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Chapter 67

By Sue


Once again I make my statement. I do not own the Beatles. This is a pure fictional fantasy from my brainÉ..I have to say this every so often and I donÕt think I have put it in latelyÉÉ.




Paul moved his hand around the bed to feel nothing but emptiness. He rolled over and slowly opened his eyes. He was alone. He rolled around so he could look at the small apartment. There was no sign of Linda or Heather, how hadnÕt he heard them? . Where could they be, he wondered?  He sat up rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and then automatically reached for his morning cigarette. He lay back against the couch bed, watching the curls of smoke rise and then disappear, as they were sucked into the fan. The time it took to smoke afforded him time for the cobwebs of sleep to start leaving his brain. After his cigarette, he got up, closed the bed and went to relieve himself. He walked into the kitchen in just his shorts and started the kettle for some tea. He slumped down in the metal kitchen chair; his eyes fell on a note that Linda had written.




You were sleeping so soundly I didnÕt have the heart to wake you. I took Heather to her last day of school. I have some errands to run and then I will be back. Remember, get ready I have somewhere to take you and itÕs a surprise. Oh, by the way, here are the photos I took in L.A. and, here in New York. The ones of Bobby are in there too. I have an envelope already addressed and stamped to him, and itÕs large enough for the pictures you want to send himÉ..see you soonÉ

love you, Lin



A smile slowly spread across his face as he flipped through the pictures, enjoying each one as he remembered where each was taken.  He came across the many she had taken of him and Bobby. He didnÕt realize she had taken so many. They were good, shot at different angles. He always thought she had quite an eye for taking photos, but these were really good. You could see the different looks they had. Facial expressions, eyes and even how dirty BobbyÕs clothes were. He really knew she could do something with her talent, and these pictures proved that. He picked out the ones he wanted to send, autographed them and then scribbled a note to Bobby. He tucked them in the envelope, licked and sealed it. He couldnÕt help to think how sweet that was that she had it already addressed and stamped for him. It was the little things like that that made him see what a great wife sheÕd be. Watching her with Heather, he already knew what a wonderful mother she was and would be for his own children and the thought made his mind wander.


I wonder if we shall have a boy of a girl first? He thought about how it would be and then shook the thoughts from his head. Women did this; thought about how marriage would be. Funny, how out of the blue he was playing that role. He then remembered he had to get ready. Linda had somewhere she wanted to take him before they left tomorrow. He was a bit sad to leave. He was having fun just being a person in this big city. He sighed as he thought of how he had signed some autographs, took a few pictures, but all and all he traveled amongst the good people of New York. He stopped in front of the mirror as he brushed his teeth. Oh God, he thought, my beard is gone and now I do look like a Beatle. He hoped heÕd be able to enjoy whatever she had planned today, without to many interruptions.



He showered and got ready as quickly as he could. He came out to find her going through the pictures and drinking some tea at the small table in the kitchen. He walked over to her and gave her a soft kiss that led to a deeper one. God, she set his soul on fire.


She smiled at him after his lips left hers. Paul looked great as usual. With his beard shaven and his hair grown in a little longer in a makeshift Beatle cut; he took her breath away. She hoped, now that he looked like Beatle Paul the fans would leave them alone today.


While he was in the shower she had been thinking about how she couldnÕt wait to get to England and settle in to life with him. There was a pang in her heart for the life she would leave behind in New York, and the days spent in this little apartment. Only being with him overpowered that feeling, and she knew that her place was with him. She knew she could make him happy and that he needed someone like her to keep him on the ground. She also knew she needed someone like him, that brought these domestic instincts out in her. They complement each other well. She was hopelessly in love with him and knew that someday soon her fears would be gone and she would marry this brilliant musician. To her he was Paul, not Beatle Paul, although there were times when him being a Beatle was evident, and sheÕd have to pitch herself to make sure she wasnÕt dreaming. He had startled her back from her thoughts, when she felt the heat of his lips on hers.



ÒYou think maybe we should stay here and have a bit of fun?Ó He gave an evil grin as he came down on her lips again for a lingered kiss that neither wanted to end. He ran his hands over her shirt; as usual there was no bra on. He found his fingers inside, playing and teasing her nipples. She kissed him harder as the heat rose inside of her and she knew that their trip would be put off for an hour or so.


He felt her nipples rise at the touch of his fingertips. He also felt his own excitement grow, as he continued to ignite the burning embers inside the both of them. He pulled her up from the chair and pulled her into his body. He loved the way she fit. He pushed her against the wall of the small kitchen. He pushed his lower body into hers as they kissed for awhile.


She was wearing a lightweight skirt, and he pulled it up in order to get to the moist panties that she wore. He took her shirt off and pulled his zipper down as he fumbled to get his hardness out. He then held her arms above her head, as he kissed her fixing his lips in the crook of her neck. She squirmed against his hardness, desperately trying to capture the feeling she needed so badly. He pulled his body away, teasing her and he came back down on her nipples. He held her tight, not releasing the strong hold he had on her, making the agony stronger in them.


ÒPaul please,Ó Linda begged.


This brought a sexy grin to his face. Paul was in full control and it turned him on even more.


ÒWhat do you want pet?Ó Paul knowingly asked her.


He again kissed her deeply and pulled away suddenly, still holding her tightly in his grip.


Ò I need you. Please. I canÕt stand it. DonÕt tease me,Ó She breathed heavily.


Her response brought out his animal lust. It reminded Paul of the girls he would bring into the back jigger between sets in Hamburg. The excitement was overwhelming, and he wanted to feel in control, feel the power that he had over her.


His mouth breezed by her ear as he taunted her.

Ò ItÕs so good isnÕt it? So good to feel the want and need to have the release.Ó


Linda moaned at his hot breath in her ear, of the truth he whispered about her burning desire, and it was driving her crazy.


He pushed himself hard against her chest, so that she couldnÕt move. He released her hands and made a scorching trail down to her panties. Her skirt was already up around her waist and his fingers gently rubbed her wet cotton crotch. He felt her hands run through his hair and down his back. She couldnÕt move them anywhere else with the way he had her situated.


ÒHowÕs that baby? Do you feel it? Does it make you want me more?Ó Paul prodded at her submissiveness, making his dominense more pulsating, and feeding into his animal lust.


ÒYes, Oh God, yesÉÉ please touch me, Ò She pleaded with him. Her body wiggled; trying to push against his fingers that petted the crotch of her panties.


He could feel his crotch burn with the heat of wanting her. He took in ragged breaths as he felt himself throb harder at the game they played


He inhaled deeply. His head spun with the passion that had taken him over.

Ò A bit of finger pie perhaps?Ó His fingers pushed aside the damp panties. He heard a gasp when he slid his fingers in and started to slide them in and out. His mouth was on hers again, robbing the oxygen they needed, but it didnÕt matter, they were lost in the intensity of the moment.


His mouth broke the kiss. His cheek pressed against her, and again he panted into her ear.

ÒGizit, I ave a right stonker. LetÕs ave a bang luv.Ó His scouse was thick, and she couldnÕt understand half of what he had said. Her body told her what he meant. She let him pull her up, and then she instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist.


He pushed himself into her. The sweet relief of finally being one swelled throughout both of them. Her lips joined his, as she slid herself up and down with him. Crazed with the lust that was inside them, he pushed her harder into the wall. A banging noise was heard with every thrust as he pounded into her, making them roughly hit against the wall. They never thought once if the neighbors heard them as they continued to copulate.


He felt her lick his ear and around his neck as he let his inner beast come out. He forced each stroke franticly into her. He felt the rotation of her hips, and the force in which she came back at him with. Sweat ran down both of their bodies and from their hair, but neither noticed.


Their moans and cries reached a crescendo as the intensity of their love making peaked. Their bodies gave way to the spasms of finally reaching their release. Linda laid her drenched head against PaulÕs wet body. Paul fell against the wall pushing into her, not able to hold the both of them up alone without its help.



Slowly, he let her go, sliding her down his body, and giving her a soft loving kiss, which was opposite to how there lovemaking had just been.


ÔNow I need another shower.Ó He laughed, still a little out of breath.


ÒMMM me too. We could take a fast one before we leave, but we have to leave soon.Ó She wrapped her arms around his neck.


ÒThat was something baby. He hugged her to him.


ÒWhat did you say, just before we started? I hardly understood it.Ó LindaÕs eyes looked into PaulÕs


He laughed at the thought of his scouse and how easy it came out at times. ÒSorry luv, I was taken by the moment and sometimes I donÕt realize what a scouser I can be. Ò Now, after the immediate need was filled, he was a bit embarrassed by it.


ÒYou still didnÕt tell me what you said.Ó She asked as she followed him into the bathroom and turned on the shower.


Ò I said, and I hope this doesnÕt offend you, but what I said was dirty scouse talk. Ah, I guess in the heat of the moment it would be considered that.Ó He stepped into the shower and let her wet herself down while he finished.


Ò I said, Give it to me, I have an erection or hard on or boner,Ó He waved his hands and shook his head, Ò letÕs have sex, Nothin horrible, I just got carried away. People from Liverpool talk like that all the time, sometimes worse. You think I have strange slang, you just go to the pool and see.Ó He poured shampoo on his head and started washing as she rinsed hers off.


ÒOh is that what you said. If I understood it, it would have turned me on more, but I was pretty turned on as it was,Ó She blushed and he thought is looked adorable on her, ÒThe Pool? As in Liverpool?Ó She inquired as she got out of the shower.


ÒRight, we have a language of our own we do.Ó He chuckle and then grabbed a towel to dry off.


ÒIf I ever meet your family I think IÕm going to need a dictionary on scouse.Ó She laughed as she walked out of the small bathroom, dressed and combed her hair, putting it in a ponytail. She then sat down and lit a joint. They shared it as they often had over the time they spent together. He exhaled and continued what he was saying.


ÒYou will meet me family, ÉÉÉ. I mean my family, and IÕll translate for you. DonÕt you worry any on that one. TheyÕll love you the same way I do.Ó He kissed her on top of her wet head.


ÒSo I am going to meet your family?Ó She looked surprised at him and handed him the dwindling joint..


He turned to her inhaled the smoke and gave it back to her. He then pulled his shirt over his head answered her.

ÒOf course, I met yours didnÕt I? Ah, but three EastmanÕs donÕt make for a clan of McCartneyÕs and a bunch of scousersÉ.Honest though they donÕt all speak that badly. My da doesnÕtÕ, mum would have had his head if he did. Ò He laughed at the memory, ÒSheÕd get her knickers in a twist whenever he slipped, and sheÕd go sparce on him, she would. HeÕd watch his mouth; right good and proper after her lashing. Ò His smile was still there after he finished his sentence. Paul finished the joint and threw it out, his head buzzed, and his body satisfied, he was ready to go.


ÒLetÕs talk about this on the way, before weÕre to late.Ó Linda grabbed her purse, keys and grabbed his hand pulling him out the door and locking it. She pulled him quickly down the ten flights that he was getting used to. She was ahead of him.


ÒWhere you taking me?Ó His voice echoed down the staircase.


ÒYouÕll see, and I think it will remind you of your Liverpool. Come letÕs go we have to catch a subway.Ó She hurried him.


ÒWhy not take a taxi?Ó  He questioned her.


ÒYou rich people are so spoiled and besides a cab will cost too much.Ó She nodded at her neighbor as they passed by and out the door to the sidewalk. The neighbor looked in shock as she realized that the man that had been staying with her neighbor was the one and only Paul McCartney of the Beatles.


ÒIÕll pay for it.Ó He begged, Ò Besides I love watching you flag a taxi down. And you never told me your family was rich. So I guess youÕre not so bad off after all.Ó He laughed, as he ended his sentence with a mock tone.


Ò Ok weÕll do it your way, and I did want to do it on my own. That is my familyÕs money, not mine. ÓShe corrected him.


ÔThatÕs by your choice. You are rich though, or will be.Ó He added to prove his point.


ÒYes, someday maybe, but for right now I wanted to find my own way. I grew up with money, but with money there are always trappings. I wanted to do it on my own and then maybe IÕd appreciate it more. You were born poor and became rich, by your own means, so you appreciate it more. Do you see what I mean?Ó She concluded, and then began waving a taxi down.


ÒYeah, I do now. YouÕre right. ItÕs more appreciated when you work for it. You know how you got there, and when itÕs handed to you I suppose a person would take it for granted.Ó He had always thought that way and was glad she felt the same. He watched the taxi stop and then remembered BobbyÕs envelope in his hand.


ÒHold on a sec I want to post this.Ó He ran down the street and stuck it in the post and then ran back to the taxi. He got in and they left for wherever she was taking him.




They reached the dock and got out of the taxi. Paul looked at Linda as she pulled him to the ticket counter. She bought the tickets with her own money, slapping his hand back when he wanted to pay.


ÒThis is my treat now donÕt you go spoil it. Ò She scolded him.


ÒYes, mam.Ó He answered her scolding and dropped back to the window and stared at the water.


The woman at the counter reminded Linda that the ferry was about to leave. She again grabbed PaulÕs hand and they made a run for the ferry. They jumped on as the ropes were being untied and the ferry was ready to leave. She gave their tickets to the crewmember that collected them and then they made their way through some people. Paul was aware of the stares from some who thought they recognized him, but he was to in awe to care as Linda followed him. He came to rest on the railing in the back of the ferry. He looked at everything like an excited child. He stared at the New York skyline and then put his arms across the railing. He laid his chin on his arms letting the spray of the water hit his face. This was truly heaven, he thought.


Linda watched him with a smile. She knew he would love this. She came up to him and laid her head on his shoulder to see what he was looking at.


ÒWhat are you looking at? The spray is getting you all wet.Ó She turned her face to see the side of his as she asked.


He took a deep breath of the salt air and then turned to her and gave her a kiss, Ò Thanks baby. This is a wonderful surprise. I love it,Ó He kissed her again and then turned back to the spray of the water and the outline of the city.


ÒIÕm looking at the city. Also, I was just remembering when I was a kid. WeÕd jump on the ferry that ran across the Mersey River. WeÕd sag off from school and pull our shillings together to get on. When we were older, weÕd smuggle drink aboard at night and watch the lights, and the city as we drank. This does remind me so much of that. Brings me back to when I was young. The spray on my face, thatÕs what I did sometimes, especially when it was hot like this. It just feels so surreal to me.Ó He spoke without looking at her, mesmerized by the water and the memories that played in his head.



ÒIÕm glad you like it. I thought that you would. The river Mersey, is that like the song? Ferry cross the Mersey?Ó She asked.


ÒYeah, ItÕs one and the same. Experiences we had growin up. Gerry and the Pacemaker had the hit with that one. Gerry and the group, they were one of many that were our mates. We were all very close back then. Matter of fact, Brian took them all on after we made it big and he had the best Liverpool stable. None of his groups failed.Ó He got up and saw in the distance the Statue of Liberty, Ò Is that the famous statue then? We never got to see any of this when we came here so many times on tour. We couldnÕt go around anywhere, see anything. We were lucky when we were able to go to the Peppermint Lounge and such. We wanted so bad to see all the things that we had heard about over here in America. The problem was the fans wouldnÕt let us. It was like A Hard Days Night.Ó


Linda looked to the Statue and realized that she had been there so many times, and this would be PaulÕs first time, ÒYes, thatÕs our Statue of Liberty, and we are going to see it.Ó She told him with an excited smile.


ÒAre we now? Great that. I can hardly wait!Ó It was then that Paul realized a small group had gathered by them. Bloody Hell, he thought, ÒThey canÕt leave me be for one day to enjoy this? I might as well get this over with.Ó He whispered to Linda.


She watched him walk over to the small crowd. To her surprise she saw the smile he wore for the fans cross his face. She knew he was annoyed, but he had told her that if it werenÕt for the fans he wouldnÕt be where he was. He didnÕt like it all the time, but he told her in confidence that heÕd be lost without them. She took her, camera and shot pictures of him and the fans. Earlier, before she had come up to him she had shot a few of him in awe of the ferry ride, and the skyline.


After about 15 minutes when he thought his hand would drop off from signing autographs and his smile would melt from all the pictures the fans took with him. He then told them he was on holiday and to please let him enjoy the rest of it with his girl. The papers had speculated that Linda was his new girlfriend, and it showed as he said this to his fans.


They all stole glances at Linda, who felt a bit uncomfortable with it. She had been here before with other rock stars she had dated, but never like this. She knew a Beatle would have more of a following and if she wanted to stay with this Beatle she better get used to it. She heard Paul beg off on pictures of them together and reminded them of how he stood and took pictures with them. He told them he wanted to keep things under wraps for just a bit longer so he could enjoy his stay. They seemed to respect that or at least realize that they had an autograph and a picture with one of the most famous men in the world. They soon disappeared.


Paul walked over to Linda and slid his hand in hers, Ò Sorry bout that luv,Ó


She kissed him, Ò No problem. I thought it was far out the way they left when you told them and how you handled it.Ó


ÒYears of practice luv. If youÕre going to be with me your gonna have ta learn.Ó He smiled and squeezed her hand as the ferry docked at Ellis Island, for their tour of the Statue of Liberty.



The day went wonderfully and with pink faces and happy smiles they picked up Heather and began to pack up for their trip to England.


Chapter 68



They rolled up to number 7 Cavendish Ave. set for their new lives. The gatebirds looked to see who was with Paul when he came home. They had hoped the rumors of the American girl werenÕt true. The gates closed before they could see who was with him. One of the girls decided to climb onto another girlÕs shoulders to see over the fence. The heavy brunette bent down, while the skinner dark haired one climbed onto her shoulders. The heavier girl stood up and the other could just about see over the fence. She saw Paul get out with a small blonde girl in his arms and then the American blonde got out with them.


ÒWell?Ó Margaret asked anxiously, feeling like sheÕd fall over from the other girlÕs weight.


ÒHeÕs with the blonde American. Y Ôknow the Yank with the small little girl.Ó The skinny girl Kathy answered.


ÒWhat are they doing.Ó Asked anther one of the girls.


ÒHeÕs got the little one in his armsÉ.ahh what a great dad heÕll make.Ó Kathy bubbled.


ÒOh shut yer gob. HeÕd be a bleedin dad to a yank whose mum wants to marry him. Ò Margaret reminded them all.


ÒNow, what are they doing?Ó The other girl asked.


ÒHeÕs coming out with the blonde Yank and he has his arm around her. TheyÕre kissing.Ó Kathy stated in shock.


ÒYuk.Ó Spat Margaret and the other girls, Ò This one is nothing like Janie. I wish he was still with her, or even Cyn. He should stay with an English girl!Ó


ÒNow, their getting the luggage from theÉ..,Ó With that Kathy started to titter on MargaretÕs shoulders.


ÒI canÕt hold you any longer Jump off then.Ó Margaret warned her as she tried to let Kathy down. It just didnÕt work that way, the laws of physics sent them both to the curb with nasty yelps.


 Paul heard the commotion and ran over to the gate. He opened it up and saw the two girls, on the ground and scratched up.

ÒGirls, what happened?Ó He asked in concern as he walked out with his arm still around Linda.


ÒThey fell is all. Ò One girl answered Paul, her evil eye on the yank in his arm.


ÒHowÕd that happen? Really you must be careful. Margaret, Kathy you alright?Ó Paul pulled away from Linda and knelt down to inspect the damage. He saw scraped knees, elbows and some embarrassed looks. He surmised what had happened. He didnÕt let on as he helped them up.

ÒWell, no harm done just a few minor scrapes. Now, again what on earth happened here?Ó He stood waiting for an answer.


They knew they had been caught. After hanging around for so long, some of the girls knew Paul well enough to know he knew. There was no use hiding it.


ÒSorry .Ó all the girls mumbled.


ÒSorry for lookin over me fence?Ó PaulÕs voice raised a pitch, Ò IÕll save you the bother. This here is Linder and her daughter Heather is inside. Now, they will be living with me and I donÕt want any of you to harass them as you have some of the others that stayed with me. Face it girls, I am going to marry one day and I am hoping itÕs Linder here. Now youÕll have to get used to her, if you want to stay hangin about. Understand?Ó Paul stated firmly and with much frustration to the girls who had been so faithful to him over the years. He loved them and would hate if they werenÕt around, but he loved Linda and Heather and wanted to raise a family. Surely, they could understand that.


ÒSheÕs a yank Paul. Not a true English girl that you deserve, like Jane or Cyn was.Ó Margaret told him with tears in her eyes.


ÒSheÕs an American and she is the greatest if youÕll just try to get to know her. I hope for yer sakes you do.Ó Paul was holding back the rage that was beginning to boil in him.


Linda walked over to them, ÒIÕm not taking him away from you, really IÕm not. IÕd just like it if we could all get along. You know, have some peace.Ó She gave the unwelcoming girls a small smile. She was scared inside, but tried not to show it. If they didnÕt get used to her, what would happen? She wanted them to like her, but they had made it clear she was a yank, an American, and they didnÕt want their Paul with her. She would try to win them over, she thought, because there was no way she was giving up Paul. Like Paul had said theyÕd have to get used to her.


ÒWell, hopefully in time we can be friends.Ó She never lost her smile as she turned towards the house and back to Heather, who was now yelling for them from the doorway.


ÒI mean it girls, no problems.Ó Paul stated sternly, before he too went towards the house and closed the gate.


The girls all looked at each other, ÒBoy she has him snowed. DidnÕt he learn from Sandy?Ó Margaret asked.


ÒYou think sheÕs like Sandy?Ó Kathy gasped.


ÒOf course she is. DidnÕt you see through that act of hers?Ó Margaret huffed as they all followed her down the street.




Over the next few weeks Linda, Heather and Paul settled into life in England. Linda and Paul redecorated the house a little. They got a new bedroom set and got one for Heather too. Linda enrolled Heather into school.


 Heather didnÕt like it and she was homesick. She didnÕt like this Britain place. She wanted to go back to New York and begged Linda each day. She loved being with Paul and the animals, but the girls in school didnÕt want to be her friend. They told her she spoke funny and was strange. SheÕd come home dejected, lonely and wondering if it would ever get better as she cried on her bed.


Paul and Linda hoped things would get better with her and school. Linda too was still having problems with the gate birds. She tried her hardest, but they just wanted Jane or Cyn. Sometimes, Paul would explode, as he would come home to signs on his wall.

ÒGO HOME YANK!!!!Ó they would read, and there were others. He hated this and wanted to make things better for all of them. He tried over and over again to talk to the girls that had always stood in front of his house. A few times he made them leave after seeing the signs on the wall. He would tell them they couldnÕt come back until they at least treated Linda with some respect. He made them wash off the walls and told them to leave. He felt, angry, hurt and saddened by the fans reactions. The papers were just as bad; articles spoke of who this woman thought she was. Nothing good was said and Paul felt horrible. He figured that eventually theyÕd get used to her. John had told him they would; after all they treated Yoko like that for a long time. Now, theyÕd lain off and were going after Paul and Linda.


Getting used to living in England seemed a bit frustrating at first, but Linda had been here before. It was Heather she was concerned about. The gatebirds and the press bothered her, but she was tough and could take it. Her heart broke for her child and Paul felt badly, often spoiling Heather to try and make it up to her.


One day Paul was home. He didnÕt have to be at the studio for a while yet. The door opened and Linda walked in with a weeping child. Paul went right to her. He picked Heather up and kissed her forehead.


ÒWhatÕs wrong puppet?Ó He took his free hand and pushed the hair out of her face, and then sat down with her.


ÒThey say I talk funny and that IÕm a yank. All the kids make fun of me and tell me I donÕt belong here and to go home.Ó Heather sobbed into PaulÕs shoulder.


LindaÕs heart broke and when she looked at Paul, she could tell his was too.


ÒDo they now, Well, puppet you are an American and they will get used to you soon enough. They just probably never met an American before, especially one as pretty as yourself.Ó He hugged her tightly to him and Linda could have sworn she saw tears well up in his eyes.


ÒI want to go home!!!!Ó The little girl wailed.


Paul cradled her in his arms. He sang softly to her, a song he made up as he went along. He sang of a story with Monsters and fairies and how everyone eventually all grew to love each other.


Linda sat there in amazement as she heard the song that just came to his head. She didnÕt know it at the time, but he would come to sing it to all their children over the years. Heather calmed down as she listened to the story he wove, just for her. Of course she didnÕt know it at the time either, but someday she would, and sheÕd think back on it fondly.


After she calmed down, Paul took his finger and raised her chin up to look at him.


ÒY Ôknow that I love you and I would be so lonely here without you. These children will come around. Chin up luv, keep a brave face, and donÕt let them know they get to you.Ó He spoke softly to her.


Heather looked at him a little confused, ÒWhat do you mean? Chin up and keep a brave face?Ó She stared at him sniffling and waiting for an answer.


ÒWell, thatÕs an expression, it means to be tough and I would say hang in there, be brave. Like the monster in the song was. Ò He smiled at Heather and gave her another kiss. Her arms wrapped around him in a huge hug. He smiled up at Linda, as his heart swelled more for this sweet little girl that he loved so much.


He looked to Linda as he asked his next question, ÒYou and mum want to go to the studio with me?Ó


He had brought them before and to the otherÕs homes. She loved to play with Zak and Jason. She had fallen in love with her new uncles. She loved to sit on GeorgeÕs lap as he let her play his guitar. John would play around with her and she adored uncle Ritchie, who often played cards with her. HeÕd let her win most of the time, learning how to play an American card game. He also taught her an English one that the kids often played. They all spoiled her, trying to get her to adapt to living in a different world. She just loved going to the studio and her face went from tears to beaming.


ÒCan we mom? I donÕt have homework because itÕs Friday. Oh please mommy.Ó She begged and Linda couldnÕt refuse her young daughter. Linda got her camera, filled a bag of food and toys and they were off for the studio.





The three walked into the familiar studio and saw the other three, Yoko, George Martin, Mal and their producer waiting on them. They really werenÕt that late. Paul just couldnÕt leave until Heather had calmed down. She jumped out of PaulÕs arms and ran to her three new uncles. Ritch picked her up and pressed his finger on her nose, making her laugh.


ÒThereÕs our pretty little one.Ó He smiled as she hugged him.


George walked over to them. He was fond of the little blonde girl too. Since he couldnÕt have children himself, he always doted on the otherÕs children. Since they all had boys, he loved to spoil Heather.


ÒGonna give yer Uncle George some of that then?Ó He smiled as Ritch passed her to George. Heather then squeezed George with a big hug and she got a big bear hug from him back.


John walked over to Paul and Linda, ÓBringin the girl here. Is there a problem or did she just want to see her famous UncleÕs?Ó He laughed and put his arm around Yoko as she came up to them.


ÒAre those children still giving her a hard time?Ó Yoko asked.


It always struck Paul how intuitive Yoko was. He smiled at the two.

ÒYeah, came home from school cryin and she wanted to see her famous UncleÕs.Ó He laughed along with John, Linda and Yoko.


ÒGood I was showing her origami last time she was here. We can work on it some more while you work.Ó She smiled up at Linda and saw an appreciative look.


Yoko and John walked up to Heather, ÒWhoÕs me favorite little blonde girl now?Ó Heather was immediately passed to John. He tickled her and they made funny faces at each other.

ÒCÕmon then you can do better then that luv.Ó John made another face, as Heather laughed and made one back.

ÒThatÕs a bit of all right now isnÕt it. YouÕre learnin.Ó John put her down as the four went into the studio to start work.


Linda watched Yoko teach Heather origami. Linda was amazed at how quickly she picked it up. Linda tried and couldnÕt quite do it. She had taken a few pictures before of the show of affection the lads had for her daughter and now she took quiet shots of Yoko teaching Heather the origami. She turned off her flash and took some of the guys as they worked. She remembered Paul telling her this was the last album they would do as the Beatles and that they were almost done with it. It didnÕt take as long as the others did. They were doing it the old way. The album was to be called Abbey Road, he told her, and they had worked hard on it. Each of them seemed to enjoy making this album. It had been a while since they had felt that way. Still, this was the last one and they wanted to go out on a good note. Later the other album, that now was christened Let It Be, would come out. TheyÕd announce the break up sometime after that release. She felt saddened at the thought of it almost being over, and she knew, even if Paul didnÕt show it, that he was too.



Linda had been feeling sick the last few weeks and that morning after taking Heather to school, she told Paul she had errands to do. She went to the doctorÕs office early and checked in. She had gone earlier in the week for a pregnancy test and now she sat in the waiting room with the other women to find out the results.


She sat in a room with white walls and pictures of babies in frames. She watched the heavy set nurse writing some things down and answer the phone. She sat down on the hard chairs, and started flipping through a magazine. After waiting a while the nurse called her in to the doctorÕs office. She sat in a chair in front of his big desk. The desk was littered with files and papers across it, and Linda noticed again all his certificates that painted his walls. The door opened and a man in his late forties walked in wearing his white coat and stethoscope around his neck. He shook hands with her and sat down. He shuffled through the files until he found hers and then looked at the test.


LindaÕs stomach fluttered with nerves as she waited for the results. She knew Paul would be thrilled if she was, but she hadnÕt said anything to him yet. She wanted to be sure first.  She also knew heÕd want to get married. She finally felt confident about it and if she was pregnant then they would marry.


The doctor cleared his throat, ÒMiss Eastman, your pregnancy test results are positive.Ó


Her head echoed his words over and over again as tears came to her eyes. The doctor mistook the tears for unhappiness instead of joy.


ÒIÕm sorry Miss. Eastman I didnÕt mean to upset you. There are other options then having this baby.Ó His brow furrowed as he sat there with his hands clasped together.


Linda shook her head no as she took a tissue from his desk and wiped her eyes. ÒNo, itÕs not that. I am happy; I want this baby very much. Ò She watched the doctor relax as he waited for her to compose herself.


ÒI am writing a prescription for you for vitamins. You are two months gone. Do you still see the father? Ò The doctor asked softy as he scribbled on his prescription pad.


ÒOh yes, heÕll be so overjoyed by this news of the baby. We will of course marry right away. I have a little girl from another marriage and sheÕll be pleased too. Ò Linda got up and took the paper from the doctor. He stood up and shook her hand again.


ÒGood Luck to you and congratulations to you and the babies father. Now, you will need to schedule an appointment with the nurse at the front desk for a month. Take care of yourself. Remember itÕs not just you anymore. What you do goes straight to the baby.Ó He smiled as he walked out the door with her to his next patient and her to make her appointment.




Later that night after Heather was asleep, Paul sat on the couch. He had his stash on the coffee table and had just finished rolling a joint when Linda came in.


ÒYouÕre just in time luv. Come join me.Ó He held up the joint.


Linda came to the couch and sat down next to him, her mind deep in thought.

Ò I canÕt get high anymore. It wouldnÕt be cool right now.Ó She told him, still deep in thought.


PaulÕs face turned puzzled. He wondered what was up with her. She didnÕt want to get high? She always wanted to get high with him. Would she want him to stop too? He didnÕt understand. She sat there with a thoughtful look and then smiled at him. Now, he was really confused.


ÒWhatÕs this about then?Ó He put the joint down and turned to her waiting for her answer.


She flashed him a smile that would have lit a dark room, Ò I donÕt think that smoking a joint would be good in my condition.Ó She watched him closely to see if he caught on yet.


ÒYour condition?Ó Paul asked bemused. His heart quickened, she couldnÕt be sick or she wouldnÕt be smiling, he thought.


Linda couldnÕt take it anymore, and so she just jumped in, ÒIÕm pregnant and youÕre going to be a dad. So you see I have to take care of the baby inside me. Everything I do affects itÓ The smile never left her face as she told him. She watched as what she told him registered. A big smile crept slowly onto his face.


ÒPregnant? You, us, weÕre gonna have a little one?Ó He questioned, making sure he heard right.


Linda shook her head yes. Paul jumped up off the couch and pulled her up in a big hug. He swung her around the livingroom, Ò A baby!!!! IÕm going to be a dad then. My God, I never thoughtÉÉÉ I mean we have to get married straight away. The album will be finished in about a week. Cor wait until I tell the lads. Oh, me da and the family, theyÕll be chuffed.Ó He spoke fast and excited. He drew her to him in a long and passionate kiss.


ÒThank you, oh I love you so muchÉÉ.. Marry me Linder please say you will. I want this child to have both parents the way itÕs supposed to be and I love you and Heather so much. I want us to be a family, legal binding and all that. Ò Paul held her in front of him, his hands on her shoulders. He watched as she again shook her head yes.


ÔYes!!!! I will marry you and we will have a good life together. You, me Heather, this baby and whatever others come along.Ó Her arms wrapped around his neck and they kiss again.


Paul looked into her eyes, Ò We have to go to the registrars office to get married. IÕll have it arranged. Ò He suddenly turned quiet. He thought about something that had never crossed his mind. She was Jewish and he Catholic, It was important in the McCartney family to be married in a church or have a priest bless the marriage.


ÒWhat is it Paul?Ó Linda saw the worried look on his face.


ÒMy familyÕs Catholic. TheyÕd want to not just meet you, but have us redo our vows in church, or be blessed by a priest.Ó He stared at her.


ÒThatÕs not a problem. I never followed my religion and neither did my dad after my mom died. WeÕll do the registrars office first and then go to Liverpool, meet your family and have our marriage blessed by a priest. Is that ok? You alright now?Ó Linda laughed at how serious he looked.


Ò You mean that? I mean our kids will be Catholic, wonÕt they? I never thought about it before.Ó He looked at her for an answer.


ÒIn the Jewish faith the child is the faith of the mother. Married I can put down Catholic after your faith, thatÕs not a problem. I agree to have all our children Catholic. Heather Ôs birth certificate says Jewish but we can change that when you adopt her. SheÕs never practice it anyway and we usually did a Christmas thing, cause I love the lights and all and for her to fit in more with the kids. SheÕs always been so shy.Ó Linda explained.


The smile came back on PaulÕs relieved face. Then it brightened up at remembering the news, ÒStraight away we marry now. How far are you gone?Ó


ÒGone? You mean how pregnant am I?Ó She laughed at him.


ÒYes of course, donÕt look at me as if IÕm daft. How far?Ó He asked again.


ÒTwo months, so you have seven more months to go through and believe me as time goes on and the hormones kick in, I will drive you crazy.Ó Linda informed him as she laid her head on his shoulder.


ÒNever, youÕll never drive me mad with those hormones. Me mum was a mid-wife, delivered babies y Ôknow and I saw how these mumÕs were. DoesnÕt matter much. I will do anything to make you comfortable, and happy. I will sing to him or her as it grows inside you and I will pay special attention to Heather when the babyÕs born, by then hopefully the adoption will be done with. I want to start on that straight away too, after the marriage.Ó Paul let her know.


Linda lay in his arms, she felt him kiss and caress her. She felt his love for her and heard him whisper how happy he was. She knew heÕd be there for her and the baby, but when he told her he wanted to adopt Heather right away it just proved to her even more how much he loved them. It showed her how much she loved him. He had made all the moves over Heather and she wanted him to be HeatherÕs father. She wanted them to be one big family the way the McCartney clan was. She knew from what Paul said that she would love them all. From what he had said they would love her too. She would have a big loving family in the McCartneyÕs. She remembered what John had told her a few weeks back. He told her what a big family Paul had and how important family was to all of them. ÒThe MacÕs are all about family Linder. So if you intend on marrying our boy here you best be ready for that.Ó


Family was important to her as well and she knew that this marriage would be for life and that she would make the McCartney family even bigger then they were now. She wanted several more children. Paul had told her that his family encouraged more kids; and he even told her he wanted several too. She remembered how he laughed when he told her. To her that certainly wasnÕt a problem the more the merrier and she looked forward to her life with Paul and their children.