yoko apologized.


Cyn sniffled, with red eyes and a tear stained faced, met the older womanÕs face.

ÒHow could you know Yoko? You were just trying to help me out and as John said I no longer work for him but I am confident I will land something else.Ó

She looked at her friends then to her ex-husband who wore a face that she hadnÕt seen in quite some time. He was upset by what had transpired. He walked over to her and took her in his arms. Yoko watched, fighting back the jealously.


ÒIÕm so sorry Cyn. Really we didnÕt know. Paul kept saying it but it wasnÕt until this latest thing that I realized he was right. Ò He held her tightly, feeling the shoulder of his shirt wet with emotion. He lifted her head gently with his two fingers . He met her red eyes with his tearing ones.

ÒI think you need to re-think some things. There is a little boy sleeping in the other room that misses you and as for your work I know youÕll be able to find something. You are talented and I am sure you have made a name for yourself and anyone would be a fool not to hire you.Ó


She shook her head, still connected to his eyes . She laid her head back on his shoulder, close to his ear.

ÒThank you Johnny. Sometimes I see the Johnny I fell in love with and this is one of those times. I will always love you in my own special way and I am glad that you feel the same.Ó


John smiled and gave her a squeeze with this said. He felt the same, with Yoko there he couldnÕt say it, but in the hug he knew he conveyed it to her.

He put her at arms length and tilted his face downward to hers.


ÒEveryone in this room loves you. DonÕt forget that. Ò

He watched her look past him to Paul who stood there watching and hoping she would be o.k.


John leaned down and whispered in her ear.

ÒGo to him luv, see what you two must do .Ó




John was talking to Cyn and Paul stood there watching. He suddenly realized Linda wasnÕt there. He pulled on RingoÕs shirt.

ÒYou seen Linder?Ó


Ringo held a thoughtful look and then concern took over.

ÒCome to think of it, she packed her things and walked out as we came from the kitchen. She came with you didnÕt she?Ó


ÒYeah, she has no way to get back or a key to my house. Ò


Paul noticed Cyn looking at him and felt torn. He slipped his keys out of his pocket.

ÒListen will you look and see where she is? I think I am needed here for a bit. Give her these keys and tell her to take the car unless she wants to stay. If she goes back to my flat, tell her IÕll be back there sometime later. IÕll get a ride back from John or George. Ta. Ó


ÒSure mate , IÕll go now. Take care of what needs to be. No worry IÕll go fetch her. Ò Ringo gave a compassionate nod to Paul and Paul smiled in gratitude.


Ringo walked endlessly around the house without spotting Linda. He then went out side. He walked around and finally saw the moon shine a glowing light off of a beautiful silhouette that sat under a tree. The silhouette leaned against the large tree gazing up at the stars. He walked over and startled her.


ÒSorry didnÕt mean to scare you.Ó He knelt down to her.


ÒRitchie, itÕs all right. I was just admiring the stars and taking some time to think.Ó


He sat next to her. ÒPenny for your thoughts.Ó


ÒIsnÕt it a pound or something in your currency?Ó She gave him a sad smile.


ÒSomething like that. Ò He put his arm around her and let her head lean against his shoulder.


ÒI would have left but you live to far to walk and all my things are at PaulÕs.Ó


He dangled the keys above her. Her palm caught them as they dropped.

ÒHe said to take his car back to his flat and he will be there later . He needs to straight some things out.Ó


ÒRitchie? IÕve never driven on the left side before and besides I donÕt remember how to get back there. Ò Her soft voice told him.


ÒNo bother , IÕll drive you.Ó


ÒYes, it is a bother. I canÕt have you do that.Ó


ÒAnd why is that luv?Ó


ÔItÕs out of the way. This is your place here.Ó


ÒNo matter. Come ead, then Paul will have his car back for when he comes home.Ó

He got up and pulled her up from the ground. She gathered her things and they left.


She sat quiet, thinking of everything that had happened that night. Seeing Louis again, hoping for Paul and then realizing she had never had him to hope for. So many things had transpired that night it made her head spin.


ÒRitch thank you for this.Ó


ÒI told you itÕs fine. Now, tell me about your troubles. I know itÕs not just seeing Louis again because you handle that brilliantly. I know it isnÕt the photos you left behind because we are supposed to go through them and give you what we want you to use . So it must be our boy.Ó He looked over at her willowy figure that leaned against the door and then back to the road.


ÔRitch how did you get so smart? The pictures I have the negatives for. Pick what you want and send them to me. Ò She rummaged through her purse and pulled out a card.

ÒHereÕs where you can send them or you could call and tell me and IÕll re-do them. Yes do that, then you can have the originals.Ó


He put the card in his top pocket. ÒWhy canÕt we tell you tomorrow? Planning on going some place?Ó


She turned to him and tilted her head thoughtfully. ÒYes, home to my daughter. I miss her and I think it better to give Paul and Cyn some space. They need to think about where they are going, alone or together.Ó


He nodded and broke into a smile of admiration for the willowy blonde.

ÒYouÕre quiet a  scrapper.Ó


ÒScrapper?Ó Now she was confused.


ÒYeah , you AmericanÕs would say a tough cookie. I know you have feelings for Paul, and have for some time. I remember the Pepper party and I am sure every time you see him the feelings grow. Ò


ÒYes they do, but thatÕs between you and me. He needs to figure this out on his own. He knows how to reach me if need be.Ó


ÔÓLinder if you donÕt mind me saying I think youÕre better for him. I love Cyn but there is just too much there. Paul will always remind her of John and I think John will always be her first and greatest love. I see Yoko and how jealous she is and I canÕt blame her. John still has feelings for Cyn and Cyn for him. Paul was, how could I say it. Well, as happy as she was for a bit with him, and as much as she loves him , he will always be second to John. TheyÕve had that argument a few times too. There is too much crap that they will not be able to get through. Sad but itÕs true, he has loved her a long time but I think it was more the image of her and what she represented to him. You can give him that with out the complications. Keep a stiff upper lip and go on with your life, but if I know our boy he will come around, it might take some time but he will. Just go on about your life and be happy. DonÕt wait on him , but donÕt be surprised to hear from him when you least expect it.Ó He brushed her shoulder with his hand and rubbed it with a warm comfort that made her feel so much better. 





Cyn walked over to Paul, who eyed her, not sure of what she would do.


ÒIÕm not going to yell, so you can loosen up . I want to apologise to you. You were right about Louis. ItÕs a shame I didnÕt see it and had to find out this way. Come out to the garden and letÕs talk.Ó He followed her outside, they walked far back so no one would bother them. The night was warm and the stars shone brilliantly in the sky. She turned to him and looked up at him. That face, she could always count on over the years. His touch, as she took his hands in hers had always given her strength, whether it be with John or something else over the years. They had a strong friendship that had turned into a lovely and wonderful affair. She thought back to the farm and all they had been through. Over the next few minutes all the years of their friendship and love played out in a fast summary of a movie in her head. She knew how much he cared for her and how much she cared for him . Through the years he had helped her so much and she only hoped that maybe she had helped him a little. The truth was, he had always been there for her and Julian throughout the years. He had helped her more then she had ever helped him. He had a rough 7 or 8 months of it and she hated the fact that she had hurt him; after all he had done for her since they met back in the late 50Õs.



He watched the affectionate look that ran over her face and in her eyes. He too, remembered all the times he had been there for her with John and after. The last several months were hell and the months with Sandy were as well. He was confused; he loved her but not the way he had thought. A ring; he had bought it on the spur of the moment just to win her back from Louis. He had always loved her and admired the way she was so loyal to John , even when he was treating her so badly. He had always wanted a girl like Cyn, someone to make him the center of her life , to have his children, to love him and share a life with him. He needed that more now then ever, he just didnÕt know if it was with her anymore. Was he just in love with the idea of who she was back then? She was different now and he knew it. He felt her hands in his and the feeling was different now too. He felt the love and respect for her. He felt everything except the feelings he had during the summer. He had never cheated on her and that was a feat for him. He realized that maybe somewhere down the line he had matured. The tough climb back up from Sandy had strengthened him even more. He knew what he wanted as his faced turned down to hers and tears ran freely as they did for her.


ÒI do love you.Ó He croaked.


ÒI love you too. I always have. You have always been there for me through out the years.Ó She sobbed.


ÒI swear I never cheated on you with those girls or with Linder.Ó He sniffled.


ÒI know and I am sorry for calling her a slut. She isnÕt at all , that was anger. She is a brave woman and I admire that. She showed Louis for what he was and was the only one who made me see him the way everyone else saw him. I feel a fool for believing every blasted thing he ever said, about you , me  and our work. Ò


ÒYou just wanted to be good at what you did and you are luv. IÕm sorry that it turned out this way for ya.Ó He said sincerely to her.


He felt her fall into his arms and her grip almost choked me. He held her tightly.


ÒYouÕve always been there for me. When ever I needed you throughout the years. With John and everything. Only those few unfortunate months with Sandy and I helped cause that when I was with John. You were right about John and me.Ó She stopped , her sobs coming stronger as she grabbed on to his shirt to hold her up; dissolving into the emotions so strong she couldnÕt stand.


He held her up, tight and close to him. He rubbed her back and tried to soothe her through his own tears.


ÒShhhh itÕs all right luv, there, there, lass.Ó  He cooed into her ear.


She could hear the heart wrenching emotion breaking in his voice as he tried to comfort her.


She wiped her face on his lower shoulder and chuckled a bit through her tears. Ò I guess youÕre house keeper will have to do your shirt. ItÕs full of all kinds of things now.Ó


ÒI suppose, dunnit matter much.Ó He still held her tight , afraid to let go .


ÒI have always loved you in the most special way and so has Julian. You have been there for me more then anyone ever has. Even took the wrath of Lennon many times for me.Ó


ÒMany times indeed. I remember some of the rows weÕd get into because of you. He has a mean right punch he does.Ó He smiled at the memory of one of the many fights they had in Germany, when Cyn was there. John had started fighting on stage with Paul during a song and gave him punch in the jaw , knocking him down against his amp. George had been in the middle and kept them apart as the show went on with a seething John spitting into the mic angrily, the words to the songs. The GermanÕs loved it, but PaulÕs jaw ached for a few days and with JohnÕs shiner, they didnÕt speak for a whole day.



Her hand caressed his cheek and she leaned back into him.

ÒThank you for always being there for me and Julian.Ó


He heard a sob escape his mouth as he answered her.

ÒI will always be there for the two of you no matter what. WeÕve been friends much too long.Ó He had to stop as the emotion over came him.


ÒIÕm so terribly sorry for the way I treated you lately. You didnÕt deserve what IÕve done to you. Forgive me please , I couldnÕt stand it if you didnÕt.Ó


ÒI forgive you always you know that one. Ò  He buried his head into her hair. He shook as she did in a tight hold. A hold that both were afraid to let go of.


ÒI have to say this even though for months I have denied it. You were right about so many things. I do love you, but youÕll always be in JohnÕs shadow. IÕm sorry; just didnÕt want to see it. After we were together and you said that, somehow I knew you were right and I just couldnÕt bring myself to admit it. Then with Sandy I didnÕt have too. Now, I guess I do. John will always and forever be my greatest love. I know he has Yoko now and we will only ever be friends but you will always keep me stuck to him. You will always be second with him around and thatÕs just not fair to you.Ó She told him honestly through her tears.


The emotions exhausted them both as they leaned against each other. They held each other up. The emotions were so strong ; Paul hadnÕt felt like this since his depression with Sandy overpowered him. He wanted to have her, to love her the way he thought all those months ago. Up at the farm their love was real, no one touched it and it was a bit of heaven that he had been looking for. Even the EdwardÕs had seen it, so strong, but not the love that would last a lifetime. Their love from the friendship would , but not the love you need in a marriage and thatÕs what Paul so desperately wanted.


He swallowed hard, cleared his throat, which ached and choked him as he tried to speak.


ÒI knew after you and John slept together that I was second in your life. He knew it too. He felt so guilty and thatÕs one of the reasons he stayed with me so long. I wish there was something I could do but there isnÕt. I hate letting you go girl.Ó His sobs started again and this time she soothed him.

She took his head up from her hair and touched him gently. Her lips were drawn to his and his to hers. They met in a long emotional kiss. The kiss went on and the desperation of the ending of the relationship fueled the power behind it. All the dreams that would never be between them, all the love they had shared as friends and lovers came thundering out in a rage that was uncontrollable. Weak from the emotional drain , they collapsed onto the ground. The kiss went on, turning into fierce passion, a desire to be together one more time , to say good-bye to the dream that would never happen. . He pulled at her and she at him , desperate to connect again as they once had before. It was a desperate fury that grabbed them. He was inside of her quickly; her hips met his and joined them for one last time.


Thoughts were jumbled as the only thing they could think of was this last moment. They had been together only a few short months in a long life that was ahead of them. They both whispered in each otherÕs ear; how devoted the friendship was and love to one another. He pushed in and out of her. They never took their eyes off of each other as the rapture of the finish came. Both spent, lay together in arms reluctant to let the other go.


Finally, it was Paul who gave her a gentle kiss and sat up.

ÒNo matter what. If you or Jules need me I am here for you as I always have been.Ó


She shook her head to upset to speak as she watched him stand and straight himself out.


ÒYou coming in ?Ó He softly asked her.


ÒNo, not for a few minutes . You go and leave and then I will go in. Ò

He sadly nodded, turned and started towards the back door.



She watched him as she awoke from the dream and wondered where would she go from here.






Linda unlocked the door and went into the house. She knelt down to Martha and rubbed her behind the ear.


ÒI have to go girl. I have to let him make his own choice. You watch him ok? Ò


She stood up and called a cab. Then she took all her things, packed them and put them by the door. She found apad and pen and wrote him a note. She couldnÕt find an envelope to put it in so she folded it and wrote his name on it. She placed it on the hall table , where she knew he put his keys. The horn blew and she grabbed her things, looked around, locked the door and left for the airport. SheÕd be home soon and would continue her life. She hoped that Ritch was right , but like he had told her sheÕd have to get on with her life and forget about Paul McCartney.







Paul stood a few minutes at the back door, trying to gather his composer. He pulled on the door and walk to the gaming room. He found the three still shooting billiards and Pattie talking to Mo. Yoko had perched herself on the bar stool watching and drinking. He thought that strange since she never seemed to drink much. He walked in to view and the game stopped.


He felt all eyes on him. He knew he was a sight. He eyes red and puffy, clothes and hair a mess, but at that moment he just didnÕt care.


He walked slowly into the  room to questioning eyes. No one had the nerve to ask, until Ringo spoke up.



ÒI drove Linder back to your place. Ò He dropped the keys in PaulÕs hands.

ÒShe is a special lady Paul. I believe she cares a great deal about you. HowÕs things with Cyn?Ó Ringo searched PaulÕs eyes, but Paul avoided the contact .


ÒTa Ritch for taking her back.Ó He poured himself a drink and gulped it down fast.

ÒI have to leave. Cyn will be in soon and I promised IÕd leave. WeÕve decided there is no future for us. It was a right nice dream whilst it lasted.Ó

He gave a heavy sigh and his shoulders slouched forward as he took his coat and said his farewells. He left with all of them looking at one another shocked but not to shocked. They saw it coming and as nice as it had been they knew they werenÕt meant for each other. The other three had secretly commented on how Linda would be the one and wondered how long it would take before he figured it out.







Paul quickly unlocked the door. He had been thinking about Cyn and how hard it was to walk away even though they knew it was the right thing to do. He had thought about what Ritch had said about Linda and thought about how he felt about her. He had often found her intriguing when they met and especially after this past week. He wondered all to often why he only met her when he was with someone.  


He felt excited to see her and now that he was free, maybe, just maybe they could see where things could go. He ran around the house as Martha followed barking, He couldnÕt find her and look down at the furry dog he loved so much.


ÒWhere is she girl?Ó He looked at her as if she might tell him.


He shrugged it off. ÒLike your going to start talking to me and telling me where she is.Ó He laughed and then noticed all her things were gone.


Panic rose throughout him and then his eyes fell on the paper that lay on the table. He picked it up. It was in her handwriting. He opened it and sat down to read it.



  My dearest Paul,

By the time you read this I will be on my way home to my daughter and my life. I know you and Cyn have to work things out. Only the two of you know whether you belong together or not. What Louis did to the two of you and what he did to me is inexcusable.

Thank you for a lovely time and letting me stay with you. I have enjoyed my stay in London and my time with you.

Figure things out in your mind. If you stay with Cyn or not; if you donÕt then give yourself time to recover and time to heal from the unhappiness you have gone through over the past 8 months.

Remember, youÕre allowed to smell the roses and enjoy the sunsets on your own. DonÕt be so stuffy and enjoy your life and your God given talent in music.

I have given Ritch my card to let me know about the pictures. Keep the originals as a gift to the four of you.

If you ever feel you want to give us a try, you know how to reach me. Give yourself time first to see if that is what you really want. So many things have been decided for you over the years, take this time and decide for yourself.

If it is meant we stay friends then call me from time to time and let me know how you are.

Again thank you for a wonderful week.

Love to you always Linder  (Linda)





He read it over a few times. He felt himself dumbfounded by her candid manor. He thought about it as he poured himself a drink. She was right, he had to recover and find out if she really was the one or a rebound as so many was in his life. He would take the time she had so wisely told him to and every time he smelled the flowers or saw a sunset he would think of her. In the mean time he would do as always and push on get over it and see some other women. He had no desire to be trapped again, not that Linda would trap him but she was right he needed time to do what he had to do.







ÒYouÕre daft man!Õ John ranted around his office.


ÒListen I know youÕve been having a time of it, but doing small concerts to bring the band together? WeÕre doing another album with Martin in a month or so and to tell you the truth, IÕm not happy with your ideas on this one.Ó John pulled out a cigarette and lit it as he finished his mini tirade.


George and Ringo sat on the couch and watch as Paul and John went back and forth on this. Yoko sat behind JohnÕs desk , which irritated them even more.


ÒY Ôknow IÕll do it.Ó George piped up.


John stared at him in disbelief for a minute before he opened his mouth.

ÒWerenÕt you the one who said no more tours along with me? ItÕs too late to go back. We arenÕt the mop top Beatles anymore, you do realize that donÕt you?Ó He looked at all of them and then breathed out ÒFuckÓ as he sat on the desk. ÒWhy? Why would the three of you all of a sudden want this?Ó


ÒListen John it just canÕt hurt y know? Ritch and George will do it as long as it isnÕt too big. Come ead weÕll have fun doing it. Just think of it as a laugh is all.Ó Paul tried to convince him.


ÒNo, the album is the last of it. We all agreed to that one. No more concerts. YouÕre all soft in the head. IÕm going to do this album and thatÕs it. After the album itÕs time for the divorce. I want a divorce , like I had from Cyn. Free to do what we want on our own remember?Ó  He stubbed out his cigarette and shook his head in amusement.

ÒThis is a lark right?Ó



ÒNo, itÕs not. Listen if you donÕt want to then fine, but donÕt leave the Beatles. No divorce ok?Ó Paul felt scared at the mention of it.


ÒPaulie, I told you a while ago that this wasnÕt going to last much longer and get ready for it. I love you guys , youÕre me best mates but this doesnÕt do it for me anymore. The music is great donÕt get me wrong, but weÕve all grown and this four- headed beast is holding us all back. George has things he wants to do and so do I and IÕm sure you and Ringo do too.Ó He lit another cigarette as he got up and paced. He felt anxious and couldnÕt sit still.


ÒMaybe heÕs right Paul. As fun as a few small concerts might be, the press would have a field day with it and then the crap would start all over again. IÕm not willin to do it all over again and we arenÕt the mop top fabs anymore.Ó George stated sadly.

He would have loved to go back and do the concerts they used too in Germany and the Cavern. John was right though; you couldnÕt go back, only forward. That was painfully clear, especially to Paul as George read his face.


Paul looked over to Ringo. ÒRight , You feel the same too then?Ó


Ringo reluctantly shook his head. It had sounded fun up until John pointed out the reality of it all.

ÒHeÕs right I think. George too. I think it would just snowball. It sounded fun, I just donÕt think I could stomach what comes with it.Ó


Paul nodded and lowered his head in defeat. He raised his eyebrows and then turned away and went over to the bar and poured himself a drink.

ÒNo concerts then. WeÕll do the album. IÕd just like to change the subject for a minute. That Klein bloke, I told you I donÕt like him and he went and fired Alistair Taylor yesterday. Al called me and all I could say to him was IÕm sorry. I felt like a right rat I did. HeÕs been with us one way or another since the beginning. I donÕt think thatÕs right. He also fired half the secretaries and a lot of other people. Thank God he spared Liz. Ò Paul poured the drink into the back of his throat. He hated not being able to help Alistair the way Alistair had always helped them. He had often done the impossible for them and now this was the thanks he got and Paul thought it unfair.


John walked over to Paul and put his hand on his shoulder.

ÒListen I know you donÕt like him and I donÕt agree with everyone he fired either. He had to do it. If he didnÕt weÕd be bled dry money wise. Six months and weÕd be broke. Ò He dropped his hand and looked at Paul seriously.

ÒLook, I know he ainÕt your manager but the three rule out and you did fancy the deal he made with the contracts and all. Now, as you sang Let it Be; he knows what heÕs doin.Ó John went over to Yoko, looked at her then went to the window. He stared out it, down to the streets where the everyday ordinary people walked about, minding their own business. He wished he could be one of them. He wanted to create with Yoko, but felt torn in his feelings. The only thing he was sure of was he was tired of being a Beatle and needed a break.  He didnÕt like the idea of some of the people being fired either, but it had to be. The whole Apple thing had been a dream. It seemed like a good one at the time but now it was going rotten. Maybe some business types could have done it, but they were musicians not businessmen and thatÕs where they had gone wrong. He just wanted out. He wanted to escape this mess and get on with it. Lately he had been more restless then usual and he didnÕt know why. Yoko didnÕt even anchor him as she used too.



George got up from where he was sitting. ÒIÕm off, I am meeting Pattie over at RaviÕs for dinner. Paul take a holiday and then weÕll do the record.Ó  He gave Paul a small smile and then clapped him on the back.

ÒIÕll talk with you all soon. IÕm going on holiday myself to India. We can all come back in the studio fresh and do the album the way we wanted; like the old days and enjoy it. Ò He picked up his jacket and threw it over his shoulder as he walked out the door.


ÒI guess a holiday would do. I think Los Angles for a week, go to the states and wander around for a bit. Fresh, right? IÕll be seeing you all in a month then.Ó Paul scanned the room and nodded to the three that were still there. He picked up his cigarettes and left.


ÒI guess IÕll ring you . IÕm gonna try and get Mo to take holiday too, without the little ones. Ò Ringo stood up.


ÒSecond honeymoon there Rings?Ó John smiled at his friend.


ÒSomething like that. IÕm hoping anyway.Ó Ringo shrugged and left.


Yoko eyed John to see how he was, but he still seemed anxious.

ÒWhatÕs wrong with you John?  ItÕs not just that you want out of the Beatles.Ó


ÒDunno really.Ó John shrugged and kept his stare out the window.


ÒSomethingÕs up with you and has been the last few weeks. ItÕs gotten worse since all that mess with Louis, Paul and Cyn three weeks ago.Ó

She watched him with worry. Things hadnÕt been the same in quite sometime and it made her nervous. She tried not to show it, but it did.


ÒWould you mind if I joined Paulie at the Ad Lib?Ó John asked without looking at her.


ÒIf thatÕs what you need to do. I just wish youÕd tell me whatÕs wrong. Is it your relationship with him and how he is taking your decision to leave the group?Ó She hoped thatÕs all it was.


ÒPart of it I guess.Ó John finally looked at her and the look on his face mirrored that of a lost little boy. He hid it so well, but there were times he couldnÕt.


Yoko stood up and put her arms around him. He laid his head on her shoulder. ÒYou pretend too much that youdonÕt hurt but you do.Ó


He stood up from her, after she said that and scratched his head. His eyes burned from tears he didnÕt want. He did want out of the Beatles , but it didnÕt mean that it didnÕt hurt. There was more too, but he pushed it to the side not really understanding it.

ÒSorry I have to go. I need to think some.Ó


ÒAnd running to get drunk and be with Paul is going to help you think?Ó Yoko mused. Her patience was running thin; she didnÕt understand why he wouldnÕt talk to her. He had always talked to her about everything and now he was shutting down and had been for a few weeks now. It scared her and she hated that feeling.



ÒIt might for the time being. Maybe I just need to get a bit pissed and make sure things are straight with Paul and me.Ó It sounded weak, but some of it was true. He had been with Yoko 24 hours a day, 7 days a week the last few years. Oh, he got out a few times alone, he just didnÕt understand anything anymore and like Paul, was beginning to wonder who he really was. He no longer wanted to be Beatle John, he wanted to find the real John and that was killing him inside. He shared the political views with Yoko and wanted to do something with his music in that direction. He wanted to make a difference and if his music could do it, so be it. He wanted that freedom and thatÕs the only thing he was sure of at this point.

He gave her a kiss, grabbed his things and went out the door.




The Ad Lib was rocking , with a good group as John walked to the bar and scanned the place for Paul. He sat on a stool and watched the band for a minute, remembering when The Beatles were a small band at a club. It had gone so fast and drained them all. JohnÕs nerves were on over load between the band and Apple. He order two drinks and gulped them down fast before ordering another. He saw Paul sitting at a table with a blonde. Paul had been with a different girl every night lately. John , saw that he was lost. So much had happened this past year and he figured Paul had gone back to that safe place of one-night stands with no attachments. He drug his feet over towards Paul with a drink in each hand. He stood there, feeling as lost as Paul; watching the female whisper and laugh in PaulÕs ear. He stared until Paul noticed him.


PaulÕs eyebrow rose in surprise to see him. He was still annoyed over the meeting that afternoon.


ÒSo mother let you off the leash did she?Ó He stated with sarcasm.


ÒCome off it Paul. DonÕt start on Yoko now. I came to see you . Do you think you could tear the blonde off of you for a bit whilst I talk to you?

 What is it with you and blondes anyway?Ó He put his drinks down and plopped into the circular leather bench.


ÒI need to talk with John luv. IÕll see you later.Ó She reluctantly removed herself from his lap and walked away without hiding her disappointment.


ÒTa Macca.Ó John lit a cigarette and gulped down the third drink, ordered another and then turned his attention back to his fourth drink and Paul.


ÒSo what do you want? You obviously want something or you wouldnÕt have followed me here.Ó Paul swiggedhis drink and ordered another. He took a fag from JohnÕs pack that lay on the table, lit it and exhaled the smoke, allowing it to add to the rest of the smoke in the bar.


ÒListen, I know I sounded a bit harsh back there. I just donÕt want it to end on bad terms is all. You know we need to split, I know you do. I just donÕt want to lose me best mates over this. I mean I started the band and now I am ending it. WeÕve had a good run. I just want to do my own stuff and not fight for songs. I donÕt want to play businessman either. Ò John drew on his ciggie and eyed Paul.


Paul listened and took his usual long time to think before speaking his mind.

ÒJohn, I will always be your mate, no worry there. I just donÕt know how to do it without being a Beatle. I never had too. This bloody year has been nothing but a hard fuck up me arse. I just keep hitting brick walls. Sandy, Cyn, Apple and the band; for fuck sakes canÕt this wait just a bit longer?Ó His eyes searched JohnÕs for the answer.


ÒI thought thatÕs why we were doing this new album? I didnÕt say IÕm leaving now but I want you to be ready is all and thatÕs because of the fucked up year youÕve had. Ò He belted down his forth drink as the waitress added more to the table.

ÒTa luv.Ó John gave her a some money, before she walked away.


ÒI know, I know thatÕs why we are doing this next album. I even wrote a song for the last one on the album called the End. Just to tidy things up as the last album. Ò Paul looked down at his hands and watched the last of the smoke rise before he pulled one more drag and put it out.


ÒGood, I canÕt wait to hear it. I think we made a good compromise with the rock on one side and the unfinished songs being put together on the other. Even George has two songs and Rings has one on this too. I think we will go out on top and that to me is good. WeÕll go down in history and still be mates. DoesnÕt mean we canÕt ever work together again.Ó John sipped his fifth drink and started to feel the alcohol relax his tense body.


ÒThereÕs more isnÕt there?Ó Paul asked suspiciously.


ÒYeah, there is.Ó John finished his drink. He wasnÕt sure if he was ready to admit this to Paul or not. He hadnÕt told anyone yet.

ÒI talked to Cyn the other day, when I dropped off Julian.Ó

He picked up another glass of courage and felt the heat work itÕs way down his throat to his stomach.


ÒSo what did she say or what did you say?Ó  Paul inquired, feeling a slight sting at asking.


ÒShe got a job and is moving off to Italy, with my son.Ó John just looked down at the table not knowing what else to do.


ÒShe got a job did she? Moving to Italy? IsnÕt that where Roberto lives?Ó Paul knew it was but needed to hear itall.


ÒYeah, she will be staying with them again. I donÕt know why it is bothering me so much. Maybe because Julian and me are just getting to know each other; heÕs a real person now , not just a baby. Ò John still didnÕt look up at Paul.


ÒIs it just Julian?Ó Paul asked, remembering how Cyn and John had been together and also remembering how they held on to each other that night at RitchieÕs.


ÒNoÉÉÉ.Ó He swallow some more of his drink and finally looked into PaulÕs eyes. ÒMate I love Yoko and we have so much planned and in common. ItÕs just that since Cyn and I slept together I knew you were right about why I did it and I knew sheÕd always be mine first before yours. IÕve watched her change and I like it. I donÕt know if I like her going down there with Roberto. HeÕs a nice enough bloke but I see her falling for him. I pictured it anyways.Ó He sighed loud enough for Paul to hear him over the music.


ÒYou still love her and with the change in her you have fallen for her again, havenÕt you?Ó PaulÕs brow rose waiting on an answer.


ÒRight, but I canÕt have both now, can I. I mean, Yoko and me , well we make sense, have so much in commonand want the same thing. Then thereÕs Cyn, I have a history with her and a son. The change in her and how she isnÕt afraid to stand up to me anymore is refreshing to me. Ò John looked down ashamed at his admission.


ÒSo what youÕre telling me is youÕre in love with both women and donÕt know how to get one out of your mind, is that it then?Ó Paul searched JohnÕs face. He looked pitiful and he could see the drinks working on him as he ordered more for them both.


ÒI suppose so. I just donÕt know what to do and to ask you of all people only three weeks afterward, I must be daft.Ó He took the drinks the waitress brought thankfully as he started on the next one.


ÒNo one ever argued the fact that youÕre daft. I love Cyn, but not the way I thought. To tell you the truth IÕve been thinking a lot about that American bird Linder lately. Going out to Los Angles and asking her to join me, see what happens.Ó Paul told him and himself at the same time. He had played with the idea but as he said it , it became real.


ÒThatÕs good. Go get her, she seems rather right for you. Ò John told him half heartedly.



ÒYou gonna let Cyn go then? You know you will always be the love of her life.Ó Paul thought John had to know that and reminded him of it.


ÒTruth is I donÕt know. I do love her and Julian. Thing is I love Yoko too and with Yoko I have a partner that believes the way I do and I can do things with. I want to write some political songs and songs for peace. I know I have done a little but I believe in it and it feels good to do them.Ó He admitted.


ÒThen, youÕre going to let Cyn go on with her life and leave it be?Ó Paul pushed.


ÒSuposen that is the correct thing to do, isnÕt it?Ó John sounded small as he asked Paul.


ÒJohnny, you said it yourself that you and Yoko have more in common. Maybe itÕs just the change in Cyn. Youknow how you hate to lose things that you think belong to you. Now, Cyn is more of a person to you. Shame really, that. She was always so good to you and I used to hate you for how you treated her and your son.Ó He was blunt as he knew John would be if it were him.

ÒLetÕs go to my house and finish this. ItÕs to noisy here and we can talk better there.Ó He suggested.


John nodded. ÒWhat about your one niter? Ò


ÒThereÕs always another waiting for tomorrow night. Plus IÕm leaving soon for Los Angles and I am hoping Linder will meet me there and see if sheÕs right for me. Maybe, right for each other. I havenÕt called her yet. It just hit me more now that we talked. I had been debating it, but now I am sure to ring her.Ó Paul grinned


ÒGood, that would be best. I think you two should try and see how things go. I see how she looks at you and I know she made an impression on you the few times you met. This past time , when she stayed the week, we all noticed it. Go get her, I think sheÕs the one for you, speaking as your mate.Ó John smiled sheepishly at him as he finished.


ÒRight, George and Ritch told me the same. Lets go and maybe IÕll ring her tomorrow. Get some tickets for the states and just sag off for a bit. Ò He smiled at the thought of being alone with Linda.



ÒYou got booze at your place then?Ó John asked almost urgently.


ÒYeah, always ÉÉ. You know that. Come ead lets get the fuck out of here.Ó Paul laid money on the table and took out his car keys. He noticed John wobble a bit as he rose to leave.


ÒIÕm drivin, youÕll kill us both. Even sober youÕre a bloody poor excuse of a driver. That bloke must ave been pissed on something the day he gave you your drivers license.Ó Paul chuckled and threw his arm around JohnÕs shoulder, feeling JohnÕs weight fall slightly on him as they walked out.




Paul closed the door to the house as he watched John search the bar for something he would drink. Paul figured about now John would drink anything. He took a metal box off the mantel and sat on the couch. He opened it and took out rolling paper, he spied on what John was up to and saw him opening a bottle of whiskey. He carefully sprinkled the grass into the paper and started to roll it.


ÒHey you should have some of this , not that stuff. YouÕve had enough of that.Ó Paul informed him as he carefully rolled his joint, wet it closed and looked back at John.


John had opened the bottle and as usual didnÕt care for the glass that should go with it. He staggered over to where Paul sat and stared down at him, swaying from side to side.


Ò:I say when IÕve had enough, your not my keeper or mother now are you?. Ò John gave a defiant look through drunken blood shot eyes, still shifting his weight from foot to foot.


ÒWell, you look like youÕve had enough and speaking of mother, no I am not, but shouldnÕt you call her and tellher where your at ?Ó Paul smiled lightly at him as he took his lighter, flicked it and held the flame to his newly rolled stick.


ÒShe knows IÕm with you  ÉÉÉ..Ó He watched the smoke curl into the air and took a deep breath of the sweet smell that it gave.

He sat down next to Paul and without saying another word, traded off the bottle for the grass. Paul took a long healthy swig on the bottle and put it out of JohnÕs sight. They passed the joint back and forth, holding the precious smoke in their lungs until they could no longer and exhaled the bellowing smoke that was left over as it clouded the room.


Paul put on the stereo, piling a few albums on top and clicked it to drop the first one. It started playing, the sound filled the room and added to the mood. He walked over to where John was. Paul looked curiously at him as he sat on the floor in a lotus position.

Paul knelt down next to him, sitting on the balls of his feet.


ÒWhat are you doing?Ó He inquired.


ÒGetting in touch with me self and the high. Ò John stated flatly.


PaulÕs brow knitted, as he didnÕt quite know what to say to that. He stared at him and then fell back laughing, laughing so hard his sides hurt. John opened his eyes and watched his partner rolling on the floor and joined in with him.


ÒGetting in touch with it all.Ó Paul choked out. Then continued in between laughs.

ÒGuruÕs É..   donÕt want É..  you to   ÉÉ       meditate on ÉÉ.   Drugs!!  É.   YouÉÉ  you stupid git !Ó  He fought for breath, as he couldnÕt stop laughing. John was still laughing but not as hard as Paul.


ÒYou think itÕs funny eh? I need an answer and either the meditation, grass, or booze has ta help me find it.Ó He sat up catching his breath as he still watched Paul rolling on the floor. Suddenly, without thinking he pounce on him and they began to wrestle. The laughter slowed to two boys down as they playful wrestled one another..


ÒYou think you can win do you? Wanker!Ó John breathed heavy as the two tried hard to out do the other. It seemed to mirror everything they had ever did John thought through his dragging mind.

He got Paul when his giggles got the best of him and John just threw his whole body weight across him. He pinned PaulÕs wrists and his face was less then inches away from PaulÕs face.


Paul had put up a good fight until a fit of the giggles exploded in him again. His breath was knocked out, when John fell across him and pinned him down. He slowly recovered, noticing John was so close to his face he could barely see him and he wasnÕt the one who wore glasses.  He could smell the booze and grass pungently on JohnÕs hot breath, as he was directly in PaulÕs face. He didnÕt move, he couldnÕt move as John just lay there looking at him. JohnÕs glasses had been knocked off a while ago and he knew if he couldnÕt see John very well then John defiantly could only see a blur of him. He wondered for a few minutes, content to stay so close to his best mate, wondered about how much he loved this bastard he called a friend. Wondered, about how much they had been through together and knowing he would only let John and the two others this close to him. It wasnÕt a homosexual thing, but a love of a brother he had known for so long. He remembered how he did this with his own brother and the drug induced state just made his mind wander, he didnÕt know how long John wason him, hours , minutes or even seconds, but the closeness felt so good.


John lay there thinking about how long he had known Paul. He thought about the competition they had always had and how it had made them better in many ways and only Paul could induce this competition in the way they had over the years. No matter how mad he had ever gotten at Paul he could never stay mad at him for long. He thought how now the competition had gone further this past year over Cynthia and felt bad about that. He wondered if that was why he suddenly found himself wanting her again.

He loved this man below him , a soul mate of a different kind. Not like Yoko or even Cyn but deeper in so many ways he had shared more with Paul then he did with the women in his life. He felt so high and his mind swirled around, he couldnÕt pull himself off of Paul and notice there was no longer a fight. Suddenly, in this high state he felt his body swell in such love and admiration for this man. He saw and felt himself lean down to PaulÕs face. Everything moved in slow motion, so slow, like one of those movies that they played for a laugh in the slowest speed possible. He thought that it must have taken him five minutes to reach the lips he wanted. He kissed Paul, full on the lips. He pulled away, slowly as he took the pressures off of PaulÕs body and rolled on to his back.


Paul was stunned. His hazy mind couldnÕt understand what had just happened and things just swirled. He felt the disbelief, but then thought how funny it would seemed to be seen from someone elseÕs eyes. To slow, like in the movies it had been, but in the movies it was a guy and a girl not him and his best mate. He suddenly chuckled at the thought as he wiped his mouth off and got up.


John looked at him amused at the mixture of emotions on his face as he heard him chuckle.

ÒI donÕt kiss well? ThatÕs not what the girls have told me.Ó  Myopic eyes watch for the real reaction he would get.


Paul rolled over as his laughter calmed down and then looked up at him with hooded glassy eyes. ÒWhyÕd you do that?Ó


ÒCause it suddenly occurred to me how much I love you and how I donÕt show it much. It wasnÕt a queer thing or any of that. I just felt love for a mate, brother and I acted spontaneously on it, is all.Ó  A smile warmed JohnÕs face as his brain swam in an alcohol and drug induced state.


ÒI thought bout all weÕve been through and our competitiveness and how it went over board with Cyn and I donÕt know, I love you man. ThatÕs all.Ó John shrugged and got up, swaying again, holding the wall so he wouldnÕt tumble back down and then he found the armchair to fall into.


ÒWellÓ Paul added as he climbed over to the couch and pulled himself up.

ÒI wouldnÕt know if it were a good kiss or not from a birds view. I thought it sweet thoughÓ Then he added quickly. Ò But only for the reasons you said. DonÕt do that again you lout.Ó Paul smiled.


ÒA loveable lout to you mate.Ó John leaned his head back and let the music take him away.


ÒYou gonna stay with Yoko then?Ó Paul asked.


ÒI told you it only seems right, I mean Cyn, as much as she has changed could never give me what Yoko has. I do so much want her again though.Ó He added thickly.


Paul realize John would probably do something he shouldnÕt but that was John . What else should he expect , thatÕs why he had forgiven him before.


ÒYou gonna shag Linder?Ó: John said coming back to life and laughing over the bluntness of his question.


ÒI hope to. WeÕll see I donÕt want to ruin this. I have never met a bird like her. She has always come to mind over the years and now I just canÕt get her out. Every one niter seems to end with me looking at her and she looks like Linder. Linder is such a free spirit and I admire her for her work and raising a child on her own. I just think I have never met a bird or should I say a lady as special as her. You think itÕs love Johnny?Ó Paul grinned at the thought of the willowy blonde that seem to be capturing his heart.


ÒYeah mate I think it could be. Hold on to this one sheÕs a keeper.Ó Laughter filled the room after he said this.


Paul knew why he was laughing , after so many years together how couldnÕt he know what he was laughing at.

ÒLike a fish you mean.Ó Paul added to his laugh.


ÒYeah a fish wifeÉÉa good fish wifeÉÉÓ He continued to laugh


After the laughter died down. Paul looked over to John.

ÒDonÕt do it Johnny. DonÕt ruin what you have with Yoko, let Cyn go to where she must. If it is Roberto, then he could treat her better than either of us could.  Of course IÕm talking to that stubborn wall right?Ó He waited for an answer.


ÒCould be É.y Ôknow me , IÕm a cheeky sad bastard. I thought I had her out of me. How could you come to terms so quickly with losing her.?Ó

John squinted as he looked to Paul.


ÒPut your eyes on then you wouldnÕt have to see me in blur form.Ó


ÒYou look rather nice in blur form.Ó They both chuckled at that.

ÒReally how?Ó


Ò I told you .I will always love Cyn and Jules. I hope she letÕs me keep seeing him too, I love that kid. Anyroad, I was in love with an idea and when you two were married she was the perfect Northern wife and I guess IÕm a bit old fashion , but I want  a Northern type wife. Ò He said thoughtfully.


ÒOh so you want a woman to fawn over you, make you the center of her world, keep your house and kids and be ready for a good shag when you want it then. YouÕre a swine you know that? An egotistical swine and if you think Linder is going to be all that for you , you are dead wrong on that one. She will probably be some of that but remember sheÕs a Yank and they are different, or is that part of your enthrallment with her?Ó John knew Paul well as he waited an answer.


ÒI donÕt know. SheÕs different y know. Relaxed, she ÉÉ she just ÉÉChrist I donÕt know ÉÉshe shows me things that I seem to have forgotten. How to taste the rain.Ó Paul remembered the night fondly.


ÒTaste the rain are you daft? Oh man you have it good for her you do. I think sheÕs gone and sussed you out mate and youÕre a gonner.Ó JohnÕs face formed a grin at his friend.


ÔÓItÕs not a bad way to go , that. Y Ôknow? I could get used to her being around. I do seem to miss her at times. IÕm going to call her to meet me in Los Angles, send her a ticket to come spend some time with me. Of course until then there are still the one nitersÉÉÓ Paul cackled at the thought of the girls he had been with each night.


ÒYou ever think about those one niters? They are all blonde with LinderÕs builtÉ.Y know what Freud would say to that one mate.Ó  John poked at him in fun.


ÒYeahÉÉthat I have a sexual fixation on her and want to know how she is in bed, so I pick the ones that I can imagine are her. Not far from the truth though, that Freud.Ó Paul told John honestly.


He stretched his long legs up on the table and yawned as he leaned his head back. John had done the same and before long both were asleep. A good sleep, one that a heart to heart with a good friend can give you. They might not have been sleeping in the most comfortable ways, but the comfort it brought lingered in their sleep.