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The name of this corporation shall be the Cavalcade Indoor Association, Inc. (herein referred to as the CIA).



Section 1 - Education. To formulate and maintain policies that will safeguard the educational values of CIA competition and cultivate high ideals in the performing arts.

Section 2 - Competition. To promote uniformity of standards at all CIA events.


The CIA is composed of member units. Control of the CIA is vested in the directors of each unit. Any organization is welcome to participate if the unit is willing to conform to all the CIA Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules and Regulations. The CIA supports all member units and is committed to their continued learning and growth.

The CIA is a vital and viable part of the Cavalcade of Bands Association, Inc., and the CIA works closely with the CBA in philosophy and purpose.


It is the continuing philosophy of the CIA to provide students with a broad array of educational opportunities for the development of abilities in music and the performing arts. Through competitive and noncompetitive evaluation, the primary goal is to promote the ongoing development and mastery of cumulative technical and artistic skills reflecting contemporary educational principals.


“Education through Musical and Artistic Involvement”



Section 1 - Members. All educational units are eligible for membership in the CIA.

Section 2 - Application for Membership. Application for membership in the CIA shall be made in writing to the CIA Board of Directors on the official CIA membership form.

Section 3 - When Membership becomes effective. Membership in CIA shall become effective when the unit’s application and dues have been received by the CIA Executive Director.

Section 4 - Quorum. A quorum shall be constituted as those voting members present. Each member unit shall have one (1) vote.



Section 1 - Amount of Dues. The annual dues of each member unit shall be determined annually by the Board of Directors.

Section 2 - When dues are payable. All dues must be paid by Jan. 15. A penalty of $25 will be assessed for dues paid after Jan. 15. All fees and accounts must be settled 2 weeks prior to championships to become eligible to compete.

Section 3 - Guest Units. A unit may compete at 2 CIA events without being a member.

Section 4 - Fiscal year. The fiscal year will be July 1 to June 30, inclusive.


Board of Directors

Section 1 - Board of Directors. The executive and administrative body of the CIA shall be known as the Board of Directors.

Section 2 - Membership of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of nine (9) members elected by the membership. The membership shall elect the corporate offices of President, Vice-President for Guards, Vice-President for Percussion, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Education, Percussion Outreach Coordinator, Guard Outreach Coordinator, and Executive Director. Each Board member must be a Director or Instructor of a member unit, or a CIA approved judge.

Section 3 - Term of office. The members of the Board of Directors shall serve for a period of two (2) years beginning July 1 following their selection.

Section 4 - Term limits. An individual is eligible to hold the same office for a maximum period of four (4) consecutive terms (8 years).

Section 5 - Time of meetings. The Board of Directors shall meet as determined by need and at such times thereafter as the President or Executive Director may request.

Section 6 - Election of the Board of Directors. The President, Vice-President for Percussion, Guard Outreach Coordinator, and Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years. The Vice-President for Guards, Executive Director, Treasurer, Percussion Outreach Coordinator, and Director of Education shall be elected in even numbered years. The election will be held at the spring meeting of the CIA after the conclusion of the season.


Board of Directors Responsibilities

Section 1 - Powers and Duties of the Board of Directors.

A) To maintain general control over all CIA-sponsored activities within the provisions of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the CIA.

B) To interpret the provisions of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the CIA.

C) To administer the finances of the CIA.

D) To decide matters in dispute between member units. The Board shall not be required to hear protests after 90 days from the date of the alleged infraction.

E) To enforce penalties, within the limits described in the CIA Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules.

F) If necessary, to suspend from membership in CIA any organization that is in violation of the CIA Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules.

G) A quorum shall be constituted as those board members present but must include either the President or the Executive Director.

Section 2 - Standing Committees. All committees must consist of directors/instructors, or judges who are members of the CIA. Standing committees will be:

A) Finance - President (Chairperson), Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Director

B) Judging - Executive Director(Chairperson), Director of Education, Assignment Coordinator

C) Guard - Vice President for Guard (Chairperson), 1 representative from each class, Guard Outreach Coordinator

D) Percussion - Vice President for Percussion (Chairperson), 1 representative from each class, Percussion Outreach Coordinator


Local Management and Control

Section 1 - Responsibility of the Unit Director. The unit director is responsible to CIA in all matters pertaining to CIA and the member unit.

Section 2 - Powers and Duties of the Unit Director. A) To have control over all CIA event relations in which the member unit participates.

B) As a unit director of a unit sponsoring a CIA event, the right to exclude any participating unit from the event which, because of poor habits or improper conduct, would not represent their unit in a professional manner.

C) To ensure that all contracts for CIA events in which the member unit participates are in writing and bear his/her signature.

D) The unit director shall have other powers concerning CIA events at his/her facility in meeting and fulfilling the growth and needs of the facility and unit and are in keeping with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the CIA.

E) Only 1 unit director or his/her organization shall vote on all CIA matters.



Section 1 - Certification of participants. When the eligibility of a participant in a member unit is questioned, the unit director of the member unit in question shall furnish to the Board of Directors all data required to establish the participant;s eligibility. This information id due to the Executive Director within seventy-two (72) hours after the alleged violation. A unit which does not furnish this data within seventy-two hours (72) may be denied championship honors and may be excluded from future CIA events.

Section 2 - Penalties. The Board of Directors may impose appropriate penalties for any violation of the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules.

Section 3 - Code of Ethics

A) The CIA is an educational co-curricular activity and will attempt to keep the objectives and standards of education as a top priority.

B) All persons will conduct themselves professionally in regard to personal behavior, language, actions, and dress.

C) Individuals will maintain mutual respect and confidence in each other. Whenever a person has to question a colleague it should be handled professionally.

D) Individuals will not publicly display a negative response to, or ridicule any unit.

E) Every unit is responsible for the care and condition of any area used by the unit before, during, and after any CIA events.

Section 4 - Penalties for Violation of the Code of Ethics. Any violation of the Code of Ethics shall be brought to the attention of the Executive Director who will investigate and report to the Board of Directors. If the Board so deems, a hearing may be called and penalties may be levied.

Section 5 - Clinics.

A) Clinics will be held at the discretion of the CIA Board of Directors.

B) The clinic date will be established and published at least 120 days prior to a clinic.

C) Attendance at a clinic will be deemed mandatory for at least one (1) member of the the competing unit

D) Excused absences will only be granted by the President in cases of emergency.

E) Clinics will be planned by the Vice-president of the activity, the Executive Director, and the Director of Education.

Section 6 - Event Participation. If a unit is unable to participate in a CIA event after submitting the entry form, they must send notification in writing to the sponsor so that the sponsor receives the notification three (3) weeks prior to the event. Violation of this policy will result in the notification of the unit’s director by the President and a fine of $100.00 (one hundred dollars), payable to the CIA treasurer prior to the unit appearing in another CIA event. Exceptions may be requested of the Executive Director, and appeals of his/her decision may be appealed to the Board of Directors.

Section 6 - Sponsors.

A) The Executive Director will schedule all CIA events. All CIA events must be scheduled prior to Christmas and the completed schedule will be sent to all member units prior to Dec. 31.

B) Every sponsor will make provisions for all divisions to attend.

C) All events shall be judged under the Constitution, By-Laws, and Rules of the CIA.

D) Show participation forms will be sent to the Executive Director who will then in turn relay the contest entry information to the sponsors on a weekly basis beginning Jan. 10.

E) An event performance schedule must be established by drawing for position.

F) Sponsors have the right to close their shows three (3) weeks prior to the event.

G) Units will be scheduled in 10 minute time slots.

H) Awards will be awarded for the top 3 positions in each class AND all scores will announced for every unit in the event.



Section 1 - Approval of Constitution and By-Laws. Amendments must be approved by a two thirds (2/3) vote of the units present.

Section 2 - Submission of Amendments. Amendments shall be presented to the Board of Directors via the Executive Director at least thirty (30) days prior to the membership meeting, and submitted to the membership for study by the Executive Director at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. Amendments will be submitted to the membership at the next membership meeting for approval.



Robert’s Rules of order (revised) shall govern when not in direct conflict with the established CIA Constitution and By-Laws.

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