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(¯`·._(¯`·._(¯`·._ Crash Pillow _.·`¯)_.·`¯)_.·`¯)

  • The Pillow

  • The Story


It is safe to say that the band that we know as Crash Pillow has evolved from its beginnings over a year ago to become a well-oiled machine. Together, band members Deanna Stengel (vocals/guitar), Mark Scibilia (bass), Jeff Selk (drums) and Dave Scibilia (guitar) have created something special. Combining aspects of all music, including rap-core vocal melodies ["Split In Two"], innovative guitar harmonies [interlude of "A.I.D.S.," a song developed as an ode to the sister of former guitarist Devin Zelasko] and heart-stopping, powerful drum beats ["Fantastik Luster"], it is clear, finally complete with all essential elements of a true band, Crash Pillow has started a foundation for great things to come.
No more that two years ago, during the boredom that often overwhelms us in our youth, Dave Scibilia introduced his cousin Mark to the bass guitar. Together, with the addition of the talents of hippy Devin Zelasko, the beginnings of a band were forged. That September, the band saw a key addition, the talented Jeff Selk on drums. Jeff not only took over this important position in the band, but also became the heartthrob and webmaster of the up and coming band, at this point referred to as the infamous Pornographic Parrots. However, finding a singer would not be as simple as the band envisioned. After going through a number of failed attempts at producing a demo with other vocalists, the band was forced to halt its progress and regroup. Unfortunately, through this regrouping the band lost both their singer and backup guitarist. Yet, the determination of founding members Mark, Dave, and Jeff would not be derailed by this incident. They continued on, working endlessly on songs until they reached an ultimate level of craftsmanship. After Crash Pillow's first show at Justin Polooza 2003, the band added vocalist and guitarist Deanna Stengel to the lineup. After a few hard months of lyric writing, maintainance of old songs, and lyrics to new songs, Crash Pillow is as you see it today.





©2003 Jeff Selk & Crash Pillow