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By Sue


Remember I donÕt own the Beatles and this is all my fantasy in fiction. I have worked very hard on this story so please donÕt take it.






Linda and Paul would marry the following week after the album was done. TheyÕd go to Liverpool to meet his family and get their marriage blessed by the priest. Paul was going to be a daddy and he was over the moon. He right away told the lads, who congratulated him, they knew more then anything he wanted to have kids. That part of his life was going along just fine. He didnÕt know what he would do without the Beatles and that scared him a bit.


He sat in the studio fiddling with his guitar when he saw John pop his head in.


ÒWe ready to work then?Ó John asked.


ÒThe other two arenÕt here. Ò Paul let him know.


John walked in and saw the sadness on PaulÕs face. He walked around Paul, looking down at him. The bassist looked up, ÒWhat?Ó


ÒDunno, you look glum for someone whoÕs getting married and havin a kid now.Ó John told him. John knew what it was. He had tried to talk to Paul many times about it, but Paul would put it off. He thought having Linda and this child on the way would help. He knew it did, but he had hoped Paul would put down the music for just a while and enjoy his soon to be new life with his family. Then again he knew that PaulÕs mind worked to fast to put anything down. He always had to be busy doing something.



ÒMy life is great. I canÕt wait to get married and adopt Heather and have that little bugger. I just donÕt know where my music will fit in is all.Ó Paul went back to playing the same melody on his acoustic.


John listened to a catchy melody, but then Paul always did have catchy melodies, didnÕt he,Ó Nice tune that. WhatÕs it called?Ó John sat down by Paul.


ÒOh this?Ó He knitted his brow as he looked over to John.


ÒÓOf course that, you twit.Ó John told him impatiently, ÓWhat do you think IÕm goin on about?Ó


Paul laughed at his mate and played the tune softly again, ÒJunk, is all, just Junk.Ó


ÒA throw away? The melody is to you, to throw it out. I know you and youÕll put words to it and make it a song. There you go, write a solo album. Most of us will now, y Ôknow. We might have to help Ritch, but George already has one and I am going to work on one, and you should too.Ó John suggested.


Paul shrugged his shoulders, ÒDunno whoÕd IÕd get to play on it. ItÕs always been the four of us.Ó Paul bit his lip and went back to his guitar.


ÒLook Paul you play almost every bleedin instrument in this blast studio. You do harmonies better then anyone, so stop bein a pillick and get off your bum and do it.Ó John

Scolded him, ÒDoesnÕt mean weÕre never going to work together again. One never knows what the future brings. Oh there I go, sounding like ole Harri again. Ò John stood up and paced around Paul, still listening to the soft tune that stuck in his head.. It seemed a bit haunting to John, but it was Paul and PaulÕs melodies could haunt anyone.

ÒLook, you know why this is happening and weÕre all sick of fighting for the A spot on the single, that you usually get, may I add. So cÕmon and lets enjoy this last jam session together. Ò He punched Paul in the arm, and Paul punched him back.


ÒSee thatÕs what IÕll miss.Ó Paul told him.


ÒYeah me too, but we are big boys now and things change. We can still get together and play around. Who knows, maybe write songs for each otherÕs record. I know we will for RitchieÕs. So stop being so stroppy. LetÕs have a hell of a Jam. Salright?Ó John squeeze PaulÕs should and then added, Ò YouÕll never lose us son. WeÕre in your blood we are.Ó John smacked Paul on the back.


Just then George and Ringo came in, and said hi to the others. George came up to John, ÒY Ôknow this is a bit sad, this session. ItÕs really our last real session. I mean donÕt get me wrong IÕm not dead keen on staying a Beatle, but we sure had some times of it.Ó George looked far away as Ringo and Paul nodded along with him.


ÒYeah, weÕve been through a lot together and know ones been through what we have. Those tours and all, only we will know what it was like. Ò Ringo mused.


ÒLike I told Paulie here. WeÕll never lose each other, weÕre in each otherÕs blood now.Ó


John smiled fondly at his mates, mates that he had know forever it seemed. It was a sad moment, yet a growing one for four young boys from Liverpool who made it to the big time. They lost a few friends along the way and added some too. They continued on and grew up. Now, it was time for the boys to become the men that they now were.


George smiled at the four and picked up his guitar, ÒWe doing the guitar dubbing for Carry That Weight and the last part of the song too?Ó He looked at the three.


ÒYeah I have to put my drum solo in there too. So I guess we should start then,Ó Ringo suggested as he looked up at the window. It was a very familiar window to him in studio two. He saw George Martin, who so long ago took a gamble on four young Liverpuddlians and had won.



They decided to do RingoÕs drum solo first. Ringo banged away happily; he had always wanted a solo.


Paul watched him play. In the beginning when they toured Ringo was so limited, but yet he held the beat against hordes of screams and no monitor to hear themselves on. Ritch had stood by him. They shared a room together a lot of the times and over the years became good mates. He was thankful for RitchÕs gentle kindness and his sense of humor. He thought about all the times Ritch would kid around with Paul. Just like the time when he was with Cyn up at the farm and heÕd teased him about being out of breath and they went back and forth over MoÕs big gob. Ritch was right there with the Sandy thing and helped bring her down and free Paul from his hell. Ritchie and his ocean blue eyes and that everlasting smile, he hoped the love and friendship between them would last a lifetime.


GeorgeÕs solo was next. Paul watched him and remembered, the little guy with the big ears that Paul had met on GeorgeÕs fatherÕs bus on the way to the Inny. They had learnt to play guitar together. Running home to practice everyday after school. George, who at such a young age was so good on the guitar that Paul hounded John for weeks until he got George into the band. George, so wise that he saw right through Sandy and stood by him, when he thought he had lost his child. George had found out everything about her and broke the case wide open to free Paul. Paul thought about how bad off he had been during that break down and how George was patient with him. All Things Must Pass, he wrote that beautiful song for Paul during those dark days. Now, again the meaning of the song took on a new form. He felt bad that George didnÕt always get the credit he deserved, but he got all the credit for being one of his best mates. He hoped upon hope that theyÕd keep in touch and never any of them fade away from each other. 


It was JohnÕs turn to play his solo on the guitar. They all had three different style solos they were playing. He watched John go at it, the same way he had watched him at the fete the day they met, so many years ago. JohnÕs temper was quick and they had had many fights over the years. They also had times when they really connected, times when theyÕd bare their souls to each other. He had many good times with John and his wackiness. He often cleaned up after his mess, but he rarely minded, that was John .He thought too how John had risked his life with finding out about Sandy and got shot for it. How he stood by PaulÕs side through the break down Paul had, retrieving him many times from far out places, like RobertÕs with Rain and Joy. John could also send him for a tailspin as he did when he slept with Cyn, but he understood that now. How many nights did John take care of him, wash him, dress him and feed him, during that break down? How many times over the years did they get drunk together and cry cause there was no reason to hold it in? How many songs had they written or help each other write? Yes, John Winston Lennon was his soul mate in the male sense, they always balanced each other out. He loved John, his brother, mate and partner and like John said they were in each otherÕs blood. TheyÕd never be apart; no matter how far away one was from the other. They had started something, something that would live on in history forever They started the BEATLES!!!!.



The dubbing was over and it was time for Paul to sit behind the piano and sing the part he wrote for the last part of this song. The piano keys tinkled quickly as he sang.


ÒAnd in the end the love you take is equal to the loveÉ.you makeÓ


You could hear the choir of angels harmonize the finish, raising their voices to that very true last sentence, The Beatles started out singing about love and sang that love untilÉÉ..THE END.