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We can work it out  

Chapter 63



The sun had long been up and so had Paul. He had done a few things he wanted to do and with ever pass of the couch , checked to see if John was up. He looked at his watch. Two in the afternoon, he thought and Yoko had phoned four hours ago. He figured John would be badly hung over, but he needed to wake him. John had a habit at times, to sleep the day away; especially after the drinking binge he went on last night. He watched John sleep, so peacefully and no pain on his face. Asleep , John could be deceiving , he looked so harmless, like a little boy and Paul admired him for a few minutes.


 His long time mate, partner and someone he felt so close to. He hated that John wanted to end the Beatles and although he could understand why, he just didnÕt want to hear it.  What would he do without Johnny? How would he write and whom would he bounce ideas off of? Who would he record with ?  He didnÕt want to give up the music, the one thing in his life that was so much a part of him that if it left, part of him would leave too.  He continued to watch him sleep , suddenly, not wanting to wake him up and let him go or was that another Freudian slip. Not let him go when it should be leave to go home. With the Beatles together he knew he would always see his four best mates. If they broke up , when would he see them?


He pondered the thought for a while and noticed it was half two. For 30 minutes he had been bouncing the same questions around in his head. ENOUGH! He told himself. He decided to play with his mate whilst he was still there. He went into the broom closet and got a feather duster. He leaned over the back of the couch and began to lightly brush JohnÕs face with it. John would take his hand an itch or swipe the area Paul had tickled. Paul giggled to himself, like a small child as he continued his lark on John. Finally, he just didnÕt stop . He saw JohnÕs eyes snap open and push the duster away from his face. Without his glasses it took him a few minutes to focus in on Paul laughing over him and remember where he was.


ÒFuckin ell Paul!Ó John growled loudly.


Paul just couldnÕt stop laughing and again took the duster and brushed it lightly across JohnÕs half asleep face.


ÒStop! You pillick.Ya having a lark on me are you?Ó John half yell, half laughed at his mate.


He slowly sat up and grabbed the duster out of PaulÕs hand and threw it across the room . His head pounded, hair stood on end and he had a nasty dry taste in his mouth as he watched the younger man stifle a giggle.


ÒOh Christ, me head. I guess I got pissed last night.Ó He moaned as he hung his head in his hands.


ÒI would say so luv.  Rather pissed.Ó

Paul went into to the kitchen and then came out . He handed John a large glass of water and headache pills.


ÒTa:Ó John waved as he popped the pills in his mouth. Like a camel that had been in the desert to long he gulped down every last drop of water. The cool liquid washed the dry desert feeling from his mouth.


ÒTime?Ó His voice croaked.


ÒAlmost three in the afternoon mate. Oh and Yoko called around ten in the morning.Ó Paul informed him as he sat down on the couch, feeling his weight push into the cushion. .


ÒThree? In the afternoon eh? Christ mother is going to have kittens.Ó John tried to get up off the couch. Unsuccessfully, he fell back into it, his head pounded and his body just didnÕt want to move. All he wanted to do was go back to sleep. He leaned back and closed his eyes. He started nodding quickly, his head falling gently onto PaulÕs shoulder.

Paul looked down at him, amazed at how fast he had fallen back out.  He watched his dear mate, lovingly for a minute before he pushed John up and off of him.


ÒGet off you tosser.Ó Paul joked.


John sat, knowing he had to get up and go home.

ÒNot as young anymore I guess. I remember when I could drink and get right up and do it again. I feel bloody old.Ó He groaned .

ÒCiggie Paul?Ó


Paul took out his pack and tapped out two cigarettes, he lit both and handed John one.

ÒY Ôknow.Ó Paul inspected JohnÕs face for a minute. John looked dumbly at him, not sure what he was up to.


ÒYou do look pretty old. Me, now , I still have me pretty face and being two years younger then you , donÕt measure up to that oldness youÕd be speaking of. Ò His grin widened as he finished his sentence.


ÒDo I?  You cheeky bastard you.Ó John answered, grinning back.


ÒI thought I should wake you , since no matter how long you sleep it wonÕt help son.Ó Paul chuckled.


ÒSod off Macca. When did you wake dare I ask?Ó John smiled sheepishly.


ÒA I think 9:00 . I got a few things done, ate and then woke you up.Ó He exhaled a large billow of smoke the mixed with JohnÕs.


ÒMe stomach could use a bite to eat. Whatcha got in there?Ó John eyed Paul expectantly .


ÒGo see for your self, you lazy git.Ó Paul pushed at him.


He pushed back. ÒEh? IÕm the guest who should be served. DonÕt you have a butler or maid to serve us then?Ó John teased.


ÒNo.Ó PaulÕs voice rose along with his brow, amused by JohnÕs statement.


ÒCome ead Macca give us some toast and tea . What would the papers say? He died because his mate wouldnÕt feed him.Ó John laughed and this time successfully stood up.

ÒI need to pee and then call Yoko. Ò He slyly looked back at Paul who was still seated.

ÒThen you can serve us brekkie.Ó He laughed, walking to relieve himself.


Paul threw a pillow at him as he stood. Ò You prat! ItÕs to late for brekkie!Ó He yelled as John closed the door , laughing wildly in between moans from the pain in his head.


Paul put the kettle on and made some toast with Jam. John came in and picked up the phone.


ÒYoko, ÉÉ..   Yes I know what time it is. IÕm sorry I just got upÉÉÉ.  I know, yes I knowÉÉÉ..IÕll be home soonÉÉ..Yes, IÕm gonna eat something first.Ó


Paul half listened to the conversation and snickered so John could see him as he realized John was apparently getting a lecture.  He put the toast , jam and tea down on the table and sat waiting for John.


John sat down and fixed his tea and toast. In between bits and a sip of his tea he looked up at Paul.

ÒYou get the tickets and call Linder yet?Ó


ÒGot the tickets but was waiting to call her . Its just morning in the states and I didnÕt want to wake her and Heather. Time difference y Ôknow, twit.Ó Paul extinguished his cigarette. He poured a cup of tea and watched John wolf down his food.



ÒGood. Oh yeah time difference almost forgot about that. Used to be nasty when we was on tour. Heather?  Oh yeah LinderÕs girl.Ó John wiped his mouth , got up, leaving his cup and plate on the table.


Paul looked temporally annoyed at John.

ÔÓ Eh, I know Mimi didnÕt raise you to just eat and not tidy up after your self son.Ó


John looked down at the table. He saw the cup , plate and crumbs on the it.


ÒRight, sorry.Ó He put his things in the sink and took a tea towel to wipe the crumbs off.

He put it back and then walked out towards the livingroom . Paul followed him out.

ÒGoing then?Ó


ÒMotherÕs not to happy with me so I best be going. Ta, for last night.Ó John gathered his things up and went to the front door.


ÒYa gonna behave and leave Cyn alone?Ó Paul questioned.


ÒDunnoÉÉ.I do know IÕm staying with Yoko, but I need to see Cyn before she leaves. Maybe I could talk her into re-thinking things and getting a job here. Keep her in England, with me son and away from Roberto.Ó John leaned against the wall thinking.


ÒLennie, leave her. Let her do what makes her happy. You have to let go, canÕt have both mate.Ó Paul gave him a friendly smile.



ÒOh you know me Macca. I got to do things the hard way now donÕt I. Ò He waved and closed the door behind him.


Paul stood there, thinking about John and Cyn, when they were married and happy, then how things had changed, becoming miserable. He then thought of him and Cyn, how happy they had been for a brief time and how he had realized the fantasy he had and how he put it on Cyn for years. Then he thought about John and Cyn now, how there were still feelings there and howYoko was a better match for John. God, he hoped John would leave it be. The only thing was he knew John wouldnÕt. Then he thought of Linda, how he had always fancied her and how over the past several years she would keep coming to mind.

He decided to give her a ring. He looked at his watch and figured it was late enough .


He went to the phone, looked up the number and dialed her. He heard a little girl answer the phone and realized it must be Heather.


ÒHeather? This is Paul, a friend of yer mums.Ó


ÒYou talk funny.Ó


Paul chuckled at her comment. He always loved how kids stated the obvious, when adults seemed to skate around it, thinking they were being polite.

ÒWell, yes I suppose to you I do. I live somewhere else where we all talk funny.Ó He smiled as her thought of the pictures Linda had shown him of her.


ÒWhyÕs that?Ó she asked.


ÒYouÕve heard of the country or Britain in school havenÕt you?Ó


ÒI think so.Ó


ÒIÕm from Britain, itÕs a country like America only across the ocean. See to me you talk funny.Ó

He heard the little girl giggle and smiled at it . He then heard LindaÕs familiar voice in the back round asking her who was on the phone.


ÒPaulÕs on the phone and mommy? He talks funny cause heÕs from Britain.Ó

Paul heard Linda telling Heather to say good-bye.


ÒI have to go my mommy wants to talk to you.Ó


ÒAlright then , I hope I get to meet you and it was nice talking with you.Ó


He heard the phone go from one to the other.




He didnÕt know why but hearing LindaÕs voice made his heart beat faster and louder. A smile crept across his face.


ÒHullo Linder.Ó


ÒPaul, IÕm surprised to hear from you.Ó


ÒA good surprise I hope.Ó


ÒOh of course. How are you?Ó


He figured heÕd be daring and straightforward with her.

ÒFine, except IÕve been thinking of you a lot and so I called to invite you to come to Los Angles to visit with meÓ


ÔYour in Los Angles?Ó


ÒNo but I am leaving tomorrow for a week there and I hope IÕm not being to bold but I purchased you a ticket and sent it over to you . You should get it sometime today. I hope youÕll come.Ó


ÒWow, you already got the ticket and sent it out to me?Ó


ÔÓA yeah , sorry , am I being to bold here?Ó


ÒNo , no you just surprised me with it . I thought you and Cyn were working things out.Ó


ÔWe did. Ò He took a minute and lit a cigarette, then exhaled.

ÒI realized that Cyn and I donÕt belong together. I had an image of her. Sorry , what I mean is I always loved her but not as I thought. I had this picture, the type of girl IÕd like to marry and have kids with . Oh , this isnÕt coming out right is it? What I mean is I was in love with the fantasy and sheÕs changed a lot. I wanted what John had. She treated him so good and with the kid and her being the perfect Northern wife and all , I just figured that sheÕd be good for me. I do love her but not in that way , it was the dream, fantasy what ever the fuck you want to call it. Anyroad, IÕm glad we figured it out in time and I have to thank you for helping me see it. Now, will you come to Los Angles with me? I want to get to know you better. Besides, I canÕt stop thinking of you and if truth be told I have thought of you a lot over the years. Now , answer me before I embarrass me self more.Ó


ÒI helped you figure it out?Ó


Paul was quiet for a minute, not sure if she was avoiding his invitation.

ÒA yeah you did, all that talking we did. Plus, that night over RitchieÕs and I came home here and found you gone and a note. IÕm sorry I didnÕt ring ya sooner , but I had to put things in the right perspective, like you said and so IÕm ringing you up nowÉÉ.. Linder please answer my question. IÕm floundering here. I really want to see you again.Ó


Now she was quiet and it made him nervous. He never got nervous with a girl, then again any girl would have jumped by now. He had to admire her for not jumping at the invitation right away.


ÒI could for the weekend, but not the whole week.Ó


He was amazed again. She wanted her own terms and then again he realized she had Heather and responsibilities.


ÒSure, Friday then? You could change the ticket for then.Ó


ÔOkÉÉ.Ok I will meet you on Friday. Where?Ó


ÒOh right, I havenÕt made the reservations yet. IÕll have to ring you back with that one. Let me ring you back in an hour with the information. Is that alright?Ó


ÒI have to work. I was just on my way out. Could you call me around 5pm?Ó


ÒSure, that would be around ten here. I donÕt know if I will be home then ÉÉ.Ó He thought about his plans for the evening and the girl he wanted to pick up and have for the night. Then he realized that to him this was more important then another nameless face to fuck.

ÒRight then IÕll ring you between 5 and 6 your time with the information is that alright?Ó


ÒYes, thatÕs great.Ó


ÒGear, IÕll ring you then. Take care luv.Ó


He hung up the phone and wondered why he didnÕt just ring her in the morning after the girl he would have shagged left. Funny, how this girl made him react and feel. He smiled as he thought about it, and then after a few calls, made the reservations. With that done he grabbed MarthaÕs leash, whistled for her and took her out for a walk.


Paul had called Linda with the information and ended up staying on the phone with her for some time. He left the next day after dropping Martha off at friends.


John knew PaulÕs house was empty and he had the key. It had been a few days since Paul left when he called Cynthia and told her he needed to talk with her. She didnÕt want to be alone with him to talk. He told her to meet him at PaulÕs, but never told her Paul wasnÕt there. He felt a bit guilty at the deception, but he knew that was the only way to get her alone.


ÒYoko!Ó John called, looking around the house for her.


He found her reading some astrology book in the back garden. She sat under a tree, eating an apple as she read. He stood watching her from the door. He felt guilty for the lie he was about to tell her. He never lied to her before this. He just had to see Cyn alone, talk to her and he knew if he told Yoko the truth heÕd lose her. He didnÕt understand the newfound attraction to Cyn. Maybe Paul was right?  Maybe it was the change in her and his jealousy. To him, she had once been a possession he had loved. Yet now, with her     self-confidence so strong, it seemed to fascinate him. He toyed with it in his mind. Toyed with the idea of her sexually, how turned on he got when she stood up to him with a voice he never knew she had. He needed to do something about this. She was in the back of his mind so much lately that it bothered him. He even found himself wacking off to her a few times and it puzzled him to no end. What was he really going to do when he saw her? What did he want from her?  He stood there thinking, trying to figure it all out.


He wanted to stay with Yoko, but he also wanted Cyn to stay in England with Julian. He was for the first time, finally, getting to know his own son. It surprised him how much he was enjoying it. For the first time, John felt like a father to Julian and he didnÕt want to lose that. He also didnÕt want Cyn around Roberto, no matter how much he liked the bloke. He didnÕt want to give him the chance of finally, after all these years of being in love with her, having the chance of her returning that love. It grated on him and he knew it shouldnÕt. Again, PaulÕs words crept into his mind ÒLeave her be mate. Let her find her own happiness. HavenÕt you hurt her enough over the years?Ó Bloody hell, why did Paul have to be his conscience anyway?


Part of him would love it if she said sheÕd stay in Britain. Maybe they could have an affair of some sort; she could see other blokes too. Fuck, he was a selfish bastard. He wanted both as Paul had said and right now he didnÕt give a rats arse if it was selfish or not. He wanted her too. He pushed all the things he knew were right, out of his mind and went with the strong feelings he didnÕt understand. He had to find out for sure why he felt this way and he couldnÕt unless he saw Cyn.  Unfortunately, he had always been one to act impulsively, something he had been trying to change.


The impulsiveness won out; he took a deep breath , walked out to give Yoko the same lie he had given Cynthia, the same lie he wished he could believe himself.


  ÒYoko luv, there you are.Ó


She turned her eyes up at him. Her hand shielded the sun, as she looked at John.

ÒI was just reading that book I was telling you about. We really need to talk to this astrologer, have her make up our charts.Ó She saw the look on JohnÕs face, he was only half listening to her and so she stopped talking about it. She waited to hear what seemed to weigh so heavy on his mind; although she already knew what it was.



ÒIÕm off to see Cyn. We need to make arrangements about Julian. TheyÕre leaving straight away for Italy. I think in a week. I wish sheÕd reconsider and find a job here. IÕm just getting reacquainted with him after so much lost time. IÕm going to talk to her about that too. Ò There he had done it. It wasnÕt totally a lie; the part about Julian was true. Still, the lie stood between them like a wedge. For the first time in his life, he cursed himself for an action that had always come so easily to him. Almost naturally, he figured it was the part of him that came from his father.  Freddie Lennon, could bend, stretch and twist the truth with the best of them. To John, it seemed to be his fatherÕs greatest contribution to his son.


ÒWhy canÕt this be done over the phone John?Ó Yoko asked him.


The guilt quickly turned to anger at the question she asked so calmly and innocently.


ÒFor fuck sakes Yoko. You know how it is to be ripped away from yer own. Give us a break here.Ó He huffed.


ÒFine John. IÕll be here when you straighten out what you need to. Ò She went back to her book.


This infuriated him; how could she be so calm?


ÒThatÕs it then? Fine John, and go back to yer bleedin book?Ó His guilt lessened even more. He stood there with his hands on his hips, waiting for her to answer him.


ÒYouÕve gotten the answer you wanted. I see no reason for a fight. Go and see Cynthia. Ò Her eyes never left the book as she answered him with a soft but stern voice.


ÒRight, then IÕm off.Ó He walked back towards the house. Before going in, as an after thought, he turned around. ÒI love you.Ó He stepped in without waiting for a reply, got Les and was driven over to PaulÕs house.




John waited impatiently for Cynthia. He looked out the window, paced around nervously and chain- smoked. He had poured a few drinks to calm himself , when he heard the buzzer. He opened the gate and stood by the door, trying hard to relieve his jumping stomach.


She walked in and smiled at John. ÒHulloÓ

He gave her a kiss on the check as he had begun doing when he greeted her.


ÒFancy some tea or a drink perhaps?Ó He waited for her answer and watched as she looked around. He realized she was looking for Paul.


ÒTea would be fine. WhereÕs Paul?Ó she inquired.


The jig was up he thought. He hoped she wouldnÕt leave when he told her.


ÒSorry luv, Paul aint here. I reckon heÕs sunning himself in Los Angles right about now. I only told you heÕd be here as I could have a word . I hope youÕre not too mad. Ò John smiled sheepishly at her.


Cynthia took a deep breath and let it out. Typical John , she thought as she glared at him.

ÒI donÕt like being lied to John, you know that one.Ó


He held her gaze and then broke away from it. He couldnÕt take the disappointment in her eyes. Ò I know luv , I know ÉÉ.I just needed to see you . I am sorry.Ó

He humbled himself to her so she wouldnÕt go.


ÒRight, well I should by all rights leave, but since we must talk about Julian anyway IÕll stay.Ó A smile appeared on her face.


ÒGood, Tea you said?Ó John asked enthusiastically and made his way to the kitchen.

He put the kettle on as she sat down in the livingroom.


ÒIÕll be right out.Ó He yelled.



She fiddled with her purse as she waited. She knew they had to make arrangements for Julian. She just didnÕt know why in PaulÕs empty house. She thought about MimiÕs empty house and found herself getting nervous. He came out with a tray and placed it on the table.  They both poured their tea and started sipping it as John lit them both a cigarette.



He inhaled deeply then exhaled. ÒI wish youÕd change your mind Cyn. I mean the boy and me , weÕre just getting close again. I donÕt want to jeopardize that one. CanÕt you stay here luv?Ó John stared at her questionably.



Cyn put her tea down and looked at him. She felt bad about pulling Julian away , when John had finally taken an interest in him. She thought for a moment and knew she had to do what was right for her and in the end Julian. If she stayed here , the ghost of the past would consume her. John had been her world and then Paul came along, he had helped her move on. She didnÕt want to be here, she wanted to move on to better things. She knew how persuasive John could be , but she was adamant about what she was going to do.


ÒJohn , IÕm sorry this is hard for all of us. I have to go. You can see Julian anytime you want to come down and he can stay here with you and Yoko on holiday. I have to do whatÕs right and this is it. I canÕt stay here the ghosts will kill me. I hope you understand.Ó She put out her cigarette and watched him rise from the chair. He paced back and forth, thinking.


ÒYour not doing right by all of us, just yerself.Ó He glanced at her figure as she sat there.


ÒWhoÕs this right for you? Julian? Me?Ó  His voice rose at the question.


Cynthia stood up, she went over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder.


ÒPlease John, donÕt be mad. ItÕs always been your way, hasnÕt it. Now, I am going to do what I must do. You have Yoko and you can still have a relationship with your son. You can ring him, just like you did the last time I was in Italy. Ò  Her hand dropped and he grabbed it in his.


He held it, feeling the warmth, the life and all the familiarity that the years had brought.

He felt his heart sink at her answer. He didnÕt know how to tell her what was on his mind.

He brought her hand to his mouth and gave it a gentle kiss.


She didnÕt know why he was acting so strange as she felt his lips on her hand.


ÒWhat John? What is it?Ó She questioned, her hand still in his.


ÒI dunno. Ò He whispered. Tears welled up in his eyes as he fought them back. This wasnÕt how he had planned it. He didnÕt want her to leave.


ÒDonÕt go Cyn.Ó He whined as a boy would to his mother.


ÒWhatÕs this then? I ask you not to leave and you do, with Yoko. Now, You ask and I should stay?Ó She pulled her hand away from his and put distance between them.

ÒWhat is this really John?Ó She asked suspiciously.


He didnÕt answer her, but instead closed the gap between them.  He pulled her to him tightly and kissed her deeply. She fought it at first and to his delight, surrendered to it.



The kiss continued as John brought her towards the couch. He pulled her down on him.

ÒOh CynÓ He whispered as he kept kissing her mouth, neck and to her shoulder. He felt the sparks that had always been there. His hand wandered, touching and caressing her body until it fell on her breast.

ÒI want you to stay here. We could be together the two of us.Ó He nibbled at her ear after softly telling her his thoughts.


She felt breathless. His kiss always took her backwards to when they were younger. She cursed her body for reacting to his touch. His hot breath that whispered in her ear, sent chills down her. Did he really want to be with her? Would he give up Yoko for her and Julian?


He got her half undressed and found her nipple. Sucking it he heard her moan his name.

He felt the same thrill rush through him as he used to years before. He helped her up. They undressed each other quickly as they hungrily kissed and touched each other.  His shirt was off and she was only in her bra and panties. Her mouth went to his ear, her hot breath whispered into it.


ÒYouÕd really give up Yoko for Julian and me?Ó Then she continued her assault on his body.


John slowed down a bit; guilt filled him as he realized that she didnÕt understand what he had meant. He pulled her from him, holding her at the shoulders. He smiled and got a smile back in return.


Òluv, This is something IÕve been dreaming of for quiet sometime. I donÕt really understand it.Ó He was cut off, when Cyn put her arms around him and kissed him hard.


They were both so ready and John wondered if he should continue and then tell her afterwards. Then he heard Paul in his head and saw Yoko under the tree, reading and waiting for him to come home. He was doing it again. He had to at least tell her what he meant and then they could finish, he hoped. If he were vague maybe things would be alright and sheÕd see that they could have both.


ÒLuv, We could see each other and Yoko would still be there and of course whom ever you might want too.Ó He said it and pulled her back to continue.


The heat grew and made it hard to think. His words finally sunk into CynÕs head and she pulled away , panting. She didnÕt want to ; she wanted him so bad, but she was not going to be like the mistresses he had had whilst they were together. She caught her breath enough to realize what was happening. She slapped him hard across the face and started putting her clothes back on.


ÒWhyÕd you do that?Ó He rubbed his face, remembering the last time she slapped him at MimiÕs.


ÒYou Bastard! You want me for your mistress do you? I donÕt think so . Do you think IÕd subject myself to that? Do you think I Ôd have Yoko feel what I did when you had her and all the others? YouÕre so full of yourself John LennonÉÉGet Stuffed.Ó She almost had all her clothes on. His gall didnÕt surprise her; it was the old John again.


ÒSo the old John Lennon has come back to haunt us has he?Ó


John stood there watching and listening to her.

ÒBullocks! You wanted it as bad as I did and still do! You can be a bit of a bitch now canÕt ya. I thought youÕd be ok with this. Come ead Cyn you know the attraction is still there for us.Ó He put on his shirt . He could never leave Yoko and it dawned on him what she was saying.


ÒNo, the old John is still there I just have to keep an eye on him of sorts. Y Ôknow sometimes he gets away from me. I didnÕt mean to hurt you or make you feel used. I just still have feelings for you is all.Ó  He cautiously stepped closer to her. She stood in the middle of the living room so it wasnÕt hard to get to her. He put his hand under her chin and raised it to look into her eyes. What he saw in them made him feel horrible.


ÒIÕm a right bastard Cyn, Sorry, I gave into me impulses. Honestly, I never meant to hurt you , really.Ó His look was tender as he stroked her face.


The tears ran down her face. His touch and apology just made it worse.

ÒNow, do you see why I must go? Not just for me but for you as well. I really have to do this and I will. I am not a yo-yo that you can swing back and forth when you please.Ó She sniffled, pulled away and got a tissue from her purse.


John watched in amazement at the girl before him who had grown into such a wonderful women. He had to admire her for this. He had never thought she was also leaving for his and YokoÕs sake. He gulped as he realized this.


ÒI was dead keen on this. Now I see youÕre right. We canÕt go backwards can we now, only forwards.Ó



ÒExactly JohnÉÉnow I think I should go and maybe you should think. The next time I see you, we will have forgotten all this. We will be the friends weÕve become. I think youÕre mixing that up for this and the history we had. We are friends John , with a history. We are still attracted to each other, but it can never be.Ó She picked up her purse and started to the door.

ÒThe arrangements for Julian can stay as we talked about. IÕm leaving in five days.Ó


John quickly rushed over to her.



ÒWhat?Ó She looked at him through red rimmed eyes.


Ò I just wanted to say I think youÕre right. I reckon I mixed up the friendship stuff with the history between us and maybe thatÕs why IÕve been feeling this way. I am again sorry. We wonÕt have any of this anymore I promise you that and the visits with Julian are fine. Good Luck in Italy.Ó He hung his head at finally understanding the feelings that had been haunting him.


ÒJohn.Ó She said quietly as she took his hand and watched him look down at them as he took hers.

ÒWe were each otherÕs first loves. There will always be an attraction of some sort. It just canÕt be.Ó


John nodded in agreement. ÒYes, I have to leave you be and get on with it. IÕve caused you enough pain. I never intended to today. I only want to see you happy luv .Ó


He kissed her on the cheek and was surprised when Cyn kissed him full on the lips . Her hand  still in his and her other hand slid down his face.

ÒTa John , I wish the same for you. I have to go now. Bye.Ó


She released his hand and started opening up the door.

ÒCheerio there Cyn, donÕt forget where you come from. DonÕt break to many hearts down there. Although if I know Roberto I think the two of you will find each other. HeÕs a good bloke that one is. DonÕt take him out of the running , he will treat you well.Ó


ÒIÕve already thought about that one. Bye luv.Ó She closed the door behind her.


He sat down on the couch were they had almost made a terrible mistake. He thought about everything they had said to one another. He thought it had been settled all those months ago when Yoko had told him to. Now , he knew it was settled. HeÕd go tell mother what happened , get rid of that lie and hope for the best. He already knew that she would have figured it out already. She was wise that way and he loved her for it. He knew sheÕd forgive him and knew that it was once and for all settled.



We Can Work It Out

Chapter 64

By Sue



The bungalow that Paul had rented was more exclusive then the previous year that he had been there. They had come over to talk to Capital records about adopting Apple records for the American market. All had gone well and Paul was happy with the bungalow they had for him then. This one however, was better; it was hidden behind trees, bushes and a fence. From the patio you could see the Pacific Ocean , which he liked. The patio had the usual lounge chairs and tables that surrounded the pool area. The sliding glass doors opened to the dinning room area, which connected to the living room.  Cream- colored shag carpet covered the two rooms from wall to wall. The living room was set up with a light blue couch that faced the console television/ stereo. There was a small love seat that formed a break between the living room and dining room. Tables were fixed between them, with huge lamps and a coffee table sat in front of the main couch. The dining area was small with just a table and chairs , that you could eat and look out the sliding glass window , if you didnÕt want to eat outside. A small kitchenette branched off the two rooms in the corner, with a breakfast nook. The hall trailed off from these rooms, white tiles fanned out leading to the two bedrooms and bath. All in all, Paul was happy with it. It had all the modern conveniences and he was sure Linda would feel comfortable in it.


He had a few women up there during the week to keep him company and help with his tensions. He made sure they were all gone with no traces the day before Linda was supposed to arrive. He sat there with Ken Mansfield, the manager of Capital Records that handled Apple distribution in the United States. He had dealt a lot with Ken, until everything with Sandy had happened and then Neil had taken over. Ken was glad that Paul was back in the saddle, even though the other three werenÕt. They didnÕt want him to take over again and he had assured them that he was just making Public Relations whilst he waited for Linda.


Paul sat on the lounge chair working on his tan. He had on a swimsuit, no shirt and sunglasses as he sipped his drink. Ken sat in a chair under the umbrella of the table, not wanting to burn, while he too sipped his drink.


ÒSo when do you think we can get our hands on that album you guys did back in February? We are all anxious to hear it.Ó


Paul swallowed his drink and then lit a cigarette. He turned toward Ken.

ÒIÕm not sure to tell you the truth. ItÕs still being sorted out, along with the documentary.

I think John is handing that one, so youÕd have to ask him. We have set a date to go back into the studio; it was pushed back a bit so we could work with George Martin again. I think eight weeks or so Ôtil we start that one. I talked to John and he told me that the project George is working on isnÕt going as fast as he thought. Anyroad, another six weeks, maybe a bit more and then weÕll start the next album.Ó


Ken nodded; he wanted to get his hands on the next Beatle album as soon as he could. The record company was hounding him about when he could release it.


ÒTo tell you the truth Paul the record company is on my back about that other album. Maybe I could stall them with this next one, but they really want the documentary and album as soon as possible. This next album might take to long for them. IÕm not sure it will pacify them.Ó Ken tried to convey to a relaxed Paul, who waved him off.


ÒCome ead man, youÕd have to talk to John on that one. I told you itÕs his thing right now.Ó He sipped more of his tropical drink, Ò TheyÕll just have to wait for the other album unless John gets the other done first. Cor, IÕll never get used to how wonderful it is here. So much sun and the palm trees, beautiful, I hope Linder likes it here.Ó


Ken pushed his glasses down to see Paul better. Linda? Was this the latest of the McCartney stable? He shook his head in admiration of the bachelor.

ÒPaul, I have seen a lot of musicians and their women, but man, the ones you bring around are really groovy.  I swear the other night I though you were a goner. Three lovely women, who would do anything for you, IÕd give anything for that.  I was surprised you survived when I came back the next afternoon. YouÕve got to be the most Horniest bastard IÕve ever met.Ó Ken laughed as he thought of the scene he had witnessed. He had been jealous when he left. He had seen them fawn all over the musician, making it clear theyÕd do anything he wanted.


ÒYouÕre a lucky man McCartney. Man, those beauties just wanted to do whatever you wanted. To tell you the truth I was jealous.Ó


Paul stretched his long lean body and sat up; he swung his feet around to face Ken.

ÒYou jealous of that? Rubbish, IÕve seen you with. Ò He let out a small laugh.

Ò I am sick of it. I mean donÕt get me wrong it was great, but I want a woman to settle down with, have kids with and be there for me. I would gladly give up all the others for that. Ò


Ken looked amazed. Ò Yeah IÕve had a few, but nothing like youÉÉ.Really youÕd give it up? I donÕt know how you could want to be with one woman after all these years of having anyone you wanted.Ó


Paul pointed to him and winked. ÒThatÕs it then. You see IÕve had it for years, gets a bit stale. I want a woman I can talk to, one that understands me and loves me for me. Not cause I am Beatle Paul or rich, anything of that sort. I want a partner, who looks at things in ways that I do . A woman I could learn from and she could learn from me, support and love me, Ken. ThatÕs what I want now. It gets lonely jumping from bed to bed with the lot of em. I need something stable, like I told you and I think this Linder might be it for me.Ó He blew the smoke out of his nose and smiled at the shocked man that sat before him.


Ken eyed the young man in surprise. Ò You think this girl might be it for you? Is that why you invited her up here?Ó


The smile widened across PaulÕs lips as he thought of her. ÒYeah, I thought after years of flirting and talking it was time to see. Spend sometime alone with er, yÕ know to see how we get on.Ó


ÒWell, I hope you find this love of your life thing. You would really give up the other girls though? I mean lots of men have one and others on the side. Like you had with Jane.Ó Ken still sat there trying to understand.


Paul stood up and walked over to the pool. He ran his foot through the water, testing it to see how warm it was. He turned back to Ken, who was watching him, waiting to hear an answer.


ÒJane.Ó Paul sighed. ÒJanie wasnÕt ready and come to think of it I wasnÕt either. I thought I was, but we were so young when we met and the fame and all. I made a mess of that and hurt her. Never meant to, just happened yÕ know? Girls falling at you , how could you not want a taste of the forbidden fruit? I donÕt regret it, mind you , but I do regret how I hurt Janie. She is quite a lovely lady, never said a word to the papers that wasnÕt the proper, wasnÕt her way. She stated it was over and never got into the other things that she could have. I will always be grateful and admire her for that. I hope she finds a nice bloke when she is ready to settle down. Ò He spoke in thoughtfulness and then as he usually did, changed the mood quickly.

Ò I fancy a swim. Join me?Ó


Ken shook his head. ÒNaw, I Ôm fine here with my drinks. You go ahead.Ó


ÒI think I will.Ó Paul stood at the edge of the cement ledge and dove in. He came up and shook his wet head. His hair flew back and he smiled at Ken as he started swimming laps in the pool. Yes, his luck with that one special woman hadnÕt been good. He only hoped that things would be different with Linda. He climbed out of the pool and toweled off.


ÒIÕm gonna change , ya  coming then?Ó Paul looked back at him as he towel dried his hair and opened the glass doors.


ÒYeah, itÕs getting really hot out here.Ó Ken got up , picked his drink and cigarettes up then followed Paul into the air conditioned bungalow.


ÒYou know thatÕs pretty heavy what you just told me . Especially, with your track record.Ó Ken sat at the breakfast nook. Paul stood dripping on the tile hall and stared at him.


ÒOh you mean Jane and then that barmy Sandy, then Cyn?Ó Paul pulled the towel around his waist.


ÒYeah, Sandy was crazy and she tore you to shreds. Then, we all thought the thing with Cynthia would work out. Now that was pretty trippy, how that worked out.Ó Ken wondered if he said too much. Paul just scratched he head, tilted it and bit at his thumbnail.


ÒYeah, Sandy was a nutter she was. I never thought IÕd come back from that one, but I did you see. Cyn , she was different. I fancied how she was with John and she changed. I thought sheÕd be the one and it turned out both of us realized that we loved each other very much. Only thing is that we werenÕt in love. It came together anyway. We worked it out. SheÕs in Italy now, working and probably given that Italian bloke a chance finally. Poor sods been in love with her for years. Anyroad , IÕll be in the loo changing.Ó He turned around, leaving a puddle behind him as he went into the bath.


Ken sat there thinking about what Paul had said. Funny, he had so much going for him and he had ended up with some strange relationships, including the hundreds on the side. He came out of his thought as he heard a knock on the door.


ÒIÕll get it !Ó He yelled down the hall to Paul.


He walked over and opened the door. He was surprised at what he saw and smiled.

She was pretty, not beautiful like so many of PaulÕs women, but nice to look at. She had a warm smile, sandy blonde hair that ran past her shoulders. He noticed how shapely she was in her halter top, shorts and sandals. She wore no make-up , unlike every other women Paul had. Instead she held a natural beauty. She stood there with a huge bag slung over her shoulder and sunglasses on her head.


ÒIs Paul here?Ó She asked him.


He was startled to hear she was American; he had always pictured Paul with a sexy American or an English girl.


Paul heard her voice as he walked down the hall buttoning only the last two buttons on his shirt.


ÒA yeah.Ó Ken looked over to see Paul coming up to him.


ÒLinder you made it.Ó A huge smile crossed PaulÕs face.


ÒPaulÓ She smiled back.


Ken watched, seeing the two of them in their own world. They seemed to only have eyes for each other. She came in and dropped her bag. She ran up to him and threw her arms around him in a hug. He smiled down at her and gave her a kiss.


ÒKen , this is Linder Eastman. Linder this is Ken from the Apple record division with Capital records.Ó He briefly looked at Ken before his eyes went back to Linda.


She went up to him and shook his hand.

ÒNice to meet you.Ó


ÒEastman as in Kodak?Ó Ken asked her.


Linda laughed and shook her head no.


ÒNo, I get that a lot. No I am not with Kodak, although I do use their film. I am a photographer. I take pictures of musicians. ThatÕs how I met Paul here. I shot the Beatles. I got some groovy pictures at the Sgt Pepper party back in 67.Ó


Her smile was infectious, pleasant and he could easily see, only just meeting her, how Paul could be enchanted with her.


ÒOh how interesting. Well, I guess IÕll be running along then. You two have some catching up to do. Nice meeting you Linda.Ó


They shook hands again and he was gone.


ÒSo I take it your flight went well?Ó Paul asked as he watched her slowly waltz around the room , taking everything in.


ÒYes very well, thanks. Nice room you have here.Ó She went over to the kitchen and picked up a large juicy peach that sat in a fruit basket. She jumped onto the counter and began to eat it.


Paul came over to her. God , she was so nature, so beautiful and he felt a rush go through him as she bit into the peach. The juice ran down her face. She stuck her tongue out and slowly licked the juice off of her.  He watched curiously, without a word as her eyes met his. She again bit into the peach. This time she allowed the juice to drip onto her chest. He watched as she did it again. The peach juice slid down her shirt as she let more and more fall. Breathing became harder for him as she deliberately let all the juice run down her. He came over to her as she motioned to him. He stood against the counter, making it even harder to ignore his erection. She took her hand and pulled him towards her. The last minute putting the piece of fruit in her mouth, resting his lips against the sticky, juicy peach. They both took the last chunk from it as Linda dropped the pit onto the counter. They chewed it , lips together as they came in for a passionate kiss. Her lips tasted like the peach. He found himself getting lost in her kiss, the sweetness, passion, and her free spirit that just turned him on.


She took her on arm and reached around her neck. She untied the halter top, letting it fall around her waist.

ÒI need to clean off this juice.Ó She said seductively.


ÒI think I could be of service.Ó A sensual grin took over his face.


Paul nodded as he took his tongue and began to lick the juice from her chest. He took long sweet licks until only her nipples needed to be cleaned off. He notice how erect they were as he took the tip of his tongue and teased them . His own erection was pushing hard against his shorts and the counter. He felt her hands run in his half buttoned shirt, circling his own nipples, mimicking the moves he made with his tongue. Finally, he started sucking on them, one at a time. He heard LindaÕs head hit the cabinet as she leaned back, pushing herself into his mouth. He heard her moan softly , enjoying his attention. He felt her long fingers circling his nipples that sent even more shock waves to his erection. He pushed himself up to her, rubbing his hardness between her legs. He thought he would go stark raving mad if he didnÕt have her soon. He stopped sucking on her breasts and pulled her to him. Their lips met hard, as he worked his tongue into her mouth. He felt her tongue swirl around his and then slid up and down it in a mock form of what she would do to his hardness. He groaned as all thoughts left his mind, except having her.


Her fingers had by now unbuttoned the only two buttons he had bothered with. She slid his shirt off and rubbed his chest. Her fingers found his shorts and undid them. Still kissing, she knew he had pulled them off and was totally naked. She unfastened the waist tie of her halter and threw it aside. She felt his hands slid up and down her legs as she undid her shorts and pushed off her sandals.


 Still in their deep kiss, he helped her pull them off. He stopped kissing her at the surprise of not finding panties under her shorts. He hadnÕt been surprised that she didnÕt wear a bra, but no panties?!! His motor gunned full force at how sexy he found this. He pulled her hard to him and entered her. They both gasped at the surge they felt when he entered her. He started slowly, taking care to rub against her swollen button as he slid in and out of her wetness. He watched as he did this. Flushed and gasping they began kissing again as he made a circular motion while he slid in and out of her.


She felt the heat of him inside of her as well as the force that was building up from his rubbing her. She panted and began kissing any part of him she could as her frenzy built to a higher , crazier level. His hands played with her nipples bringing her closer to where she needed to be. She groaned louder as he kept bringing her closer. Her body tensed for a minute and then broke down in to shudders as she exploded. Her finger dug into him hard, pulling herself as close as possible to him.


He felt it, the wave of her orgasm. He felt the rush of wetness, the tightening of her insides around him. He pushed faster, as hebanged into her and brought himself over the edge. She was still shaking as he poured out into her, gasping as he rode along with the current.



Sweat dripped from his hair as he collapsed against LindaÕs shoulder. His body too , rested against her and bringing her to rest against the cabinet. He lay there, until he fell out of her naturally and then looked into her eyes as he panted for air. She smiled at him and gave him a long satisfied kiss. Finally, they had broken the sexual barrier that had been there since the Pepper party.


She smiled at him.

ÒI love spontaneous animal lust , donÕt you?Ó She laughed.


She pushed him gently away and slid off the counter.

ÒGod that was such a turn on!Ó She huffed as she turned to him.


He nodded dumbly as he watched her energy level. He leaned against the counter even more enchanted by her.


She put her shorts back on and threw his shirt over her. She went outside the sliding glass doors and took in the view that lay in front of her. The scene looked like a painting. A blue back round, billowing clouds, green palms that cascaded down to the street. She saw them on the other side edging a board to the sugary sand of the beach. Dots of people lay on their towels and bobbed in the blue green ocean. She inhaled the salt air and felt it take over her senses.


Paul came out zipping up his shorts and then slid his arms around her. He stared off at the waves that crashed its white foam down on the clean white sand. The sun beat down on them as it moved through the midday.


ÒItÕs breath taking the Pacific Ocean , isnÕt it? ItÕs so blue. Later , when itÕs dark I want to go down and skinny dip in it. Ever fuck in the ocean?Ó She turned her body around in his arms and waited for an answer.


Ò A  canÕt say I have, no.  We can skinny dip here in the pool. ItÕd be safer and no one would see us.Ó His tone was one of worry and she laughed at him.


She pulled away, and looked out to the beach and then back at him.

ÒWe could and we can, but I want to go out there and do it in the ocean. Oh, come on Paul. Are you still not taking those chances that make life exciting? I promise no one will see or recognize you when we go.Ò  


He shrugged. ÒDunno, I suppose IÕd fancy it , if I knew we could find somewhere alone.Ó


ÒWe will, I know that beach. IÕve been here a few times and when the ocean is calm, itÕs heaven to screw in. If not we can body surf.Ó She said excitedly to him.


ÒPardon?Ó Paul looked confused.


ÒYouÕve never body surfed or did it in the ocean?Ó A bemused look took over her face.


Ò I reckon not. I donÕt ever remember having it off in the ocean.Ó He smiled sheepishly at her.


ÒThen itÕs settled, when it is late and dark I am taking you to a spot I know and we will do both.Ó She nodded with satisfaction. Then she took off her shorts and his shirt and dove in the pool, shocking him.


ÒOH THE WATER IS GREAT !  COME IN!Ó She yelled to him.


ÒIn broad day light?Ó he questioned as a smiled pulled on his face. God , she was beautiful.


ÒDidnÕt you say it was private up here? Now , no excuses McCartney , in the water.Ó She laughed as she hung over the side. After she finished, she started floating lazily around the pool.


He watched her as she did this. He fought with himself, to just let go. He pulled off his shorts and dove in. He came up to her and they played around in the delightful water.


He pushed her under and she came up laughing. Then she dove on his back, but couldnÕt get him under the water. She found the right spot and started to tickle him until he went under, bringing her with him.  They bolted up and she began laughing and splashing him like a child would. He laughed back and let his inner child out , splashing her back. He came closer and grabbed her . He held her arms down and brought her against the side where he could stand. Her legs wrapped around him as he entered her again. This time it was slower, with more feeling. In the end, again , it shook both of their worlds. Neither could believe how right it felt or how right they felt together.



He lay naked on the lounge chair with her naked against him.


ÒThat was fabulous.Ó He said quietly as he played with her wet hair and watched her lying relaxed against him with her eyes closed.


ÒYeah. Ò She sighed.


ÒIÕm glad you took me up on coming here.:Ó He laid his head back, closed his eyes as he still ran his fingers in her hair.


ÒHeather wanted to come, I have her with my brother and his wife.Ó


ÔIÕd like to meet this young lass of yours . She was adorable when I spoke to her on the phone,Ó His voice was relaxed as he thought about meeting her.


ÒOh , I have a feeling you will.Ó She giggled a bit.


ÒHow old is she again?Ó


ÒSheÕs six soon to be seven. Very smart too and artistic, she may follow in my footsteps one day.Ó She smiled.


ÒDoes she see her Da?Ó He inquired.


ÒNo , not really. He did at first and then just went off to do his own thing. He doesnÕt want to be tied down.Ó She stretched and turned her body around. She lay on her elbows with her face in her hands looking up at the face she had dreamed about for sometime.



ÒWhat?Ó Paul let out a small laugh as he said it.


ÒI like looking at you, IÕm allowed or does years of fame make you uncomfortable with it?Ó she inquired.



He sighed. ÒNaw, not always, sometimes it does. Makes me feel like the girl only wants to be with me Ôcause IÕm a Beatle is all.Ó  He confessed to her , with a slight smile on his face.


He couldnÕt keep his hands off of her , as he still played with the wet strands of hair that fell in her face. He really was glad that she was there. She felt good to him;  comfortable and she intrigued him to no end. Her spirit made him sore. She challenged him to let go, something he wasnÕt used to, but once she helped him it felt good.


ÒI hope IÕm not to stroppy for you.Õ His thoughts escaped his lips without thinking.


ÒStroppy?Ó She giggled.


ÒOh , um,,,,,,,,, I mean I can be uptight and I like to be in control y Ôknow? I get moody when IÕm not.Ó He explained.


ÒThatÕs just who you are Paul. People can always add to their character. You need, as IÕve told you before, to hang loose and be cool, just let things happen sometimes. You can still be who you are, but also add to it. ItÕs allowed IÕve told you that Mr. McCartney. You donÕt have to be so English all the time.Ó She laughed as she watched his face crinkle up as he thought about it.


ÒYes, you Yanks are quite a bit loser than us Englishmen.Ó He joked in his best QueenÕs English.


ÒOh come on Paul, just let loose this weekend. You donÕt have to prove a damn thing to anyone. Right now itÕs just you and me. YouÕre not a Beatle right now, youÕre Paul, so try it.Ó She gave him a peck.


He lit a cigarette, thinking about it.

ÒSometimes I forget which Paul I am ÉÉÉ.Ó He bit his lower lip.


ÒWell, this weekend I will remind you which Paul you are. I will help you separate the two. Hey I bought some good weed, want some?Ó She got up off of him. She went inside and came out with a joint.


ÒYeah , some grass would be good. How is this that youÕre going to separate me now?Ó He smiled at her as she sat down and lit the joint.


ÒIÕll let you know as it comes up . Here, this is some great stuff. Got it down in the village before coming here.Ó


They spent the rest of the day getting high , talking , eating and fooling around. Paul was defiantly glad she came. He was lost in just enjoying her and everything else seemed to melt away.



Just like she said later that night, in the darkness, she got him to sneak down to the beach. She brought him to a quiet , remote and out of the way spot.


He looked around at how quiet it was. No one for miles it looked like. The sand felt wonderful on his feet as they walk to a spot and dropped their towels.


He watched amazed as she pulled off her clothes and drop them by the towel. She walked over to the water.


ÒComing?Ó She smiled.


The moon shone off the water, sparkling and shimmering. The ocean was calm and he felt the same calmness inside himself. He saw the moonlight reflect off her hair as she turned and waved him over. She was absolutely gorgeous outside as well as inside. He stood there staring at her for a minute.   He shook his head and dropped his clothes with hers. American birds, he thought, English women would never do this, not a proper one anyway.  She had such an affect on him and he didnÕt know why. She made it all right to do things he normally wouldnÕt do. He always thought he had an open mind, but he figured she would open it more as he joined her at the waters edge.


ÒOk .Ó She held out her hand to him and they went into the water.


The water was warm; the waves were small, hitting spray on them as they walked out.

Paul dove in and Linda followed. He held her as she wrapped her legs around him.


ÒSee itÕs like the pool only better. The waves hit you ÉÉ.Ó She trailed off as he went ahead and entered her.


They went with the waves, their bodies bobbing up and down. Pulling at each other to keep up a rhythm to their lovemaking. The water was exhilarating , as each wave hit them, wetting their faces, pushing them further towards climax. Paul kept turning, keeping his eyes shut as not to get the salt in his eyes. Linda pulled back , arching her back so it would be easier to steady themselves in the water.  PaulÕs eyes opened wide when Linda came quite loudly. The shock of anyone hearing them , took him off balance for a minute, but Linda kept the bump and grind going.


ÒCome on Paul! Let go and I want to hear you! Ò She yelled over the waves.


Finally, after her encouragement, he moved towards his release. When he came , he was surprised at how much harder it hit him , when he didnÕt hold back and just let it out in a loud yelled.


ÒChrist.Ó He panted, ÒIÕve never cum like that before.Ó


She kissed him, still holding on to him and looked pleased.


ÒWhat?Ó he inquired.


ÒYou ,ÉÉ.  You see how much better that was? See you opened yourself to it and let it out. Feels great doesnÕt it?Ó She was panting too and tired from fighting the waves. She imagined he was even more tired.


ÒYeah , much better. IÕm bloody tired. Show us how you body surf into shore.Ó He looked around at how far they were out, as he stood on his toes.


Ò Ok , wait for a wave and start swimming as fast as you can and then just let the wave hit you and bring you to shore. Watch me.Ó


She waited until the next wave came and swam as fast as she could. Paul jumped with the wave and watched how it brought her in. She waved to him from the shore as she picked up a towel , drying off and putting on her clothes.



He followed suit, catching the wave and letting it carry him in. He came out of the ocean laughing and smiling at how great it felt. He too picked up his towel , dried off and dressed.


ÒThat was brilliant!!!!!Ó He said exhilarated by the experience.


Ò I never did that before. Course growin up we didnÕt go to the ocean much. Ò He said still smiling. He watched her lit up a joint.


ÒCare to share that with us luv?Ó He asked as she handed it over.


He felt so good , he couldnÕt stand it. The rest of the weekend was much of the same. They had a dirty weekend that he enjoyed thoroughly and didnÕt want to end. The last night after making love, he brought it up, cuddling up to her in bed.


ÒI honestly enjoyed this weekend with you. I wish you didnÕt have to leave tomorrow.Ó He confessed to her.


She smiled in the darkness of the room. She too didnÕt want it to end, but she didnÕt want to be the one to bring it up..


ÒWell, it doesnÕt have to end. You could come back to New York with me and stay at my apartment. ItÕs small but we could hang a sheet between my bed and HeatherÕs . Oh, and then you could meet her. I have work to do , but in between we could go around New York and I could show you some far out places.Ó She laid it out for him, now the ball was in his court.


He thought about it and it sounded wonderful.

ÒThatÕd be grand. You sure that wonÕt upset Heather me being there? Also , I donÕt know about moving around New York, I might get recognized.Ó He shared his doubts with her.


ÒYou donÕt have to worry about Heather. I have been totally honest with you about my sex life , sheÕs used to it. As far as walking around New York, get over it. ItÕs not the same as the early 60Õs. There is a thrift store on my block. WeÕll stop in grab you a long old coat and maybe a hat or something. They wonÕt bother so much with you . In New York you can wander and be invisible, enjoy just being Paul. O.K.?Ó She turned to him and held herself up on her elbow, head leaning on her hand as she waited for his answer.


ÒRight, I rather fancy that idea. IÕll do it. Get me a ticket tomorrow and follow you back for a bit then.Ó He smiled and leaned over to kiss her sweet lips. This was pulling at him more and more. He was getting rather attached to her and his feelings were growing fast. He had feeling for her since the day he met her, but now he could let them grow on their own. She set fire to him. Not only that, but he could feel how she balanced him out and the fact that she had a kid was a definite plus in his book.



ÒGood, weÕll have fun , youÕll see. I promise you , that you will not regret it one bit.Ó She leaned in to him for a kiss. She then yawned.


ÒKnackered luv?Ó He softly spoke to her.


She gave a slight giggle, Ò Knackered? Another British slang?Ó  She stretched her weary body as she asked.


ÒSorry,  um yeah.Ó He found himself giggling slightly, Ò Tired is the word youÕre familiar with . Are you tired luv, better?Ó


She loved that voice, soft and loving, that made her feel warm all over. Matter of fact she love so many things about him. She loved his husky voice during sex. She loved how talented he was. She had watched while he played for her and then a song sprang out from his mind just like that, it amazed her. He was curious and after a slight push, would want to do and learn new things. She had shown him her camera. He had always taken pictures and loved it , but he wasnÕt a professional . She showed him some tricks , as they took pictures during their weekend. He was strong , with family values and she knew heÕd hit it off with Heather. She knew that heÕd make a good husband and father. Sure he had a stubborn streak in him and could be controlling , to the point where he was afraid to let go and let things just happen, but she knew where that came from. Time would allow her to mold him into a better man, he had all the qualities in him and they just needed to be brought out. She also knew he could teach her a few things too. Yes, it did look promising and she truly hoped she wasnÕt the only one with strong feelings. She acted a bit aloof at times , but she knew tons of women fell all over him and that wouldnÕt do for them.


ÒYeah IÕm tired.Ó She admitted to him.


ÒCome ere you. Ò He held out his arms and she curled up in him, feeling that warm safe feeling that she had never felt so strongly before.


They both felt it as they drifted off to sleep. That peaceful, serene sleep that came with contentment.
