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We Can Work It Out 

Chapter 65

By Sue



Paul had a full beard by the time Linda and he had gotten to New York. He had been curious to see what heÕd looked like in one, and on a whim, started to grow it a few weeks back. He dressed down, with a long coat and glasses, along with his new beard. He played it cool, trying hard to mingle in with the crowd unnoticed.  They got their luggage, and he smiled as he watched her flag down a taxi. It reminded him of the time in Heathrow, when he was shocked by how she had gotten the attention of the driver.  He opened the door for her to get in as the taxi driver pushed the luggage in to the trunk.  He felt a pull on his jacket and froze.


He turned slowly around to see a rather dirty and slim man standing before him. The man wore a scraggly beard; his dark brown hair hung past his shoulders and the grease made it hang in strands that slid into his face. The hair didnÕt cover up the lifelessness in the eyes of one so young seeing so much gore, fear and death.  He wore an old worn out army jacket, torn up jeans and military boots. To Paul, he looked like a tramp, who hadnÕt cleaned or eaten in a long time. He stared at the young man for a minute and wondered why the AmericanÕs treated their war heroÕs in this way. He knew the Vietnam War hadnÕt been popular, but to treat someone who was called to defend his country this way, appalled him. After all it wasnÕt his fault that he was at the age where he could be drafted. He wondered if what the young man saw in the war was worse then how he had been treated when he came home. No ticker tape parade for this bloke he thought, as his hand fell into the waiting hand of the Vet.


ÒMan, youÕre Paul McCartney. I love you and the Beatles. Your music is so far out. Oh man IÕm sorry for interrupting you, but do you think I could have an autograph?Ó The young Vet asked as life entered his eyes that had been dead only moments before.


Paul looked down at Linda; she could see how leery he was. She nodded for him to go ahead and talk to the young man. The seat was slippery, allowing her to step out of the cab easily and pull out her camera. What a shot this would be, she thought.


Paul smiled at the young man and released his hand.

ÒSure anything for a lad brave as you.Ó

Paul patted down his pockets and found some paper. Linda handed him a pen and he looked up at the man.


ÒWhatÕs your name son?Ó


ÒRobertÉÉ..Robert Wilson , my friends call me Bobby, Mr. McCartney. Ò The young man blushed.


ÒPaulÉÉplease just call me PaulÉÉ..I was wonderin ÉÉuh, how old are you?Ó Paul eyed him up, figuring he must have been in his late twenties, or maybe a bit older.


ÒIÕm 23 sirÉ..Um I mean Paul.Ó  The man looked down at the ground. He then raised his face back up, uncomfortable at how ashamed he was of his dirty appearance.  PaulÕs face was shocked at how this young man had aged so much in so little time. He couldnÕt imagine what the man had been through. He covered his shocked face quickly and then nodded.


ÒDidnÕt think you were so young. You live around here?Ó He asked as he signed his autograph along with a note, on the old piece of paper he had found.


ÒI live here and there. You see there arenÕt many jobs for a man like me. I tried to stay with my family, but IÕve change a lot from that damn useless war.Ó He confessed.


ÒDaft war,  ÉÉÉ..Useless, yes I agree with you on that, but you arenÕt useless at all. You could have been a coward and in your shoes I might not have went. I might have been one of those cowards.Ó Paul confided in the man. He handed the piece of paper over and dug through his pockets.

He took out some money and looked at the man, which now he knew was the same age as he had been at the height of his fame.

ÒPlease donÕt be insulted by this.Ó He handed the cash to Bobby.


Bobby looked at it. He realized there was over one hundred dollars in his hands.

ÒI canÕt take all of this man. This is a lot of bread here.Ó He tried to hand it back to him.


Linda drew her camera up to her face. Her long fingers wrapped around the camera, her eye taking in the perfect shots. She snapped several pictures as they spoke. The photographer moved around them, getting different angels. These pictures will be great! ThatÕs what went through her mind as the flash went off again. She couldnÕt wait to develop them.



ÒThen think of it as payment for me girl here taken all these pictures. SheÕs a photographer and loves a good picture. If you had an address we could send you one. To bad you donÕt have a place to stay.Ó  Paul said coyly as he lit a cigarette for both of them.


Bobby took the cigarette and inhaled as he thought about it. All this money, an autograph and a picture of him with Paul McCartney! Damn, maybe he should stay with his sister. She had been begging him, and he had been considering it.


ÒYeah man, I may be at my sisters. You could send it there.Ó He smiled.


Paul found another piece of paper and copied the young manÕs address on it. He promised he would send one out with in the next week. He then shook hands with the man again.


ÒGood to meet ya Bobby. Just remember son, wasnÕt yer fault the war and draft and all. The war, I donÕt agree with. I think itÕs a drag. ItÕs wrong and you young lads are suffering as much as the Vietnamese, but I guess you found that out the hard way.Ó He got into the taxi and rolled down the window.


ÒMay Luck smile down on you Bobby. I hope you get things together. You could really do something with yerself.Ó PaulÕs lips tightened together in a small smile.


Ò Yeah man, IÕll try, see what happens. It was sure far out meeting you and thanks for everything.Ó The young man shook both LindaÕs and PaulÕs hands and left.


The taxi started off to LindaÕs apartment.


ÒPoor sod, seems like a good kid. I thought for sure he was older. I guess that war beat him bad. I sure hope he pulls himself together. Oh, hereÕs his address. Be a love and send him a picture. Let me sign it first, is that alright?Ó Paul looked at her with sad eyes at the thought of the beaten man he had just met.


Linda took the address and stuck it in her camera case, so she wouldnÕt lose it.

ÒThat was pretty cool of you. You know giving him that money and spending a few minutes with him. I bet that brought his spirits up. Ò She smiled at him. He was a       good- hearted man, and what he did back there with Bobby, showed her a small piece of that.



ÒHe seemed like a rather good lad. Problem is these high- powered blokes who sit in their chairs up on the hill havenÕt a clue to what this war has done to so many people. Makes me sick it does. JohnÕs always goin on bout that one and sayin this war is unjust and thereÕs no need for the American people to be involved. HeÕs right! TheyÕre not going to win and have no business being there anyway. ItÕs so unfair to all these lads and their families. Ò  He sat back in the seat pondering his meeting with the boy and the war. He hated it, but he wasnÕt as open with his political stand as John was. Sometimes, he wished he could be.



ÒI agree. The whole thing stinks. All the demonstrations and draft card burnings just doesnÕt help. ItÕs a power play and unfortunately these boys are the ones that suffer. The fat cats just keep getting fatter. They donÕt want to pull out and say they lost. Not the Great United States of America!Ó Linda had always hated the Vietnam War, and had gone to a few protests to be a part of them and photograph history. Her disgust was thick in her voice. She looked up and noticed the driver grimacing at them as they spoke.


ÒWhatÕs it to you ? You think this war is right?  Do you have a boy over there? What was right was World War II , not this one.Ó She glared at the driver.


 Paul snickered at how ballsy she was. He loved that about her and he found himself loving more and more things about her. He watched as the driver tried to wiggle out of the uncomfortable spot Linda had put him in and a thought flashed through his mind. God, I love this woman.


He stopped snickering as the thought came and halted his mind. He loved her? When did that happen? He felt shocked as he let them go at it. He sat there thinking of the realization he had just had. He wondered if Linda felt the same. He figured heÕd give it a bit more time before he declared his feelings openly for her.



They stopped in front of one of the many buildings on the traffic filled street. The building was old and in need of some repairs. The landlord didnÕt seem to care as long as he got his money. Paul noticed, as he carried up the cases, that the concrete stairs were loose, or crumbling in parts. The outside walls seem the same, dirty, with cracks and broken off bricks. Linda opened up the door and Paul stepped in looking for the lift.


Linda smiled as she stood watching him look around for one. He had been spoiled over the years and she realized it never occurred to him that there might not be one.


ÒNo elevator in this building Paul. We have to take the stairs.Ó


His look of surprised made her giggle, ÒTen flights up and the second door on the right is mine. Ò


She watched as his face dropped at the mention of the ten flights of stairs. He then grabbed the bags and slowly raised his head to see how far they had to go. She started bouncing up each step, looking back to see him lagging behind her.


When they arrived at her floor, he dropped them and leaned against the wall, panting.

ÒNot used to the common stairs anymore huh. You spoiled rich folk.Ó She giggled again as she took out her keys to her door.


He watched as she unlocked the door and pushed it hard with her shoulder in one steady motion. The door stuck, but she seemed to be used to it.


ÒCome in and make yourself comfortable. You can drop the bags here. I have to run and get Heather from the neighbors. My sister in law dropped her off this afternoon. Ò She dropped her bags and quickly took off down the hall.


He walked in a little, dropped the bags and took a look around. She wasnÕt kidding when she had told him that her apartment was small. He had had bigger hotel rooms then this. He saw a kitchenette to the left, with a small table for two against the wall. The rest of the apartment was just one big room. He saw a worn out flowery couch, which she had told him pulled out into a bed. Off to the far end corner of the apartment hung a long dark sheet. He wandered over to it and pulled it aside. It was a space for Heather, he realized. There was a small cot, nightstand with a lamp, and a toy box. He slid out from behind the sheet and saw a large wardrobe, next to that a bookshelf. He looked around to see an old rug with a few old chairs and a few rather untidy stacks of her photos that she kept out for people to look at.


He wandered over to the double window. It was dirty, but she had brightened it up with some colorful curtains. He looked out and down to the street. He saw shops, other apartment buildings and straight across, a bar. With the night getting darker the neon light was already blinking its welcoming sign. He wondered how she could sleep with the brightness blinking throughout the night.


He suddenly needed to relieve himself and looked around for the bathroom. It couldnÕt be hard to miss, since the apartment was so small. His eyes wandered and rested on two doors. One near the doorway he had just come in, and another just a short distance down from it. He opened one to find it a closet. The closet was filled to the top with clutter. He shut is quickly so nothing would fall out. He wondered where to hang his coat and saw pegs hanging on the back of the front door. He hung up his coat and then tried the next door. He opened it and found the bathroom. It was as small as the closet. Inside, there was a shower stall, a small sink with an old rusty medicine cabinet above it and a toilet along side of it. He could barely fit in it and wondered how Linda did it with Heather. Still, it was hers and her daughterÕs alone. He zipped up, flushed the toilet and then started washing his hands in the sink when he heard the two of them enter the apartment.


He stepped out to see a little blonde girl in a tiger suit, crawling around by the couch. She stopped by the television and turned it on. Linda was hanging their coats up. She smiled as she met Paul coming out of the bathroom.


Ò I see you found everything ok. This place is so big you can get lost in it.Ó She laughed.


He smiled at her joke and again his eyes fell on the small child.

ÒUh yeah, I found everything. I wouldnÕt want to go in that closet though. It looks as if you could get lost in it,.Ó He expressed to her and then kissed her gently on the lips.


Heather heard the strange accent of a man. Her attention turned from the T.V. and on to Paul, she crawled over to him.


He laughed as she growled at him and took her hand to her tail , making it move back and forth.


ÒYeah, I think someone did get lost in there once, at a party I had.Ó Linda again laughed and then looked down at Heather when she heard the growling noise.

ÒHeather, this is mommies friend Paul, heÕs going to stay with us for a few weeks. Paul this is Heather. SheÕs been going through a phase lately. She went to the circus and fell in love with the tigers.  I had to get her a tiger costume, sheÕs been wearing it ever since,Ó She spoke proudly of her daughter.



Paul bent down to the girls level.

ÒYou fancy the tigers do you? You donÕt need to growl or swoosh your tail at me. I wonÕt hurt you. I love tigers too. Ò


ÒThereÕre just bigger cats. I want a cat, but mommy said no. We canÕt have them here,Ó A pout came across HeatherÕs lips.


ÒNo? That is a shame. Lovely they are, cats I mean. I have one, although she teases my dog Martha a bit,Ó He laughed at the thought of the big dog running from the hissing cat.


ÒYou have a dog and a cat? YouÕre lucky, Ò She gasped excitedly.


ÒYes, a big mop of a dog and a tiger stripped cat. Orange she is,Ó Answered Paul.


ÒYouÕre the man that talks funny from Britain, arenÕt you?Ó Her head tilted, as she recognized his voice.


ÒYouÕre a smart one, you are. Yes, thatÕs me,Ó He got down on all fours and scurried after Heather, as she giggled the whole time.



Linda watched as he got down on all fours with Heather, and they began to play. Linda had to laugh. It seemed funny to see a grown man on all fours chasing after the little girl. She laughed as she was captured and then tickled.

Linda yelled over to them as she made her way into the small kitchenette.


Ò I donÕt have a lot here to eat, but IÕll make us something. Heather has to eat and go to bed, she has school in the morning.Ó All she heard was a quick o.k., and then saw them go back to playing.



Paul fell in love with the little girl instantly. They played until dinner and then it was shower time and bed for the girl.


Linda pulled out the couch bed and rearranged the sheets. They laid down on it and snuggled as they watched a program on the T.V. After an hour, Linda went to check on Heather. Good, she was asleep. Linda had grown very aroused while they watched the show. They had started kissing and as the heat grew, she figured she better check to make sure Heather was asleep. She crawled from the bottom of the bed up to Paul. On all fours, she leaned in to capture the lips that set off fireworks throughout her body.


Paul stopped her, ÒShe asleep then?Ó


ÒDreaming sweet dreams,Ó Linda smiled. She fell onto him and heard his grunt at the unexpected weight. He recovered fast, and pulled her closer.


ÒFancy a bit of a snogging session?Ó His smile turned wicked as he again captured her luscious lips.


Coming up for much needed air she smiled up at him, Ò I supposed thatÕs snogging?Ó


He panted, as his lips pursed together and his brow rose to answer her question. The heat was growing faster, and the need for her was screaming inside him as he felt his trousers tightening, ÒYup, IÕm hoping the snogging will lead to something even more satisfying.Ó


Linda got up and turned off the T.V, and then she started the snogging session once again. She could feel the heat spread across her body, traveling down to the ache between her legs. She noticed his excitement was literally growing and began to rub his inner thigh.


He groaned as he felt the heat of her rubbing his inner thigh shoot up into his groin, making him fully erect. God, it felt so different with her. He slid her whole body in one pull; again she was on top of him. Her weight pressed against his body and against his hardness, which turned him on even more. He stared into her lovely blue eyes. The blinking of the neon light, afforded him to be able to see her better. It was like a strobe light that flashed different colors onto her. He roughly turned her on to her back. He was careful not to let his eagerness over take him. He caressed her face, and kissed her already swollen lips with the hard and hungry feelings that flowed throughout his body.


She felt like the electricity from that neon sign was shooting through her. Never had she felt this way when she was with a man. Sure, she had had many men, famous and not famous, but as good as they felt none compared to Paul. She felt her shirt come off as it was discarded onto the edge of the bed. With no bra, her breasts were revealed and her taunt nipples begged for attention.


Paul teased her with small kisses that began on her neck, following a trail down to the eager nipples. She arched herself up to his mouth, needing so desperately to felt the heat of his tongue and the sucking of his mouth. His lips lingered around her collarbone and upper chest, teasing her, and his hands ran over her body. He could feel her shiver as he reached her shorts. He carefully took them off as she wiggled to free herself from the trapping of her clothes. Free at last she thought. He took in her naked body as it glistened in the heat of the moment and the night. The fan blew, only making her nipples harder and she finally felt the suckling of his mouth upon her nipple.


ÒMmm oh yeahÉ.Ó She breathed in a low moan.


She pulled at his trousers, making sure he didnÕt stop as they managed to get them off, along with his pants. His shirt had already been discarded when they were just watching the T.V. The small apartment was hot and the fans helped, but it just blew the hot air around.


He lingered on each begging nipple, and then slowly ran his hand again down her body. She pushed up, so turned on that her body seemed to have a mind of itÕs own. Her legs spread automatically as his hand stroked her pubic hair. He could feel the moisture and heat that rose from only inches away. His fingers worked their way to the smooth swollen flesh that pleaded for his attention. The soft flesh being rubbed made her gasp. Together with him rubbing her and the sucking on her nipples, she forgot everything except the sensation that pulled at her body.


He let go of the nipple, trailing kisses down over her stomach and to the spot that he had been rubbing. He ran his fingers to her wet spot and heard her cry softly as he pushed them inside her. His tongue assaulted the swollen flesh that gave her so much pleasure, as his fingers slid in and out of her. She grabbed at him and coaxed him to turn his body to her without stopping his assault. She wet her lips and wrapped them around his hard erect penis.


He felt his body buck as her tongue massaged his shaft and her mouth began its up and down wet motion. His hips started a rhythm he couldnÕt stop. They both toyed with each other. Every time one would get close to the brink the other would stop, not letting either finish. This became a game that lasted quite a while.


Both desperate for release, Paul gave in first. He allowed LindaÕs body to reach its peak and felt the sweat running down him as her body shuddered and she swallowed him in the throws of orgasm. A muffled grown was heard from him as she did this.


Releasing him, he turned around and lifted her legs onto his shoulders as he entered her slowly. Their bodies came together instantly in a rhythm that soon became more urgent. He could feel how hot and soaked she was inside and his hardness burned with the need to cum.  He pushed his need to the side and lingered as he started kissing her lips. He dipped his tongue into her mouth and she accepted it. They were one and both never wanted it to end.


Paul felt as if they had really become one. Although he was hot from the weather and he was soaked in sweat, he didnÕt want to come out of her. He did truly love her and each time they made love he found himself lost in her, wondering where he ended and she began. He wanted it to go on forever. He could see it in Linda too. He stopped kissing her and just gazed at her beauty. He watched as the feeling took her over and her head tossed from side to side on the pillow.


He couldnÕt stand it any longer and saw that Linda was at that point too. She looked as if someone had dumped a bucket of water on her. Sweat ran down the length of her body, her hair dripped of it. He looked the same way, as he felt the salt water run into his eyes stinging them and tasted it in his mouth. .


 The emotions mixed with the whirlwind of sexual feelings, until it swept them away, like a tornado, engulfing them both. They thundered into the rapture of their release. Hot, sweaty, shuddering and spent they lay in each otherÕs arms, trying to catch their breath through the hot sticky air that lay around them. 


Paul ran his finger through her wet and stringy hairs. He felt so good, yet the need to get clean and cooled off took over.


Ò Oh baby,Ó He panted, Ò IÕve never felt anything that strong.Ó He couldnÕt move, but the need for a shower was growing more intense.


ÒNeither have I. I feel great. ÉÉÉ..    My God Paul that was earth shattering,Ó She stopped herself to see if it was for him too.


He chucked her on the chin lightly, pushing away the fear he saw on her face. He knew she was afraid that he might not have felt as strongly as she did, Ò Yes, luv it was bloody earth shattering to me too,Ó He sat up and lit a cigarette.

Ò I think we need to clean up and cool off.Ó He bent down and gave her a reassuring kiss before he stood up.


She watched him, as he walked naked to the bathroom. She heard the water running and checked again on Heather before joining him.



Later, that night after making love, and showering, Linda changed the soaked bed linens, and then they lay in each otherÕs arms. He kept running his fingers through her hair and over her face, just needing to touch her. She lay there enjoying the attention, as she snuggled next to him, both naked under the sheet. Even with the curtains closed, he could see the colors bounce in and out of the room, from the sign across the way.


ÒHow do you sleep with that blasted sign flashing?Ó


ÒOh you get used to it. I donÕt even see it anymore.Ó She rolled closer to him.


Ò You donÕt think Heather heard us do you? I mean it could be bad for her.Ó, guilt played in his voice as he asked.


ÒNaw, I checked, she was asleep. Besides, your not the first man thatÕs slept here, you know that.Ó She told him.

She could understand his concern. None of the others she brought home ever thought about it. She smiled to herself as she quietly pondered his concerns and how they took to each other right away. Heather was used to all kinds of people stopping by or staying over. Still, she bonded pretty fast to him. At bedtime she asked for a story. He turned around, got his guitar and sung her a lullaby. Linda had used up her roll of film on that. She had snuck around and turned off the flash, using the bright light in the room to take the few shots she did.


He was different from the others. She had always known that, ever since the Pepper party.  The many times that they had spoken on the phone over the last few years, and the few times they got together, made a deep impression on her. That week she had stayed at his house, she had known he was the one. Ritchie was right, and he had come around, she only hoped it was for good. She had fallen hard for him and only hoped he would for them. She turned to him and realized even though he had complained about the flashing sign he had fallen asleep. She lay there as she heard the soft snores coming from him and drifted off to sleep and dreamed of the Englishman who had stolen her heart.





 The day was dark, the clouds rolled in promising a storm would be on the way. The usual hot day turned cool from the threat of the up coming storm. The leaves on the few trees that lined the sidewalk had turned upside down. Linda and Paul walked down the street hand in hand. They had just dropped off Heather at a summer school program that Linda put her in so she could work a few hours a day.


Linda stopped by one of the trees. She gently brought a leaf into her hand and examined it.


ÒItÕs going to storm soon. See the leaves here? They turn upside down when a storm comes. They get more water that way,Ó Her hand brushed over some more of the leaves, and then her head turned up to the sky.


Paul examined the leaves on the tree too. He never knew that, and was fascinated by LindaÕs knowledge of nature. This wasnÕt the first time she had told him something about either animals or plants. He had seen a row of plants on the fire escape and a few in the apartment. That was just another thing he seemed to love about her.


ÒI didnÕt know that. Makes sense though.Ó


ÒHere, letÕs go in the thrift store, get you some clothes and then I think IÕll show you some museums and art galleries. Tomorrow should be nice and we could do something outside,Ó She started to walk on and reached her hand back to grab his.


They reached the thrift store at the end of the block. The door opened with a jingle, telling the owner someone was there. The store was old with hard wood floors and shelves piled high with used clothes. There were racks in rows with more clothes on hangers and price tags strung on them. The owner came out of the back room. He walked behind a glass counter filled with old jewelry, pocketknives and odd knick- knacks.


PaulÕs eyes wandered around the old dusty store. It seemed funny to see a store like this in New York where he always thought thereÕd only be modern ones.


Linda picked out a few things, as Paul found an Army jacket and a herringbone coat. He looked at the things Linda had picked up and found she knew exactly what he would like and his size. He smiled to himself when he saw this.


ÒWhat do you want with a coat in the summer?Ó


ÒI rather fancy it. I could use it later.Ó


They put the items on the counter; where Paul saw a pretty antique ring. The ring was silver, with small turquoise stones throughout it. He pointed to it.


ÒIÕd like that as well please.Ó


The owner unlocked the cabinet and brought it out. Paul had Linda try it on.


ÒItÕs beautiful and it fits! Thank you!Ó She exclaimed, as she held her hand up and admired the ring.


Paul paid for everything and they carried their bundles outside. They quickly ran back to the apartment to drop off the bags. Paul changed into some of the clothes. He wanted to dress down, like Linda. He wanted to disappear into the crowds of New Yorkers and become one of them, not a Beatle.


ÒI think before we go anywhere we better hit the A & P down the street and get some food. We also need to go to the health food store for some organic juice. When I pick up Heather today, I want to make sure she has a good healthy snack. Ò


He thought about it for a minute. She was a good mom. It must be hard for her to be a single mom, work and do what she had to do for her child. He admired her for it. She was a true woman, just as Cyn was. The difference was that he knew he loved Linda more then a friend.


ÒI think IÕd fancy a trip to the market. ItÕs been sometime since IÕve had to go to one,Ó He chuckled.


ÒOh, right, you get others to shop for you, I forgot. They do your wash, clean your house and whatever else you need. You must remember from when you lived in Liverpool,Ó She teased him.


She was right; he never had to think about these things since his fame. After all he had people to do it for him, and when he was with Cyn, she did it.


He smirked at her, and gave her an answer in a mocked voice. ÒYes I remember. I ad ta shop and cook at times fer me da and me brother.Ó He purposely added some scouse for affect at the end of his sentence.


ÒCome then scouse boy and help me get the evening meal.Ó She laughed, pulled him out of the house and down the stairs.


Walking down the street she stopped and turned to face him. He stopped and looked down at her, bewildered at why she had suddenly stopped.


Ò I forgot to thank you properly for the ring. ItÕs beautiful and you really didnÕt have to do it.Ó Her arms went around his neck, as she pulled herself towards his lips and kissed him. He kissed her back, feeling a little self conscious, in the middle of the sidewalk with people all around.


ÒI guess thatÕs proper enough for in the middle of the sidewalk. You can thank me more later in private,Ó He winked, then he shyly added, Ò Think of it as an early engagement ring. Y Ôknow, one of those promise rings,Ó He caught her hand in his and now he pulled her down the street.


She was caught off guard at his remark, as he pulled her along. She figured she would let the comment go for now as they headed into the A&P.


He tried to go unnoticed in the store as they picked up things she needed. He was like a little kid in a candy store and it amazed her at how new if seemed to him.


When they checked out the girl kept stealing glances at Paul. Finally, he smiled his famous smile at her and winked. She gasped as she realized that she was right. She was in the presence of Paul McCartney, a Beatle.


He put his finger to his lips, then took her pen and the grocery receipt and gave her an autograph.


ÒTa luv for keeping me secret,Ó He handed her the paper and they quickly left.


They found themselves running as the rain started to fall. It started lightly at first and by the time they got to the apartment building the sky had opened up. They slipped into the building, just missing the downpour. The afternoon was spent with more lovemaking, talking and him playing his guitar for her. The afternoon was perfect for a rainy day he thought. She brought hot steaming mugs of tea and also pondered how lovely the rainy day had become.




Over the next week, She took him to museums, art galleries, the Empire State building and even the Apollo Theater. He had begged her to go and so they went. They had been the only white people there, but it didnÕt matter to him. He had wanted to go there ever since he was a kid. All his favorite singers had sung there and he was impressed.


They ate out a lot, since she didnÕt cook much. She took him to a small German restaurant down the street, Pizzerias, diners, and luncheonettes.


She took him to Chinatown, were Paul spotted a Buddhist temple with a sign saying they did weddings.


He pulled on her arm, Ò CÕmon luv letÕs do it. LetÕs get married. You love doing things in the moment. Lets do it!Ó Paul pulled at her excitedly.


Linda pulled away from him and kept walking, yelling over her shoulder.

ÒNo, no , noÉÉ.Ó


He ran up to her and grabbed at her arm to stop her. He turned her around and held her by both shoulders. He looked down into her frightened eyes, confusion spread across his face.


ÒLin, We donÕt have to now if you donÕt want to, but I really want you to know, that I love you.Ó He stared at her and waited for a reaction.


He was afraid that sheÕd say she didnÕt love him, but he had to let her know how he felt. When she didnÕt answer him he started to ramble a bit.


Ò I love you , honestly. I love that little girl of yours too. I wanted you to know that. One day, I want you to be my wife,Ó He waited again for a reaction.

He saw her blink her eyes and tears ran down them.  Now, he felt very confused.


ÒDonÕt you love me?Ó His voice was urgent, as he waited with uncertainty for her response.


She hugged him tightly and leaned up to his ear. She felt the tears as they ran down her face and fell onto his shirt. She felt his body tighten a bit. She knew he feared she might reject him.


ÒI love you too. I have loved you for a long time,Ó She sniffled, ÒI was hoping one day youÕd say that to me. I just donÕt want to get married right now. I can make you a nice home, give you children and be everything a wife can be, but not just yet. Is that all right?Ó Her head tucked into his neck and she wiped her nose on his collar.


He nodded, as he digested everything she had said to him. She loved him and told him everything he wanted to know. She wanted to be his wife, the kind of wife he had always wanted, but not just yet. That was fine with him, she was worth the wait and heÕd be ready when she was. He had finally found the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The woman, who would have his children, be his partner, friend and lover. To him, she was the most beautiful woman he had ever met. He hugged her and they continued to walk, each in their own thoughts.


After that day, they declared their love for each other often. She stopped taking the pill, a mutual agreement and they decided at the end of the two weeks she and Heather would go back to England with him. He would pay the rent up on the apartment for 6 months and they could come back and slowly bring her things over.









(I needed to add another chapter. So again I donÕt know what chapter this will end at. I figured IÕd do this in two chapters at a time like I used to, since they are still in New York.)




For the rest of the time they went to Greenwich Village and looked up Bob Dylan. Linda took photos of that night, as well. She had met him and Sara before, but being a photographer, she wanted some pictures of all of them together. She took pictures of Sara, Bob, their baby, Paul, her and Heather, using a timer she had gotten. The night was magic for all of them and they talked excitedly about it all the way home as Heather slept on PaulÕs lap.


Another day she took him to the Fillmore East, where she was the resident photographer. Paul thought it funny how Bill Graham never fixed the sign that read Fillmore Esat. He knew it didnÕt matter to anyone; it was just being there that mattered the most and hearing the bands that played the venue.  He couldnÕt wait to tell his mates and show them the pictures of all the places he had been that he could never go when they were on tour.



Several times Linda had to work and would leave Heather with Paul. He didnÕt mind at all, they seemed to get along great.


 One day, after picking up Heather, they were riding the subway home. They had to make a few changes on to different trains as people began to realize a Beatle was on board. Heather got confused as they changed back on to the right train again.


She fidgeted as she got annoyed with changing on to all these trains, Ò Why are we going from train to train. We only take one train mommy?Ó


ÒSorry pumpkin, I think thatÕs my fault. People recognize me and itÕs hard to stay in one spot, and thatÕs why we had to take different tubes. See I sing and people know my music,Ó He apologized.


ÒWhat do you sing, and what are tubes?Ó Her hand tightened around his as they jumped off the last train and she turned her small little face to him.


ÒI really donÕt think youÕd know it. IÕll show you a picture when we get back to your flatÉÉÉ. I mean apartment, o.k.? And as for tubes thatÕs another word for subway, alright?Ó


ÒI guess. ThatÕs a funny name to call a subway,Ó She shrugged.


Linda turned to Paul in a panic. She remembered her appointment for the dentist had been moved up.


ÒOh, damn, Paul could you take Heather home and watch her? She knows the way from here. I forgot, I have a dentistÕs appointment and it was changed. I can make it if I go now,Ó She gave a pleading look.


ÒSure, luv. She knows the way from here? You sure?Ó He questioned, not quite sure a little girl could show him how to get back. He had a flash thought of them getting lost among the throngs of people in the streets of New York. The thought made him panic.


ÒYes, She knows,Ó Linda bent down to Heather, Ò Heather, honey, mommy has a dentist appointment. Paul is going to watch you, so you show him how to get home, o.k.?Ó


ÒYes mom.Ó Heather kissed her mom and started pulling on PaulÕs hand, ÒCome on, I can show you.Ó


ÒAll right, my life is in your daughterÕs hands,Ó He laughed as he kissed Linda good-bye.


Heather brought him down and few streets until he recognize that they were on the street the apartment building was located. She stopped him in front of a shoe store and pressed her face against the window to admire a pair of pretty shoes.


Paul recognized that look from other kids and when he too was a lad. He knelt down to her, Ò You fancy those shoes do you?Ó


ÒWhat?Ó The little girl gave him a quizzical look.


ÒThe shoes luv. Do you want them?Ó


ÒOh, yeah . TheyÕre so pretty. Alice Stiller has a pair just like them and everyone is always saying how pretty they are.Ó


ÒCÕmon then, weÕll get you a pair.Ó He pulled her in the store.


He sat her down on one of the big leather seats and flagged down a salesman. The salesman fitted her foot and brought out the perfect pair.


ÒOh theyÕre so pretty!!!!  Can I wear them home?!!Ó  She jumped around in them.


He smiled as he paid the cashier for them, ÒI think sheÕll wear them home. Can you box the old ones please,Ó He watched in delight, as the little girl danced around on the tiled part of the floor. She was a pretty little lass, he thought. He took the box and scooped her up in his arms. She didnÕt expect him to do that and then he didnÕt expect her to hug and give him a kiss for the shoes.


ÒOh thank you, thank you Paul. Wait until they all see them at school and wait until mommy sees them,Ó


She chattered about the shoes all the way home and all the way up the ten flights of stairs. She insisted that he carry her, since her shoes were still too slippery to run in. When he got to the top, he panted as he put her down. He had become acquainted with how to open the door and let them in.



 He watched her play, until she got hungry. He made her some eggs, which was one of the few things he remembered how to make. He made it, the way he would make it for himself, along with toast and jam. He sat it down in front of the girl. She poked at it as he watched on.


She took a bite and then spit is out, Ò Yuk, this is terrible!Ó She gagged.


His brow furrowed in confusion. He didnÕt know what to do. He quickly spread jam on the toast.


Ò Here luv eat this then. IÕm sorry, itÕs the way I eat my eggs,Ó He said a bit ashamed for not thinking that a small child wouldnÕt like it the same way.


ÒPeanut butter would be good with this,Ó She raised her head and stared at him in anticipation.


ÒOh, Right, ItÕs peanut butter then? You want it on the toast with the jam? Ò He looked around the cabinets and couldnÕt find it.


Heather pointed to the frig, ÒOf course I want it on the toast with the jam. How else would I eat it?  In there, mommy keeps it in there so it doesnÕt get mushy in the summer. I hate mushy peanut butter.Ó


He looked to where the girl pointed, ÒIn here? In the frig?Ó He said rhetorically.


ÒYes!Ó she huffed, getting impatient with him, Ò All mommies other boyfriends know where the peanut butter is. DidnÕt you ever have it?Ó



ÒI gather all of your mummies boyfriends where Americans. IÕve never heard of a peanut butter and jam sardies.Ó Paul said a bit frustrated. He then found the peanut butter and felt proud as he presented it to her.


ÒWhatÕs a sardie? Ò She wrinkled up her face in confusion.


ÒOh, um a sardie is British for a sandwich.Ó He told her as his nervousness started to fade. Funny, he never got nervous like this before with kids. He always knew what to do. He looked at her and watched as she glopped the peanut butter onto the sandwich. It all oozed from the sides and dripped onto the table as she tried to eat it.


He took it from her, Ò Here let me have a go with it,Ó He took some of the peanut butter off and cut it in half for her. He watched, as it was easier for her to eat, ÒBetter now?Ó


ÒYes, much, thank you.Ó She dug into it with a big glass of milk.


Paul decided heÕd try one too. He loved milk, so he already had a glass. He tried it and thoughtfully chewed it, Ò Mmm, this is good.Ó



Heather put her glass of milk down and gave him a smiled, ÒTold you.Ó


He bent over and pushed on her nose playfully. He then gave her a napkin, ÒYou have a milk mustache, here.Ó


She wiped it off her mouth and then put her plate and glass into the sink.

ÒIÕm going to put on my tiger suit.Ó


He watched her run to get it and then turned back to the sink to wash the dishes. After cleaning up the mess they made he sat down and watched her play. He pulled out his guitar and started to write a song that came to his mind. He stopped and then got a pen and pad.


Òhmmm, hmmmm MammaÕs little girl.Ó He sang and then stopped to think as he randomly strummed a few notes, Ò Looking like a rag doll, MammaÕs little girl. Singin like a skylark, MammaÕs little girl.Ó He sang more and then wrote it down along with a chorus for it and then tucked it away in his case. HeÕd finish it another time and maybe use it someday he thought.


Linda came home and Heather ran to show her mother her new shoes.


ÒLook what Paul got me mom!Ó Heather danced around in them.


ÒTheyÕre beautiful honey,Ó She watched Heather for a minute and then turned to Paul,       Ò You didnÕt have to do that.Ó


ÒShe looked so cute that I had to get them for her. YouÕre not mad are you?Ó His face held an unsure expression,


ÒNo, no ÉÉÉI just donÕt want you to feel you have to buy her love, thatÕs all.Ó Linda put her bag down on the table.


ÒIÕm not , really. I mean it was innocent, honestly.Ó Still unsure he continued to explain.


ÒStop ok? I know and it was a wonderful gesture. Just donÕt spoil her o.k.?Ó Linda leaned down and kissed his forehead.


He reached up and pulled on her down to kiss him on the lips, Ò I love you,Ó


How could she resist his boyish charm, she thought as she kissed him back, Ò I love you too.Ó



Later that night they decided to tell Heather about the move to England. They didnÕt expect her to take it to well.


 ÒHeather honey come sit by Paul and me.Ó Linda patted the couch. Heather sat down and looked to both of them.


ÒPaul and I are in love honey, you know what that means right?Ó Linda stroked Heathers blonde hair.


ÒYeah, you want to be with him just like the others.Ó Heather said flatly.


ÒNo, this is different, sweetie. I have loved Paul for a long time and he loves us and wants us to go to England for awhile and live with him in his house.Ó She looked worried, waiting to see HeatherÕs reaction to this sudden news.


Heather shrugged. ÒIs the house bigger then this and you said you have animals right?Ó


Paul put his arm around the little girl and hugged her, ÒYes , I have a house, three floors and you can pick out your own room and we can decorate it however you want it. The animals would love to have you play with them. I got a new dog a short time ago . His name is Eddie and he loves to play. I never have enough time for all of them. I bet you could give them the attention they need. Um, youÕd be going to school in London, is that alright with you?Ó He knelt down on the floor to her level. He tilted his head, waiting for her response.


ÒWhat about my friends here and poppop, Uncle John and Aunt Jody?Ó She looked from Paul to Linda,


Paul cleared his throat and threw a glance at Linda , who nodded for him to continue. She thought coming from him might be better since it was his house and all.


ÒWell, I paid for this flatÉ.I mean apartment for sometime, so we can come back and visit your poppop and Auntie and Uncle. You could even see your friends. I think youÕll make new ones in England.Ó  He was so worried that she would hate the idea. He watched as she thought about it, and it reminded him of himself as a child. Always weighing things out, before speaking.


ÒI guess itÕs ok. When do we leave? Can I bring my favorite things?Ó She looked to both of them.


ÒOf course sweet heart. We have to start packing. I have the passports ready and I have been tying up the loose ends. We leave in 3 days. I thought you could say good-bye tomorrow to your friends at the summer program.Ó Linda hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, ÒThatÕs my big girl and you will like it there, I promise. We will see poppy, Uncle John and Aunt Jody before we leave, ok?Ó She was so happy that Heather was taking it so well. It relieved her. She had spoken to her father and brother on the phone , telling them what was going on and had set up a time to get together. She knew it would be hard for Paul, meeting them at first , but John and his wife were  Beatle fans so the only problem she saw would be her father.


Paul took HeatherÕs hands in his and stared for a minute before talking, ÒY Ôknow , anything you forget or want we can get once we are there. YouÕll finally have your own room with furniture and that sort of stuff. I promise you can help pick out what you want in your new room, clothes and toys . Is that alright then?Ó His brownish hazel eyes sunk into the blue eyes of the little girl.


ÒIt will be like one of our adventures ok honey?Ó Linda tried to reassure her.


Still looking into PaulÕs eyes she nodded, Ò I like our adventures mommy and this sounds like fun. I can have two dogs and cats, my own room and everything! Ò She burst up at that minute and started dancing around in her custom and new shoes. Then she went into her room.


Paul sat back on the couch and took Linda into his arms, ÒWerenÕt so bad now was it?Ó


Linda nodded into his shoulder, Ò No, It wasnÕt, and this will be a great adventure. You just have to pass DaddyÕs test tomorrow night.Ó


Paul put his arm around her shoulder and hugged her, ÒNo worry, HeÕll either like me or get used to me. Either way youÕre still coming right?Ó


She felt his eye on her, Ò Of course, heÕs never run my life as you can see.Ó She flashed him one of his favorite smiles. She had several different smiles that he loved, but most of all he loved her and wanted her with him. He was relieved as he knew she was at how well Heather had taken to the idea. He loved the little girl, who was so much like her mother. 


Ò That wasnÕt bad at all. I Ôm sorry, but IÕll have to spoil her a bit at first. Y Ôknow the new furniture, clothes and stuff that a little girl needs,Ó He smiled at the thought of having a daughter, Ò I have a small sister, sheÕs a bit bigger then Heather, but I think they get on good.Ó


His mind drifted in thought and Linda kissed him back into the present, Ò What are you thinking about?Ó


His eyes held a twinkle in them . She cocked her head, not sure what was going on in his mind.


ÒI want to ask you something.Ó He grinned at her.


She looked at him cautiously and tapped his head, ÒWhatÕs going on in there?Ó


Paul looked at her sheepishly, Ò I want to adopt her. You said her dad wants nothing to do with her and when we finally do marry. Well, I want her to be my little girl too. Do you think itÕs possible? I mean how do you feel about that?Ó


ÒI think that would be great. When the time comes weÕll ask her and my dad can do the legal part. IÕm sure her father wouldnÕt mind, given a bit of money. You sure you want to do this? I mean there is the adoption fee and then I am sure heÕll want money to do this.Ó She turned to him, her face held an apologetic look.


Ò I have the money, thatÕs no problem. I just donÕt understand why a father would sell his daughter off. Shame really that.Ó He gave her a quizzical look.


ÒMelvin was never ready for children. He wanted to be free. He will do it willingly for a fee. I know it is a shame, but at least you know he will do it. When he finds out itÕs you, he will want money. Ò Linda explained to him.


ÒRight, they always want money when they find out a Beatle is involved. I would however like to keep that quiet for HeatherÕs sake.Ó He answered thoughtfully.


ÒYes, of course, IÕm not going to say anything to her. She doesnÕt even ask about him anymore or remember him. I think sheÕd be thrill at actually having a dad. Thank you.Ó Linda threw her arms around Paul in an unexpected show of appreciation and affection. He was surprised and jumped for a minute, and then hugged her back.


ÒThank you so much Paul, I would never have asked you to do that.Ó


ÒYou didnÕt have too. I fancy that little one and a proper father she shall have. I will do my best by her, I promise you that one.Ó He hugged her again and kissed her on her beautiful lips. The agreement was sealed, now the only problem was Mr. Lee Eastman.





The bell chimed at the door of the Eastman penthouse, as Paul, Linda and Heather stood waiting for someone to answer it. The door opened, a tall older gentleman stood there in a suit. He moved for the three to enter.


ÒHi, Stephen.Ó Linda greeted the old butler as they walked in.


ÒMiss, come in. Your father is expecting you. Ò


Paul walked in and looked around. He didnÕt realize that the EastmanÕs had so much money. He knew from what Linda had told him, that they were well off, but not like this. He looked around the large hall. Cream carpet lay everywhere, an old cherry wood table sat against the wall with lace draped over it and a Lenox vase with assorted flowers in it. They were taken into the drawing room. There he saw the same carpet, with white floral print furniture. The couch and chairs had the same dark cherry wood legs and framing around the top. He saw cherry wood tables with expensive crystal lamps adorning them.

The same style antique chest sat against the wall, with a circular glass tray on top, that held crystal bottles filled with what he figured, was expensive liquors. The cream drapes hung heavily down to the floor, with light blue sashes tying them back and lace curtains that spread across the window. Huge oil paintings hung on the walls. His eye then caught sight of a beautiful black baby grand piano in the corner. Spread across the top of the piano were pictures in antique frames of the family. He walked over and gazed at them. He saw pictures of Linda and John over the years, and pictures of what must have been her parents and also assorted other people that he could only guess to be family. Linda walked over to him.


She picked up the wedding picture of her mother and father, Ò These are my parents. These are some relatives and here are some pictures of me and my brother.Ó She laughed as she put down her parents and picked up one of her and her brother.


ÒOh wow, I forgot about that one. Ò Came a male voice from behind them.


Paul quickly turned to where the voice came from to see a tall man, who looked a bit like Linda. He had the same blond hair and blue eyes, but seemed to favor the father, where Linda had favored her mother. The man extended his hand to Paul.


ÒHi, IÕm John Eastman, LindaÕs brother.Ó He said as he stared at Paul.


ÒSorry, yeah this is my brother, and John this is Paul. Ò She put the picture back down carefully so she wouldnÕt scratch the surface.


ÒOh, you donÕt have to tell me who he is. I was thrilled when Linda told me she met you and showed me the pictures of you and the rest of the Beatles. To tell you the truth, I was freaked out when she told me about the two of you and that you were coming here.Ó He smiled a wide smile, and Paul remembered Linda telling him that John was a fan.


Behind John, Paul saw a dark haired, small woman. She seemed to be hiding behind John and Paul figured this must be Jody, JohnÕs wife. She gave him that look, that he was so used too. The look every fan got when they met him. He thought she might faint when he extended his hand to greet her.


ÒYou must be Jody.Ó Paul smiled the smile he used for his fans.


John looked at Jody and then back to Paul. ÒSorry, yes, this is my wife Jody and as you can tell she is also a big fan.Ó John stated a bit embarrassed at both of their reactions.

They had promised Linda that they wouldnÕt react like this, but in person, Paul seemed so real to them.


Jody tried to get her composure back, but her knees trembled and she felt like a schoolgirl again. The touch of his hand sent goose bumps over her entire body.

Ò  Um É.. Yes, IÕm LindaÕs sister in law, Jody. Oh God, IÕm so sorry, I swore I wouldnÕt act like this.Ó She stammered and blushed fiercely.


Paul took his hand from hers. He was used to this, but had hoped it wouldnÕt happen tonight. He watched her as her eyes took him in. With his newly shaven face and gray suit, he knew he resembled the old Beatle Paul and she stood there frozen for a few minutes.


Paul broke her trance. ÒJody,Ó He whispered, watching her jump, Ò I dress the same way you do, well not the same way, but I put my trousers on the same as John here. I eat, sleep and even use the toilet like you. I am just a person luv. Ò He could see her come back to reality as he flashed her a Beatle Paul smile.


ÒI know, I knowÉÉÉ.Geez I am so sorry Paul. You must think I am so rude.Ó She was self- conscience, and busied herself with straightening out her dress.


ÒNo, not at all. IÕm ok with it if you are. Just donÕt let on that IÕm in that band to anyone o.k.?Ó He chuckled.


This brought a warm smile to her face and a relieved smile to her husband.


John turned to Linda, ÒWell, sis, I had the talk with dad.Ó


Paul looked confused at Linda and John.


ÒOh, since we were kids, when something came up in one of our lives, the other would talk dad down. You know, like you did if Mike did something and you talked to your dad to calm him down.Ó She gave him a quick peek on the cheek and turned back to John.


ÒThanks John.Ó


ÒNot a problem. So Paul youÕre taking my sister to England with my niece I hear.Ó John gave Paul a warm and welcoming smile, which Paul was grateful for.


ÒYes, We leave in two days.Ó


Another man entered the room. Lee Eastman represented a man with power, and a man to be reckoned with if crossed. Impeccably dressed in a black suit with salt and pepper hair, the tall man walked further into the room. Lee reminded Paul a little of Brian, and for a fleeting moment he felt sadness. Paul pushed the thought away noticing that all the conversation had stopped. It was almost as if Linda and John were children again. PaulÕs brow furrowed at the confusion and then he masked it.


ÒYes, my children have teamed up against me ever since they were small. Their mother used to help them with it too. IÕm Lee Eastman, Mr. McCartney, but please call me Lee.Ó The older man held out his hand and Paul shook it, feeling the strength behind it.


ÒPlease, Lee, call me Paul.Ó He smiled.


ÒVery well then Paul. Care for a drink?Ó Lee headed towards the cabinet that Paul had earlier figured was a bar.


ÒYes, thank you, scotch and soda if you have it.Ó


Ò A scotch man, I like that. I think IÕll have one too. Anyone else?Ó


After drinks were poured they all sat down. Paul wondered if many people had ever sat in these seats, since they were still stiff and felt like new.


Lee looked over at his daughter, who sat with Paul on the couch, her hand loosely in his.


ÒSo where is my beautiful granddaughter? Ò Lee inquired.


ÒOh , geez dad, I think she went to see if cook had any cookies. SheÕs used to dessert after dinner and we came straight here after we ate. I Ôll go get her.Ó Linda rose and left the room to get Heather.


ÒJohn, Jody, would you mind leaving Paul and I alone for a few minutes please.Ó


The two got up and obediently left the room, leaving Paul alone with Lee. Paul felt a little nervous, but then decided he didnÕt have to be. Lee was just a man like himself. He remembered briefly what he had said to Jody about just being the same as everyone else. He decided to take that train of thought with Lee.


ÒSo, Linda tells me youÕre a musician. A rather famous one from what I know, and of course from what John, Jody and Linda have told me.Ó Lee took a sip of his drink and looked at Paul.


Paul wished he could light up a cigarette right about now. Instead, he took a rather healthy sip of his drink.


ÒYes, I am.  You probably already know IÕm in a rather successful band called the Beatles.Ó Paul turned to face his full attention on LindaÕs father.


ÒYes, a self made man is the way I hear it. I like that in a person. It takes ambition to do that. I have met some of my other daughterÕs friends who are musicians, and to tell you the true, they didnÕt impress me.Ó Lee said in a matter- of- fact tone.


ÒYes, well, excuse me for being so bold, but IÕm not here to impress anyone. I just thought it right to meet LindaÕs family. I hope that we can get along, IÕd like that.Ó Paul stated with self- confidence.


Lee gave a laugh at hearing this, ÒWell, Paul, I like that. Most are nervous when they meet me. Good, I am glad you arenÕt afraid of me.Ó Lee spoke frankly, Ò I have done some work with musicians and I do know that there are many types in the business. I do a lot of contract work and that sort of thing. I will however get to the point before they all come back. I hear you are taking my daughter and granddaughter to England to live with you in your home, is that right?Ó Lee stared intently at Paul.


Paul didnÕt faultier, he sat up straighter, ÒYes, I intend on taking very good care of them and as you know I can afford it. Lee, I love your daughter and granddaughter and hope someday to marry her. I would of course like your blessing.Ó Paul never broke his stare from Lee.


ÒYes, of course you would. I would have to get to know you first. I do however wonder why you arenÕt getting married before moving in together. What do they call it these days? Shacking up is it?Ó Lee raised his brow, waiting for PaulÕs answer.


ÒYes, thatÕs what some might call it. Please, try and understand that IÕd married Linda tomorrow if it were up to me and of course I would prefer your blessing. Unfortunately, Linda isnÕt ready to marry and wants to try it this way first. So I can assure you that my intensions are honorable, I am just waiting on Linda.Ó Paul took another sip of his drink as he crossed his legs, and tried to make himself more comfortable in the stiff seat. He hoped Lee could see his honest effort, but also see that he was not going to be pushed around like a pawn in a chess game.


ÒYes, my daughter and I have had arguments about this before. She is gun shy after Melvin. I donÕt agree with the men she hasparading around my granddaughter, I donÕt think itÕs good for a child to see her mother with so many men. DonÕt get me wrong, I love my Linda, but I donÕt agree with her lifestyle. So, I suppose under the circumstances itÕs better she lives with just you, and not all those men she had been bringing around. Hopefully, she will come to her senses. I do know my daughter and I can tell you make her happy.Ó Lee finished his drink and got up to pour another, ÒCare for another?Ó


ÒNo, Lee, thank you anyway,Ó He paused for a moment and thought, as he watched Lee at the bar, Ò I do want you to know that family is very important to me. I come from a large family and we are very close,Ó Paul explained. He could see under all that control, that Lee was only worried for his daughter and granddaughterÕs welfare. He could understand that, as much as he could understand the control Lee hid behind.


ÒLiverpool isnÕt it?Ó Lee looked over as he capped the bottle of scotch.


ÒYes, A poor city, but I made it out of there and now live in London. My family still lives there and I bought my dad and brother a house in a nicer section. I do promise you that when Linda is ready I will make an honest woman of her. I want a family with her and when she says the word then we will marry. Again, I hope you will give us your blessing.Ó Paul stood up and put his glass back on the tray. He wandered around the room, wishing for a cigarette. He pushed it out of his mind when he stopped in front of a picture on the wall

ÒRemarkable, This copy is very good.Ó He referred to the picture.


Lee walked over and admired it with him, ÒYes a good likeness, you know of art?Ó


ÒYes, some, I have friends that own an Art Gallery. I helped them start it. I also enjoy the ballet, good theater and some good books, depending what they are. So you see; IÕm not your average musician. I am good at what I do, but I am also interested in other things.Ó He looked at the man and then again his eyes focused in on the piano.


Lee followed PaulÕs stare to the piano, ÒYes, I admit I am pleasantly surprised. When I heard Beatles, IÕm sorry to say, I figured you to be like all the rest of LindaÕs acquaintances in the music business,Ó Lee ran his hand over the smooth, silky cover of the keyboard. He gently opened it up, exposing shiny white and black keys that seemed to run for miles. Ò I keep it in good condition. It belonged to my late wife. She loved to play, unfortunately neither of my children showed any interest. You want to play it?Ó


ÒI would, yes, I promise no rock n roll, Ò they both laughed at that.


Lee listened as Paul played some show tunes and a few classical pieces. Hearing the music Jody and John ventured into the room. They sat down and listened to the impromptu show. It wasnÕt Beatle music, but it was a Beatle playing, and they sat memorized by the sweet sound. Lee sat and listened impressed by diversity of PaulÕs musical knowledge.


 The music stopped when Heather ran into the room, followed by Linda.  She ran right into LeeÕs arms.


ÒAww There she is, my princess.Ó He hugged her.


ÒPoppy!Ó Heather was defiantly the apple of Lee EastmanÕs eye and Paul could understand LeeÕs reservations. Here he was a strange Englishman, about to take LeeÕs two girls halfway around the world. He smiled as he watched the interaction and felt a slight pang of homesickness for Liverpool and his family.


The night went on for a few more hours. The conversation now flowed and even laughter could be heard as they reminisced, recalling younger days. Paul spoke of how he and his brother drove their father crazy, while the two Eastman children told tales of the same. Lee laughed at remembering these tales. There were some somber moments too. Paul told of his motherÕs death, and Linda and John told of their motherÕs passing. Lee spoke briefly of how he had apathy for PaulÕs father, raising two young boys on his own and what a good job he had done. He then told them how he missed his own wife, the way she was with the children, and how he wished she could have seen Heather.


 When it was time to leave, Lee pulled Paul aside. ÒI just wanted to tell you that you were nothing like I excepted and I fully give my blessings. Please let me know when youÕre in town again and when Linda finally gives in. It is plain to me that she is very much in love with you and you with her. I have never seen her so taken by anyone and I know you will take care of both my girls.Ó Lee patted Paul on the back.


ÒThank you sir and I will take very good care of them. I will make sure they ring you regularly. You have my word on everything weÕve talked about. ItÕs been a pleasure meeting you.Ó Paul extended his hand to the older gentlemen.


ÒAnd a pleasure meeting such a fine man as yourself Paul. I hope to see more of you in the future.Ó The two men shook hands and then good-byes were said to John and Jody as they left the apartment.



Linda never thought it would have gone so well. She had never seen her father take to one of her boyfriends, or even Melvin, the way he did with Paul. Paul had won Lee over with the fact he wasnÕt afraid to be himself around Lee. She watched Paul; He was polite, witty, charming and honest. Not once had he backed down to her father. He had shown Lee that he was smart and not brainless, as he thought a lot of musicians were. Linda was proud of him as John, Jody and her listened to the whole conversation from the closed door. The whole night made her love Paul even more. They were both weary and worn out by the time they got to her apartment and after putting Heather to bed, went to bed themselves. To tired and emotionally worn out to make love, she lay in his arms as he slept. She thought to herself as she fell asleep just how lucky she was to have found Paul McCartney.