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WELCOME BACK Welcome to Mrs. Church's classroom!

Howdy folks!! Welcome to another fun-filled year of math! Ahh... I can just sense the enthusiasm!!! This website is for people both in my real life class, and people I have met online. If you require extra help, have a desire to learn more, or want to brush up on some old math, this is the place for you.

Let me start off by saying that this webpage is going to be simple, just for the fact that there really isn't any need to make it big and elaborate (however if you'd like to jazz it up for me, feel free!).

We were privilidged enough to get new books this year!! We will work out of the Algebra II books, by Holt, Rinehart and Winston, copyright 2004. If you could get a copy of this book, or if your school has it, please see if you could pick up a copy. BUT THIS IS NOT NECESSARY!!! While things would be easier with a book, I will see what I can do about making things a little easier for you. Things will be posted on this website that I have either copied, or, the nice thing with this new book, is that all of the lessons are on-line! How cool is that??? I will provide you with links to everything that you will need.

I know I have been saying that I will get a page up about how this class will be run, but I don't think it's necessary at this point.

For now, If you wish to join my class, just send an e-mail to me at including your name, and how you will be taking the course (ie: whether or not you are learning something new, using this as a "brush-up" course, or if you're one of my students requesting some extra help.)

Questions? Need help?

  • by email at (this may take at least 24 hours to get a reply.)
  • by phone - find my number and extension on the school site (This is the quickest for parents. Please leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.)
  • at school before or after class (This is the quickest for students.)
View Mrs. Church's Schedule
Check out my Syllabus for more info.
Check out Mrs. Church's bio for some more info about me!

This page was updated on 9-2-03.