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                                                            CHAPTER NINETEEN








            The last two appointments were cancelled to give Paul and Sandy some privacy when they arrived. They were led into an office and told that the doctor would be in right away.  Sandy changed into a gown , while Paul nervously flipped through a magazine.

She watched him out of the corner of her eye and smiled to herself. Soon he would be excited and he would no longer doubt her. She pulled herself up on to the table. She couldnÕt wait ; he would want this baby so much and marry her. Then after a while he would fall in love with her and forget about that Cynthia Powell Lennon.



Paul couldnÕt look at the magazine any longer . He put it down , then got up and looked at the charts on the wall. He saw pictures of embryoÕs in each trimester.  He pointed to the first one and looked to Sandy.

ÒIs this how big our little one is?Ó



Sandy smiled at him. ÒYeah I think so. You can ask Dr. Walker when she comes in. Ò

Good she thought , he is starting to get into this. The door opened and a woman a little older then Sandy walked in.


Paul looked up to see her. She had striking features, with long dark hair twisted into a bun and dark eyes. She was petite and look even smaller in her white coat with a stethoscope around her neck. She looked at the chart in her hands and then walked over to them.



ÒHi Mr. McCartney I am Dr. Walker.Ó She shook his hand.


ÒPlease call me Paul. I think we are going to see a lot of you .Ó

He followed her over to the table where Sandy was.


ÒHi Sandy how are you feeling? Any more morning sickness, cramping ? Ò



Sandy smiled up at her. ÒNo. I feel great now. The sickness is gone , I just feel a little bloated and I am peeing like a race horse.Ó



Dr. Walker laughed as she put SandyÕs feet into the stirrups. ÒThatÕs to be expected . All quite normal I can assure you. Now we need to check up inside of you to see how the baby is doing.Ó



Paul winced when he realized what she was going to do. He had never seen the exam done, only heard about it and he wasnÕt to sure if he wanted to watch. Sandy made the decision for him, grabbing on to his hand for support. He grimaced as he watched her place the spreaders in and then watched as she put on a glove .

ÒNow the gell will be cold you remember. You will feel some pressure , that will be me checking things out.Ó She said comfortingly .



Paul watched in interest after a few minutes. He watched her press SandyÕs stomach and push from the inside. Cor, that must feel awfully uncomfortable he thought as he continued to look on.



Dr. Walker took her hand out and pulled off her glove. She took the instruments out and wiped away the gel. She then put her stethoscope on and listened to the stomach area and her heart. Satisfied she put a cuff on her arm and checked her blood pressure , then took it off , wrapping the stethoscope back around her neck. She wrote some things down on the chart. ÒWell why donÕt you get dressed and then you and Paul can come into my office and we will talk. She smiled and then left them.


She walked into her office placing the chart on her desk. She looked over to see a picture of her and Sandy on holiday . Quickly, she pulled open the desk draw and slid it away.

She heard a tap on the door and called to them to come in.




They sat down in the chairs and watched her go over the chart.

Paul cleared his throat , a question had been nagging him and he decided to ask.


Ò A umm Dr. IÕm sorry this is all so new to me and I am quite the nervous one.Ó He smiled a charming smile as Sandy took his hand. God that smile just melted her away and she knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him.



ÒI quite understand Paul. All first time expectant fathers are like this I can assure you.Ó She gave him a comforting smile.


He liked her she made him feel at ease, something he definitely needed at this point.

ÒA , yes , thank you I feel better knowing that. I am however concerned about her weight. ShouldnÕt she have gained some?Ó


Again she smiled. ÓYes, your right most do. Some however loss weight the first trimester, which is also normal. SheÕs had Morning sickness more then others. She canÕt eat to much and then vomiting which has caused her to lose some weight , but donÕt worry it will be added back on in the second trimester . ItÕs all perfectly normal, I can assure you. ItÕs nice to see your concern and interest in SandyÕs and the babyÕs well being.Ó



He shifted in his chair mulling over what she had just said.

ÒThen everything is good?Ó



She smiled at him and Sandy. ÒYes , Everything is going well. Your on schedule and will be having a baby by the middle of March.Ó



Sandy saw PaulÕs face light up at the mention of the babyÕs birth. She knew now he believed her.

ÒWhen do you want to see me back?Ó



ÒIn a month, until then you can keep doing everything normally and remember to take your vitamins.Ó

She closed the chart and stood up shaking PaulÕs hand.

ÒIt was very nice to meet you.Ó



Paul nodded. ÒYes and I feel a lot better at meeting you. Sorry for the inconvenience but privacy is important and I really donÕt want it to get out. Especially before we marry.Ó



She looked up at him. ÒOh so your getting married . ThatÕs wonderful , congratulations.Ó She gave Sandy a quick satisfied look.


Paul didnÕt catch the look and thanked her . They stepped out of the office and Sandy scheduled her next appointment with the nurse. She felt victorious and for the first time she knew she would be Mrs. Paul McCartney.






Even thought Paul had told them they werenÕt invited , He called all the rest of the Beatles and their wives . He also invited George Martin and Judy , Mal and Lil and Neil. His brother Mike would be best man and take the Photos as well . His father and stepmother came along with his stepsister Ruth. It wasnÕt a big wedding so he didnÕt invite the whole McCartney clan , telling his aunties they would have a big party after the baby was born.



SandyÕs Mother had died a few years ago and her father was to ill to attend. Being the only child she only had a few friends from the office attend. She figured asking Mo to be her matron of honor would insure her rightful place in the BeatleÕs circle. Not wanting to leave out Pattie and Yoko she asked them to act as witnesses.



John looked outside. It reminded him of the day he and Cynthia had gotten married . The rain poured down , only there wasnÕt all the noise of the drill. They sat in separate rooms the girls with Sandy helping her get ready and the guys with Paul trying to keep him calm. He sat there smoking like a chimney, knowing all to well this was it and he couldnÕt look back. He came up behind John and looked out the window to watch the rain as it cried for him, or so he felt.

ÒGloomy ol day in London town eh?Ó


John looked over to him. They had all seen the girls and reporters lined up outside the registrars office. Somehow it had leaked as always and they had found them.

ÒYeah , the girls are cryin for ya mate. Ò He slapped Paul on the back when they were called into the office.


The ceremony went fast. Sandy beamed the whole time , while Paul nervously said what he had to. The rings where exchanged and a simple kiss was given to seal the deal.

Mike took a few pictures and congratulations were said. Paul and Sandy were legally married.



They were going back to PaulÕs for the reception. Catering and bar tending had been arranged and a cake delivered. Everyone left the office. Sandy was pleased to see the press and fans, she had successfully leaked it out and was only to happy to have pictures taken as they came down the stairs. She put her arm around PaulÕs waist and slid his arm around hers as her smile shone through the rain. Paul put on his best meet the press face and the pictures looked like they were happy newlyweds.




Everyone chatted away trying to get Paul and SandyÕs attention. The food came around offered by the few waiters he paid for and the drinks over flowed. Sandy had asked Paul on the way home if he had gotten champagne and flute glasses for the toast. He hadnÕt and sent Mal to get what ever Sandy wanted. He came back with a case of the best and flute glasses for all. They toasted to their happiness and Sandy made sure that was the only drink she had. She told Paul she could have the one glass and it seemed to satisfy him.


George stood in the back of the room. He didnÕt want to toast them , so he didnÕt. Ringo saw this and walked over to him.


ÒNot toasting the nuptials?Õ he said raising his glass.


George leaned back against the wall. He had been watching Sandy all day.

ÒNo because itÕs hypocritical to do so when I know it isnÕt right. It wouldnÕt surprise me if she leaked everything out to the press. I donÕt know Ritch I really think she is a sneaky thing.Ó


Ringo laughed , obviously starting to feel the effects of the drinks.

ÒYour not going to let this go are you?Ó


ÒNoÓ he said adamantly. ÒHow can you just drink , celebrating , when this isnÕt what Paul wants?Ó



ÒIf he didnÕt want it then why did he do it? These days girls have babies single.Ó

He downed the last of his drink.



ÒNo good Northern man would do that and with all his faults thatÕs not one of them. Letting her go off and have the kid by herself , if she is even pregnant at all.Ó



Ringo shook his head at his friend , not understanding his stubbornness.

ÒLook the Doc said she was and Paul was there so I donÕt see why you still doubt it.Ó



ÒI donÕt know either but I was talking to my brother last night and he knows a guy , in the higher ranks on the police force. He is going to get me a back round check on her. I mean we donÕt know anything about her except what she tells us. Any way, then I will go from there.Ó



Ringo raised his glass. ÒItÕs empty time to get another. Let me know what turns up. If your right and there is something cagey about her then we will start digging things up. O.K.?Ó


George nodded . He hoped the back round check would shed some light on things. He wanted someone to believe him. Even Pattie had her doubts at what he was saying, especially after Sandy had asked her to be in the wedding and to help her get some nice maternity cloths. He knew Sandy was trying to win every one over, and she seemed to know where to hit everyone in order to win . He had to hand it to her she was good.



After a while the four Beatles , a little tipsy, found them selves escaping to the music room on the third floor.  Paul came with bottle in hand and poured them all a drink.

He starred out the window . ÒEven in the pouring rain they still stand thereÉ.crazy inÕt it.Ó



George picked up the only right handed guitar and strummed softly . The misery in PaulÕs eyes was to much for him to bare. Ringo looked on out side with Paul while John sat at the piano joining George in a song.

ÒTheyÕre funny arenÕt they. TheyÕll catch their death they will.Ó


Paul looked at Ringo and nodded. He rubbed his eyes , it had been to much for him already and his mind kept wandering back to Cynthia . Was she o.k.? He sat down next to John.

ÒHow is Cyn holding up?Ó



John stopped playing and took a sip of his drink . In the small room he could talk quietly and still be heard by the others so George didnÕt get up and Ringo just looked on from where he stood.



ÒWell didnÕt want to tell you until you got back from the farm, which by the way, I donÕt think is a good idea to have your honeymoon there.Ó


Paul bit his lip then put his glass down on the table.

ÒI have to do it. I have to get all of CynÕs things and pack it up and send it in the post to her. I have to É..ItÕs the place that reminds me the most of her and if Sandy and I are going to give it a go then I have to do this right away . Make new memories of Sandy and I there and let her put something in the house so it is ours , for the baby.Ó


John lit them both a cigarette, then smiled at him. Ò An exorcism is it? Very honorable mateÉ.but you better hold on there cause if your posting those boxes to Cyn it will be quite expensive to send to Italy.Ó He looked for a reaction.



Paul looked up in shock. ÒItaly? When did she go there?Ó


ÒShe couldnÕt stay here Paul, now could she? With the papers and everything, she had to get away . She is going to live in Italy for a while. We already picked a school for Julian and theyÕll be staying with the BassaniniÕs. You know the family we knew there that owns a hotel and restaurant.Ó



GeorgeÕs ear perked up at this. He stopped strumming . ÒI remember them when the four of us went on holiday. A great time that was. Except leaving when then fans found out and we had to hide in a laundry cart and Pattie and Cyn dressed as maidsÉÓ  His laugh was joined by JohnÕs at the memory of it.

ÒI do remember him taking a fancy to Cyn and if she wasnÕt married to you he would have made a move.Ó


ÒYup thatÕs the one. Anyroad, I took Cyn and Julian to the airport yesterday. Ò answering PaulÕs question as he turned back to him.



Ringo put his hand on PaulÕs shoulder. ÒYou can understand that canÕt you? Your married now and going to have a child, and maybe this Roberto fellow will help her through this.Ó



Paul hated to think of her with anyone else. He knew it was wrong since he was with Sandy but he couldnÕt help how he felt. He gave in letting out a heavy sigh and poured himself yet another drink.



JohnÕs face tightened up as he went on. Paul had to hear it . ÒShe deserves happiness Paul. You know that and now I think , with her single and all, Roberto will make a move. He is a good man and if she has to be with someone else at least he wonÕt hurt her.Ó



Paul got agitated at this. ÒI never meant to hurt her and look what you did. And then the two of you hurt me before any of this happened . So shut your gob.Ó



He got up and chose the bottle rather then the glass.


George stood up and took his glass. He handed it to him as he took the bottle away.

ÒNow your drivin to Scotland later I donÕt think driving all pissed is healthy . Ò



Paul took the bottle back after downing what was left in the glass.

ÒWe have a driver.Ó He said mockingly.



They all watched him swig back the bottle and wipe his mouth with his sleeve.

ÒI better get down stairs before anyone misses me. Ò

He couldnÕt hide it fast enough, the pain he felt at losing Cyn and marrying a girl he didnÕt love. His mask went up as he prepared to go down stairs.


John walked over to him. ÒGonna get  pissed are you?Ó


ÒStraight away , IÕm getting there now.Ó He laughed as he opened the door and motioned to his friends to follow.


John gave him a mock punch in the shoulder as he passed by him.

ÒThen pissed we shall get É..Just like the ol days!!!!  Come ead boys letÕs go grab a bottle.Ó




They ended up back downstairs. Sandy was at PaulÕs heels every chance she got. She pulled him around to all the guests as he got drunker. Finally, all four drunken Beatles got a few instruments from up stairs, George ran out to his car getting his travel guitar, as he called it. They sat around playing and singing, making plenty of mistakes and laughing from the alcohol. Everyone listened and laughed along. Sandy made sure she stood with the BeatleÕs wives; now that she was one of them it was her right she thought.



The reception wound down and people started to leave. Sandy was a most gracious hostess and everyone including PaulÕs family liked her. PaulÕs family was staying over night before heading back to Liverpool.



Mal put the luggage in the car and helped a drunken Paul out to it as he waved to everyone telling his family and friends how much he loved them. Sandy didnÕt care if he was drunk , he was hers and she smiled and kissed every one as they left for Scotland.



He ended up passing out it the car , which was just as well Sandy thought. By the time they got to the farm heÕd be more sober. She just hoped he would be able to make love to her. She had dreamed of it for the past few months and couldnÕt wait. She dreamed of how it would be once he fell for her. She would do everything he expected from a wife and would be sweet and wonderful to all his friends. So far things were going as planned she had managed to get Mo and Pattie on her side and they were friends of Cynthia so that worked well. She sized them all up and she would work on the area that would win them over. She had a feeling it was going to be difficult with George , he seemed to be the only one that kept his distance. Oh well, sheÕd figure him out soon and get to him , in the mean time having his wife and friends on her side gave her strength. She had been happy to hear Cynthia was out of the country. She hoped she would stay there; it would make things easier for her. She didnÕt want to think of what would happen if Cynthia came back before she had PaulÕs love. She would deal with her later. Now she had time alone with Paul to work on him, at the farm . She was glad he took her suggestions to go there, she would rid it of Cynthia and make it theirs. She had everything and Cynthia had his heart , but not for long.





                                                CHAPTER TWENTY







When they got there she woke Paul who hurried in to use the loo. Mal brought in the bags as Sandy checked to see if the servants filled the house with food. She would have to watch her self with that. Paul didnÕt think of them as servants but as friends who worked for him.  He genuinely cared about them and often showed it by how he treated them and with the gifts he would buy them as he would his family. They adored him and were not pleased to know he had married someone other then Cynthia, who they had grown to love. They did understand why and were willing to make an effort to love her as well.



Paul came out of the loo. He had sobered up quite a bit and had gotten sick after using the toilet. He looked over at Mal as he came out.

ÒNo sense in driving all the way back tonight mateÉ.you could stay here.Ó


Sandy quickly jumped in, she wasnÕt going to let anyone stay here and take time from her with Paul.

ÒWell perhaps Mal would feel more comfortable at a hotel since this is our wedding night baby.Ó


Paul shivered a bit at her term of endearment. He realized for her she was right, for him he just didnÕt care. He had promised himself he would treat her well and for the babyÕs sake he would pamper her. He pulled out his wallet , handing a large sum of money to Mal.

ÒHere you go mate for yer troubles. There is a lovely hotel in town with home cooking to boot. IÕll ring you during the week and let you know when to pick us up .Ó



Mal took the money and was glad when Sandy suggested the hotel . He didnÕt want to be there on their wedding night. He gave Sandy a kiss on the check again congratulating her and then a hug to Paul and left, leaving Paul alone for the first time with his new bride.




She came up behind him and put her arms around his waist, hugging him.

ÒWhy donÕt you show me around?Ó


He steadied himself then went to the cupboard where the liquor was kept.

Òluv donÕt you think you could show me around first then IÕll make us something to eat.Ó She said hopefully.


He nodded and put the bottle on the counter telling himself heÕd be back for it.

He took her from room to room . He was surprised at his reaction to her as she got more excited with every room; there was a small part of him that was starting to accept this. He smiled as she petted the horses like a child , begging him to get some treats for them so she could feed them. He went in the house to get some carrots. It hit him as he looked around for the first time since they got there. Everywhere he looked was Cynthia. He pulled himself together and got the carrots, but first took a big swig of scotch.



After awhile she went to make them something to eat. He took out a few boxes and started packing up Cynthia and JulianÕs things. Sandy went slow in the kitchen wanting him to rid the place of her presences . He slowly filled the boxes , swigging back the scotch as the memories poured over him. Everything reminded him of something, it was incredible . He looked at a few shots of them with Julian and Martha.  Melancholy spread over him, deepening his depression. Maybe John was right they shouldnÕt have come up here yet. Maybe it was to much for him , he felt like he was haunted by her spirit , which was strong in the house. He couldnÕt run from it so he drank it away . Soon most of the things from down stairs were in boxes and he sealed them and put them in the barn . He would have Ross send them out in the post to Mrs. Powell. Sandy came out with a lovely snack for them , it was late and she was glad he had removed CynthiaÕs things even at this hour. It was worth the wait. She noticed the bottle and noticed him wobble to the table.



ÒHere eat something before you get sick again.Ó She handed him a sandwich and some tea, recapping the bottle and putting it away. He didnÕt complain when she did it and ate his sandwich and drank his tea.



ÒItÕs good.Ó He slurred as he wolfed it down, not realizing how hungry he was.



She quickly cleaned up then changed into a sexy night gown . She called him from the top of the stairs. Now he had no choice, would he be able to sleep with her? His mind was a clouded mess, he felt dizzy and sick at the thought. In his mind he somehow thought he would be cheating on Cyn . He never had trouble sleeping with any girl until he started with Cyn. Christ would this ever go away, he was already tried of the charade and they had just gotten married. He calmed himself by telling her heÕd be right there and sneaking a little more scotch. When he heard her call him again from the top of the stairs he went to her.



He started climbing up the stairs holding on the rail so he wouldnÕt fall. He looked up to see a stunning beautiful woman waiting for him. Her blue gown flowed , with a low cut top letting her breasts swell out of it . Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders the way he had always loved it. He found himself climbing faster and at the same time getting harder.


She was startled when he grabbed her in a very passionate kiss that overwhelmed her. She felt him kissing her neck as he walked her backwards to their bedroom. He nuzzled his face in her hair breathing the scent that he had come to love. She always smelt so good. In the light of the moon all he could see was  her silhouette as he kissed her swelling breasts. He was on fire and pulled off her gown , worshiping her body with kisses and the gentle sucking of her breast. He heard her moan, bringing him into overdrive as he laid her on the bed and began to tear off his cloths. He couldnÕt get them off fast enough, as the blood pounded through his body. He freed himself from his pants and shorts exposing his throbbing excitement. He covered her with his body adoring hers, rubbing and licking her to her peak . Then he hungrily entered her , pushing himself into her and becoming one with the woman he loved. In his drunken delusion he whispered to her sweet loving words as he drove himself further and further to ecstasy . He felt her shake with his love and held her tight as they came together as one . The explosion he felt was as strong as the one she felt. Panting and sighing his love for her.



Sandy soon realized it was Cynthia he made love to not her . She was dismay by the thought , only to be comforted by the fact that he would love her in this way too someday. She couldnÕt believe how wonderful it was . Never had anyone made love to her like that , bringing every emotion she ever had to the surface and washing her over with his. She knew eventually sheÕd have to rid him of Cynthia, but for right now she lay in his arms as he slept , content and fulfilled by their love making.



As the week went by she met the Edwards and charmed them the best she could. Ross liked her , not as much as Cynthia but she was nice enough he told his wife. She told him there was something wrong with that one and she just couldnÕt put her finger on it. She felt protective of Paul and didnÕt want him hurt. She knew Cynthia was his heart and soul, baby or no baby. She couldnÕt help but to think of the poor lass who had given her heart to him only for this to happen.



Paul had gotten rid of all of Julian and CynthiaÕs stuff and Ross had put it in the post for him. He still couldnÕt help thinking of her. He felt bad about making love to Sandy and thinking of Cynthia . She wanted him all the time and he soon gave in and made love to her over and over again. Most of the times in the darkness of their room he made love to Cyn and in the light of the day he saw Sandy trying his best to satisfy her as he did himself.




She knew the difference when he made love to her or when he thought of Cynthia. The passion was so strong when he thought of Cynthia. When he made love to her it was good but the passion wasnÕt there. This would infuriate her to no end, at times she thought of how to get her out of his head, knowing it would take time but she was impatient about it, often catching herself. She had also realized he would drink everyday , not get drunk often but still he did. She tried her best to discourage it without nagging him.                 


On their last day there she brought it up to him as they sat on the grass while he played his guitar.



He stopped playing and looked over to her. ÒYeah?Ó



She decided the best approach was to play on his guilt.

ÒWhy do you think of Cynthia at our most passionate love making?Ó



This surprised him. Had he been so obvious ? He knew he was and it made him feel bad to know she could tell.

ÒIÕm sorry luvÉ..I guess I just need time. I know itÕs not fair to you , but I am truly sorry.Ó



She started to cry as she spoke. ÒI donÕt want to be second best to her. I know you know what I mean after all you felt it with John.Ó



She hit him where it hurt and he knew exactly what she meant. He didnÕt want her to feel as horrible as he did when he realized he had felt second to John. He didnÕt want to think of Cynthia and he promised himself he would try harder to push her out of his mind and concentrate on Sandy and his child. He took her into his arms and tried to sooth her.

Òluv É.I donÕt know what to say except I will try harder . I know how you feel . You said it your self about John. I donÕt ever want you to feel that way and I will try to be more attentive and only make love to you. IÕm so sorry.Ó



She could see the tears in his eyes; the guilt was there and thatÕs what she wanted. He would try a lot harder now and if needed she would beat him with it every once in a while. She smiled as she kissed his face and snuggled up to him.

ÒThatÕs all I can ask for É..Thank you .Ó




All to soon it was time to go back to London. She had made him guilty enough to stay an extra few days . He was trying so hard after her admission to him and she was careful how she did it . He was smart but she was smarter and he would not catch on to her.





When they got back to London Paul immediately started on finishing up on the album. They were cutting it close and all the adverts were out. While Paul worked Sandy contently stayed at home. She cut the housekeepers hours to twice a week , wanting to do everything for him herself. He had argued the point saying she needed to rest , but she wouldnÕt here of it and  that when the baby came or a few weeks before they would add hours for the housekeeper. Paul kept her salary the same asking her to keep open her days so that she could come back full time when they needed her.



She was used to his long hours at the studio and didnÕt mind at all , as long as she had him nothing else mattered. She decided to call her friend, she needed to make arrangements with her.





ÒLaura itÕs SandyÓ she said



ÒOh Sandy  Hi. How is the famous Mrs. McCartney doing these days?Ó she asked.



Sandy filled her in on the events at the farm and how things were going since theyÕd been back.

ÒListen , I think itÕs time . I Ôve already waited to long.Ó


ÒYeah I was wondering about that. Ò she said thoughtfully.


Sandy continued. ÓIt has to look natural so I have made plans. Paul is working night so I will get ready then call you and then him to come get me. I have everything I need on my end , itÕs your end IÕm worried about.Ó


Laura sighed into the phone. ÒYou know I could lose my license for all this.Ó


Sandy smiled she knew when Laura needed a push. Òwell no one will ever find out . If so it was a mix up in the lab. I promise you nothing will happen; you just have to be there and take care of the medical end.Ó


Laura wavered. ÒI donÕt know San Ò


Sandy pushed harder. ÒRemember Bill , Laura?Ó


Laura shook at the thought. ÓYeah I do. Ò



ÒWell no one found out about him and besides you owe me and my family. But if you donÕt want to help me I could always go to the police about Bill . You know I cant get tried twice .Ó



Laura surrendered to her friend . ÒOk Éok you donÕt have to bring him up again. Today is Tuesday so I am in the hospital on Thursday evening. You can do it then and I will cover it up and make it look good. How are you going to pull off the blood and everything I told you?Ó



Sandy laughed at this. ÒOh come come ye of little faith , you know how I work . I have some little friends that will be glad to give me their blood and my friend down at the make up studio showed me just what I need. Of coarse I didnÕt tell him why but a blow job can get you everywhere..Ó she laughed.




Laura listened to her not liking the way she sounded. Over the past few months she was getting worse and it scared her know indeed what she could do.

ÒSandy you still arenÕt taking your meds are you?Ó



Sandy got annoyed by this. ÒDamn it Laura leave me alone about those stupid meds and those bloody idiot doctors!Ó



Laura became frustrated. ÒThose bloody doctors saved your life. Further more if you want a life with Paul you have to start taking them , if you donÕt something bad will happen. Worse then this stunt your pulling.Ó



Sandy cut her off. ÒStunt WE are pulling Dr. Walker!  Once I have my miscarriage and you tell Paul to be very attentive to me in my grief and that a baby right away will help . Well then I will really be pregnant and then I will have my baby and Paul and I will not need those bleedin pills anymore. I will be happy!!!!  Do I make my self clear?Ó



Òok then but this is it . After this you come see me when you are really pregnant and no other stunts. I promised your mum I would watch out for you and really I am ashamed at this but if this is what it takes to finally settle you down and make you happy then so be it.Ó With that she hung up . God why did she have to bring up Bill after all these years? She cried her self to sleep that night.