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                                                                 CHAPTER ELEVEN


                   We Can Work It Out Part four I hope you all like it



            Paul was finally able to go back to the farm. After 2 1Ú2  weeks so much had been done.  He couldnÕt get over it. Mr. Edwards had done the floors, fixed the walls , put in some new windows and put up the shutters . Cynthia had also finished all the painting in the house and helped with the outside as well. Paul felt bad that he hadnÕt done as much as he wanted, to help out. Cynthia told him it was more important helping John and Yoko, besides he was paying Mr. Edwards anyway. She had kept busy the whole time , missing both her men, Paul and Julian. The only thing left were the little things , the furniture , rugs and drapes. She was determined to go out the next day pulling Paul along to find the perfect things that would finish the house. She picked up Julian hugging him as she walked into it.

            Paul looked around the place and marveled at the changes that he could never have imagined. The front porch had been fixed and painted the same blue as the house. The door and shutters were a darker blue adding to the charm of the place. He walked in looking from room to room as if he had never seen the house before. The floors had been fixed and shined up, all the doors changed to the rooms. The fresh coat of paint still smelled new as the amazement set in. He even noticed the new glass cupboards placed in the walls of the kitchen and the damn window that never opened was now replaced.

            Cynthia noticed the look of wonderment that over took his face and smiled pleased that he liked it. It was hard work but she had enjoyed it and now couldnÕt wait to finish it up. She turned to Paul who was still turning all around; inspecting the transformation to this once beat up old house. Ò Capital huh? It will look much better when we get the furniture, rugs and drapes done. Pattie ordered a living room set from a store in London. I hope you donÕt mind. ItÕs just that I thought it would be better .Ó

            He sat down at the table in the kitchen lighting a cigarette he exhaled slumping a bit in his chair. Ò It already looks better then I could have thought. IÕm just so sorry I couldnÕt be here to help as much as I had wanted. I know we talked about doing this together.Ó She put Julian down, watching him run outside, then put her arms around his shoulders and kissed him gently on the neck. ÒI thought we had this settled.Ó

Paul took another pull at his smoke , feeling a little inadequate. Ò I know, I just wish I had helped more is all. I did the bathroom not much else.Ó The truth being he had wanted it to be a project for the both of them to do, he had looked forward to it. Being a Beatle didnÕt leave much time to do ordinary things like this. Especially , with the problem they had just gone through with John.

            Cynthia hugged him again then quietly spoke into his ear . ÒDoesnÕt matter much does it? WeÕll do the furniture and that sort together. You said you had two weeks until the next project right? Please donÕt feel guilty , what you did for John and Yoko , what you all did was the right thing. It was a priority now wasnÕt it? It showed the love you guys still have for one another and that is important, it took you closer and by God you all need to pull closer.Ó

            He got up and roamed over to the window finishing the remainder of his cigarette, while watching Julian outside playing.  He then changed his mood. ÒYa know I havenÕt had you in over two weeks.Ó He smiled playfully as his eyes danced over her. She smiled knowingly. Ò There will be plenty of time for that.Ó She went up to him and gave him a playful peck on the cheek. ÒNow I am going to make us something to eat . Will you watch Julian?Ó  He started for the door, then looked back at the most wonderful women he had ever known. She was his and he adored her, he would do anything for her . Right now it was something he loved and that was to play with Julian. Ò ya know Ò he said as he reached the door . Ò You are the most wonderful women I have ever met and I love you.Ó With that he left the house , leaving a smile on her face as she started fixing dinner.

            He grabbed the luggage from the boot bringing it into the house. He tripped on his way back outside over one of MarthaÕs toys.. Òbloody hell!Ó came out of his mouth as he fought from falling . The banister of the porch broke his fall. ÒBleedin ball.Ó He picked it up after steadying himself and leaned there just looking at it. His mood softened remembering all the times he would trip over his little brother Mikes things. It made him laugh to remember but back then he would often yell to Mike watching the younger McCartney run to his room locking the door to save himself from a beating.

            He brought the ball to Julian and the dog. Martha jumped around trying to catch her ball as Paul threw it as slowly and easily as possible to the boy . Being so young he dropped it more then he caught it. This pleased Martha as she ran away with it, turning the game to get the ball from the furry animal.

            Cynthia came out on the porch to watch them. It was funny to see this mop of dog running around with them chasing after her. She broke it up after a few minutes, the food was done; it was time to eat.

            Over the next two weeks Cynthia dragged Paul to every antique store she could find. Some were close; others were far. They bought the furniture , chairs , lamps , rugs, some interesting statues and knick knack as well as adding personal things to complete the  task. In itÕs finished state it was just what they wanted; comfortable with charm, style and personality. The living room furniture from London came last and the job was finished two days before Paul had to start back.

            Cynthia made Paul move the furniture back and forth in every position until she was happy and he felt his poor back would give out. They flopped down on the coach tired. Mrs. Edwards had Julian so they could now rest for a little while.

            Paul looked at Cynthia, there was a smile of satisfaction as she looked around the place. It was finally done. ÒSmashing; donÕt you think?Ó

            Òyes as long as you donÕt have me move anything else.Ó Paul grumbled, he was tired . He thought it would never end . He was not a mover and she really gave him a workout. Was he so out of shape? He felt his body complain every time he moved.

            Òknackered huh?Ó She smiled at him gently stroking his hair as he leaned his head back on the couch. ÒQuiteÉ..It does look good, big difference from when I first brought you here.Ó

            ÒBecause now itÕs a home where we can relax and feel comfortable.Ó She looked down at his closed eyes. A thought hit him as he lay there. ÒCor, I guess we are going to have to do this again at Cavendish.Ó

She smiled knowingly, kissing his forehead. ÒThatÕs right , I reckon we will. I forgot about that in all the excitement of putting this one together. I suspect it will just be the furnishings, so donÕt worry your pretty little bum over it.Ó With that he opened one eye and raised his eyebrow. ÒYou think my bum is pretty?Ó he joked with her.

She winked at him. ÒI do at that Ò He closed his eyes again ÒmmmÉthatÕs good to know . You have right nice arse yourself.Ó She smiled at his joking, knowing how tired he was. Paul just didnÕt want to think about it. Another run to the stores, furniture hunting and then he would have to move everything around again. ÒIÕm leaving in two days are you coming with me?Ó he said as he reopened his eye and turned to her awaiting the answer. ÒNo not yetÉ.I want to get everything together here , close down the house and then IÕll follow behind. It wouldnÕt be long a few more days to a week is all. You can take the car and Martha then?Ó

Òyeah, Ross can take you two in his lorry along to the rails.Ó He put his arms around her, laying his head down onto her chest. It was a comfortable way to take a kip he thought.

Òyou gonna sleep then?Ó

ÒIÕd rather fancy a kip after all you just had me do. Join me?Ó

She tried gently to push him up. ÒNo IÕm to excitedÉ.IÕm gonna just fool around in here, you go. Ò She gently pushed him again. ÒGo on now; up to the bedroom with you.Ó

He sighed, not wanting to get up. ÒohhhÓ he pouted ÒI really wanted to curl up here with you.Ó He sounded like a cranky child, like Julian would. Men were just big children sometimes. Looking for that maternal side that a women had, it was often reassuring to them and she had often heard Mo saying there were times sheÕd have to fall back on that with Ritchie. She realized sheÕd have to do some reinforcing herself. She moved out of the way letting him gently fall into the couch. ÒPaul McCartney, just go upstairs to that new bedroom so I can do some things in here and enjoy everything being finished.Ó

Reluctantly, he got up, slowly felling like an old man . He kissed her then stumbled up to the bedroom.


            She changed a few things around then sat down next to the phone. She had been in touch with Mo and Pattie the whole time , keeping them informed on the progress of the house and the progress of their relationship. Pattie had helped a lot with things. She was the one who checked out the living room set she had wanted and had it shipped. She dialed the phone; it rang a few times before an out of breath Pattie answered.


ÒPattie itÕs CynÉ.did I catch at a bad time?Ó

ÒNo noÉ..I just came in from the shops when I heard the phone ringing. WhatÕs going on with you? Did the furniture arrive? PaulÕs still there isnÕt he?Ó

ÒWait Pattie one question at a time.Ó She laughed. Ò The furniture came this morning and Pattie we love it! Your such a luv for doing that ; thank you again. Next question, I am fab really I have never been so happy . Pattie I love him so much it scares me to death sometimes. Do you ever feel like that?Ó

Ò WellÉ..when George and I first got together I did. I felt like I was dreaming and afraid I would wake up. When we finally got married I thought my God this isnÕt a dream; itÕs real. The only thing I couldnÕt get used to and still have trouble with is that he will not let me model. I donÕt know , that Northern male pride I suppose.  So I just keep up on the fashions and the industry.Ó

Cynthia heard her giggle . Ò I guess one day I will wake up and see itÕs real too. Maybe when I come back to London and move into Cavendish. Oh yeah . Paul is still here , he leaves in two days.Ó

ÒIf your moving into Cavendish then it will become very realÉ..Those gate birds will be so confused.Ó She giggled more. ÒOf coarse the papers will reinforce this as well, but you know that from John so you can handle it.Ó

Ò I hope soÉ..Ó

Pattie cut her off in mid-sentence . ÒSmashing, when will you be back? YouÕve been missing some gear styles for the summer but you can catch up on the fall line.Ó

Cynthia had to laugh at this , like she said she was keeping up on the fashion industry.  It must get into the blood once youÕre a model, she thought.

ÒYes, well IÕm sure weÕll go straight away. IÔm staying on a couple of days longer ; a little less then a week I think. I want to close up the house and all.Ó

ÒWell when you get back to London we will also have to furnish the flat at Cavendish now wonÕt we.Ó She giggled again. Cynthia loved that giggle , it didnÕt annoy her like some of the fans; It was  part of PattieÕs charm.

Ò Yes I am sure of it. We can have a grant old time ; doing it up good and proper like. IÕll be back on Saturday and with them finishing up the album, weÕll both have plenty of time to shop. I have to ring off now. Ò

ÒOk then , take care.Ó With that she heard the line go dead , then put it back in itÕs cradle. Suddenly, she realized how much she missed going out with Pattie and Mo. The thought of going back to London no longer scared her. In the past few months she had grown and gone on, looking forward to each day. She knew a big part of it had been Paul. The country was peaceful, beautiful and had help enlighten her, but it was also isolating . For the first time she felt excited to go home. The busy streets filled with people, stores everywhere, anything you wanted at almost anytime. Of course a Beatle or their wives/girlfriend could get anything at anytime. They had been spoiled that way and she missed it. It was time to go home and pickup her life and she was ready.







                                                CHAPTER TWELVE    







            It was heading into fall and already the city felt it. People wore a little heavier coats, stores showed mannequins in winter dress and the pace was slowly getting faster, giving up the summers laziness they had gotten used to. Paul enjoyed this part of the year, watching the leaves change on the trees as well as observing the change in the mood of London. He waved and said hello to the gate birds as he let Martha lead him through the gate. He wondered for a moment why they had been a bit different toward him this morning, wanting to ask him something but seeming to think better of it. He pushed it out of his mind while he opened the door and unleashed Martha letting her run into the kitchen to lap up the water in her bowl. He threw his keys on the hall table, hung his coat on the rack and bent down to grab one of the dogs toys. Hearing it squeak, she ran in jumping all over her beloved master trying to get her toy from him. It turned in to a tug of war in which Paul lost; he fell to the floor and laughed as she attacked affectionately, licking him all over his face. He pushed her away when the phone rang; fur was all he saw as he fought to get up. Finally, giving up she picked up her toy and jumped on the couch then let out a big sigh. ÒSorry girl, weÕll play later.Ó He grabbed to phone by the fifth ring out of breath and brushing himself off. ÒHullo?Ó

ÒPaul, itÕs NeilÉ..Have you seen the paper yet? In particular the Daily Mail?Ó            ÒNo give me a sec.Ó

 Paul opened the cupboard and got a bottle of soda out . He opened it then searched for the paper he had bought when he had taken the dog out for her walk. ÒYeah, Neil I got the Mail right here . Why?Ó

ÒTurn to page seven and look at Etta JohnsonÕs column.Ó

He put his drink down, cradled the phone between his ear and shoulder then turned to the page Neil had told him to. There he saw it , a look of shock came over his face.

ÒPaul? Have you seen it?Ó

Angrily, he stared at it. ÒYeah, IÕm looking at it right now.Ó He huffed at his friend.

ÒHow could this be printed? Have you seen anyone strange lurking about your farm?Ó

He shook his head no, still looking at the article and picture that was next to it. It was one of them on the porch, arms around one another locked in a passionate kiss. He kept staring at the picture thinking and then realized his friend couldnÕt see his answer. ÒNawÉjust the plumber and the electricianÉÉ..Ó He thought for a minute. Ò I guess it could be one or both of them.Ó He answered somewhat distracted.

ÒMoney is money as we know and there can always be one made from a Beatle.Ó

His mind slowly drifted from the conversation. How many times had people done this to all of them . Made money off of a story , a picture secretly snapped or just spread some gossip they heard from  a reliable source. There where also the ones that had black mailed them over the years. How many times did Brian pay people to be quite and to get what they had just to keep their image clean? Even Brian had been black mailed a few times by scruffy man he had assorted affairs with. This wasnÕt the case; this was money in hand for information along with a photo that hid nothing. His focus came back to his friend and the problem at hand. ÒI suppose soÉÓ He said slowly as the anger crept in.

ÒI canÕt believe it!!!!Ó he barked and then he began to read along as Neil read it out loud.







                        With the ink not even dry on the divorce papers. A reliable source tells

                        Us that Cynthia Lennon is now cozying up with Beatle number two.

            Cynthia Lennon has been living up at Paul McCartneyÕs farm in

            Scotland. Our very single Mr. McCartney has been seen being quite

            Affectionate with his mateÕs x-wife our sources say. Most women would

            Love to have one Beatle but this girl is on her second!!! Will she soon

Be know as Cynthia Lennon McCartney? The Picture included says it all .                                                            

                      Etta Johnson of the Daily Mail.




ÒWhat pile of rubbish!!!!Ó Paul hissed angrily into the phone.

ÒPaul, thereÕs more in other papers. This is a syndicated column.Ó He reminded his long time friend. Ò What do you want to do about it? I mean we could issue a statement or press conference. What do you want?Ó


He rubbed his face with his hand and then scratched his head. Neil heard an audible sigh before Paul spoke.

ÒBleedin Reporters, I never have any privacy. I guess it was bound to happen . I mean when Cyn comes back here and moves in this weekend. I just didnÕt think it would before then. Now I know why the gate birds where so strange this morning.  Cyn was afraid of this, especially being labeled with the Beatle number two thing.Ó

ÒWell she was right. Now what are we going to do?Ó his voice sounded more urgent then before.


Paul sat down on the chair next to the phone. He lit a cigarette then shook his head in amazement at how little people respected your privacy. He knew that part of his life would be public but not like it had become over the years. It always ended up hurting the people he loved and it would certainly hurt Cynthia.

He sounded resentful as he continued . ÒYa know you sell a record but what your really selling is your soul Neil. Anything for a story ! They  pick you up and throw you down as long as it sells!!!Ó he  spat out bitterly. ÒItÕs just like JohnÕs always goin on about , isnÕt it.Ó His voice dropped as he finished his sentence, realizing he was going to have to tell her about this. ÒLet there be yet another person hurt by our fame, but sheÕs had it twice . I hope this isnÕt as bad. IÕm going to have to talk to her about this before I can decide what to do. SheÕs coming in on Saturday. IÕm sure she didnÕt read this up there. ItÕs all rubbish anyway.Ó


ÒYou think we can wait that long?Ó he heard the nervousness in NeilÕs voice.

 ÒYeah it will hold. TheyÕll write it anyhow.Ó

Neil resigned himself to what he was told and Paul was right about them writing it anyhow. ÒRight then it will be on hold. Give me a ring and let me know what you two figure is best. DonÕt wait to long. Ò

Ò Right then talk to you later thanks for letting me know. He hung up the phone, lit another cigarette, grabbed his coat and left for the studio.




            The last person Cynthia expected to hear on the other end of the phone was John. She froze for a minute, instantly all the old feelings and memories flooded back into her brain .  She fell so quite John became worried.

ÒCyn? You there?Ó

ÒYes John IÕm here.Ó She steadied herself , it had been awhile since they last talked. ÒWhy are you calling?Ó

ÒWhat I canÕt talk to me x-wife?Ó

She thought for a minute , mad at herself for still reacting to the sound of his voice. She shook it off and then answered him. ÒNo, you can talk to me. We do have a son together remember? You just surprised me is all.Ó

Suddenly the cockiness from his voice faded and was replace with urgency.  

ÒListen Cyn, itÕs important I talk to you.Ó

She wondered what could be so important that would make him sound this way.

He started in again , he was pleading. ÒPlease Cyn . I really need to talk to you in person. I need to see you, this canÕt be done over the phone. Can you come back tomorrow?Ó

The same old John she thought to herself . The impulsiveness of his character had charmed her in the beginning. Then it just annoyed her , whenever he needed to talk it had to be at that moment , when she needed to talk it would wait for his convenience.   ÒIÕm not coming back tomorrow. I have tickets for Saturday. IÕd have to call Paul , finish packing and I donÕt even know the rail times.Ó

He continued quickly. ÒTen in the mornin I checked it for you already. I also held tickets there for you. Please .Ó he begged. ÒI wouldnÕt ask if this wasnÕt so important. I could meet you.Ó

At this point she no longer felt annoyed, she was starting to feel confused. ÓI donÕt  know John, IÕd have to call Paul andÉ..Ó

She was suddenly cut off by more of his pleading. ÒWait, donÕt tell Paul til after weÕve talkedÉ..Please, this is just between you and me. IÕm sorry it canÕt wait til Saturday , itÕs been on me mind all week É.Please cyn?Ó  She heard a strange tone in his voice. ÒPlease?Ó

What was it about him and the way he sounded that pulled and pushed at her. She knew she should tell Paul that she should wait to talk to him. Then again he sounded so desperate, maybe it was about Julian. What ever it was he had always known how to get to her and how to press all the right buttons. He always knew what tone to use, what to say or what body language would work on her so why should now be any different.

ÒWhat is this about John?Ó She hoped maybe by some slim chance heÕd tell her and stop all of this.

ÒCyn, I told you I really need to speak to you in person, not on the phone. I think youÕll want to hear what I have to say. Cor, Cyn IÕm beggin ya and you know how hard that is for me.Ó

Now she was just plain curious. He was right he wasnÕt one for begging and he said sheÕd want to hear what he had to say. This was going against the alarm that was going off in her head. She knew she should listen to it. Sometimes the old ways were so easy to fall back in to , like a comfortable slipper instead of a new one. All the old excuses slowly ran through her head. He sounded so upset maybe something was wrong. She slipped on  that old comfortable slipper which was John. She knew then that she didnÕt have a choice she had to go to him, see what was wrong and then tell Paul. ÒI have Julian with me John.Ó

ÒI figured as much. ThereÕs a ticket for him as well. See if your mum could keep him for a bit.Ó

ÒAlright . Meet me at the station tomorrow in the afternoon?Ó

She heard the relief in his voice when he realized she was coming.

Ò Yes, thank you Cyn  Ò The words came out slowly. ÒYou wonÕt be telling Paulie now right?Ó

She had fully surrendered to his requests knowing fully well she should tell Paul now not later. She was disappointed at herself for doing this.                             ÒNo IÕll do as you ask.Ó As always she thought but quickly pushed it out of her head.

His voice then sounded gentle .ÓIÕll see you then. Thanks.Ó The phone on the other end was hung up quickly as if afraid she might change her mind. She just sat there wondering what this was all about. She hoped it wouldnÕt turn ugly, he didnÕt sound as if it would. She turned her focus on what needed to be done. Some of the packing was done, sheÕd have to finish and then clean up, she knew sheÕd be  up half the night getting ready. She phoned Mr. Edwards to make sure he could take them. He assured her it wouldnÕt be a problem and heÕd pick them up at 8:30 am. She then phoned her mother to make arrangements for Julian. She hung up as quickly as she could not wanting to hear what she had to say about her seeing John and not telling Paul right away., She didnÕt want to hear the voice of reason. All she wanted to do was get ready for the long trip and find out what was going on with John..