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                                                CHAPTER TWENTY ONE








It was getting colder in the part of Italy they were staying at. Cynthia had read all the papers on PaulÕs marriage and the pictures looked like he was happy. She often thought of him and wondered how he was doing. She tried very hard to put him in her past , without much luck. Roberto was a big help. He told her it would take time and listened to her and at times comforted her as she cried. She told him how mixed up everything had gotten. How she was scared with her relationship with Paul and how wonderful it was, but at the same time she was waiting for the other shoe to fall and damn it she made it happen.  How she found herself, yet again going to John, as he wanted, fighting and talking. She told him she didnÕt understand what had happened between them, how easy it took her over going into the past with all the emotions and feelings suddenly unleashed. She told him how ashamed she had been at making love to him. Yet, it had brought them closer and helped them understand each other better; it purged everything. Yes, she loved him but she wasnÕt in love with him and everything became so clear that night. He had asked her why she told Paul. Her reply was that he had said no matter how bad things were they could work it through together and that she felt lying would be wrong and selfish of her. She wanted a fresh start; free from a lie that could back to haunt her and their love. Even though it might tear them apart she felt it was wrong to lie and in telling him she got so nervous everything came out in a ramble. Never had it occurred to her heÕd feel second to John. Then Sandy came along Pregnant. He understood and again was there for her.                                                                                                                                                 


She loved being around his family and at times even was able to have a little fun, until something reminded her of Paul. They made her feel welcomed and loved, as they had always done in the past.



Julian was enrolled in school and she was happy with their choice. John made sure he called twice a week and after the album was done Yoko and he were to come out on holiday to visit. She had asked him about Paul but then stopped asking, it only upset her as Roberto put it. She found her self more and more with Roberto. He tried time after time to take her out; he said his parents would watch Julian. Finally, she couldnÕt stand staying in another minute and took him up on it. He took her to a bistro and then dancing, it was a beautiful night as they walked through the gardens at the hotel.


Roberto was a gentle man, a little older then her, he stood 6Õ1Ó with the darkness of an Italian born man. She noticed his eyes always sparkled when he saw her and knew how he felt. She was always up front with him, telling him he was a good friend.



As they walked in the garden she became quiet. He turned to her, lifting her face up to see she was crying.

ÒI see you cry again over him.Ó He spoke gently.



She stopped and wiped the tears away with the handkerchief he gave her.

ÒIÕm sorry Roberto É.It has been a wonderful evening and I go and ruin it.Ó


He smiled down at her, taking the handkerchief he held it to her nose.

ÒBlowÓ he instructed.


ÒWhat?Ó she said embarrassed.


ÒI say blow that nose.Ó He chuckled.


She blew her nose and he stuffed the handkerchief into his pocket.

ÒThere is that not better?Ó


She shook her head. ÒYes.Ó


ÒNow, why this crying?Ó He asked with concern.


He sat her down on a bench and turned to listen to her.


She thought how wonderful he had been and even now he still wanted to listen.

ÒYouÕre going to get sick of me and my tales of sadness.Ó


He smiled at her. ÒThese tales you speak of, they are a heart trying to heal itself. I could never be sick to hear you. You must talk.Ó His arms and hands moved while he spoke.

ÒGet this out, in this way is the only way a heart heals.Ó


She sniffled and gave him a smile. ÒI guess you are right. You are a wise man Roberto.Ó


ÒWise you say. Then why after so long do I still look at you with the same loving eyes when I know you think of another?Ó


She felt bad, she knew how he felt. It couldnÕt be easy for him. He was there for her through her break with John and now with Paul. He always wore a smile and had a comforting word.

ÒYour right itÕs been a month, I donÕt know, I thought coming here would make it go away. It is so much better here but I guess it is not going to just disappear.Ó


He caressed her cheek then pulled her close to him.

ÒTime and talk heals the matters of the heart.Ó


She nodded, knowing how he felt for her. He was right as always. Why didnÕt she fall in love with him? He was a wonderful man and in the back of her mind she hoped that maybe it would happen after she got over Paul.


They got up to walk back to the hotel. It was chilly and he gave her his jacket.

ÒYou shiver, here wear this.Ó


She smiled up at him as they walked back and put her arm around his waist.

ÒYou are always so good to me. What would I do with out you?Ó


He laughed a hearty laugh. ÒMarry me and you will never be without me. I know it is yet too soon. Perhaps; someday.Ó


They walked into the hotel. She felt better and she knew if he wasnÕt there things would be worse. Marry me she thought about it as she laid down to go to sleep that night. And you will never be with out me, he had said. Maybe he was right, maybe someday she might. But for now her heart was still PaulÕs.




George got the police report and went to RingoÕs that afternoon. He rang the bell and went with Ringo into the large game room he had. They sat down on the couch after Ringo had closed the door.


ÒSo?Ó He asked



George reached into his coat pocket and took out the papers. He unfolded them and gave it to Ringo to read.

ÒHere read it for your self. Ò



He waited impatiently for him to finish. He got up and paced the floor, smoking a cigarette. He looked over at Ringo when he was done.

ÒSay it!  I was right about her.Ó



Ringo nodded in agreement.

ÒChrist, you were at that. Does Paul know about this?Ó



George turned to him. ÒNo and he wonÕt, not yet. We have more to do. Ò


ÒLike what?Ó Ringo asked curiously.



ÒCome ead now look at the facts; itÕs all there. That Doctor is practically part of her family. Her family helped put her through school. Also the fact that she is rich, she came across as needing that job remember and poorÉ.why?  Then, thereÕs that trial she was in over the accidental death of William BakerÉ.who by the way both were involved with. Then only five years ago she was put in an institution for a yearÉ.again why?Õ

He kept pacing the floor smoking and thinking.



Ringo got up and racked up some balls for the billiard table.

ÒWeÕll think as we play.Ó



ÒYeah, I need to do something why I think. But I told you didnÕt I. She is trouble.Ó

He broke and sank a ball in the side pocket. He positioned himself for his next move stretching his lean body across the table to get his next shot..

After he shot another ball in; Ringo broke his concentration.



ÒHey what about that doctor you know?  . ..The one who will do things for money. You know the one who helped John and Yoko.Ó

It was RingoÕs turn to shoot but he waited to see GeorgeÕs face at what he mentioned


ÒYeahÓ he said slowly ÒHeÕll do it y know. IÕll pay him what he canÕt refuse.Ó



Ringo had to laugh. ÒYou sound like a gangster. Like James Cagney .Ó


George watched Ringo shoot.

ÒJames Cagney huh? Well I think more like Holmes and Watson.Ó


Ringo eyed him up. ÒAnd who is Watson then?Ó



George laughed. ÒWhy you of coarse.Ó



ÒIt figures.Ó He joined in laughing.


They finished the game and Ringo had won.

ÒI win!!!!Ó


ÒOnly cuz I let you. Ò George joked.


ÒBullocks. I won fair and square.Ó He said defensively



ÒI know my mind just isnÕt on the game.Ó

George put his stick up and lit another cigarette offering one to Ringo.

He sat down as Ringo bought them over a drink.


ÒWell ya gonna call him?Ó


George thought for a minute at the severity of the situation.

ÒI donÕt think we should tell John right yet letÕs wait on the good doctor then we will have enough to go to him.Ó


ÒWhat ever you say Holmes.Ó Ringo laughed.


ÒI just hope Paul isnÕt in any danger at the moment.Ó George worried


ÒI donÕt think so. Remember whatever she has done was to get him. You think sheÕs pregnant?Ó Ringo mused.



ÒI doubt it É.we have to find that out too. I think after I talk to my doctor friend we should visit Dr. Walker as well.Ó George kept reading the paper over and over again. Still amazed at the fact that he was right and hoping they could get enough on her to get her away from Paul. He knew down in his heart she wasnÕt pregnant, but he didnÕt know how she was going to pull it off.

ÒY know Ritch we have to keep the girls away from her without telling them this. We canÕt afford her knowing whatwe are doin and frankly I donÕt want Pattie around her.Ó



Ringo realized he was right. ÒHow do we do that?Ó


George just looked at him and shook his head. ÒI donÕt know mate. I really donÕt know.Ó







It was Thursday night and Paul left for the studio. Like they planned Sandy had to get ready. She got out a pair of pants and panties, a bucket, sharp knife, plastic, and a flashlight. She went out to the garden with the bucket and flashlight. She walked in to the far back and stooped down under the bushes. There they were back far enough so Martha wouldnÕt get to them. She pulled out a few mouse traps that she had been baiting for a while. Good they were all dead; she hated the thought of them being alive.

She unhooked all the mice and dropped them into the bucket.

ÒThere you go; you died for a good cause.Ó She laughed, then carried the bucket back inside after re baiting the traps and pushing them back under the bushes.

ÒFor later on when I will need you again .Ó

She went into the house and let Martha out.

ÒGo on pup we donÕt want you to get all bloody now do we.Ó

After letting her out she went to work. She sliced them open one at a time and poured the blood into the bucket, disposing of their carcasses into the plastic. When she was done she wrapped them in a brown paper bag and went outside to put them under the garbage in the rubbish bin.



Back inside she took the panties and placed them in the bucket and then brought it upstairs to the bathroom, carefully cleaning everything as she went. She put the pants in where she thought the blood would stain from a miscarriage, and then cleaned her hands for step two. She dug into the back of the closet for the make-up she bought. Thank God for movies she thought as she rubbed on some coating to make under her eyes dark, then put paling make-up on her face and under her eyes to make it look natural.



She stood back and took a look in the mirror. She smiled ÒGood show! This looks great!Ó

She then washed her hands and stashed the make-up back in its hiding place.

She took off her pants and panties dropping them down the laundry shoot.

ÒYuk Ò she thought as she slide on the bloody panties and pants. If this would keep Paul she would gladly do it. She reminded herself.  She sprinkled drops of blood on the toilet and floor then washed out the bucket and put it back along with the knife.

ÒNow if it drips to the phone thatÕs only natural.Ó She smiled.

She was excited, this was going to work. She phoned the hospital and told Laura she would be there soon.

She stood there for a moment preparing to cry hysterically for the show she was about to put on. Everything was ready; she dialed the studio and got George Martin. He quickly called down to Paul cutting off the work they were doing.

ÒHey whyÔd ya stop the tape?Ó

Came JohnÕs voice.


ÒThereÕs an emergency phone call for Paul.Ó Came the voice from the booth.


Paul looked up surprised. ÒWho is it?Ó


ÒSandy and sheÕs quite hysterical. You better come quick.Ó



Paul handed his bass to John as he ran up to the booth. They watched as he went white.


ÒOk IÕll be right there luv. Did you call an ambulance?Ó


ÒNO Ò she cried. ÒThereÕs so much blood and I am having terrible pains . Oh God Paul I think itÕs the baby.Ó She continued to cry into the phone.


ÒRight , be there in a few minutes.Ó He was shaken and confused as he ran down to grab his coat. They all looked at him.


ÒSandy Ò he said close to tears. ÒSheÕs bleedin real bad and having pains. She thinks itÕs the baby.Ó He started to run to the door, when George stopped him. He knew he couldnÕt drive in his condition and they all knew John couldnÕt. Ringo knew George never believed she was pregnant and wanted to be there and check things out.


ÒIÕll drive you. You canÕt drive like this.Ó


Paul nodded and pushed him through the door.

ÒWe gotta go!Ó











                                                CHAPTER TWENTY- TWO







They got to the house. Paul jumped from the car before George even fully stopped. He tore into the house calling for her.





He didnÕt hear her and panic ran through him. Seeing this George put his hand on PaulÕs shoulder and pointed to the stair. They took off up them and into the bathroom, where they found her on the floor with blood all around. This shocked even George as he wondered how the hell she did it. Could she really be? He thought. Paul ran to her, he shook her and she moaned.


He heard her weak voice. ÒPaul?  IÕm sorry.Ó Tears streamed down her pale face.


She looked terrible, pale, dark eyes and all the blood. George grabbed some towels off the rack.


ÒCome ead , we have to get her up and into the car.Ó He said hurriedly.


Paul followed his instructions, not able to think clearly at seeing how bad she was.


Paul picked her up and carried her down to the car. George opened the door and spread the towels across the seat. Paul gently put her down; all the time trying to comfort her and himself. He closed the door then ran to the other side and crawled in the back as George got in. He drove fast threw town, he often loved to drive fast but this time it was for a reason. He heard PaulÕs frustration at the traffic lights and looked in the mirror as he saw Paul caress her and whisper comforting words between cursing the lights and the traffic.


ÒDamn all these bloody lights! George just go through them!Ó


George spoke calmly. ÒPaul I am going as fast as I can and we donÕt want to get into an accidentÓ His heart went out to his friend. He had seen Paul scared before in their years together but never this scared. ÒIt will be ok Paul, really.Ó


He drove on until they saw the hospital ahead. He pulled into the emergency entrance. They got out and Paul carried her in yelling for help. They put Sandy on a gurney, looking up they saw Dr. Walker run over to them.


ÒPut her in exam 5 and I will be right there donÕt touch her!  Paul, I think you should wait in here.Ó She opened the door to an empty room. ÒThis way you donÕt have to deal with the public, IÕll be back as soon as I take care of Sandy.Ó She left quickly.



Paul sat down, his head in his hands. George walked over to him and sat down.


ÒPaul it will be fine, just calm down.Ó


Paul shot him a fearful look. ÒHow do you know?Ó he cradled his head back in his hands.

ÒSo much bloodÉ.so much blood and she is so pale. God itÕs the baby there is no way it could survive.Ó He said quietly through his tears.



George put his hand on PaulÕs shoulder. Paul was like a brother to him and this pain he was feeling frustrated George. He was pretty sure there was no baby and for his friend to go through all this for a sick woman to get him was absurd. He sighed waiting it out with his mate.


A nurse walked in to the room cautiously. ÒA excuse me? Mr. Harrison there is a call for you on line one. You can use this phone over here. ÒShe pointed and he nodded as she left.


He got up looking back at a distraught Paul as he slowly picked up the phone and punched line one.




He heard JohnÕs anxious voice on the other end. ÒHari WhatÕs up? Ritch and me gotta know.Ó


George turned away from Paul not wanting him to hear the conversation.

ÒIt doesnÕt look good, Paul is a mess and Sandy is in the examining room now, the doctor will be back when she knows anything.Ó



He heard as Ringo grabbed the phone from John. ÒItÕs me É..She really y know?Ó


George stood there a minute deep in thought. ÒGeorge?Ó


ÒYeah, Ritch I donÕt know how she did it but there was blood everywhere and she was dead pale.Ó



Ringo was quiet for a minute. ÒListen I started telling John I think itÕs time and he is here listening.Ó George nodded silently and then heard John in the back round.


ÒDamn straight IÕm here and your gonna tell me whatÕs going on!!!!!!Ó he screamed so George could hear him.



ÒYeah , Ritch tell him . IÕm supposed to get the information from the doctor tomorrow, but I never expected this,Ó

He turned again to make sure Paul couldnÕt hear him, but Paul was too caught up in his grief of the miscarriage of his child.


Then he heard Ringo. ÒY know mate your always kidding me about those movies, well I think SandyÕs an actress.Ó


George looked at the phone in shock. ÒWHAT?Ó He then remembered himself and quieted down.


ÒYeah É.not that she is an actual actress but in the movies they have fake blood and make-up is all. I think she is a good actress.Ó Ringo stated proud of himself.



George perked up . ÒOf coarse your right. Why didnÕt I think of that?Ó


He heard Ringo chuckle ÒBecause I am Watson and we are a team. Listen John is all over me to tell him all this. I am going to let him know. You want we should come?Ó


George figured the more people the worse it would be for Paul. Plus everyone was already buzzing about two Beatles being there, if all four were there it would be mayhem. He had already seen some people look through the glass of the door then being seen quickly leave.  

ÒNo we are already creating a stir and I donÕt think Paul could handle even more lurkers. IÕll ring you later when I know. Where are you?Ó


ÒMy flat in townÉ..weÕll wait to hear. In the mean time IÕll fill in John.Ó


ÒRitch TAÉ..ring ya later.Ó He hung up the phone and then sat with Paul for the vigil.






Doctor Walker entered the exam room. She looked at Sandy in complete amazement.

ÒHow did you do this?Ó She ran her arms up and down pointing to the blood.



Sandy smiled at her friend. ÒGood huh? I told you . Does it look like a miscarriage?Ó



The doctor nodded. ÒYes, but where did you get the blood?Ó


Sandy gave her a devilish smile. ÒI set traps back in the garden , far enough back so the dog wouldnÕt find them. Then my friends, the dead mice let me take their blood. Ò she shrugged quite please with her self as she explained. Ò I gutted them and used their blood then got rid of them and donÕt worry no one will find them AND I did clean up after myself. Hey you like the make-up great isnÕt it?Ó she laughed . ÒPoor Paul he was so devastated; he was actually crying . Ò



Dr. Walker shook her head in dismay. ÒSandy this is disgustingÉ..Ó she looked at the cloths. ÒLetÕs get these off of you and clean you up.Ó


She helped her out of them and wrapped them in a gown. She then handed her a clean one to put on.


ÒNow throw them in the Hazard basket I donÕt want anyone finding them .Ó she instructed the doctor, then went on.

ÒNow what do you do with a miscarriage patient?Ó



The doctor gave a heavy sigh not wanting to be a part of this and not knowing how to get out. ÒWell , It looks like you lost a lot of blood so we give you blood then and IV and a tranquilizer to relax you . In real cases we go in and clean you out but we wonÕt have to do that.Ó


Sandy nodded assessing the situation. ÒOk , now I want you to order blood for me.Ó



The doctor started to object . ÒBut you donÕt need it.Ó


Sandy glared at her. ÒJust order it and set me up for and IV as well!Ó


The blood was ordered and the orderly left them alone. Sandy got up and took the blood from her and brought it to the sink. She took a knife and cut the small tube, letting the blood drain down the sink . She quickly washed it down then washed her make-up off. She handed the empty bag to the doctor.


ÒThere now you have transfused me.Ó She laughed quietly.

ÒNow I am not longer pale.Ó


Her grin frighten Laura . She had seen this behavior before and knew it would only get worse.



Sandy got back into bed and covered her self then held out her arm.

ÒGo on stick me with the IVÉ..GO ON!Ó She said with impatience.


Laura stuck her and hooked the IV up. Then sat down..



ÒLaura? You sure stick better then those bleedin nurses in the institution. Now be a luv and write out your chart on me.Ó



Laura looked up confused for a moment . ÒOh yeah I guess you need one donÕt you.Ó She couldnÕt believe how calm and calculated Sandy was, but thatÕs how she was with Bill. The mental sickness showed more then ever and Laura wished she would go back on her medications. She loved her dearly and hated seeing her this way.


Sandy glared at her again . When their eyes met Laura could see the craziness in them, it made her shiver and feel horrible about what she had done to help her do it. But then again she would have called the police about Bill and she didnÕt really have anything to do with that but some how she knew Sandy and Sandy could make it look that way.



ÒDonÕt you dare fuck this up Laura! When you go see Paul you tell him and then make sure you follow the plan. Tell him I canÕt have any stress and I need constant attention in my grief and that as soon as I am ready we should start trying for another baby , which would help our grieving. DON ÔT SCREW IT UP!!!Ó Then her mood changed. She started thinking about really being pregnant with PaulÕs child and how happy they would be.


Ò Oh it will be so wonderful Laura . He will dote on me and we will have a baby and he will be madly in love with us. We will be a family and I owe it part to you. I couldnÕt have done this with out you remember that luv, if anyone questions you. ÉOh and Laura the baby will be a girl and we will name it Mary Laura McCartney, isnÕt that great?Ó



Òwonderful.Ó She added not to enthused .


Sandy ignored her and then looked up at her.


ÒNow my tranquilizer please oh and some to give to Paul in case his wives grief is to much, he can give her one.Ó She chuckled at the thought.


Laura gave her the tranquilizer and then ran two prescriptions through the hospital pharmacy; one for a tranquilizer and one for an antibiotic, just like any patient that had a miscarriage.


ÒNow go tell my poor husband the news so I can get ready for himÉ.Oh and he canÕt see me yet let him stew for a little while longer to think about his dead child.Ó



Laura looked up at her in surprise at her coldness. ÒYou want him to stew? HasnÕt he gone through enough; he looked like shit when he brought you in.Ó



The sedative was taking affect and she waved her off. ÒYou are ruining my free highÉgo tell him , if he stews more he will be more guilty more grief stricken and pay more attention to me. Now off with you I am feeling so good ÉÉÓ  she closed her eyes.






Laura stood in the hallway for a few minutes calming herself down. All she wanted to do was tell them the real truth and put Sandy back in the institution where she realized Sandy really needed to be. The fear of SandyÕs threats was the only thing that stopped her. Well, after this she could be free and she wouldnÕt help her anymore. She peered through the window feeling sorry for the poor man who was going to be told his baby died and would grieve over a baby that was only imagined. She took a deep breath and went in.



Paul jumped up when he saw her come in . George stood protectively close to him as she approached.



ÒHow is she? HowÕs my baby?Ó he asked her anxiously.


She looked sadly then put all her energies into being professional and thought about how she told husbands who really had lost their babies.



ÒMr. McCartney why donÕt we have a sit and I will tell you what is going on with your wife.Ó


Paul nervously sat down , again George sat next to him as the doctor sat across from them. It was more professional to sit away from them and put some distance before going into it.


ÒPaul, Sandy did indeed lose the baby.Ó She watched as he shuttered at the news.

ÒShe lost a lot of blood so we had to give her a transfusion and of coarse an IV . I also gave her a tranquilizer to calm her . She was very upset. She feels as most wives do that she failed you and that it is her fault. I am going to tell you the same as I would any husband. Although, I know you are grieving as well; she carried the child and feels it physically as well as emotionally. She needs a lot of your attention , be attentive to her and keep her from stress . She canÕt have any stress. I am going to give you some pills to give her if she gets to bad. These will calm her, help her rest and she needs plenty of that.Ó She handed him the bottle. ÒI give these to the husband because in a depressed moment the wife can take more then she should. Do you understand ?Ó


He nodded and looked up at her unashamed of the tears that were coming . He took the bottle , looked at it and put it in his jacket pocket.


She sighed and then continued. ÒShe will see me in a week I want to make sure she doesnÕt get an infection . Oh here these are antibiotics for her. Ò she stopped for a moment  hesitating for only a moment but enough for George to notice.

Ò Sandy can have more children and we encourage it as soon as possible. After her last check up the two of you can again try for a baby. A lot of times the first time ends this way , but next time she should be ok. I examined her and she is fine. Sometimes there is something wrong with the fetus and the body gets rid of it or maybe something stressful happens or an accident . I donÕt know what caused this.Ó



George listened intently the whole time. ÒWhy should they have a baby right away ?Ó he asked wondering why she would push it , but he figured he knew why.


ÒIt helps the couples with the grieving and the guilt . Most want to right away and I think it is a good idea for you two.Ó



ÒYeah and I bet she wouldnÕt miscarry this time right?Ó he said suspiciously.



Laura got up not liking the inquirers of Mr. Harrison. ÒNo letÕs hope not. Usually no there shouldnÕt be a problem . Ò



Paul got up slowly and shook her hand. ÒThank you doctor. Can I see her now?Ó


Ò I think you should wait just a bit before you go in . She is resting from the drugs we gave her but she should wake soon and then you can take her home.Ó



George piped up again. ÒShouldnÕt she stay the night?Ó


Paul agreed with George. ÒYes shouldnÕt she?Ó 


Laura just wanted to get out of there as fast as she could. She started walking to the door.

ÒNormally , yes but under the circumstances the hospital doesnÕt want any added problems by fans etc. Sandy is well enough for you to take her home when she wakes. Now if youÕll excuse me I have other patients .Ó She nodded and left. Thank God that was over she thought . She would send a nurse in when it was time for Paul to see her and take her home. Never again, she thought as she went back to SandyÕs room to tell her it was over .




Paul collapsed on the couch crying for his child. George went over to him and brought him into a hug. A hug that neither were ashamed of, a hug that felt good to Paul as he laid in his friends arms crying.


ÒI wanted that babyÉ.it was the only thing I looked forward to. If it was a girl she would have been called Mary after me mumÉ..Oh God George did I do something ? Is it me fault?  I thought every time Cyn came to my mind IÕd change it to the baby and when I wanted out with Sandy I thought of the baby. Did I put to much stress on her? She knew there were times I was with herÉa you know sexually that I thought about Cynthia and it bothered her. She said she understood.  Cor, if itÕs my fault IÕll never forgive me self.Ó



George hugged his brother, friend and band mate. ÒNo of coarse itÕs not your fault. How could you just forget about Cynthia and you tried man . Well, maybe after wards you could divorce her.Ó He regretted it the minute it left his mouth.


Paul pulled away. ÒHow could you say that? My baby died tonight and your talking divorce?  How could I do that to her, she feels worse than I , if thatÕs possible!!!Ó



He got up and went to light a cigarette realizing he was out he sheepishly looked to George who gave him one.

ÒSorry mate I wasnÕt thinkin.Ó


Paul lit the smoke and inhaled it calming him down a bit.

ÒMe too. Hari , I appreciate you staying with me and giving us a ride here , really I do. But I canÕt leave her. DonÕt you see that would be the worse thing for her . You heard the doc no stress and all that. I will be the perfect attentive husband and we will get pregnant as quick as possible.Ó


George wanted to slam his friend for being so bloody stupid and probably falling right into SandyÕs Plan. He realized that to him the baby was real and until he found out for sure he couldnÕt tell him what he thought. He could see such pain and strain etched in PaulÕs face and no outlet like Sandy managed to get, it made him furious. He thought about staying with Paul tonight but he had to get to that doctor tomorrow, him and Ritche . May be John and Yoko would .


ÒListen I donÕt think you guys should be alone tonight . I canÕt stay but I am sure Yoko and John could.Ó


Paul looked up and an idea hit him. ÒYes , Yoko had a miscarriage maybe she could talk to Sandy.  Yeah good idea , thanks.Ó


The nurse stepped in to tell Paul he could go in to Sandy and get her ready to go home.




George took these few minutes to call Ringo and John.




ÒJohn itÕs George.Ó



ÒOh the other side of Watson is it? Well I am so glad you finally let me in on things.Ó



George looked down kicking the top of his shoe at nothing.

ÒYeah , sorry about that but we have a problem and an I need another team member.Ó



ÒOh IÕm on the team now am I? Ò he laughed . Then he got more serious. ÒHowÕs our boy?Ó



George grimaced at the thought of Paul and what he was going through.

ÒHeÕs bad John , real bad and I think he is grieving over a baby that never was. Also she had the doctor give him such a guilt trip about not letting Sandy have any stress and to be very attentive , also to go and have another baby as soon as possible! I think he is exactly where she wants him filled with guilt afraid to do anything wrong. He now says he thinks it might be because of him thinking about Cyn to much and it caused her to much stress. So he is determined to be the perfect husband and conceive a baby as soon as possible. She has him by the ball , she does.Ó



He heard JohnÕs agitation fully explode at this.                                                              Ò THAT FOOKIN COW!! IÕll beat her bloody I will.Ó He calmed down at the thought of his poor mate and what he was going through.                                                               ÒChrist, poor Macca. Ok what can I do?Ó


ÒWell I am checking with that doctor tomorrow and I have a few more ideas me and Ritch need to check out . We need you and Yoko to baby-sit tonight . Paul is all for it . He says maybe Yoko could talk to Sandy since she also has had a miscarriage. What do you think?Ó



ÒHold on a sec and I will see.Ó



George waited a few minutes playing with the phone cord. Then he heard John come back. ÒYeah no problem when they coming home?Ó



ÒWithin the hour I believe.Ó


ÒOk we will meet you there and Ritch says to come to the flat after wards and to give his love to Paul and I guess that cow.Ó

They both laughed at this and George hung up.